-. '~WV t - - -. ~ - .-.'~-,<c ~!& 4fl4Y~*'~**~ M PAGE TEN . THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1'HURSDfAV n the sky. The next thingz was ta see IF" Reeve e«y$ id take N ative d a t rg t e c i e if we could zet anythinpeu uc enouah. While sitting by ttNe brick IIRdSUIEN wall in the basement I' did flot feel A S Japanese Air Raids in China especially frightent<i. but iust kePt andfeel you ie 'ý * ~~holding an ta God and prayîng u gez C'.t~~- lUI?'~ ~, auietly. The woman beside me, one Flore jae rom enaa oa t~r- and had flot gotten ta the of mv earliest pupils was praying fîmsai athiete, football coach and the ad lannd o. iut i- alud.Popular sports Calirge. si-&.~ the door in the middle thick Wben I Rot out and tried ta car.ry oluùmnat. missionari- -ins C1i vr 4. u=wu brick -ail- when the bomb struck a suitcase, and the typewriter, ta .1,ue o atr of years. a3 e« leu a. jti;ý: rtSaNmalt 20 fcet away. We were tbrown rush down to the outer Rate by the aloM op a bt d1 id Misst Laura twmb1 e oî dowrn on our faces, but soon got *back door. my limbs were wobbly. h "t Cartwright. wc ba stitow 3 into aur places. and I was nat much usq. Ail the amC years in the foreigu miasitot fietkh. i 1 had had a low wall made af men araund the place started carry- da«y a, Miss Hambky lis rie tranger tel sand baskets iust ouside these stevs ingz things out ai the bouse. Mr. Iup'.~ Durham Cooutv audiences and ber!goinz in, and it was that sand wall Stinson aur new missianary wbom M, ài~mdua.Pl letters have freçuetitbr apmered in that saved us. for the stones and we sa gladly welcomed ta Tzeliut- se The Statfesmniand reaui with con- lumps ai cançrete f1kw al over and sing a couple of weeks ago rushed k siderable inteest. Her iatest letter that middle door was just in line airer and helped, tili the garden was l follows: with the outside opening. I sat on f ull ai furniture.TA A oj s Tzeliutsirg, Oct. 13, 1939 a low ledgze with my back agz&inst a I had iven up ail hope ai saving TAKE ICRUSCHEN Pl Dear honte folk. solid brick wall, af double thickness aur lovely home that bas meant 50 You will have heard it over the made 13v a chimney, and there was much ta us, I was going ta try ta ffyou -I-owa. BlwggIs4 have b" 0 O no vibration at al. There was no0 be resigzned. But - I had forizotten t ic1e, ci la odb- ,the Mta. radia that Tzeliutsinir was bomhtd 0On feeling at al ai the walls shaking. tafcosta h odhdpe tcstil case o .Pl the oleOT - hina' Ru lbic Day Thank God for aur solid brick pared ta save us. A few weeks ago 01it wh& Fou ca Put o & «Oh . a tht D oubleI w she . ou l l bae wa- walls. The'lumps of stne andI con- the citir gt a small fire engine for j5 ef7 d m at M iaauvu a te est o uce.crete pepiiered the bouse, smashing the first time in its history. 1 bad Z È2dt al lass on tbat side. Then a bomb seen it 13v the river, with a splendid htrm Our retreat, or refuge is in aur drapped on the Playinir Graund down gang ai men well trained, as you15018fo188 éa a basement. andI iust lately Miss Spart- ta the f ront ai the bouse andI we could set. I also forgzot about the _« 1n. i"a- jnRg bad a door apened on the uPpe R ot ail that knocked against the solendid set ai men in GovtrnmentMlutu P side. ta allow for entrance onl bth hause too. Then we bea4rd bombs emploir who have their beadquarters DIYM sides. This time the alarm siren bad fallinaz in other Places. We did nat in aur big scboal. since it is tmpty, ______________________ scarcely gaont of f when we heard mave as tht Planes seemed ta came now tht schaol bas maved ta thet th the Planes. Other times there was and zo. Their saisI that nine planes country. These men are Nanking wi lots ai time between the alarms and circled airer and around tbis graup University trained men, sent here bym one wouid dally around, and bir and of f oreign buildings three times. Madame Cbîang ta fiRht th.e Rjnder Do pray, ail yau sItar friends, thit m bv 1 Ret ta the basement. We will Presently we heard Mr. Retd's voice uest epidemic amangst cattît. It