THURSDAY,~~~~~TH FERAyCT,14 ta ANA>IAN STA11EbMAN, JBUWMANVILLE, ONTARIO I jl Park St. Church Loa o cused some of the amazing fot oswudbewl die ofr Social and Personal1 Organize Stewards Exhibit Hobbies To The Trend of Things performed by leaders in teLb serya osbe Phn 4r6i Raise Finances ______________ administration includigM.esr h xiio eevn i Poe4r6Park St. Church stewards meti ________, Ao.Rltn à -hursday~I evein. hes ofie Mr. Crerar, Mr. DunninM.a nerirdt.Akyu g Mrs.Frote i ýidipoed. were appointed: Chairman, A. J. Group committee of Boy Scouts T N E C O A D S A EJmsGrie n t Tamblyn; Vice Chairman, C. S. met Feb. 2ist. It was decided that CO S R A IN I H O Eaboute hral lers. iyerthnacgr Apo Mrs. A. West visited in Toronto. McLaren; Secretary, A. A. Drum- budget requirements would be CO S RfTO the oppsiio have anyu val Assciaio oleatadoers.a Mr. Fred Wood is out again. mond; Treasurer, W. J. Rîddell. $75. They are making a drive for ISDICTATI NG TH E CREATION superme tposbrin fowrho.xeletehbto!bb s A. J. Tamblyn, W. J. Rîddell, R. the money commencing March 2. supterme Nto nal G ov ntltatheSdFaaaendl ~JSkiing is the order of the day. Sutton, A. A. Drummond and J. The boys are going to put on an OF FOLDING TYPES 0F ,-- their pNicknthe Gout and e spann o aeabge Red Cross meets March 7th. J. Mellor were appointed to di- exhibition of hobbies and handi- lmpc hmota vide the congregation into groups crafts in one of the store win- F UR N IS H IN S FOR ALMOST haealo tthe tiefstrogStraMrhl,,alse Council meets March 5th. for canvassing purposes. Regular dows. $70.00 of the money will %> \cluded. Now isth ief Mr. R. Widdis hias been on the meetings will be held first Mon- be spent locally in the interest of EVERY ROOM IN THlE HlOUSE ' DA% chks ilbeodbya- sick îist. day in every month. Rev. S., Lit- Scout work but wîll not be raised sza.. PotHoeBarstrSertay tin tlewood and 0. W. Rolph were to relieve the Scouts themselves FC 3. otHp arse e Dr. Leslie, Toronto, spent the appointed to make arrangements from financing the direct troop Thcato Field Husbndr an weekend in Orono. for the anniversary. Officers of the Durham iearhmsryeprmns .A . wekn nOoo o h niesr.needs. The group co mm it t ee wereamtrenelectted byEepaepann oeetlx A number from here took in deems it necessary that the Afessciation .C.M the No. 9 dance Friday. Scouts and Cubs of Orono shouldofteecta3,LC.Msnwh vrty etsadsimna- KIRBY Y.P.U. have a home of their own and has retired toaccept the ps !mns hs huditrs v Gloria Richardson bias been on EV NNG aragmnshave been made to _Returning Officer during tecmfre h sal oatn th ikls.S CA V N ecure the Sunday School room Hopee, aspo inte t. fui the ar Miss Doris Wannan visited hier HUGE SUCCESS of the Presbyterian church in Seedws poitd parents, accompanied by a friend. ____which the boys can carry on their vacancy. a mr etn ob edi Wodba ee ii Krb ougPepe pnsrdwork and store their possessions. ieasfo vrou Mrt. R. H. Wo lisbe l ibYonPepepnordW. H. Rowe has kindly consented the county reported tha hydese yD.AchblDrc with quinsy. a fine supper and program Mon- to take charge of the bugle and e wl oraid Mrs. James Eagleson visited in day nîght. The program consisted 'drum band and the boys are plan- election campaign and weev m ek Dpt iitro Peterboro. of selections by the Brass Quar- ning to start intensive training at ao o U OC ineti o tunout omen frmelhdscsin Kirby Union held a supper and tette; recitations by Nelie Wright, once. The committee bespeak the to miss eseou practical social evening Monday evening. Raymond Lunn, Ross Boyd, Ruth co-operation of the whole comn- Liberal Associations o! Por( o2 Fia veig te ana Lunin, Victor Warner; vocal solos mnt.and Bowmanville, about fit e Mr. and Mrs. F. Lorriman, To- by Earla Chapman, Norma Ras munty banquet will bethdieteUnt ronto, visited Mr. J. F. Lorriman. berry, James Lowery, Jackie Bry- n presen