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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Feb 1940, p. 10

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PAGE TEN ~HE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARLO THURSIJAY, FEBRUARY 8TH, 1940 4 HUMAN DEFECTS The ewcstl Indpenent REMOVED UN SUITS Phone Clarke 1114 Iider Choice of Patterns Than _______________ _______Ever Before But Prices Due To Advance Mrs. A. H. Fisher, Belleville, Bamsey aud çon were attending spent the weekend with ber me- the inaugural ceremonies in con- Styles in meu's dress have ther, Mrs. Geo. P. Rickard. nection with the epeuing of Dur-, changed radically duriug the past Mrs. W. H. Gibson bas returned ham's uew grain and sced clean- few, years iu Bowmanville until from Brampton after spendiug a iug plant at Shaw's. at the present time we find ai- montb with ber daughter, Mrs. C. Several of bis boyhood friends mest evemy business mn well Hutton.' had the pleasure of meeting Mr. dresscd iu suits and overcoats Misses Marjorie Lycett sud Arthur Baker, who is here from which accentuate shoulders, re- Dolly Purdy were in Guelph Fr1- British Columbia, at the officiai duce the over-corpulent appear- day evening attending a students'i opeuing of the seed cleaniug plant suce sud provide distinctive loose bail at the O.A.C. at W.J. S. Riekard & Sous'. A fittiug garments whieh are com- Irwin Colwili, Ross Dickinsonf number had the epportuuity of fortable te xvear sud easy te look sudEmesonFiser h dovetedisçussiug with hima the present at. Montreal Wednesday with trucks political situation, especially as it A great majority of this chafige of apples for Mr. Colwill. iappears iu the West. bas taken place here during the MissAlmda euc, RN.,bas Miss Rets Pewell's S. S. class 1îsst two 'ears since Maurice Bres- purcbaed heElbck lot.ouhe of g is sud Mr. Jog. Hockiu's lin hegan telling the people of corner of Mill sud Emiîy streets eclass of boys held, a joint skating the advsntages of buying Cook crs' frein the United Church party on Newcastle riuk Fridayimade clothes. Prier te that time, aawel suk ýevening. Afterwsrds ail psrtook it ws ustomsry for men sud sudeis ow hvig oyadeicieus lunch of seup and boys of the 'tewn te buy either theproert.crackers, biscuits, jelly sud cocos, ready-made suits or those witb- H. C. Allun sud E. W. Fisher Provided y isPowell sud the eout individual styling. are workiug at their jobs as girls (thisbeingslesp yeam) lu the It's amaziug the change that s enumerators for Newcastle fer United Church S. S. kitchen. properly fitted suit eau make lu the comiug federal elections. [r. Penny Bank report for Novein- the appearance of man.. Those Allin bas the East Ward sud Mr. ber sud December 1939 shows with dreoping shoulders or sag- Fisher the West. that Newcastle stands high on the ging chests ne longer ueed te, Fridsy, Feb. 9tb, is the Worid's list of places where s large per- worry because such items bave Day of Prayer and the W. A. of centage of the seheol pupils are beeu taken care of by expert St. George's Cburch sud the W. aigwel eoisith alrinheCkognzto, M. S ofthe nitd Chrcharebank. There is onîy eue town lu specishly trsined te eliminate sud observiug 't 5t a joint meeting lu ail Eastern Ontario wbich bas a correct auy defects whicb may the U.C.S.S. hall at 3 p.m. higher percentage, sud that is appear lu the buman form. Stanley sud Morley Allun sud Cornwall, with 96%'. Newcastie's The populsrity of Cook made their sister, Miss Betty,.