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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Aug 1940, p. 5

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TNURSDAY, AUGUST 15TH, 1940 h. S. bOCIAL AMIDEROA Mins 'Violet McFeete holidays.. Miss A. Olive Jase, Ha visitlng Mis. W. F. Dale 1oeTownshlp's ta, 15% mila, the same as Miss Gwen Brummel visltlng friends at Lin Lake. ~Miss Helen Mayo, Tor been holidaying at Mr thrope's. làn#C. W.E. Meath, 2s eweekend witlh Mi. and Mis. Clarenc borne have been holic Simcoe, Ont., Mis. Margaret Flern James Mtà iâwelIer THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO !rs is on Ita, spent the weekend wlth Miss Marian Wagar. Erilton, is Master Bifle Lyrner, Oshawa, e.was holidaying with his cousin, crate is Teddy Colwell. last year. Mr. and Mrs. E. Lurnb, Taffipa, 1has been Flarida, are visiting his sister, ne Stone Mis M. Lurnb.,', '. Misa Joyce Hila hbas beenf visit- ronto, has ing her aunt, Mrs. Beecher Bar- rH. La- rett in Consecon. Miss Lydia Fuller, Toronto, and iOttawa, Mr. D. Fuiler, Washington, D.C., .i Mrs. W. visited Mrs. Eli Wilson. Mrs.' Norman Hamblyn and ce L. Os- Jean, Peterboro, are visiting her Iaying in mother, Mrs. P. C. Trebilcock. ni Toron- Mr. and. Mrs. W. J. Henderson spent the weekend with his sis- -ter, Mrs. A. Rodgers, Hillsburg. Mrs. N. Knapp and sons Ronald and Bobby, Peterboro, visited with her sister, Mis. Brummell. ail Siendor "Beauty" Tablets help yQu ta better health. Two weeks .. treatrnent $1.00. McGregor's Drug Store. 33-1 Misses Marion and Madeline Crago have been holidaying with I Miss Doreen Crawforth at Port Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin* Dale and Bobby, anid Mrs. Albert Dale, ' Rochester, N. Y., visited Mrs. W. F. Dale. Miss Irene Casbourn, Bowman- ville, and Miss Mary Kirkhope, h*. . .. Toronto, spent the weekend at Rîce Lake. N is. Jackc Montgomery and daughter Jean, Peterboro, spent .:»the weekend with Mr. and Mis. Bert Calwell. jahnston's Lending Library has \'* ust received an addition of 100 new books.- Corne in and see the Ssplendid tities. Mr. and Mis. George Pingle, Ottawa, have been visiting his father; Mi. Thon. Pingle, and other relatives. Mr. W. H. Belding, Miss Sophia '~Allrn,, Geneva, Ohio, Mis. Wes. SOugh, Toronto, were guests of SMis. Elnier Wood. SMi. and Mis. John Shaw, Osh- awa, spent a week with her Par- Sents, Mr. and Mis. W. J. Hender- <'3son, at the lake. ............ .. Recapture that slini Youthful appearance. Two weeks supply Slendor "Beauty" Tablets $1.00. 75 McGregar's Drug Store. 33-1 11 * Misses Grace and Hazel Trul and Gordon Truil are holidaying ~/with their grandparents, Mi. and SMrs. Jas. Tate, Napanee. * Missles Doris Wilkins, MYrtle Hall, Doris Sparrow, Marion *I l annand Rut Ha, lave been holidaying at Garels Land- arr ing. Mi. and Mis. J. E. R. Fax and son Caroil, Philadelphia and Mi. -and Mis. Charles E. ;Wood Ot- tawa, visited at Mi. S. G. èhar- Golden Ripe <DANANAS 3 àfr230 Crlup CELERY NIANTS ...........euck lOc exCAo raGE .......... ........ nd Sc HEAD LETTUCE .............ad 5c Valencia OR,*NGES ..................doz. 2»c S e olden BBtSIb Firm - Staked NeCorn, TomatoosI 1ozo 2 thfor 150 - peoc Californie * 6Sfor 'Cholce Green Eaoh Fresh Muncoh Cuccumbers -Soc .,<>ts, m..t Se Jewel 2 lb for Shorteffing -25e Crîsco 23c-63c For QuioIc Sud@ Pka. S for Chips. - P àaOSoap. M2c Liptoneî Ta - -ire o wlth the purchase o alarge.aa ge 0f24 LOXydoI 2 P&G Soap for L OR..