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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Dec 1939, p. 11

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1, TUE(ORONO) Social and Persona PIKONU <rlO hh~ Mr. Jack Stobart was home leave. Santa Clauis is coming ta ta, December 1e. Mns. Win. Malley was guest friends here. Mr. Elgi SeYmnour, Tarai vislted relatives here. Mr. A. Henry is staying at 1 and Mrs. W. M. Stuft's.» Miss Betty Rowe visited frie] ln Hamilton. Mis. J. D. ý3rown is homne fr Oshiawa laspital. Mrs. George Butters visil frleuds la Toronto. Miss Rosalihe Gamsby, Toran was ln town Tuesday. Mis. D. Pound, Toronto, visil W. E. Davey. Master Bob Cooper is nowc lverY boy for Harry Bailey. Some fram here saw Sa Claus at Bowmanviile. Miss M. Taylor is visitig ? and Mis. W. B. Hoar. Mi. and Mis. R. Rainey are ni living ini the village. Miss Ada Riggs is laid up h. Ing auffered a fail. , Dr. Leslie, Toronto, spent1 weekend la Orono. Mis. A. Henry expects ta les li two weeks for California. MIs. W. S. Roy and Marge Vislted frlends i Port Hope. Mi. W. W. Sherwi, O.V. Guelph, visited at home. Mi. LeRoy Brown, O.A. Guelph, was home. John Armistrong is home fr the West. Mis. Neil Rainey lias been the sick llst. Miss Margaret Roy, McDonî Hall, Gu elpli, visited Mis. W. ROY. The library board met Thiu day and decided ta apen from 2, to 4.30 instead aofanro 3 ta 5. W. J. Bennett, farnerly ai C oo, *as elected councillor New Toronto. Mr. John MlIson, B.Sc., W land, visited Mr. and Mis. H. Mlllsion. Mis. A. Morton and Miss Ai Morton, Bowmauville, vlaited 'h and Mis. J. H. Marris. Several from Orono attend the funeral af Oswald McGil Janetville. Mr. and Mis. Alfred Elliott & s.oiDouglas, Toronto, visited' Wvshere. an.r.sd Mrs. Everett Port Canestoga, visited at W. E..- E vey's. Mr. F. B. Whyte attended lodge meeting in Newcastle Di Sth. Whtby Minstrels presented varled program i Orono ta' hall Dcc. i3th. Rev. S. Littlewood was hn il Thursday uight presidlag over t annual Sunday Schooi neeti Sevenal from Orono attend, the Star Santa Claus broadcî 'Wednesday evenlag. The lights have been out commission la the town dlock f sanie days. Mr. Orme Gamsby was guest bis nicce, Mis. Ken Werry, B,T.S., Bowmanvflle. Mr. F. B. Whyte sud Mn. a MUn. Herbert Murray visited t ends la Lindsay. Dan't forget the market d sponsoned by the Durhamn Ag culturai Society whicli takes pla in Orano next Tuesday. DIM AND DISTANT il HAPPE.NINGS From The Orono News of __ December 10, 1914 on Died: Smith - At North Bay, Dec. 4th, 1914, R. B. Smith, aged )w 25 years. Stanley Seymour, wha was as- 0 f sistant li the Post OfiRce here, has passed his Civil Service examina- tian and is now mail clerk on the nto, C.N.R. fram Napanee ta Yarker. Capt. Eber has moved ta lis Mr farm known as the Hooper place. Miss Edna Smith heard the ods great Irish tenor John McCor- mnick i Massey Hall. * Dr. James Chapple, Billings, omMontana, and sister Mrs. Frank Souch, Bowmanville, visited at ted Mr. Wm. Armstrong's. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bellamy, ito, (nee Bertha Chapman), Gains- borough, Sask., are visiting fri- Lted' ends here. Clarence Allan, after an absence de- of 7 years i Saskatchewan, is home. Clarence has cultivated a moustache which kept some af Mathe boys busy guessing his iden- tity. Mr. Mr. B. S. Fitzgerald took over the management af the Standard .0W Bank here Monday. Basil was the first junior at Orono Branch when 2v- the Standard was opened here i the been teller at Chathiam. h la ave The lights i Park St. Church were nat completed for Sunday, rtso dedication will take place next The flowers which decorated .Cthe Park St. Cliurch Sunday were donsited by Mrs. William Arm- C., strong. One of aur Toronto ;,.aper de- .on liverers was i such a hurry re- cently tliat he slipped and feU on through a large glass widow. Na damage was done except to the ,ad glass - and his pocket book. S. Maria Hancoçk enjoyed a holi- day Saturday while moving was trs- gomng on at Jas. A. Snitlis boxl .30) iactory, Newcastle, where he i.s employed. SMrs. A. A. Drummond, Miss at Laura Alln and Mrs. Rowland Smith cantributed a delightful rei vocal trio at Park St. clurch Sun- A. day.evening. Mis. A. Chapman was guest of brMr. and Mrs. A. H. Keane at a Mr turkey dinner an Sunday and cao visied rs.Russll.estwhois ldimproving. oed Mr. James Middieton suftered aa painful accident when a fly wheel from a sawing machine liv- nid ed Up ta Its name and flew off re hittlng him an the leg. He was. able tQ get eround with the aid of- tr, a cane next day. )a.Dan't forget nomination meet-1 ings Frlday ai next week - for, a councillors in 11e.aiternoon and1 ýec. for police trustees at niglit. Show1 your interest by attending. 'If 1 a tlere's any crabblng -ta be done wn do it publicly at the meeting and nat before or aiter. ,by S. O. E. held an enjayable card1 lie party Manday niglit. Prizea werei g. awarded ta: Ladies - high, Mrs.1 je C. Harrison; 10w, Mra. F. Hall;1 ýt lucky prize, Mrs. Hl. Lewis; Men - hxgh, RobYt GlanvIlle; 2nd high, W. aiE. Davey; 10w, E. White. A de- !or Ucio lnch and social half-hour ofJust ten days to Christmas and ofeverybody seems ta be in Christ- at mas* moad. But is it any wonder with dhildren practising 'for the Lnd Christmas concerts i the various t- sdliools and carala being sung in dhurci and at every meeting .ay where lymns play a part in the ,- ýworship service - nat ta mention ce the decorations seen i every store. "SATURDAY NIGHT" ON T'HE WESTERN FRONT iritti Wàr Office rnoto-Crown Copyright resrvel .Courtir canadiean Pacillo Tin Pale and wooden tubs Present no difflculties to the British Tommy when the uecessary bath la ta be taken. Modem Ivention han treamllnod the Ârmy, but veterana throughout Canada will recognize the famous hall barrelu. Overload.d ruc B-ringe $20 Fine To Newcastle Man Charged with averlaading a commercial vehicie, Nov. 15, F. Jacabs ai Newcastle waa fined $20 sud costa or 10 days la jail, b>' Magistrate W. F. Woodliffe at Oakville. Police charge that Ja- coba' truck was 1,460 pounda averweiglit. Jacaba was fied $5 sud costa for aperatiug a velicie with a greater wldth than 96 luches. Me pleaded gufit>'. On a third caunt ai ialhing ta liave«a minror on the vehicie, Jacobs was renanded fan sentence. Parkt. W.& Park St. W. A. elected' liese officers Tucada>' aftennoon: Preal- dent uot eiected; 1.t Vide - Mis. S. Littlewood; 2nd Vice - Mrs. J. J. Mellar; 3rd Vice - Mrs. E. Searle; Rec. Sec. - Mis. R. Logan; Treasurer - Miss L. Kilin; Corr. Sec. - Mrs. N. Parter; Finsucial Sec. - Mis. J. Dickson; Devotionai Sec. - Mis. W. M. Stutt; Pianist - Mis. W. Hoar; Commuttee Cou- veners - Parsonage, Mis. M. Tamn- blyn; Psutry, Mis. M. Smith; Floral, Mns. A. A. Ralpi; Praper- tMrs. I. Witer; Visltlng, Mns. W.Seymour. Meeting openeà w111 a warship service conducted by Miss M.