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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1940, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN,~~~il£l BIMli-luNAROrnP~lV MRI 7'T s , 1 . .. -7 fur .3 for &o 13e .~2 tins 19e Oranges .......... doz. 25e 27c 32C Grapefruit, large ............ each Se St. Patrick's Day Candies IPhone 596' Et ý* LUNN Bowmanville r Easter C.dyo "Il An Easter Custom" adIn many homes Carter candy will again adta the Easter happiness. Why flot sur- prise the famlly with deliclous eandy frorn our fresh assortrnent! Sec aur display of fanay Easter Eggs and Bunnias in aur wlndow. Order now and bc sure of havlag a good cholce of Easter candy. Send Cigaretes to Soldiers 300 Sweat Caporals or 1 lb. Old Virginla Pipa Tobacco For only - $ 1.00 plus 10c handlig charge This excaptianaliy iaw pnice applias only when cigarettes or tobacco are sent ta sol- diers overseas. - Place your order to-day thrugh the Carter Famiy. The Carter FamîIy Bakers; for Two Generations Phone 855 ram % ;uncerning Salvation Army War Service Plan 1. The $1,000,000 Domijn io n Appeai has been registered with, and approved by, the War Chari- ties Act. 2. Its war work overseas wili ba synchronized with that af other auxiliary agencies undar the supervision aI Brigadiar-General W. W. Foster, a military officer, Who is a member af The Salva- tion Army National Advisary Board. 3. Its war work at home is geared inta the program of local auxiliary war work co-ordinatingl cammittees, an afficer in each dis- trict being a member aI such committeas. 4. The war services it wil render, bath overseas and home, include: Chaplain Service, Hospi- tal Visitations, Establishment and Operation of Recreatian Huts and Centres, Operation aI "Dry" Can- teens, Equipment and aperation aI Hostels and Billets for men on leave or in transit, Libraries, Reading and Writing raoms; màk- ing socks and knitted Wear by members af the Red Shieid Aux- iiiary and Home League (10,000 naw engaged in this wark). Con- tacts with lamilies. af enlisted men for caunsel, advice and as- istance wîth emergancy problems resuiting from depnivation af the bread winner. 5. The sacial part aI the pro- gram which deals with Rescue Homes, Children's Homes, Agad Peopie's Homes, Hospitais, etc., is included in the campaign, ta ahi- minate the Salvation Army's thrae regular annual appeals, viz., (a) Public Relations; (b) Self De- niai Appeal; (c) Harvest Festival Appeal. Room and Board WANTED-BOARD AND ROOM ia a good home by refincd young lassia in Public School. Apply Box 23, Statasman. 10-2 fier installed in each af the tw< furnaces. A communication was received fromn the Department af The N wcasle l depe dent Education in regard ta the un- Phone Clarke 1114 the cheques for the music grants Inspector R. A. A. McConnell's Miss Margaret Toms, Reg. N., sing in the Ontario Urban Schools first repart af Newcastle Publie Toronto University, spent t he Choir in Massey Hall, Toronto, Schoal was read and found high- lweekend with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Easter week in connection with ly satisfactory. Toms. the convention programn of the These accounts were passed: Mr. Wm. Brunt is convaîescing Onta.rio Educational Association. W. H. Anderson, supplies __$ 15.05 from bis illness, as is also Master The girls selected are: Ruth Bona- Fred Graham, coal ------- 29.82 Jack Gray who bas been out of than, Marilyn Enwright, Jacque- Gea. M. Hendry Ca. equip't 3.401 school with pneumonia. line Smith, Betty Vanflusen, Ma- Cent. Scientific Ca. af Can. Reeve C. R. Carveth, Mrs. Car- bel Gray, Margaret Ash and Mary supplies ---------------- 1.21 Purdy.H. C. Bonathan, hardware 2.38 vetb and Mrs. Jno. Douglas at- Pry t E w tended the funeral of Mrs. Ed. Three former N e wton ville Newcase .Stw Brittain in