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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1940, p. 3

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m W, À MOTHERS! ? on't Lot Your hil dren Suifer Bon't Jet them sufer from coughe, coldsweakness or il1- health that may be due to a lack of the vital Vitamine A and D and C. Gîve them these vital Vitamine by a steady treatment wth Haliborange. Haliborange le a splendid vita- min tonic; and la the niceet way of taklng Halibut Liver 011 (Vitamine A and D) and freeh orange juice (Vtamîn C). Halîborange lea afe for very Young babies, and ail chlldren and adulte. Haliborangeilepre- scribed by doctore ln many hoopitale ln Great Britain as well as ln Canada. Get a five or ten ounce bottle of Haliborange from your drug- glet and try It. See how quickly your children will respond to f te treatment. Remember the name Haliborange-The nîceet way of taklng Halibut Lîver 011. ALLEN AND RANBURYS CO. LIMITEI, LINDSAY,'ONT. Ia-great mnýy -youri g couüpleès marry unless the wife also goes workîng at her job - at leastf a lime. Things are by no nieans dE perately bad in tee affairs Britisli trade, commerce andî dustry. To-day Britain lias 1h], million more persons in dleric employmenî Ilian were employt in 1921 - engaged in finance, i surance, personal services, Irai Port, amusements, etc. In indu try employment is greater ahs and tee 2,500,000 men ah-eaÈ taken out o! industry and certai t0 be taken lias produced whi may be cahled a labour scarci' Millions of women will be ai sorbed by industry. British export trade with Sout American countries is b r i s1 These countries prefer 10 do bus nec wite Britain rallier than wit tlie United States becauce Britai buys more o! tlieir exports lis does the United States. The Unil ed States imposes higli tarif! bai riers against Soutli America countries. LasI year a man patented smahl-model flying mchine cap able, lie said, o! attacliment b: straps 10, a man's shoulders.1 was powered by a lîglitweig gasoline engine, and liad two pro pellers, mounted on a vertica axis, and would enable one 10 fl for considerable distances. This man was not; just an idl dreamer. He liad had substantia achievements in tlie realm of fly ing machines. He was the inven tor o! the lieliocopter - a flyiri machine able Ici ascend verticaîll His namne was Dr. George ID DRY CLEANING THAT SATISFIES COATS -- SUITS -- DRESSES ,75c each or 2 for $100 Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Ce Ltd. Phone 419 We Cail For and Deliver 4 THURSDAY, MARCH vîsuahizeci andi an excellent case Ii years. is made for the cdaim teat adver- ea. uamesd t.4 hm. a i ne Can Six Counties Free of Debt tsig lias helped te bring this -v oipeiy. Yeu led el m-h"Y The gross debenture debt o! about. b&dihy, &W~, dngpd out adl tietù ifl. Ontario municipalities is aI its This is 'lie kind of book teat is Reievey..ra.iIof dhbseuen., aathou- lowest since 1923 at $404,291,000, essenlial 10 the business execu- manda hv-i.itiFnait-a-tivea, for 3S y.ar a decrease o! $21,000,000 from the tive, and, as already indicated, il Cauada'a largeat aeilins l uer rmedy. Fruit-a- preceding year, while tee net de- is also a valuable source o! in- lisePthiuate yow liver, Iwiaig Prmipt relief benture debî stands at $342,62 1,- formation te tee student o! social - mke Yeu fed lfiLa à New pues. Gel 000, represen'cing a per capita history and progress. The authors, Fnait-a.. t aaYOW druggiat'aoci, 254 50c. debt of $100.94, as against $108.33 H. E. Stephienson and Carlt-on Mc- Ru mAim m , uV.r in the preceding year. Nauglit are te be congratulaled rsU I.AiV On tee basis of information on an excellent piece of work. R I Toblets contalned in lie report, it is re- 7TH, 1940 IEA » AND WRITE .. FOR YOI LUJhnC»irwo flogs! How many breeds do reduced, which means liaI you tliink there are? How many of tee sun's heat would peni can you name? Can you naine the coal dust and melItih twenty? Will it surprise you 1e ciers. Glaciers are tee br& be bold that Ihere are 90 breeds? place of cold air - tee co.i At one dog show held in Febru- that travels 10 tee temp ary O! this year were shown 2738 zones. dogs representing 90 breeds. It may be that some day The fifteen breeds most num- dust spread over polar ice erously sliown aI dog shows last snow may become a chang( year, in