~ Day. Treasurer's repart was giv- an b>' Miss L. Allan. Mis. N. Por- ter gave the Corr. Sec'ys. repart. Donations will be given ta the MK & M. iund sud ta tle W.M.S. Officens. were lustsiled b>' Rev. S. Littlewaod wha paid tribute ta the work ai 11e W.A. sud wished1 11cm succcss lu the comlug year.1 Caro of Poinsettas 1 Ils Descrlbed 1By Mr". A. J. Tamblyn Orono Harticuitunal Society' met Tueada>' niglit in St. Saviaur's ParlIs Hall. An lour was apent lu discusslug deeda ai omission sud commissian ai thc saclet>' sud wlat could be donc ta create a greateriteneat lu the sadiet>'. TIese cammittees wcne appoint- cd ta loah aiter the next meeting* Lunch - Mrs. Franki Hall, Mrs. O. W. Rolpi; Programme - Mrs. M. H. Stapies, Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn. Mns. M. J. Tamblyn gave an intereatlug reading ou the cane ai Palusettas. Thc meeting closed b>' serving caudy sud appies sud a sociail aUlf our. Park st. Union "Clinging ta a Thread," a mis- sionan> pIs>' based an dhapters 2 aud 3 ai the Union Study Booki "Mavig Millions", was prcsented at Park St. Union Monda>' ulght, in lieu ai the usual synapsizlug ai a ciapter au missianar>' ulght. The pIs>' apens w111 a play' on India caming aven 11e radio and ta wlicl Mary sud Jacki are lis- tenlug when Bll turus off the radia as the na11er is sleeping. Howcver, 11e>' havé heard a good ahane ai the pls>' befare t11cm plana are disrupted, sa 11r. lsaa general discussion (au conditions lu India as ta the peaple sud t11cm varlaus beliefs) amang the thnee yaung people, w111 the booki "Movlag Millions" being used as biasis ai information. Those taking part lu the radia pis>' behlud acreens w111 the characten ecdlirepresented were as follows., Radio Announcer - G o n d o n Lgamen; Rangammal - Ruth Goode; NagamM~al - Ruth Bebee; Clillamal - Margaret Mil- son; Papsuna - Beatnîce Hammi. Thc three young people wlia actcd an the stage sud 11e roles 11e>' piayed were: Mary - Betty Rowe; Jacki - Glen Hancocli; Bill -1 ManIe>' Llttlewood. Music was pravlded b>' the sig- ig ai six canais, sud a .ncadlng entitled "Sice Jesus Came" was gîven b>' the preuldlag canvener. Liv. and Leamn Girls Are Guest$ of Mr*. 0. W. Rolph. Mis. O. W. Rlpi wss hostess ta the Live sud Learn Club at the negular meeting Dec. M1, twanty- two being présent. Misa Beatrice Hamimistructed thc girls lu ai- ternoan teas in general sud the informai tes, wlile Misa Elleen Riddell lastructed la formai teas, the makig ai tes, * sd the mcii- lug af sandwiches. A fanail tes ws scrved b>' way of demonstra-, tian, sud tuis was fallowed b>' a ,Vote ai thanlis tth1e lostess. Next meeting Dec. 13, 5s at the liane of Mrs. Jenule Richardson wlere the girls will learn the hiaking ai tes cakes sud cacas sud the proper ion aif introduc-, tions. Cowanville Recent Visitons: Mr. snd Mrs.. Cleni Parnelliand famil>', Wesley- ville, Mn. and Mrs. Harold Porteous snd gnandson, ýGerry Nesbitt Nesîle-. tan, Mr. and Mrs. M. ýýomstauk,. Bowmanville, with Mn. snd Mns. S. Porteous. .. Mr. and Mrs. E. Far- row, now ai Garden Hill, withi Mr. Norman Andrews. . . Mn. and Mrs. Wes. Stringer, Orono, with Mr, and Mns. J. J. W. Stringer.. . Mr. and Mrs. M. Osborne, Mn. Harold Os- borne and Mrs. Haines, Marrish, Mr. and Mns. O. Cowan, Orana, with Mr. and Mrs. Brooks, Cavan... Miss Marian Simpson with relatives in Oshawa. Election aifai ficers for the W.A. ivas Ield at the Chanci 1Uall on Wednesday. Ail were re-elected with the exception ai secretany. This was taken bv Miss