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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 May 1940, p. 10

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PAGE TEN igoiu history and place in the gllus READ ». AND WRITE .. FOR YOU1 Some day soon you may be IBy John C. KlrkwoodI whichwilmak: gold mines quite Where will Canadians spendr skirts the island. It was to this n a company installing 5-cent thei sumerholdaysthi yer? slan tht te ifamos Cptan 1movies" in beer parlors. cocktail ther smmr hliaysthi yarisandtha te 1ifao us Catinlunges and pool rooms - and Will it be i Canada? or will they Blght - maide real au by perhaps in arcades. In the United go a-cruising - say ta South Arn- Charles Laghton in a "Cruise of States a dozen companies are en- erica, or ta farloff Australia, or teBut"fl - and his crew gaged in this sort of enterprise. ta Tahiti, or ta Alaska? eB"t At the head of one of these coin- weýnt in 1'788. But to-day the The much publicized Tahiti is san's peopl1e may be said to be panies is James Roosevelt, son of becoming a tourist objective. Ta- cýilvilizeýd.Tey have moderatelyth Aeicn rsde.Tee hiti is one of an island group in good farms and schools and shops.nw ehi isaelinphoo the Southern Pacific. It is a small satopical island, with tropi_ replace the haîf-milinpo- island, about 33 miles long, with ca lora, and has mountain peaks. graphs aperating, on the inser- one ction of a nickel i a slot, i bar 120-mile coast. A motor road There n an see pearl divers ros uc ompo om ___ __ __ __ __ ___ __ __ __ e n utrg e ca es and other like places. Thenif one wants ta see some- Th sio-ahn fim, hn thing vey ancient, one can go ta h ltmcin imwe Y ucaa,were, centuries before set gaing, last for 3 minutes. There c the Saniad ett h e are ten subjects on a reel. If f, P T n PA S World, the Mayas had built up a kp on otnosyte'ae POTS and PANSI ~very remarkable civilization, and wauld be $1anhu.Toep-w had built strange monuments. moting the "phonofilm" device, tc Anciet Yuatanhas ben clledwhich will play music and show i tAiYcaEtanhsbencle pictures at the samne time, anti- ti ]KEFT ThEA I e Mayans had fine templed cipate fantastic profits from the pi cities - lites with very Wonder- mahies ful buil~ig made gay wiffi But before you put any money ti FAcrvnsand colored frescoes. inta a campany making andlor w They had astanamers. They had operating the new machines, it cc this E. SY way pyamids and heroic sculptured might be Wise ta inquire Into the dE figures.Js what blotted out this history of that ather samewhat nE strange ýandhighly-developed Ma- similar enterprise - the making of eq yan civilization remains a mys- a dazen or so phatographs of ni tery This, year one can visit yourself for 25 cents, you sitting cO N o more rubbing and scrub- Yucaàtan -_just 48 hours distant in a gaudy booth while the camera co bing ta get grease and hard- from New Orleans by ship across did its stuff. When these "photo- de b~~d ~ te uf of Mexico. film" companies began aperations, bae odoff pots and pans they were supposed ta make a Ilimitless millions for thase hold- b Gillett's Lye cuts right through This summer and autumn Par- ing shares in them, yet one does tei dirt of any kind 1 tugal is ta celebrate the 800th nat hear much about these photo- th, anniversary of the faunding Of taking machines nowadays. t Use Gilleftt' Lye, toc, ta kft1, the Portugal State in 1140. There; s drais clan ad runingfreey.is ta be an Exhibition of the Par-it drans ea an rnnîg reey.tugese Warld. The great days of 1 Those Norwegian Fjords about i Doesn't harm enainel or plunil: ing. Keep a tin handy. FREE BOOKLET - The Gillett'. Lye Bookiet telia bow this powerfui cdeanser cens claged drains . . keeps out- bousms dean nd dtorlesabydestroying the conteafts hé is . . how t rrfSe dosens of taika.Sed for a ll;:,cpy Stadar BrndeLtd., FraerAv and Liberty Stret Toronto, Ont. *Noyér dissohe Iyé in bot wate. The action o the lye isgeif béats the mauter. r A Auto Agencies and Dealeris McKeever & Smith Jack MoKeever- Harold Smith Temperance St.- Bowmanvilll PHONE 641 Plymouth and Chryuier Care Sales & Service General Repalrs Gus U01 - Tires - Used C B Beauty Parlors Madame Eunice CaIIum King St. East - Bowmanvllle PHONE 529 Halrdressing and AU Lines of Beauty Culture Distinctive Work For Dlscrlmlnatlng Women Bu~s Lines Garton's Bus Station T. A. Garton, Proprietor Kingr st. Bowmanvllle PHONE 2666 8 ,Tripe Dally Bowmanvlll. . oshawa -Whitby Special Buses For Agi Occasions At Romsonable Ratas Bulider & Contractor T. E. Flaxman Dowmanville - Box 486 PHONE 318 DUILDER & CONTRACTOR We Mna supply plans and speci 1- alosfor ail classes of work ai a nominal fee. Ïl c Coal & Coke John A. Ilolgate & Son . T. S. ogate, Proprietor DIvIclil ~ owmanville PUONE: Office M1 - Res. 802 r M .ol Coke - Wood - LImeC voent - Dlilder supplies9 Potgeehitr. wil emaewchw ae been reading se occasions for special celebrations.1 much lately were formed by gla- Thse great days include the ex-' ciers. When the glaciers melted pulsion of the Moors; the achieve- aw,ýay in a long-past age, the sea ments of Prince Henry the ge -, flawed into the valieys thus made. grapher and navigator; the voy-I These fjords cut inland some- ages of Vasco da Gama, who sail- times for mare than 100 miles. ed adventurously ta discover a The largest and longest of them route ta fabulous India; the cir- has a length of 112 miles, and cumnavigation of the globe by there are geat precipices - some Magellan; the winning of Brazil of them 4000 feet high. Down for Portugal, and the establish- these precipices and bordering ment in the New World of a vast hilîsides may tumble waterfalls. empire. At the end of the fjords may be low-lying countryside dotted with The situation of Portugal - at the houses of farmning folk. Here, the edge of the mysteries of thetovlaean ctismyb Gret Oean- fsteedthe long- found. In some of the fjords - the mng of the Portugese ta go ta sofod o xml sad distant places. In the course of a OsIafrdfreapl sad sigle century the Portuigese ocr reached out ta nearly twa-thirds Norway's shoreline has a length of t.he earth. They colonized the of 12,000 miles! islands of Madeira and the Azares; ** they mapped t!fse practically un- Science has a better way of known coast of Africa; they dis- tenderizing beefsteak than the covered the Australian continent; time-honored way of pounding they visited Abyssinia; they taok the steak with the edge of a plate possession of Brazil; they found or with a hammer head having a a seaway ta India; they discovered studded surface. The scientific Greenland; they visited Ceylon; way is breakig down the taugh they went ta the caasts of China. connective fibres by the use of Her present lowiy status in the ultra-violet rays in association rester of nations is not preventing with a relatively high tempera- - BLÊIN MJ V VI LLE5, ONTARkIO THURSDAY, MAY 9TH, 1940 I r.--: rd..a 4;...felt communion with God. Read ight ducaionthe chapter on Prayer in the And Christian Science text-book and E iCeneycompare it with Jesus' teaching fiIcen o n this subject in his Sermon an Sa ta each one who studies C*Hsl.Tuck Christian 'Science, there cames Optometris some consciousness of the Christ. This divine anointing results in Ey'right healing now as inevitably as it did Specili in Jesus' time, and it brings a Disney Bldg. definite reward in peace, and (opp. P. 0.) healing, and blessing. Oshawa__________ Number 130 The eyes reveal charaCter, the tell us something about the pei son, be it of the character, physi cal weakness or beauty. Thes facts then should be remembere when the correction is sought an ,vhen the prescription is intende, to aosist the persan physicail t May also be chosen in a styl that daes not detract from th persan's appearance. To conside he appearance needs but an ar istie temperament either in th, vearer or the one who fits th, 'orrection, but ta consider thi deeper points of a mare physica nature the Optometrist must bi equipped with precision instru rients, that he may be enabled t( consider the correction of th( andition of errar in its minutesi etail. The OPhthalmoscape for ex. ImP]e in use for the past century :t frqently impraved upon af- erben entirely disregarded by îe British Medical Association '.s latest dlaim ta existence was stablished an the continent. By ts use it is passible for the user 0see the interior of the eyebal td make a study