PAGE TWELVE LIBERAL SPEAKER The Newcastle Independent (Continued from page 1) PhoneClark 1114ducted such a program for the Phon Clrke 114past year in co-operation with the ________________________________________________Provincial goverilments in Cana- da. Over 5,414 young men and Toronto relatives visited Mr. H.R. Pearce and family on Sun- women from the Domginion-Pro- and Mrs. Dave Shaw. day. .Hn vincial Youth Training Schools Mr. John Fenwick, Toronto, Members of MrsH E. H an had been placed in employment has returned home after visiting cock's group of the United Church between April 1, 1939 and Dec. friends in Newcastle. W.M.S. met at Mrs. Geo. P. Rick- 31, 1939. This compared with BIRTH Help Wanted Mr. Frank Branton, Oshawa, ard's on March 8th for an after- ?,725 placed in employment dur- AUSTIN - nBomanvjî o-HLPWNEt T OE viie i osnM.adMs onsswnwith about a dozen ing a corresponding period ASI theomavleHo-HL WNE A NE _______________________ adis peset. efrshmntswer prvios yar.Up o Dc. ls piptal, March 9th, 14 to Dr. rellable, eprecdmnt ___________couins,_Mr_ and________ se 64,914 as' tranoaebe ad r.C .Ausin, En- work on farm. Must be good reconiinevie4o2m,9gve o 4 0traiunmp aveoyedon niskillen, a daughter (Diane milker and ploughman, non- pepl twen thuemage o ung Elizabeth.) smoker preferred, good wages. bers of the Junior Congregation30ftinmbrovr1,0 S. Chas. Allin, R.R. 4, Bowman- * will be held in the United Church W% tijnmeoe 200- * ex unaymrnngwe ilwre ifn Proects designed to train MARRIAGE ville, Phone 2198. il- neth membe r iangatten 'acltemfor wage earning employ- * record of 50 per cent and over mn.Fo th prrasi-CLANSR -Onaurday, HELP WANTED - SMART BOY O Y A L will be presented with U. C. ception in 1937, over 150,000 un- March 9th, 1940, at the home of wanted to drive truck. Must be TgATREHymnarys. e1poyd yung people have the bride's parents, Bowman- acquainted with residents of Congratuationsbenefitted from the program, yet ville, Ont., by Rev. dV. A. Bun- town. Apply Box 24 Statesman BOWM NVILE aurece ortn, sn 0 Re R ursaopposition has the audacity ner, Minîe Elizabeth Jane Office, Bowmanville. 1-1 E. and Mrs. Morton, on his splen to1say we have not been trying (Jean), daughter of Mr. and Home of Regal Entertalnmient did success in his Toronto Con- to helP the yýouth of Canada. We Mrs. Fred Spry, to Robert HELP WANTED - AN EXPER- -------servatory of Music examinations1 are just as interested in helping Henry Callan, R.C.A., Lindsay, ienced, reliable farmi hand, good in which he obtained lst class them as anyone, Mr. Rickard de- son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Cal- wages paid to right one. Apply honors in Grade II Theory and clared. lan, Coboconk, Ont. A. E. Beilman, King St. w., Thr.-Fi a. honors in Grade VIII Piano. Farmers were asked by Mr. Bowmanville. 1 1-tf Thurs.- Fn. Sat. Mr. Allan Leavitt, who has been Rickard to consider how they hadD ATI MARCH 14 - 15 - 16 employed as manager of Mrs. benefitted since the King govern- )A -- HELP WANTAD - WOMAN OR Gordon Ash's Newcastle Garage, ment had been in power. Prices ALLIN-In Newcastle, on Satur- girl for general 'housework, DOUBLE MEATURE has returned to Oshawa. Having have increased due to the Trade day, March 9th, 1940, Norman must be able to cook. Two be eeever since the late Gor- Pact with United States and Allin, age 70 years. Interment aduits in family. Apply P.O. Pdon. Ash took over the operation speaking generally, farmers are Bowmanville Cemetery. Box 499. 