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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 May 1940, p. 9

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THURSDAY, MAY TH, 1940 TECNDA TTSABWAVLE NAI PAGE NINE Ini the Dim and Distant Pasi 41 From The Statesman Files FIFTY YEARS AGO From The Canadian Statesman, May' l4th, 1890 The Methodist Church building comrnittee contemplates lighting the new edifice with gas. Several young men in town are rapidiy becoming drunkards. The High School Board are of- fering two schoarships ($5.00 and $10.043) at tlee next entrance exam to the candidates who stand first e d second on the list. The money ll be paid to themn at the end of e tern Misses J. and Aima Cryderman have returned from a lengthy absence in the West. Dr. W. E. Tiiley wili take part in the Teachers' Convention at Colbourne. AtAhe regular meeting of the Bowmanvilie council the D.O. & P. Co. band sent in a proposai to give 18 concerts during the sum- mer for $150. No action was taken. An item of $23.043 for the police committee gave rise to some warm discussion taken part in by Coun- cýllors James, Prower and Cornish. The poor relief committee report- ed an expenditure of $59-00 for the month of April. Councillor Prower introduced a Fire Limit By-law amendment. He explained the effect of the proposed by iaw would be to extend the first limait Legal M. G. V. GOULD, BA., LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Bowmanville W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario L. C. MASON, B.A. Barrister - Solicitor Notai-y Public - Ete. Law in ail its branches Office immediately east of Royal Theatre Phones: Office 688; Home 553 Dental DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Col- lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Blg., Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, except Sunday Phone 790 - House phone 883 X-Ray Equipment in Office -DR. R. O. DICKSON (Toronto) and Newcastle, Ont. Over Langman's Store, Newcas- tle. Office hours: Saturday only, 9 a.m. to 9 pm. Veterinarlan D. C. DAVEY, V.S., B.VSc. Bowmranville Suocessor to Dr. T. F. Tighe Office: King St. East, at Tighe Residence - Phone 843 Funeral Directors FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day IF. F. Morris Co. Modemn Motor Equipment, Am- bulance and Invalid Car. Cali Phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. Auctioneer ELMER WILBUR Llcensed Auctioneer Hampton - Ontario Specializing in Farm, Livestock, Implements and Furniture Sales TERMS MODERATE' Phone for Terras and Date to: Bowmanville 2428 ENTERIrAINER Secure RALPH GORDON, the wonderfully versatile e nt er-~ tainer, for your next entertain- ment. Illustratcd oIircular free. . Address - 628h Crawford Street, Toronto Ia 66 feet around the five principal blocks. It was passed. Councillor James introduced the question of waterworks as a subi ect for leg- isiation in the near future. Coun- cil, in response to petition, de- clared May 26th, a civic holiday. Enfield: Mr. R. Pascoe has ent- ed the farm occupied by Luke Robinson. . . Mr. Sam Bray is having his barn remodelied and repaired. Haydon: Mr. Jas. Bingham gave the chui-ch a coat of white paint and frosted the windows which greatiy adds to the appearance.. Mr. John Kiveil spent Sunday in the district. He is now a teetotaler and has become an enthusiastic Tempemance advocate. He's no doubt looking to Ottawa. Tyrone: Miss Melissa Weish spent a pleasant week in Oshawa visiting friends and attending the Crossley-Hunter evangelistic ser- vices. .'. Mr. S. Bingham's new cooperage is progressing under the supervision of Jos. Cade, car- penter. . . Mr. Jabez Moore has purchased a fine Dominion organ. . T. Scott and S. Pollard have been up to the Queen City ex- changing horses... Wm. Brima- combe's saw iii was again des- troyed by fi-e. This is the third time he has suffcred loss of his miii in this manner but announces he wiil try again. Hampton: Our cheese factory began operation on Monday. . Visitors here were Miss Mabel Northcote, Cassie Russel, Mr. Weir, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McClean and family, al of Bowmanville. New Haven: Mr. Dean Pickeil's stylish trotting stailion was mn tramhing at Whitby last week for the races on May 24th. . . Mi-. Eli Osborne is fixing Up the old home- stead in fine shape. Eli's a hustier. -.Messrs Casey Truli and Sam Everson shipped eight fat cattie Saturday purchased by Eiliott and Co. TWENTY-FIVE VEARS AGO From The Canadian Statesman, May l3tb, 1915 Officiai notice has reached here that Pte. Han-y A. M. Ireland was kîlled in action in France. He was 28 years old and will be remembered by foilowems of foot- bail as having piayed half-back on the local team for two years. He lived with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ireiand, King St., who have four sons enlisted in Kitchener's army, this being the fi-st casualty among the quartette. Dan Douglas writes f r o m France that the sermons of Chap- lain W. Beattie of Cobourg are always worth hearing. "Wc have no use, for di-y-as-dust sermons