WIth Whlch Are lncorporated The BowmanVllle News, The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News O UM 86 -- - - -- - - -- ,___ _ ,NUMBE 3 Popu1ar B. H. S Teachier Reuigns School Position fi Enhist With Air Forc R. M. "Stev"- Ains.l SGV Expects to be Caled ROTARIiNT IE For 'Active Service nm Within a Short Time TWO REPORTS 0F beii ranother familih face wil ISHAWA MEE TIG when schaol re-opens in tri fail,. due ta R. M. Ainslie, commerial tArce. havin Ainsled' tre R. C. tari5Ed1t Fred Hoar and Secre- tin arceive Mr. Aisi'esigna- tay EalCnningham gave lm- tio wexpecvto start wctek and teresting and inspiring reports at whxe the Ai r active work tr otary Club luncheon Friday near ftue AioFrci mn Uic very ai te District. Rotary Conference any lutuae cleksands rcently mn Oshawa. .gaher loae creceived teno- A tard was read fromn Rotarian grashfrs stavrti theier suc- M. A. Nial, who with Mrs. Niai cthrough theprt tc uiess worl was cailed ta Boston, Mass., where tr.g Ainsiexpert thache a their son Fred underwent a seri.- way Aaout h than no p lasr ousa operation for tussor on thec ed ta .appreciate. Hi did not con- Fred Ail maere deliahtedto pero- fine his duties solely ta tri school edris takin stisacoryry.. noom but han engineered several Tgressto roery Cu vie projects trat havi been on is~- T rnt Roaclbta Club a invitd p lay at the various Open Houais tri boalingu torsent atn toe hlin recgnt years. These pro- tBolrdClb Toramntat the Au jects have brought forth consid- Butevard whClubs orno ontA-a erable favorable comment on gust c21st fohen Mcl inuOtaio- Uheir uniqueness and originality will Mompfor thy Meln Muci- Mr. Ainsie jained tri B.H.S. sovn weora dleTedhy Fanke Ma- teaching staff in September 1934.Hve wadlgtdtoeto- Besides bing a successful and gether a rink for tria occasion. popular teacher, hi han taken a A repart was read from tri dir- keen interest in ail sports activi- ectors recommnending that thec tics at the school, following th club assume tre financial respon- teas with .sincere. enthmusiasm. sibility for 23 tonsil operations at He was a member ai Uic Badmiin- Bowmanville Haspital during Au- ton Çub, bing one ai Uic ace gust. The patients are ail chil- playdr sof tri club. dren from Darlington Township. Bowmanville Rotary Club also Rasa Strike and Rosa Stutt were claimn him as a member, i which appointed a committec ta confer hhan taken .an active part ful- with Toronto Rotary Club in re- fing hia duties with great plia- ference ta bringing out ta Canada sure, always making suri that the children ai Rotarians linc hDri- eo aloted ta him was perfect tish Isles for the duration ai thei bco r eti would announce its war-. Compl•io. Visitors at the luncheon were i butitizear will miss Mr. Ainslie Jabez Vastone, Toronto,- Dr. C. i bti hoped that hi will return J. Austin, Enniakillen, and Dr. ofta Bwanvile at Uic conclusion Rusell E. Kinaey, member af Ro- i aite war and resume his teach- tary Club' at Wiliamstown, Ky. the dutes an .the staff ai B.H.S. To make the latter visitor feel at E Ste meantne, best ai luck, home the club sang for his special Stei!benefit "My Old Kentucky Home." loyals Play-Off Hopes Raised seBowmsaaville R ai gave tem- muthave donc something ta his playi berth whin thncedfeat- Bowsaviille - C r o0mb l e, f; a little foreign ta the local lads, If; Walton, sa. , massny a oan but sti ges Potts 2nd; JohasnDan d Clemss;t them a fighting chanci ta be in 3rd; Hudson, If; Rowcliffe, c and the twa teams play-off. cf;BChristie, cf; Pointer, p; Moisi, î fWitheridge started on the mound Bowmsarvill Or0 Devme,7 1s2 ' foth Ryais baut whn hs usual