the order o! popularity, the world's climate! were: cocker spaniels, Boston ter- Afiers, beagles, Scottish terriers, fox terriers, daclislunds, peking- The time may not be ver3 ese, Englisli springer spaniels, away when we shahl replace chow chows, greyliounds, bull- and white-gold eyeglass fiý '«s, llies, Pomeranians, Irish witli plastic materials - in ,4tes,c doberman pinscliers. lavender, yellow, sea green emerahd-green colours, by wE This Year Japan wiil celebrate illustration. And il is being its 2600tli birîliday. There wiîî gested tliat these coloured fra be grand naval and military re- selected by tlie wearer 10 views. On Mardi 3rd was a Girls' lier complexion, the colour of Doîls Festival Day, wlien dolîsliair, or lier personality, may represering mnembers of th to feminine glamour. court, were displayed in age-old This is tlie colour age costumes. In May boys wihl ex- a vengeance! hibit warrior dolîs and high-fly- *** ing kites. There wîlh be tlie Star Tre cntisagn Festival to mark the happy meet- hEîand tues o toacc ing of tlie two star loyers of nldteueotbao MYthology, and a Feast of Lan - quite rigidly restricted - beci terns, 10 pay homage 10 departed it liad been observed that rr sou]h. who Buddhists believe visiti abuses had crept in, and coin the erth hen.ted, by Ilie frequent taking These anniversary celebrations oý " began in January and wiîî con-J It was forbidden, for exarn tinue all througli the year. Those 10 use tobaccopblicly "in named above are a mere fraction streets, higlicwayes, or any bz o! al Iiat ilhbe hld.yards, or upon training dayes t **anyopen places." The use Coal dust cari be an ice-meîîing obaccowas permitted only fuel wîtliouî beirig lighted! A "mere necessities, for phisick, certain Dr. Lanisberg wants coal lpreservaceon o!fIlie healîli," dust spread over Arctic anid Ant- punished were landlords who arctic ice and snow - spread very, lowed tenants 10 keep tobacco very thinly - wîtli a thickness o! their premises. The Courtso about two-hundredtlis o! an incli ordered that "no person under His experiments have tauglit hirn age o! twenty-one years, nori liaIt i a single polar summer the ollier, that liali not already solar radiation that falls on each cuctomed himse]fe 10 the equaele f ic andsnow is thereof, shaltake any lobat 4000 lton f burning effet 10 until iee liati brouglit a cetl 4000ton ofburingcoal; teat a cale under tee hands of cornev very, very thin covering of coal are approved for knowledgeà dust wil reflet Iess than 10 per skill in phisick, -that il is usel cent O! tee energy received from f or him, and also liaI liee h the sun; that on days wlien the received a lycense from tee cou temperature was slighîly above for the samne." freezing, ice blocks melted com- Those New Englanders o! pletely in four hours wlien cover- XVIIîli century had wisdom! ed witli coal duct. but when left uncovered, 'identical (in size) ice Should married women be blocks remained 85 per cent in- îowed 10 engage in gainful oci tact; that on calm, sunny days, pations? Many employers he with air temperatures as low as sti!fly-lield views in relation 20 degreec Falir., duct-covered this question: they wilh not kE blocks lost 5 per cent o! their in their employ women wloion, weight in two hours. ry; and many jobless men c( Dr. Landsbery would begin by tend 1hat married women, whl covering glaciers witli coal dust. liusbands are able 10 maint, If lliey were blackened their re- tliem, slouhd not be alhowed fletive Power would be greatly hold 'wage-paid positions. A woman writer, in a place authority, argues that young rn today wlio are not paid enoi 10 enable tliem to set up a li wîll not marry a girl in emp]c ment if slie wihh lose lier job cie marries, and that Iliere!c * * I I tliousands o! marriages dor I I I .1 I take place just because o! t] Icircumstance. Also, cie conten that il is simPlY not possible1 Bothezat. 