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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1940, p. 6

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_____ M manville tHospital. initiative, force o! character, ex- Alîied countries have totally 1 Celery 2o P Moisstea a P rovid ne n t arc' a ad, ecutive and administrative abili- abandoned tbem. To support this Lm n,3 0. - ~ Heurs - 5 homstadat roidnce bin S. Ptrcks Dy ars, ty, ah qualities requircd in a vicious lie Gemmany insists that *,;e Head C. V CHATER only daughtem o! the late Mm. and Novelties and Decorations large measure in a Parliamentary alI relief supplies distributed by Lettuce 00's 9e ut Mrs. J. D. Hoar. A few years ago representative. If it were not for the American Red Cross which spy Basket New 3lanadinf Mr. F. C. Hoar, they moved to i a well planned system, Mr. Ri- Countries must ave every mark Ch~r BRAMPTON, Ont. Bowmanviîîe and became inter- J. W . J eII kard couîd not possibly serve. bis identifying tbem as comirîg from______________________________ INE SPA ERS ested and active in the various fcllow men as lie does. In spite the Allied Country removed.~- social affairs about town and BIG 20 o! thýe arduous tasks he under- Therefore all supplies made in U* *M ~~ ~church activities. She was a P 5 i takes' in public life, bis famm Canada must not have any Cana- mg ASSO IAT O.Nmember o! Trinity United Cburch Pone 55 owmanvle neyer suffers. dian Red Cross tab or other mark Li - and also belonged to the Wo- Coming !rom a long line o! wbich would identify tbem wîth PAGE SIX THURSDAY, MARCH 7TH, 1940 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO M o reesBnuta rn.Enns i nP FINLAND STORY . Liberal stalwarts, Mr. Rickard BreeersBanuetat Oono - ______has consistently identified himself C.G.I.T. met in the S. S. room m t r(Continued from page 1) with Liberal affairs in Durham, r Mrs. Delbert Flintoff, Kedron, on Saturday. The Y. P.'s meeting Wednes- and has always given the best of Fil s De q Flintff'sMapl Grov. senatio for r. adtM hpse. 4th vice presidents, Mrs. L. Wearn lnaleiil o iiaysr uhmLbrlAscain iv cO ahR M.adMrs. CvrGrT-Jhs ie yterni hronas. Mrl Pg.Pemb l vice. Doubtless most of them are With this record of success and rotMs Jo ay o ont, hodns givenby hey rnehs n d M r te a oemby EJenat this moment fighting in the experience behfnd him, Frank orBsPite olué atMr. FaB.nd asMr ls. orGaryoTo-BlgatcpresntedscriturOR y ASTERMannerheim lune. Rickard places himsell before theYor esPitesClue atcExa at Mr. F. B. Glaspeil's. ~~~~~~~~~~them with a silver sugar and Burr; piano slBacePe-We se bu e ahr lcoso uhm a iea Mr.Lte ace r.Taycream on a silver tray and an ton; reading by Mrs. Crossman, hnakdaotbrfte, lcoso uhma iea 1%t.Lte ace r.Taya fine topic on "Work" wvas given Mrs. Nielsen described him as a candidate for election on March lbNoa-K p Glaspeil, Misses Aileen Glaspeli, end table. by Mr. M. Thompson, Burketon, "real Social Democrat." T he 26th. Standing four-square be- Marion Gibson, Doris Leach, Ber- W. A. ladies entertained their piano solo by Ruby McLaughin. humblest trades are ail represent- hind his party's platform for bet- MohKle alt riice Chapman and lmrs .F. B. husbands to a progressive Lost The social part o! the program ed in the Finnish parliament, terment of conditions in Canada, ohKle Glaspeil attended a trousseau tea Heir party at the home of Mr. was spent on the skating rink. which is much likg our own, ex- Mr. Rickard appeals to you for 7c-$13 27 given by Mrs. Donald YeUlowlees,'and Mrs. Chas. Naylor on Friday Missionary program on Sunday cept it is presided over by a your support and your votes in 39ec9 Coubs o isJa elw ih.morning *a i charge of the President. Her