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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Dec 1939, p. 5

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PAGE FIVE THURSDA~, DECEMBER 14TH, 1939 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO Quinte S..d Fair 2nd Wedc ln March s ~AtPort Hope~ .' tricteeigr4eof Quinte Dis- tric See GroeçslAssociation C was held at Beileville with the executive and the largest group of directors that has attended during the past ten years. Eight 4 ~ Counties in the district were re- presented. The Association la in the besty financial position that ha been f the cage during its fifteen years'of 1 existence. The chief Meature in the Seed Pair 'which is held in a different county each year. Next year the ROJAL BOWMIANVILLE Thurs. - Fr1. - Sat. DEC. 14-15-16 - And - "Flight To Faine". Starring Charles Farreil and .acquelbineWells Short Selected Subjects Xatinee Saturday 2.30 p.m. Canned Goods Matin. 9 nIDAY, DZC. 15TH, gt 4p.m. lu Aid of Chri8tma8 Basket Fund Mon. - Tues. - Wed. DEC. 18-19-20 - And - Mun ... SATUI FAIRANISJ OPDDARD "YOUNG HFAUR &yi DAVID O EZNC gafiadtâ, Umwn Ar»s '~I God AcoomPanYing PrOgram Matins. Monday 4 pa. Wedneaday 2.30 p.m. r-i fair is te be held in Durham County at Port Hope during the second week in Mardi. Port Hope« Town Council is co-operating by granting the use of the Town Hall for this important project. At the completion of the Seed Pair al the seed is te be sold by auction, and thus the majority of this good seed will be distributed in the district. Gurnet Rickarcl, (Shaw's) Bow- vianville, wus elected President of the Association for the coming year, wit Mr. Locke, Cumpbell- ford, lst Vice President, and H. L. Fair, A.grieultural Representative, Stirling, as Secretary-Treatsurer. Much of the responaibility for the success of the Seed Pair in 1940 will rest on the shoulders of E~. A. Summers, Bowmanville, but he is ably supported by the fol- .owmng County Directors, Jack Baker, Robt. Armstrong, W. J. Ueask, John Rickurd, Elmore Scott, Walter Reynolds and A. P. Pollard. These directors will can- vass in the various towns and villages for advertising niaterial for the prize list which will be forwarded te hundreds of seed growers in each of the counties. We solicit the co-operation of every farmer in the county te nake the 1940 show one of the best that has ever been held. Possibly you may have some cereal grains, clover, ulfulfu, or potatoes that would make a satis- factory exhibit. Garnet Rickard, Bowmanville, R. R. 4, about two miles eust, of Bowmanville on No. 2 High-way, has instulled an up-to-date Seed Cleuning Plant, and wil be equip- ped to prepare your exhibits. I'here is also a similar plant at Peterboro. Barley can be remov- ed alxnost one hundred percent from a mixture of oats and barley :>y one of his modern machines. Every fariner ini the county should encourage the executive and directors of the Association by exhibiting in one or more cf the classes. For further information con- tact one cf the directers or your Agricultural Representative who wiil be glad te furnish you with a prise list as soon as these corne from the press. OSHAWA Free ]Parking - ]Phone 1011 Thurs. - Fr1. - Sat. DEC. 14 - 16 In Technicolor Prom thie great novel by Walter D. Edmond . "Drums* Along the Mohawk" Sgtarrlng Ciaudette Colbert Henry Fonda., Added - Celer Cartoon "O0ne Mother's Famlly" . REVIVAL Frlday'at 10.45 p.pi. "lStella 'Dallas"y. wlth Barbara Stanwyck John Doles. Monday - Tuesday DC. 18 - 19 "lDaytime Wife" wfth Tyrone Power - Linda Darnel Added: March of Tinte No. 3. Wednes. - Thuraday DIRC. 20 -21 Two brest Fnatures "Dead End Kids On Dress Parade'ý, John Litel - Frankie Thomas und "The Girl Downstairs" Prunclaka Gaai Franchot Toue. Make Tour Christma Gft Theutre Tickets - Put Up hu Attractive Envelopes. BACKACHE OFTEN WARNING bdadmahemay b.»ih» &6W igu of KhIu tble. Wbm. yw bcabu eahok" t. roi kkhya D't la t. bud v afn- rg-is ta te. ImtLTae pumt ad«" te akaem b eauo. ubk&at =ig of Dàahab» hESoilda.tlyte Dodd' y rd" lwa-ooveW ail cntury*0 laveite reMedf«r Dl.7 "@«& . 