- mi THE CANADIAN STATESMIAN, BOWIMANVILLE, ONTARIO Cadnxus Quade. There were six tables of Cad uscrokinolJe PlaYed atthen of which Mrs. F. Dayes and Miss Della Lath- Recent Vistors: Mr. amd M\rs. angue were tied for fîrst place and Russell Brown anid Gordon spent imn the plavoff Mrs. Dayes wvon first prize for the ladies which vas a Sunday in Toronto with M.\r. and handpainted cake plate. Merlin Philp Mrs. Gordon Brown.. . NMrs. Milton and Gilbert Fowler also had to play Grey, Mrs. Howard MecMullen and off and Merlin won the gent's prize. Marion with Oscar McQuade's on Two vers' amuisiniz contests followed Sunday. . . Miss Marjorie Pryor, at which the winners were Miss alarernn, spent the weekcnd with Freeman and Orma Hyland. Lunch Mrs. W. H. Fallis. wvas served. Women's Institute met ai the home A zood crowd attended the crok- of Mrs. Edgar Gibson on Tuesday mnole party and dance at Devitt's hall with a fair attendance. It was opened on Fridav eve when six tables of with scripture by Mrs. A. E. Me\IGili. crokinole were plaved. Audrey Mc- Mrs. Ferguson asked that we take1 Quade won the lady's prize and the Golden Rule as our New Year's 'Oscar MeQuade won the gent's prize. motto. Fruit and Floîver Comimittee Two Treasure Trail contests were reported sending wreath to Mr. J. E. lquite amusing. the wînners being Elliott's funeral. It was resolved that Mrs. M. McKee and George Black. each member hold a tea of some kind Lunch was served and dancing f ol- on the month of her birthday and lowed. charge a silver collectioni. Letters of Miss Annie Fallis and Miss Zetta thanks were read by Christmas re- McKee, Bowmanville. spent Sundai membrances from the shtt-ins of the at their homes. neigliborhood. The next meeting is bo be a missionary one in charge of Mrs. Stinson. Program consisted of readings bv Mr.s. Dayes, Mrs.-GaI- ACCIDENTS AND braith and Mrs. V. Williams; solo COMPENSATION by Mrs. Gibson and instrumental by ____ Mrs. Stinson. 'Mrs. Galbraith was There were 5,542 accidents re- asked to write letters of svmpathy ported to The Workmen's Coin- to Mrs. Elliott. Mrs. Brown and Mrs. pensation Board during January, Hanna. Lunch was served bv Mrs. this being 404 more than during Gibson and the committee i0 charge the month of December, and 1,026 and a contest put on by Mrs. Dayes. more than during January a year W.A. held a successfmml crokinole ago.r party Wednesday nîght. Stewart Mc- The total benefits awarded Roberts took the chair for this pro- amounted to $594,519.39, o! which gram: violin solo hv Colette Fer- $488,435.08 was for compensation guson and piano solo by Leah Mc- and $106,084.31 for medical aid. EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE CORNER KING AND DIVISION STS. Special Subjeet for Sunday, Feb. 11I th at 7.30 p.m. 6"6 6 69" AN OPEN LETTER TO THE PEOPLE 0F BOWMANVILLE Tlaough this letter is addressed to the People of Bow- manville generajly, it is to a certain class that 1 am particularly speaking. You will, I am sure, recognize yourself as being one of those addressed by the nature of the remarks. For the sake of any that may misunderstand our posi- tion in town, I would like to say that we have one main object - to preaeh Christ and to persuade men and women, boys and girls, to accept Hlm as their own personal Saviour. Our thought is not that of establishing another church ln Bowman- vile, but rather the placlng of a gospel lighthouse where men and women will hear the truths of positive conversion. I arn sure there are a number of people ln the town and the surrounding district who know Christ as their Saviour. I do not mean by this that you presume you are a Christian because you live a good life and go to church, etc. Rather, that you have come the Bible way of