1 say "was", for *he Jdied ini February of this year. U Dr.s De Bothezat was born in Th ounselor Salvation Army Plani I asrabia, then a province of Russia. In 1920 hie went to the R. W. Armstrong'IinD la p e Ued tae. of had formulat- (Copyright Reserved ilo ola pe edteter f"air screws", and ______________ was encouraged to bui]d the ma- muc chnewhih.becae knownas the " have corne to ask your ad- For WarPurposes ietrte elicoper.Thisfirt mchie vce.I have been offered a posi- se gla. eighed 3600 îbs., and was pow- tion in a bank, and I don't know War-Time Work at Home and ai eeding ered by a 170 h.p. motor. Just be- whether to accept it or flot." the Front Calis for Funds id air fore his death Dr. De Bothezat Myvstrwsabyo ien Cnda W Veaswh ýperate was at work on the construction in visitolyr wis aiboylofsixt.een and in tW reterans whi of a 600-lb. heliocopter, complete i i inlya i ide schoo,. sevenetGreat r fu1914 wvith engine and cabin furnish- Hie is a good student and shos1 haenebugrtfle adng.signs of originality in his think- olcin fth idyhlfl 5 olig.ing as weil as a keen sense of re- ecinofteidyhepu er ofandîiit n ie ness of the Salvation Army. They Drerof ponibilty n lfe.may not have a good word to say STRONG SUPPORT "Walter," I said, "if you go into for conditions in which they hac SEEMS ASSURED the bank you will in ail proba- to fight and live for those long farbility have solved the employ. weeks and n1onths and years, ini y f FOR Y.M.C.A. DRIVE ment question for the rest of your training, in reserve and at the cgold____ life. In a day when jobs are front, but they have nothing but rames Backed up b y prominent Ca- none too plentiful this fact should fond recollections of the Salvation ired, nadian business men who like to receive consideration. Besides You Army and its services. And now iand see value received for money are likely to find yourself well a new war finds the Salvation ray of spent, the Canadian Y.M.C.A. will adapted to the work and you Armyainperngtgoo sug- soon be inviting citizens of ahl should find it quite agreeable. ~Yaanpeaigt ot ames raks t cotribte l,03,00 to Theincme i no lare u tes front with the soldiers, to a ms it k o c n r b t $ , 3 , 0 o h n o m s n t l r e u l s re n d e r th e so cia l w e lfa re se rv ice s f hert wards the cost of the Associa- you rise to some very special dictated by the Christian Spirit of ,lr dTios a services. post, but it is always sure to kindess add hiswas the objective set by and you will be able to make ides the National Council at its annual your plans accordingly. I have A]rad trohu canada with meeting in-Ottawa last week end, flot the least doubt that you would where military trainigcap after a careful survey had been make a successful banker but the have been established, Salvation made of the job necessary to be fact that you have corne to me Armny Recreation Centres have New done in Canada and overseas. with the question indicates that been organized where the soldiers a The amount needed was flot made you have a feeling that some may meet under happy auspices cause by guess work. It was worked other course might be better for to smoke, play games, read, write, mayotbya studied examination o you. Is that correct?" mend their clothes, secure new nany- costs and through a shrewd esti- "Yes," was ah hle said. socks, mufflers and other small tgiof mate of the needs of the imme- "Well," 1 replied, "if you have comforts, which in time of active g fdiate future. As Major J. W. Bea- a feeling down in your soul that service, loom 50 important. Who ton had predicted on his return you ought to do something else among those who served in nple, from England and France, where I would treat that feeling with France during the last war will kthe hie conducted the early organîza- deference. I would analyze its forget the doughnuts and coffee arne tion work for the Canadian Y.M. contents and weigh its worth; served t0 ahl corners by the Sai- s, ini C.A. the sum determined was then look at the immediate bene- vation Army? And though not ;e Of "based on facts and realities." fits that would result frorn a posi- publicizing the fact, many of for April 15 was the date set for tion in the bank in the light of it." those old soldiers remember the for the actual commencement of tche The boy shuffled his feet on the Salvation Army sanctuaries where and canvass for funds. floor and looked into the corner a marn might go to read the Bible, 0 on ncuagn Reports o the room for perhaps a whole meditate upofi the uncertainties oncen Among the delegates to the minute. Then he rose to go and of the soldier's life, and at times once as he reached the door he said, of crisis, as on the eve of battie, the annual meeting, there was a "Thank er uch, I guess l'Il commune for a