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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Feb 1940, p. 8

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-~, ,,~. /THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO H TH R DYrE R A Y 2 T , 14 ILDURHAM CLUB out of doing it and gaye his aud- tion in hier rendition. Miss James e~D S K E D A L , ebruary Thaie j ence equal pleasure and many a was accompanhed at the piano by B SK TB LL(Continued tram page 1) laugh. He spoke like a newspaper Miss Jean MacKenzie of the On- ShortmestN nhmnm ynt urel si i arlo Ladies' College, v.4at>y. Lindsay vs. B. H. S. ing the meeting on his childhood wer going to usTutanhea speech of thanks to Mr. B L By Alpha Pincix "Reminiscences." abie oflunch), uthti and, b tkinson and Miss James was f Junior ~~~~~hanian, oly ,noht hily anfhd, TeOEM RAT1 Junior Girls 50 4 The shortest month of the year hapkerily, notMnd like a preacher or given by Mr. W. F. Rickard, M.P. JnoBos 27 13 is nearly gone, and, the short days SearHaLeaMd scholar. It is always a relief to an Mr. Rickard also very kindly of the Proitao Senior Girls 23 22 and long nights are numbered Few of us imagine the delicate'audifene heth e s odprea oe h PankedtNecluble for thaving Senior Boys 67 36 with the past. March takes itsproblems presented un hedaly notWee matyhe dopekr deh paced tNecstbe for h ap"e Ca a a trco.Ld at the gateoaya0faroe newspaper which f sermon,- and when he sees the anTfreitsCanadam bthfoSi B.HS tdet es0 teta njydtebs place, WaThngApril's sun will .rr.k of a larg ah bysandgils- ihaeiin m...Sunsbr fte emejydtebssie, mixed with warm showers idemand a legal mmnd to guide it. th un ie, - even when the out from Newcastle and for the hi' funny.side. r. Atkinson anlsecfthhebys andigirlsehofhave gon rid. leondi teLbindfthsbinin with themn the green Mr. Atkinson has this attribute, ljbke is on himself. young people." DeetLnsy point collecting for the local yo- grass, snowdrops, tulips, and Mr. Rhys. D. Fairbairn stated in Mr. Don Linden announced that counrG me elthasil to . T 1fal timepe blossoms, fragrant with introducing the founder o The Jaîl Was Under School the Marchmetn promises ob MRS. L. W IH Tesmiles, and greetings fromn every Star. Placed in a Position-ofimi- In the "old days" the school in "something different and 'a sur. who will be pleased to show yuterpout o h TeJunior girls opened the tree and vine. mense power as well as of legal Newcastle was, (like the theatre prise,"Iso folks of Durham, corne rest of the ek Bowmanville High School's four evening session and alter holding February is the shortest month, responsibility, Mr. A tk in s on in Bala to-day), in the town hall and sec!0 BENSON'S CND basketball teams made a dlean the visitors to no points in the sandwiched between two of the nevertheess is doing, perhaps and the jail underneath. The Lunch Served Bi' Men CORN STARCH RNSA H swep o thir ame wih Lnd-initial half while chalking up îongest of the year - I wonder more for others than any other youngsters of the village used to Th sacrwebuhpy swee of hei gam s w th L nd- eighteen in their ow n beha f, slip- if it ever envies other m onths m an in Canada. l o h o g h a s a d w n e h s a r w e u a p say Collegiate here on Friday af- ped badly loo the scod hîf theirbetra aysdYetperhps tea-hour followed the program. The pure corn starch hIhswnget o>lr ternoon and night with only the Mebbe they Were thinking of the may find comfort in being great Praises Snal Papers inie.finl they wol