11-1 ~~-~oWU OU of the garage from Mrs. E. -C. receiving more for their produce, DORMAN - In Bowmanville WNE IGEMN ,ILU lHoar hie will be much missed. he said.Nra alr rsdn Hospital, on March 7th, 1940, WNE IGEMN Members of the Senior C.G.I.T. Mrs. MarymBerthalFrreweil, wido good milker and teamster. Ap- Group with their leader, Mrs. Ir- of Women's Liberal Ass'n. of Port ofrythet hlpFrewenl, ado pyHwr . rdra R es of . et win Colwill, spent an enjoyable Hope, appealed to the women to osis lte f rsiWlteDr H. Foaed R. 2,Howa iLle Phn 221. few hours tobogganing on Harry take a greater interest in govern- r.WltrH oly .2,BwavilPon 22 pbgrt. edigJose's woodland his east of the ment affairs. oen in her 81st year. Interment 11-1 daaîr glanmurwhr school on Saturday afternoon. "There iv&uld be a tremendous - Harmonyi Cemetery. b bd or n BliulLunch kits with thermos bottles outcry from ahl of us if the wo- GILROY - Suddenly at Elmira, Foir.Sale Dednug Excies 1. were taken along and refresh- men lost the right to vote," she Ont., March 9th, 1940, Percival .~ments of soup, crackers and cani- asserted, "yet many of us hold Alexander <Perc), beloved bro- FOR SALE - GO-CART, GREY dies partaken of in the Woods. that prîvilege too lightly - espe- ther of Anson, Kendal, Ont.; Gendron, storm cover, good Maurice Powell and Pauline cially younger women. I have Ambrose, Plenty, Sask.; Mrs. condition, cail at residence, A. Deline will represent Newcastle heard them saýj: 'I have a vote, Brunt (Eliza), and Miss Eff le K. Cbitty, King St. 11-1 High School in the Verse Speak- but don't know what it is ail Gilroy, Vancouver, B.C., agedFO SAE - AY GL S P ig cmpeitin i conecionabut. Posiby tey re aitng 49 years. Interment Orono Chesterfield Suite, sample, reg.- with the program 0of the English for a personal visit from the Cemetery.$750 moe, and History section of .the O.E.A. Prime Miister or Dr. Manion, $75,mdr -c..sie * in Trinity College Library, To- because the papers and the radio LAW - Entered into rest at March Clearance, $49.50. Sny- ronto, March 27th. Competition give a fair report of the most im- 0 s h a w a General Hospital, der's Chesterfield Suite, guar- - .. s. * opens at 10.30 a.m. Finalists wiîî portant speeches and there is lit- March 8, 1940, Malcolm Douglas, anteed mothproof mohair fabric, -. .speak Thursday morning at 1().50. tle excuse for them being unin- eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan chesterfield and club chair in Mr. Mark Blackburn, who somne formed if they wish to find out Law, in his 3th year. Inter- rich wine colour, easy chair in time ago sold his farmi at Ren- what it is all about." Mrs. Tay- ment Bowmanville Cemetery. sea green, Furniture Show, Ae\ k b y . iIN mot wick's Corners, has secured the lor is daughter of W. H. Moore;MARHR- ttersdnc $150. Sample, clearing, $98.50. bySmzabU Trewin farm near Haydon and Ontario County's M.P. in the re- 0f eArT d-Aug the r e53Balsa Saturday A.M. Cash Specials: will be moving out within the cently dissolved parliament. Avf er ue. trto, March8th reg. $1.35 card tables, 89c; Linen nex fe weks.HeandMrs Wifrî Bwle ofCarwriht 1940, Charlotte L. Shaw, be Window Shades, white, cream, AdBlackburn and Wilbur, a ieading Twp. proved an interesting and gree,36rg.9c@ 5; - Ad -member of the tenor section of unique speaker, giving his ad- loved wife of the late Çharles enshalx6, reg. 950 ck5e; the United Church Choir, will be dress over the back of a chair. A. McArthur, and mother of Mrnsai tress$3.5,820 o ceed much missed by the people of He excused his informaI position Sadie <Mrs. L. P. Newton),- @s2rîng, iemsreg.