being "Born Again" as recorded in John 3: 3, 7. Many such people will recaîl the days when a positive gospel was more ln evidence than it is to-day. lVhen there was more reality and less form. I would like to ask a question here - Would you like to see a returu of the old fashioned gospel with its transforming power; with lis direct message from the seripture of man's need of conversion (on tbis particular truth it is well to note that the seripture neyer speaks of graduai conversion. That is, the thosight that we can gradually grow into a Christian. The whole structure of salvation stands with the teaching of instant and positive change. The words of Jesus Wo Nicodemus give an indisputable argument along this line); last, but not least, thse warning note that the Christ Rejecters will be punished according to the seriptures? 1 amn sure there are many people who would utter a fervent "Amen" to the foregoing. If you are such an one, may we invite you to the services, mentioned in this advt. Help us pusis this battle of winning souls for Christ. Already some have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour, and we believe many more are going Wo take the same stand. In closlng I would like to say that we have taken the name of I"Evangelistic Tabernacle" because it best describes wbat we are - A people trying Wo carry out the Great Com- mission of evangelising every corner of this old world. Yours In His Service, I (Evangelist) C. A. HARRIS. Firat Grade BUTTER Tîger Brand SALMON Readycut or Shel MACARONI th 30o 1 th Tin th lbfor 270 25C Fancy White GEISHA TUNA FISH......... 7-oz. 19e KRAFT DINNER Serving for 4 pkg. 19e Veiveeta V2-tb Pkg. Crown or Beehive 5 th PPsu Cheese - - - 19e Corn Syrup- 39e Rîchmeilo - Fresh Roas'ted lb Brunswick 4 for coffee - -»-39C Sardines --25c Christie's 2 lb Pkg. Canadlian Sodas - - 37c Crab Meat-- 29c Domino Dry Bottie Herrings 15 lc Ginger Aie --loc ln Tomato Sauce Bright 2 tins iV2. lb Peaches - - - 25c Lobster ---29c -FRUIT SPECIALS Choice Golden Ripe BANANAS 3 Mbfor 250 Wax TLJRNIPS Each HoadNe 50 Lé tuace 2 for 19C Cabbage 2Ibo. 15c Dunches Cooking Carrots 2 for 15c Onions 10-lb. 25c Nestieton Recent Visitors : M.\r. and Mrs. George Johns visited Mr. and Mrs. Andv Holmes. . . Mr. Jim Fallis and Miss Crystal Fallis with their aunt, INrs. R. Nesbitt. . . Mrs. H. Wheeler visited Mrs. L. joblin... Mr. and Mrs. K. Samelîs with her sister, Miss Viola Henderson. . . Mr. Edgzar Emerson, Valentia. with Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson. . . Miss Nora Porteous. Toronto, îith Mr. and MIrs. C, H. Porteous. . . Mr. and Mrs. F. 'Malcolm with Mr. and! Mrs. Harold Nesbitt. Nestieton W.A. will meet in the basememît of the church on Friday cvening, Feb. 9th. Mr. anti Mrs. S. 'Malcolm enter- taincd friendls Thursday evening. Congratulations to .Mr. and Mrs. Sain Cawker (nec 'Mabel Armstrong) on the arrivai of a vouinz son. Burketon Recent Visitors :.M r. and M-[rs. Grant WVilson, MyINrtle, wiih Mrs. J. Glennie. . '-\r. and .Mrs. Lorne Dean, Oshawa, with Mr. C. Dean. . . Miss Marie Hartncît, Oshawa, with Mrs. S. .Moffatt. .\ rs. W. Hoskin and Dorothy with M.\r. and Mrs. R. Wood, Orono. . . Rev. M\.' R. Sanderson, Roy and Harry, Mr. McGregor. To- ronto. and Mlrs. S. Swain with Mrs. C. Sanderson. . . 'Mr. and Mrs. E. Wilson and '%r. Harold Wilson, Osh- awa, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilson. . . Mr. jack Sinclair spent a couple of davs in Toronto and attended the Auto Service Show at the Royal York Hotel. Womnen's Association of Burketon United Church held their annual election of officers. Financial report .vas read and the results of the vear's ,vork were vers- gratifvinz and en- couraginz for an orgranization so votng. 