v rdaneybody The refreshments were allhoe the original yellow pack- bfIsui n Senior Girls having any trouble Promised visit of handsome Syl in many ways. One in particular, Though head of a "big daily" in evgr, found it occupied. "Yet, with made and Mrs. D. W. Armstrong age. . . a favorite in at ail. The Junior Girls scrapecl Apps, or mebbe somebody chang- a day blessed with hearts and the city the speaker understands six taverns," chuckledtisfre and Mrs. Ewart Pollard poured Canadian homes for 80 exlen. through to a 50 to 4 win, the Sen- ed their brand of oranges, but dressed with silver lace, by days the peculiar and significant part Newcastle boy, "so sober was the co ng Mr.e Aeten s e hned n-AZOLA ior Girls scored a last second 23 anyway Lindsay went on a four dotted with birthdays of many of played by the provincial paper. In population there was nobody in cludigM.Akno hhad K Z to 22 victory, te Junior Boys point scoring splurge in that sec- te world's illustrious heroes:- recognizing the work of the Can- jail." dfficault job i a om amme eIe is une uandd for dee clickfee ar2und. 13t waseathretty Tale wdeae aSaladwand Cook dngf011t.job iakesrdelicioms ci ke b 2 t 1, hie ee on h îf whle ai B w m n ofl G eorge W ashington, born Feb. 22, adian Statesm an w hich has been sm ooth salad dressing and e Senior Boys kept to their winning couid do was score 32. A pair 0 1732 (leap year); Abraham Lin- awarded prizes by the Canadian Recaîls Barley Days with some 140 people. But every- frylng or saelg ways 67 to 36. up and coming gals from the coin, born Feb. 12, 1809; Thomas Week]y Newspapers' Association Things were lively in Newcastle boysee ob aving a The Junior maies played their north ward, Mary Emmett and Edison, born Feb. 11, 1847; Chas, for its editorials and front page around 1880, even if thee splendid time as is the custom OO NBADOR YU game in the afternoon and tee Patsy Dustan by naine, did the Dickens, born Feb. 7, 1812 (leap coiumins. Mr. Atkinson paid tri- Grand Trunk Railway was still a tee uha lu euins B1 ReAt Ner o early hour seemed to affect the bulk of tee scoring. Between ea)buetaiprvnalaer.W brigNoerncd-ood in B.H S. e- en ho wer slghly he t heay sankt irgty-ix ont so An incident in Lincoln's life were lef t w ith tw o new thoughts hier engines and t ere w as but one C U Iess tean impressive, despite their thM a f ryse ttinguatw enty1 might be of interest at this time. - first, that the "big daiiy"l isn'titelephone in tee towrn. Newcastle ROTARY C U At al tmsw haveawde artyo one-sided score. A fellow by the -hm fcus tegad He did not often give way to his altogether "the press," (a fact had a fourishing trade in- barley 1Fries ritad eetbe name of Bate scored twelve of ed out a bit by keeping the for- staff but according to the follow- which city people may sometimes which was shipped by schooners (Continued tram page 1) rhFuian Lindsay's thirteen points which thern femmes off the score sheet. ing brief letters which are now in forget), and, in the second place, to Oswego. The barley was "'rat-- ALL VARIETIES 0F9AFO nakes one hope the other mem- After slippery Syl had finaiy the archives of the United States, that a very high standard of jour- ed" by a Mr. Carveth ard Mr. ing ordea, because hie has estab- ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __arrved and said howdy, the Sen- hie came off second best when hie naiin is frequenty found in the Atkinson remembered tat a Mr. ished friendship as a principle of A l ior Susies went out and stole the tried to have Secretary Stanton so-called smalî or "lIocal" paper. W. D. Matteews always had a Rotary and one of the guiding I Iu ' show. So help me, it was the fast- do what hie did not think should man on hand buying. But the principles of life. To-day, any --- -- est and bestest girls' game these b oe eei h re u Presents Personal Narrative buy luihn uiessde- thinkingma mutareie Cr i hebie btbuy fouihigbuies sdenmn us ppeiaeH a rry ~~ U N E M ag m g 9 eyes have ever w itnessed. e y sig ni icnt record. It refers M r. A tkinson had n t s h y w i e h n t e Y n e s p t t a h r a e t t e s r e c nG O E o m n ll Sobihibi hyts h ii~erynC oa i ywle hnteYnke u httegets xaueh a aobut eywodteed ifSuhpeman t man whom Lincoin desired said, prepared a "coherent ad- on the tariff. Then the Canadiaîî have is feilowship. In this worid, - Poe3738G assiwewneedi uera1o st: dress," but, "just a disconnected farmiers had to turn to something which seems to be disintegrating had asse on is frmul or f Del Snton: Appoint this man account of tee things that came cise.uneeahorftw re e P o e y h d k i k e i i t cn C h a p a i n i t e a r m y - s i g n e d t o h i s m i n d o f s i x t y - f i v e y e a r s a r e f i g h t i n g a n d s t u g g l i n g f o r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of spinach. Whatever the reason, .Lnon Dear Mr. Lincoln: ago." It was this unpianned, very Woollen Mill Worker at 14 security, one of the greatest con- BERMwmanvsli were ehn toThere is novýacancy and lie 15 no personai narrative teat gave his About this time the Massey solations and perhaps the only pressed the spirit of their age and Clu n atPeietLn l BOWMAN VILLE 8 thl iead tloe si ec r- E. M. Stanton. . . description of the early days in firmn employed some 175 to 200 security is friendhip. It is friend- do not express our present day liiotmvdtevoeo pra t h aif ti dmead ti aookede as r if nAppoint him Chap- and around Newcastle such vivid- men which woud be a fair-sized ship that wil in hswr any more than an English artist to n rsne ahvstn tee we e oom ci o not er e-lain at large. - A . Lincoln. . . ness. The se f-contained, m id-V ic- firm even now , m uch m ore so W e m ust look forw ard to a dif- o t -d y e re s d C nda, or R ai a wih a p u c of D on Home of Regal Entertainent feat. But in te second half they Dear Lincoln: There is no aw torian, Canadian town wite its then. And tere was a wooen iifrn hlspyo ieta !a wdno hina. paied hoteDuhmneicc tle ad ata e 0 e eb ra for tat. - E. M. Stanton. .. Dear milis, furniture factory, bakery, which gave out te carded wooi whicb we have been foiow ng sie ce m ely C w e x DOUBLE FEATURE adehind some nice shooting by Lincoln: I will ot. - E. M. Stan- butcher shop and oteer "home in- to private houses to be spun the ast quartier century, one *ehv nqelnsaei ae aonMacDonald, who scored ton. utis came alive again s0 that, Young Joe Atkinson worked in a which is simpier, embodying te îeadvriy0 aua eauty, OhrRtrasfo oot Thurs. -Fri. - Sat. 1 hvertenpoihnts in this hall, they fis ershndo and teen ta eçven tee imiaginations of tee wooîen mill when bie was four- essential realities. If we keep to rnnn the gamut of sceniecn Linday ead Evn fnd omemenwhoareabsolutely younger people present inciuding teen. It seemed like shaking hands this phiiosophy, we shall con- speno; tee breadth and gran- S FIB. 9 AR 1 2 he, i toka as mnue asket loyal t, what they conceive is one iieugig reporter) could with little. olu Engiand uv±ore theserve our energy anu wealtb t durof mountains, lie reat LPreueLRs pried to win. Bowmanville jumped into their duty. It is teose iittle things easiiy picture tee eariy scenes. It industrial revolution. 0f course, prosecute tis war and shahl be and small, vast rolling prairies tbree Point margin wite about teat test men. If February could made tee folks wbo hadn't sixty- teere was a flour miii too. Milis confident that frw dhp elw and pleasant farm lands. Comn-_______________ KIL R three minutes to go oniy to have taik to us it migbt be somnething five-year-old memories feel a were culturally important in tee sbip and co-operation wili end it. pare this in its clarity of atmno- Lida Riktoqike olieti:Y7,te brag of 30 days littie cheatedi - as if they had old days. Community life centred When that end cornes, Canada sphere with the peaceful misty snek hea b on pin. Hw-Sepemer Noveiber, April and been robbed'0f something very around teem. They seemi to have sbould be in a position to take hier English landscape, which is al- ever, tee B.HS.ers were flot to, air June, the rest bas 31. So runs valuable indeed by being born piayed a part corresponding to place as one of the great nations most soiely a product of man. be enici nd rab ed he în-the chorus in rhyme chanted by ater stage coaches became obso- our "heavy industries" to-day. of the world, because she is a Ev n ur eo l ae n tth sa e ning basket about fifteen seconçis chiidren and oniy me Fcbruary, icte. Only somnehow they were roman- country of great naturai resourc- as the Englishman in tempera- 14 B ~ 5 AL before Little Boy Blue enteaur mnanthgt,5wyas Elliott loveci by statesmen and keeper of tic, a word whicb wouidn't see es, a braur ouse o raw Ca eandn painteroi p aininheFO4H11L tooteci a triumphal blast on bis Valentine day bas 28, the shortest Early Lite Not An Easy One to be applicable to our factories. terials. To fully realize our po- Candinf b er o ai t he horn to end bostilities. - o bma.Js e ees f Teewsacranaon ftniltew utconvert tbls style of a bygone painter. Te The final tussle 0f the evenn onitins to-day wbie akes f hripintse eaiyaystfor Piles Shingles For Tin-Type raw aterial int auatrdvery thing whicb people criticize FRE1FLESl ltntrl tl g Ak - H vtnwatgratid an îcae articlesdonc r in Canadia Art is that whichwe of trouble. A aares to which mua saw Bowmanviile's hopes for a from the one that bas the least Joe Atknson. Hîs mother was a Human vanîty ws gr î e ad fabrted atilsarniiing ynuAr s ht hchw o NCossa tite fashioning a lopsided ndgie it to them or im that widow. But to-day these ard- then as now by "picture-taking." Canadian motifs and designs. To shoud be proud artists are doing. quikyrsod 67 to 36 win over Lindsay. The ha, thest February, tee short- ships are soi mellowed by the Young Joe happened ta get a job seize worid markets, we cannot In conclusion, Mr. Haines urged .1eadbwMs ereMthl epna j ~silk-clad red and black crew es mo st . toucb of time tat he now ses w te te town photgrapher w o borrow designs and patterns from Canadians to be sympathetic to- henm aygt rial n pe. gv ustthatof teatene to lowi Spendor is not measured' by the boyood scenies through rose- wa aigthroff i place ohrcunre Tb ymt be wards our artists adt aecn ir t ~~ oppousi htiorghtenoffth lor Bt depte, length or brcadth. A tiny coloured spectacles. I veniure to shingled. The future great news- unique and uniquely Canadian. fidence that we have not only the is riedad epsosuny. opoiinrih f hefor utdaodis everlastingîy shedding say it did tee big city publisher paperman pileci the shingies for In the past Our manufacturers wealth but the intelligence to de- AndMs twr cabr as We after the first five minutes they frhis prl adlgtan uh odi omnsinadli h hdorpe adfrr-adhveue esgso ohrcunvlpo- w o slo ed ow an th re fte g veglitters, reflecting ight everlast- certainly got a great deai of fun rec cve a a tin-type ofui mbrsef tries, but out of Canadian Pic- Lians, are lo kn down tne to godb y. arather spasrnodic exhibition. ing. Sometimes tee monte 0f ________________ wite a rose in bis button]iole' Mr. tonial Art, which necds consider- black corridor of the future, he R Quitefrequntlythey 1manyh daysAtigoes ipast sadiyk maw*hile Atkinsonssngplasitutaseemsas oespikesdl rnaeny of able encouragement, will develop said, but we are walking shou'lder from u rhe.clc pe tmcsml brllat asig ias bt tthe short montb of February is his bretren of te press, did the stylization which wiii estab- to shoulder in frendshp and fiel- sum me other times they playeci like the ilurinated with symbos of true many tings in te course of is lisb a distinctively native design. lowship towards the light at the QIïk ueadsf bterato.Fe cocksbure prima donnas they are, love and valiant men. life before finally taking ta bis Critics compare Canadian art end. lytcrtiiat n vr - Elsivi Bie Brwnleaingrcow-,ithpatenciwearewaiingown tru, voatin. tvsthafatioin.tattf oherage, bt fil he peakr ws itrouce bySicnesso fte stibeuinthenigt. 5 cnts er n hecicut, I tink, again For spring wil soon be herel of te people of the press, some- to reaize that the ancients ex- Frank Sheppard of the Toronto Moneybc fyuaentstsid led the way witb 25 points ai- So February good-bye box. andet s box today.ht S tbougb Mason was rigbt on bis Until another year. go xeine v*' I AHsiM« RN b ecs with 24. Mason was sinking ~Du hi ea nNwatej s,ý %y b N.... . mÎy .1.0..".. D .ff and Fagan was doing ahight on 1 IF P' Wathp7m t eol? r me -0by 0- -A m MM.ld a. reoudswhie ron dspteOSHAWA Atkinson bas teougbt consider- bi"s numerous points, wasl a bit Off (Witb Apologies to Rudyard Free Parking - Phone 101,1 he knoutw a POelaodyis now 1 Vm~ J And -bis game. Thirty-six points was Kipling) lFlip thaeP011iArmody gearsbîftlei too m any for L indsay to get, soth e d o t e S u eb k r es -F i t , what say a littie more attention IF YOU CAN keep "the faite" athe inadofte StudinAk nds- aurant i tee StaeBuildin. And -nd thndcick of is actio T OiZwek Peterboro will fur- Arlsigtansekgsoe- T chain drug stores originateci in aner nisb the opposition in four games thing new; FEB. 29 - MARCK 2 Nwateadta h oiia"ii In their previous m eeting, th * F YOU CA N stand the firm er N ew caFstle a di y u n dw t at the To i ailyn" nd r yo r on s sa s cr Pee on al bu h eot ou h t y fou yoIn G ro s Te nco r M r. Tamblyn was a tanner? Butth e Boyes wnalbtteSno huhte lu o nGol ehioo one old lady, perhaps one who, md Bosgame and in that encounter As being simple and old fash- aemchnss bt oe o;like the forgotten souls in the K . h 0R VO S 1 gave Bowmanvilie a merry bat- ioneditoo; Psalms, "bas no mnemoniai," wili tIc. Our caîl is for three wins for IF YOU CAN Put your hand in B heTet B.H.S. this week but we refuse Cbrist's, and feeling Starring Don Ameche - Andrea live ini Mr. Atkinson's memory whereU Matinee 18aturday 2.30 p.m. to namne the losing quintet. The marks of Calvary's scars Leeds - Ai JoLson urrougths wholieonis.Seig pr Linc-ups for Bowmanville: upon youn palm, Added - Color Cartoon yuougsritingonsa iog atcb- (.finetn