107 iDoddsKIdney PUlls ~.1 DRY CLEANING THAT SATISFIES COATS - DRESSES - SUITS 75c each or 2 for $1.00 White Flannels At Regular Price Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cle aning Co. Ltd. Phono 49W. Cmli For and Deliver SPEAKS LANGUAGE HITLER UNDERSTANDS Britsh War Office ruoto.irown ICopyright rî.Unv.m -outy----in am A demollshed haystack and the shelter of the. farmyard outbuildings make a perfect emplacement for one of our big fellows ready te Jinri sheila Into the eneniy fortlicatiofla NEWCASTLE COUPLE MARRIED TWENTY YEARS Relatives Houer lM.r. and Mrs. J. A. Awde As Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Awde sut in their home which is their castle on Wednesday afteruoon, Dec. 6, teere came seunds from without and soon teey were uware of a commotion t their castle gates, cf the ringing of belis and cf the presence ef invuders seeking ad- mittance. But teese were friendly cuilers, kinsfelk all, whe had corne from eut ofthte west, from city, harnlet and f urm, ta surprise the Awdes on tels, tee 20th unni- versary cf their marriage, and to hold social intercourse wite them in the observance cf'the'day. The littie table in the dining room is usuully minus ail its middle leuves, for the household ut most conalats onYy et thice, Mr. and Mrs. Awde, aM a t present cousin Alinedu Coucli. Imagine then their surprise when shortly ufter the arrivai cf the first con- tingent the visitors began extend- ing the table to its ful length and putting lu ail the extra leaves. There were going ta be more than twenty fer supper. And what a happy time they al liad! Shaking hands, presenting gifta to thee bride and groom cf 'one score years and extending congratula- tions and best wishes. The vii- ing relatives breught abundance cf good things toeset and laidthek table lu style and plenty. Thauka; was rendered te the Giver cf al gifts and merdes for His manifold biessings of the yeurs and cf thee day. Among those present were: Mr. Awde's sister, Mrs. WalteTr Lang- muid, and the Misses Lungmald, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Mountjoy, Kedron; Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Pet- ers and son and Mrs. AI. Peters, Hampton; Mm. *Frank and Miss Irene Pascoe, Mr. and Mrs. Lu- ther Puscoe, Mr. Arthuxr Lang- muid sud Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore. N.wcastle Students Have Earn.d $2750 In Scholarshlps Since the late Thes. Montague iet a legucy cf $5000.00 ta New- castle igh School us a permanent trust fund for annual scholarahips eleven mule and eleven temale students have won scholuiships cf $125.00 each. The principal is con- trolled by the Toronto Generul Trusts Corporation and ha been ylelding a revenue of 5 % or $250.00 a yeur. The secretury cf the Board of Education intended te observe the lt unniversary cf the founding cf the trust fund for middle school pupils in New- castle High by publislilug a liat cf the winners lu the fiast 10 yeurs, but let the occasion slip.* Eleven, yeurs have now pussed sud the following are the winners cf teese vluable cash scholar- slips te date: 1929 Alex. De Malo...---$125.00 Elesuor Anderson ---125.00 1930 Roy Joues------ ----- 125.00 Helen Lycett-------.....125.00 1931 Arthur Lockhart ---12500 Ruby Shaw .---------- 125.00 1932 Walter Blackburn .- 125.00 Annabelle Hendry -- 125.00 1933 Edwin Hancock ----125.00 Florence Spencer ---125.00 1934 Alec Hendry---------- 125.00 Jean Rickuid ---------125.00 1935 Jacki Hure ----- ------ 125500 Marjory Lycett ----125.00 1936 John Van Dusen ---125.00 Evelyn Allrn --------- 125.00 1937 Joseph Hockin.-------- 125.00 Jean Coulter..-------- 125.00 1938 John K. Allen.-------- 125.00 Patricia J. Peurce-..._125.00' 1939 Jas. P. Lovekin ----125.00 Reita V. Cooke -125.00 Total $2750.00 Practically ail cf teese have used thecfr roney lu puisuit cf lilgher educution or to establiali teemseivcs lu sorne profitable oc- cupation. Next faîl will find twc more addcd te thee tht. III didn't insult hem. I memely said teut if looks could kil It wouid be suicide for hem te use a mirror. Chorus girl te boy frlend: "So long, l'il sue ye'u Jter." "IWhat do yeu do?" 