THURSDAY, DECEMBER i4TH, 1939 THE. CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN' eOCALAND PERSONAL I PHONE 003 niai I Save turne, patience and money by reading the merchants' advts1 before golag shopping. Town Council will hoid Its sta- tutory meeting of- the year to-1 morrow nlght, Dec. l5th.1 Mr. and Mrs. D. Y. McCorrnack,1 Gait, were guesta of 1Mr. andi Mrs. Morley Vanstone, Beech Ave. .Mr. and Mrs. 3. W. Devitt, Hall- fax, N.S., are holidaylng with bis parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Dcvitt.j .Mr. and Mis. W. H. Northcott and daughter Helen, Hamilton, were guesta of Mrs. Vivian Argue. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Mortlock and famlly, Bramptan, vislted in town and at Tyrone over thc weekend. On Saturday eveaing, badmin- tan Players frein General Motars WMl visit the local club for Uic first lntercity tournameat of the year. Mr. J. J. Flctt was la Toronto Dec. 4tli attending a meeting and banquet of Readng Anthracite Chrstmas Carol Service Trinity Church Bunday, Dec. l7th 7P.m. Combinesi Public School Choira - Hfampton, Ennis- kiflen, Tyrone and Union lns association wlth Trlnlty Choir. Ceai dealers er Ontario at Uic Royal York Hotel. Gnr. Rayrnond Cale, Ne. 28053, 29th Battery R.C.A., Guelph, and Mns. Cale and sar iBliiy, Kitche- ner, werc weekend gucats of bis father, 1fr. W. C. Cale. The Royal Theatre is quite la Uic spirit ef Christmas wlth its aew iiluminated "Christmas Grecting" igri Uiat flashes off and on and la dlfferent colors. The ChristmasCaral service la Trinity Church next Sunday ev- cning wiil be featured with con- gregationai carol slaglagas wel as special music by choir of rural singera. . In discussing business problems with a local merchant rccently be made this remark: "The poor people can't pay their bis, and the weathy ones get lnsulted if you mention maney."1 1fr. Howard Wght bas com- plcted bis Christmas term at Uic Ontario Colege of Pbarmacy, To- ronto, and during Uic Christmas scason is working with Uic Fuller- ton Drug Ce. at Cornwall. Mr. J. R. Moore, Port Hope, who forrnerly coaducted a jcwelry store here, bas acccpted a position with the Lindsay Radio Electric stare. Bath Mr. and Mrs. Moore -formeriy carne from Lindsay. Mis. R. H. Armstrong, Maple Grave, visited ber daughter Ruth and ather friends la Teronto. They wcnt by motor bus ta Ches- lcy te visit Mfr. and Mrs. James Adam. She returncd home with ber daughter. The annual Canacd Geods Ma- tine la aid ef Uic Christmas Bas- ket Fund will be held to-morrow, Doca Uic type er -figures blur andget mlxed up? About how long can' you read witheut this happening? Dees it make any difference bow far away yau bold your read- ing? Dose It Improve .by drawlng dloser or holding away? These are only smorne i questions suggeated by Uic symp- tans exhting. Dec. 15Ui, at 4 p.m. Ail children cari obtalft admission te Uic thea- tre by bringlag a cari of food ta thc theatre with Uiem. William Pursey, 60, mail car- rier of Cobourg, was tairen ta bos- pital Friday wihcad cuts. Ed- Ward Swltzer, Bowmanville, is charged wlth not returnlag ta Uic scene of an accideat. Pursey was driving a herse and wagon. Mr. Chester S. Jury, B.A., wbo is attending Uic University of To- ronte ta compiete bis M. A. course, bas been recommaended by thc College of Eduration for Uic position of Science teacher lnaa goverament scbool la Jarnaica and receivcd bis appointmcnt this week. He will report for duty on Jan. 7th. Mr. J. G. Witton, Hamilton, mathematical teacher la Bowman- ville Higb School 45 years age, was la Bowmanville last week and favored Uic editer withýa caîl. 