e fro th omre udySbo om Mrs. J. C. Gamey bias returned son, Stella Best, Velma Cowan, 1jyr ebnue townn, acmpa icellterPe-bnut. oreeyfre frmavstt rno.Mr. McKinnon and Mrs. Shakie- -i The meeting concluded it anthsitesedi hefi- Mrs. Geo. Seymour is visiting ton; piano solo by Mrs. Brima- Are Refinanced \ resolutions being passed o o-es rbes aisaecril r'-Mrs. Wmn. Seymour. combe; duet by Arlene and Mar- Wi, Ilha ad preito a- Mrs. Ed Dean is out after ber velen Boyd; and a few remarks Wt Grh m C .Mackenzie King, copy o: hc rig painful accident. b h hîmn nx- Dr. Manning, Kingston, spent Orono Hydro Electric Commis- wii e frwaddt hePie Xthe weekend at home. OR N O IEsion met Monday. Secretary re- SAATONHMnse.C nietLgo ýyMs .Hoyetrandfi R N O IEported that debentures had been Campaigniv To B Mrds. Oee.Hoeenetidf- TRUSTEES MEET refinanced with tee J. L. Graham Peettv ol ra to 1%r n r.s an eei O D Y NG T Co. in Toronto and that a saving BT 1 et f I Mr. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ____ adMsS.PyewrinM N A IH had been made o! $1.15 a hundred.UI-y Toot.Bowmanville Public Util itiesepcainta bswe h . B Ontario's Department o! lt$000 ojcie !TeCna Miss Sharpe, Toronto, spent Police Trustees met Monday were authorized to place a trans- is activeîy co-operating i a-da einWrS±ie ilb Monday in Orono. night. Purchase o! 100 feet o! fire former at Station street. aaswrefr nsvrldrc et"i V tit"wse Mrs. Coulter (nee Mary Knox) hose was authorized. $25.00 was These bis were ordered paid: tior.s. To date it bias distbude e P- visited relatives here. donated to the Orono Fir e Co. for Tp. o! Clarke, deb. acct..-$ 18.00 15,000 ounces o! typhoid vciepesdhr yBiairGn Miss Allie Wood bas been on attendance at the Newcastle f ire. J. J. Mellor, postage. ------ - t1.1n1 odir n a x ea lxRsnainlcmag th ikhs.Secretary was instruce ot mui sleran thit aic letter Ho th iyot . Clarke, delégate to anstined 3,000 specimens senti: ycaua ! e einswr Mr. George Morton was in Lon- laeA. J. Staples, expressing sym HEeti sscain50 tee military auteorities. Ted- GnrlRs adta e p don Monday. pahHnter eevmn.. Mercer, delegate to partment bas also arrange, o el bc fiiiysatdFb Rev. S. Littlewood was in Col- These bills were ordered paid: Hydro account ------------309.57 'Pamsinosode ptetso12 v prply aud Ebectri Assocatio t n a0ouse bote sanitoria and mentalhs ur bore onay aknga cure. Bickle-Seagrave, f ire Bow. Public Utilities ------77.50 Sketchec, in f h. morchandr. morl C-hîceqo pitals. det e nieydaeo e Several !rom Orono were on extinguisher----------------- $ 3.39 ______________________________________________________________ tee program at Kirby Monday Incidentals for Sec'y. ------- 1.00 $416.18 tee Legislature by Hon. Hirl .Eclec or w muir evening. Orono Coal & Lumber Co. l_________T 1 - i 1 te Quiz programi whicb was turn No iato Meeio Kstanchl andse oft great Mrs. J. C. Gamey held a bridge fuel ---------------------- 20.15 L~ockh7artsS ch o e ge un- ReomCnatson Meeting Kibyoin is oterha o! Haltwbdnhuis Wednesday evening for the Red ____tee was namned to arrange for a poniudfon ae1 aine oeut e hat inefosadwow Cross. a24.5 W.CHHoithllme_ and School Club met S.PtiksTan rc wh tention was being given 1esl-Yeeye-evc a Mr ndMs W . .MtcelFebruary 7th, with an excellent District President Mrs. J. Thick- tee King Governnlent's war e!