but the unusual way of saying a thing which is the Major's, is the one that suits here." Corp. Kenneth Courties Martin who was kiiled in action in France was the onhy son of W. H. Martin, hardware merchant here. Father, mother and three sisters survive. Lieut. R. W. F. Joncs writes in a letter to his father about the battle of Ypres: "Wc are stili holding them but are thankful ta say reinforcements are arriving every hour. The country ail a- round us is in fiames. The remn- ant of us ieft wiil soon be given a rest. The continuai roar of can- non is deafening. Germnan officers are merciless and drive their men on in solid masses that wither away, falling like grain before the reapers." Brigadier and Mrs. Edwy White, Buffalo, N.Y.,- announce the en. gagement of their daughter, Capt. Myrtie White to Capt. Alex Thomas.1 Miss Grace Tewin is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. A. Bain, To- ronto. Mrs. Wm. McReynolds and Miss Neida Lyle are visiting her sister, Mrs. W. W. Wiilis, Toronto. Pte. Andrew Nichols has been spendîag a few days with his father, A. L. Nichols. More than 1,300 lives were lost when the liner Lusitania was toiepedoed without warning off Old Head of Kinsahe Ireiand by a German submarine. Solina: New Epwoth Leag>ic officers are: B. G. Stevens, Luta S. Smith, Eva Cooledge, Edna Reynolds, Elgin Taylor, W. R. Westlake and Vera Baker. Tymone: Mrs. Foster, Frankfort, with her daughter, Mrs. W. Higgs. . . Mm. and Mrs. A. H. Brent and family with friends at Ebenezer. - Glen Rae Khùg st. M&is richeut in extra vitamine for - health and beauty. Bowinanvllle GOODYEAR NEWS Gerald Bràdd Gemaid J. (Jerry) Bradd, New Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bradd, formerly of Bowman- ville, was the only graduate of the Squadron class of the Good- year and after completing the three-year course with honours is considered a Master Rub b e r Worker. Jerry is a hockey player of note having once played for the Goodyear O.H.A. teamn and during the past year played for the Post Office teamn in the Major Toronto Hockey League. In the recent is- sue of the Wingfoot Clan it reports a L; W number of local IBowmanville m e n who have received their service pins. V Stanley McMurter have both complet- ed ten years of ser- -vice in the Bow- manville fa c t o ry. Both men have a S. McMurter splendid sports re- cord, being very enthused over basebaîl, hockey and the Good- year Bowling League. Frank Hooper George Purdy Next in lime is George Purdy who has received his 5-year pin for faithful service to the com- pany. George uphohds a fine fam- ily tradition of Goodyear workems followving in the footsteps of his father who has sevemai serviceý pins. Besides his father, George has four sisters who have womked there at various intervais as weli as an unche and two cousins. Providence: Mm. and Mrs. Mil- ton Wight spent Sunday with hem mother, Mrs. John Rickard, New- castle. . . A new Dominion organ is bemng installed in the chuxch heme. Hampton: The funemal of Frank Ruse, Satui-day, was largely at- tended... Mr-. J. Clatworthy recently purchased the aid fui-ni- turc shap from Mr. Katerson and rnoved it into his yard and it certainhy makes a great imprave- ment ta his place. . . Mi-. H. Ehliott's store was broken ito hast nlght. Enniskillen: Major Lomne Mc- Laughlin and Pte. Fred Chapman are home for a few days on leave. . Mr. Warren Preston and friends, Bowmanville, mwtored here on Sunday. . . Mr-. and Mrs. Byron McLaughlin had their son baptizcd last Sunday. Sauina: Mr. Norman Reynolds, U. of T., is home for vacation. If you wish success in life, make perseverance youm bosom friend, expemience your w is e counseilor, caution youm eider brother, and hope your guardian genius.-Addisoei Success in ile dcpends upon persistent effort, upon thc im- pravement of moments more than upon any other anc thing.-Mary Baker Eddy - We can do anything we want ta do if we stick ta it long enaugh. -Helen Keller Chai-acter la Uic real foundation of ail worth-whihc succss.-John Hays Hammond jhockey. You did not score a single WHEN EVENING COMES goal to-night" The boy shrugged 1 The Couaselor hi. shoulders and made no reply. I saw a gardener toiling in the R.W rstogTe etmrnn anwoi early Spring- R.W.ArstonknTenx mor ningt ah maincwo Digging with spade and hoe, (Copyright Reserved) Jke oeaottesine0 Clearing away the weeds and ______________________ the game than he did, met this loosening up the earth man on the street and told him To make the roses grow. "This stripling of eighteen was that his boy had made a wonder- Then very sbon I saw the garden one of the most competent of liv- fui showing on the ice and that - all abloom ing men, but ail his powers were only for him the team would have With roses rich and rare- laid on the aitar of friendhp lost the game. The father ex- And other flowers, too, and still He is the supreme example in rse urrs n rpae h each day he came hisoryofa mn f te f-s orerstatement about him not scoring. And tended them with care. hsom oy an onstrained t ortae The other replied, 'There were And often at the close of