Toronto February 28. young ladies, Misses Kathleen, months' bill-------------- 17.15 ReV. R. E. Morton and Mr. J. Marguerite and Wanda McKay, Statesman, report cards ---- 4.59 A. Awde attended the annual who ahl have positions in New- Perey Brown and H. C. convention of the Ontario Tem- castle, and have been boarding, Allin, fix furnaces-------- 12.15 perance Federation in Toronto on have taken an apartment and are Letter Shop Supply Ca. Tuesday. setting up housekeeping in Mrs duplicatar------------------ 22.25 Mrs. J. A. Awde and Mrs. Percy Toplift's house west of the coi- A.E. Mellow, supplies ---- 4.14 Brown attended tbe Ontarioa Hor- munity hall. Misses Kathleen and H. Brereton, extra work-- 1.00 ticultural Convention in the King Wanda are employed with the .Ttl$131 Edward Hotel, Toronto, as dele- Anderson Smith Ca., and Missal$131 gates af Newcastle Horticultural Marguerite clerks in A. E. Mel- Society. low's drug store. NWATEWMS Weekend visitors with Mr. and A lecture, illustrated by îantern NWATEWMS Mrs. W. P. Rickard at "The slides, on the Missionary Colpfer- W. M. S. which met Monday Grange" were, Mr. and Mirs. Chas. ence was given in St. George's was opened by an inspiring mes- S. Hogg9 and Miss Charlotte Hay, parish hall by Mrs. Hewson, To- sage "Does Prayer Meet Our Toronto, and Miss Jean Richard, ronto, March 4th. The lecture, Needs?" and prayer by Mrs. J. C. Oakville. which was brightly informative Hancock who, ini the absence of Scheduled Carpetball g a me, and inspirational, was given un- the president, occupîed the chair. Miarch 5th, in St. George's parish der auspices of the Girls' Branch After arrangements for the April hall witb St. Peter's Club, Ca- of the W. A., Mrs. D. R. Dewdney, thank-offering service, at which bourg, did not materialize. Ar- president. A number of W. A. Mrs. W. F. Banister, Bowman- rangements will be made for the members as well as girls were in ville, will be guest speaker, were visit later. attendance ta meet Mrs. Hewson completed, the National prayer Miss Bessie Blackburn has tak-I and hear her speak. for peace was repeated in unison. en a position in Toronto. She will Newcastle music loyers enjoy- Scriptvre reading by Miss Ballagh be greatly missed by the United ed aJrch esthetical treat on Mon- and prayer by Mrs. Awde follow- Church Choir, the Y.P.U., NO. 9 day evening when the A Cappella ed. The topic "The Christian Home and School Club, and in Chair from Bowmanville Hîgh Church in India" fram "Moving various social circles. School, supportad by the School Millions" was presented by Miss "The Live Wires" young men's Orchestra and Miss Ruth Hutch- E. Blackburn. Excerpts of the class of the United Church S. S., ýinson, alocutionist, presented a report of the Victor Redemptive Mr. Chas. Glenney teacher, at-- twa h-our broad range programn in Home as read by Mrs. Hancock tended divine service in a body the United Church auditorium praved of great interest. at St. Paul's Church, Bowxnan- under the direction af Mr. Fran- At this point the mieeting was ville, Sunday evaning, and heard cis Sutton, Mus.Bac. The Bow- taken over by the Missipn Band Rev. W. F. Banistar preach. manville schooî's singers and mu- who were paying their annual Newcastle lost another aged sicians with their teacher came visit. President Barbara Bona- t citizen last week in the persan of ta Newcastle under the auspices than was in the chair. Several Mrs. Ross, dearly beloved mother of the Young People's Union hymns for the yaung were fol- ' of Mrs. David Shaw, with whom which after the programn served lowed by a prayeq Sung 15y all1- she bad been living, and grand- the visitors with apple pie and the mambers. A recitation by4 mother of Miss Gladys Shaw, To-. coffee in the S. S. hall. This re- Hazel Brown and a duet by Mari-L ronto, Mrs. Wm. Brunt and Miss