Part Hope 000 103 0 --4 9 4 i Osborne was substituted winin the ballgm.Ntal dinin KD RAB'Lvu i Dave huri good bailobuth dwhm k ISR IE$72 iut thes t mng eta bat TO AID RED CROSS a The Rayais started early lra A miitr gii at a their drive for ruas, the first inn hA mbmtue chaden ap arasi h ing netting trems two counters b Av held iertyildre on Carisley Crombie and Osborae. The sixAv atind Liberty St.d on Fria- h inaing was anoter Royal bright aatrnoonawhn party hn ele a-o spot when the Bawmanville lads, zada, garen atyrandaff Uic basralysn a r uibifv Cross. The big event held on the a mre.ruRa br oi ri tota ta!lawn of Mn. M. Breslin proved a cE Witerd Roch Osone, Brd, huge success wit $17.20 bing i Wtdg e and Rickard each re- taken in by the children. Limon- k ec'svbocounters i tri little scor- adi, bingo, fancy wark, fish pond, ir's ook.and fortune telling were someî oft The Ontarias featured Pointer tre popular booths, the maximu on the mound who looked good charge bing 5c. Local merchants tC until the sixth inning when it generously donated prizes which ta looked as if the Rayais were going were solicited by the commiittee T ta try and beat their record ai After everything had bien soldh thirteen ruas in anc gesse whith out, the returns were counted and ti they accomplished la the very taken up ta Mn. W. R. Strike, gi samse town et the first ai tri sea- president ai the local branch ai w son. Uic Red Cross, by the proud and w Rowcliffe scored a single rua in loyal young participants. ni the fourth, and Hudson, Christie Those responsible for tris suc--. and Pointer scored la the sixth ta cessful event arc: C h a i r m a n - a give the Ontarios Uher four ruas. Pearl Bresin; Tresurer - Bill Ed al "Ticker" Crombie's batting av- ger; Assistants - Earl Glinmore, as erage took a severe drap, that Doris and Florence Chartran, El- ta noble lad getting a big zero. The aie Bunner, Joan Grenfield, Ed-to sof tball gamse on Monday night die Breslin, Joyce Cox.w No Meed for Bread Pnce l:se Fear States Carter Fanily akery Head "Sa far an The Carter Family OFFICERS ELECTED is concerned local bread consum- crs need have na fier ai a decided FOR BICYCLE CLUB increase in bread prices because of> itional taxes," 'said C. H. Officers were elected for thec C~r, prprietor ai anc af the coming quarter an Saturday at 1 baking establishments, when the Lions Club Bicycle Safety interviewed tis week. Club meeting. Bil Edger was . eclected President, Jack Childs and Mr. Carter, who is also secre- Eleanor Johnston Vice-Presidents.; tary ai the Independent Master Secretary, Arline Nao r t h c u t t'; Bakers Association ai Ontario, Treasurer, Irene Cunn lan g h a m ; has Just returned from Ottawa Sergeant-at-Arms, Don Anderson, '-~here representatives ai his asso- and an Executive composed ofi clation iaterviewed the Wartimg James Stutt, Alan Strike and Nil- Prc~ Board and were grante lie Parker. acptionally fine reception, Traffic court was held wli Bill acôlring ta his statement. James acting ai judge. Speeches Bakers i practically every were given by the out-going offi- municipality arc doing their ut- cira, and the new officers an treir moast ta co-operate with the gov- installation. 