Darathy Simpson wha is also vianist. Miss Mary Hender- son, the retiring secretar>', will be leaving Dur cammunity in the spring wien lier parents, Mn. and Mrs. G. Henderson and ismil>' mavc toaa fanm soutli ai Newtonville. W.A. la presenting Mrs. Erwin Farrow with a small token af thleir appreciation for lier five successive years as presidexqî. A splendid eveningt was spent b>' Clarke Y.P.U. wben îhey visited Newtonville Young People Tuesday niglit. Clarke put an the pragram whicb consisted af two piano selec- daons by Lawrence Marlon; readings by Bob Hughes and Jean White; duets by Al Perrin andl Dorothy Sirqtpson and Ilorman Andrews and Armand Hallingsworth; solo by Armand, andl the tapic wi.ch was taken b>' aur pastan. Games and ne- ireshments climaxed the evening. Starkvillè Mn. and Mrs. Harold Barrow- clougi, Wesleyvillc, Mr. and Mis. Rosa Maliowell and Wesley Ben- son, Misa Norma Hallowell, Miss M. J. R. Green, Mn. Art McKay, Mn. Hugli Stapleton and Miss Meda Hallowell, Newcastle, were entertained ta evenlng dinner at Mr. sud Mna. Wm. Hallowell's on Thursda>' evening. Mrs. Laurence Jamieson, Cold Springs, visiled 1cr parents, Mr. aud Mis. Jacob Hallawell, pnior la 1er going south for the winter. Mis. H. L. Trimni sud Mis. Smith motorcd ta Oshawa. Inspector A. A. Martin, wife and ismil>', Brighton, cailed an Mns. John McKay.; Mn. sud Mrs. Warren Carson sud f ami>' visited Mn. sud Mis. Fred Wilson, Perrytawu. League at Shiol on Manda>' night was faini>' weil atteuded. Miss Norma Hallowell tooli the topic. Brown's Recent Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. R.' Graham with Mr. T. J. Simpson, Cowanville. . . Mr. and Mrs, WeUl- inglaon Farrow and Wylma in Lind- say>. . . Mns. J. Helliard, Mr. Geo. Stephenson and Betty in Toronto.. Mrs. C. Brown and Ray ini Bow- manville. . . Miss Isobel Stephenson and Mr. Kennelli Stephensaji in To- ronto. . . Mr. and Mrs. Les. AIl- dread and Doreen, Maple Grave, Mr. and Mrs. Chas Alldread and Mrs. P. Hotson, Lake Shore, with Mr. and Mrs. C. Turner.. . Mn. and Mrs. R. Brandi and Mr. B. Clark attended a card party in Qrono.. . Misses jean Perrin and Wylma Farrow snd Mr. Bill Morley in Oshawa.. Mrs. T. Brown and Arche in Bow- manville. . . Mrs. Moses Heard with Mr. and Mrs. H. Heard, Dale.. Miss Ethel Simpson with Mrs. Geo. Stephensoi Red Cross Committee held a meet- ing and quilted a quilt given by Miss Jean Perrin at Mrs. Arnold's on Wednesday. Several froni here attencied tie card party held by Lake Shore Home and School Club. Sidney Brown won the prize in Five Hundred. Miss E. Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Stephens and Lloyd, Mr. A. Brown and Mr. R. Brown attended tie dance in Newcastle Hall Fni- day evening. Aulitie - "And wiat will yau do, ni> little darling, when >'eu gnaw up ta be a greal big 'girl?" -Cild - "Reduce." Calling Ail Farmers Calling Ail Duyers! For the mutual benefit of Parmors and Buyers the Durham Central Agrcultural Society lu spom~oring a POULTRY AND FARM PRODUCE SALE - At - Orono - Tuesday, December 19th Poultry and Produce must b. at th. Town Hall by il1am. mo that they may b. on displa.y for city buy.rs and local oitimonu who wish tb mako bido or purohas.. PLAN NOW TO ATTEND TElS BVET.. . ..NO FEZ OR ADMISSION OHARGE Holstein Breeders <Contlnued from"page 1) 1 neighborlood sud anong 11cm the cantinentally famed cow, Ce- dar Dale Rag Apple Fiossy, own- cd by Milton Tamblyn, and Dur- eham Caunty's anly representative in the Borden Conpany's Dairy Exhibit at New York's Worid Fair. Black & White Bail Tournament Thc meeting appraved ai the suggestion ta inaugurate a softbsll tournanient for the aiteruaon ai Field Day and named Floyd Met- calf and CarIas Tamblyn a com.