omwcccaahr J u i r i ls -D . D o w n ey (8 ) , C an g la d ly say "A m en " to all H s Ho o L n e a n I l r n i h i n i g y s w i e t e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _og hltsti sf i g as o n n Mon. - Tues. - Wed. H. White (2), P. Dustan (16), M. dealing, __Book______and___________ o th chidrn skaedsawi"Ceh Ernrett (20), M. McDonaid (4), Or change the sigh into a joyous along with me," and bustied him your fr MARCK 4 - 5- 6 L. SJeep, C. Tompson, A. Dusen- psalm. uEIA off to the store and bought him a '~T S tsnc ehv o fmny You've got action inis oe.Yuv buny, G. Coulter, N. Fagan. IF YOU CAN iaugh when buman RE IV L pair of skates for bimseif. No won- ESKtsnc ohaealto oe ESettoGilH. Kday at(), . I I ar p.msed der Mr. Atkinson bas happy mem- to spend. But don't forget there's got style. You've govaunder- Giavile(4) M M- When casties fali and cherished F ories of the Newcastle ice races. also plenty of fun te be bad "on the WaY body knows it. You'egtlieyul Donald (10), M. Spencer, M.Anj prospects die; ýheatly 'TeGhstGesWet Pulls Church Bell For up" to ramfflbusendtamcte. Storey, P. Emmett, H. Williamns, Adust keep on, though ertoympa hetI ae ae' ffueceandcoe D. Wheeler, J. Rice. props have vanished Starring False Alarm pcsad ofyi JuIv enor 4B o s - m n ( 15), C o nte t o t e a te n y R obert D on at - Jean P ark er ven tod ay in m any villages T h e re 's th e sa tisfa c tio n o f a c ie v in g t p e a n d d i o a o o o e o blyn (2), Rundie, Un de r b 1, IF YOU CAN meet abuse without means tberes ineadeey te n fsomcthing bthe ha yway.se t Clarke, Mitchell, Allen, Wheeler. complaining, b, rs ott aealo tpigufrisact hssat Senior Boys - F a ga n(16), And greet your unkind cnitic Mon. - Tues. - Wed. bd lrses ou thav Oe a ook stppi Ui for innctotti a t Spse yoauh nba osrcC itt and ta in han.one ay wftssdMcagjn. ctha isMlaugInl Bucke ..~J o'lfn veen, Colville (2), C ra wf o rd, If, conscious that your human MAhH4 6yug Jedtkensn, wobau wse Monden, Swindeîîs, Casbourn. love is waning, Piai'boy Thief privileged to keep a key, went Just you feel thse siik-smootb surge of eight ail thse more! tdos'tcstatbn ,You dlaima Calvaryloeta into the cburch, up tai tee belfry, its great 107 borsepower, micropoise. to find out bow littiearaiygo a Enfield knows no guile; lv ht'afe'tieci a clothes line to the bell bine trib n E fedIF YQU CAN bear the unjust im-ow adRooafdifleest'îe - 4àl * lt I èk. ', 'ioth * o tflngs Of good ne- 'Fm ', TUF -ub---a nstructve edV )bmjr Miss Ruth James, daugbter of pont" and true; Mn. and Mns. Geo. W. James of And ever let the love of Christ ~IuT VE Bowmanviiîe, gave two solos, ____UDRN, FIREPOOç HOTIU - o bsess you, rBrahms' "A Night in May" and COEon31, CNEINTYLCTDstraining everything y o u10 Amy Woodfod Finden's "«Indian 6 vtsay and do; River Song." Miss James, though aid><a.g pé I YO CN indinHi yur fi e young, bas a ioveiy lyric soprano s .50 to $2-50 rruW '4a 9.6aa PIS hydep5 Lthighest treasune, il2W àal itrsSot#b "vea LtI voice wbich reveals caneful train- ] O I NO NIGHJE$80Rdgand soul andi limb, .oeFoen>ATo dya n promiet asihr ngei .or Imm PMARcoNmme.0 Then LIFE is Youns, and blessing ______a_________________sheto foioner ifpre-ic And wht i mor - ou'l ~ i ; snt course. The "Indian River And wht i moe -you'l AQUIK S INE Song" seemed cspecialiy suited to Ile ive and reign with Him! I OTNEthee igh, lyic quality of ber voice 5 ' -Reginald Wallis. and she shwd at and perccp. N Il ~fr i - I

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