is it mav b1e 50. * m know better next time. calhini that the Li bouse wason lire. reallir a Rreat privilege ta baye them It is remarkable baw littie histe M Miss Darby and I taok ta tht ver- That braugbt us out in a burry. around. there is in the hearts ai tht people. Ca] andab ta go down thèse autside The Li bouse is far Wbher .than When the bamb destroved the It is accepted as ligchtning Strokes mE steps, and callesI tht two wamen ours ansI immedately bebind tht laneway leading out af. the Coim- wauld 13e accepted. But isn't it tes- vei working here ta came alonR. Tht WaýVmtn's School building. Tht three Pound., ansI broke dov4à hall the rible it is dont by man. It is an aw- seE noise of the planes came dloser and just as close together as can b3. Tht canntcting bridge betwten tht sçbhoal f ul tbinir ta ste death raininq out ai, closer. We Were barely inside tht If lames were roarinz straight up) inta and tht bouse. it iooked as if there the sky. But it would b3e worsc if was no way ta go f rom ont building we had ta bit back. How thànjçful ta tht other. But i ust as soan as tht that tht Tapanese army cannot get PO] head dactor ini tht scbool saw... the into aur Province. I prefer them ta yeî terrible volumt ai lire fram tht Li's keep ta tht air. m 51h. ouse it seems ta break aut ail ait Keep pPraying for us, and we will r UUonce from these awful incendary feel the camfort ai you.r prayers. i Have Yo Tried he New bombs), bie telepbantd tht Pire Dtpt. and 3e igreatlv heluni. Surely may a HNELLýý Sheli- W inter Gas ? and thty were soon on. the spot. were prayingz for us on October lm. pi tht kind Father had prtaartd ta belp w us. I even forgot these men hadl a Y UR HOSPITAL gai teltphone. AIl at once I looked up _____ ia Drveluan fI ou tnkwîh hf ~ from my despair, and saw tht lire l Driv In nd fli yur tnk wth tisengimne playingr a fine stream i O The locatian' ai kitchens and diet- o 5-Improvedl gasoline. We feel sure you wijl water higbher than the buge Li bouse. arv denartmnents in modern haspitals Ha] The water in Mr. Reed's cistern iitxt speak elaquently ai tht increasing gar abe pleaaed with liss plusdld performance. door saved tht day. importance laid an the selection, ily Our bouse was rtrtainly in a preparation and service ai food in thei mess, with al the windows an two the treatment ai sicknese 'and dis- use, sides smashed. but not mucji ai tht tase. for screening gaont. But when we got In earlier days, hospital Iitchens thai * 1!time ta look around we found the were located usually in tht basemnent, ma( Da tet'. Shel Stamti & Garage other bouses airer at tht Ho5pital or same other spot that could not hai St.EatEaw anile Pon 226 side in far wq9rse condition. Our 1e used for any ather purpose. Now, SIVE KingstBu,3omavlePoe2 6 biggiest loss lis tht Boys' Scbaal. You Will find in tht construction of tur Either an enormaus bomti, struck it, modern hospitals, that much thaught anc ror several, and it is a compîtte is given ta tht best location for the or _____________________________________________wreck Mrs. Edmonds andI tht littie dietary departmnents, invalving ex- ta ____________________________________________________________ gi~rl felt it terribly in their retreat ini tensîve studits as ta the most cf fic- PO tf-tikir basement, sa, near th-ç bgys' ient, sanitary and ecanomical meth- lng scbool. Lucky ilhere was no ont in Ods ai handlingz foad. tht scbool building as that sr.hoal iS Why t .his *growing. tmpbasis an A R IED U IED F A R IESalso away in th'e country., diet? For ont thing, tht very coin- cii Betweeu ail Points lin<Canada Tht men's wing ai tht Hospital Dpkxity ai aur modern living bas a is ail smashtd in. Tht planes fOll2W- created problems af diet wbicb tht if t il , ing sa soon an tht siren alarin. must individual did flot have ta consider sibl IEiruinas a d uew Year S have iven tht nurses littie time ta in tarlier civilization wben living and iret the patients moved down ta tht conditions were simple. As thtenme Sot' PAREAND QUATERFOR HE