$95,4to eari 0 Newcastle and No. 9 S. S. by mentioning that he suffered Dora (Mrs. A. W. Reid) of F. F. Morris Co. March Furni- Members of a former Newcastle from lumbago. Toronto. Interment Bowman- ture Sale. 11-1 Orchestra, including Mr. and Mrs. He stressed the importance of ville Cemetery. ________________ C. A. Cowan, Mrs. Jno. Caswell, the farmer in winning this war MOUNTJOY - At Blackstock, on FOR SALE - FOUR-WHEELED Mrs. H. M. Allin, Mrs. Irwin col- by increasing the productivity of Marh N t,94,aeny ount- trailer, good tires, and stock * will, Mr. H. C. Allun, Mr. Wilbur his land and suggested that there joy, beloved husband of Sarah rack. Apply W. G. Bowles, S. ...~ I ~ Baskerville, Mr. Gordon Kitchen were already too many lawyers Wifed nhi 2dya. BIaktc.Pon:Pr er ar 'and others chartered a bus to take in Parliament who knew little- 19211. 11-1* them to Toronto and the Ice Car, about the problems of farming. IN MEMORIAM FR SL RN E MWatinéee aturday 2.30 p.m. nival at Maple Leaf Gardens to- He had formerly been a lawyer FOR__SALE__-__BRAND__NEW ______________________night. Several other citizens also and learped 'through bitter ex- ROGERS - In loving memory of Chesterfield Suites at real lion- helped to make up the party. perience that bis conception of George Rogers, beloved hus- est savings, we are out of the Mrs. Geo. Gray visited her hus- farming was not at ail accurate. band of Annie Spurr,wh high rent district, we have the Mon. - Tues. - Wed. band at Christie St. Hospital, To- The farmer must be allowed a edawysudnî pass- Chesterfield to please you from ronto, last week-end. She rarely decent wage for bis produce SO eMach l2th, 1939 in hToronto, our very large stock. We guar- MAROH 18 - 19 - 20 misses making the trip if she can that he rnay purchasemahnr year:anewhtese.Spca- possibly get away. George aiso and supplies and seed to enlarge beautiful 3-pce. suite in a love- appreciates a visit from any New- his output. This is no time to put I have lost my soul's compan- ly combination with velours,- JAMES castle people who can call on him. inexperienced men in the govern- ion while they iast, $59. Wilson's AmurIa His case is a constant reminder ment, he concluded. A life linked with my own, FuntrCo,4KigW 20_ C IIT tha many are stili suffering in Final speaker of the evening And more and more each day Curch tueC., 40shana. W., F body and in other ways from the was J. Milton State who came I miss him, Cuc tOhw. 1-*F dyar scourge of the war of 25 years ago. from the Liberal headquarters to As I walk through life alone. FOR SALE - CHEV. TRUCK,1 .The Fashion Show staged in the present his address. Capt. State, Forty-nine years we have 1928, aIl in good condition. pmcitu.lA community hall on Tuesday even- a veteran of the Boer War and junydtgte John Barrett, Bowmanville. ing, March l2th, by Mrs. W. J. S. the Great War, recalled how Ca- Heart to heart and