father held his the coming election. lees on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Russellri n over Mrs. R. Ormiston. A Ith he-ya eid fofc Mrs. Russell Robbins had a' and Margaret at Toronto. reading was given by Muriel during the Great War when the15 lsFriBo wt quilting for the W. A. on Friday. Mr.Js tito n rc ore n oa ie yM onation was under Russian dom- TRINITY UNION FREE M r. Jas. M M aster and M iss at M r. Bruce Buck's, Oshawa. L. Lam b and Elsie M oore. M r. in t o fn even to-day they feel S E E S R O Y A L T O U R 5__ _cakes___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ Jean MeMaster, Toronto, at home. Mr. Elwood Shackelton, wit- Hobbs gave a paper on "The aneopfrasiti gtee to Gr Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cochrane; by, has been holidaying at Mr.GraMssory aml.ganteridpdncahuh MmbsofrityYugPo Sal Hepatica ---30e-59C-1.lS and Betty Marie, Bowmanviile, John Shackelton's. Visitors: New designshI beautiful Can- there is no liking for Hitler in ple's Union on Monday night were EnsSis - 2c479 Mr. Percy Flintoff, Maple Grove, __________ Mr. Keith Ormiston with his adian-made potterles - stream- the land. privileged to see two special reels Bromo Seltzer _ 25c-49c-95c Mr. Lloyd Flintoff, Kedron, at parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Ormis- îined vases, jardineers, fancy After the war an immense of film that Bryan Flaherty had Grape Salts -----5OC-1-00 Mr. Wes. Cameron's. A man is really grown up when ton, Maple Grove. muto okhdt eon scrdfrhi mveca r. Al Stz -----2e57 Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McMaster, he gets the world by the tail but Mr. and Mrs. E. Parrott, Helen pots made excluslvely for thaen fwokhdt ednescrdfrhi oi aea Messrs. Alex McMaster and John; is no longer sure he can swing it. and Ronald, Chalk Lake, with f loral trade. in reconstructing b u i 1 d i n g s, TheRoyal Tour was the topic of AikoahSlte ----r 2c9ec _______________________ bridges, and bouses, with the re- one of his reels, the close-ups of Koa at 8-9 Mr. and Mrs. A. Wearn. sult that Finland boasts modern the most important happenings ____________ - Miss Blanche Preston visited in arhitecture best descrîbed as and the best shots that have been Batted e ith ood edsane n Befo r COM T M. nd rsth S.Godef anBre- Yourself cialized there. Even the ice- featured in it. The other film, S E IL Mr. nd Ms. . Mofat, Buke-cream wagons are controlled by equally interesting, showed scenes C M Oton, at Mr. R. Preston's.- a cooperative society. taken by wild animal explorers in $1.00 Wlldroot QUINTE DISTRICT SEED FAIR AND ONTARIO We will f111 ibis effective pot- Before she was twenty Mrs. Africa. Hair Tonie ------ -----59c tery with eut flowers or plants Nielsen left ber office job in the Mr. W. J. Berry gave a read- 83e Noxzema ------ --59e HATCERY APPROVAL CHICK SHOW Hamnpton to your order. home-land and, drawn by a love ing that held his listeners spell- 2eNxea-----_--- 5 o! adventure, came to Canada. bound. Mrs. Kenneth Hull favor- 2cNxei 5 TO N HL1 O TH P r n r.GrdnTeal ilb h letadms Now, in Isalmi but a short dis- ed the young people with a de - ____________ TO N MALL I4tPOIRthT 6 H OPEoMr.iean td Mr. adndr.G.ail, prei cte gicyevrd Msl-tance from where she lived and ligbtful vocal solo. START ASRN OI Corie vstdMr n rs .aprcae gf o ee e-worked, bombs are bursting and An inspiring religious service PES EN le ALNO Mr. and Mrs. Chas. John, ac- ected for a dear frlend. great destruction has gripped the was conducted by Jim Hancock,89 FRIDAY, 15TH IS THE BIG DAY companied by Mr. and Mrs. T. - land between there and the Rus- Evelyn Pickard, Mabel Brooking 2 - 43e Bottles Beef, Ilion 2.30 p.m. Farmers' Meeting i