'The old officers were ernment im whatever measures highly commended- for ther un- are undertaken and have pro. tiring efforts in making their club -vided valuable suggestions and a success in the first quarter ofi enor at o re ta tm its exist n e At the coclusian tinue ta patronize their local bak- bers. Don Anderson was the win- ers who emplay local labour and air ai tri bike light la the lucky supply fine products. draw. • AS ISEE IT.. By Capt. Elmore Philpot' C.BC. WAR NEWS snees riachedue item sion of Parliament is what ta d ada. hewprobm han bee n irai ycrars pat. ue wr hansg gravated it. Intertwined with th more-or-less superficial technica licity policy. It is putting it mild ita say that Uic latter has been woefully weak. The thing ta remember, whenr considering Uic efficiency af trh C.B.C. news broadcasts, is that a large percentage ai ail tri listen crs in Canada arc completely de* pendent on the C.B.C. for thelir radio news. Those of us who live near the border can listen, when so inclined, ta any anc af several] United States stations. In most of trese localities good privately sponsored newscasts arc still be- mg- given by Canadians for Cana- dians.. But if, the prisent sugges- tion is carried * through - that there be a complete monopoly on news coverage by radio mn Canada - then anc of two things must happen. Either the C.B.C. must vastly improve and amxplify its whole policy af news coverage and news analysis, or there is gig ta be an appalling lack ofi ifration in Canada. Inciden- tally, I would also hazard thei guess that thré will be an in- creasin howl ai protest unless Ui .B.. improves its services out ai ail proportion ta past effi- Th- question seems. to have threc distinct phases. The first has ta do with Uic C.B.C.'s own straight news services. Until a few months ago these were ertty terrible. It alwy sced pr m that tic Canads sePresst was thinking ai itself first, last and all thi timie. It was making sure that the radio was neyer going toa supplant Uic daily newspaper as the accepteg channel ai public i-, formation if the Canadian Prissa could help it. Hence tri news was mostly hours late - invari- ably behind, not before Uic news which had already appeared i TheC.B.C. news aivere tie better than it used ta be since thei Canadian Press ran Uic whole wgood asit shoud eb vn wer here no war an -- and there is ai NEW ANALYSIS NEEDED Where thi Canadien radio aefulyn w anailin its complet oabody in Canada aalyzlagran nterpreting the newa an H. V K alt enb onrn, Raymond Gras wmag and oters are interpretin tli tri United States, and a Viche Srtead Ve*rnon Brtlt i on the B.B.C. in the Old Coun •r.. Incidentally, as tri censorshi an more and mari clamped dowi n the straight B.B.C. news fromn ondan, so that threi la now ver ttle lm it except, padding aboui ir raids, the quality of tri new ommentators has4 simultaneousl mproved. One cen bit with as urance that whatever Cyril La in says la so. His stuff stand he test ai events. The lessan I see la trat it paya E let responsible commentatora lk straight fross the shoulder bine are many things which ave ta be kept secret in war. mi, unless the enemy la ta be in the chanci ta win victories hich he would not atherwise in. But there la a vital need forx ews "right from the horse's outh." The Canadien Govennment has ways seemed to me ta be like foster parent wbo had adopted n ophan child which turned out be something ai a prodigy. It as scared stiff et the implica- ona .of the relationship. Sa thre as been a sont ai attemrt takeep art pents an long as possible. Sa Canada shrinks back in awe omi the turning loose ai Cana- ans ta interpret for Canadiens hat tri warld news means toa anadians. Instead we pipi avern lkcs by Dorathy Thompsan, Ray- ond -Gram Swing and otrers om the U.S. and fromn Britain. I am not iferring ta the ex- ilent occasional broadcasts such Bruce Hutchison gave an bis tun from Wanhington. Non do (continued on page 2) Monday night, July 29, a quit edding was solemsnized byRev. H. P. Andlerson et bis homei on nd Strict