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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Aug 1940, p. 8

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PAGE EIGE THE CANA IAN TATE MANBOWM NVIL E, O TABI THU SDAY-A-G-T-1------94 C? Strength First TESE DAYS insuranoe buy.ru wani 10 knew more about th. ccmpauy back of the polioy. Rate ooncmaiooe mean leu tb thon> than the reputatlun and financlal securi*y ocf lb. oompany in wblch the insurano. Io *writteI. W. reprueent strong, roliable stock imuru" oeempantos. -j l ThNewcastle IndependentI Pihone Clarke 1114I 1COMING EVENTS FIa, in 1 Aue 5.30 Mr. R. B. LeGresley is having' guessing cantest an thm same day. C( onle pi his throo wells bored deep- Rev. Thos. Wallace, Greenbank, pair mn wita a boning machine ta quosti preached ta tam United Church Aug of a mare abundant supply af i last Sunday morning, and was War watcr for tac Newcastle Dairy guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harold centj Pateurlzing Plant. Couch and Mn. Jas. Robinson and $5.0( Mr. Lloyd Hancock, who now sisters-düririg'the day. Mr. Rd. com bas a position in Toronto, had hisBab1y ,saLng. aL $nor solo, The Bacl radia, a flashlight, and an elcctric Heart Ihat Wai Broken For Me. ta b fan stolen fram his car Friday Mr. Wallace came ta Newcastle Serv night when it was parked in tac wita his son-in-law, Mr. Herb. und( diveW of his boarding house. Alexander, Markham, who was Ho was home for tac wcekcnd. accornpanied by Mrs. Alexander- 1fr.T. . Rid,<Bot),Ncwon-and sister, Mrs. Beer, and babe, The Mr .A ed (etNwo-Greenbank. the ville, Reeve ai Clarke, was tae winnen of tac coffem percolatar set The much ringing of the United Onai and tray in tac draw spansored Church bell et uncertain hours on Cour by tac Ncwcastle Red Cross on uncertain days tam past twa weeks atiai] Civic Holiday. The set wms don- set rnany people ta wandoring; whol atcd by Mns. D. B. Simpson and but tac bell was nat ringing for arou] Uic lucky ticket was sold ta 1fr. a church service, a wedding or a actir Reid by Mrs. Wiflis Jones, New- funoral or even a fine. After aven Mitc] tonville. Mr. Jas. Hockin wms thc scventy yeara af swinging and emp] winner af tae J. Anderson Smith ringing and tolling by a succes- to N Co. silver cabinet in tac bean s'on of sextons it had got out af seloc kilter, sa Poncy Brown, master mng ______________________of ten trades, was called aven ta and fix it. He and Ed. Powell, prcsent traiii - extan, have been working et it this W A N T D in spane times and now have it coc, W AN Ei unctioning pntty wl again. Gord WarLoa Sles en Visitars: Mr. and Mri. H. G~. Hi Mon of oharacter and abilty who are MacDonW.aldOrn, awth ]i s blyn, prpred to devote ail or pt~ theirMr.OW.Rlhethersm an Urefra we.k or twod urlng the mer 'éttagce t Nowcsstlc-on-tho- Po early Foul to the sale of Lake. .. Mrs...Tackson and daugh- rs Deminion of Canada - ter, Misa Bortas, Toronto, with Mr. os War Loan Bonds Jean Durnan, Toronto, with Miss Pleane opply in writing etatîng poot' Mabel Clemcnce at Mr. W. J. and prent occupation. Fulîcat Go- Clemence's. .. Mrs. Gordon Clark Tertin ad aderated, Stnea- and daugliters, Dareen and Le- t on. Box 63, Tho anadianStes man. nore, Toronto, at Mns. Jesse Bas- kervilcs and hlping with Uic __________________raspbcrny harvoat et Mr. Wilbur Be, Baskerville's, Base Line. . . Miss ficial Patsy Douglas, brother and fr1- B<>r ends, Haileybury, wita Mrs. Jno. when A ~ ~ ~ t Z. Douglas. teri S Newcastle's ncw fire ongine ar- Sergi Srived on Wednesday, August 7ta, R.C.C