'II keep lieuse, scrub, scour, bake, wash dishos, ce'ok, do tee laundry, iron, sew." *-And the census-tuker liat- ed hem1 "fHeutekeeper - ne occu- pation.' F ti fr aE cc Pl i i ri fi k Fir. Chief Hooper Peace of World Issues Warming For Safe In Hands Ypletlde Season 0f Service Clubs Pire Chef Lucius "Hum" Hoce- "If Stalin and Hitler and Muas- 7 er received a letter this week solini could attend your club trom the Canudian Underwiiters' uclicon for a ycuir, provided the I ~Ascociation drawing attention te club and tee city ceuld stand it aie danger te life sud property that long, I arn sure the peace of1 [rom Christmnas decomatiens, such the world would be sufe for ar as combustible draperies, scenery, long tirne te corne,"1 declared Dr.1 otton te represent sncw, etc. Dis- Perry Debsen, principal cf Aima plays cf tels nature sud the liglit- Cellege, St. Thornas, and a fermer1 ing arrangement uscd wite them resîdent cf Bowrnanville, lu ad- dd very considerably te tee or- diessing tee Peterbore Kiwanis linary risk cf fire. Club ut its lunclicon on Friduy. It alse points out that an acci- Dr. Dobson spoke on the sub- dent which might involye flic lu ject -ot "Living With Others."c i crowded store or meeting is al "The great objective et teaching noat certain teo ccasfinwlth sud cf club activities and of attendant risks ot lite, due te the church work," he saîd, "is te teach apid spread cf flumea lu such people cverywhcre tee greut mur- flamxnable materiuls, aud store- vellous art cf living wite ether keepers and citizens g e n e r a 1 1 y people." Thut, he said, was the would be weil advised te take principle upon which tee greut every precaution. univeraîties cf Oxford and Cam- Flummable material shculd be bridge were opcrated and it ex- aung cieux et and not over heat- pluined, perhaps, why tee English ng and lighting devices, steain people had been so succesaful as pipes, stovepipes, clectric light celonizers. Thcy hud been taught :buibs, etc. Electric circuits should tc live with oteer people and ta be properly fused sud net over- adjust themscîves lu an under- Iouded with additionul temporury standing manner. liglit. Pire extinguisliing appli- Dr. Dobson was cf tee opinion suces should be sufficient, lu god that if tee people cf tee world1 order and readily accessible. AI, kuew tee art of living with oteer exits sliould be plainly murked people there would be ne inter- sud not obstructed. Ail tempoary national trouble. lie diffcrcd trom decorations sliould be removed as teose who said teut tee chef scon as they have served their cause ef wur was an ecenomic puipese sud sliould be disposed cause. There was no ecenornic cf.* problem teat ceuld not. be selved 4Y peoplcet goed wil. If accidents arc not te'mur thee',-,*or were international boun- featlvé seasoin, constant, vigilance dunles necessurily a leuding cause and cure must be exercised. Chief et war. They prescnted no trou- H-ooper asks tee co-opeiution cf' ble in tee case efthte United local citizens lu conducting tliem- States and Canada, lie pointed selves and their decorations sc- eut. The sume was truc cf "cerri- cording to the above suggestions- dors" cf which so mudli had been heurd. There was a corridor, lie There are many lama todaY te pointcd cut,* between tee United pemplex us - nazisma, COMiunism, States and Alaka, but teere was fascism and an fol-th - but Most ne tulk of wur because cf its exis- et them wrnl cancel ecdi eteer tencg. There was a corridor, too, eut. There la only one ism which between tee American cities of mils tee scul sud that la pessim- Detroit and Buffalo, ucross On- ism. - Lord Tweedsmuir. t&lod, sud Canada had a corridor ---across the eastern part of thee United States, but these did not IVa cause any trouble. Busiess irecory Dr. Dobson rernurked teat thee minority question, sc strcssed by _____________________Hitler, did net present any diffi- Legal culty where there was goodwill M.L G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. perliaps the fifth Canudian city Barrister, Solicitor, Notaiy because efthte number et Cana- Phone 351 dians living teerein, but there was Bauk cf Commerce Bidg. ne difliculty occasioncd by that Bowmanville. condition. __________________________ Racial differences, tee, should W. R. STRIKE not be a cause of wur. Canada Burnister, Soicitor, Notary hud many races, sud tee two greut Solicitor for Bank cf Montreul races muking up lier population Mouey te Loan. Phone 791. hud iearucd to get along together Bcwmanville, Ontarioc. as members of tee Canadian ________________-___ amily. L. C. MABON, B.A. The speaker addcd that a geod Burrister - Solieltor test et one's ability to live wite Netury Public - Etc. oteers was lu tee home. If