- wbo bas perceutage is 74. clothes bas been graduai, but been keeping bouse for tbem, coutiuuous, especially since they have now meved frein the farm A Clarke District Loyal Orange brought eut their English drape tbey have been working at Ida Lodge meeting was held in the styles and tbeir buge assortment sud have joiued their parents at -Commuuity Hall February 6th, of differeut patterns te 'satisfy their farin on the 3rd Line, Clarke. 4jrono, Kendal, Newtonviile sud everyone from the conservative Mr. sud Mrs. Eric Pearce, Clare- Newcastle (Cowauville) lodges business men te those youugsters mont. with their children, camne - eing represented. Visitiug bre- who go lu for flashy plaids or eut te attend the opening ef the ýthren were aise preseut from checks. Their price range is aise seed cleauing plant at W. J M.S., other Iodges. A banquet lu the designed te fit the purses of Riekard & Sens' sud xisited -at bail kitchen lu the evening fol- everyeue. Mrs. W. H. Pesrce's. Miss Marilyn lowed the afternoou meeting. Fur- Iu s recent interview, Mr. Bres- graudmether. The friends sud ueighbors of 1 Cook clothes, recalled conditions Mrs. Frank Bsmsey. Osaca, Mr. sud Mrs. C. Hutton (nec Miss during the Iast war wben cletbingt visited ber sister, Mrs. H. E. Han- Dorothy Gibson), met at their teok a decided upward leap in cock. last Wednesdsy wb}le Mr. home on Thursdsy eveuiug lsst prices. He expeets the saine thing sud preseuted them witb a baud- te happen again this time and some mantel dlock sud a waluut advises those who will ueed cloth- tes wagon. A most enjoyabie iug lu the near future te buy uow evening was spent in cards sud while prices are lew sud stocks dancing, and after a sumpteous. are complete. Mr. Breslin is pro-E lunch was served these good fri- prieter of The Arcade Store, Bow- A ccurate lime ends lef t for their owu homes, manville. 6-I îeaving behind 'thei ail good That's what everyene wants wisbes for the future happiuessCaltWrsiPrciPece and expects to have when of the bost sud hostess. Cl oWriiPtii ere they carry a time-piece, but On January 30th, the Junior solo by Bert Jarvis; scripture c how can a watch be expect- C.G.I.T. Group met with Presideut reading, Reits Aildread, after ed te keep geed time unless Eileeu Farrow lu the chair. It wss which Charlie Glenney led lu t it is in good shape. You decided te naine the group the prayer. Betty Enwright favored t weuld net think of running Bright Eyes" sud te meet every with a solo, accompauied by Kath- i yeur car without giving ît Tuesday evening at 7.30 . Ail leen Toms. Recreation was cou- I care and changing the oil. members are urged te be preseut. ducted by Ernest Gilbank and r Hew then can a watch which Senior C.G.I.T. Group, the "Wide- Wilbur Baskerville'. bas te run every day In the A-Wskes," met Feb. Ist, at Mrs. year and which is far smaller Irwiu Colwilî's with Presideut S.GOG' E"CU and fluer be expected to Pauline Deline in the chair. This STcERES EI'CU keep good time unless it is group will meet Friday evenings ENTERTATiN LADIES kept In shape and re-oiîed at at 7.30. The two groups are join- TeMnsCu fS.Gog' least every 18 menths. If ing lu a sale of home-made cook- Cher eid s u nuaS.Ladire's' your watch or dlock is net ing iu Commuuity Hall kitchen Nigbt in teprish hnal LJauary givlng you the service yen Feb. itb. Ngti h aihhl aur want. bring it ite us and we Young People's Union met ou 30th, with about ferty present. wiIl guarantee yen a first- Mouday eveuing with prograin in Bridge sud 500 were played, Rev. cliàjob chage f MisioaryCouvener D. R. Dewdney beiug in charge Patricia Pearce. The theme desît o thebridtab500sWandrsWofte with the History of India, and Cote h 0.Wneso h S. Ji. HART WIG readiugs regarding