freshment period developed into lyn and Doreen Enwright were C Muriel Shaw, Newcastle. a pleasant social time for all can- well rendered. A quiz on the I The Local Federation of Men cerned, bath hasts and guests. Mission Band study book waso Teachers af Mr. R. A. A. McCon- _________ conducted by Mrs. Beman. The o neil's Inspectorate met in the whole-hearted response proviedp cominunity hall, Newcastle, Mar. C. T. BAI'TY AGAIN HEADS that the childran of aur Band t 6th. The councîl chamber and BOARD OF EDUCATION are being really educated alongS the hall kitchen were utilized. A _______lie. heeeris business meeting was followed by Newcastle Board af Education, was enriched. by several demon- cards which in turn gave way ta incorporated in 1858, held its first strations of the home-hIfe of the i refreshments. meeting of the 82nd year of its Indian child and proved delight-H Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. organization in the council cham- ful alike ta juniors and adults. Chas. Brereton (nee Miss Muriel ber on March 4th, 1940. A coin- nR Rowden) on the birth of a son, bination of circumstances pre- r. Rinch, leader of the group6 William Charles, in Port Hope vented the meeting being held on in charge, expressed the Mission hospîtal Feb. 25th. Mrs. Brere- the statutory date, February 7th. Band's sincare appreciation af B ton and babe left the hospital on C. T. Batty was re-elected their help. Mrs. Morton offered M Monday aI this week and are cara n .J os ie the closing prayer. rM staying for a short while at her chairman.anTHe.cTmteescee E parens hmiPorewtloe.Pb struck: Property - Irwin Colwill, ROYAL TOUR PICTURES e leSeven gtir fNewcastMie Pub.i E. W. Fisher, Ross Dickinson; Fi- SHOWN HERE F licon Scholried by iss Hatie nance- C. T. Batty, H. J. Toms, si Maso, MsicSupevisr, illH. S. Britton; Prizes, Medals and People of Newcastle and vicini- Endowments - Rev. D. R. Dewd- ty flocked ta the community hall gc _____________________ney, C. S. Horrocks, C. T. Batty; in large numbers on Friday even- M Sports and Field Day - E. W. ing ta sea the Toronto Star's G, Fisher, R. B. LeGresley, et al. Royal Tour pictures which vivid- Sb The Board re-appointed Mrs. ly recalled the visit of their Ma- p, Iffach epRiing Beatrice Allin, School Attendance jesties, King George VI, and W~ membr ofthePuble Lirar Mayand uneand especially to a Dring i that watch or Board.Th Board named Ross a great many i attendance their to dlock now and have it re- Dickinson its delegate ta the 0.E. Majesties' stap-over in Toronto ra palred at Hartwlg's. The A.' Convention in Toronto Easter on May 22nd. These colored pic- SI repair shop where ail week. a isuso tures of the royal tour through w wok erflydn.There wssm isuso fCanada and part af the United H( workis crefuly dne. the unsatisfactory circunistance States were shawn here under the Sc af some of the newer pupils con- auspices aI Newcastle Red Cr ss S. . HA RT W I Gta present thamsehves in by Mr. Davis af tha Star. ýýe Pi S. J HAR W IG ýther casse witout ny boksaccampanying script explaining S or any equipment ta work with lhe scenes depicted an the screen dl WATCHMAKER and the Board decided ta here- was read by Rev. Father S. J. Sp Knlght Block King St. E. after pravide examination paper Coffey. ri for ail public school pupils as it Extras shown were moving Te Bowmanvllle has been doing for the high pictures of a trip by boat araund _____________________school. The Property Cammittee Cape Horn and a trip ta the - was authanized ta have a humidi- Hawaiian Islands. Before any of - the pictures were shown Reeve __________________________________________ C. R. Carveth axpressed bis plea- - hsure in seeing soi many present. 