East, Oshawa, when e vows were taken by Miss arlotte Grace Potter af Whitby di Mn. William Jahn Wallace of wmanvllei. The cQuple werei comspanied by e few ai their ung friends. En these days trere's a lot ina ving a oaod nasse. This applies rticularly to clothing, and whes e thinka of the halimak ai 'a clotlgyuja aual d Chartran han more toa se 'ngthis lineinis advt.o on agi which makes profitable readjg ha t di w Ca ta irn ce as re T. Bo thi Ch an Bo aci yoî ha' pa on me Sic alo 5v ]Glen Rae Dinghy Trophy Agmin Featurs Sports Day D owmNanviile Iach Monday o ' SRaces Are Planned for ifeeshr nts bing the main fea- Young and Old With ngt'sa festviiescothedrus wwof t e Big Dance During the givn aey or the hoadio thatheig l E inng lUokay tet Nt pholdr ofthe t ____"euedfr°lprvmet eth ..The Glen Rai Trophy will be fomanville Beach. ipresented to the winner ai thei dinghy race held et the lakefront et Bowmanville Beach on~ Civic BLACKSTOCK GIRLS eHoliday. The occasion la tie an- COPT nual Bowmsanvile Beach Sparts C M E EAT C.N.E. -Day which promises ta be bigger -and bitter this year. Instead ofi *having the race between Oshawa The Girls' Homessaking Club and Bowssanville, this year the ai Blackstock attended Durham trim little craf ta will race on a County Achievement Day et Mill- trianguler course in front ai Bow- brook on Friday and ail repart a manville beach whene everyone splendid day. -will be able ta watch. It la ex- The ssoraing program included I pected t.hat a large number ai judging dining table bouquets, boats will be entered from the satiwiches for afternoon tee, and Oshawa Yacht Club as well an planning a surprise birthday par- *sasse from Whitby and a few local ty for mather. According ta new intries. regulations, no standing af the i The Begeh Sports Prograsm la girls is given, but Miss Eadie and ~ scheduled ta gît underway et 1 Miss Scott praised the girls for t p.m., with foot races for young the splendid work they had ac- and aId. Following thehe races comnplished la this unit, "The Club ~ thre wil be various novelty Girl Entertainsa."3 races, including mixed trie leg- mIne Coates, Jean Wright, Hel- e ged race, egg throwing contest en Watton, Audrey Stinson, D)ora- that proved so popular last year, Uiy Hoskin apd Kathleen Stinson ' and many other interesting races. received Certificates ai Achieve- o For every event goad prises have mnt for havlag completed twoa bien secured for the winners. Ail lhome-making projects. t the land rages wiil be held on the la the afternoon îch club wt wes sie.given an opportunity ta set upa -Following tri foot races thre exhibit on a "Table Set for Twan wiil be an open tandumn canai Reta Swain, representing Black h race which should prove thilling stock club, gave a very interesting ~ ta spectators and contestants alike. talk on their exhibit af a Birthday ~ There will also be swimming Pary. c races, canai races, punt races, and .Each club gcieifenmnt every sort of aquatic race imagmn- demonstrationavr ait Blnctck b able. girls, Isabel Chilvers, Jean Wright n Ianîrality tri gale weekend Mildred Archer and Irene Coates, starts on Saturday, August 3rd, presented their skit "Tea I Serv- h when Joe's Shuffle Shack wiil be ed" and were given the privilege b the scene af the annual big danci ai comspeting at the C.N.E. Oronob with Gus Heine's- Cedarbrae Or- girls with thir skit an "lPacking j chestra supplying music ion the a week-end bag", go ta Peterboro. d local jitterbugs and waltzers. The afternoon closed with ae On Monday night thre wiil be very dainty afternoon tee, served e boots eth ame ofchance and by the Cavan and Millbrook girls. ~ presentative E. A. Summers ai the r6t is a fungus growth whichthrives la excessive mixturenla te tmhostBrrehaabl means ai prevention and con- trol. It la not too late ta bi-. Ibs. hydrated lisse in 40 gais. ai water. Add 2 lbs. arsenate ai lime ta each 40 geas. if the spray la ta be used for beetles as well as the blight.