U5MIM*wi'th driver Bickdll at Uic wheel Mrs. ~IE .IlP', and it was given a tryout in thc The vening. It pulled up alongsiac stock~ tac water tanks west ai tam com- perve OSHAWA' munhty hall; tac intake hase was solerr Free Parking phono 1011 let down and twa long lines ai Gi' ___________________tire hoac worm put itt action. ther, The engine dernonstratmd that it wasj Thuma - Fr. - Sat. could throw tosr ai ofweter sheer AUGUOT 15 - 17 thre bowling green and aver Mill corsaq GARY COOPER St. and wah cars on taem eut and la sidc. Spectators said it threw tende - Te 1mwcornmunity hall roof. There is bluei alsa, a short hase for close UP Lady "Beu O- "work. The enginé wa also tknsre "Ba bSSdown tôthe lake and given a Ae wiih dmntainbfr eietdte Bar MIlian - Robent Preston cottagens and pleasure semkers At ____________________ who worm on hand aftrnhmringwa REVIVA&L the amren. Irwin Colwill was a denc Fria" i m the time, he and Harold Couch Mrs. Frdyat 11P. ad Couch Caurtice havn been weddi ~ dsigate a ta thceofficiel Ontar Tnndrivers by tac Municipal Côundil.Mr jaak Denny Dotby Lamour hausod for tae present in H. C. _________________ Bonataan's barn on Church St. A Satun Monday - Tuesday MORE DURHAM COUNTY dred' AUGU8T 19 - 20 HOLSTEINS GO TO U.S.A. and1 TWO GREAT FEATURES___ stock, Begir Another notable lot ai Durham Mn., "Sfai"County purcbred Holstein cows Nesti was àssmbled et tac C.N.R. sta- perfo] wih Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. tion, Newcastle, August 9th, for et hiE ani Madeleine Cannoil shipmcnt ta Maryland, U. S. A. The i A Jungle Jounner of a WomanIs -_____________ gown Reart ibru Fenil te ___Love______ brimr Love unatt Anid One Was Beati*ful- Speody Repairs brid dress starig Robent Cumminga W. have juai Instalci a new ami LauIne Day auiter thal will enable us te si give yen ftic best lu silo. ne- Wednes. - Thursday pains in muoh less lime. Dring AUGUST 21 - 22 your shoes lu to-day for the Big oube Bll iest lu workmanship, hlgh buy;i Big D uble8111 quality matenills ami spear- attrac EDDIE CANTOR ance, on b 'forty LittiS Mothers' for urdny ncpalnu, or boiter ot afpurcise jour new harneas class, wlth Judith Anderson - Ralph from us and be asaured of only SPecil thergant.Head Uic esi.Ass'n. - Adi -ronta, "Parole Fixer" JO NrEN. Slarnlng Wlliam Henry and Shoo amdi Harucais Repaira encet Aaibony Quinn IKing si. W. - Dowmsnvllle lectur reclar The I J...MASON & SON JNU1ANCE AGENTSj pille 64. BowinanvIile passib ta be Steenc nat ai tta h The ri pliesE de ni wals s .Obv thecic well ii what theyi bit b>' tian 1< Ther BowmI lta,1 belove( ward, Dece tam la Lunn, spent1 wlth h riege m theni where twenty. wmrd xi joylng and w~ knew I iamilyI Tuesda) number S. Davt givtag E Nesbitt-ooper pretty wedding taok place trday, August 1Ota, when 1Y Leana, olden deughter ai 1 bLns. Richard Hoapen, BWa kbecame tam bridm ofAiJ iald Nesbitt, eider son and Mns., Reginald Nesb Jetan. The ccremony ç omcd by Bey. D. M. Stini is parenxts' home in Omem bride -worm ýa pale pink shg nwith à corsage and a w unmd white bat. Thmy wi tended.. The happy cou: for, a motor trip- ta Otta the Thousond Islands, rotir by way ai Norta Bey. 