- mittee ta organize a "Black & White" bail tean ta represent Durham. Next Annual Meeting at Maple Orove On invitation ai Noble Metcali and R. R. Stevens the Holstein Breeders wiil laid their next an- nual meeting at Mapie Grave. This is in accord with the Associa- tion's undeciared but generally accepted poiicy ta hld its meet- ings, for a few years at least, la pureiy rural centres near the homes ai sanie ai the members and where the ladiies ai the farms provide the noonda>' banquet first ,hand. Banquet at Eldad Churel This year's dinner was served by the ladies ai the communit>' ln the naderniy equipped base- ment ai Eidad Churdi,, hait a mile west ai the scene af the marning session. It was a full course raast goose dinner, with twa vegetables and choice ai ap- pie or raisin pie, heaped ligh with whipped cream for dessert. Thc service was as admirable as th1e menu was excellent. Nearly one liundned, iciuding wlves ai the members and a number ai otier guests sat at the tables. Rev. Walter Rackhsm offered prayer. Between courses W. F. Rickard, M.P., led in a sig sang with Miss Eileen Balson at the piano. Thc toast ta The King was prapased by Presîdent J o lin Cruicksask, and Miss Baison played for the singing ai the Na- tional Antheni. Special entertainers for the bc- casian were Messrs. Webber and Parkinson ai Brookîlu, wha in drail raies ai singera, With the aid banjo, star>' teilers and humarists and wit1b sanie innocent cracks at notables present evoked nany a laugli sud rounds ai applause. Member et Parîlament- Speaks W. F. Rickard, M.P., was the first aiter dlaner speaker. He cougratulated the Holstein nen, ai which le hadn't the hanaur or the inclination ta be one, on their progressand achievenents. He in- timated thougli that Mrs. Rickard, in lier contacts with sudh enthu- siaste and aptmmiats as the Mal-, stein fanciers aud boosters lere present, migît become interested in a lerd af mildI caws. He spake briefi>' ai the gavernmnent's efforts ta fid and maitala export mar- kets ion Canada's surplus farm producta. Rev. Rackham spake in humar- ous strain, touchimg but lightly an lis knawledge af Holstein- Friesiana; but lie appreciated this visit ai 11e caunty breeders ta this one ai lis cdurcies. E. A. Summers spolie ai 11e value ai keeping records ai ever>' caw's milli production and adva- cated mare general tcstiug ai cows under R.O.P. negulatiana. R. M. Holtby, Part Perry, Eas- tern Ontario Ficîdman, intraduc- ed the special speaker, Hugli J. Coulsan, Editor Cana.dian Maol- stein Journal. Editor Addrenes Meeting Mr. Coulsan said le lad long aga quit telliug men wlat they shouid da or wlat they slauldn't do. He didn't give advice. Most men are like the fanmer lie men- tionýd, wha said le knew a lot mare now 11an le practised, wheu asked ta subscribe ta a iarmn journal. He spolie ai Britain's econornic struggle and at the sanie tume said that Csuadals lbas annual>' amounted ta about one billion dollars thraugli waste, neglect and inefficiency. Me said that Canada had flot; been always regular in her exporta ta Britain nor given enougli thougît ta quality. Hoîstein-Friesian cattle i Can- ada being bred, registered and transferred far autuumber ahl otier