• 1.P.A.M. CONTINUES Although the first battean ofi MEidland Regiment is recruiting 'or active service, the second bat- alion, e Non Permanent Active Militia unit,. will carry an until ll ennolled will have completed 0 days' traiaing, it was announc- d an Monday night. Training will continue three eveniags a week with the likeilihood of new fficers bing selected ta replace hase going an active service. Militia recruits were informed bat tbey will probably go toa amp an August 26th or there- bouts for 13 dea. Those who ave cosspleted 17 days' treaing efore camp wiil likely cease driill hen they return while those who meluding camp will not have ompleted 30 days' training, will e obliged ta continue training an hein retun until the required' umber ai days have been put in. This mieans that those min who ave been attested and examined ut have been skipping parades ill still have ta make up for aill he tisse tey have lost. If they o0 not appear on parade, thre is very posibility that tey will be nterviiwed by military or police Hollingshead Paint Works Gutted a tie vo"n min w DudnSeereDlae. amdu NJ.onday teVeran Guard was also on hand d The moast disastrous fire in the employees were missing. At the the training period and ah hsouy ait eidfnr N. Jt, aged beginning af the fine thre were min.wlaonsd th'yi Houesh d 1ron,îevng2re engn athe blaze la thougb tat. destruction mi its wake, several b mfrs spontaneous combustion. MANY DEPUTIES jured. eh Bowmanvill vigRoy odeniedby policeband APPOINTED FOI factory, msanaged by Mayor Reg. officiels ai the company. AlthoughbE IT A I O. Joncs, la tb Canadien branch theS plantrwas la receiptt ai larg R G TR T Starting with a series ai ex- not yet begun production an thDeuty-Registrars for ta plasions in tri msixing rooms about te.County ofDurhanm haeo n 1 p.ms., the large factory soon be- Mr. .Tones of the Bowmanville appointed by Cecil Robinson came a blazing inferno. Sa intense plant stated hi did not know just gistrer ion the Cout ai Dur was the heat that 125 nearby yet how the destruction ai the One huned and tirty-four adburn thealsroundug t pne- ducto idenr Bowmanvie a hter cd -hog ws behrespaonsibea po vent undue confusion Mayor some aif the work may be shifted registration ai appro x ism a t George Brunner af Camden de- here la not yet determined. Mn. 25,000 pensons in the County clared a state ai emecrgency and Joncs ls very familier with Cam- complet e the registration w ~alled out 500 National Guards. den, . having spent considerabie the prescribed tisse ai threeî men ta patrol the aria. Property tisse there during his peiodic August 19th, 20th and 21st, a damage la estimated et $2,000,000. visita to the plant. Also Ray tional voluntary helpers wil Fifty city employees rode thro' Kemsbring, chemist, who la now needed. he city shouting ta citizens ta la Bawmanville, works la tri Tsehprswlbewa ~onserve thir water supply for Camsden factary and bas intimate Thee hepetyrwilesor 'igbting the fini. R. M. Hollings- knowledge ai Tuesday's disaster. byglatety-Reisn.sVal' ead, Jr., president ai the coin- It is likely that rebuilding ai hegiesrain adiion. hln >any, made a bouse-to-houai cen- the burned factory wil begin im- Delpetyrsmaditionl tbe heli 'ass ta ascertain how maeny ai bis mediately. etiy-botswegistrast te regss