1fr. Witton succecded 1fr. D. H. Coates wbe went ta Brantford and he rccalled that Mr. Fenwick was principal at that time. Wbilc in town Mr. Wittan visited Uic home he occupied la Uic 90s, and grcatly to bis pleasure and sur- prite he found it occupled by an- other ex-mathematical mn a s t c r, Mr. G. L. Wagar, on Centre Street. Strange as it may seem this same bouse was occupied by 1fr. Coates. Mr. Witten could recal Uic naines of two pupils wbo were in bis classes - Flora Gabraith and Etta James - and enquired aiter their welfare. Looking Urough a recent issue of "Editar & Publisher," a trade paper publisbed la New York City, our attention was drawn ta a group picture of several flac iooklag men, Lookiag a bit cie- ser at Uic taileat of Uic group we reçognized the fMatures of Charlie Mediand, a *former Bowrnanville boy wbom we bave net seen for ever 25 years. Charlie scrved bis apprcnticeshxp as a printer la Uic West Durham News office wben James Gaie was editar. For -a number eof years naw Charlie bas becri Mechanical Superintenderit of Uic Pasadena <Calif.) Daily Star-News and Uic above men- tioned picture was taken at a con- vention la Les Angeles of Uic Southera Califormia Mechanical Conference of whieh Mr. Medland is Uic sccretary-treasurer. We are sure many of Cbarlie's frlcnds la Uic aid home tawn wlll be giad ta kriow ef bis wbereabouts and ta know he is kecplag up Uic tradi- tuons et Durhamn County Boys by belag a leader in bis vocation. Maple Grove Recent Visitors: Mr. Fred Wright with bis sister, Mrs. John Bradford, Toranto. .. Mr. and Mrs.. Leslie Collacutt, Misses Pearliand Leniora Collacutt witb Mr. and Mrs. Frank. Westlake, Sauina. Sympatbv is extended ta Stanley Jones and Wilfred Jones in Uic deatb of their mother at Cornwall, Enizland. eriends of Mr. Malcolm Law, a former resideat of this community, wbo is sick fi Oshawa Hospital, wisb him a speedy recovery, Mr. Bill Lewis was received into menibershio) of the church op Sun- dav. ]Qon't forget White Gift Sunday. Orono News Orono Live and Leara Club met Dec. 13Ui at Mrs. J. Richard- son's, with about 25 present. Cup cakes and cocea paste wcre made and Uic cakes wcre iced and were served. Miss Eileen Riddell gave instructions an proper way of la- traductions. No meeting acxt week. Ail Saints A.Y.P.A. of Whitby put on, their minstrel show la Orono Dec. 13Ui, ta a fair slzcd bouse. Part I of Uic pregrain consisted of a anc act comedy play "Dinner at Six." Between parts one and two both Orone and Wbltby rectars spoke briefly. Part II consisted ef choruses and vocal soies latersperscd w i t h jokes on Orano celebritues. The play was directed by Mrs. C. Brown and the show by Sidney Erakine. Gordon Pepper wus Uic very efficient interlocutor.' Eyesight Education Efficiency B, Bibles- - - - 40 up Waterrnan Pen andi Pencil sets SkYWriters - - $1.95 set Special Military Sets In Case - - - $5.00 Books - New Fiction Travel and History Reprints - - 59e up Cildren's Booki - Pic-i vturea and 4tory 5c-$3.00 Gft China and Gluss AU Kinds - ABl Prices Atfe Flowers 6 for - - - - 250 Dolis and Gaines Priced - - ôe to $3.50 Bomod Stationery 256 up Christmnas freeting Carda and Wrappings Renewal Tre The month of December is generally regarded as re- newal time for subscribers, to The Statesman, and at this time we would suggest that those in arrears corne in and renew or send in their renewal as early as possible. With the costs of publish- ing a newspaper mounting every week owing to the war, it is important that subscribers renew prompt- ly. Your label will tel you just exactly how you stand. Unlesa it reads lb40 you