*41 s. e L OR......... 1 Mr. and Mis. Wm. Martin, Hay- don, nnuce the engagement ai their nly daughteî, Gladys Eleanar, ta John Charles, second son ai Mi. and Mis. Thos. PotIn ai Collingwood. The mariage ta take place i Hamilton on August 31. .BROTHERR AND SISTERS' à1 1 tran'M. Mi. and Mis. A. A. Elford, Buffalo, NY., are holidaying with his mather, Mis. John Elford, and vislting nurnerous other relatives in Durharn County. Port Hope is also having its parking troubles. To aileviate the traflc jani on its main street the hiliside town wiil enforce a 2- hour parking limit. Mis. Irwi Sexsrnith, Norma and James Sexrnnlth, Belleville, spent the weekend at the Grange and ail attended the Regatta at Caesarea on Monday. Mayor H. R. S. Ryan ai Port Hope has been granted leave ai absence for the duration ai his terrn, having enlisted in the Mid- land Regirnent as a Lieutenant. Mis. Myitle Miller and son Bed- fard, Detroit, Mich., Mi. A. R. Davidson, Inispector ai Public School, and farnily, Windsor, were guests ai Mis. R. D. David- son. .Mi. and Mis. Ted Mason have gone ta their home in Clinton aiter an enjoyable wedding trip by rnotor through Eastern Canada and -visiting his mother, Mis. T. G. Mason. Mrs. Onr Jeffrey is spending a fèw days with her aunt, Mis. Carpenter, while her son Clem is in the hospital having his appen- dix rernoved, and' expects ta ne- tuin home Tuesday. Mi. F. M. Gaîdrier, St. Thomas, bas been appointed teacher ai Commercial subjects at Bowman- ville High School, filling the va- cancy caused by the enlistrnent ai Mr. R. M. Ainsîje. Mi. and Mis. H. N. Wagpr and little daughter Patricia, New York City, have been holidaying with Mr. G. L. Wagar, Centre St. Mi. Wagar has had ta retuin ta New York but Mrs. Wagar wifl be spending the rnonth in tawn. Mi. Roy Hope and Miss Mildred MilIs spent the weekend with her sister, Mis. Leonard Stainton. On Sunday their parents, Mi. and Mis. C. Mils, Mr. Gea. Bradley and daughter Margaret, all ai Scugog, accompanied them ta Orona Park where they ail en- joyed a picnic supper. Bey. A. Y. Robertson, ninister at the Canton United Church since 1938, has accepted a cail ex- tended by the. charge ai North Gower Ottawa Presbytery. Situ- ated twenty-five miles South af Ottawa, the charge is one ai the moat important ini the PresbyterY. Mi. Robertson assum-es his new duties early in September. JMn Lenz's'Shoe Repair Shap has installed a new stitcher that will enable customersao have their shoes repaired while they wait. The machine;' a highly i- tricate piece ai apparatus, nakes the cord, waxes'sud stitches the shoes ail in one process ta give you the best in shoe repairs. Mi. and Mnm. Leonard Henry and son Bob, Windsor, have been holidaying with her parents, Mi. and Mis. E. Witheiidge. Mi. Harold Longworth ai B.H.S. teaching staff, Bl Edger, Art Hooper, and Jim, Clarke, Bow- manville, are holidayiiué an a mo- tar trip through the Province ai Quebec. H-eaity congratulations ta Mr. Christian Rehder, father ai Ernie Rehder ai the Faundiy, who last Thursday attained his 86th birth- day. Every day Mi. Rehder is ta be seen stil going ta the ioundrY ta help out with the work. StilI ini good health, the record ai this veteran manufacturer, is suiely anc ta be praud ai. Part Hope besides being "the prettiest tawn in Canada" bas éther desimable qualities. It must alsa be a gaod place ta live long and happily married for last week twa ai its esteemned and venerable couples celebrated weddlng anni- versa#es - Captain and Mis. James H. Peacock their 66th and Mi. and Mis. A. W. George their 57th. W. J. "Casey" Martyn, local spart entluusiast, has intioduced thc spirit