breeds. In ten manths ai this year 50,000 were registered and 25,000 transierred. The es- sence ai brceding la imnprovement and no man could rigîtl>' be cali- cd a breeder whl% was not; lnprov- ing lis stock. Mdr. Coulson raunded off his address with sanie reels ai nov- lug pictures w111 Mr. Holtby op- erating the machine. ne ai 11ese reels showed thc ditions w By The OId Box Stove ditics BY IMAM was Mr. ( Back on the 7th Concession castie Higi interestinR Well, Mn. Editar, you sked for Unad worlc it rigit'aut iaud at the bottorn o ai rac, sl your piece au the publisig aiHe quoted Red Cross givlag and the gang îain's rece seemed ta be deighted ta get the future Uni chance ta take up your dare. We so considej dan't agnee with yau that ail Red tor of sp Cross givigs siould be publiaI- Miss Beass cd. Iu fact we dou't thinli valun-aitak tan>' givîng ofai s>'klud sliould beoftas publisled as far as the names ofaid nhr tic donors are concerned. Thecloe arguments put forth i favaur ai daing s0 are well knawu. In s Sunday claimed it is a protection for thase 9. Sundav wio handie thc manies, and that vice at w it gives credit wiere credit is due. Bowmnanvil As for tle protection, any one School. A witl sense would heep a liat ai ail very incler givinga and if it is a public fund Foley trace those who want to couid go and School * t sec il; as for the rest wlio don't phases. M, want ta aee te>' would be satis- Miss Bess fied anyway. And the cdam.ai pleasinR vc giving the nigit persan credit, it- does nat work out tiat way. Lots ai times the fellow who gives the lest lu amaunt la really giving mare than the feliow wiase name is at the top ai the 15st placed& Kirby ticre because ai tic size ai lis meeting n 'subscniption. Mr. sud Here is the attitude ai the gang. Thursda>' It'a, mare fun ta give sud keep hil fcers wel ýquiet. For lie he1e idea inLloyd tendent - Douglas' book "Thc Magnificent Sam Berr" Obsession," if we would practise Morgan;1 for a wile keepiug the deeda ai ery; Orgar anc iand secret iran the other we Trull spoi would fiud wîat reai jay sud fun record la tiere is la helping out thase wha ait>'Oai 11 need IL Publishing It spola it. tlewoad gi One of the gang asked, "Well, "Thc Sun' how da we knaw aur maney is ward." M~ belug spent proper>'?" If we dan- conigratula not trust 11cm. ta wham we give for 1er ci aur mane>', get sanie one ya can cantest. T1 trust. Anyway are we always sure a deliciouâ even naw that tic moue>' 5 being hour. speut just as wisely as we wsut,- no matter wlat the abject is we give ta? We a>, dan't publial.. N Who wants ta knaw, anyway? 1 Lockhart's School Recent Visitons: Mrs. Annis, Scan- bora, witi Mn. and Mrs. Harold Gibspn. .. M rs. G. Barchard with relatives in Toronto. . Mrs. Austin Turner witi iriends in Taranto... Mrs. A~. B. Silcax, President. ai Pro- vincial Fedenation Home and School Associations spent twa day.q as guest af Mrs. F. W. Bowen. sud met man>' Home and School Club af ficens ai tiecCount>'. No. 9 Home and Schaol Cljib met Wednesday evening wili a good at- tendance. TIe club voted a*cantin- bution towands the apkeep 2f No, 9 Sundav Scical. Committee was -ap- pointed ta purciase. hygiene prizes wiici club donates ta sciool. Con- vener ai pragram was Mn. Wilbun Blackbprn. Program opencd witi cammunity singingr led by Russel Osborne witi Mn. Patton at tic piano, Mn. Howard FoIe>' deligiled lie audience with same humorous readings; Pals>' Fenton and Gwen Gibson contributed