are in arrears. FamIly Honours Thomas Pingi. On HM S9th Blrthday Thomas Pingle has celebrated another birthday, and its the 89th one since he first saw the ]ight of day in the village of Unionvifle up in Markham Township. The occasion was marked by a family gathering: at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Samn Glanville, Elgin jStreet, where Mr. Plagie makes Lhis home with his daugbter. It was one of those old turne famlly parties when ail the relatives ga- ther round the festive board and a meal is served fit for a king. There was laughter, rei~iniscent stories and- rèal wholesome good trne enjoyed by ail. Then alter the dinner ail turned in ta clear off the tables, get the dishes wash- ed and the rooms set ini order for a slng-song, music, more chatter, and then carda. If there's any pastime Mr. Pigle enjoys most >it's a game of euchre and he plays La canny game which makes bis topponents sit up and take notice. i The Plagies are a large famnily, tthere being originally ten chil- Sdren. AUl are living except Mrs. Plagle who died in December 1932 and Oscar who was killed over- seas in the world war in 1916. 1Those present at Mr. Pingle's birthday party on Nov. 3Oth were Mr. and Mrs. Samn Gianville (Fio- irence), Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Cox < Blanche), ýMr. and Mrs. Walter )Pingie and five children, Mr. and .Mrs. Norman Pingle and Betty, r1fr. and Mrs. J. Glanville <Gieta) and Helen, Mfr. and Baden Pingle and farnily, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cox, Mfr. and Mrs. Frank Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, Misses Ethel Kemp and Bertha Michael. Members unable ta be tpresent were Geo. W.*Piagie, Ot- t4wa, Harry R. PlagIe, Los An- geles, Calif., and Howard Plagie, Toronto. Mfr. Pingie has lived in Bow- manville for 62 years and for 45 years was a cabinet maker la the Dominion Organ & Piano Co. fac- tory. His hobby has been music and for many .years he played the 1clarinet in the famous Organ Fac- tory Band as weil as the 45th Regirnent Band. We spent a pîca- sant hour with him the other ai- ternoon recalling old turnes but the sad part was many of bis friends of yesterycar had passed on. It«was arnusing: ta sec Tom drawing away gt bis pipe which was held between the oa]y two teeth in bis head - an upper and a lower wbich luckily met. Isn't it great bow nature looks after littie tbings like that? Much of the conversation oea- tred around empioyees and events of the old D.0. & P. Co. in its pa]rny days. The 1'old brigade" bas been pretty much thinned out tby Father Turne, but Tom was able to recail these nomes of old rtimers atmll üthe land of the liv- Sing: Sid Jacxnan, Joe Laflle, lWm. Jennings, Joe Halpenny, A. iMcEwen, Dave Morrison, John rMclatyre, Walter Todgharn, Geo. iMaynard, Thos. Bottreil, Gus iBounsail, Herb. Creeper, Wm. Horsey, Wm. Furze, Otto Mayer, Arthur Sutton, Wm. Maynard. If Lour readers recail others back la the 80s we would like ta have their names for the bonor roil. Auction sale j.W. Lancaster, Lot 6, Broken Front. Clarke, wi11 seil on Friday, Dec. lS5th, ali bis stock, implements, grain, etc. Sale i p.m. Terrns cash. Elmer Wilbur auctioneer. Functions of C. of C. The president introduçed the sbeaker of Uic evenlag, Fergus E. Morril, a ncw comer taoOur tawn who purchased Uic W. W. Hender- son farm, now known ai "Wiilow Acres." 