THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 29TH, 1940 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ~*4 .~ .., fhome town friends and aff airs I d honour and was attired in light RINK BUILT through the years and we would IFouUUUA navy and white crepe, matching liss tif our d thome Economic hat and a corsage of iris and roses. <Continued from pagesrl)P SOCIAL AND YLKSONAL miss toifitdxdfltho rne.reular- WiThe groom was attended by his league which takes in svra RIGE OFPORK ~U Sethe "Play Parade" for real brother, Mr. Reginald Terrett. small centres near Acton. This Phone 663 peppy entertainment fea t u r i n g W sdom The ushers were the bride's bro- allows about two nights a week B UT I wooe-act plays as well as mu-, ther, Mr. John Hobbs, and M1r. for skating. The first three wyer sical numbers. It is to be put on -Bride Broder Matthew Craig. the arena met ail costs and more BUT NOT AT IV IL~ Mrs. M. Purdy, Castieton, is regret sending you this $2.00 for in Trinity Church Sunday School As the bride and groom left the than paid off the debenture visitng lher son, Mr. Donald The Statesman. It is well worth room on Friday evening, March (Toronto Globe & Mail) chuc hywr srpie toann d.Sneta im tePrkushvegeu Pud.tesalfeyuaeakn. lst, 8 p.m., under the sponsorship Some days ago the Bowman- find some of their Scouts and portion of the debenture has had Aercn oreonglteC adbtfrtepentw Miss Elsie Allmn, Edmonton, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. E. Staples, of the Trinity Young People. ville Statesman larnented the clos- Guides forming a guard of honor. to be raised through taxes, but Arercln our cusngItoesb foCaalgteprcsa Alta., is visiting hier aunt, Miss Toronto, visited Mrs. N. S. B. Mr. Bert Mortlock and Mr. Sann ing of a bakery that has been inl A reception for f ifty guests was no one complains of the amount. sbown herewlth. Compare pricsadbtovne tpy Annie Aflin. James while on UkiÉix way Wed- Charters Jr., Brampton, were in existence in that town for sixty hield at Hotel Genosha where the "I certainly wish Bowmanville te shop here. Mrs.H. Jhnson, illbooknesday to attend the funeral Of town Sunday afternoon caîling on years. Bread baked there was bride's motbér, in grey crepe with every success in securing an arena Mr.H Jhson ilbok Mr. Staples' uncle, A. J. Staples, friènds. Mr. Mortlock had had his known far beyond the borders Of black f eît hat trrimed with os- and arn sure they will neyer re- ppentchie wait. thMr. rono.Snay chocas atD tn Bowmanville for its nuttiness, its trich plumes aiid wearing a cor- gret the expenditure as it is one Our Own Old Fashioned, Ail Por Mr andMrs. WaDtarbrn, ay'scYorkl Class a nd e texture, and ifs keeping qualities. sage of pale pink carnations, re- of the best means of keeping town Sas. Miss Edith Murphy, Pontypool, D. Morris, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. couldn't resist the temptation to When you were asked to pay a ceived with the groom's mother and country together,"1 Mr. Dilîs- -- - -20 is visiting lier brother, Mr. Wal- A. E. McTaggart, Mr. and Mrs.R. come on to the old home town. visit to Bowrnanville one of the who wore green crepe with black concluded. Beef and Pork er Mrphy Wavrle Roa. E.McTagar andDon ortinducements held out was the fine felt hat and a corsage of white This is just another case where Sausage - - lb. 1c - 2l. 5 &e upy Wvre od. E eagtadDn ono, Mr. E. C. Thornton, Woodstock, quality of the bread you wouldcantos a town without a rink has gone ____________________________ Hr lcBrs .. o D. were guets of Mr. and Mrs. G.A.gv the dtoa caîl WednesdaY be fferd. Yet, what did the ahead piitclyadpoie -adMs W .BrshsrcetyMTggr.wie