a vocjlI duel; Mrs. Fred Bawen brougit a message f nom Mns. Silcox, Presidemt af tie Provincial Fedenalion, wio regreted she was not able to sta>' for tie meeting. Mrs. Bowen explained liaI sic and Mrs. Slcox had visited 14 scol sections in lie cowlty -wiici have Home and Sciool Clubs, meet- ingr tic teachers and the club presi- dents and discussinR tic variaus con- rhidi rural assaciationi cen- bldc are not found in city The speaker of the evening Coombs, principal ai New- gh Scliool. He gave a most ztalk on the history of the ates showingz how the States ced out their probl -ems 6f rry, revolution and politics. d Prime Minister Chamber- cnt remark concerning a nited States of Europe, and ered the United States is- iecial interest qt pl£sent. ie Blackburn moved a, vote to the speaker anud others ,gram. A recreation period 1brought the evening toaa afternoon, Dec. lOtI, No. School held a special'ser- which Rev. H. W. Faley, lIe, addressed the Sunday Agood attendance, despite 2ment weather, heard Mr. :the history of the Sunda>' movement in its varions Mrs. Wallace Gibson and isie Blackburn rendered a ical duet. Kirby Sunday School armual was held at the home of M n. Fred Truli on evcnlag when theae'oi- ere appolnted: Superin- FrPed Truil Assi tant - ry; Secret r- Elledn Tresurer - John Low- iiist - Mis. C. Little. Mr. ,e briefly of the splencdd attendance and the lby- ie teachers. Rfev. S..Lit- gave a. devotional talk onr iday, Sehool Moyes For- [argaret McKlnnon was ted an vwhing a prize ntry in the Temperance The meeting cioged wlth ilunch and s'ocial half- ewtonville Recent Visitors: Mnr. J. T, Peance, Nortibrook, at home. .. Mi.. and Mns. George Stapletan, Sr.. wfth mn. and Mrs. R. Gardon, Ei~chIe snd Mn. and Mns. Alvin Jques,.Pont Hope. .. Mn. and Mn.. Roy' Sith and CarIas with Mn. and Mns. Cia& Cowan, CowanvilIe. . . M~r. asnd Mn. Evenett Belm>' and cildrea, To- rofita, with Mr. anmd Mis. Lp.ftna Bellam. . . Mn. s.nd Mrs. Mird and Joyce aud Mis Fester To'ronto, and Mns. Tohn Stapletoi, l4ewcud.te, with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Stapfr.toa. ..Mrs. H. Woodham witideinnda. in Toronto. . .'Mn. and hMjq. Reg. Woodham and Marie with iniends here. .. Mrs. Norman Saisis ;ith., Toronto f riends. Mrs. Ken, Ware us steqQily h>- Provina aifter a severe attalç eof bronchitis and la able ta be up awhle, ecd day. Miss Evelyn Beilamy,- nurse-lu- training, Oshawa Hospitl, i. suf. v fering ifrom acute tansiliti. Clarke Y.P.U. visited Pur Union Tuesday evening. WORDS CHANGE WOIELDS Give people samething th liver up ta - not somethlng tô live downl There's a policythat works in fricndship sud narriage, In. the classroom sud in the office, on ail the wlde highways and namrw detours afi lUe. Commend viiue, sud you wiil ilnd few vices te condemn-Wouter van Garrett~ 1~ 1~. s '4 1~ 4h 'S >1 I -4 JOIN THE STAMP CLUB E *0 For te« cents end 1O. label end showlns the teapot traâs- Melk, front an peoet oU SALABA TEA we will gond y ou 1 le u Beglnnmo WOuhtofs 1--64 poge Stamp Album. -100O aIllematstampo. 3-12111t oUthousnds olutampo ofeed Fre in enchante fer SALADA labels. SALADA STAMP CLUB - 461 Klas St. W., Trnto Douter Light ... Better Sight .7 EDISON MAZDA CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC .J6 ,'rMMSDAY, DËCEMBER 14TH, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLF, ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN

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