1Mr. Morriil for several years had very close association with thc Toronto Board of Trade and from this experience was able to give valuabie inforrnation in gettiag a new Chamber of Commerce off ta a good start. It bas a moat imnportant function in promotmng publicity for Uic good of the'comrnunity and la voiclag thc opinions of Uic citizens inaa collective way to governing bod- ies, stated Uic speaker. Another duty of Uic C. of C. is ta promote trade and ladustrY. This should net be difficult la Bowrnanviile with a good bigb- way and railways and being situ- ted between two great metropoli- tan chies. Tourist business is an- other important source of revenue and if Bowmanviile hasn't a tour- ist camp it should have one, he said. Summer cottagers at Uic lake should be greatly increased by improving Uic road. For byq g r r w 2 I AND TOBÂCCOS 500 t. $5.00 Aok for Your 1940 Calendar To-day Chaniber of Commerce <Contlntsed from Page 1) decorated residence and place of business during the Christmas season, judging ta be donc Dec. 19th - 20th; 1That plans be startcd early in Uic new ycar ta organîze a major celebration and sports day la Bowrnanville on May 24th. Bcautifying the Town C. H. Carter said the Town Beautification Committee hnd re- ceived Uic wbolebearted and gen- erous co-operation of Mayor Joncs and tawn council la that thcy kindiy offered ta supply and creet Christmas trees along King St. Colored lights were belag instail- cd on the trees and ail that was needed te complete the picture was a delicate covering of beauti- ful snow and thc jingle of sleigb bells. Correspondence Read A letter was rcad tram Uic Men's Canadian Club invlting members of the C. of C. ta jala their club as they were baving outstanding speakers of Canada present ideas wbich wiil irnprove the business, social, educationai and generai living conditions of aur town and community. It ta rcgrctted la recent years very few business men bave been members of Uic Canadian Club wbilc far- mers in the immediate vicinity have sbown a distinct increase in membership. Other communications included a letter from Uic Federal Minister of Finance giving up-to-date la- formation regardmng Uic Home Improvement Loan, and a letter from the Canadian Chamber of Commerce beadquarters la Mon- treai affering thoir services te as- siat la getting Uic local C. of C. off ta a good start and on a solid foundation. LADIES ! There are only elght more days to get your Permanent before Christmas at the special prices: 1Oý00 Permanent 5-00 7.50 Permanent 3.50 .5 Permanent 25 Ai l nclude' shampoo, hair eut andi finger wave. This Speclal expires December 30, se hurry and phone Mrs. Howard Bickie at the Estelle Ieauty Salon Libeity Street North Carrots 59Oc Per Bu. Trimmed andi pachesi ln new hampers. PHONE "WIlow Actes" Fax. Bowmanville - - - 2456 Neulson's, Page & Shaw and Moir's 25e to $4.00 resideace and a '15 IL turkey ta date of the big pow-wow to open the merchant having the best the Chamber of Commerce season dressed window diàsblay. The Pro- for the year 1940 is Frlday, Jan. gram Comxittee will select the i4th, at the Balmorali Hotel. judges who are ta make their selections on Dec. 19th-2Oth. A happy family is but an earller Just make a note, too, that the heaven.-Bowrlag. lmaung t easier of access more peoplewii go there. Another fuaction of a C. of C. is to affiliate with a Better Busi- ness Bureau ta overcome india- criminate practices, u n et h ic a ways of dolag business and stamp out untruthful advertising.' To have an organization such as this rua smoothly and effectively it must have sufficient money in the treasury. This means a large membership and an.adequate fée. Mcmbership drives should be planaed to do a thorough and con- aistent job as members must be continualiy sold and laterested in the various activities of improv- lag the geacral welfare