afihe ic tes into his own business by setting up in his bowling alley a shooting gallerY. H-ere anc may attend and comn- bine business and pleasume by perfecting thernselves in thc marksmanship which rnay soon be necessary for home defence. Those who have had trouble in the past hitting the long-pin on the alleys may have more success if they imagine the target ta be a German parachutist. Hamipton Vitr:Mi. aind Mis. Fred &038 TOTAL 269 YZARS tan, H-amptan; Farnily Tree Con- vener, Miss Mary Tamblyn, To- ronto; Sports Convener, James T. Brown, Newcastle; Table Conven- ci, Mis. Maurice Tamblyn, Bow- manville. All did justice ta a heavily la- den table and departed hoping ta sec all and mare next yeai. PROUT FAMILY PCNIC The annual picnic ai the Prout family was held at the beautiful farim home ai Alex Prout, south af Kurv Inn, on August 3rd. The weather was ideal and about 2.30 o'clock the crowd began ta ga- ther. Mis. "e. Norton, Mis. Alex Prout and Mis. Gea. and Mis. W. Richards canducted the sports which were enjayed by old and young. Tables were set on the beautiful lawn and about 6 o'clock aîl sat down ta a sumptuaus sup- per ai meat pies, salads, cake, ice cream, etc. Plans weîe made for the picnic ta be held at Orona next year, and a committee, namely Bruce Yeo, Edward and Dorathy Richards, Jean and Allan Prout, with Mrs. Len Richards as secîetary, ta look alter the games, etc. Beside the membens irom town were Mi. and Mis. Walter Manning, Mr. and Mis. Ross Pooly, Misses Ilene Gibsan, Margaret Willis and Lorraine Brocknuan, Oshawa, Mr. and Mis. T. G. Norton and boys, Locust Hill, Mr. and Mis. Harvey Aikens and family, Millbrook, Mr. and Mis. Clarence Yeo, Hampton, Miss Dorothy Richards and Mr. Milton Yeo, Toronto, RICKARD FAMILY PICNIC ______________________ Members and adheients ai the Richard Farnily held thein sunual .e years is thc combined ages ai picnic at Onono Park on Thuisday ýwranviile citizens - a brother afternoan, August 151, with be- e 90 on October 20th ncxt, Mis. tween 95 and 100 present. Among ,while Mi. Lyle, the eldest of those from a distance were: Dr. t. and Mis. Howard Rickaid and )rrington, Devonshire, England, daughten Eleanor, Part Coîborne, and bas lived in Bowmanviile Bey. Roy H. and Mis. Rickaîd, a ogand active business and Caîbaine, Dr. and Mis. Harold a buies ooay r n Martyn, ai Stiatiord. Numbeied wn busiess e for nanyearsand with thc mare elderly, but none ledhi Cek her o3 years , ta. the less iîterested in al the pro- Lea ight ers ago.b o ceedlags, were Mis. James Pow- ilght Grcnst , abs for a n mr ai esOrono, M s. Ge. P. ickad, ruer Grocer", haesMis. Hl. C. Newcastle, sud Mi. W. C. Allin, are wives of well known mer- Bwavle nte ean afghan which she donated whom everyone was pleased ta r -is Maio Clus, Clia S., see sud hear was orme Gains- 15fM is Marn ClueCeliS., ybrother ai Ms. N. L. Rickard, E frdtiswonTyPowse. su ad perennial livewire and sprts- Fr ed attiBoan,. Town Assean, man ai Oronio. i.e o W ear o. Hrhsa d While the ladies were setting tria be iound who have lived ta the tables in the shade of the )have thenuselves sud tluiough western evergrcens where Mr. eh ta the civic and business lie Win. Watson, pamk manager, had kindly placed thern for tic occa- sion, the younger folk engaged in ya lively game ai sotbail with ters weîe read by the secretary Garnet Rickard sud John Rickard fram cousins who wcre unable ta captains ai the twa teama aof mix- be present. We wene veiy glad ta cd sexes. Milton Wight umpired welcome Mr. and Mis. Frank A. in clamy style sud one ai. Uic peppy players who covered riglut Tarnblyn af Blytlie, Ont., who field fon one ai the tearns was weîe present foi tue iirst tinie. Wiil Stainton ai Orano, retired Officers elected are: President, Eniiskiilen farmer. Robert Tamblyn, Oshawa; Vice- Bey. R. E. Marton sud Rev. B. Prýesident, Rager Tamblyn, Port H. Rickard chummcd it at the HqP1e; Sec.