private moment any strong feeling of optimism for the ac- success of the campaign. This a stay at schooi." or two with the Power over al use ~ ~ ~ ~ i enedrdbwh nhsasc Afew days later lie told me he other powers, civil or military, rs ngepr 0f arotdM. Lng, jiat intended to go to coilege and that exist upon this earth- acif reor ca oain HarmadM.whonhadjusnt prepare himself for one of the $1,000,000 is Needed whofi compaieted a tor 0f Y.M.C.Aac- sprofessions. who ompete a ourof .M..A.ac- We hear a great deal in these To carry on its social and wel. and tivities across Canada; by the re days about vocationai guidance. fare work for Canadian soldiers efath eofWnmpef asD re idnentE.ofmthe Undoubtedly it is rendermng valu- in Canada and overseas and for urts Coni by the lon it ofth ableouassistance to many young their dependents if need arises - and wef il gthnownistswoadl people in fmnding their niche in in addition to its regular work aine One whonundertandswaoyoungarnong the poor and unfortunate the pledged their financial and moral lf.Oewoudrad on suportto he ampign an byperson's difficulties, aptitudes and at home in Canada - the Salva- brplit to th m eting n by capacities can do much to help tion Army needs exra funds.A reports brughttote mmedteeoatotiihing be-ayapeltote aada delegates from ail over Canada ca fnd h oaini fihh e-a pea oteCnda ai- about the growing appreciation m id the largest amount of public witli an objective of $1,. ceu-of anadansgenrall ofthepersonal satisfaction and render 000,000 will be undertaken be- 2cu ofCandias gnerllyo! hehis best service to society. At tlie ginning Mardi 1 lth, and a gener- tae or o the ygmen in keaie samne timie no vocational choice is ous response is confidently ex- .ee Withon this unwledein mpaign a sound one if it ignores a voice pected. zear- it workes wille out tomet th that speaks in the depths of the An influentiai advisory board n- pulio roud i o u to re et the - individual's own soul. has been enlisted to sponsor and ose sobctio. t epee h s To say that inner feeling should hlep manage this campaign head. tain _________ be the sole guide in the choice Of ed by the Lieutenant-Governors to aya vocation might be going too far. and ieading men of each province. 1 o ayand Allowance Sometimes this feeling is nothing The late Lord Tweedsmuir, Gov- eof In Army and @Navy more than superficial sentiment. ernor-General of Canada, had mom arnFvoaby However, there are limes when gladly consenled to act as Hon- ,gh Co pr ao b this feeling amounts to conviction oiary President of tee Board, but and is akin to conscience. Where hssdadsde ei nFb >me Acodnci a n sde ei nFb loy- Accodingto figures issued by such feeling exists it should be I 11h removed him from that of- bif the Department of National De- regarded very seriously. Parents fice, which at lie0 rt E fore fence rates of pay in the Canad- and counselor may aid in the de- misufle ieo rtn e not ian Navy compare favorabkrwitli velopment and inlerpretation of man1nild his those in the Army. A fuli-Zedged that feeling. In no case, however,r ýnds seaman, who is married, receives sliould guidance run contrary 10Ls Mnt R s for the usual $1.85 per day plus a a well-founded conviction in aLatMiueR s to marriage allowance for his wife young person's soul. The people Looms for Driversi on of 75c a day, or a total of $78.00 who are liappiest and niost suc- t___ for per monte. For a six month4. cessful in their iife's work are March 31 la Set As Deadline For period of apprenticeship hic daily the ones wio have entered il with 1939 Plates and Licenses pay may be only $1.50 per day the conviction teat it is THEIR ____ les- or a total of $67.50, with marriage JOB. No extension of time will be of ailowance. Few married seamen granted beyond March 31 for use in- belong to tlie lower rating. Thos o f the 1939 plates and licenses. ree who are will be advanced t 8.85 uau In P ikel Reisrarnucee ical a day within six montes. Rates ' sg tE u ato .P icel eiaî of Motor 'ed for a private soldier are $1.30 per And Vehicles, urged l motorists 10 in- day, or $39.00 for a 30-day monti. secure their permits and licenses ris- If he has a wife she is given an Efficiî ' owimediately. Wut hieproanycar us- allowance of $35.00, tee combined , wer houlot h rohc Iso, total being $74.00 a month. . l B hve already secured their new idy Comparative marriage aîîow- C.H.Tuck 190 plates, records show that ain ance rates for wives and children there are thousands who face the hat in tee Army and Navy combined poers prospect of finding themselves in ty. wite. regular pay are listed be. Eyesigh the last-minute rush unless they b- low: Speciolirg act without delay. thl Ary nd8.0 o-navy, 85 0 Disney Bldg. Officiais at the Motor Vehicles k.h Wifeand6.0 twoNchild$re 5.0 ( p .o>)'Branch declare that the motoring k.