day-at them se aycond place." tak six goals scored and in four of evenmng time thesecnd lac."these cases Chai-lie passed the Before he left for home, The above ls a quotation from puck to the man who diai the He'd stand and gaze, as o'er that John Buchan's book, "Augustus." scoring." îloveîy, pîeasing sight Tihsanius Agerippa a o som fri- In the great gaine of human His thoughts would seem to ein u fOcAviusa, Thîs riendip achievement more things are ac- roami; en nfOyhood Ths rendsun- complished by underlings than by Sometimes he'd linger long and bega inboyood emanedun-the recognized leaders of society. sit and rest awhile- shaken for thirty years, and be- The people who issue orders For hie was old and bent; cause of it Agrippa always con- wouid make a poor showing if And as I watched I seemed to see tened imslf it seondplae.they were ieft alone in the world. about his face, This is an ancient exampie of Followers are just as important 'A halo of content. a human relationship not fully as leaders. We have heard a appreciated in the modemn world. great deal about the development Thus, in the garden of each heart I once saw a group of unemployed of leadership, but the develop- and mind, thought I, men standing in a line outside themeto olwrhpi u a Myrssgo ndbo; employment office of a large ementioalioesipi us sMay res t dgr nc an d loom manufacturing company. O nesenta. a remowithedilieed car man held his position in the line "Theme is always room at the reoetewds until his foot was on the step top" is one of the most failacious So that there may be room when he suddenly droppe ou slogans that ever influenced the For every bud of goodness and of and allowed the next man to take mind of man. In the fimst place it fihadhp his place. When asked why he 15 not true. There is not room for And love a nd friendship sweet, did it hie replied, "Oh! he is a everybody at the top, and what And when life's evening time shal pal of mine and needs the job is more, the best men do not al- cm themaawi worse than I do." This is a mod- ways each the top. In the seod heautiful retr ea ywt ern illustration of sacrifice made place the top may not be the most Whee est, grown etaywith on the altar of friendship. important place in life after ail. Anifhe's o, hu may s wie Loyalty to friends is not the This kind of teaching has done Andwhme u hugt a only thing that demands this kind much to promote strife, jealousy roilinpaadincnen of sacrifice from men. An orderly and friction in the life of society. Utliee and n clontntou and harmonious social order de-: It has begotten in men's hearts An ees sh avecloe- me mands that great masses of citi- an ambition that is not aîways An-et o a e afor Hme. zens should forever keep out of compatible with sound character,-C aBkeHl. the limelight. A father once genuine usefulness. watched his son play hockey and Our generation not only needs1 gao"Hth wudbgrt when the game was over hie said, a deeper insight into the facts f ln0 g,"etatwudb ra "Charlie, I do not think there is the present but it would o Iel among you, let him be your ser- much use of you tmying to play to heed the admonition uttered vant." You know! . .. Tests are better than talk, and riding beats readingl ..That's why we invite you to talk yourself into a test, a thorough- going demonstration ride in Chev.rolet for '40, against any other car in the low price field I You'll find you can't equal Chevrolet driving ease - Because Chevrolet bas the Imbroved Vacuum Power Shif t, which supplies 80% of the gegrshifting effort auto matically, instead of making you tug and pull and do ail the work yourself!1 And you can't e qual Gbevrolet riding ease, either - Because only Chevrolet bas "The Ride Royal", which combines Per. fected Knee.Action, Scientifically Balanced Springs, Automatic Ride Stabilizer and several other basic engineering features, to produce the smoothest, safest, steadiest ride known! Will you make the test--take the ride mentioned above-without any obligation? There's a car waiting for you at our showrooms - right now! Rye it, try it and you'Il buy a new Ohevrolet. 9iuality Çuaranteed TUA The ImproVed SOering c0Iumn eorshjft' that does 80% of the. work for You and roquires ol 20%driver.ffortl Chevrolot'5 Famous "~RIDE »ROYAL"Y Ch Cv . ofe POrfetedKneo.. Action RIding SYsten*.....pous ManSY Other ad- vOnCed ebrs br1ng8 y.bu ride CRI VROîU RAS molliRAN175 lm. PORTMANT fflsf FIAura, WdCemp #41W "NOYAI L in SMYI, e*êa ~ t4i* 1 M L- voi OISa i ROY NICHOLS Courtice Bowmanvllle ÏR >47 I - ý»-m M i~ ~'i 4/ NOT A SECRET! Famous Beauty Telle Al!t BMK. sa Ya a famous model, is the great "Internai cosmetlc."1 The famous beauties of stage, screen, and radio ail drink lots of milk. They know that the ftirnt essential for beaut>' la health, and the>' have found that nothlng else will auppi>' them wlth thse extra energy needed for long houra cf bard work. Their advlce for beaut>' la thia: Be healthy-drlnk a quart of milk each day! GLEN RAE DAIRY THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE NINE

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