erore tattend the fun- owsflkdo hey aîîowed t For a motor trip to western sorneting i ch1i ad Pveet__________the_ Tlmd o Rie earh fo tO ntroo Mr. I. G. Herkey, formerly man- eral of his life long friend, A. J. is said, no less than seventeen dif- points, the bride wore a black nedsoh wigan l man eetrthe ager of Royal Bank here, has been Staples, at Orono. Ed. told us it ferent baking firms to enter h t coat wtuPrsan anb trim nee James Stark, Enfield, writes: elected president of the Red Cross is just 50 years ago lhe severed his town and seize the custom light blures.Theurba n blaciac e orntebualdasna plauibeecue PcncH ms l.15 ol< - - lb 5 We still enjoy The Statesman as Society in Belleville. Mr. Hefkey 1 connection as a member of Orono the local firm. At last, no longer cesvesihloulln hi e?ornt uldnroeinBwmn much as ever and would not like shouîd make an excellent presi- Post Office staff which was in able to withstand the pressure, turn will live at 74 Buckingham .__________Haum. - lb. 20c-22cLon - lb 25 to do without it. Renewal is en- dent as, ho has leadership qai charge of that lovable prince of the old bakery was closed down. Aeu. 1Haif or Whole closed. ties and thrives on hard work. men, Robert Moment. This means, flot that one man isws Gacote errBwmntR TO IAsSole Remombor the Wartinie Service Our venerable citizen Mr. Da- Pte. Bob Hayes, Aldershot, Eng-_ is out of business, but that tenvilwsaonthgut. (Continued i rom page 1) * Boston of Intercession every Friday from vid Morrison, who has boon in- land, sent the oditor a nice pic- whom he employed have been r 5 to 5.30 p.m. This weok it xill be doors for noarly a month with ture post card with these words:1 thrown out of work, while tenJ NOR Euoen cntes Cahre Butts - - - lb. 20c C o b 3 held ini St. Andrew's Church. You the flu, was uptown Wednesday Just a line to let you know I arn more have been seriously affected. T HANKS, ThIR! Euorenpso un t f h ifes0fathelb5 are invitod. as cheery and bright as ever and O.K. I want to thank you for Is this, we ask, économic wi5s ThGerm negrationdethe nNo Master Bill Morris, eldest son lef t an interosting budget of news sending me The Statesman which dom? The editor received the follow- "h Germ aiondethe hedn gNo of Provincial Constable and Mrs. back in the 70s which appears in I sure appreciate. I was to Lon- We doubt if there is any wis- ing letter from a well known Dur- thmng Else." Finland was dealt Prime Rolled C.~ P. Morris, celebrates his l2th this paper. don on my leave and I had a very dom in the matter so far as the ham County Boy in Toronto which with by Winnifred Smith under RIB ROAST BEEF - - - l. 2C birthday to-day. We learn that Mrs. Frank N. Downs, 202 Ha- good time, but I would sooner be invading bakers are concerned. speaks for itsolf: the different departrnents sUch as hie may be given a party. [zel Ave., Detroit, Mich., wrîtes: back in the good old town. I sure There etil antb utmDa r ae, geography, history and people. Prime Rib Mr.R.Cnnî, 7Miloo h Saesa hsbena eymiss it. fore cetainyacanot e cutom ear r. JmesroTr Mr.R onl,7 iloiTeSaemnhsbe ey1frhaîf, or for quarter the num- A couple of days ago our Jun- eyadls adb r- SHORTENED BEEF- - lb 20 Rd., Toronto, writes: I do not- much appreciatod link with the Alex and Bill Colvillo, local ski ber of firms seeking to skimi the ior was hoard to say to hîs m-Margae apbell when she Thlck Rib _______________________________________enthusiasts, xvore among those croamn of Bowmanvillo's bread- ther, "I see Dad hasn't paid his garneothCam isae fte R A TB E who spent the weekend skiing in using population. At the samo _t+at e s man subscription. You ponae inout t mitkes offeR.T E F - - - b S the hilîs of the Laurentian, north time Bowmanville's merchants ought to get af ter him - hie chasos Phum usan cheputt ligrthings off. of Montréal, along with other have twenty people less able than us whon ive don't pay our bis " PtyDsa hs a e u- RIe mombers of the Oshawa Ski Club. thoy wore before to buy varîous With apologies I arn enclosirg ject "Reading," and attempted ta POT ROAST B3EEFPPlate b S Theyreprte havng n ecel-comodiiesandtheleve Of$2.0."prove to the audience the benefits J O UR SALES M EN HAVE THEM Tletroporwtdh te ing n xcl- ommoitiesalrond tho lbeel f 2.ap-*et that mankind receives frorn dif- Short Rbe skiig bingproperty a rond as eenap- Edîtor's Note - Thanks, Junior, ferent types of books. The mar- R LL D B F - - - lb 18 thebet tatthey have ever done prociably iowered. we o rdaeo eoeavl frd O L DB E or hope to do, the hills there be- Wo are not blaming the firms hny0gauaeo ooea eso ai were exernpiified ing about the best in Canada for thàt entorod Bowmanville frorn member of Dad's f irrnlt i by George Roberts under thc suc sprt.outaîde with their wares - ifte nw and I'il put your picture on subject "The Rogers Radio Sta- Butter Buns Raisin Buns suhsot hose to gamble on sîirn sales tha the front page of The Statesman. tion CFRB in Toronto." Arthur RCeoh aiBlnetune Wraped a us on rs have told us tais week that lof the town who have done a fool- ~ ' 'R P R par ts and functions of the human M CelpaeWapdRiisthey enjoy Andy Clark's "Neigh- ish thing, just as the citizens of BLID R POR under the title "The Humanc ~ 4 e Pckag oc Cellophane Wrapped borly News" broadcast each Sun- many other small towns and vil- Body." Dorothy Adamson com- PHON~E~ 382 BWWNIL 14_____________t Packa ge Oc day morning at 10 to 10.15 over lages have donc foolish things of (Continued from page 1) pleted tac list of juniors, choosing ________7____PackageC CBL in which ho givos a cheery the same ordor. They have killed as__lier______________________________________ ___________________ ramble of human interest events the goose that laid the golden egg. Arctic circle winter, and for tais the equipment and tae enjoyment and personalities gleaned frorn They have put out of business reason you are asked flot ta limit had by tais astirne. Bunnette Ontario wcekly newspapers. Lis- something that was a cause of your judgrnent to statistical During ithe intermission and when the wealth dériver from it - eeitog ntdSae e DlcosRh usCherry Buns ton next Sunday a.m. for that pride ta the tawn and, also, sarne- tables but ta look at the picture when the judges wore coming ta had returned ta Europe, the popu- t etyn q rpgt Cellophane Wrapped Cherry Garulshed - Covered familiar salutation "Good Morn- thing that brought it good, sound, in tae light of hurnan values, of a décision the A Capela Choir-lto fErp rwb ep fl te Pacage uc wtls Ieisg ing Friends." hanest money. educational advance, of social under the leaders#ip of Mr. F'ran- atind of Europe gw bylepsda.775lssn-19us30ar CellphaecWrppe One of the largest crowds that improvernent, of more intelligent cis Sutton, rendered a few of the white races grew mnore than be-brn ta supspoltin f l0l c ClpwaeWapdhave ever been seen on the Pixie the only man ta attend from Bow- citizenship. pîcces from their repertoire. The tween 1300-1775 with the New Erp n h upu aue SPICY 7 ~te Package ~ O Ridge at Burketon were present manville. Ail of which adds fur- The end of the financial year, high school orchestra was present World absorbing thc largest Part rsucso a e ol ls * .1 7lo ovr the weekend when members ther laurels ta Frank's long re- 1939, almost coincided with th at tac beginîng ta, play a 'fewofteicas.BhNrhan Fruit