handi ___________ _____ A E Rickard's group of the U.C.W.A. nadian prestige had risen to new hand, n n FRSL RYL tAN and The Evlyn Shop, Bowman- heights after those two wars, be- Though you were the first te FOR AE-A1GE LY S~ d ville, assisted by Miss Eleanor cause the people of Europe be- journey baby carniage; also bassinet, 1 W.awI Cronk and some of her pupils of gan to realize that Canada and To that bright and better land. ea*sonable. Phone 758. Alfred Shaw's School, was a pîeasing its people were to be reckoned Now you will watch and wait Lid ocsinS. 1- success, financially and sociaîîy. with. He believed the same con- There was a paid attendance of dition would prevail after this my coming, FOR SALE - TRADE-IN BAR- 201 and after the style show and present struggle. When my lovely life is o'er, gains, must be sold at once: 20 _ musical prognam those taking He seemed quite certain that Btyuwh on n ee odue hsefed SuieFC part were served lunch. the Liberal government would be me George $9 up; solid walnut 9-pce. Dmn- ] Miss Reita Cooke was taken retunned to Ottawa and suggest- When I reach that shining ing Room Suite, $39; Kitchen 1 suddenly ill with acute appendi- ed that it was a wise plan to have shore. Cabinet, $9; large Axminster a ognp#[u S" UOd UT.UDs ORmm citis early Sunday morning, and a Durham Liberal in the govenn- When ail is stili and sulent Rug, $5; several Desks, $3 up; 1 JR LYON-n.K MdfU.PUL UU on the advice of Dr. J. A. Butler ment instead of having the local And sleep forsakes mry eyes Extension Dining-Roomn Table, c a scre pay y J W,& *fflmuny ad ,ff was taken to Oshawa hospital for representative in the opposition. My thoughts are down in the $3; genuine walnut Parlor Set, - Roua - *Font aun OrgilSlory by mark H*liaagte an operation. Friends were glad Ontario people must also vote to sulent grave 5 pieces, $6; Gurney Electric FA to leann shortly after breakfast raise their prestige in the Do- Where my dear George doth lie. Range, like new; Heintzman b News . Conxedy - Cartoon that the operation was already minion by giving a hearty vote of -Remembered by bis wife, Piano; EIectric Washer; Dress- E over with and was quite success- confidence to the Liberal admin- Annie, Courtice, Ont. ers, Beds, hundreds of bangains C« Matinees Monday 4 p.m. fui. Reita, who has been attend- istration. , Premier Hepburn's re- fnom our very large warehouse. P ing Fifth Fonm in Bowmanville solution criticizing the King Govt. ROGERS - In loving memory Wilson's Furniture Co., 20 ci Wednesday 2.30 p.m. H-igh Sehool, went to. Toronto on lowered the prestige of Ontario of a dear foster father, George Church St., Oshawa. 11-1 * g Saturday afternoon in company considerably. . Rogers, who passed away FOIAE-FLV OE .r with two, Bowmanvilie H i g h Ententaînment during the ev- March 12, 1939: FRSL LO OE. r ---School teachers, a Bowmanville ening was provided by the High We who ioved him sadly miss ing Bargains:- enlaids, heavy - student and another student from School orchestra and A Cappella him, Linoleumn, feltol, Gold Seal Corne to the Royal where Newcastle, Jas. P. Lovekin, to see choir directed by Francis Sutton, But trust in God to meet again. Congoieum, ail widths, rugs of AU you watch excellent pic- a students' play at Harbord St. Mus.Bac., the Balson vocal quar- -ady mse byMrrt -Sady msse by