0f ficers am: Pres. - 'NIrs. D. M.\cTaggart; Vice- Pres.-Mrs. T. G. Breck: Sec.-Mrs. W. Hoskin; rreas.-M.ýrs. C. Sanderson: Devo- tional conveners-Mrs. H. Rahm and tirs. T. Bailey; Social convener- Mfrs. N. Taylor: Flower and Fruit- tifrs. A. Aldred; Organist-.\rs. E. Caughill; Assist.-M\rs. H. Lackey. Group convehmcrs: Red-M%[rs. Wm. H{oskin: White-Mrs. A. Aldred; Blue-Mrs. S. Moffatt. A number of Burketon people took the Stundav train -to Bethanv to watch the skiingz and report il well worth the trip. v ti tl ROTARY - LIONS (Continued from page 1) and allotted reading rather than mere lectures. The importance of visual cducation has not been over- looked and moving pictures will be utilized extensively for this purpose. In this work the Legion has the full support of the departments of edu- ration iin aIl nitie provinces, as weil as the universities and municipal authorîties in aIl parts of Canada. Personal Services The years of experience behind if's parent bodv in dcaling with per- sonal problems of veterans of the First Great WVar, enablcs the Can- adian Legion \Var Services 10 bc of tremendous help 10 the new enlist- ments. Long-establishcd facilities. including war padres, are at the disposai of our present fighting forces, whose personnel mav receive advice and guidance f rom their old- eç- comrades on the intricate prob- lems arisinz from war service. in- cluding rehabilitation afterwards. and personal home problems of al kinds while on service. Entertainment An important part of the Can- adiari Legions entertainment pro- gram is the development of concert parties within the Active Service Forces. Experienced Legion per- ~'sonnel wil1 mould the men selected - mb self-contained companies which, properly costumned and equipped, will Ientertain the units, both ini Canada and overseas. From lime to time, nd dependent upon future needs. thcre will be amplification of certain other enter- tainment features such as lectures by outstanding speakers, musical programs and dramnatic presentations. Various types of movinz pictures are presently being shown and it is con- te mplated that, when finances permit, mobile moving picture units 5ill be utilized to permit of greater expan- sion in this important field. Recreation and Sports The Canadian Legion War Ser- vices has undertaken, when refluest- cd 10 do so by the Officer5 Conv manding, the establishment of re- creation huts in military centres where the organization will operate. It is uppermost in the minds of the Legion leaders that a wholesome and home-like atmosîihere be main- tained throughout, and with this in view, plentv of books, magazines, games and facilities for letter- writing, including f rec note-paper and envelopes, are being made avail- able to the men. In addition, sports of ail kinds will bec(rganized and dry canteens operated for the con- venience of the men. Overseas Important as the work on behaîf of the enlisted men ini Cahada is, it will be doubly important over- seas. In England and France - in fact, wherever the fortunes of war ' nav' take the armed forces of the Domninion-the facilities provided in Canada, as outli1-,ed in the foregoing, will bc continuced and, i f possible, extende<l I)v the Canadian Legion War Services. In full realization, hastd on their own experiences ini 1914-18, o)f the urgent need for wel- fa rc work a mong vouni men thonmi- sanids of miles awav frorîî homle, tiiv lxgion leaders are deermined 1<> render the uitnost service ini their poiwer t, tie f ghtig nen of Canada oveses, helîe on leave îor in tra1ineg (,s r hosiitai iî n .Ig- la. nd trenicie.q or rest billets' in IFrance. on naval vessýels at sca, or in Air lorce estabîlishments cvery- where. The Canadian Legion War Ser- vices is