Buns ~of Bowmanville Ski Club were cord of faithful service with this 2lst birthday of tac Institute. numbers for tac rather satSouthericae Bathportpu rtoehr slationin'prt- Fr i u senjoying the exceptionaily fn public utility. During 21 years the C.N.I.B. has crowd. Principal L. W. Dppcan stAia neeed pe oplatica l eas o a ecsiyo Tasty wlth Spice - Lots of Ch.esea Buns weather combîied wîth the per- I mus admit peo>ple read The grown frorn a dwarf to a giant, was chairman ipeilond tl e ed or e ataecaetrd, scaly for cuntris lik - ~~~~fect snow for skiing. Every week Statesman, was the admission but if the blind people of this ofThe ovte ae s ul fpdc bt-Cnd n a retn.Eo Fruit -Piped wlth ibing Delleous we Buis- Lots of mr and hoe ocalsar becom- Wes. Cawker tald aur représenta- Domninion are now more pro- CANADIAN CLUB ter off wita 160 million populationtiisaem ticby oud p Cellophane Wrapped Sugar Syrup Topped wlth ing enthralled with this thriiling tive when giving him his advt. gressive, botter infarmed, socially____ than witah ler present 130 nil-wiatcOd ordsmch s ta Package c WaInuts sport and have begun ta take it for this week. Ho went on ta say more acceptable, econom-icafly (Continued from page 1) lions. wt a e.I stcdtvo 12 t akg 5 elpaeWapdu eiul.instead of advertising being an more secure, happier and more We seern ta, have fargotten aurtaNwWrlacsekron _________________________Mrs. J. McKeever, Wellington expense hoe was finding it a real self reliant cîtizens as a result of ited States, Latin America broke responsibility ta tac Old World. ldd-amk t otiuint OL -FAHOE---akg O Street, ontertained the refresh- investment for new business has 21 years of genéral Institute activ away from tac aid world and set We have toa many resources forthsete ntotaeoori s OL-AS]OND__ 6oPakgeO -1 c ment and entertainment commit- considerably increasod since hoe ity, it is because the Institute has up independent go v e r n ni e n t s the numnber of people in the coun-ofte ordadaceabi- Doughnuts ~tocs of Sunbearn Chapter No. 73, started teiling the peaple in this been accorded continuous and which unfartunately lacked de- try, and cannot salve aur prob- mn fitrainlpae D u h u sO.E.S., Oshawa, at hier home on paper about the pricos lhe soulsf generaus public support, and it macratic expérience, with tac re- lems of over supply because the D.Sla a nrdcdb Made the Old Home Way Fruit Bread Thursday evening. Thirty mcm- meat. You know sanie folks wants tac public ta know that suIt that revolutions were fre- peaple of Europe are toa poor ta e.CnnC R pne n Packed In Double Wax bers attended and enjoyed a game thought because Cawker quality that support is acccptcd and re- quent. buy aur surpluses. Lined Bags Always a Favorite of cards, following which lunch is always Al that his prices were lied upon with a deep sonse of When the New World was open- The idea of isolation in tais o prcain rsdn .J Wax Wrapped was servod by the hostess and lier high tao, but ho has canvinced appréciation and gratitude. ed ta European developrnent and warld is utterly futile, ho said,Elotprsd. 2 Dzen 25Cistor. Miss Cobbledick. Prize win- theni that it's real econorny ta Dozn 5c i2cLoaf flers during the evening wcIre Mrs. shap at his store. And so it ahi _______12c_____E.