the sick and aged and comç -Uth registration af such persor Bowmanville.on.the.Beach NOes teronhm.Alpr 5wishing ta help ma tis Nati (By Able Darch) service should offer thir ser ta the, Deputy-Registrar in t EAST SIDEown division. A complete lis EASTSI . . H. W. Simpson. Deputy-Registrars and the Re Mrs.Mabl Whnfied, Crol Mn. and rs. C. Griffin, Mr. tration Division assigned ta t nd Peggy, Osbawa, Mrs. M. Car-- an r. _Hunten, Miss Marguerite wîill be published next week. ma and Mrs. R. Myers, Toronto, Doyle, Misa Bunnie Doyle, Toron- - rns. J. Kimble, Mrs. H. Challs' ta, at Bosky Diii. nd Mns. Cale, Bowmsanville, wer~ Misses Betty Edger, Ileen Hall- Andy Clarke Refers uests et Chetwyn Villa. man, Helen Glanville and Ileen To Local Even Mn. and Mrs. N. Lyle, Mn. and Wight, Bowmanville, are holiday- ____ Ira. F. Winfield, Mn. and Mrs. A. ingat Sandhurst Cottage. t rt iss •Mr. Stan. Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. The mnterest citizens take t Fwrt tis MN. ns M. an M Lawson Toronto, et Resty Andy Clarke's "NeighborlyNin rne, Md. Lutt 1uttreil n d Mr. Joe Johnston, Misa B. et 10 o'clock is reflected ina [ns.c C. utîl, M. am Ms• V. Douglas and Mn. Leonard Bang et msany commenta we biear, par ethick ad Marjorie, Mn. A. Bang's Cottage. ularly when reference la made ayfair Cot Nel, Toronto, et Mn. and Mrs. K. Scott, Mr. B. items la The Statesman. Thei [afi otage. Hinton, Mr. H. Burnett, Mn. and two Sundays Andy bas ce M. and Mrs. Kirk, and Miss D. Mrs. W. Carpenter, Mn. and Mrs. mented on several.humaen inteî gght, Toronto, et Baker's Cot- J. Carpenter, Toronto, with Mrs. stories appearing la tris pape •gi T. Carpenter. We just wonder somsetimses Mn. and Mrs. G. Hail, Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. H. Nelson, Miss Andy's invisible audience fi isas M.· Mackinnon and Mn. G. D. Pragg, and Mn. J. Smsith, To.. appreciates the tisse and w Eackinon, Toronto, et ·Cherry's ronto, et Hutton's Cottage. that la required ta put across I ottage. Mn. and Mrs. R. Collard and eppealing and entertaining Miss Caroli Cherry, Bowman- Teddy, Miss N. McKitternick, Mn. minute broadcast ai news eve ll1e Beach and Toronto, bas left A. Lowe, Mn. G. Parmm, Toronto, gleaned from 142 weekly ne n a motor trip trough Quebec. et Irmadell. ,papers la Ontario. Mn. K. Minard, M. R. True Mn Mrs. A. Gledhill, Miss Patricia Next week we intend publi .Cheriden, Mn. and Mrs H. Trumphour, Mr. Ross Trumphour, ing sasse extracts from an 'almsky, Oshawa, et M ncrmrM. Charli Trumphour and Mn. dress given by Mn. Clarke et a ottage. M kisoeJ. Nallis, Toronto, et Gled Hiil's cent prisa convention which Heesgo esfrteci-Cottage. vieas sasse mteresting facts ab en: n CvicHoliay he id- Mrs. R.Donn, Toronto, et Alva Andy's newspaper and broadca ein On iven Holida use kfld- Gravi Cattag. mng carier. hoes loats. givsieorse i tes Mn. and Mns. Broadfield, Miss supled wioth. Vhst wte fee Grace Wilkins, Mn. R. Russell, Ta- Depw'sStre bot bring along ronto, with Mn. and Mrs. G. WIl- N W i h it urepuch' bsoets bndagiv the kins 'et Blink-Bonnie Cottage. NewW hl emIs mirlunc eakt nd e h Lake news isn't sa plentiful this sslIya nel ouing.week as msany city folk who rent- A very capable young chemr WVEST SIDE id cottages for July returned ta bas come ta town ta f111 tri Pc the city this weekend. But we tion, formerly held by Wms. M Mi N. B ahrd, Mis D. expec elot mari cdmprsh nex E 1e ddot Tr W bi gac r. ess MD DBarr. et the lake tese ,nights. Sa we'll graduate ai the University ofi MsD. Herridge, Mn. A. Her- riverse Mai West's slogan by sey- ronto mi physics and chenis nto is E.Dwr Mrs P. Ha- .n Came down