- guarding civilian bealte.telad entertained friends Wedn e s d a y DIM AND DISTANT Moynes-Foster attendance. President Miss Mary son will be present. There was a fort. He said teat tee resolution Mr. Kirby made tee imprat TedtboHiExfln3 eeigHA P NN SBowen wsin charge. The presi- reading given by Mrs. Chas. Han- did flot say teat any other govern- revelation teat n hospitalsweeGnrlRm ttd n x i SxhLn redar or oOn February 7te, a pretty wed- dent informed the club teat Bessie cock and a paper by Mrs. Norman ment could bave prosecuted tee insulin treatment was beingivnpsngteranaio toe hear o! the death o! Miss E. Giî- From The Orono News of ding was solemnized at the Par- Blackburn was resigning as secre- Rickard on "Textiles." Lunch was war better tean that o! Premier for particular fornis o! ilsnto t etadms ciefina burt in Toronto. February 25, 1915 sonage, Newtonville, by Rev. j. tary as sbe was leaving the sec- served by Mrs. Lovekin and ber King. It merely suggested teat 45 per cent o! teose wbose mna n !bsls fiilat a Birthday greetings came over McLachlan, when Miss Roma tion. Her work bas been greatly group. .Mr. King could do more than was illness was o! less tean 18 mne oedreteLgo' pelb Irene Foster became the bride o! appreciated and she wiil be nùs February 16tb a new venture in being done. standing made complete recoey llt CFRB Tuesday morning for Mrs. Died: Trull - Inx Orono, Feb. M.Oe Sd Aaquzrgamsponsored by the 'II reserve tee right to criticise The Department o! HEale~p c rm upr John Gibson Sr. ofM.Oe mith Moynes. The ed very much. Bill lmi was ap- figuz rga 21st, Elizabeth Rutledge, relict o!bride and groom 'y ere botb !rom pointed to the position. Report o! W. I. and Red Cross proved a de- tbe goverfiment when I see fit," disturbed by a îetting-up t a-teCnda epe Mr. and Mrs. Harold Seymour, the late W. W. TruIl, age 80 years. Lindsay, the latter being a cousin .tbe Masonic banquet was read and cided success. O. A. Gamsby and he said, "but I don't tbink Dr. cination. The Mînister preiceobime ry"G erlBs Toronto, visited Mr. anid Mrs. Wm. Died: Smith - In Orono, Feb. o! Mrs. (Rev.) McLacblan. They the .most satis!actory balance was P, Lutin, Orono, were masters o! Manion's old Uine Tories, disguis- teat unless the younger gnr ad ee eubw nwta Seymour. 24th, Oron Wriley Smith, age 84 were accompanied by tee bride's voted into the club treasury. ceremonies. There was a New- ed as national goverrnment candi- ation is protected, teis Prvneb wodbae ate ntbg Park St. Union have been in- years. mother, the groom's mother, and Program committee under the castle team composed o! Miss H. dates are tee men for tee job. I would suffer some dayfrmatiteeewiborw fot. vited to Ebenezer for the debate Died: Ferguson - Inx Clarke, on -by Mrs. Arthur Tamblyn, Oshawa. -convenership o! Ed Barchard pro- Mason, Mrs. Chas. Hancock, Mr. don't teink anyone can do better amailpox epidemic. between tbe two Unions. Fb23d MayAnBrw lTebieweasutotw-nevided these numbers: Two songs T. Rogers and Mr. H. S. Britton, than Mr. King; therefore 1 sup- Ontario bad 50 per cen eerlosepesdteL- Mr. J. Moffatt and Mr~. Mult relict o! the late Robt. S. Fergu- crushed strawberry with match- by a group o! young men o! the vsaNwovl emo isport Mr. Rickard." csso iberai 99ta x insgaiuefrtegnru fMorris are able to be around son, age 65 years. ing accessories. Immediately a!- club; several piano and vocal Ethel Simpson, Mrs. W a hi a c e J. J. Duffus of Peternoro, lately tee year before. rsos led aeb e again. Died: Hamm - In Clarke, Feb. ter tbe ceremony the bride and numbers by Loreen Langler; bar- Holmes, Mr. L. Savery and Mr. eîected te tee Senate, lauded tee The substantial reduction x ulc hsrsosb ad Mr. and Mrs. Harold Awde and i24th, Carman Winsford, son o! groom le!t for Oshawa, Toronto monica duet by Betty and Bill Melville Jones. Newcastle lost by Liberal government and its record j tee anlount o! tpboid feverad-peito !teLgo' mot family, Toronto, visited at Mr. C. 'Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hamm, age and Hamilton. They will reside Allin. Guest speaker was Rev. one point. Questions were pre- and expressed bis keen apprec- undulant fever, Mr. Kirbyd-atwr nbeafo e aa F. Awde's. 13 months. on the groom's !arm north o! R. E. Morton who gave an inspir- pared by Mr. Leonard Irehand. iation o! Mr. Rickard as a col- clared, were proof teat t]eO-da re ocsa on n Mr. and Mrs. Madison Hall bave