-Treas., Mis. R. Ornuis- capacity laden supper tables sud PIC-KLINOý SUPPLIES PrIest Your ID.A. Drug Stdre caries a comrplete line Of pickling supplies at econonical pribue, Spices, Oorks, Seals, etc. It isa _______________ prvenfact that spices from drug sources are strongeir y ad kpt mone careeully. Note thue priceo below. .~L .L8 LJ~ ORDERR NOW- PHONE 792 Two hu.ndred and sixty-nini these venerable and esteemied Boi and two sisters. Mis. Allin will b~ Pattinson was 87 on April 12th, the trio, will be 92 on October la, .Mi. Lyle was born in Toi carne to Canada as a Young boy, for most af his lie. He has had civic career, being in the grocer3 later holding the position af Toi which office hia son Alec succeec Mis. AUlin's husband was n years; her son .Harry, "«The Cor portant office for over 25 years; Osborne and Mis. W. J. Dudley, chants. Mis. Aflin recently madi ta the Red Cross. It was won by Oshawa, realizinq a sum af $42.4. Mas. Pattinison is mother of Tax Colector, and Secretary of th was a town councillor for a nuis Where else, say we, con a 1 such a hearty aid age and who their familles contributed sa muc of the town. have returned from a weekes holi- day at Ward's Island with rela- tives. . . Beatrice Leach visited Wilma Leach on Sunday. . . Mr. and Mis. H. Frise, Toronto, with Mr. F. J. Groat.. . Mis. Auld, Mrs. Jansen and Charlie, Fort William, Mr. and Mis. F. .C. PecMiss Rose Preece, Toron- ta, Mi. and Mis. Daniel O'Connor, Port H-ope, visited at C. J. Kers- lake's on Sunday. .. Misses Vera Kerslake' and EAleen O'Connor visited on Saturday with Mis. Burnie H-ooey, CartwJright. Miss O'Connor returned home ta Port Hope on Sunday. . . Rev. W. and Mis. Rackharn and Edith have returned frarn their cottage at Musselxnan's Lake. Wedding bells are ringing. Messrs. W. Srnale, T. Kersey and R. Kersey have been in the Belleville district' picking blue berries and each tinie bring home a generous supply. Mis. J. R. Reynolds and Mis. w. w. Horn gave a 11pantry sheif" shawer for Miss Florence Burns at the home ai Mrs. Homn on Fil- day evening when a number oi pacticalglitsvere presented ta trhe .ride-o and an enjoyable evenng spent, with refreshments served. Mr. Morley Robinson, Toronto, wha was at home for the week- end, has been engaged ta teach at Purpie 1Hill schaol. Orono News Orono girls' softball team de- ieated Crooked Creek Tuesday eveming at the local diamond 35-5 i a 5Y innings run-around-the- bases. A. McIsaac and J. Foires- ter were the Orona battery. Eun- ice Middleton and Marion Carle- ton gat 1"homers."1 Orono's runs' weîe 12, 4, 3, 7, 9 and their parti ai the sixth inning was not play- ed. Crooked Creek'ýs were 0, 3, 0, o, 1, 1. Umpires were Anes and Littlewood. The Red Cross have recelved a cheque from money left i the bank fr0311 the old hard ball tearn's finances. Doris Wannan is expected ta be able toasit up Saturday ai this week for the first tme smnce the accident. Jinie Hudson bas the rnumps. Famly Re-Unions TAMBLYN PICNIC Grand weather f*vored those of the Tamblyn clan who met at the Hampton Park Auguat 3rd. There were flot quite sa many there as usual but ail reprta a grand time. Sparts Committee, Miss Olive Brown, Mrn. J. Thompson, Mis. Carias