this were giv- bridge prîzes were: Lady, Mrs. Fine>Watch and Cleck en by Patricia Pearce, Kathleen Howard Gibson; gentleman, How- Repafring A Speclalty Toms, Jared Kimbal sud Bessie ard Gibson; of 500 - lady, Mrs. K.night Block-Bo anie Blackburn. A summary of the Ai!. Garrod; gentleman, AI!. Gar- Relgies robeis ws ivee rod. It might seem that this was Opposite Badminton Club Jean onathan. Thse skgiugpart a dual family plot, but it wasn't; in the devetional period were: it just bappened that way. After FRIDA Y SRTURDAY FEB. 8-9-10 Full Fashioned Hose PETIT FLAW We were fortunate to be able te secure these hose from higher priced hunes with slight irregulari- ties that do not affect the wear- ing. If you're quilt- ing - here's a snap.. Even if you're not, this f i rm white Broadcloth bas many uses. 5 Yardis for $ INTERLOCK VEST or BLOOMERS Fine interlock Vests or Bloomers 2 for that wll i gve plenty of warm serviceable wear. Sizes MN in both garments. ENGLISH TERRY TOWELS Here is a real chance te stock up 8 fori on these handy Terry Towels ______ Size about 15 x 32, in gdy colored Étripes. 42 INCH PILL OW, CASES fo An opporýuflitY to save w7hether 5 you want plain hernimed or hem -_____ etched. Stock UP your lhnen cupboard now. LKgRSOEf'IIE Ptiune *qo trie gameis dlil rpad to i<thef basement wbere refresh m e n t s were served under the direction of H. Brereton, convener of the lunch committee. Melvin Gra- ham, presiçlent, extended a cor- dial welcome to the ladies and expressed his pleasure in seeing £0 many present. He hoped the club would have the bonour of their company at- sotne »ture time. DURHAM HOLSTEIN CANADIAN CHAMP. Olive Burke Fayne, a member of the Holstein herd of Jas. T. Brown, Bowmanville, has just been announced as the new Cana- dian Champion for butter fat pro- duction for first four lactations in the 305 day division of the Record of Performance with a to- tal of 2,577 lb. fat from 65,363 lb. milk. Her latest record was made as a five-year-old, she giving 808 lb. fat from 21,296 lb. milk in 305 days. Continued on test for the full year, she gave à53 lb. fat fromn 22,411 IL milk. This was the leading record in a class of 24 mature cows that completed R.0. P. records during the past month. "Olive" was bred by J. H. Jose, Newcastle, and has the following records to date: Age Milk Fat Test 2 years 12,646 530 4.19<5, 3 years 14,369 586 4.08% 4 years 17,052 653 3.83% 5Syears 21,296 808 3.79 fl 5 years 22,411 853 3.81%-1 (365 days) Handicap Finals At Badminton Club Finals of the second handicap tournament of the season at the Badminton Club were run off Monday nigbt with these taking part: Men's Doubles - Ed. Flex- man and H. Longworth lost to R. Cochrane and J. James, (Coch- rane substituted for H. Counors who was unable to play). Ladies' Doubles - Mrs. V. Cowie and Mrs. E. Oliver lest te Miss S. VanCamp and Miss J. Ramsay. Mixed Dou- bles - Mrs. Cowie and S. James losIte Miss D. Edger and J. Cal- Iaghan. Later in the mouth the outstanding badminton player of Canada, Junior Goodwin, is ex- pected te visit here te play exhi- bition matches. This Friday night, the February dance wili be beld aI the club with music supplied by the famous Ossie Williams snd bis orchestra. Invitations may be obtained at W. R. Strike's office. As seon as a girl bas a guy in the palm of ber band she starts te wind bim around ber f inger and finally bas him completely under1 ber tbumb. PC TRINITY CHURCH (Continued from page 1) the Sessiord for a period of two years, and the following were elected for a term of three years: J. W. Jewell, C. Rehder, J. J. Mason, J. H. Bateman, T. H. Lock- -hart, Russell