als< cestablishinR leave cen- q Numu Constant twitc] o! the lids, "Nuc itsel! be a symp regularity of thE eyes. Severe headac: ziness and bilic termed migraine. the physical cc greatly dependez o! the eyes and which they arei nia, commonly ni down condition; some illness, anc such cases may r any correction to majority o! thes when a correctioi eye conditions ari rected. Some o! are poor health, d ness, overuse of lighting conditior nourishment and ditions. The simple incc plained o! are: Fi over brows, teni back o! the heac eyes and lids, li the eyes, and tac: der the least irr appear gritty anÈ (to be coi EfiAnd St George's Church Efciency Thirteen financial saeet By were presented by treasurers of IlC.H.Tuck different funds and organizations Optometris Monday evening, January 29th. Il Eyesright Every one showed a balance in Specialist the bank to begin the year 1940. Disney Eldif. This was most encouraging. Fol- (OPP. P~.>. lowing are abstracts o! the vani- Oshawa ous statements: Warden's Account - Receipts $1,406.30; disbursements $1,39.4 er 118 balance $15.96. hin an wking Mission Fund - Receipts $277.96; zitgain"dmain remitted to Synod $277.50. cttmto sme jr- Olive Wilmot Sanford Memorial ýe muscles ofth Trust - Previous balance and ac- tecrued interest $613.91; to War- den's account $296.19, painting 'hes, nausea, diz- Rectory $69.00; balance $248.63. ,usness may be Wellington Foster Rectory Trust ý.May be due to - Bond and bank interest $60.19; ondition, but h5 expenditures $14.55; bal. $45.64. ýnt upon the use Robert McIntosh Endowment - the strain under Previous balance and year's in- used. Neurastha- terest $361.69; repairing roof oticeable in a nun $6503; balance $296.66. after or pnior te, Rector's Private Fund - Re- d only a few of ceipts $32.66; expended $18.13; not find relief in balance $14.53. the eyes but the Sunday Sehool - Receipts $63.47; e cases respond expenditures $49.83; bal. $13.64. n to muscles and Women's Auxiliary - Receipts . e found and cor- $149.97; remitted and spent on ,tac causes then supplies $149.76. lisease an~ weak- Girls' Auxiliary - R e cei pt s Ef the ey s, bad $33.61; contributions and expen- ris, i mpro p er ditures $26.80; balance $6.81. 1insanitary con- Parochial Committee - Receipts $286.88; expenses and donations onveniences com- $264.04; balance $22.84. 7rontal headaches Altar Guild - Receipts $18.77; poral or in thc expenditures $13.62; bal. $5.15. d, redness cof tac Men's Club - Receipts $34.82; ight will inritate expended $31.11; balance $3.71. ýY will water un- Young People's Association- itation and will Receipts $8.85; expenses $1.40; d sandy. balance $7.45. )ntinued) Ire hostels in England and France. Here, the men wiIl be provided with beds and meals at nominal cost, and such home-like facilities as recrea- lion and reading-rooms will be at their disposaI f ree of charge. Tra- vel bureaux will also be opened, where men on leave will be assist- ed in planning tours of historic spots in the British IsIcs and France. Another important undertakîng of the Canadian Legion War Services overseas wiIl be that of procuring invitations from war.m-heatpd .Bri- tish families who will of fer Can- adian soldiers on leave the hospital- îtv of their homes. Personnel The personnel of The Canadian Legion War Services has been se- Iected most carefully. Only ex- Serv.ice men of the highest çhar- acter. with outstanding qualifications as t0 leadership, and capable oi giv- mez practical and snderstanding ad- vice and assistance 'to their voung comradeq of the C.A.S.F., are being employed. Prof its The Camadiais Legion War Ser- vice(s and the Dominion Executive Cotincil of the Legion, at the for- mation of the war-tiînc undertaking, laid clown a mandate that th_ç new