Tamnblyn and Frank- lin Tamblyn, had a real good lot of sports and prizes were given ta thefolwlng: Boys under 6 -1 Clark Werr; Girls, 6-12 - Connie Boultbee; Bys, 6-12 - D on al1d Thompson; Ladies - Mn. James T. Brown; Gents - Jas. T. Brown; Baubon Content - Min. Milfred Sherwln, James Thompson; Pea- nut Eatlng Content - Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown; Straw drawing Contest - John Snell; Dinner Calling - Mrm. Lloyd Ashton; Three-legged Race - John Cooper and Donald Thanipson; Rolling Pin Contest - Mis. John Snell. Miss Mary Tanîblyn, family tree canvener , read a letter frorn a cousin i England. Several let-, SWEET PICKLE MIXTURE gaI. 25e PAROWAX - - - lb. 13e JAR RINGS - - - doz. Se CASSIA BUDS, ALLSPICE -oz. Se Celery Seed----oz. Se Certo 25e Alum-- - - 2 oz. 5c Memba Peetin __ 15e Memba Seals- - 10e Priee's Camp. 15o PRESERVING POWDER-- oz. 20e FIGHT PIEMS ITH Wbfr lameS' CLXA»TUZamKier - M-48C-78c SLOO;~3, DAeroxon Fiy Colis - s for 50 lf your teeth look duil sud dlnsy Fada - 10e, s for 250 make 111cm bright ms pearis wtth Sheflltox -o:". 29e Tartaroif - 25C Fly swatters --loa ALWAYS IOM3 r.e e IN TASIE AND IN PESNL Oirx suRivie$VOU Junior Fooda - a for 230 LYSOL 7 oz. -65e A E 14 r 12 Phone 792 Britain, 4nast beautiful lady; she was three and faim and sweet; "'A littlé child shall lead them." There was a candy scranuble and a variety program, ai spirited contesta conductcd by the Sports Conumittee, ýGarnet sud John Bickamd, Doris Aflin, Carl Fisher and Patricia Peaice, and prine wcre presented ta the wltmoes The national anthem was sn before dispersing. Wisely and sbowly-they stum- ble that ruLn iast.--Shakespeare. In a huiry, is errai. - Chinese praverb. Who hastens too muclu aten re- mains behind.-German proverb. Whoever is in a humry showeth the thing he is about is too, big for hi.--Chesterfield. -I spmeat GMfette Blue Blades 6 for 25c 15C 29c 59C, Dev.Ioplng end Prhvtlng PROMPT SERVICE Film sud negatives taken in up ta S9aam.are f lnlsJid the mme day a 8 p.m. The. quaflty of our work lu unequalled bore and unex- oeeled elsewhere. Each noga. ive la aecordd kled hauMt nmd porunally lu- MT terested ateaton. Prescrigà,*lons a Speclalty McOREOOR w. eie -i - 'T -- PAGE FIVE What's the use of telling you that Picobac is always a mrild, cool, sweet smolce? It's true! But that won't do you any good, won't make your life any happier, if you don't try a pipefu. So, for your own contentment's salce, take ti piece of sound advice: buy a pouch or a 1/2 lb. tin of Picobac today and seule down for the best snioke you ever had. "You're dead right"y, you'll asay, Ilt DOES taste good in a pipel", WFEIET HURT? FOR BABY'S'ýDIT logethen led la the singing ai grace before thc gastrannic ex- ercises commenccd. Aiter a whilc noa one cornplained ai hunger or thimst sud it was consîdercd su opportune turne for the Nominat- ing Coninittee, Dr. Howard Bic- kard, Bey. 1Roy Rickard sud Mr. John Rickaid, ta report sud pie- sent their sîste ai officers for next year. The repart which was adopted named thc ioilowing: President - H. R. Pearce; Vice- Pies. - Milton H. Wight; Sec'y.- Treas. - Mis. Kenneth Werry; Directaîs - John Bickard, Gamnet Bickard, Ewart G. Clernence, Mis. Jna. Houmes. Mi. M. H. Wight, special prize comnittce, presented prises ta Edward Glenney, youngest mcm- ber ai thc conriection present; ta Isabel Clernence, tallest lady, <Mis. W. F. Rickard, runner-up), sud ta Miss June Williamns, Port -ÛIl e t t e 9 »"Ir---- --7 - ---- ý

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