'I etravelled in a navy b: swita white ecceasonrs. IXTEEN CENTS A DAY PEEDS 0ONE MAN <Gontlnued from page 1) and how ta propane taeM f ttively. etures on nutrition wereL g by Dr. H. Brandon o! 1 C., and Dr. Tisdall af tame'1 DHaspital for Sick Childri -a speakers lectured ta 1 iDr. Alan Brown, Ch ialist, Miss Bell, Toron aio tac Vislting Hameniake ., and Dr. Harry Ebb, 1i specialist in nutrition. Elmore- Beaman, heed English Dept. et the O.A. e on psychology with refg ta child evacuema, and otat med on nutrition and clothi ination. egirls learned tiret It vi hme, tîraugl cereful buyir epnaperly naurished au si centsa eday. Howevmn, it advable ta confine oncs4 Lt level if mono con be spe, need ta conserve food su and fan the day when Cen iight icel tam ptach ai .ww stressed. viausly the faur wlo toi aourse froni hmnm retun inforned and enthused wi they had heard and no aeo ready . ta heip do tae ypassing alang the inform Lany graups wha requcat Obituary taret Jane Liun Woodward ere passed away suddenly: aanville Hospital on Augu 1940, Margaret Jane Lunm ed wlle ai Bandolph Wooc in her 55th ycar. eased was thc daughterc LIce Mn. and Mn.. Jamt Clarke Township. Sb tam marly part ai hon 111 hon parents until hon niai when sIc reslded ta Oraru coming ta Bowmmnvll she h as llved tac pai y-fîve years. Mn.. Wood was ai a quiet nature, mn her home and hon i amil., ias well lked by cil whi her. funonal was beld fram ta< residence, King Street, o: ky, August 13, wita a large aio friends presmut. Bey son conducted tac service c comfortlng message it Notice Dr. Blrks' office will bAosed from Auguat -lfth ta September lst inclusive. 31.4 ;--il i teen Carda of Thanka enr Mr. Bondohph Woodward and ide famlly wiah ta tank tac kifid ere neighbouýs and friends wha were kasa helpfuh during tae iUlness and ,m pastg ai Mn.. Woodward. Alto reta Dr. Fergusan, the nurses a4 lue Bowmanville Hospital and Misa Evelyn Taylor, taey extend tacir gratitude. Livestock For Sale FOR SALE - YOUNG YORK- shire pigs; misa Registered Hol- ad stein caw, hondsaeccnedited. Apply W. Craig, Hampton, v- Phono Bowmanville 2365. 33-1e the______ ____ _ r'o- FOR SALE - 12 YORKÇSHIRE en. pigs, 6 weeks old. Apply Green te Bras., B. R. 3, Bawmenvilhe, ild Plane 2161. 33-1 ta, r'a FOR SALE - A NIJMBER 0FP ro- good Yarkshire pigs, just wcan- ed. A. E. Billett, Hampton, B.R. ai 1, Phone 2557. 33-1w .C.,F en- FOR SALE - TWO DURHAM er hciiers due ta renew shontly. ng Apply H. B. Foster, Bowman- ville. Phono 745. 32-tf as ix. Real Estate For Sale elf FOR SALE - SOLID BRICIK nt. - huse, eat side af Centre St. L-Moadecrnn canvonlences. SelU ia- chep ta close up on estate. ar, Apply A. E. Beilmen, King St. West. Phono 526. 1l-tf Summer Knitting Materials 3 and 4-puy MONARCH WOOLS Priced frcm lSe to 50eper bail High Grade 4-pi>' SCOTCH FINGERINO $2.00Oper lb._ Steel, Alumiaun.m aidBoue Needles - Ali Sites W. have Just nemlved 100 now books as an addition te aur Lendini Llbrory J OHNSTON'S BO OKSTORE Souvenirs -Posicards Phono 051 Dowmanvile rewcastle Horticultural Society )wer Show and Tee will be held the Community Hall on Wed., g. 2lst. Tea wlll be served from to 7.30 p.m. Admission 25c. orne to the Legian War Service er t Rotary Park, Thursday, gust '29th. Buy tickets and win krSavings Certificetes. Ten tificates offered from $50.00 ta, 0. Procecds of Pair to provide forts for aur fighting forces. ki up the boys who are golng beat Hitler. The Legion War vice Fair Fund la registercd lr the War Charities Act. 32-3 14 cows were bouglit through agency of John. Tamblyn, )na, Fieldmnan for the Durham inty Hoistein-Friosian Associ- i., and the purchasing agent Dm Mr. Tamblyn conducted und the country was Mr. King, hg for Capt. Newton H. White, chelville, Md. Mr. Austin, Ioyed by Capt. White, came ewcastle after the cows were mted, ta superintend the load- of them ini the car and feed take care of thcm whiloi :it. Breeders contributing ta shipment were: Luther