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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Feb 1940, p. 3

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THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8TH-, 1940 j«0 INTEREST TO WOMI Wedding d" aIsarn Bra." S:ei Hayes-McGavin On Friday Ev. A pretty wedding took placej Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Worde Saturday, February 3rd, in Kew tertained about 35 relatives 1 a few friends at a card par Beach United Church, Toronta,J hi amhm Bla wîth Rev. Dr. J. A. Cranston ai- Maple Grave, an Friday evE ficiating, assisted by Rev. R. H. Februay2nd it being the Wyli, ofColmbus On., a Losion00oaitheir wedding annivei Wyli, o Coumbs, Ot.,of oisThe first part af the evening Marion, daughter ai Mrs. Anna J. pleasantly spent in enterta MeGavin, ta, Mr. Frank Irvin and beîng entertained withy ~'Hayes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold congratulatary remarks and Hayes, af Columbus. Mr. Sutton priences af the past thirtyy played the wedding music and and here0 sorraw was mir durinig the signing ofi the register with joy at the regret of tor Mr. Orville Osborne, of Bowman- laved ones who have passei ville, uncle ai the groom, sang, in a few short years. "My World." A beautiful plant in full b The bride, given in marriage b3' decorated the dining roam1 her uncle, Mr. Robt. Marden, wore fromn Mr. and Mrs. LeonardE a lavely frock ai heaven blue with ards and Mr. and Mrs. NE matching hat and corsage ai But- Wilkins. Mrs. Richards, wha terfly roses and lily ai the vaîîey. was unable ta be present. She was attended by Mrs. Wm. The card tables were pi Brudenell, gawned in heaven and. everynne enjoyed the pink, matching hat and corsage ai playing. Zremier rases. Mr. Jack Hayes About midnight the hast was his brother's best mani and hostess, assisted by their si the ushers were Mr. George Hayes Mrs. Henry Vickery, serve and Mr. William Nesbitt. dainty luncheon, aiter whic] A receptian was held at the departed for their homes wis] home af the bride. Mrs. McGavîn, Russell and Ethel manyn gowned in pink lace with black happy returns af their we& accessaries and corsage ai roses, day. and Mrs. Hayes, in navy blue with carsage af Talisman roses, receiv- ed, with the bridai party. The couple leit for the States JUST GOOD MANNERS and on their return will live in We aîa ohwsv Toranto. We asa ohwsvs IAMLJD OPTICIANS i Detroit in 1921, sore nen sai' im: "Yau Frenchrnen, with iowing, manners, do not impress It is ail itist 50 mucb bot air." '"Maybe," replied the Marý "but perhaps You have noticed ocurnatic tires, though f illed othinz else but air, enable aut( les ta Pass over the bumps in oad with comparative ease. Sa ith life - gzood rnanxiers, th( nlv possibly hot air, enable ui sss aver the bumps ai lufe wii idue ioîtings." Mike: The highway has s: ail along warning petters. Ike: Wrhat da the signs sa3 Mike: Beware of sait shoulc DEVELOP TUE MILK DRINKING HABITS Drinking mll is one habit which will really pay dividends. The Glen Rae Dairy milk you or yuar child drinks supplies calcium and phos- phorus to build bones and teeth - the protein aids body growth and repair - the lactose is helpful ini preventing digestive disturbances - and vitamins guard general health. Serve Glen Rae milkc to-day. GLEN RAE DAIRY Phone 2665 Bowmanville Theyaregivn'eè-r--c-ar--,,n-d* hritia wok. r, Ongwas f rom atchewanî the spot where the two attention until they are apt ta get amother province, with a dii ferent Leak_ bysad ake__>lan wa ta the stage when they enjoy poor daet u ei uhLakby a ae pln a health. We mnust be careful not diîcbtb ssc iieecalied Leask. Christian worker. He was keeping Alexander stayed in the west until ta, be aver-salicitous. A convales- o n with the Christian> education aif five Years aga, and being unmarried cing child needs ta be kept oc- the chiidren, which bad been begun carne east to spend bis rernaining days. cupied and happy but the goal , by a devaut mother. She had tbe His brother Robert took unto birn- before their eyes should be of. promise ai aIl the 5cope she ever self a wife and still resides in West- the wls thin they n owheln they wanted to do Christian work, and aIl crn Caniada. One other brother, john avr fre el, o t t te wil make the monv~ she needed ta do it with. resides at Ashburn, the only twM evyefeaciofort ta get beter.T tl, IEi,!That ta a poar girl meant soinething, smrviving members ai the oiia befre acildk, asit iessfes, is -Now a voung woman migbht be a iaînily. Tue lamilies ai Leasks rid-na a grat istkeas tey eelbe-' ~ ' Christign and flot get an with step- ing in Hampton and Taunton district cause they have been ill they are MADSI N ANA&DA chiidren. But this little lady went aecuisa b eesd an abjct ofinteret. Gie the right ta it and won the love of those The f uneral was beid f ram the L PAGE THREE ir THE CANADIAN STATESMAN', BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO - O STILL SMALL VOICE M s 2 1 m U , 1 .~children at f irst sight. Ee h e Ther cai b fe ofus i thse lis La ra g mbl y D scrbesenteen sear aid boy came back fror'n Ther caobe fw o us n thse ~~ ~school 'n Chengtu and tliev had hectic dais who have rio need oif A ovcIvurnes together. She ned these verses as a prayer: Air RisAU by l5NUhI e in i n~A aI them te remember the wonderful Dear Lord and Fathier of mankind _____ mother thev had. Forgive aur foolisli ways; Most of vou will know how ' Miss Reclothe us in our rightful mind; Again wc are privileged te Publishl w,,as in the teachinR of the Bible. Chen conducted the Chie at thc ne Inl Durer lives Tiîy service find. a letter fromn Miss Laura.Hambley, Sh ays to the girls of the present HuIs for two summer, with swarms ing In deeper reverence, praise. native of Cartwright, who hias spent school "Yeu do not know the Bible. of people coming for help. She had 1ig Wt htde uhsbun i over 30 years in the Missionary fields That is the trouble with you. Unless said she would go agzaiti even i h Ourwodsan wokstht r n China. ThiIS letter describes hier You zet to knaw the Bible how are was rnarried, and try te show people Our en- Thete der whipr of Thyal1. 'n nteresting anid thrillingR experiences vOU igoiniz te be Christians?" Ours a model home. But rnany doubted if sn an-dTAe5tndiessse ofTh esig aîl of the Japanese air- raids on thc is one of the few schools that kePt she would go and put in such a hard rty atd As f eiles e Th nna do n a Chinese where Miss Hamrbley is right on teaching tije Bible throuodîi month of work without sgiary, when rya ssfl h mnadwtationed. The letter foliows: the po-Litical crisis, but with the pre- she dido't need to. But 1 knew she ense, Droi» Thy stili dews of quiet ess, W* Cahrewaalite l, sent systern we cannot teach the would go. She loves her profession, occa- g, TillI al our strivings cease; goin atherine ool ai i ttl giehrarount ive used to. and she loves Christian work. She rsary. Take f romt Our seuls the strain andmoerceintuh itCrs- Bv and by Catherine entered the saw 1,634 new patients in five weeks. tg was stress, iaitthrcam inth ibewoaCh rs- Chengtu Hospital and hecame a Re- The most anv one day was 206 cases. aiig And let our ordered lives cunfess Daii. whrotuh t herilt oa, and t gistered Nurse. She tells the girls Shc had some gaad helpers, and as- The beau tauytaferTt reaeace. thow iprayer ïvon out in her hospitai sistants to bathe the children, a fesv yarns, Tebal fTypae love the Bible. The little girl wasn'toY ýex- Bretateetetiltherecm dais. One of the head nurses was the dozen each day. XVas she tired? She .ngl , ed e ir g e îh se of it th t ouofd lir. Sh lke sam e girl who ad gathereýd the dor- certaiilv was but she kept righit at Th cooie hs o tthtuce ier. She i itorv tgether for eveniniz praver. it. inilier own kindly way, happy to oan Lethycsensb and Thy balm; ail children in a countLy without God oweandfiutcmepinoi.Sh wl onb rebrd ma nyLt ns edumb, let flesh retire; ýas terriblv scared of Kueî ' New, St he cn s iandiffCaein3 ae wu îd ot. hoe ill.Sl ong brememe Speak through the earthquake, u that word is translated as evil Ithealard,ashe and aoteine wsould tofnthe HIswhe Motlack pct he bloorn wind and f ire, spirits, children in Canada would nat 1nsel ayan panz abou tit. a e nts m d thewoienlacupseo t the tabe Ostli mai viceofcaln'understand what it meant. Some-nus tli MissChn a todasrnsiad tle hap oftff tale0ch- isml Thi e Optain titmes the word Daemon or demon . Junior nurse te put a ihot wvater and tliere was great need of her. She used, ntiTheli doemnot man jany bottle on a baby. The baby- vas stili lias the vision of showing those elson ueadsiide e enay burnt bablv but nurses were respon- useiess wealthv women of the Sait thing to people in Christian lands. i,.adtecs a ret isRvnefmle o emk 15 ili, 1 a a* IB ut. believe me, it means a lot tosilile. ad therase waurgent Mis Reveuehfm le o omk Hin fts Fr r omboodies 'Ichildren in idol-worshipping China. Car ovand Cat.wtheri e a alt ofg hme Iaced card Wrltten for Thie Statesman It means that there is something in theraebver talhcatith the esi ha By the dark that wil am ut at you the mother ieft the Hospital. Many nd Jessîe Allen Brow and do You ail kinds of harm, espec- a instance hcaRietrala-O tu y andter, i ially if sene one had just died. A sher e a gieto rei n- 3i te , hi d on e cr a ed o u i er s e p h ave a g reat in fluence on the schooi M rs. F a n n y W a lk ey ýh ail Conditions have c e r t a i n 1 y had Rrabbed at the bed clothes. Well, Rirl o.Svrlfinso h aeM chned t sd abetatwe Catherine was terrified at Kuei1 After Graduation Catherine was Fanriv Walkey attended the funeral moeWneae efi ewr (pronaunced Q uee) and ber mother School Nurse in Tzeliutsiniz for three which was held on Friday, Jan. 26th, ddin Winer cme w fel we erewanted ta gzet ber over it se she toid lyears. She came ta be a great help 1940. Death took place at the fam- stuck at home until Spring. Now her that Mrs. Din said that if you in preparingz girls for baptism. She iiy residence in Toronto. Interment many people plan ta take their had a Bible the evil spirits wouid was married last Februarv teo Mr. took place at Rîverside Cemetery, holidays in the Winter. This year net came near yau. If she left a. Bible Ong who has a good position in the Lindsay, with Rev, J. J. Black, min- we tared ur oliaysth mi- i th dak rom uelittie girl Sait Revenue Office, ansd a high ister 'of Cambridge S. Uited die f Dcemer nd romthecoud go in without fear. The mother -salary. But still she came and helped Church, officiating. dtin tim we left ttanda om tcoidu rt u h Bbeudrhrwhen girls were gettinc ready for ita reached Saint John we drove 1700 pillow at nigzht and the dernons would j baptism. One day the meeting was ThsienteofMrnsakywa for mer yaur miles. T h e re not came near. Sa she got interested ta be at five a'clock, and she did net vasame resident a da> w Stuor any Sme. was sno on i0 the Gospel. She was flot quite turn ur Iwas bu-my and îeft ittilPoint and with her daughters. con- sathe ground the as, well Pleased when ber mather evening. At haîf past seven iîi she ducted the Sturgean Point summer wsal, hole way ex- ~ wanted ta put ber in the Christian came breatbless. a servant with ber. hotl h eesdwso id that cept for a short schoal, and it meant beingz put back She had told Mr. Ong earlier that ly o le dicpasitond saf askin- wt ditneetrfrm teHgrPrmr ahe there svas something she was for-.labediostnadhrps- with dist nce eith r fom te Hiher Prim ry e th ni is reretted by many friends. trna- side of Toron- she grew ut> in a Christian scbool getting. but it dîd flot cQrne taher 1n agtr isFoec ak nthe to. The only Lower Primnary, because the standard tîli about seven. and thev were a ysuve.-ida Wre. it is real difficulty f the Mission scool was higher. Sa long distance fram the schoo. NeteysuvesLisa Wrd.- iough we had wasadb and by she came ta the Tzeî- but what she sornetirnes came at Mrs. Walkev was a sister of Mr. s ta wîth icy roads . i utsinz schooi. nîght but Mr. Ong wauld came and A. M. Hardy, BowmanviiIe.- haut n e a r Niagara . When talkinz to girls now, wha are couladwnot fam er. oin het er par Falls. We drove becomn hitaseotn cudntcm.Gizhm ae Mrs. Mary Almira Heal fortmiles thro' omng Christianr sheoften teils shppa fhe mie fho-thern of ber life in tbe Tzeiiutsing ell foMo a scar. Dfor theere was sarne-g be thns essanethro'- si le schoi, and haw a larger girl had alDah cm audy mrlg Rei signsests nd tro' Jssie llen the younger anes in1 their dormitorv New the school is aut at this An- Feb. 2nd, ta Mrs. Mary Aimira Heal It parts of New Brown have vrayers every night before go' cestral Temple 55 li awav. They were widaw af John H. Heai, at ber re- Cet Y? orusick without meeting a car ing ta bd, and how interested she told bv the Goverunient-ta leave the sidenIce at 509 Gilmour Street, Peter-Ce were ploughed just the same as lagzo Catherine came out bere by re- On December 7th last, Mr. Heal, a the most thickly populated areas. every attention but do nat make quest, for the weekend. ta help with praminent groçer and later a real We hadn't a mîshap on the whole the interest too apparent. those who shouid corne an for bap- estate agent, died in Peterbaro. Mr. iourney - not even a flat tas4. JeIly-RoIl Chantilly tisrn at Christmas. The (rraduating and Mrs. Heal came ta Peterbaro Sm ftextrorînriy eain scef ry is erhaps you have served jelly- class had been her pupils so long 49 years aRa and i0 that time be- would be even more beautiful roll and whîpped cream for des- she has gzreat influence over thern. came widely known tbroughout the N whn heran munan akssert but it neyer occurred ta me She could bring therntat decision city.T ahn the as erenotaicovaeedta try it. When we were in To- better than anyone else. The vaunger Born in Hamnilton Township, an sram wr nt oerdronto, we were invited out for classes were coming an fine in1 the Northumberland CutMsHa with snow. On the other hand the d adfo0esrtw a adsr frBbeintuton u lo a orel ayAimr Fily h evergreen trees with their bur- dinner, n o esr ehdadsr o il n5rcin u e a onel ayAmr ily h den of snow made pictures hard Whitk slice of jelly-roll, topped the Graduatingz class. Framn Saturday She was a member of Trinity United ta equal. It is a long time since wih whipped cream and a mara- eveninz tilI Sunday evening she had Church there. hae ee s mchwhtesnw.china cherry. The first Sunday three group meetings of dii ferent Survivingz are twa sister, Mrs. E 1Ihity sng so dhwirte i ws we were in Saint John we were classes, as well as givinz the taik at Fred W. Kirkendalj of Toronto, and al thrilling ta drive mile after mile out for dinner and for dessert we the marning service. But we took Mrs. R. Brawn of Peterboro. wor on a snow-covered road cut thro' hec jelly-roll and whipped creamn. i me in the af ternooi toe o out un Rev. G. S. Easton, of Trinity acti( a forest. In the summer it was doe next day at the hatel, whatj the iovelv bill5 araund this country United Church, afficiated at the G just another road but the snow d you think was for dessert? place and see the beautiful views of funerai service. Interment was at gave it a different feeling. You guessed it, only there they 1 the distant his an every side. Little Lake Cemetery. called it Jelly-Roll Chantilly. 1 ît was durinz these meetings that Busy Dolnt Nothlng Whatever name you caîl it, it Still Ctherine told us of her expei*ce is a gaod dessert, and dear only 1 during the air raid an Tzeliutsing William H. Wood, Darllngton To accamplish anything in this knows, it is easy enough anOtae Ot.Se n r.Og Thr ase a eteai uedy world one needs ta be busy. Yeu pare. o coe 0h h n r n hr asdt etcryTedy ahl know the story of the minis- ran in ta see me iust as I was ieaving Jan. 30th, one of Darlington's aIder ter, wha said when he wanted ta La Tour Cookles the next morninz after that terrible resi'dents in the persan of William be sure af getting a thing done, 1 cup butter dav. but I had had rio chance ta get H. Wood. He 'vas born near Salem, he always asked a woman with a %a cup granulated sugar llier stars'. She saiid she was in the 1860, being son of the late Mr. and large family, to do it. At the pre- '/e2g, slightly beaten ospia when the alarm sls!nal was Mrs. Sarnuel Wood. When four years sent time I haven't a single thing 1eg lgtl etn 1gîven. She struck out for home, but of age. thev maved ta the Base Line, ta do. We are boarding and there' 2 cups pastry flaur i realized that she cauid înot get there. living in the house naw occupi-çd bv is no work sa I am finding a hard 1/2 teaspoan soda She thLmight ai a f riend's home near- Chas Downey, for four years, then task to write this column. I seem V4 teaspoan saît hausehold aIl making for the hilI rnavinz ta the home wlîere be passed n eerhaebany dtie.Wnthere V% ap w aler. She found Mrs. Wang and the awav. Untîl failing health prevented, neve hae an tie. hen her 1/ cupwalutsnear where they hoped ta find sheiter he wýas an active worker i0 St. An- is plenty af hause-work ta do, Creamt the butter and sugar, behind grave mounds. as there wasn't drew's Presl%,terian Church, being when I arn on several executîves add the egg and suft in dry in- ýeven a tree. Bv that time.the fine the ieadinz eider at the time of his and am doing a lot af outside gredients, add the walnuts, eut in Japa wor, Istil fndtim tawrie iecs. ix ell Sapeint ronsJapnese planies were nearing their death. He was also manager fora thwo l and have mo r thing adchilI. SUcellt hnkly nd bake sgreat engines roarinff in a way ont number of years. th o u n i an I a e eru.in a hot avlien aink00 degrees. could neyer forget. Catherine just In 1891 he married Eliza Bartlett havet init ttiand nori de sinahtonof40dges lay down fiat on ber f ace. and pray- of Nestieton. They had twp children, New with nathing ta do but write ed quietly, without a bit ai panic, S. Henry WVood af Bowmanville and I hav litle tme an no deas"Dear Lord, if 'lhou doesn't want ta Mrs. Grineau (Mary) at home. I at aI. t i rearkale ow usytake me now, please receive my spirit, 1934 he inarried May Martin, Har- one cani be doing nothing. but 1 wauld love te serve Thee ristan, who survives