people Luw u ai Ifsbranies could adjust themscîves s0 teeY Lawfce aieitybeanst. ylcouid live lu hurrnony wite teose Offce mmeiatly astof oy lu their own houseliold teere Theatre. would net be mucli trouble cisc- Phones: Office-688; Home 553. where. As a means of cultivating thee Dental art et living wite others, Dr. Deb- son rccommended three teinga. DR. 1. C. DEV1TT The fiast was gcod humer. «'An Assistant: Dr. B. W. Sinson international grill," lie said, "la Gruduate cf Royal Dental Col- mcre vuluable in developing lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilie goodwiliî than thee bility te speuk Bldg., Bowmanville. Office hours seven languages." The second 9 a.m. te 6 pan. duily except Sun- was te learu te respect tee person- Phne70.leuephn *3 ality cf other people, and tee lat P-honeq0.Huipne Ofic. was tee riglit brand of religion, _____________ __in______ witeout which, lie said, tee art cf living with others could not be Funeral Dîrectors maatered. PUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day. Lake Shore, Clarke F. IF. Morris Co. Modern Motor Equipment, Arn- Home and School Club held a bulance and Invalid Car. Cal] very succestul curd party in thee Phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. chool Wedncsday evening, Dec. _______________________6th. Euchre prizes were won by Auctloneer Mm. and Mrs. Westol Stringer; __________________________prizes for 500 were won by Mrs. ELMER WELBUR * H. Rowland and Mm. Sid Brown. Lleosed netineerJohn Mitchell ha purchased a Licesed uctinter motorcycle. Ranipten, Ont. Recent Visitors: Mm. and Mrs. Speclalizing lu Farm, Livesteck, Bey. Jaynes in Elizubethville... Implemeuts sud Furniture Sales Mm. C. Mitchell and John in To- TERMS MODERATE ronto. .. Mr. Clinten Brown and Phone for Terme and Date te: Reginuld McCool in Osliawa... > Bownianvllle 2428. Miss Etta Holmes, Oshawa, wlte friends. .. Mm. and Mrs. Glen Pol- VeterInarlan lard and turnily, Lockhart's, wite Mm. and Mis. Wallace Holmes.. D. d. DAVEY,' V.O., B.V.Se. Mr. sud Mrs. Les. Alidrcd and Dowmmanill Doeen wite Mm. and Mrs. Leslie Suemosr te Dr. T. P. TlhhO ....n.. . Mr. Ken. Ashby, Port Office: King St. Buta~ t Tighe Britain, with John Mitchell.. . Mr, Rouldent - PHONE 843 sud Mrs. C. J. Mitchell and John in Peterbor... Mrg. Gecrge Mc- DENTIST Millan, Oshawa, with Mrs. T. Powell. . . Mr. and Mrs. Everett DR. R. 0. DIOKSON Thomas, Oshawa, wite Mr. and (Toronto) and Neweaatie, Ont. Mrs. Bey. Jaynes. .. Mis. M. W. Over Langmsu's Store, Newcas- Pratt, Riverhurst, Sask., wlte lier tlc. Office heurs: Satux'duy only, parents, Mr. and Mis. Fred Par- i t OLD TIMER WRITES EDITOR Many of oui elder citizens in Bowrnanville will recaîl Jo e L.aughlin who lived in the South WIard for muny ycars. Our his- torian Duve Morrison informa us Joe wus a cooper by trade and wvas a well known character, be- ing particularly famous in local circles as a peet. His sister was nother of Sir Sam Hughes. Last wcek we received a letter frorn Joe's son, H. S. Lauglilin, House of Refuge, Walkerton, who is in uis 86th year. He writes lu a cleur hand, says he was born mn the Salem district, and is stiil going strong. He further states, "I re- nember The Statesman over 80 years ago when it was published by tee Climie family. My father Joseph Laughlin had sorne greut trouble in his time. He was a poet te so7me degree. I am net laying any dlaim te be poctical nyseif, but I'rn encloslng sorne verses you mîglit like to publish recalling the olden days." The poem follows which isn't too bad for a man 86 years of age: Il Remember HIow clear I rernember the eld mniddle road, The Brunts and the Bellmans, Clemens and Gouds, The oid Salem meeting lieuse that stood close by tee way, With its nearby burying ground* where some precious saints lay. The Scotts and tee Mooreys and the Strutts, such brave men, Iteink: I sec teose scenes once again; T'he sons of West Durham wcre brave men and true, ['heir daughters most noble and kind te you, too. Thle old Providence schoolhouse, with its scholars so f air, A.nd the large gang cf Wight boys, how I did feux them teere; Great scholars were George and some of tee dames, So many years back I don't re- member their names. Good preacher was Hardy, teougli no Rev. to lis name, On the swelled banks ef Jordan His merits proclaim; Strong