1 IHe intraduced Mr. Davis ta the far assemblage and thanked Father 8, L U N' BG OA S LE Coffey for the service he was taiW LU NSBGSA A E perform. - 14, Lux Ihtr Auction Sale. I have been autborized ta sali or the J. W. Damsey Estate, Lot ,Con. 2, Hope (1 mile east aI Velcame) on Thursday, March 4the farm, stock, impiemants, ey, grain and poultry. A new ractor bought last fali wilh be ild. Sale at 12 o'clock sharp. erms cash. Eimar Wiibur, auc- bne.Bailiff's Sale 1- Notice is heraby givan that the Goods and Chatteis, distrainad for rent an the 28th day af Feb- ruary, 1940, by me, Rager Bird, as Bailiff, ta Margaret M. Harsey, the Landiord af the pramises aI Mrs. Nellia Leach, the Tenant, wiiI be soid at Horsay Block, naxt Bowman Housa, by public auction on the 8th day of March, 1940, at 2 p.m., which goods and chattels are as foiiows, that is ta say: 2 Helene Curtis, Empress Hair Dryers and 3 Occasional Chairs. 10-1' Notice, to Creditors Ia the Estate af Hannah Em- merson, late af the Town af Bowmanvilie, in the County af Durham, Spinstar, Deceased. Creditors and othars having dlaims against the aboya astate ara required ta send full partic- ulars af such dlaims ta the undar- signad on or before the 8th day of Apnil, 1940, altar which date the Estate's assets wiii be distri- buted, having regard aniy ta dlaims that have been received. Lawrence C. Mason, Bowman- ville, Ontario, solicitor for the Executors. 10-3 Seed Cleaning SEED CLEANING - WE ARE prepared ta tail, dlean and separate ail varieties of grain for seed and show. We can dlean ail kinds af grain and claver seeds. If y )u are intar- ested caîl and sea aur plant or Phone Bowmanville 22i8, Gar- net B. Rickard, Operatar. 6-tf For Sale or Rent- HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT- 8 roomns, hardwood floors, fire- place, furnaca, water, garden and barn, about ana and a hall acres. Apply ta Fred Burley, Newcastle. 10-1' tic 3 rs; de re, T- ue eh BIRTH CROSSEY - In Bowmanville Hospital, on Saturday, March 2nd, 1940, ta Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Crassey, a son, Glenn Ewart. XAcinSIs l-The undersigned has receivec it instructions from e. Chas. A. Johns 's LOT 24, CONCESSION 5 ic Township of Darllngton 2% Mlles West of Hampton, 3 Mlles North of Hlghway 5 ta sll y pbli ctiu~don 2Tuesday, March 1»t The fahlowing Farm Stock, lmi 1plements, Feed, and Furniture 8 Horses - Clyde Gelding, risir 4 years; Clyde Geldmng, rising 5years; Clyde Filly, rising 2 year 9Clyde Filly, rising 2 years; Chyc Filly, rising 1 year; Clyde Mar( 5aged. - Cattle - Black Cow, just renew 3ed, calf at foot; Red Cow, just re 1newed, calf at foot; Red Cow bred Dec. 21; Holstein Cow, dui March 6; Roan Cow, due Marci 12; Holstein Cow, bred Dec. 10 Holstein Cow, just renewed; Re( Cow, renewed in Sept.; Holsteiz Cow, bred Jan. 1h; Black Cow bred Jan. 30; Holstein Cow, brec Dec. 31; Brindia Cow, bred Nov 14; Blue Cow, just renawed, ca]ý at foot; Black Cow, bred Sept. 301 Black Heifer, bred Nov. -18; Bhac] Heifer, rising 2 years; Roan Heif. er, bred in Sept.; Bnindle Heifer bred Nov. 25; Roan Steer, 1 yaar Red Steer, 1 year; Roan Heifer,1 year; Veal Caif; Registared Short. horn Bull, Glazier 236890, bort April 15, 1938, bred by John Mill- er Jr., Ashburn. Pigs - Sow, bred Dec. 28; Sow, bred Jan. 6. Poultry - 2 Geese; Gander; 36 Barred Rock l-year-old Hens. Grain - 200 bus. Erban Oats; 250 bus. Victary Oats; 100 bus. No-barb Barley. Hay - 5 tans Mixed Hay. Ensilage - 9 Feet Ensilage, in 12 foot silo. Potatoes - 15 bags Goad Pota- taes. Miseellaneous - Stone Boat, Water Trough, Mîlk Cart, Colony House, Pig Box, Loading Chute, 4 Feed Boxes, 5 Ramn Barrels, Ladders, Roll Field Fance, 2 Roîls Garden Fence, Gravel Box, Gas Drum, 2 Wheelbarraws, number of Grain Bags and Sacks, number of Wagon Tangues, Power Clip- per, 2 Cross Cut Saws, Wbiffhe- trees, Neckyokes, Tools, Spring Seat, Bicycle, Chains, Bars, Hoes, Forks and many ather articles. Harness - Double Set Breech- ing Harness, 2 Double Set Plough Harness, Single Set Heavy Har- ness, Single Set Light Harness, 6 Collars. Implements - Massey-Ha r ris 3inder, 6 ft.; M.