orzanization is to be non-profit makinz and that anv fumncIs remain- inz at the close of the war are 10 b-e used exclusively for the benefit of ex-Service men and their families. OSHAWA Free Parking Phone 1011 Thurs. - Fni. - Sat. ]FEB. 8 - 10 James Cagney - Priscilla Lane in "The Roaring Twenties" wlth Humphrey Bogart Gladys George. Added Color Cartoon - Fresh Fish. REVIVAL " Three Loves Has Nancy Friday at 10.45 p.m. with Janet Gaynor Robert Montgomery Franchot Tone. Monday - Tuesday FEB. 12 - 13 Lana Turner - Richard Carlson In "Dancing Coed" with Artie Shaw and His Band. Added - March of Tîme ' On The Finnish Situation. Wednes. - Thursday Friday - Saturday FEB. 14.- 17 The New Hardy Picture la Here 'Judge Hardy and son' wlth Mickey Rooney - Lewis Stone Cecilia Parker - Fay Hoiden COMING February 2 1 st FOR FOUR DAYS "Gulliver's Travels" In Technicolor. NEW SEED PLANT (Continued from page 1) which has not been govcrnment tested and graded. A farmer however sends away only a sam- ple to be gradcd and the onus is on him to sell only such stocks as come up to the sample he had gradcd. John D. MacLeod of the Crops, Seeds and Weeds Branch, Toron- to, who was conducting tac open- ing demonstrations, explained tac principles o! the several machines and their uses. There is a Scour- er, a Forano product, made in Plessisville, Que., for scouring tac tails off o! oats and tac beards off of barlcy, for sepanating dou- ble oats and dislodging mustard seed. There is the big power cleaner, The Clipper, made by A. T. Ferreil & Co., Saginaw, Mich. There arc also two Carter Dise Separators, wonderfully efficient machines, for separating whcat, barley and oats one from another. Then over in another corner is a mechanical Seed Treater for use with Ceresan, made by Canadian Industries Ltd. The Power Cleaner is !ittcd wita Forano elevators, for con- veying grain and seeds to b cleaned from a floor hopper to the machine hopper. The machine is dlean in its operation for al chaif and dust are blown up clos- ed pipes, out o! sight and smell, into a loft above, much as straw is blown from a tlhreshing ma- chine into a stack or ensilage mbt a silo. THURSD;AY, FEBRUARY 8TH, 1940 Auto Agencies and Dealers McKeever & Smith Jack McKeever- Harold Smith Temperance St.- Bowmanville PHONE 6Ml Hudson & Pa ckard Sales & Service General Repairs Gas - Oil .-Tires - Used Cars. B Beauty Parlors Madame Eunice CaIIum King St. East - Bowmanville ]PHONE 529 Hafrdressing and Ail Lines of Beauty Culture Distinctive Work For Discrimlnating Women. Bus Lines Garton's Bus Station T. A. Garton, Proprietor King St. - Bowmanville PHONE 2666 §,Trips Daily Bowmanville - Oshîawa - Whitby Special Buses For Ail Occasions At Reasonabie Rates. Builder & Contractor T. E. Flaxman Bowmanville - Box 486 PHONE 318 BUILDER and CONTRACTOR We can supply plans and specif 1- cations for ail classes of work at a nominal fee. Coal & Coke John A. Holgate & Son Mrs. T. S. Holgate, Proprietor Division St. - Bowmanville PHO NE: Office 428 - Res. 802 Coal - Coke - Wood - Lime Cernent - Builders' Supplies Creameries Hampton Creamery T. M. Chant, Proprietor Hampton PHONE: Bowmanville 2520 "Buyers of Churnlng Cream at Demonstrations The first demonstration by Mn.C nta or M so y MacLeod was the cleaning o! four ________________-__________ bags of Coronation Wbeat, grownw on the Riekard !anm. This was W. J. CijlIy put through tac Power Cleaner WellingWn St. - Bowmanvllle and also tarougb tac one Carter Disc Separator, made especialîy PHONE 503 for wheat. Samples o! tac pro- GnrlMsuyCnrco ducts of tac Cleaner in operation GSec. ianr c nTuer wene displayed for cvenyone to ecInBikadTl sec. They were taken fnom bags Fireplaees secured to the different outlcts, for nothing