RUND RIPbasement, but ail were saved, exçept of living became more compicated PAR A » QURTR OR HEROND '~'>ont man wba refîstd ta 13e moved. it interfered with metabolism andsI% CHRISTMWAS HOLIDAY: Good going Fniday, December The women's wingr ansI tht centrai many distases prevaltnt today are te 22 up ta 2.00 p.m. Monday, December 25. Return limit part af tht large building are intact, knawn ta 13e duetot faulty digestion p3atio fa leave destination not later than midnight Tuesday, ansI Dr. Sheridan and f ive other ansI mttabolism af food ingested. ta h, December 26, 1939. doctors. Chinese, worked at top speed Witb the increasing knowledge ai and NEW YELAR'S HOLIDAY: GoosI going Friday, December f ram when the bomlis dropped at nutrition ansI tht realization ai tht casic 29 p t 2.0 pm. ondy, anury . Rtur liit Il a.m. tili away into tht ifight, witb therapeutic value ai foods, hospitals ta leave destinatian not later tuan idnight Tuesday, twao peratinit tables going. The Mo- andI medical authorities bave came ta January 2, 1940. ment a Patient was of f the table appreciate that skill in cooking must S FAR A» ATRE» ORTHERONDanother- was on, andI linbs were 1e supplemented by scitntilic knaw: fuis, FAIR AN A HIR FO TH ROND RIPamputatedl ansI aperation aftej oper- ledge ai what ta cook andse srve. came Goodgoin Tueday Dec 19,to, ondy, Jnuar 1,ation followtd as fast as possible. Further evidence ai tht increasedbrn Goa go ng Tue da , D c. 19, ta an ay, Ja uar ~How thankful we are th t hospital statua ai the dietary departmnent is la de inclusive; goad fa return leaving destinatian not later did nat suffer more, and that tht> bw 3 ttgot nmebrhptr tuan midniglit, Saturday, Jan. 6, 1940. wrsbet eveh epe h ai th t e r Dineteti A ssoi tn ar PREPAY A RAILWAY TICKET citv authorities haci a temporary bas- o h m ran nrol etiAscaio58.emb r en An Unusual Chwlefmas or New Year's Glft vital ready in tht park in s bort ir n t ero1917-1918 h member- !irst mINUM PECIAL PARE:- 25e re.weealttirta4pt~t ship bhad increased ta 3,096 by 1935. and Tickts nd ompèteinfrniaionfro an agnt.were cared for. There were Qirer 100 Tht dietary sItpartmtnt bas risen int,1 Ticetsan cof.'et inormtin fom nyaget.onerated on in tht Mission Hospital. irom a ver> subordinate status, until 'Desp 1 do nat knaw the number ai toda>', it ranks as ont ai thtem=orfamni deaths, but as I was coming away separtments ai the hospital, bvigthe p C A N A DIA N P A C IF IC tenetmonniIpol eplenty as ite bead & rtuognized sptcialist P- s of uin. Oe lng tret, her myandI cantributmg ta successful ther- ed in copetl weke n half burned. Canaian bospitals have kept tue i I .Aanted r treegtwhere weth ofs abrea.st of scientific aivances in this MIS. meetingzs ansI a school, aur building rsleadptet a 3 sue e wassmsht i asI ixpepleki!-that trained dietitians will 13e com- ag tsI wit tht cllapse i tht i 3- bining their science with thlt ai theben h i.Th theso ans daugter iltht-doctors, nurses andI other hospital 0!f th wond hsandas wit er on aur personnel in the battît azainst dis- 1 fl basement. were almost buried alive, aendttbiigupihath cause but escaped. - Cyrus AIL aiternoon frienuis begzan comn- work ingz in ta set if we were sale. Thev limes. Rot a bad scare when they saw tht ouf th lire mount up f rom tht Li's bouse book, andI did not know if it was ours or tue be theirs. City autharities came, andI 1841 t nice people we did flot knoit came, An A1 AL anxious ta sce if we were saie. M x o be delibtrately destrovinir aur piants M e r eh an tePortrait moei jbut their cannot stop tht work among Cmpny t owan- iipn Itht e ole or injure tht Christian vCUepanytrit: Whe-n ic Church. We are ail suffering ta- waten t] gzether. Sometimies I wondey whv we Mrs. Win. Jordan-- Orono isard f Canadians are bere during tiiese Mr. Jas. Potter -Pickering This la stressful times. but it must e-fr Mr. . LPoflrd - Newcastle lime i ~~LUuIUUIu sme nurPose. AnsI I ledl that the i .Hsr UC 1 ULK IuI U Canadian Church will ot Jet us Mr S Hnr Mutk idrvet c m ~ ~ *U~dawn. 1 am sure there is pleilty ai ckwtk o #wa OSA AOPen Eveuissia love andi money in Canada ta put Prlus. will b. shlpped to wlatness ly In a orscbools anud..aspî,als and homes is very -un airain when the wreckage is over. cesuive Hints For Homebodies Wrtten for The Statesman Br JESSIE ALLEN BaROwN The Ryal Film The long-awated film of t] Royal Tour has at last bee 3hown. There are some very fin pictures of the King and Quee and the variaus scenes acros Canada. It must have been Puzzling task ta ut it an~d t cnow what to include. Persoas y, I cauld have done without th, peeches of welcome from t& ?remiers. At Urnes the film wa ibit monot- nous. TaO uch arriving, ýresenting the idress of wel- .me, signing he book, and eaving. Aitho', itually, that bs vhat aur long- uffering Royal air had to pend mst of Leir Urne do- ~ ng. There vere less for- Jessie Allen ail moments Brown ?e would have enjayed seeing are. Probabiy some of the best cenes were flot caught by the ameras as they Ymre ufipre.ý ieditated. Ntwithstanding, it is ery enjoyable and well wvorth eing.1 Give Games For Christmas Games are going ta be very Opular Christmas presents this Lar as it is the fad a! the ma- iet ta play ail sorts o! games. ry ta find out which ones are in iaour at the present moment tii your young folks as. they ly one enthusiastically for some me and then go an ta the next. yau have one o! those homes Lere the young people neyer kher, it may be because there is thing for them ta do. It la orth spending money and effort keep Yaur children at home. Eppy are the familes who play nes-together. The whole fam- can play at Darts and most o! em cantr Table Tennis - it ed ta be Pg Pong. A present rthe whole family would be at extra space in the cellar Ede over inta a play-room. I re seen it done very inexpen-. ely when the whole family rned in ta heip. Plenty of games d a Place ta Play them are mething ta aim at. Yes, I know at sentence -ended W.ith a pre- ition but an oceasional break- of any rule daes us zood. Let the Chlldren Help dfter ail Christmas ia for the ldren, so why nat let-themn help they can. Things are more fun they do it themnselves. If pas- Je let themn gather evergreens ipine canes for decoration. thing on the tree will look as dtthm as the popcorrn and 'bere they have strung nselves. That is a gaod accu- Jon for a snowy day and if let them ask a friend or two Lelp and treat them ta cookies 1apple juice it will be an oc- in ta be remnembered. "AU Tis, And Reaven Too, >mzehow, I mlssed readmng 'Ail ;and Heaven TOO', when it ie out last year. Just in case ihave flot read it, this la ta 19 it ta Your attention, as it llightful readung. It ïs wnit- by Rachel Field and is the 7 a! her great-aunt, Mrs. e~ Field. The scene, ini the tof the book, is laid in Paris teUs a! the lite o! the hera- then Mademoiselle Henriette Portes, as governess ini the ily of the Duc de Praslin, and Part she PlaYed in the famous Un murder trial, which help- nthe Overthrow o! the Royal- in France. The latter part of b>ook deals with her lite as Henry Fields, in Amnerica. husband was one of the noted Y of Fields, the best known 9Cyrus W. Fields. We read Le difficulties he had ini the 19 a! the Transatlantie cable. held my attention, partly be- ewe of ten saw thse cable ship, tsW. Fields in Halifax. Its C ista lay and repair cable .Famous folk appear thro'- se book and it is a charming ýboth for its story and for )ckground o! the years from to 1875. Appleý A Day Io Not Enough Ot of us re tr .g-t _us >o do everting and the nresearch labaratories are 9us ta find the right ways. diapers are washed in hard they often become stiff and from frequent washlngs. due ta an accumulation of athe fibre. This spy be ted by using the faiowing 1. Rimse themn first in clear, ater. Then wash tharaugs- rlch, hot suds. The rinslng important. Rine in sue- $=fl&' amounts of hot -. t-. ~~~~ S - A. 39 t Ai, iwater. Tht flrst rIit water willl 13e quite sudsy. rrln% ouf and continue ta rinse 1usmilanmunts a! water until the rinse wafer