- Army f$98and - Navyo$ 9.00 dren O shawa - public could easily avert the in- [si-Arm, $8.0 - Nvy,$ 9.00convenience and annoyance of th Wife and three children waiting in a crowd. "It's a job thNumber 122 that will lake a few minutes now in Armny, $98.00 - Navy, $100.50 Vision is so mucli accepted as but it may lake hours haler on," an Wife and four chldren a fact that we neyer give a one official stated. "We havete it- Army, $98.00 - Navy, $108.00 thought 10 the pilot o! an aero- plates and licenses ready; it's now ir- No allowance is made in tee plane, to think of the supreme up to the motorists, but March 31 an Army for more tean two children. test making possible his position. is positively the deadline." In tee Navy alloWance is made Perfect vision, perfect eyes are __________ afor children Up to four in number. essenlial. They not only pass [P- supreme test 10 fit themselves for Municipal Debt by Book Pub ished the position but after the posi- A tiis attained their work is con- At O-Year Low Il Regarding Advertising stanîtly exposing them to supreme For Province lit Un omnin erfecv1io is only possible population i[ncreases To 3,394,228 ly Thiis chronicle of advertising rugApoprVxaintunend o f Assessments durng ee as fity ear . lenses. A two fold reason for the Hiarher le Canada has been done so thor- orcinbm samaso "What gift lias Providence be- stowed on man, teat is so dear 10 him as hie children?"-Cicero. '4Children. The spiritual teouglits and representatives o! Life, Trute, and Love." - Mary Baker Eddy. "Truly teere is noteing inte world s0 blessed or so sweet as THE ARCADE M THE CANADIA14 STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO vealed Ihat for each dollar o! municipal taxes levied in Ontario in 1938, 33.7 cents went for edu- cation; 18.18 cents for debt charg- es; 7.8 cents for relief; 38.6 cents for general expenditures, sucli as police and fire protection, streets, roads, etc., and 1.1 cent for mis- cehlaneous purposes. Aýmong tee counties o! Ontario, il is reveahed Ilial six o! lie think bodily pain lie greatest thirty-eigiî have no debenture tee herilage o! children."-Mrs. punishment."-Locke. Olipiant. debt, Iliese including Elgin,. Kent, Lamblon, Perte, Siinicoe and Wel- lington. Anîong lie county units, York liad the higli per capita tax levy of $34.60, and Haliburton the lowest, $12.55. "I would flot lidve children mucli beaten for their faults, be- cause I would flot have them PAGE THREE is atLOYALTYI D- Loyal Customems Are Our Greatesi Asset d BANKERS and credit men often look only at Balance Sheets, 9 Inventory, Book Accounts and what have you, and overlook e arnerchant's most important asset - Satisfied Custorners, who n return Vo their store again and again to buy. D T Oseli at a profit is not our only objective - we want our f custorners to corne back, which they generally do, principally for two reasons - because of friendly service - and because they like and are satisfied with the goods they have bought. T HIS is particularly true in our Men's Clothing and Ladies' Ready-to-Wear departments, and realizing that the good- wi1l built by us is in the style and quality of the clothes we selI we are sparîng absolutely no effort in selecting quality merchan- dise at the lowest paices possible. With rapidly advancing pinces, we absolutely refuse Vo lower quality to, meet price - that is one basic reason why our loyal customers corne back season after season. A LL sorts of difficulties corýfront us every day in getting high quality merchandise, but it is our job Vo overcome these difficulties and serve oui' custorners with the utrnost efficiency. E are again offering a splendid range of. Men's, Wonien's and Children's Ready-to-Wear for the new season *at the lowest possible prices consistent with the market.

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