of the community. Co-operation between thc local press and Uic C. of C. is of prime importance, Mr. Morrill intimat- cd, ta influence Uic people and as a moulder of public opinion. Mucb work in laying a proper foundation is aecessary for Uic succeas of such an organization. It requires leadership and co- operation on Uic part of ail public spirited and unselfisb citizens te reacb your objective. President McGregor thanked Mr. Morrill for bis valuable and practical address and fclt sure hie would be a moat useful member. At a meeting of the directors following Uic generai meeting it was decided to foilow out Uic re- commendation of the Prograin Comniittee by off ering a 15 IL turkey for Uic beat decorated Drap ini and Phoi laok around. - You are under no1 obligation t. buy. Marr 's Jewelry.,-,... ne 403 I 4ATE SALTI 15o Up bondsoma presen- totion pockoge,.nly o SHAVINO GIFIS FOR ME N Men Appreclate These Practlcal Gfts Woodbury Mon l'sSets - 490-980 Bhaving Brushes ,25c t. $3,00 Palmolive Shave Seta --4,9C-980 Yardley Shavi1 William's Gxft Boxes --490-980 Prescriptions a Speclalty ALEX McOREOOR DRUGS We Doliv.r - I 4 Evangelletlc T a b e r n a oie Corner of King and Division Streets "THE MEANESI MAN. IN BD WMAN VILLE"Y Don't fail to hear this subject on Sunday December I 7th - at 7.30 p.m. By Evangeliat'C. A. BAREIS. ,San ta- Pre fers Gifts From THE E VL YN SHOP HOSIERY Give Hoslery - er most Important accessory. Chiffon, Crepe, Service Weight 69e - 79e - Mec - $1.15 GMl HOUSE BAGS PANTIE SETS COATS W. ihave mais, Tes Rose - White Smart andi Pract"Icai tyish Ranibagi $i.0to s1.95 rmt hour favorites - lismoe, plaIhi Flannel, Chenille, Sa- Md alligator. tin, Corduroy, Cotton. satin Panties-$1. $,5taO9 T Rose - White $2.95 295 $19 t~549 79e SLIPS dnLio Tesidies - - $1.95 Flatterlnt, beautiful l~n ie Slips hi crepe andi laue Hadkrohlefl Tes Rose - White trimmesi silk satin. AUl No gif l more __________ aiuses. weloome. Fine GLOVES - 8 52395 Irish Linon, Oive ber Gloves Misses Fur-Triuimesi 35a - 35o each andi make hansis Parkas and Mitts happy at Christ- $1.95 set. mas:Separate Parkas Our Lovely 750 up. Importe<i Kidi Many other' beautiful RANKIES $1.96 gifta ta cheose from. are grand gi ts, let un box andi wrap siainiiz boxed at Chamoisette your giffa for a smail 1 910 69o t. $1.00' extra charge. 10t 15 NIONTIES Lovely Nightles ta thrill her feminine heart. Lace trimmesi and dalntily embroidereil $2.95 to $3.95 *CHENILLE HOUSE COATS Wine, Turquoise, White ansi Coral - Extensiesi soulsiers. $5.95 each Smali, medium, Large SKI SUITS Kidilea' ansi Adulte' - Ail Colora - Linesi Jackets Reasonably Pricesi, The Evlyn Shop Um".clifford CaveWl7 Pnolm59M Dowmm«vMl FOR EVERYONE AT YOUR I.D.A. DRUG STORE Largeat Stocks Lowest Prices §MIROIRBuy Now for the Best Selection ----- ----XMAS CARDS Bargains in Brush, Comh and Mirror Sets BCarda iComplt. LIJPJI 3.50 value $1.99 stock 0 6.50 value $3.99 YARDLEY 6.95 value $4.49 IGIYT SETS l M ' b >ý7.50 value $4.99 n'- $1.00 toý $5.00 Above setsanareail first DRYST grade, open-stock -de- 3Sce eatn signs. Extra pleces may 32ece. Pet$17.50 be purchaaed at any 25 o$70 STATIONERY Seven Piece Sets.......... $7.95 - $14.50 2oto.00o ae"i"pudçIIt Êov big shevilg mroe- XIUB INATS 98WNeS pTeck Raze,. Induded WMt CIGARS - CIGARETTES COOÂE 8 p15 hÙe Gilefi BModes la 4% I.-, ,~. i i~Iê J- Y: ~4 Phone 792 mmmmmm__ lallk THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14TH, 1939 PAGE SEVEN THE. CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO WhoayouglveaBuloya SWatch yen knew, yen are giving the vsry hast .. mthat wtU b. j ized d chelu .d