Died: Bowins - In North West, Lindsay. ing address on "Citizeniship." , A Miss Jean Campbell added ta the league and a friend. He strongly tario Government's pasteuisainoesa n agrsw o been usy pckingfor teir tp Feb 22nd Willam Alert BwinsFebruary meeting is "Founder's entertainment witb two solos, and criticised Dr. Manion's scbeme o! policy was bearing good frit tesucso!eeapag" benbs akn o terti e.2nWila letBwnDay" the speaker stressed the im- seven scbool boys gave two dark- a "'Conservative - Union Govern -_________ Evelryoe a s ouabvli ge 39Marrig:Fnly-Vrte-A Burley-Anderson portance o! founders in every ey songs There was a Treasure ment" and stated teat we hiad bad Quinte Se"d Fair pvroews u hvlugs thMarsoage, Bona vle Feb Theariae o! AAti Mdifield and threw out a challenge to T rail for botb aduits and children, enough o! teat during tee hastBgFuur Evn TeBo Scus !Girta snow Saturday. Snow pluh h asngBwavle e. Temrig fAneMlrdtbe young people to carry on the as well as a stunt on the stage war. bave oFuered tEcletw e were also busy. 24tb, by tbe Rev. H. B. Kenney, Anderson, youngest daughter o! spirit o! the pioneers. The presi- whicb creaed mucs fun. Fhoreis papd aandidnt "Tbeew Rock"d tac shipstisb Orono Women's Institute cater- Gladys, only daughter o! Mr. Ed. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Anderson, dent explained that in honouring stun tree by s elcdosen and Candidate Mr.e Rcordr-ith edFrtob1 ed~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mc iners the beisteg sbownrs tan England as ayoe cotibto tabr i-Nwovlet ar eadtefune fteHm n quet Tuesday. .lay o! Unionville, formerly o! Burley, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Spen- School, Mrs. A. C. Courtice, we clothes. The firat one wbo was viewed his record o! 25 years' Port Hope on Marcb 14,15adcmagbegcridonyte Miss M. Stewart, who bas been Leskard. cer Burley, Newtonville, w a s should also pay tribute ta our ow dressed and sang "Put an your public service !rom tee time be l6tb. Sot !teOdCuty making bier home with bier bro- Tender for erection o! aur new solemnized at Newtonville Par- and all past presidents were ask- old grey bonnet" won. Mr. Gama- entered community work as a The Seed Fair Secretary, .A o a aentcdta ther John in Kendal. passed away school building bas been given ta sonage, February lOtb, by Rev. J. ed ta came ta the front while Mr. by favored witb a solo, "Lone- member o! Newcastle Public Summers, Bowmanvlle, i5es - bna piitgt e os Saturday. ~~McIntyre Bras. and J. J. Hartley McLacblan. The bride looked Morton read the Home and School some." Lunch was served ta those Scboal Board. He spoke o! te ed ta report that severalbv o!teuua.ymkseebt Mrs. James Eagleson prepared o! Peterboro, and tbis with the cbarming in a street lengtb gawn prayer. Mr. Russell Osborne wastaigar.idcltetadbnbued taraysntnterenis.A-!it thetwaartcle red a th Inti-plu mbing system definitey decid- o! light turquoise blue crepe with asked ta accept a pretty plant for Mr. Ronald Burley attended Prime Minister King and stated tbougb the closing date for etis Tewrdnesyu-ta e namne was printed as Mrs. J. Ricb- will be well witbin $12,000. black and black veil. Her shoul- president. A social bour was en- -nesday evening and contributed a- blanie and ahl teat bad happened ______________________________ adn.Mr. and Mrs. Levi Edwards der bouquet was pink sweet peas, jayed. violmn solo. during tee hast-year, an election ro. Atu Mann bapu-entertained the hockey teami and lily o! the valley, and !ern. She The Annual Dance was beld Sympatey 15 extended ta tee bad becorne inevitable. The only ___________________________j Mr. rthr Mnnig las ur-a !ew friends ta an oyster supper was attended by Miss Hazel Reid February 23rd in Newcastle Com- f amily o! the late Thomas James real test o! Mn. King's courage cbased Mr. F. Duncan's farm at an Friday evening last. wearing