of the optic hre ead, lthe blood vessels and se enealappearance of the etina. It is by this method that nany diseased conditions else- vhere manifested show their varning symptams. (ta be cantinued) to an ne: th( ret wa sphere free frorn bacteria and mald spores. What used ta require from four ta eight weeks of "hanging" is now done in two or three days. If you were in a spelling match, and were asked ta speil this word, "4-n-propylcyclohexanel-11" you'd probably ask the giver 'out of words ta re-pronounce it - this several times - before you began ta trip over the spelling. This word is the name of a chemnical substance derived from the lique- fying Of Wood - for science is now able to turn Wood into water - not, however, H20. This liquefy- ing of Wood has been accomplish- ed by Prafessor Harold Hibbert of McGill University. ey 1- se ad id ad ly le le ar ie le le 1- i-rua rmrc ilel jpds1 i ture ana nunucssty, ln an atmno- Helin Minis. ivir. IVh __________________________________ Of Christian Science - Subject of Address Given ' In Oshawa on Sunday by Dr. Walton Hubbard, C.S.B., nville and DistrictLs Extract§ from Dr. Hubbard's * address fdllow: 77 Were it possible ta caîl upan the students of Christian Science W h o who form a large portion of this audience ta explain the reason for rie- uins iietoyince t hita ceci ment. And the range of these sicknesses which had been healed Creameries A. Wearn & Son s vri f s o in d>ceate wit ce -Ennlskillen tainty that the law of God, as Hampton Creamery taught and applied i Christian T. M. Chant, Proprietor PHONE: Bowmanville 2521 Science, heals all manner of sick- Hamptonness and sin. PHOE: owmnvlle 520Grocerles - Meats A discussion of Christian Sci- PHON: Bomanvlle 520 and Other General Supplies ence may quite properly begi "ýBuyers af Churnlng Creani at________________ with ils Discoverer and Founder, le Hlghest Market Prices." Mary Baker Eddy. Whatever I H may say of her in the limited Contractors - MasonryH time at aur disposaI must of ne- cessity be brief. W. J Cuiy H rdwae Stres Mary Baker Eddy was a woman W. J Culy Hadwar Stoes 0f unusual spirituality and deep -s WlligtonSi. Bowmnvile eligiaus sense. She was a con- PHONE 503 ' son & D l sistent and tireless student, an M. Dale, Proprietor analytical student, and thraugh General Masonry Contractor King St. Bowmanville years marked by sickness and Spec. lns Brick and TUle PHONE 408 trials her profound religiaus sense Fireplaces Hardware and Sportlng GooUs led her always ta strive ta see __________________________Marconi and Stewart-Warner Radio* and ta understand the infinite "Frigidaire" Eiectric Refrigerators Pricpein eeybesn hc McCIary EieCtrie and Coal & Wood rncpe vrybsigwih G Ranges she received. This persistent __________________________search for Truth was finally re- A. E. McGregor & Co. warded by the discovery of the divine laws of Gad, which she Garages Retaîl Hardware named Christian Science. King St. Bowmanville The usual reason for people Burketon Garage PHONE 774 turning ta spiritual means for Repairs - Wrecklng - Towlng We Guarantee You Market Prices heaing stht the set of mter J. Sinclair, Proprietor On Ail Our Merchandse icanessfor heaelbeiato a tei PHONE 2171 ________________ icnse haebe sodap Usedpart forailmake ai arspointing. Phone Part Perry 193r6 Christian Science declares itseif U_____partsfor___________ofcars ta be the law of God. It further Full!lune of Goodrich Tires declares that this law is deman- strably true; that we may under- Insurance stand it, that we may apply it, Groceries &M asV ebl and that the results will prove its &% et Mrs. E. V cbi truth. 