argret ail kinds. We specialize in floor Ftres, Informative news reels Coliegiate. It was after she had tette, and Tom Rehder and Char- and Bill. covering and carry the very and humorous cartoons or come home and gone to bed that les RichardÉ, accordionists. Mrs. iargest selection for any choice. coýmedesi soe she was taken ill. J. C. Bell and Mrs. Geo. W. James, WOOD - In loving memony of Onra o rcspstvi cofr.President and Vice President of Orda ohr eret save you money. Two stores for HecO!mh!fort. m lttethe Women's' Liberal Ass'n. of oumdar moher, eorgaseta cneine.Wlo He:O h!O! 'e ot yliteBowmanvilie, were on the plat- Em ukewo pasd Ou rieCo.,ven in . asnds w--m-n- form, as well as Angus Beaton away, March 16th, 1936: 20Fur treC., 40s inawa. an She: Poor, poor feliow! How and Richard HomenTrno w Memories are treasures no one 2 hnhS. saa 11 did you lose her?rTon, w He: She got fat.Boer war veterans who acconm-1 can steai,WAHN MCIESPC L THURSDAY, MARCH 14TH, 1940 £ A, Wanted WANTED - A FEW MORE players te balance Minstrel Show Orchtstra, good readers. Apply Box 26, Statesman Office. WANTED - FURNISHED ROOM and kitchenette for young mar- ried couple. Appiy Box 25, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. WANTED - HIAY, STRAW, Oats, Bnnley and Wheat. Tele- WANTED - A MODERATELY priced young -mare. State ful panticulans and pnice. C. J. Mitchell, Newcastle. Phone: WANTED - WHEAT, OATS, mixed grain. Apply Alvin CIe- mens Poultry Farm, Bowman- ville, R.R. 6, Phone 2433. il-tf WANTED - OLD HORSES AND~ cattle fer fox ment. Norby Fur Farrn, Tyrone, Phone 2415. 34-tf FOR SALE OR RENT - 100- acre farm, 20 acres faîl rye and 1 %s acres fall wheat. Fail ploughing ail done. Apply G. Kovacs. north of Tynone. 11l-3* For Rent FOR RENT - 7-ROOM, BRICK ouse, furnace, electricity; 1%i miles west of Hampton, avail. able imrediately, rent eason- able. Phone 2369, David Broome, Hampton. -11-2* FOR RENT- SEVERAL FARMS to rent. Apply H. E. Smith, Manager Durham Tobacco Plan- tations Ltd., Port Hope.. Phone Pot Hpe 328. 11-1 Livestock For Sale FOR SALE - GREY HORSE, 7 years old; black horse, 4 years old; grey mare, 5 years ad; bown mare, 6 years old. Apply, Nichl, 1 mile south of Courtice.' FOR SALE - TEN YORKSHIRE pigs, 6 weeks old. Apply Frank Aldsworth, near Solina Station, or Phone Oshawa 1652r5. 11-1 FOR SALE - 1 JERSEY COW, due te freshen on Monday, 8th, fr sale reasonably. Phone 2456. 11-1 FOR SALE - BAY GELDING with white face, rising 3 yrs.; ase 20 cords sof t body-. cord- wood, pices right. Phone Bow- manville 2130, Oshawa 660. 'lFOR SALE - BAY GELDING Baby Chicks 1 with white face, rising 3'yrs.; BABY CHICKS FOR SALE - wood, prudes rîght. Phone Bow- White Leghorns and Rocks, sex. manville 2130, Oshawa 660. mixed and started chicks, blood 10-tf tested flock. R.O.P. sired chicks. Average egg set 26 oz. te the FOR SALE - CLYDESDALE dozen. Ail eggs produced on gelding, 4 years old, sound and our own farm. Alvin Clemens, right every way; 15 tons mixed Phone 2433. il-tf nny; 5 tons second cut alfaif a. Phone Orville Osborne, 2480, ITE WILL BE PLEASED TO Bowmanville. 10-20 mail you our 1940 Chick Cmr- cular. Ahl R.O.P. Sired Chicks Agents Wanted at attractive pnices. Now b8ok- ing erders for delivery any MEN AND WOMEN WANTED timne. Ninth year In the busi- te seli two hundred household ness. Our strain is well and necessities including tea and favornbiy known. Donald E. coffee. High profits assured in Gibson, Bowmanville, (5ntario. an exclusive district. No risk Phone: Clarke 3811. 