and sic us sasse- ad wel qualified or th typei is T. J g' s i t s t - f .. s s ta gE M oS A ta M M Ca r tnp ta en route fross a motor any turne duning te day or ivea- gag Lak,~antreaî - ing. flAIJ**~C j 'ts in the tic- etoa lest rest r. if ully ork this 15- ~nts sh- ad- ne- re- aut ast- osi- ac- To- try ofi Active Recruiting Underway Midland Regiuient CAS.F. Badminton Club New Hdqs. ST. JOSEPH'S HOLD •oa eicl Mnt FINE LWN SOIAL Co n du c t Examina- tions On Recruits - oFin we an hpp thons Young M en Flurrying R.. C. Lawn Social on Thursday to Enlist night at.Rotary Park when ssany local citîzens as weil as outsiders came ta try teir luck t the many Due ta the kindnss ai the Bad- booths and have a good tisse. The minton Club board of directors affair, a fianciaI success as wenl Bowmavilileai now the main ne- as being very enjoyable, featured cruiting ceanr for "D" Company prize booths, refreshments booths ai the Midland Regiment (mIefn- and lucky draws t- make up an try) C.A.S.F., and new recrits eveming ai fun and frolic. •are bing enlisted, put through The various geames and boots thir medical tests and enroled did a land office busiss right as fast as the organization can up until the time ai the draw fan operate, the main prise ai $50.00. Miss Headquarters for recruiting Bolton, e resident ai Bowmanville have ben set up la the Badmin- Beach, was the winner, while Mrs. ton Club which is conslired an Everett Osborne, King St., and ideal building for recruiting pur.. M. G. Stephens, Scugog St., won poses. There arc sîerate rooms thie $15 and $10 prizes, respective- for each medical man as well an ly Bec plenty, ai space for clerical and Bowmnvile Bachcertaily administrative functions. taok its share af tri prizes. Not Now that Midland Regiment la only did the grand prize go there, definitely an an active basis men but Mrs. L. Goddard, a resident from ail parts ai the province arc af the beach, won the beautiful coming here ta enlist in one ai qult. The final prise, consisting the oldest and most reputed units ai pillow cases, went to Miss in the country. D Company bas Dorothy Thomspson, Bowmanville. always bien anc -of the outstand- Father Coffey stated et tri ing companies et camps and it la conclusion ai tri social that it believed, fromi the fini type ai had bien a huge success and was mren enlisting, that it will, con- happy ta aie so many people turn tinue ta maintain that favorable ext rta lp teir ceuse. He also position. hepisod ens appreciationdoi the .However, mari men are needed the whas nously extended. by imsmediately so that the company bthsh anditd the l venous wiil be brought Up ta strength an bthet adwtUcslig ate soon an passible and be on its way tikes ta a trainig cintre. dLocal doctors have also express- M. and Mrs. W. R. Strike and so tat th icexano o-paten son Alan were called ta Mrris- mybe cenueda eammations burg July 24th owing ta the sud- airn Couctedm here disa dca passing ai her father, A. H. ant cbourg or rsu otat ds Casselman. Mrs. Strike la still in tr enre winth he ansuct that Morrisburg having become sud- ceetw nti e as mc time denly il1 requiring a nurse in t- ri a reseîetween theti enng- tendance. W, and erad y ftal ors inng M. and Mrs. P. Albert O'Heron the understan tat ar dtrsof (nee Pauline Piecard), Kingsvile, the recriti. tk atdrn acospnedyn . n" rs onAa era incstcdlaen- Wieg narg t o sp nt trurti g l C Bdoa la nvge t Pea Wagons Are Scarce in Town As Shellers Erected i. Country Unknown ta numerous people1 ENGAGEMENTS u n Bowmanvie is the fact that many car-loads ai peas already Mr. Raymond Davey announces shelled cose ta the local canning