Pas- H.. Tink & Son, Hampton; don IL.'Kellog, Fred Austin, [r B. Reynolds, Port Hope; 1. Jose, Newcastle; A. J_ Tam- i Prof, C. B. Sissons, Orono; James H. Caokson, Oshawa, sident af the Ontario County stein Club. The total sales ie of the lot was around $2600. Weddigs MIiehel-Flint ev. Canon C. R. Spencer of- ktcd in St. John's Church, rnanville, Friday, Auguat Sth, iElsie Alberta Flint, daugh- of Mrs. Annie Flint, wed geant Sidney Gardon Mitchell, .O.C., Ottawa, son of Mr. and Wm. Mitchell, Bowmanville. fragrance and beauty af ks, gladioli and baby's breath iadcd the church duringthe mni ceremony. ivn in marriage by her bro-1 Mr. Konneth Flint, the bridej gowned in a turquoise blue1 Sfrock trimmed with white,j wore a pink picture hat and age of Joanne 1Hill roses sweet pes. She was et- ld by Miss Isobel Mitchell, groom's aister, wearing a navy sheer frock, with corsage af yInchiquin roses, white acces- , and a white pic Lure hat. rAnonlchuk performed theo es f best man.1 fer thé, wedding a reception1 held at the Mitchell resi-c e, following which Mfr. and 1Mitchell departmd on their1 ding trip through Western ,ri. r.Mitchell la rejoining hisj in Ottawa.9 ithe bereaved anas. Many floral >tributes expressed the, ppàthy eof her large circle of frenëda. I- terment was ruade in. Orono Cern- getery. r Sho leeves to mourn lier losa 1her sorrowlng husband, two sons and two daughters, Mr. James 1Murreli Woodward, Oshawa,.Mrs. Fred 0. Smith (Hazel>, Bowmnan- ville, Pte. Robert Elgin Wood- ward, Picton, and Mrs. Chéries Taylor (Velme>, Oshawa- two grandchildren, Rormie Wâward, Oshawa, Richard James Wood- ward, Bowmanvllle; and Ihre brathers, Robert Luan, Orono, Wilbert and Andrew Lunn, Kirby. Palibearers were Messrs. F. G. Smilth, A. Taylor, Ernst Luns, Archie Lunn,, Cyrus' Kennedy, Josephi Rusk. *Relatives and frienda were pre- sent from Taranto, New Toronto, Oshawa, Par Hope Newcastle, Belleville, rooKrby, Tyrone, Long Saultw llroo and Cavan. FACTS ABOUT APPLES Apples were s0 much An favor 1 ancient Athens that the exces- sive consumption of themn caused the passage of a lew prohibtliig: bridegrooma from eating flmore than one apple at the weddlng banquet. I The delicate essence of the ap- ple has rccently been.lsolated by a chemist of the U. S. govern- ment, and la not et al improbable that this flavor may gain popular- ity in apple ice crcem. The average apple contains as much compressed air as would- if narmally expanded-flll a space forty-eight times the aize of the apple itself. The ancient Norsemen believed the. apple to be the rejuvenating food of their goda. According ta Norse myth, the goddess Iduna kept a box of apples ta whlch the godsa-upon feeling old-went and tasted and presently wore young again. There la a produclng apple tree ta the United States for 'every man, woman and chlld In the country. Yet statistica revomi that Americans eat but anc halt an apple a day throughaut tic year. Apples are part of the wedding ceremony in Montenegro. It la held that the bride who succoss- fully hurle an apple aven hor hus- band's roof wlll have rnany ehil- dren. Formerly Physicians ,forbade the use of applea i Casesof .stomach ailinents. Modemrn r- search, however, has shown that i acute stornach and intestinal catarrh, finely greted raw apple swells in the intestine and thxe spongy mass absorba harmnfui,-% monts whlch causete rtai Mon trust rathor ta tl9oir eyàs than ta their cars. The effect CkI precept la therefore slow and ted- ious, while that af exemple la summary and effectual.