2-tf under 30-Day Trial Offer. C. WHITE LEGHORàNS AND Catalogue and full particulars Bnrr d Ro ks - W hy ake free. A pply at Jito P n.pducts, - chnnred By R cks -wiyth con- 1435 Montcalm, Montreal. 11-4 fidence frorn government sel- MEN . WOMEN! HERE'S WHAT ected, blood-tested stock. Now you've been waiting for! A booking orders for mixed, sexed steady incarne - financial secun- and started chicks. AIl orders ity for life - gunranteed you will receive eur canefuL atten- with a Familex Agency of youn tien. Write or Phone for price own. Inquire ta day without list. Your confidence is our nîm. obligation. The Farnilex Pro- Phone 2636, H. J. Brooks, Bow- ducts, 570 St. Clement, Mont- rnanville. 7-tf reaf. 11-1 Real Estate For Sale Reconditioned Tires -R SAýLE - FRAME HOUSE RECONDITIONED TIRES - A and barn with one acre of land, chance to equip your car at on paved rond in the village of veny little cast, ail sizes, 50c up. Hampton. For panticulars apply Thousands of miles in every ta Ruby E. Clatworthy, R.R. 1, tire; also lange stock of recon- Cameron, ont. î1lA ditioned tubes. G. F. Jarniesen )R !AT.. - CIT n T Tire Shop, King and Silver Sts., bouse, east side of Centre St.- M o de rn conveniences. Seil chenp ta close up an estate. A~PPIY A. E. Belîman, King St. West, Phone 526. il-tf OR SALE - EIGHT-ROOMED iouse, hardwood floors, fine- place, furnace, barn, about 1%V acres, nean lake. Apply ta Fred 3uriey, Newcastle, Ont. Phone ,RM FOR SALE - $13000o buys 200 acres, Lots 19 and 20, Broken Front, Dnrlington. Soil, Clay loamn; good tractor farm; >lowing done; watered by 'reek and spring. Two sets of good buildings. Close te school. Must seli. John Metcalf, Bow- flowmnville. 1- Clock Repairs CLOCKS RECONDITIONED AT your home by C. Milîs, the clockrnnn. Write Oshawa Post Office, or Phone 1088r4. 11-1 Weekly Feed Special WEEKLY 'FEED SPECIAL - Cracked Carn, $ 1.95 per cwt. Offen good until March 2lst. F. C. Vanstone, Phone 777. 11-1 Readinga TEA CUP AND CARDS FROM 3 p.m, ta 10 p.rn. Darch's Te-J bac1tr.Poe21. 93 Room and Board WANTED-BOARD AND pIO in a good home by rJe young lassie in Public -School. Apply Box 23, Statesman. .10-2 Beauty Culture BLUE BIRD BEAUTY PRLOR special - $5.00 permanent wave for $2.50 including shampoo, finger wave and tnirn. Mrs. F. J. Cele. Phone 339. 9-tf ,ATTENTION - RETURN YOUR radio to efficient operation>'lti good service; also Monarch M& tery radio for sale. F. Crowe, Elgin St. Phone 433. 1* Seed and Potatoes FOR SALE - IRISH COBBLER and Dooley potntoes, grewn on new soul, good cooking quality. Phone 2406, on the Frank farm, Bowmnanviile. 10-2* FOR SALE - QUANTITY 0F potatoes, Hustiens; quantity of barley for seed. Phone 2369, David Broome, Hampton. 