goes on ta tac floor and the platfonm at the top wcre ta be swept up, as is the way with built by Si Miller, janiton of farm fanning mills. There was Shaw's school. tac hight stuif from the wind This is a customn seed cleaning blast, that which hadn't been plant and tac current rates for sucked off the top, and blown up- cleaning ail kinds o! grain and stairs; there were the screcnings seeds, in small or large lots, are fnom tac sieves and there was set forth on a notice board. Some tac fine finisbed sample. o! the fir'st grain clcaned, previous In a second demonstration a to the opening, was brougbt in by mixture of whcat, barley, buck- the Rickards' Czechosl o v a k i a n wheat and oats was put through neighbors on the former Dan Gai- tac two Carter Disc machines. braita farm, also some brought by They sepanated thc barley and the Bill Rowland o! tac Lake Shore, oats, but not the whcat fnom the one o! Garnet's running mates in buckwheat. The Clipper could a number o! Junior Farmen pro- probably do this. Finally, 250 lbs. jects. o! red clover sced, brought in by For the present special atten-1 Carl Payne, Newtanville, was put tion is bcing given to the clcaning tarough the Power Cleaner and o! exhibits o! grain and small again the second time ta ensure a sceds for the Quinte District Sced first class job. Fair to be held in Port Hope on As compared with the one mari- March l4th, lSth and l6th. power fanning mill, witb its limit- uigteaeron fth cd capabilities, that has been in Duigte feron !ta genenal use on practicalîy every opcning John D. MacLeod, who is farm, a 5 h.p. electric motor drives Secretany-Treasuren of the On- the machinery in tais plant. A 3 tario Crop Improvement Associa- h.p. moton was tried but was tion, distributed prognams o! their not strong enough. The eîectric annual meeting to be beld in To- wiring was done by H. S. Britten, ronto from Feb. l2th to l6th, and Newcastle; but al tbe macbincry, also blank forms for the use o! tac shafting, puîîeys, elevatans those who wisbed te, enter sam- and motor were installed by Gar- ples of grain or small sceds in the net assisted by bis younger bro- sced display in the King Edward ther Brenton, and at times, with Hotel in connection with the some of the heavier work, by meeting. some o! the neighboring young Mn. Summers also distributcd farmers. lists o! Durham farmers wbo had AIl the work is expcrtly donc, rcported seed grain, small sccds but not by professional cxpcrts. and certified secd potatoes for The only training Garnet has had sale. Eigbt varicties of oats, twoý in this line bas been receivcd on of banley and two o! wbeat are, the farm, at Agricultural Short offered, also alfalfa, sweet clover, Courses and in following tbrough millet, flax and red dloyen and a number of Junior Farmer Pro- seven vanieties of potatoes. jects, onganized and promoted by A number of ladies came wita Durham's far-sighted, hard-work- their men folks to the opening and ing, persevering, youta-interested enjoyed afternoon tea served by Agricultural Representative, E. A. Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard, assisted by Summers, Bowmanvillc. Miss Bernice GiIbank and Miss The main f on of the plant, Margaret Harris. Several male with an area of 1000 sq. feet, is relatives aiso dropped m tacth 10 feet above the ground level, house to pay their respects to the but the problem o! getting the hostess and were rewarded with bags o! grain on othen seed up a cup o! tea, sandwiches and cake. fnom patrons' trucks, wagons or Among the more prominent other vehicies is solved by a me- agriculturists of the county pre- chanical lift worked on the pnin- sent ta, show thein interest in the ciple o! a litter carnier. The track project and mark their