Couneil Chamber Salter, visited at Lakefield. Make Someone Happy on sian border about 125 miles away. and Don Venton. The entire meet- opH Itais 7H iesi. o the capi- ing was in charge o! Bert John- Both for 44C BurdochBooBitr -9e SPEAKERS: Dr. E. S. Archibald, Direetor Dominion Exper- frnds mn ihTrnt atrMonwt tHlik. ston's group. imetalFams.Subee "God aring" M. . R Rek, Miss Wilma Leach spent the Gift from "Chain-store farms," an experi- Deputy Minister of Agrieulture for Ontario. weekend with Oshawa frien<Is ment in Canada, have for twenty When we test your eyes you are assue irestsato 6.30 p.m. Banquet in United Chureh Sunday Sehool Mrs. C. W. Slemon, Bowman- 1 I ~< gy~'y years been a reality in Finland. C.G.I.T. NEMS in fit, quality, style and pie 50e per plate - Ladies cordially invited. ville, and Miss Laura Virtue. To- I Mrs. Nielsens father has long ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. K IN SW A farmed a model 50 acre tract. Three groups, the Semper Fi- ~W i BATURDAY, 16TH Billett. She pointed out that sboemakers, delis, the Live Wires, and the Phone D fW I I >m 1.30 p.m. Auction Sale of ail Seed and Baby Chicks Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Boyd, To- FLOWER SHOP farmers and ahl classes may be Onwegos met February 28th. The 695 [P.lR.UUVVLIIIU EIII.P Gre ikrEA.Smresrotvisited Mrs. E. Stevens and "People's Representatives". Her Semper Fidelis opened the meet- President. Fair Secretary. Mr. and Mrs. B. Stevens. WeDlvre s o ebboms teinischmt- ing by repeating the C.G.I.T. ____________________________ 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Perrett et fhsnihosi uhmt motto. Collection was taken and______________________________ visited Miss Doreen Perrett at PHONES ters as the draining o! a great roll was called. Miss Ruby Hobbs Kendal. Store 772 Greenhouses 2632 deal o! marshy land which was was absent and Mrs. Claire AllinCad.soigthnmeftecutr A short missionary program ________________ hampering their farming opera- was the Semper Fidelis leader. annadagency.n was given at Sunday Scbool Sun- tions. Social legislation in which After the womsbip service the It is a vicious circle - to sup-an'ge day afternoon with Mrs. C. War- he bas had a band includes acts girls cut out roses and played port German propaganda, these Tbe annaetngo h a ren in charge. Owing to the in- regulating womkers' hours to games. conditions for the relief o! a su!- nadian Re1 rsOnai li cement weather the Sunday ser- men's Association. She took a eight per day; a yearly holiday Onwegos opened their meeting fering people must be carried out sion, isbin hednteRoa vices were not largely attended. particular deligbt and satisfac- for all workems, o! two weeks with the Purpose and conducted by their friends the Allies; refuse York Htl ornoMarh5h U Annual thank-offering services tion throughout hem busy life in with pay; compulsory health in- the business meeting in a egal to support the German propa- Mrs. V.H.toe adMis . wilbe beld on Sunday, March okn after and caring for the surance; and many minor regula- anrAl the girls took part garida by refusing to provide Borland teoravlBac tii 4 i l1taftemnoon and evening. welfare of others to the point of tions sucb as when a child isi h dvtoa service and thensupisndrtecdtosi- gates o! Sor olose the Holwells from often sacrificing hem own bealth born the parents eceive a gift played games. The meeting was sisted on by Germany, then the Tyrone eotgopeino orcommunity. They were the and personal pleasure. o! 450 marks (about $10.) fmom closed by singing "Taps." refugees suffer more. Red Cros canvasswihpoed o!