-H. Mower, 5 It.; Y.-H. Cultivator; M.-H. Scufflar; vI.-H. Drill; M.-H. 4-section Har- rows; Cockshutt Manure Spread- er; Hay Rake; Turnip Drill; RaIl- er; Echipse Gang Phow, naw; Fleury Single Phow, new; Varity Single Plow; Set Pea Harvesters, complete; Chatham Fanning Mill, aood screens and bagging attach- ment; Top Buggy; Open Buggy; Good Cutter; Old Cutter, in good shape; Set Cutter Shafts; Buggy Pole; Cutting Box; Heavy Farm Wagon Box, stock rack, hay rack complete; Iran Axha Wagon, ca- pacity one tan, with shafts and tongue, springs, hay and stock rack camplete; Set Toboggan Sleighs; Gnindstone; Work Bench, with vice; Turnip Pulper; Ankar- Ealth Separatar; Set 2000-lb. cales. Furniture - Kitchen Range and )ipes, Piano Case Bell Organ, 3 ;ettees, 2 Couches, Wicker Cra- le, Large Wardrabe, Set Bed "prings, 2 Tables, Wicker Car- age, some small articles. 7erms Cash. - Sale at 12 o'clock, Elmer Wilbur Auctioneer. J. D. Hagarth, Clark. DEATHS FISSETTE - At her home, 19 Wellington Street, Brantford, Feb. 29, Minnie Sinclair, widow of Thonlas Fissette, sister af Mrs. P. C. Trebihcock, Bawman- FERGUSON - At the home of hier daughter, Mrs. H. C. Rose, 14 Blythwood Cresent, Toronto, March 4, 1940, Louisa Windel, widaw of the late Thomas Wil- liam Ferguson and daughter of the late Rev. W. C. and Mrs. Windel, in her 85th year. In- terment at Cadmus. M4ILLS - At Enniskihlen, on March 1, 1940, Ralph Mihîs, 1- day-ahd infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. W. Milîs, En. niskihlen. Interment Prince Ah- bert Cemetery. ROSS - In Newcastle, on Friday, March lst, 1940, Margaret Ross, in her 82nd year. Interment ed in V. Jf .k 16 S; . r w p b] IN MEMORIAM HUNT - In memary of my dear husband, Jesse Hunt, wha pass- ed away March 4th, 1939: One year has passed since that sad day, The ana I laved was called away; God took him hame, it was His -wilh, But in my haart ha iveth stihl. -Lovingly remembered by his VAN DYKE - In loving memory aI Gea. H. VanDyke, who pass- ed away March 8, 1939: O iaving father, true and kind, No friand on earth like hlm we'l find, For ail of us he did his best, And God gave him eternal rest. -Ever remember by his daugh- ASHTON - Carlyle Sweet memories will linger forever, Time cannot change them, it's true, Years that may came cannot sever Our loving remembrance of you. -The family. COMING EVENTS The eleventh annual "At Home" of Palestine Chapter, R.A.M., will be held Friday, April 12th. Re- serve this date. 8-3 A drama "My Irish Rose" will be presented in Trinity Sunday School roam an Thursday, March l4th, under the auspices of Church St. Group of the W.A., at 8 p.m. Admission 25c. Note change of date. 10-1 An invitation is extended toa ah fathers ta attend the Home and School Association's - "Fathers' Night," March 13th at 8 pm4n in the Central School. Rev. Father Coffey will speak an "The League of Nations." A couple af children's plays "Sleeping Beauty" and "The Sen- timental Scare Crow" will be given in St. Andrew's Sunday School Room on Wednesday, March 2Oth at 8 p.m. Admission 25c. 10-2 "The Fashion Show" will be presented by the West Group of the W. A., supplemented by a display of the latest spring and summer models frorn The Evlyn' Shop, Bowmanville, in'- Newcastle Community Hall, on Tuesday, March l2th, at 8 p.m. Admission 25c and 15c. Musical program. 10-1 Orchard on Shares Having solEl my fanas stock and irriplements I wouid now lika ta rant my archard on shares aI about 42 acres. For particulars appiy ta, Mrs. John Luxton, R.R. 4, Bawmanviile. Phone 2224. 10-1* BLUE BIRD BEAUTrY PARLOR special - $5.00 permanent wave for $2.50 including shampoa, linger wave and trias. Mrs. F. J. Cale, Phone 339. 