approval and openating parts wcre bought wcre Dr. J. B. Reynolds, Welcome, fnom C. W. Soucb, Hampton, but former President o! the O.A.C.; tac woodcn carrier is homemade. John Cruicksbank, Solina, Pres. The steps lcading up to tac floor o! thc Durham Hoîstein-Fniesian îq Garages Burketon Garage J. Sinclair, Proprietor Burketon PHONE 2171 General Repairs to Ail Makes of Cars - Towlng Service Canadian Oil Co. Products Groceries & Meats Caverly's RED & WHITE STORE WV. C. Caverly, Proprietor King Street - - Bowmanville ]PHONE 677 Groceries -Meats . Fruits Vegeta bics Prompt Delivery Service Trimible's Store Grocerles and Cooked Meats Cor. King and Liberty Sts. Bowmanville PHONE 687 We Deliver. General Merchants Reynolds' Store J. R. Reynolds, Proprietor Hampton PHONE: Bowmanville 2562 Grocerles - Meats - Dry Goods Hardware - Boots & Shoes Robinson's RED & WHITE STORE Cecil H. Robinson, Proprietor Courtîce PHONE: Bowmanville 2517 Oshawa 289r11 Obtain Valuable Gifts by savirîg our glft cou pons given on ail cash sales of 25e or over. Slemon's Store T. M. Slemon, Proprietor Enniskillen PHONE: Bownianville 2573 Groceries - Meats - Drugs - Paints Hardware - Work Boots - Clothing A. Wearn & Son Enniskillen PHONE: Bowmanville 2521 Groceries - Meats and other General Supplies H Hardware Stores Mason & Dale M. Dale - - - - Proprietor PHONE 408 King St. - Bowmanville Hardware and Sporting Goode Marconi and Stewart-Warner Radios "Frigidaire" Electric Refrlgerators: McC ary Electrica nd Coal & Wood Ranges A. E. McGregor & Co. Retail Hardware King St. - Bowrnanvllle PHONE 774 We Guarantee You Market Prices On AUl Our Merchandise. Insurance Mrs. E. V. Scobeli King St. West - Bownianvtlle PHONE 474 Real Estate - Insurance Conveyanclng. M Machine Shops West End Garage AND MACHINE SHOF J. L. Demerling. Proprietor King St. West - Bowmanvllle PHONE 781 General Machine Work - Welding Storage. p Painters & Decorators James H. Abernetby Concession St. - Bowmanville PHONE 431 Interior and Exterior Painting Mnd Decorating. Also Paperhanging. NOW SHOWING NEW 1940 WALLPAPERS Service Stations Greenaway's SERVICE STATION W. R. Greenaway, Proprietor Hampton ]PHONE: Bowmanville 2M5 Sheli Gas & Oil - Goodyear Tires Cockshutt - Frost & Wood Farm Implements. ing maehinery and 50 % of the eost of the freight on it and supervises the plant's operation. Empire Life to Pay Dividend of 4% Announcement is made that the Board of Directors o! The Empire Life Insurance Company has de- clared a dividend of 4% on the paid-up capital of the company, payable 15th February 1940 to shareholders of record lOth Feb- ruary 1940. li vou wish success in life, make perseverance %Our bosom friend, ex- perience your wise counsellor, cauti on your eIder brother, and hope your guardian genius.-Addison, Association; Russel Osborne, Pres. of the Northumberland and Dur- ham Apple Growers' Association; Thos. Baker, Solina, who has been growing grain and elovers for seed for probably a longer time than any one else in the eounty; W. F. Riekard, M.P., and F. W. Bowen, ex M.P. This new Durham county plant, speakers of the afternoon said, is one o! 90 such throughout On- tario. The building here is owned by W. J. S. Riekard, but the equipment is the property of bis . son Garnet. The government pays 48 him 50% o! the eost of the clean- Live where you please WOULD YOU like to live with your rela- tives? That's what you may have Wo do whilc your home is beizig rebuit after a fire -unless you carry Rentai Value Insurance, which pays your rent elsewhere tuitil your house is tenantable again. J, J. MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS Phone 681 Bowmanville A PAGE EIGHT Bowman'ville and District "4Who'ýs Who"9 Buyers' Guide -Business Directory Fmi -