la clear. I can look back fa a Urne jwhen tue diapers were ratuer han-s and I amn quite sure I would rnse tuem ln a large volume o! water, thlnking, tue,-more water I Le used tue better tuey would be. n Home-Maie Candy e Many of you wilU be maklng n~ andy for bazaars or Chrisfmas givlng. If it la Fucige or Maple Cneam, here are a couple af hints Swhlch may heip. Judging from 0tue uneatbie stuif one buYs af -candy sales, fhey must pick out tue worst candy-makers ta enake tue canidy. Four cups o! sugar and a cup a! milk la jusf about 3the right quanfity for tue average candy-maker fa use. Il you melt tue butter itue bottom a! tht kettie flrsf, tuere will be lesa chance o! tue candy scorching. A tablespoon o! coin syrup added fa tue mixture makes a much smaotuer candy. When tue candy has boiled fa tue soff ball stage, remove from the fire at once, and let stand uneil uke-warm,4 befare sUirring. That is tue secret a! smoatu candy. IM you find .you have boiled It a shade fao long and yaur candy la going fa be hard, stir in a liffie cream, adding just a littie at a Urne, until Yau t] get iftue desireti consistency. SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES* j "Thet .sfo tomin vhith tobacc e b soked»" "«Ha! Ha! Ho! Ha! Ha!" "Why man Juta a iraam with a thobsand lie laugh?" "'Tve just put a wo- J hats and na mirror."1 W.1. FEDERATION ELECTS OFFICERS The mort iarm folk elevate rural lii e, tht ltss legislation wiii be needed, Hon. P. M. Dewan, Ontario Minister ai Agriculture, said ini an address ta the ý'Federated Women's Amon.g the most effective Qrgan- izations in workingz out rural prob- lems are tht Wamen's Institutes, tht minister saisI. Ht urged thaýt women interest themselves andI youîjz rural1 dwellers in tht short courses in agri- culture ansI home ecanomics ç.onduct- tsI each f ail b>' tht provincial sItpart- ment ofaizariculture. W. R. Reek, Deputir Minister ai Agriculture, tolsI tht women it was a. sign ai strength that tht>' could work under andI with other organ- izations. Tht Federation decided tiiat local W.I. branches ansI tht provincial b"rof idirectars will 13e jgistered nnder iLht War Charities Act for war wark. Tht PrQvmncial board will raise a sPecial fund*for emer- gtncy services. Mrs. Ernest Duke ai Port Cari- ing, was elected President af tht federation. Lady Tweedsmuir is Hon- arar>' President, andi Mrs. T. J. Mc- Dowell ai Milverton, ansI Mary A. Clarke, Superintendent of Ontario Women's Institutes are Honorar>' Bowmanvfile Vice-Presidents. ~vÀ j Rely on both YOUR finanolal security depends on two services - your bank and your insurance agent. For the uaiety of your cauh and va- uablo papers, you turn to your bank; for tise safety of those dollars imveated ta your property, you should see your insurance agent to make h*lre you have adequate de- pendable insura2ice. je je MASON & SON INSURANCE AO~NTS Phono 681 I Use d Car Ail kinds of them .. big cars . . . little. cars... old cars . . . and cars that are praçticafly new . . coupes, sedans, coaches.. many makes and models. . at prioes ta satiafy every7- body . . . but mid you, they ail have the one purpose in viçw . fa give satisfacfory transportation ta the purohaser. LAd while we're on thse subjecf . . . don't forget our trucks . . . we have smre very re- liable panel and stake trucks in firustclam condion i 1939 Buick Sedan 44-19 1938 Buick Coach 44-11I Chev. Coach 10-11I 1937 Bulck Sedan 44-19 OIds. Sedan 36-19 Dodge Sedan 1936 Chev. Coach 10-91 Chev. Sedan 10-99 1932 WIllys coupe 1934 Chev. Mstr. Coach Chev. Std. Coach TRUCKS 1935 G.M.C. Panel % Ton Chev. Stake 11/2Ton* -1933 ROYNiCHOL 1930, Whippet Coach Pontiac Cab. Essex Sedan Chrya1er Sedan Chevrolet Sedan 1929 Pontiac Coach Pontiac Cab. Chevrolet Sedan Chev. Coach Plymouth Sedan 1928 Chevrolet Sedan Bulck Sedan Chevrolet Coach Phone 251 11h Iv Bowunanvlllc DEALER FOR GENERAL MOTORS CARO AND'TRYOKB.. Used Car s, 'r 0 L ) ",What would a nîce girl Mek for Gîdtsmos?," Bowmalivi 1 /*, ý -1 Phone 881 s ars lu Phone 25 1, Bewmanville