9-tf FOR SALE - BAY GELDING with white face, rising 3 yrs.; also 20 cords soft body cord. wood, prices right. Phone Bow- manville 2130, Oshawa 660. 10-tf FOR SALE - ONE BRONZE Tom and some Turkey Hens. Phone 1652r3, Oshawa. 10-1* FOR SALE - CLYDESDALE gelding, 4 years old, sound and right every way; 15 tons mixed hay; 5 tons second cut alfalfa. Phone Orville Osborne, 2480, Bowmanville. 10-2* Baby Chicks WE WILL BE PLEASED TO mail you our 1940 Chick Cir- cular. AlI R.O.P. Sired Chicki at attractive prîces. Now book- ing orders for delivery any time. Ninth year in the busi- ness. Our strain is well and favorably knawn. Donald E. Gibson, Bow'manvîlle, cintario. Phone: Clarke 3811. 2-tf S. C. WHITE LEGHORNS AND Barred Rocks - Why take chances? Buy chicks with con- fidence from goverament sel- ected, bload-tested stock. Naw booking orders for mixed, sexed and started chicks. Al arders will receive aur careful atten- tion. Write or Phone for price list. Your confidence is aur aim. Phone 2636, H. J. Brooks, Bow- For Sale FOR SALE-MARSHALL MAT- tresses, genuine spring-filled Marshafls, reg. $19.75 value, March Special $13.50; soft cot- ton nmattresses, aIl sizes, limited quantity, $4.95; Bed outfits, steel bed, cotton matresses, spring, $13.95. These prices good at F. F. Morris Ca. March 7th ta l4th only. 10-1 SEED GRAIN 'FOR SALE - Erban Oats, 65c bus.; No-barb Barley, 70e bus. Apply T. Baker, R.R. 1, Hampton. 10-1* FOR SALE-ALL METAL GAR- age, can be maved easily, in excellent condition; also a Que- bac heater in good repair. Phone 559, Bowmanviile. 10-1* FOR SALE - S-PC. REED SUN- roam Suite and Dinette Suite in Sun-Tan Maple; contents of newly furnished home assigned for quick sale. First reasanabie cash offer gets this nargain. Goods can be sean any evening by appaintment. Caîl 573. 10-1 SEED GRAIN FOR SALE - No. 1 Cartier Oats, Na. 1 Erban Oats, 2 Rawed Barley. Pure- bred Yorkshire breeding stock: 2 sows with litters, several young sows about 6 mas. old; aiso weanling pigs. Pure-bred Holstein cow, 4-yr.-oid, and heifer, 2-yr.-ohd, bath due saon. Aiso two grade 3-yr-aids, Hol- stein and Jersey, bath fresh. James T. Brown, near Kurv FOR SALE - IRISH- COBBLER and Dooley patatoes, grown on new soil, good cooking quality. Phone 2406, on the Frank farm, Bowrnanville. 10-2* FOR SALE - RUBBER GOODS, Sundries, etc., mailed postpaid in plain, sealed wrapper, 80% less than retail. Write for mail- order catalogue. Nov-Rubber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton. Ont. 3-8 R econditioned Tires ALL SIZES IN STOCK, 50c UP: 604Jxl6 - 550xl7 - 525x18 - 500x 19 - 500x20 - 450x2l. G. F. Jamieson, Tire Shop, King and Silver Sts., Bowmanville. 10-1 Wanted WANTED - APPLES, SPYS, Starks, Baldwins and Deliciaus Reply stating grade and price. S. Rusk, Omemee. 101* WANTED - A SILO, MUST BE in good condition. State price and particulars. George J. Stapleton, Clarke. Phone Clarke WANTED - OLD HORSES AND cattle for fox meat. Norby Fur Farm, Tyrone, Phone 2415. 34-tf Help Wanted WANTED - EXPE R IEN CE D farm hand for dairy farm. Apply ta James T. Brown, R. R. 2, Newcastle. 10-1 WANTED - YOUNG GIRL DE- sires furnished room for light housekeeping. Phone 896 be- tween 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. 10-1* Readings TEA CUP AND CARDS FROM 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. Darch's To- bacco Store. Phone 2615. 9-3* Weekly Feed Special WEEKLY FEED SPECIAL - Shur-Grain Pig Starter, $2.25 per cwt. Offer good until Mar. 14th. F. C. Vanstone. Phone 777. For Rent APARTMENT TO LET - FOUR roomns and bath, electricity and water, reasonable rent, central location. Available April lst. Apply Miss Evelyn Bounsail, Phone 326. 10-1 Livestock For Sale FOR SALE - MARE, COMING 3 years old, general purpose. Apply W. E. Lymer, Phone 2164, Bowmanville. 