9 The variaus healings which Caverîy's King St. West Bowmanville Jesus, the master Christian, RE. C. WHaTErl STPORE PHONE 4'1U brought about are of especial in- W. C Caerl, Prpritorterest ta those who are endeavor- King St. Bowmanville Real Estate - Insurance ing ta follow his command ta PHONE 677 Genveyanig heal the sick, for he instructed N Groceries . Meats - Fruits _________________ his disciples ta go intoaIl the bi Vegetables world and teach ail nations ta do Prompt Deivery Service p whatsoever he had cômmanded ige ________________________theni ta do, and he certainly com- manded his disciples ta heal the SWIl General Merchants Painters '& Decorators sick.th StoreJesus said a great many things Reynolds'Str James H. Abernethy about healing and the requisites T J.RRenls rpetr CnesýSt omnll for healing. He insisted that to sec the R. RynodsProrîetr Cncesio St. Bowanvllethe kingdom of God it is necessary Hamnpton PHONE 431 to be born of the Spirit, and aur cars PHONE: Bowmanville 2562 Interior and Exterlor Painting and experience in Christian Science Groceries - Meats - Dry Goods Decoriiting. Also Paperhanglng demonstrates that ta perceive the Hardware - Boots & Shoes NOW SHOWING NEW 1040o power of Truth, it is necessary ______________________WALLPAPERS for ane's consciousness ta be spiritualized. Jesus described the Robinson 's______________ human qualities which we must Cc!R.D RobIS rpiTOR"Lest We Forget" tics i f n h eusrtueculied Cei R ob WiEsTn POpRiEtobes ri 0fman te priulqai- Courtice A. H. BOUNSALL He declared that by following his PHOE: owmnvîle 517 MonDesIgner and Dealer in teaching we would demonstrate PHON: Dwmanill 251 Mouments, Tabi e, Markers, etc. an abundance of every good thing, Oshsawa 289r11 in Granite aend Marbie. adwudb bet ihtn Obtain Vatuable Giftz by savinq aur adwudb bet ihtn gift coupons gie n ail cash sales BWmanyi55e - Ontario storms af errar. He taught that of lec nor o ver praYer must be deep and heart- Phone 641 nowmanville RADIO FEATURE CONTINUES DURING SUMMER MONTHW Among the cammunity servicE which are being maintainedib the CBC on its summer schedul is "Neighbourly News from th Weeklies", with Andy Clarke re viewing the happenings i rura Ontario and perusing the new with a twikle in his eye. "Neigii baurly News" wiil be wearing ai old straw hat and toting a fishinj rod a good many times this sum mer, but an Sunday mornings a 10 a'clock (Eastern Daylight Sav ing Time) he will be at his micro. phone with alI the Ontario week. lis spread out before him. Rura listeners, whose communities arf remaining on Standard Time, wil' tune in at 9 a.m. and it is fai the convenience of church-gaerE who wish ta attend marning ser- vice that the broadcast gets ue an haur earlier throughout thE summer manths. cNestieton W. I. met at the home of Mrs. Harry Philp an May lst. tRaIl caîl was answered with "A Famous Mother." Current events were weii given by Mrs. R. Jack- rson. Election of officers: Presi- dent- Mrs. M. Emerson; lst Vice Pres.- Mrs. H. Philp; 2nd Vice Pres.- Mrs. S. Malcolm; Sec'y.- Treas.- Mrs. G. Thampson; As- sistant Sec. - Miss R. Prautt; Pian- ist - Mrs. L. Jablin; Assistant Pianist - Mrs. S. Malcolm; District Director - Mrs. C. Wilson; Direc- tors - Mrs. J. Farder, Mrs. G. Proutt, Mrs. D. Davidson; Sun- shine Committee - AIl W. I. mcm- bers; Auditors - Mrs. K. Burton, Mrs. R. Dickey. Lunch was serv- ed by Mrs. Philp and her group. A hearty vote of thanks was given Mrs. Philp and ladies i. charge. Visitors: Mrs. John HMey with hier sister, Mrs. H. Sameils. .. Mr. and Mrs. C. Wilson and family in Oshawa. . . Mr. Clifford Hyland1 with Mr. and Mrs. F. Hyland. Mrs. Jas. Thornton, Janetville,! with Mrs. R. Jackson... Mr. and Mrs. Frank Joblin and Buddy, Janetville, at Mr. L. Joblin's... es y le e al VS in Lg 1- et s e A farewell party was held in the basement of Cadmus church on Tuesday last ta honor Mr. and* HANDY SEAL.TKGHT POUCH i Mrs. Cecil Ferguson and Sydney I /2-LB. « LOK.TOP " TIN -6C who have moved ta Oshawa. Rev. D. M. Stinson was chairmars, and alio paclced in Poeket Tiý after apening with singing a hymn and prayer, called an the follow- eing ta take part in the program: Miss - Thelma Freeman gave a reading "Why Nt"; Miss Evelyn iAV sPhilp gave pleasing Piano solos; Mr. W. B. Ferguson gave a splen- did rendition of "Laska"; Muss.C r >Harry Philp sang solos; Miss Helen Fowler a reading "Tonsils"; - 0 I UN Y Helen Snudden sang "The Old Rugged Cross"; Helen and Mr. »Gorge Fawler rendered musical numbers; Misses Leah and Beth Ferguson and Collette, Bowman-ý Mcuade sang duets; Miss Della ville, at Mr. A. E. McGiii's. .. Miss LaCthangue gave a humorous read- Birdie Fallis, Oshawa,-* with Mr. ing. Mr. W. D. Ferguson read anadMs .H als. r and appreciative address ta r n n r. .H als. Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson and Sydney, and Mrs. T. H. Wilson at Lakeview Mr. George Fowler presented Mrs. Cottage. . . Miss Marjorie Pryr, Ferguson with a silver tea set andi Claremont, at Mrs. M. Falis' ver Sydney with an electriec ock. th~e weekend. .. Mrs. Maude De- Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson made ver y vitt, formerly of Blackstock, with suiable repies and al wished Mrs. W. H. Fallis... Mr. and Mrs. them happiness and prosperity in Richard Stinson and Lola, Back- their xew home. An interesting stock, at George F'wler's. contest w as held and a generous Mrs. A. Wolfe, Mrs. Hyland lunch served toalal. and Phillip GeaI have returned ta Young People's Union met on "Dahlia Del" for the summer. Thursday night. Worship service Rev. D. M. Stinson was greet'ed was based on "Things that Caunt" by a large audience an Sunday and taken by Gerald Stinson. The marning and preached a Most1 topic was ably dealt with by Rev. camforting sermon from the text,à D. M. Stinson and Miss Helen "La, I arn with you always." The Snudden gave a reading. chair favored with an inspiring Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Smith anthem. i. Emersan's... Mr. Le 1slie ht, Toronto, with Mrs. Peter dWright. .. Mr. Wm. Hawthorne, eNewcastle, with his aunt, Mrs. Jas. 1Williamson. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. McKinstry, Misses Snowy and 9Marie Marlow, Oshawa, at Mr. R. W. Marlow's. . . Miss Doris Wil- liams, Osaca, calied an friends shere. .. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Johns sand Billy with Mr. and Mrs. H. Wheeler. . . Mr. Eddie Williams iwith friends in Lindsay. . . Mrs. 1Jas. Williamson with her niece, iMrs. Ivan Wright, Viewlake... 1Mr. John Armstrong who has been sick visited his daughter, Mrs. W. Campbell. .. Mrs. Hugh Taylor, Lindsay, with her aunt, Mrs. Margaret Fallis. Miss Miriam Williams, who spent the winter with her niece, Miss May Reynolds, Blackstock, has returned home. Service in the United Church Sunday afternoon was well at- tended. Remember next Sunday is Mther's Day. The weather is warming up and the farmers are ail getting busy, also the ladies busy house- cleaning. Mr. and Mrs. Morden opened their home on Friday evening and entertained their neighbors and friends. Mr. and Mrs. R. McColl who have been the caretakers of the church for the last fîve years have given it up. We will al miss them as they did their wark well. I The Story Beliind PlcOQBAC Canadians sbould be proud of Picobac-it's more than a tobacco, it's a Canadian acbie'vement! 'Years ago Ontario growers were raising fine Burley leaf; but they hadn't the market it deserved. Se the makers of Picobac decided ta show Canadians wbat a mild, cool, sweet smnoke Canadian Burley really is. They took the pick of the crop, named it "Picoba.g" and put it on sale. Today it's the largest seling brand ini Canada because thousands tried it (as you sbould) and agreed tliat- "It DOES taste gooci in a pipe ! "TIRED"I ALL THE TIME She feit misenbie- draggy-low in vtlt -ower in p pfrit h badn'e thoght of ber kidneys, until a frie>d suggeatcd Dodd's Kid. ney Pilla. At once the took DoJd'a. The ~ "washed out" feelingu waa soon replaced*byî ______ clear headed energy and restful sieq Headache, bachache, lassitude andote signa of faulty kidneys diaapeared. 112 a YOU SEE THE ANSWER WHEN 'e I YOU COMPARE THE THINGS EACH CAR GIVES YOU )W YOU CAN actually see the ,differences in size, comfort and èengineering features that are :ctching so many thousands to 1940 Plymouth! 'lie big fact is that Plymouth is ,OnlY One Of "Ail 3" low-priced sthat gives you a majority of *F22IMRATFAUE FOUN IN IGH-RICE CAR th 2big features found in hîgh. CABU priced cars. OC N BU See the 1940 Quality Chart at A PLYMOUTH 8 7 your nearest Chrysler-Plymout1i- ROADKING ~ Fargo dealer's. Then to satisfy pour. COUPE FOR self still further, take Plymouth's Odeiver.din IOWMANVLL delightful "Luxury Ride". Lics en loa me (l ny 7 , «,&,4~ Plymouthi is easy to bu>'. Ali pricecs ubject to change witout notice. J r - ,~'.. ' '~. McKEE VER & SMITH THE CANADIAN STATF-.-,M,& m nnuyw&,& leim- T , ý-- - - Cadmus Nestleton

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