$63 reipens n edesayevnig hesypahyofawide circle the state to help them buy clothes The Live Wires met at Miss and any other supplies coming 1passed ovc t h Tesrro ofan electric lamp from a num- of friends is felt for ber brother for the little one and give it a Browni's home for a social and from neutral countries for distri- the BowmnileBacho h be fteHampton boys. Mr. Fred, the only surviving member start. Fi! teen years bard work business meeting. Following the bution may carry identifying tabs Red Cros ocey Kenneth Jack, Brampton, bas of the family. Frank and Wilbur by Heikki Karriainen and others devotional service, the girls play -_____________________________ Il a l l ytakenover he fam. Wewel- redease t . is. like him bave accomplished all cd chinese checkers and then Miss TOWN R a l l y ~~~~~~cmehivmx tor cmni'ywe r this social progress. All Cariadian Brown served an enticing lunch. ______________________ in tThe Wo-Hî-Lo C.G.I.T. met in the famiîy residence, King Street, that these things may be pre- joyable evein t ndte n th bseen Mrc 4h.Prsi Fbrar 2th srvcebengco-served and not destroyed by wan -_________ T IfN HALL - BD WMAN VI LIE detAyHr opened themet ducted by hem pastor, e.Sto aggression. in yrepeating the Purpose. Davison. Palîbearers were ail In Hobak, Denmark, a town o! NESTLETON CLUB Muriel Smith and Muriel Ken- cousins, M. H. Wight, Russell 1,0 epe ie h ahro service. Gladys Kersey gave a Hoar, W. B. Hoar, Elgin Wight. Mr. Nielsen and Stanley made the ____ Satur ay, arch 9th eading. Betty Rogers took the Many beautiful floral tributes long trip back to sec bis parents' (Blackstock Correspondent) SuyBook, and Marjory Allin banked the casket, including who operate a florist business in About forty members o! Nes- Meeting teStrtat8 .m e the Bible lesson. Helen wreaths from Jerusalem Lodge, Hobak. "Denmark is neutral, but tîcton Badminton Club held a0F S RtNG A H O S Pigeand Dorotby Adamson Palestine Chapter and Bowman- I think that most people there are fine skating party at the amena A DS L Y O P I Xhe followlng are expected to address the meetig: gave readings. Meeting closed ville Rotary Club. really pro-British in this con- in Blackstock on Fiday night.b W. F. RICK.ARDwith taps. Fi.Rv . Those from a distance attend- flict," be said. "However, Den- Numerous old skates that had W W.F IK R ,Y. P. U. met rdyRe.W ing the funeral included Mr. and mark bas certain natural tics with been in moth bals in the attic enriIR neettv Liberal Candidate. Rackham took charge o! this wor- Mrs. W. R. Hoar, Mrs. Wilton Gemmany and depends on hiem for for years were brought down and r ship service: Caîl to Woship, Marks, Miss Ruby Hoar, Mr. Har- a great part o! hem trade, so we put into, service. Among the old A f thel MR .T Y O ,Muriel Smith; Bible lesson, Doro- ry Haw, Mrs. T. A. Anderson, can only hope for the best - that time champions o! the blades in0 orS.t H Lope h drs telde thy Pingle; readings, Bertha Ar- Mrs. John Purvis, Mr. and Mrs. Hitler's demands on Denmark action were: Mrs. Wilfred Bowles, PortHope whowilladdrss te laiesmour and Thelma Robbins; pray- Robt. Ashby, Toronto, Mrs. F. A. have been already satisfied." Mr. C. H. Porteous, Mr. and Mrs. Pics partleularly eMdy icx Nellie Ar- Hoar, Oshawa, and others. As the writer left the newly- Wilfred Jackson, Mm. and Mrs. wowl ea u tr WILF ED OWLE , gam:Readngsbch arge Prrt papered room o! the Nielsen Malcolm Emerson, Mm. and Mrs. WILF ED OWLE, ad Rcing b Petr;M rrettn home, aftcr hearing s0 much o! Frank Malcolm and Mm. Nelson from 1 p.m. e.3pm.d Florsek nce ith Pet e with a the glories o! Finland and Den- Marlow. It was marvellous the piaoree alnd favdy_______ mark, he wondered if these model way they could ut the figure Saturday,lMrh9 4 CAPT. MILTON J. STATE, wt piano uet oand MdF.Grayn Wilcoxsfl ocalevn