Osborne, R. Bragg, Kenneth Cox, W. C. Ferguson, and E. A. Summers. A hearty vote of appreciation was extended te Rev. and Mrs. S. Davison and family for the splen- did services they have rendered the church in ail its departnMents. This was suitably. acknowledgeý by. Mr. Davison. Entertainrnent at the meeting' was. contributed bya Miss Dorothv Nichols who sanga solo, by Dr. T. A. Partridge who provided an organ solo, and by a quartette composed of Don Mason, Bill Hutchinson, Miss Marian Dudley and Miss Hazel Rundie. Rev. S. Davison was chairman of the evening, assisted by Rev. H. Foley and Rev. W. P. Rogers, and Dr. J. C. Devitt was Record- ing Steward. At the close of the meeting the congregation adjourned to the Sunday school room where re- freshments were served by the ladies and an enjoyable social hour spent. ENUMERATORS (Continued from page 1) have their name on the voters' list and this can only be accom- plished through co-operation with the enumnerators. The general rule- applying to the qualifications of electors is that every person in Canada, man or womnan, is qualified to vote and is entitled to have his or her namne included in the list of elec- tors for the polling division in which he or she ordinarily re- sides at the time of the prepara- lion and revision of the list of electors for such polling division if he or she (a) is of the full age of twenty- one years or wiil attain the full age of twenty-ene years on or before poîiing day at the pending election; and (b) is a British subject by birth or naturalization; and (c) bas been ordinarily resident in Canada for the twelve months immediately preceding p o 1 1 i n g day at the pending election; and (d) was ordinarily resident in tbe electoral district at the date of the issue of the writ for the pend- .ng election; and at a by-election has continûzd to be ordinarily resident therein until poliing day.1 Enumerators ini West Durham Bowmanville Polling Sub-Division 1-James Kennedy, Jas. Aber- nethy. 2-W. Tait, Mrs. Ben. King. 3-A. J. Adams, G. Moorcraft. 4-W. Blake McMurtry, Robert Thompson. 5-EarI Byam, Wes. Percy. 6-Wm. M. Ailin, T. A. Dustan. 7-W. C. Ferguson, Melbourne Hooper. 8-T. Lymer, Geo. Mason. 9-A. Reid, Roger Bird. l0-Artbur Fewster, Horace Hobbs. 11-Wm. Painton, C. Hall. 12-F. Baker, Arthur Ives. Clarke Townshlp Poll. S.-D. 1-Wm. Laing. 2-Wellington Farrow. 3-Percy Patton. 4-John Stewart. 5-James Moff att. 6-W. B. Syer. 7-James Rutherford. 8-Victor Farrow. 9--Mrs. J. R. Cooper. Darîlngton Township Poll. S.-D. l-Kenneth Cox. 2-George A. Miller. 3-Lloyd Crago. 4-Gilbert Adcock. 5-Elias Ashton. 6-Frank Walters. 7-C. E. Shortridge. 8-W. R. Westlake. Newcastle Poil. S. D. l-Harold C. Allun. 2-Emmerson W. Fisher. Cartwright Township Po11. S.-D. 1-Luther Mountjoy. 2-Norman Mountjoy. 3-Fred Johns. 4-M. Percy Philp. 5-Gardham Trewin. In The Editor's Mail 312 Rhodes Ave., Toronto, lanuary 22, 1940.. Dear Editor: I am' a little late with mv rcnewal as I thought I would net be taking the paper again, but would miss it so much, and it's cheap reading for 52 weeks in tbe Year when yeu stop te figure it eut. Wighing you aIl the hest of luck for 1940. Mrs. Gibbons, Horses For Sale Your cholce of 15 Young Ontario work horses to seli for cash or exc Ilange for any klnd of lvestock. OUR SPECIAL OFFER TRIO WEEK A FOUR YR. OLD CLYDE sound, well broken, a real buy at $94.00 Would like te, secure brood sows, horses and stockers or fat cattie. ERNEST WERRY Phone Bowmanvllle 2570 Jury Phone 778 Y Lovel When We Test Eyes It Io Doue Properly Bowmanville1 BIRTI-S 1)1PPELL - In Bowmnanville Hos- pital. on Wednesday. Fcb. 7, 1940, te Mr. and Mms. L. WV. Dippell, i Son.l HALLMAN-4In Bowmanville Hos- pital, on February I. 1940. te MmI. and Mfrs. Russell Halîman (nec Gertrude .\dair. Oshawva), a son. Both arc doing fine. DEATHS GIFFORD - At Oshawa Hospital, on Fiday, Feb. 2nd, 1940. David Ezra Gifford, in hi., 9lst vear. JAMIES- On Febmuamv 4, 1940, at Ross Miemorial Hospital, Lindsay, Viola Bailey, beloved wife tif Watson H. Jamecs, and mQther cf Gertrude, Ruby, Marion aud Carl. in hem S9th yeam. LEASK - lu Cobourg, Fcb. 1, 1940. Alexander Leask, belovcd sonc the late Mm. and Mrs. W iliam Lcask (Darlington Township), in bis S3rd yvar. READER - At bis home, Port Perry, February 4th, 1940, William T. Rcader, bcleved husband of the late Etta M. Rodman, ini bis 76th year. STACEY - Iu Bowmianvillc, on Monda3. Felh. Sdi. 1940, lanet B. Stacey, widow of the late John C. Stacev. age 80 v'cars. Funemal onî Thursday. Feb. 8th. at the resi- dence. Liberty St. Service at 2.30 p) m. Interment a t Bi asi Cemeter. IN MEMORIAM \71CT-lu I u'.N-g Lmemomx of Wsalter Vice, whoecntemed into mest Feb. 9, 1937: Sunshinu f.ide- and slhadewvs faîl. But s'.' et memembrance eutlasts ail. -Eem remembemed by wifc and familv. Cards of Thanks Mr. Ted Weedyard and relatives of the late Mms. Emma Halfacre wîsh te thank their mativ fmiends for their sincere sympathy ini their mecent bereavement. 6-1* The family of the late William H. Woed w'sh to acknow.ledge svith grateful appreciation the many ex- pressions cf kindness frein their neighbours and f riends durinz their recent bereavement. Oscar Andrus wishes to thank bis many f rielnds for their kinduesses duming bis several months' illness ini Bowmanville Hospital aud Toronto General Hospital. Suclh kinduesses under the circuinstances are vers' much appreciatcd. COMING EVENTS Courtice Bretherhood will mccl on Fridav evening, Feb. 9th, at Maple Grove Church. A "Play Parade'" ill bc hcld un- dem the auspices of Tiity Young Peoplc's Dramatic SociJ(v, in the Suudav Seheol Room. on Friday, Feb. 23rd. Admission 25c. 6-1 A card p)arty sud crekinole will be hcld in Shaw's School House on Fni- day night. Feb. 9th, under auspices of Shaw's Home sud Scheol Club. Prizes sud me freshinents. Evemycue wclcome. Admission 25c. 6-1 Dumraam County Shorthomn Breed-. crs' Association will held its l9th Antiual Sale at the Lovekin Farm, south cf Kurv Inn.,110w occupied bv Alex Prout. Plan te attend. Further details later. 6-1 Oddfcllows Open Night, Wýednes- day, Feh. l4th. Sadie Hawkin's Val- entine Jparty, fun for aIl, music, pro- zrai n ~d Dogpatch box lunch. POLICE REPORT (Continued tramn page 1) records compiled for the R.C.M.P. Transients given shelter during the colder months numbered 1,136, some of whom have been coming in and out for the past several years. These transients are still begging meals fromn door to door. The licensing of amusement machines will have to be dealt with at once as nine are in opera- tien, having _een licensed up to December 31, 1939. The Chief re- ports that a large number of young men are playing these ma- chines. As Weed Inspector, he investi- gated all reports sud complaints and made periodical inspections in aIl parts of the town. He express- ed his appreciation of the co- operation and assistance provided by the Chairman of the Roads and Streets Committee and his staff, in keeping the weeds eut down. Sanitary inspection iucluded in- vestigation of 21 complaints, the collection and forwarding to Pro- vincial Laboratories of 18 samples of milk and cream for testing, putting up 96 cards for coutagious diseases, and periodical inspection of bakeries and restaurants. The Chief also investigated ail re- quests for relief.' In conclusion, Mr. Venton ex- presses his appreciation an d thanks te the Mayor and Council, to Nigbt Constable Walter Hall, Provincial Constables D. P. Morris and W. H. Tbompson, for the as- sistance given him at ail times during the year. "Human beings are taller iu the mornings than at nigbt," says a famYous doctor. And much shorter again at the end of the month. 4 1 One cent a word cash, each insertion (minimum charge 25c). Charge of 25c extra Is made when advertisement is flot paid saine week as inser- tion. Extra charge of 10e when replies are directed to a Statesman box number. 'Blrths, deaths and marriages 50e each. In Memoriams, 50e for notice plus 10e per line for verse. Classifled advertise- ments aecepted up until 6 p.m. Wednesday. Wanted WVANTED-USED STONE GRIST milîs (vertical French burr) sizes 20 -36 inches. Address replies to X'iva Cercal Products Cemnpany. 14 Darreil Avenuc, Toronto. 6-1 Livestock Fdr Sale FOR SALE - SEVERAL YOUNG Holstein Cows . Applv H. C. Pcd- 1well, Newcastle, Phonc Clarke 3823. 6-1* FOR S.\LE-CHESTNUT 'MARE, driver, 4-year-old, quiet in cvery way. Harrýy McKee. R. R. 1. Burketon. 6-1* Articles For Sale FOR SALE - TWO SETS 0F7 dcliv-ery- sleighs for sale çheap). Apply F-. C. Vanstone. 6-1 FOR SALE - MODEL A FORD Coupe, 1929, ini gond running order. Applv A. F. Abernethy,Bo a- ville R.R. 2, or Phone 2681. 6-1* FOR SA\LE - DINING-ROOM table and chairs . Apply 'Mms. M. Hawley. Ontario Street, Buwman- ville. 6-1* FOR SALE-CUTTER, IN GOOD condition. Apply Charles P. Smith, Hampton. ,6-1* For Sale FOR SALE -- GREEN 'MOUN- tain potatoes. $1.00 per bag. Five1 bags or over delivered; also two rcgistered Yorkshrc boars, 5 mos. old. from qualified sow. H. Rows- land & Son. Ncwcastle, Phione Clarke 1902. 6-1 FOR SALE - RUBBER GOODS, Sundries, etc., mailed postpaid in plain, sealed wrapper. 80% less than retail. Write for mail-order catalogue. Nov-Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, ont. 3-8 Baby Chieka WE WILL BE PLEASED TO mail vou our 1940 Chick Circular. AIl R. O. P. Sired Chicks at at- tractive vrices. Now bookingz or- ders for delivemy any time. Ninth year in the business. Our strain is well and favorably known. Donald E. Gibson, Bowmanville, Ont. nhone: Clarke 3811. 2-tf Help Wanted HELP WANTED - MIDDLE- aged or elderly weman as corn- Panion and housekeePer for two elderly women in village near Bow- manville. Coinfortable and plea- sant home with ai.] conveniences, sinaîl salary. Box No 14, cle Statesman. Bowmanville. 5-2 Notice \TCH FOR OPENING 0F Chierrio Havaiiani School (To- onte) ini Bowmianville. 6-1 * Sýec'y.-Treas. Wanted \\.\NTED- SECRETARY-T RE- surer for Bowmianville Board e Education. Application se l e mnade on or before Feh). 12, 1940, ini Wiriting. giviii(r expcrienice, (mual- i fication, and saîamy expeetedl. :\ddmess applications te Fred Cmv- deia.Chairmnan, Box 5, Bow- WANTED-OLD H,ýORSES AN cattle for fox meat. Norbv Fur Farin. Tvrone. Phone 2415. 34-tf Saws Sharpened SAWS SHARPENED-WE HAVE facilities for sharpening aIl types of saws. includinz crosscuts, buck. sawvs, circulars. etc, rates reasen- able. Opposite Iclephone Building. Church St.. Peter Cymbrosky. 6-l* Wanted To Rent WANTED TO RENT - HOUSE or Apartmnent with kitchen and one bedroomn furnislied. Applv Box 15. Statesman Office. 1-2* To Rent FOR RENT - SEVEN-ROOMED house, 1'/2 miles west of Hampton. Apply David Broome. R. R. 1. Hampton, Phone 2369. 6-2* Agents Wanted MEN, \VOMEN, ROUTES AVAIL- able - Tea, coffee, 250 householdi necessities. Premiums, monthlv bargains make selling easy. Dealers make f if tv dollars weeklIv. Write immediately. arrange for biL, year's business. Cressy Company, Dundas, W\est, Toronto. 4-3 WANTED - FINE OPPORTUN- itv for young manl, required for general work, on modemn farmi near Toronto. Wages $25.00 monthly and board. Apply in writiniz to1 Silver Stream Farms, Richmondj Hill, Ontario. 6-1* SALESMAN WANTED - 'MAKE a decent living selling 200 Familex every day necessities. Guaranteed ciuality. Lnov price. 900 Familex salesmen live with this agency. Companv's suçcess depends on sales- men's. Twelve years of increased busitîess prove the possibilities buy- inz in Familex Plan. For free de- tails and catalogue: Familex, 570 St. Clement. Montreal. 6-1 Weekly Feed Special WEEKLY FEED SPECIAL - Open Formula Layinz. Mash (O.A. C. Formula), $2.30 per cwt. Offer gond until Feh. lSth. F. C. 'Van- stone. Phone 777. 6-1 Radios Serviced THE HOCKEY PLAYOFFS WILL be alenz shortly sud good receptien will be imp)ortant then. Repair it now. F. Crowe, Elgin St., Phione 433. 6-2 Property Wanted PROPERTY WANTED - WISH te buy. or relit scenic water front acreage with woods. Applv L. Leeper, Gencral Delivery, Toront. 6-1* Readings TEA CUP AND CARDS FROM 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. Darch's Tobacc~ Store. Phone 2615. 4-4ý Seed Cleaning SEED CLEANING - WE A1ZT5 prepared to tail, dlean and separatx ail varieties of grain for secd and show. We can dlean aIl kinds of grain anid clover sceds. If vou are interested caîl and sec our plant or Phone Bowmanvillc 2218. Garnet B. Rickard, Operator. 6-tf Personal MEN! AVANT VIM? TRY RAW Oyster Tonic, Ostrex Tablets, to pcp Up whole body quick! If not delighted with results f irst package maker refunds its lowv price. You don't risk a penny. Caîl., <write Jury & LovelI and aIl other 'gond druRgists. 3-tf Tenders Required for Heating Pliant Teniders for installation of a heat- ing plant in Registry Office at Co-~ 'bourg, Ontario, will l)C received Up te 12.00 o'clock neon on Ilth day of February. 1940, bx' the undersigned. AIl tenders to be se m-arked on outside wrappinz. E. L. MacNachtan. Counities' Clcrk. 6-1 Notice to 'Creditors R.S.O., 1937 Chiap. 165, Sec. 51 ESTATE 0F CHARLOTTE ANNIS, Widow, 'Deccased. AIl nersons lîaving claimis agzainst the Estate of Charlotte Annis, late of the Towvnship cf Darlingten,, in the Countv cf Durham. X\Vidow, de- ceased, svbo (lied on1 or ahout the 7th dav cf Ianuary. 1940, are hercby notiiied te file with the undersigned, on or before the 22nd daNy of Fcb- ruary. 1940, full particulars of their rlaims. Immediately after said date, tle assets of the deccased svill be distributed amnongzýt' those entitled thereto, having regard only te dlaims so filed. Dated at Bowmanville, Ontario, this 6th dav of February. A.D., 1940. Conant & Annis, Barrister. &c., Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitors for the Administrator. 6-3 New and Modern J APARTMENTS Ready for Inspection sltuated at Kingsway Nurseries Ring St. East, BOWMANVILLE *Oil Heated *Comfortable *Well Equipped *3-Piece Bathroom *Beautiful Grounds Loek them over and If interested apply at Jury & Loveli DO LLAR DAYS THURSDAY I 36lH V% % Vr%,à "rBROAOCLOTH Prices Are Advancing! Purchase your eveiyday drug needs *oDY RÉSlSyIANCg .- - uA Seffer Way t0 take Il V.MEP - Cod LIveroi D EFSEAicit.0,Vitamine A and D -- 53çtandi 980 King st., EowmaflVmO IREAD4aoid USE -t/iîl WAN.TuADS -.0@Nmmm.Ê. .a- - -- - - 1 PAGE TEN ME CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8TH, 1940 &Ki 1 Pair - m

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