man was Levi who lived te tee west, 1'm still in harneas, while lie roams with the blest. How weil I rernember the trips we would make, In the cold winter weather te old Scugog Lake; Two days we would cat serne cold frozen food, Ah me! Oh my! how could you feel geod; AUl night on the read, tipped over in snow, How could you teed pleasant in such scenes et woe. I arn pow past 86, still doing my share, Thougli troubled sometimes with some not so fair;, So you wiil please excuse my short bit ef rhyrne, Till sometirne we meet in a mucli changed clime. -H.S.L. God be with you, till we meet again. - Weddings Vennlng-Thomption A quiet but Pretty :wedding was solemnized at Brooklin, on Dec. 6th, at the home of the bride's par- ent, when Edna Mae, younger daugh- ter of Mr. George ThompLon and late Mrs. Thompson, becarne the bride of Robert Orr Venning, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. W-m. Ven- ning, Biackstock, with Rev. J. T. Juil of Brooklin, officiating. The ceremony, was performed beneath a canopv of Pink and white streamers and wedding belis. The bride entered the living-room on the arm of ber f ather, wearing her travelling gown of Queen's blue sheer crepe with gold trimmtiýng and carried an old-fashioned noxsegay of Pink carnations and fern. The groom was supported by his cousin, Mr. Ross Lansing of Nest- leton. Mrs. Allan Jones of Brooklin, * presided at the organ andj sang, "I Love You Truly" during the signing of the register. After the ceremony the Wedding suPper was served in the dining- room. The table was prettily decor- ated with Pink candies, and centred "A real man is be whose goodness 's a Part of himself."ý-Mencius Fresh Cranberries .......... lb. 25e N4ew Crop Pitted Dates, speclal........ lb. 14e Grapes ................ 2 lbs. 19e French Creams ............ lb. 18c Assorted Crackers .. doz. 35e - 89e Aylmçr Grape Julce ........ jar 19e Canada Dry Ginger Aie . carton of 4 bottles 60e Fumous Reading Antha. cite burns longer, pro. duces a steady even heut, and louves less ash. Cut your fuel cont dis Winter by ordering Fumonus Reading Anthracite. Letus send vou a triai ton "osY- J. J. FLEIT FUELS Yard: C.N.R. Sduit 288 Roe& Ontario St. - ]Phoe Ms0 praadauHar Ceal at NoeBshw Cei by the large weddinz cake whichAhle bride cut with a silver kunife. Later the couple Ieft for, Toronte and oCher teints, the bride travelling in a navv biue bat and coat with grey fur collar. On their retumu tbey will reside at Brecklin. Guests were present fmom South Porcupine, Torante, Oshawa, Brook- lin, Blackstock and Nestieton. Plenty of F.ed For Liv.st.ck lu Durham Ceuumt E. A. Summers, Agricultural Representative, lu lis weekiy crop report makes these observatIos:. Most livestock men have ample tccd supplies which includes boteh ougliages sud grain. There wlU be, howevem, a shortage et staw on somne faims before spring, Severai duy's main are.reqù1rWd4-t replenish iow welis, other*lse water will have te' be druwn for' livcstoçk teicuglicut tee wlatw - by somne frmiers. There has been a keen demnand for freali mj&k cows tee past tew weeks. Tho de- msud la acccunted for by eiher -iucrcascd quotas or full quotas being rcquired by tee dairnes. QUANTITY CANY DUYING Special prioes for orgtulza- tions buying large quantities of candies for spocial ocoas- ions. *- A valuable prise t. the. largest buyer. JUICY ORANGES 344's doz. 19e 252's doz. 25e 200%s doz. 30e 1 S0's d'oz. 40e 288?s doz. 23c 220%s doz. 28e I176%s doz. 35e i 26's doz. «ce ONTAMRI HRD NMDCANDY 21klm25e MINCEMEAT 2 1b8a25e ZELUNN F _Phone 596 GROCER Bowmanville A complote lineocf Christmas fruits, for your table. Leave Your Orders Marly ffhy pay money for dirt ? Boy BÉaa#ndoe. dCOkJL 4 Chocolates.......... 4-lb. box 98e 3-1b. box 69e Mixed Nuts ................ lb. 2lc Almonds .................. lb. 19e Peanuts ..................lb. lac Fllberts ...................lib. 21c Walnutis.................. lb. 23c Brazils.............lb. 19e Almond Ilng ............'1/2-b. 19e \X/îen you buy a ton of Fanious Reading Anthra- cite you get 2,000 pounds of coul. No éu-no dirt -no siate. Thats because it's Zaandered at the. mines ..washed and scoured 'tii it'5 shining cdean. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THUItSDA-ý, DECEMBER 14TH, 1939

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