10-1* FOR SALE - JERSEY COW, 6 yrs. old, good milker, freshens May lOth. Apply Wayne Elllott, Newtonville. 10-1* FOR SALE - YOUNG SOW, bred, $20; also six pigs, seven weeks old, $5 each, for this week only. Apply Tom Collis, Phorie 2453. 10-1 ELMER WILBUR Llcensed Auctioneer Hampton, Ont. Specializing in Farm, Livestock, Implements and Furniture Sales TERMS MODERATE Phone for Terms and Date t~ Bowmanville 2428. - RADIO -SERVICE Electrie - Battery - Car Radio OnIy New Original Parts Used RADIO LOANED FREE while Your Radio is Repaired Re QUINN-% King St. Phone 575 Opp. Stevens' Taxi CLOVERS, GRASSES, FORAGE VARIETIES Choice Oelected lines of Beed - No. 1 for Purity and Hîgli Germination. Corne in and look over our large stock before pur- chasing, our prices are remarkably low for the quality we offer. Your timne and land Is more valuable than ever titis Year. We invite your inspection of Gov't. Control Certificates whlch we have on hand covering our Seeds. FIELD ROOTS You will remnember the high quality and Iow price we offered in Mangel and Turnip Seed last year.* See us again titis year before You buy. TESTrED GARDEN SEED IN BULK Every variety of Vegetable Seed i common demand. Also a wide seleetion of Flower Seeds. STEWART'S SEED STORE Phone 577 Bewmanvile -r "Hi Gang, Let's Go!" Yes, It's Jinm2y. Ful of Pep now! Read what eaused the change ....1 Thase are facts . . . Jimmy, before ha was fittad for cor- rect glasses, was duhi, list- less and alten complained af baing tirad and sleepy. Mentally, taa, ha was back- ward. But that is a thing af the past naw. New giasses clearad up. th e trouble. Jim is a new boy naw! - HAVE - YOUR EYES TESTED AT JURY & LOVELL'S Wlldroot $1,00 size flair Tonie - - 59c Fitcht 90e value Sha mpoo and Hair Tonie - - - 59e Tek 50e value Toothbrush - - 29e PURETEST HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES--,o 3 reg. 90e pkgs. for ---2 00 Extra riaithi Vitarnin A, so assential in building Up body rasistance agalnst colds and Infetive diseases. Rexaîl Cherry Bark Cough Syrup - 29e reg. 35e bottie Mi 31 Antiseptis 75e (Moutit Wash and Gargie) reg. 4-oz. bottle free wlth every l6-oz. bottie Stork reg. 25e tUn Baby Talcum - 19e Klenzo reg. 25e tube Dental Creme - 19c Rexall reg. 25e Dental-Fix Powd 19e 20 per cent Reduction HELENA RUBENSTEIN (Limited Time Only) BEAUTY AIDS JURY & LOVEIL ~Z~ ~ D"qStoe Telephone Your Orders to 778 Prompt Free Delivery Service STEWART - In Kendai, on Feb. 24th, 1940, Margaret Jean Ste- wart, daughter of the late Neil and Catherine Stewart, aga 75 years. Interment Orono Came- tery. Cards of Thanka Mr. F. C. Hoar wishes ta ex. )ress his sincere and grateful ippreciation for the many ex- )ressions of sympatby and kind- esses shown during the sickness id passing af his sister, Miss lorence M. Hoar. Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. W. gills wish ta express their sincere ýpreciation to neighbours and ieads, also Dr. Austin, wha are 50 kind during their recent treavement of tbair baby son. i'1~~ pi b 'y White Naptha Pearl Soap Gold Medal Wax Beans, choice 16 IREADaý,d USE hieWANTBAD Ami.. mmomw nn2=222m= 1* 1 1- il 1 - - 1 ý 1 1 - ýi - 1 1 -- THE CANADIAN , STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY. MARCH 7TH. 1940 70 ,,IAuction Sales )f li Lost LOST - A BLACK AND TAN hound, about three miles north of Bowmanville about two weeks ago. Finder please com- municate with Box 22, cia The Statesman Office. 10-1* For Sale or Exchange FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Horses for sale or exchange for'j Young cattle. Apply Elmer W. Bradley, R.R. 6, Bowmanville, C OURTICE - At Bowmanvilhe Hospital, on March lst, 1940, ta Mr. and Mrs. Eric Courtice, Auctioneer

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