a street lengtb dress o! munity Hall witb a capacity and also to the !amily o! tee hate was teat be was nat a!raid to put Garden Hill. In~ the dea Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oke, Bow wne vlvt wît blc acesr crw foe 300 dancing ta the Mrs. Pbiîip Stephens. it ta tee cauntry and heave the T H E P CK O F A Duncan gets b ouse jnavile viieoecmte-Rybmr rhs Many o! the chairs belonging decisian wite tee people. cupied by the Manning family. Stevens. yellow sweet peas, lily o! the val- tra. t h omnt albv en UdrteCnevtv eie At Park St. Church Sunday Mrs. Doncaster is attending the 1lcy and fern. Mr. Ronald Bunley, Dr. Mackenzie, M.H.O., is visit- repaired and placed in tee bail the national defences bad dwindl- morning Bey. S. L i t t h e w o o d millinery openinga in Toronto. cousin o! the groom, was grooms- ing No. 9 Schoal immunizing tbe agdin. ed te noteing. They bad no de. Cburch" a!ter wvhich the newly- the home o! the bride's parents Several o! aur citizens bave bad Murray attended the golden wed- Mn. King's efforts which broughtB elected trustees xvere installed. Nigbt" Monday, wblch took the 1the bride and groom left amidst severe colds and been con!ined ta ding receptian in bonaur o! Mn. about the difference in the de- etrBr e Hamoy nda ak tampîy-frm o!aad h party. Pniz W a shower o! confetti and good their homes. and Mrs. W. S. Bragg, Shaw's. fences and united Canada with cd hockey on Orono arenia Friday nrs:lade'hgMsp.W wishes for western points. The Mrs. Ed. Dean, canvener o! the February 2lst a miscellaneous Great Britain and France -in teis That's what you gertoa leeypcaepul rd ng T+ It is1t- first tim t__ Ro- ph; ladies' low, Mrs. H. Mer- brid wor a-- trvligd e o! _ lunh1mm.te.-ada...ta - shower was .eld in- t19he Comun wa-D.Mainrgrd- ta-ao-oac bco OuraI blood. Whan your 11,cr gels ouat of rda;r bclng Jccpt. Tnere are 25 alreaaî Ahl desxrxng ta go ta Ebenezer anu Mrii. Bxi Ross, WooClvxie, at ffl ""ur neinMr wna Ja for tee unity of! Canada and is HNYS~-lH OC 5 fon decomposes ia your intestie. Yaeu W> invcsted and mare will be short- arc ta be at the church at 7, as Mr. Cecil Robinson's. . . Mn. and Chioks dld for them. Thon see more capable a! bcing Prime corne constipated, atonaach snd ids ly ready. Tbis is Scout weck in cars wxll leave at 7.15 sharp. ' Mns. McGill, Argyll, at Mr. Laur- one of us for priea and de- Ministe enayohrmnt ,.S LKO"TN-61 work prpd. Yeu 1.01 "rte"-odcy rno. Details a! a propased ______________________ proparl "rdony, dra -h.adout ailr" eneSvrysimeM.adMr.lvrydts tee Dominion. He bas ail tee re- IopcdluPleîTn bskahy liydagadot are given in another place. Evcrett Bcllamy and family, To- V SOEquisites including long range vis- Reliava ai the»a naisaries, as tiima. This organization deserves the _______________ ronta, at Mn. Lo!tus Bchlamy's... . C. mavll io. e hose te ea mxx ad he-witl Fruit-à-ies, fo 5yaaloyal supporta!f evcry citizen wbo .omnl iar. Hakyi oot...t e coy tor det men n do e irs to seMhrotho ody W . ar. Jark nd ona.B M te cutey tar cary nt on dci Cmnda's largeât aahling lirer ramdy. Fruit-s- deie toseteyuho 4ua r n r.J trkadDn* .L YM promprat work. He bad cheaned up Quebec - make yau feel lika a naw persan. Gel ta-morrow. Iik Dton. .. Mrs. J. T. Pearce with Mns. J. E. NICHOLSON, and tee Duplessis regime assisted Fniit-a-tites et your druggisa "y, 25r, SO La tbtexlsv? Harivey Osborne, Welcome. PantypealbyM.Lpit.n.inwis W. . mt a Ms. . B Lae- R. LLOYD STEPHENSON, for public opinion before be acta, LiE~. Ever "'Absolutely; and we're schhing kin's, Newcastle. Treasurer ne- Newcastle be waits ta get a solid Canada GR W IN SU . FKUII"AiIItESTablets a grcat many of them, too." FîL£ « W UA ported a balance o! $27.46 from -- bebind bim. The speaker dcscrlb- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 29TI-1, 1940 frtllLm rl A M A TýT A WT ýM A Mýý- A %ý . -- , ý -. . -