the engagement ai hisadaughter, factory. The cosspany owns three Iton Hackney, 32nd-34U Battey pea-shellers which are stationid R.C.A., Kingston, son ai Mn. and et points in the edjoining town- Mrs. Walter Hackniy Bowmn ships. ville. The mariage wiltakc pae Teese oea-shers fareascon quietly the middile ai August. ta the factory. To the farmers they are e tisse and labar-saving Mr. Reymond Burns, Oshawa, device, since rural people who announces the engagemîent of his live et considerable distance froniu suster, Florence Evelyn Bunns Bowmativille do not have to suf- Hampton, ta Douglas Frederick, f er the awkward and iksome elder son ai Rev. and Mrs. W. task ai bringing huge cart-loads Rackham, Hampton, the marriage ai vines ta the canning factory· ta take place in Augut. The factory, an the athe hand, lais___ saved the trouble ai removing the peas from the vine, and la able T e en a m nt l an u c d ta handle this domestic food aiThe agaret isnoue much more easily and quickly ofAe argaet Mins, dau- Pea-ahellers have bien in niar- Morley Wilkcins, to Harry Lawson by districts for about three years, Gay, son ai Mn. and Mrs. Russeil and arc more than proving their Gay, Courtice. The marriage to wort. • take place quietly August 24th et M. Stutt, superintendent af the Ebenezer United Church. cannery, fiels that tris year's crop campares favorably with that ai previous years. But as yet hi bas Mn. and Mrs. ThmeHrbn no statistics regarding the output McCready ai Letbr dg Albnta per acre. announce the engagement af their The factory bas bien going elder daughter, Margaret Jean ta quite strongly, working as late as Mn. Norman Byron Vanstone ai 2 o'clock la the monng, and Bowmianvill, Ontario. The mar- empoloya a large number ai men riage will taki place the latter and womeîn. part af August. Wounde odir nEmglad To B reakato nttt a Bowmanville Women's Institute fortieth annual picnic was held on the lawn at the home af Mrs. F. C. Colmer, on Thursday afternoon with about thirty-five members present. The usual b.usiness dis- cussion, with Mrs. J. Thickson, president, presiding, preceded the picnic and in the absence of Mrs. L. S. Dumas, secretary, Mrs. W. B. Pollard capably filled these duties. Mrs. Fred Baker, wool convener, reported twenty-four pairs of socks and one child's sweater knit during the month for the Red Cross. The committee in charge of the jam making report- ed 292 lbs. of jama had bien made. A letter of congratulation was read from Miss Mary A. Clarke, Superintendent of Women's In- 'stitutes, on the fine showing of Bowmanville W. I. in the jam making proiject. Also a letter was read from the Government In- strawerry emtsted wei ver Donations of raspberries will be appreciated by the Institute in or- dr that severa more ces of i through the Red Cross to cnal- escent soldiers in the hospitas in England. A paper outlining thehitr and purpose of the Leagea Nations was rented Thge-o fects of the Leau and faile de- its two major objectiveure di- armnament and abollitio of a were noted; but the sendi sewr vice in the mnatte heoslthdi ser- riculture, the dru traffc tas port, refugees, codificatioofl, etc., were mentioned. Frof 1933 the coming of Hitler spe 1933 t the League of Nationspe, aum te major powers, Italo, eranyth Russia and Jap Gran yesd ofa the League andan thes o fer ceased to have faith iitads we have a second World War. Mrs. Frank Jackma, ho ha been a mnembc an, th I ast since 1904, conductd Istitute amusing gansand cotssvera cusomaypie ee dispîae nmaking. At five o'clock ail eJam- id a delcioums pcic aupe ev- id y he rop leadesuppt s.v I h BOWMANVILLE, ONT., T 0 V