bim. An Ideal Welght more. If I could be spared, I will He was a meînber of the Ancient TabesofWegh ad eih.serve Thee more faithfully." She Order of Foresters. Four membérs aeofta eit a nds absolt saw the machine guns fram the planes of which were bearers. arj o b t erely e as a uid. A eng sweep down a whale row of people He was buried from the funeral who is stocky, with heavy bonies, who bad taken reuge alang the side parlars ai Northcutt & Smnith. Rev. will naturally weigh more than of a highi wail. It ciearly laoked as W. G. Blake, who took the service, a sighly uil pesan aitheif it was the end for lier, lying ex- spoke af the true Christian character sameheiht.A wmantol me VVy a rIm pad an the ground. Sue heard the ai the deceased. tat theigt.Ables a ttfor mh y u teter w. bornbs teariniz up the grouîîd as they The bearers were:. Gea. Cordeni, tathet adlaeshsa hatour egr feu. She was oîv a short distance Thos. Cartwriht, Norman> Plunîmer. 138 pouand ges. c od to hs f romt the Boys' Scehool ai tue Miss-. Herbert Creeper, a q- de n 138 pountîsws.cri38 f b e a . at tws rke tgtinw Ca.Snwen ntrenL ou-Forget insipid teas. Change now ta Lipton'u and enjoy a tea that je alwaYa full-flavoured. Brew it strong. Brew it weak Ite fine, full-badied flavaur retains ail ita richness, bring. jjing yau exhilarating enjayment in every cupfuL. Boy Lipton'à =today Moee conomwo bcSuse ime nebusuod more cu>u to the posai RED ORANGE YELLOW (Lipoag LAEL LABEL LABEL \Finouf 8 EAl Pound and hsff-Pound Psekàffl Of LaPton'. Tm W.. Rogmr & c7siiverieîe. Write "M or f,~hunmiuw C4.jft naJ. LiPton limted. lipton Bldg., T.*onto, 'DM', 0 i nruRh jeeit is that one bc- corne5 an autcast, ough deeds it is that ane becames a noble. -Sutta. :very man feels instinctively that the beautiful senltiments in the )d weigb iless than a single lovely *Want ro surprise the fainily with a new dinner- time treat? Serve them a tasty dish of Dried or Pickled Canadian Fish. No matrer where you live, your dealer can get you such Dried Fish as Cod, Haddock, Hake, Cusk and Pollock, and such Pickled Fish asHEerring, Mackerei and Alewives ... ini perfect condition. Interesting recipes can be used for every one of these fine fish. Fish is a wonderful health food, good for every mem- ber of your family. it is the great source of proteiris that help build sturdy, healthy bodies. Serve Dried or Pickled Canadian Fish to your fainily often ... they will enjoy it ... and you wilI find it LvaaàawrM economical, too. DEPARTMENT 0F FISHERIES, OTTAWA. WRITE IPOR FREE BOOKLET DePartmmntof Fisherle. Ottawa.19 Piesse Send me yaur fiee 52.pne Bookict "100 Tempang Fih Recipes", conhaining 100 deiiitUI .d ..oImical Fiih kecipes. Nam ............................................. A.,,............................................ w2 V DAY A FISH DAY - A- *1~ Alex McGegoi BOWMANVILLE FREIho FUp'FLV rlors ai the Luke Burial Cam- 'with work and neyer stop worcing. Lny, Oshawa, Feb. 3rd, the scrvice AIl that is warth reckoning is what ýnR conducted by Rev. W. Harold we do, and tbe best of everything is id. ai Kox Presbyterian Churcli. nat too gzoad, but is economy and erment taok place at the Union riches.-Mary Baker Eddy. 2metery. 1 rmust do sarnetbinz to keien my tiioukhts f resb and grawinLr.-James A. Garfield. DEEDS It is the littie thinLts well donc that _______ eo ta make un a sticesiul ajsd.truly Not by birth does ane become'an Rood uife.-Theo-dore Rooseveit. autcast. Let us decide honestly wbat we t by birth daes one becone *a can da, and then do it with ail aur LIPTONS IT'S FU U* î LL-FLAVOURED 1 E E - 1 j«. U.J

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