11-1* FOR SALE - IRISH COB&3ERS and Green Mountain potatees. Apply Green Brothers, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, Phone 2161, 11-1 SEED GRAIN FOR SALE - Oats, Erban and Cartier, 75c per bus.; Nobarb barley, 85c per bus.; Coonation wheat.. $1.20 per bus. All of this grain is Governiment Grade Ne. 1 and las been clened and graded by our cleaning plant. We will treat this grain for srnut at 5c per bus. more than above pnices. Apply Garnet Riekard, Kingston Rd. i1-tf FOR SALE - -SEED BARLEY, O.A.C., No. 21, Grade No. 1, n contract. Phone Your order new. Bowrnanville: Phone 2332, Port Perny l93rWr. 11~3* ROUND TRIP RAIL DARGAINS Mardi 15-16-17 Bowmaonville To CHICAGO - $13.10 (exchange extra) WINDSOR -$ 6.70 DETROIT $ 6.70 Return LimnIt - Lat train from Detroit. Windsor 3.05 a.m. and fromn Chicago 11.59 p.m., Mar. 19. For train ervice details Consut Agents - Procure H-andbill POOL TRAIN SERVICE Canadian Canadian Pacific National A Complete Service UNDER ONE ROO1! We seIl new shoes, repair old ones, change their color If you wish It, s har pe n skates, make ail types f straps to, order for ski bar- ness, or any other purpose. Our harness repair depart- ment makes old harness like new at reasonable cost. We suggest to, farmers that they bring harness ini now for repairs. We'lIl adly repair and store It here until they are ready to use IL. JOHN LENZ Shoe and Harness Repairs K1 g t.W.::Àmavlt ~cç"~x IEASTER SPECIALSI A thriliing gif t, a priceless pessess- rn for the weman who travels and the roman whe stays at home . . . the 3pecial Trensurette presents in one )ackage, 7 Elizabeth Arden "Essentials or Loveliness."1 This beauty box brings o you nîl the necessities for the "Eliz- ïeth Arden Look." THE TREASURETTE CONTAINS: Lrdena Cleanslng Cream - Ardena ýelva Mask - Ardena Velva Cream Lrdena AIl-Day Foundation - Ardena Skmn Tonte - Poudre d'Illusion Hand-O-Tonlk The Treasurette $ 9 Two 43e Pepsodent Antiseptie........... 44e Halibut Lîver 011 Caps ................. 59,c Pablum...................... 45C Fitch Shampoo & Flair Tonic......... 9c Extract Malt with C. 1. 011....... 47e - 79e Mazda Lamps, 60 w .................. 5C~ Frank Medico Pipes ............ 10 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENT 4X6 SMILES N' CHUCKLES CANDY The name Smiies N' Chuckles signifies the finest candy made - fresh, delicious and wholesomet Its the kind of eandy you'l want to give and have for your Easter. Order now for Easter dellvery. Lb. - 50Sc EASTER NOVELTIES Se -$1.00 $1.00 Wlldroot HAIR TONIC JURY & LOVELL 174-Stor elephone Vour Orders to, 778 Prompt Free Dellvery Service Home-Cured Canadian ens. sons. Lawrenice . . v.ason, Bowman- Saleat 1o'cock har - Trmsville, Ontario, solicitor for the cash. Ted Jackson, auctioneen. STAPLETON - In loving memn- xctr.1- OL i CH ESE28 11-1 ory of our dean father, Thomas_____________ - O L Te ndesine ha rceve Stapleton, who passd away Th nesge a eevd Manch 14th, 1929: Auctio_______________ instructions fnom E. . Rivett, Dean father, you are not for- Lot 30, Con. 1, Darlington, te seîî gotten, ELMER WILBURt by public auction on Wednesday, Though on eanth you are ne Licensed Auctioneer H A RRY A LUIN March 27, 1940, al bis one-honse A more, Hampton, Ont. impemnts 2pigs, 1 cow, bouse- StilI in memony you are with Speciaiizing in Fanm, Livesteck, Phone 367 G R OCE R Phone 368 hold effects and many othen us Implements and Funnitune Sales T Bmill articles tee numereus te mention. A you always were before. TERMS MODERATE T Kint St., Eastow a e Terms cash. Elmen Wilbur, auc- -Sadly missed by wife and Phone for Terms and Date te: ________________________________________ tieneer. 11-2 family. Bewmanville 2428. ,,*à i -i p [i 1 ' 1 'l- 6. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO