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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Feb 1940, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE C.X N.\DIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8TH, 1940 Tyrone Recent X îstors: M i-.- X Brooks, Harmony. at homec... and Mrs. H. Findlev and h U - ionville. with lher parent-.* Mr.a Mrs. Thos. Richards. . . ',Ir.a Mrs. Art Spicer. Bowmaiiv-iIll. xi Mrs. Laura Virtuce. . . Mr,. - Alldread with bier dauightr. Nirs.1 Strong, Salem.. . 'Major Flo Dudley, Trenton. at home. Y Walter Park. MNis Dorucn Bv:i Miss Yvonne Byam. MIiss Hel Younsrman at',Ir.- .Cveri: Bowmanville. . , .\Ir. Lorne N1o son at his home at Langstaif. ..' and MNrs. T. E<lward-. and Mar Oshawa. at M-\r. F. L. Bvam sý Youngr Peoples Union inct Thur day cv-eninLy in charge ni NMr. Loi Niortson who conductcd the bu-joi1 and M.\r-. R. Virtue pre-encitcd th programn: Devotional period opre:l with quiet muic: call to w or-lipi M.\rs. R. Vutuie: scripture readir b)v Mi--. Dave Park;: praver. 'Mrs.' WV. M\ai-ch: poemn . i--. F. Dudic ProLram: reading h Pt:cXX\crl VALENTINE'S .*DAY Don't miss this opportunity to send a Friendly Greeting We have Valentines for chul- dren and cards for grown-ups. PRICED FROM 2 for le to $1.00 ea. WOOL Hand-knit garinents are the vogue for today. lVhat- ever you want to knit we have a wool for your pur- pose. See our large selec- tion of different kinds and colours. WALLPAPER We have 50 new patterns I attractive designs and colour blends. Special bar- gains In remnants and room lots. J. W, JeweII BIG 20 ]Phone 556 Bownianvilllc A Complote Service UNDER ONE ROOF We seil new shoes, repair old ones, change their color if you wlsh li, sh ar pe n skates, make ail types of straps to order for ski ,bar- ness, or any other purpose. Our harness repair depart- ment makres old harness like new ai reasonable cost. We suggest to farmers that they bring harness in now for re- pairs. We'll gladly repair and store ht here until they are ready to use 1. JOHN LENZ Shoe and Harness Repairs King St. W.- Bowmanville Ask your neighbors what Bray Chioka did for themn. Then see one of us for prices and delivery dates. F. C. VANSTONE, Bowmanville F. L. BYAM, Tyrone J. E. NICHOLSON, Pontypool or R. LLOYD STEPHENSON, Newcastle. LIDERAL C Durham County Libg Annual1 will be ORONO TC -0o WEDNESDAY F. at 2 Speakers wil be: WILLIAM FRASER, M. W. F. RICKARD, M.P.1 O. ýG. MERCER, M.L.A.i HARC GOD SAVE ' an.d îîth [a-. musical selection bv -Miss Agnes and Cranston Scott: reading bv Clintoni Bicyelow; solo. Ralph Glaspeill read- iliz, Gurd'.n Brent topic bv'.-\Ir. L. M frt-on NiMr-. R. Virtue closed the lîr(ýgrain '.vtli a cofltest. Mîr. XVilljs Stewart is somnewhat impro'.ed. hein"' able to come down stair. for a short time each dav. T'.rorie School News Haydon Reccrut N 2itor, : I-.F. Adamn. Hianiptoî'. w ith M.\r. and Mfr-. E. Stephenson. , . Mr. and I Mrs..Russell Gilbert. FEnnskill,,-n, '..th MNIr,. NI.1 Sleniot...NMr. Harold XVe'bher, Mis Lauira Phillips. Toronto. Mi-. Ralph Virtue. Mi ss Evelyn-tVu-tue. -Mi-.1. Sharp. Etiskillen. Fav Niounltjoý with Mîr. anîd Nr. -Johnlîî Satinîderson. VETERAN GOODYEAR BELT MAKER DIES iB'. Slirlev Park) \i, Freda Bradlev witb ber sis-- NS lm. Drn the week we received ater, Nrs. F. As~htoni. Toronito. cil neiv magazine callcd Caî2adian Na- Congratulation-. 10'.I-. and M.\rs ýv . turc. It bas many pictures of bi-dý. George Tab0on the ai-rival of a ,rt- -no-w lakes andtI rces. daughter. .\Ir. Our Juinior RedI Cros'.as heltIon1 utc 4Re A W.Nah' rx. rirlav and ooened with "0 Canada.'" hct fRv...X.Mic The rio call was Çciveiî bv tle naine -ni nSna.'v-. GigBc f .sewild animal. Fa'. Xarcb Wiilrd io Order Pj Go Foi-ward. I oegave an interesting pocm; B ilead Rih'eG-1l-~peae D) nald Dudlev- cave a )ialno(filuet : moii.rar'.v ga for Sunida'.- a h i- i Brooks gave a hcalth -t 'î-x. i10i Oni-tllle of readiies br e, andl Gregzor Freunid Lýave a p)iano ' NliSý Filcen Coivlinz and jamte, b% sIProgram closetI with GotI Sav.e Grahanm. andI a drhi- '.\lis-.ssMa' ThIle Kinz. This interestinir prograinlanîd XX nî Trcwiio. A. as ii charge of Billie Duýdle'- Dona-1 Rainlîcîs Girls* Clas, met at the aloi Diidlev and Gre£,or Freund. limne of Mi-r.. H. Ashbton. De'.otional [e\eicise-. we re îakeiîb' lNis-- Blanche Degeer. -Je-.sie oxand - Courtice Winnic Trewin aftcr whicl an cri-- !j)al vnn w-a-. enandtIrc wvas cîved. Conigregational meetii, c f Cotir- iHeîcpiîag HantIs Class met at the lice Sunidav Sehool '.'a-.fbeld,] Feb.12.1ho itheir teacher. Mi-. C. Averv. A large number sycre prescrit for six Readinzg,%verti-carl b'. Clif fordT- Qvclock dinnier. and maîîy staved t0o d atIGcoTop1na T re cn cnjov this program: Short sipeech and :t tb'. Ros Grahîam . .ftcr a social prayer bx- Rev. XX. C. Smnith; Clar- time lunîch w.as servcd. ence Penfound, Supt.. contiîîucd as1 e - chairman: communit'.- singing witlî w-as enjoyed; Eric Lille'. and is five M apl r v sons entertained witb acrobatie fea-____ After a large part of his life-j passu turcs. Thcv gave a grood exhibition ofi Recent Visitors: Ni-.aîîd Ni- time in the Goodyear Tire & Rub- the bodv control and much amusement D. Piekard. Niai-y Gary,'.Mi- and ber Company plant at Bowman- will w-as caused hy the baby of the group. Xirs. Mloi-le%- Flintof f, baby Jean at ville, W. W. Short, 23 years fore- gani2 ; a chubv, rosy little fcllow-, w-ho XI.adVIs . H. Brown's, man of the Belt Department, corn I baving attained is required positin M-'nd Ms passed away on January 29th af- buriE 'oln eusd10'oredcn'tMin, Gormleq- \Ir. aîîd Mrs. Frank ter beng 111 for only a week. He Cei-r Maen eed To "coav rnedng -MsSwallow' visitcd 'I-. and M-s . J. L. was beloved by those who work- abovq Maicîipg thelaentRabe atteaiude-o Rooke, Toronto. Mirs. Swallow re- ed under his supervision because ment it deamentastoe attitude'.of mained for a fe'. davs longer. .. of his understanding nature, his had tgiye the customiers st tle attento ni-s. Leslie Collacutt. Missoes Par, interest in their welfare, ànd bislèdepa Riv th cutomrs as itte atenionLencore Collacutt visited the former's as possible" ;Joyce Lowe and jean sister, Nfrs. Norman Mutton. Osh- Mackay sang vers- sweetlv "God will a wa. . . NIrs. Lamb, Shaw's, visifing the Christ Sbould Corne To-day." botb take care of vou'; jack XVocdsanI er duheMs m y RobrîBet peaedwit pan and dagtr n m yett.1 Rev. Rackham addressed the class hotc Robet Bnt peasd wth panoand Red Cross workers at Base Line emphasiziniz the need of f riendliness accordian selections; Mi-s. Clarence quilted 1w-o quilts at the home of andI heîpfulness in coui- every day in the Penfound. and -Miss Ruth Penfound '\îr.s. Rov Van Camp. lives. Messr-s Salter and Wilbur- and Syn gave a piano duet and Russel Mac- -Mi-. and Mi-s. Jim Armstroniz werc 'Mesdames Chapman, Ni. Hor-n fa'.or- Weai kay sang 10 bis guitar accompani- received int church membership on cd with a quartette "Sweeter as the Mi-. ment: Phyllis Adams played a piano Sunday. Mi-rs. .Armsti-ong's member- Years Go By." Mrs. Joe Cîapman hcospit selection; George Barber sang "The s}ip was tranfered fromt St. John's and Mi-s. las. Burns gave short, ap- a p ýMiner's Dream" un.accompanied. anîd .A»nglican Church, Blackstock. pi-opriate readings. Remainder of ev-ano rececived heartv applause. Reports of - enig was spent in Rames and a succes Seci-etary Gordon Balson and Treas- spelîing match. The social committce Con urer Allant Trevail ,yere given, each served rcfrcshments. Officers of the Arthu showing a small cash balance. BuiltI- B ac st class: Hon. Teacher-Mi-. F. J. ,ing Fund total is slightly under $195. Groat: Tcachei-Miss Lulu Rey- Treasurer of XVomen's Association. Recent Visitoi-s: Mi-. and M\Ir. nolds; Pies-Mi-s. WV. G. Doidge; 'Mi-s. George Barber, gave ber report. Iyanî Sbook, Toronto, witb Mns. John lst Vice-Mi-s. G. Niddery; 2nd Vice The .Association was complimentedl Marlow. . . Miss Hazel Mountjoy. -M-\rs. Wmn. Chapman: Sec.-Mi-s. S. Oby Supt. for their gpletîdid efforts Bronte. with Mi-r. and i-s. Normal, Kersev; Treas-Mi-s. G. Adcock; -':and for their helo 10o the Suindav .\jouitoy.. . i-. aîîd Mi-s. Nortonî Coîivenci-s: Devotional - XV. Chap- School. It w.as decided t0 authorize Vanî Camp and family. Listowcl. with maîî. Sociaî-MNi-s --A.Afin, Mcm- Lthe Building Site Committee t0 pur- Mi-. and I Ni-s. W. .A. Van Camp. . - beishi-.\iss N. Horn, Flowei-- chase landl north of bbc highwav from NI-r Gib NicLar-en, Pilot Officer witb NIrs. H.Xilcox. Milton Gav as the site of the future thie T.C.A.. formýe-ny of Calgary- Sundav Schoril building. lîut now stationed in Toronto. witb Sunbeamn Mission Band ofi S.S No. Nirb. NicLai-en '.ere weckend guests S ln 8 oipencd îbeii- meeting with prayer cf their cousins. Ni-. and I Mrs. L. E. bv M.i-s. Clarence Pciafound, leader. Mountios. . . Mrs. Han-e Graham, i Readings wei-e given I)v AudrcY Toronîto, with Nr. anid i-s. Hen-v Recent Vi'.itors : i-. Geo. XVeir, Phair-. Hilda Scorgie, Ella Nemi'. andI Mouiuice sybile Ni-s. Stark, Enfielîl. iioronto Uniiversity. at home. i-s. S. Jean -Antil. Studv bock was takeii by who is nîursinîg Ni-. Nintjos- visited E. Xerrv ieturned 10 Toi-oto witli Ni-rs. Penfound. XVrk period fol- at lier o'. home. 1dm.Xiisses Je'.sie and Grace Yel- lowed until four o*clock. The - congregaticiîal meetiîllr (f lowlee'.. Oshawsa, at i-. N. C. Yul- Sligbî cases of chickeîî pox are in i Black'.tock United Churchi wa- lîc owlecs. NfrMi. and Ni-,,. J. B;le varic'. pi-ts f th distictJan. 29th. Excellent reports wei-r nt oea i. VI Qik, vw eiven bv Rex - D. NI. Stinîsot. S S. manville. . Ni-. Ceci! Bush and David. Sup.,Prsidnt, f X. 15..XV X jOs.hawa. weihMi-s. Jarie Bush. . . Ebenezer land<lY.P.U.. also Trca,,i-er-, i-epor-tMi.DoiLac.Tanoîat i- andI choir report. Officers for the ý.1- R. Kicî.. is. Han-y Taylor- v Ca ai- Boai! f Ninage~-Cli-- is iitinz Toronto fri-isds. Exe\cuitlie i Blr-an C lass .'tietî ece larlo'.v, Carl XV"i-it, Joe -Foi-- C.G.I.T. cntertaiîk-d Zion C.Gý.l.T.1 entcrtaitied at the home cf NIis. XXil! dei-, Gordoncî Strong. Hcrb Swain, antI their leader, Miss Eilecn Stain- ýBickle Thui-sday aftcririoct w-heu bus- ýJabez Wriight, Wallace Niarlosv iî i, iii the chu-ch basemenit on Sat- inless andI pleasure '.ere cminteri.1 est Lamiîer. J -. WBiadburni, R. ni-day wbeîi the vi'iting girls pi-- Nifr, antI Ni-s. K. E. Courtice. Mi-. i Bvcr'., j. ..\.johnstoîi. N. Nloutiov :j vided this excelleint prograinî: .île- and Ni-s. Ceci! F-ouîid, Mi-. andI Ni-s. Secretarv N. louitjoy :N\îembrs' vctiuîial story. Berîlice Warren; vocal ýRoss Pearce wei-e among tho,,e at- of Session-N. HI. Niarlç)%. S. -.solo, Bett%- Balson : piano dutet, * tendinz a pleasaîît Lot Heu- part'v1 Fergusoîi. Jot) Grahaim, John L-ir i-ileî Saii n ud jean Blo at thie home of Ni-. and Nui-rs. Thoînp- James Bs crs. E. 1)orrell : Uslîeis- ru-adiîîg. et asî :pa oo son, Oshawa. j Nii-rvB'ers.XWalter XWright. Brulce:l )'ii-eui also, uiB'.- as of cîtertaini- jNi-. 'WaIlteri Sider enioycd a tpNuniv Ronald Ti-ewin, Hector mIe1t jean Balscîi coiithtctcd a - 10o Chicago, in company with N-iessi-s Siurtiîlge. wi-îlinig eîipctitioîi aid Nii-iel Johnston of Iobnston Construction;. .-bout fiftecen meinher'. cf Youliîg laiigmaicl ipresided over a Quiz coul- Co. Pe Ue. nion weîîîtri Oshîa'.a fan. 'tu-. Lunch '.sas servetI. Ni-s. -Johînlontgomeriy, Scarboru, 3t ,l'to attend the farewell field fui-!> . I'.U. wucie visited i k- «lbeeý7er visited Mi-s. XWalter- Snidrie-anrî help- - <c. and \NIr-.. Ni. ergu-soi .. A iiîc Y' îîung iPeoîle,on NI ciîdavnigt Svmîiebatî'.- r exteîdîtr ith -- -. "ciaI e'.cinz w a spexit in Simnce iNiisse-, Jean Bathe and SUsie Van Svnpt,, s xtnedt teiam- Sti. United Churichi. Camp )anîd Fred R'.-ing, andI Stephîron ilv of L. F. Parsons lis-theur înany Congr-atuthatioins to MI-. irîhoHletrv jSaywülî fi-ii (Oshiaw-a Presbviterv, frieiîs. i)viton celt-biatiogii s hi, 9ti l irthî- Execuit'. e, wei-ealso pre'.eît. 'Théi .NIr. Ted Rive-cît h sufficient lyie- das-icI.Isi. mainî item onithbc nroriam '.'as thie covered frrim hi5scrious cperatioîî it st. Joh'hîî, ..Y.Ph..\. met at thiiIdehate sve thiat civil -narriage. Torornto Hrospital, bu uturn home. i-cdu-s Thuir-da'.- C5iiiiîdshoultI b- perînitted andI ecognîized t XVoan' Nissinar.- ccitv vil MNr. ant]Ni--.. Richiard Horic --aîîd 'bv the Chirrch,' witb bbe affir-îati'.Q mneet Feb. l2th, iti grrîup one in fanîilv mo'.ed ilito thîir inew- lonne Iuhl i oga rie sr charge.in NM-. G'-u. Criasfouds hîîtuilditng on Margaret Hen-y fi-cm Ebenezer. andh XiudDay cf Pnay ci wiII bc Niondav. the ilegative Jîy NIisXVes. YcIlow- obsers-erî oniFriday afîci-noori at the- Messrs. Heni-v Thoonu, Creigb- Ies n lea-ILab lciudges le- churc wbei we ope 0 hae Niapile ton Dcsitt. J.averne )esitt aîid Ceci! cisionwsmifvu f'eafim Grosc laies -iîhus.Hull, Dr. J. .\Ic.Xrtliui-, jas. By- ative. Thù visiting Union iiupplied thie Women'sstyles ay chan e s nd thiers atended thie Coutît'. wui-'.Jiitperioti and orther -nusical antI Wome's t7ls my cang, Ldgemeeting at Newcatle Feb. 0. litei-arv numbers sybicli acre nitîchi i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r but t\i ein ean h ae i.J V. Bi-adbuu-n antI Ni-. S. enjoyed.' Afte r a short -ecreaticîial - ________________ eritusonl art bus- these- davs getbiulg leriod luniclhw-as served. their ies'.-homes r-ar!'. foi- occuîîatîc. - Hampton Bi-othei-hînd will mccl in EldatI Churchi. XVediesdaN. Feli. 'O N EN TI N H 4th, with Rev. WF. Banister, cf lfO N EN T I IV \ i-s Xls: iss .BIuiici-- Degtci-. Ha dcii, withi ier brothei-, Ennisiien .NI-. iugh iJegeer. -.-.Nir. Frank_____ eral Convention and Niaso. Friend-dîi1, N.Y., at Ni-. C. eetVstr:Ms letAs Hastings. . . Niss Swaiîî, WXVcocrne, iRcn Xiîos isAletAs tIn, Port Hoipe, Mn;. H. Carpeiîtei-, Meeting with Njss ie Hadden aîd Mr.,and tBwmnvillc. at Ni-. N Buts ronbo.1 .- SemnF oia1 1.- N r. a nt uis.XV a utcei reldeetivocl del,'Ifboys ini another exciting Raine. After *The bride and izroom are visitingL at bis mnother's, MIrs. Rowan. Y.P.'s prograin was in charge of the 5ti Vice, 'Mrs. E. Wright. The meeting took the formi of a Týem- perance programi bible readîîîg b% N frs. E. Xý'right; piano duet bv 'Mrs. L. Lamb and Mliss Elsie 'Moore;:NMr, 1 Frank Nie.Nluilleni. Enficld. gav.ea fie Tenîperance talk; vocal dunet by MNrs.. H. Stevens and Mrs. E. XVrizt ; a playette -'You Cant Foc!NMe"' hy a nuniber of S.S. Pupils w-aseno- ed : Mrs. E. Wright closed Nvith-a short reading. Social time was , Teîît on the skating rink. Rcceîît Visitoi-s : Ni-. andtI Nis. Ivcr Gary., Toronto, Ni-. aîd Ni-s. iRalpli Glaspel. Tyroîîe. at -. F. B. Glaspe-...Nir. and Mu-,. Rus- ,elIl R' ihbitisandrîRuth at Nfi-s. Han-v Allitîs. Bosi-nativille. . . Nin. LeslieC Hîîskiîî. Ernia. .lan antI Stanîley.'-i Thiorîttrits Cornier'., at Ni-. J. XV. Baison's. . . - % Mn. Cifford [cliiii. Ni-s. Dclbcrt Flintof f, Kedrcîî. at Ni-. Xes. Camei-ou's .. Niss Annie Killeti. Oshawya. at Mur. Robert Kil- leis. - . NMis5 Nai-x Caiieroti, O>h- assa. Mni. Bernard NIcEsycr at Ni-. * Xes. Cameron'-.. . . Nir. andi Nlr-.. . T. Sta'Inton at NMn. Ross Lee*s, KetI- rnt. . . NMr. Lloyd Staiîîtoî, Ni-s j NMarie Niarlos'.. Osha'.a, at Nie Elinor andI LN 'a Staintotîs, Oshbaw.a. -MNiss Anti-cv Avre, Bowmauîvihle, - at home. '.\ Ir. anti Ni-s. J. Cruick- i sbauîks .\I-. andI Nis. Fi-et Camtroti at Toronto. Nui-s,.1J. NcEwen lias returricd home I from Bosymans-ille Hospital. - Mrs. Reford Cameron bas the - grippe. s Congregationai meeting w-as very awelI attendeti antif av-oiable reports * syre presenled by bbe varions de- partments. C.G.I.T. girls wei-e entertained bv Solina CG.I.T. on Saturday. Messr-s AIf .Ayi-e. Anson Balson, F. B. Giaspel. Russell Robbins. Tracy 1GlaspelI attended the Sheepbi-eders' meeting at Toronto. Mn. Gary Glaspel bas acceptedi a position aI Xhitby. Young, Ladies' Chas '.aq entei-tain- cd by Mfiss Dora Bal] on Monday nizht. The mind is like the stomach. It is not how much you put into il that counts, but how much il digests. MORRIS :I t Co. We Guarantee to Underseil Ail Competition Slow i5 thîe Timnel Here is tlie Place! Save! We're mlghty proud of ibis great February Clearance Sale and we have hundreds of zood reasons to be! Every corner of our store is iammed full of fine furniture which bas been repriced dovn 10 neiv lower levels for Clearaway! In addition to 10w prices were quoting extra easy terms to give you every opportunity to share in ibis grand sale! Living Room Suites are Featured at Low Prices! Prohably neyer again wilI you find choice furniture for your living room offered ai bargain prices like these! Suites ln every style, modern and period numbers, beautifully upbolstered . . . carefulîy made by expert craftsmen and manufaetured to seli for far more tban our clearaw ay figures! 9 .50 2 pc. Ensembles $89 2, 3, 5, pe. Suites as low asS Bedroom and Din ing Room Suites on Sale! Grand Values for as Littleasiqg magine buying a fine 8-plece dlnlng room suite for $65.00 . . . or a gorgeous 3-plece bedrooni suite for ;39.00 . . . It's possible during ibis monster sale! Corne la and inspect the bargains we're offerlng - 7ou'Il revel in these sensational savlngs - we doubt if we'll ever be able to duplicate the speclals nowS 3 Hundreds of Odd Pieces for Every Home! SPECUAL SALE 0F FLOOR COVERINGS Congcrleum> Rugs, Feltol, VelFelt, Linoleum, Axaninster Rugeg Ail Popular HSies and Patterns 20 to 50% off Studio Couches, Bed Outfits, Spring-filled Mattresses - at less than Toronto advertised prices.1 qualiy low prîces prevail on tables, chairs, reed pleces, desks, bookcases and the dozen-and-one items s0 vital to home conifori nd happiness! Corne in and look around . .. see what you need. .. and buy ai sale prices! Fe F. MORRIS CO. ORONO 27 -1 COWLING SELLS FOR LES And Serves You Well We Test Eyes and Fit Triasses to your entire satisfaction in fit, quality, style and price. 10 Cakes Castile Soap --19c Pînex, for coughs 32c 50c Tek Tooth Brush --29e Hot Water Bottie 33c 25c Noxzenia Cr. - 15e Fellow's Syrup - 87c 100 ABS&C tabs. 9c Gin es Dodd s Chas Piis Futtie ls Nerve Food 39c »69c122c -31C 33c 49c Giant Krusehen Special SaIts Woodbury's Soap 69C 4 cakes 24c ÇASHMERE IfntsSoaps InatsDelight 5 for 24c TISSUJE Palmolive- 4 for 22c SBaby's Own 3 for 25c Oompk-tly wapped Floating Souc Pure White Croi 3 700 SHEETS able--5fq23 to the roll AHE. Lifebuoy-- 3 for 21c c S--fflH Palmoli've giant 3 for 25o ,3 or25*j u ----6 o 2 Cutieiira- - - 3 for 65a Dr. West's Nova Kelp Tablets Tooth Paste Rich in lodine and Vitamins 2 large tubes 150 tabs. 79c 29C 300 1.39 - 750 2.79 695 P. R. i. LIG, flL.. D ev 's _MW PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESNIAN, BOWNIANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8TH, 19-10 - f- . 1

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