countries are on the verge o! eight with the lady in the lcad. t hwyutel witha pano olo Mm.F. reat A vry sccesfulsocal een-pmovng to the world that there Mm. Arthur Bailey visited the rink toswyutclaeimSrnfahn Toronto. presented an interesting and belpt ing was, beld by the Y. P. U. last are other factors than migbt, on about 10 o'clock and treated cach froni a large asometfsye. _____________________________________________ fuI topic, "Notbing Succeeds Like Thursday, in place o! the usual wbich a country may depend for one to a chocolate bar for wbichWbh a2ora5beanftyua Success." meeting. Crokinole and chinese survival. the club was very grateful. Mas- Whtera12o Musical Selections cbeckems were played, after which__________ ter Gamry Nesbitt, 2½/ years old, - reasonable pricem lhmaueet lunch was served. Winners at was the youngest skater on ther taken ai no extrachre yteO bituar' crokinole were Miss Stella Strutt FRANK RICKARD ice, and the oldest was bis grand- by the J ~~and Ross Hubbard.____ father, C. H. Porteous. After I' LlC Balson Quartet of Hampton Ms hmsFset Recent Visitors: (Continued tram page 1) skating, aIl motored down to the I l e EV Lyo Mrs. Thomash Ohoo FissetteCoirMr. and Mrs. Walter Cochrane, home o! Counillor W i 1 f r e d Bow anile ig Shoo ACapelaChirThe death o! Minnie G. Sin- Jean and Harold, Bowmanville, spent as Reeve o! the village. As Bowlcs where a bountiful lunch Paddy Welsh and Chas. Richards clair, widow o! Thomas Fissette, and Mm. and Mrs. Walter Rahm, a member o! the United Counties o! sandwiches and coffce awaited occurred in Brantford on Feb. Enniskillen, at Mm. Harmy Rahm's. Council he bas been honoumed the happy throng, and an cnjoy -_____________________________ - EVERYBODY WELCOME 29th, folîowîng a three months' Miss Marie Hartnett, Oshawa, with the offices as chairman o! able boum o! sing-song and music illness. Mrs. Fissette had spent with Mms. S. Moffatt. the Roads and Bridges committee, was spent. _______________________________ the past two months here with Mr. and Mms. Howard Abbott chaimman o! the Finance Coin- _______________________________________________hem sister, Mrs. P. C. Trebilcock, and Murray spent a week in mittee, and chairman o! the Man- _______________________________________ only returning to hem home the Oshawa. agement Committee o! the House RED CROSS week previous. Mrs. Fissette wiîî Mm. and Mrs. Howard Bowins, o! Refuge. In 1933 Frank Rickard be gmcatly missed in Brantford Oshawa, at Mrs. Elias Strutt's. received bis greatest bonour whcn <Continued tram page 1) by a wide circle o! friends and Mr. and Mrs. C. Carswell and be was elected Warden o! the particularly among the member- family, Oshawa, at Mm. Henry United Counties o! Northumbcr- week which act as convoys to the sip o! Zion United Church, oAdams'. land and Durham, he being the Merchant Marine going overseas. whic shewasa deote andac-fimst Liberal to hold the office for These men fmom the fîcet given T e r ' n y O e1tv ebrfor many years. The a great many years. leave for several days found deceased was also a valued mcm- Frank Riekard Is WeU Known there was not sufficient accom ______________ ber o! Brant Chapter, I.Q.D.E., In Riding mdto vial o hmi eral community organiztions.eUiofmNewcastlersome ofthem wresleeping iniALE y M a t r-K yad had benitcornnectithsev- ew a a p er has lown vhm ie f ewcansiblethe pro refuge auiiin rOeS C She leaves to 'mourn hem loss, tes. He was chairman of the in places that were far from con- ORNaoe m ,xi ~~~ to the one sister, Mrs. P. C. Trebilcock, Mngmn omte !tedcv oterhat n o MexIco. 1M . .. MacDonald, sid ent te orticuturaloc- te alosiscrepo biheCooeQrlt

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