__ Mason and Mrs. . Brown. goes t prove the mare o read FRUT ASO:About 15 boys froni the First the merchanta' shap news the FRUIT ALSO: ~~~~~~Bowmanvihle Troap of Boy Scouts more you save. BRAN N PCA RCSO L n hC k s COOKIES journeyed ta Toronto an Saturday A BestSellerFRUIT PIES night ta sec the Maphe Leafs de- -Bae C elloha eWrpdELYR L feat Boston 3-1. The boys repart- YOUNG PEOPLE CelohaeWrPPdELYEROLALES d that they had neyer seen such HEAR DISCUSSION LAYERCAKES a spectacular garne. This week i15c Each AIl Wraved or Boxed - Fresh the winning groups frorn tac first POLITICSIN INDIA SICK m ROOM NEEDS --------are gaing up Saturday ta sec the RDR R1W OU AL ME TODYLeafs take on the eague top- Trinity Y.P.U. meeting on Mon- ae1avng ospclvlustsThrdyFIa ndSu- ________________O________________________ notchers, the New York Rangers. day evening, Feb. 26th, was inTaedvnaeoseiavlustiThsdyFidynd at- More than 1,400 industrial driv- charge of the missianary graup. day at your I.DA. Drug Store to make sure your home i.s properlySto Gertrude Dewelh, canvener, pro- Lowest prepared for sickness before it strikes. It i.s your opportuni'ty to ors who have an accident-froc re- sided. TH A T R F 1~ I Ycord of anc year or more werc Chapter anc 0f the study book Prices save money on first-aid and Bladesned ha o soldcr THhAT R F M L ee ast weok at a banquet in "Maving Millions" was prosonted 1-o ne t o1odcr Toronta, sponsored by the Onai by Mrs. S. R. James and members taiunly have in your home. Phone 855 Bakers for Two Generations Safety League. Sa far as we knaw, Frank Williamns, local manager of of lber group of the W.M.S. This Rmmeto eaeflyqaiidt ipneyu _______________________________________________ theBel Teephne ompnywasconsisted of a vocal solo, "A Sang teBlTééhnCopnwsof India" by Mrs. S. R. James; doctor's prescriptions. We make it our specialty. A artlett, a roaîing on "The Iemo ees Clînîcal 1 min. f A l e onJ ce eîp by Mrs. Sykes, and a talk on the ~~t I hC~R gIlai "Leaders in IndaPain MQuicP.y Cowling. " ~~ yMs .£~Hot W t B tls - i yu uferfrm hemal 2 0 A RS NWwîîn quiet music by Marion D..ud- iepnlohm oie le.Cl oWarship was gyour drugecist.3-Mlx ThlaSchlievert, followed by a * wttia qart f $t3.4a9 méditation and prayer by Kath-teJuc f4lon.t'ea. boen Sissan and scripturo by Paul Ltx-Pi Symans. Lau Dewell read a story two tims a daye0f1to _________________________________ sAiNniTaCut.S3-9 tah1ns---3e59 o ucl av n fyud a. A very papular price and according ta tac wanderful range of tain af Second Oshawa Girl Guide designs and colorings, it will continue ta be popular. Small de- Company and the groom is Scout- 0Ot4: signs. Medium size designs and largo floraIs, master of Fifth Oshawa Scout CS50Ç C Tommiss oner0f i Guis. _____-49t ____________43c Commisione ofZirl Gides --------*i Mmii.U 361___________________________ Theroo.M obbsis vsirona 4mVAPOR l 3INol, RADIANT BODCOHThrd e rn aprfomed,__________in_____________St.____________ ---------------__-------_--_--Yard-------------------22 George's Anglican Church, Osh- . ' IPrsriton Seiat Full Stock of Comforter The fastest selling Broadclota of aur entire stock. It cames in a with Palms and white carn~ations. A oriess e _____ era big range of calours including: White, Black, Navy, Bright Red, Rev. David M. Rase officiated and m- __ Batta, Quilting Needies, etc. Light Green Mediumi Green, Mauve, Peach, Pink, Rose, Brown, Mr. Matthew Gouldburxi played . . R * e suces m u ' or _______________Tan, Light ëopen, Gold, etc. the organ. lover .35- w m %MU25, M 60X. The bride, given in marriage by M ~ KM M ~1 M ber father, worea becoming after- - -* u *m - - noon frock of heaven blue crepo FINE ENGLISH TOBACCOG um. m mm cgwith cerise trim, a turban in tac Capsta», ' ---- - - --- 5 --- 0e W E XmM w 1same shade of blue, white gloves John Cetton, 810, 16's -- 250-50e and a corsage of carnations and sweet peas. The brldels sister, Presbytertan Mixture, S'a ---65o Phono 792 DRUOS uwrO Miss Patricia Hobbs, was niaid of - -. -.- .. - .- .-.*-. 4a~....*e....Mj t. a~t~~n#.- ~ 4 W. *. , ~,, . .,ua%* -,- ,. ,~W .t.%flVJ ~t. S.- .f'~'4' s.