--Seneca. Articles For Sale FOR, SALE - BEMNAN TS, woah, cottan, rayon materiala, suitable. children's and adults' clatâing. Dlacounit ta; War Rm- fugme Workmrs. Open oveninga. Buttonshop, Whltby. 33-1 FOR SALE - VENETIAN Blinds, lat quehity wood shats, per square foot, 35c, tastmlled. Northcutt & Smith, Bowman- ville, Plione 668. 33-4 FOR SALE - 1 ALLIS-CHAL.- inièrs Tractar plow; five used seperatars and 1 Hereford bull, 11 montas old. Phono 2503, T. S. Mountjay, B.R. 6, Bowmmn- ville. 33-1* SPECIALS IN USED RJEFRIGER- atars - 5 and 10 cubic feet, pnioed et $89 and $125. At Dan Christian Elmctric, 38 Simcom St. Narth, Oshewa, Open eveninga. 33-1 FOR SALE-ELECTRIC STOVE, Beatty washtag machine, white motel ice box, and sal kit- chen table. Reasonable. Must be aold immedietely. Apply McGregar's Dnug Store. 33-1 RECONDITIONED TIRES - Save up ta 50 % on tires and tubes. Pull stock bath new 'ond recondltianed, some real buYs. G. F. Jaeon, Tire anýd Bat- tery Shop, King and Silver Sts. 23-tf Auction Sales FURNITURE SALE 1 have neceived instructions ta sell by public auction fan Miss Buby Catwartay in tire village ai Hampton, an Wednesday, August 2Mt, et 1 p.m. (S.T.), e ho usc- hold efiects includtag bodroom, dinlng and kitchen furniture, carpots, rugs, dishes, wood, toals, staves and meny ataer articles taa numenous ta mention. Ternis cash. Elmer Wilbun, auctioncer. 33-2 The undensigned bas ncceivmd Instructions inom Mns. F. Mitchell, Beech Ave., Bowngnvllle, ta al by public auction et hen nesidence (tac former Dr. Hilien home) a large quantity ai household furni- ure c tcluding: one large aide- bard, anc amaller sideboard, dii- Ing chairs, bcd suite, extra bcd, 2 bed couches, hall rack, 2 smwing machines, bondh seat, dishes, bric- a-bnac, lamp, pillows ond beddlng,i 4Verandah chairs and tables, car- pets, 2 wardrobe cheats, beçidma many ather articles tao numerous to mention, Sale 1.30 (D.S.T.), Auguat 17th. Terms cash, W. J. Challis, Auctioncer. C. H. Masan, Clerk. 38-1 *For Rent TO REM T ONE 3-IROObmD aPartmcnt and anc 4-roomed apartmeut intheta Cowan Block. Ail canvenlencos, elcctnlc ne- frigeratar and eélectrie stave; alsa store ta ront. Phono 870. 33-2 TO RElI - 6-ROOMED BRICK hanse, modern conveniences, garage and gardon, Churdli St., immodiate possession. Plane 556. 33-1* FOR SENT - 6-ROOMED COT- tage. on Ontario St. Nanth, a]l modern canveniences, garage. Ap»ly, ta Boy Webber. '33-1 FOR RI4NT - FIVE ROOMIED aPartrmnt, l modemn canyon- lonces. Possession Septemben i'. Apply J. H. Batem*an, scugag St, Phane 350. 33-1j FOR RElIT - FIVE . ROONED Apartment, an, modern con- veniences. 011 burner, fireplace, gardon and garage. Very mod- orate rent. Plane 388. Apply ta Mns. Arche Tait, Division St., Bowmianvihe. 30.-ti-i* Hltep Wanted WAN~TED - GIRL FOR GEN- oral housework et BowmanvMle Beach' and wiiling ta go ta Taranto eiterwmnds. Apply Box 64, Statesmon. *. 33-.i* HELP WANTED - EXPERIENC- md man for farni work. Apphy Blake Short, Bawman v i 11le, Phoane 2479. 33-1 WANTED -EXPERIENCED girl with neicrences, must be 25 yeans or aven. Apply Mra. C. T. Boss, et Royal Theatre. 33-1- HELP WANTED) - A YOUNG mon ta drive tnuck and hoarn good trade, handy round ma- chinery. Steady work. Apply Box 65, Statesman Office. 33-1 WANTED-- CAPABLE GIÉBL for general housework, Sept. 1, 2 aduits, 1 child 6 years, sub- urbs ai Taranto, new hame; cv- ery convenience, very deairable surroundings; $25.00 manthly. Apply Mns.. .X. Stanley, Beech- waod Ave., York Mifla, Ontario,, 9. R. No. 2. 31-4 MEN WANTED - A FEW MORE wonted ta aèt as Agents: Must be convincing talkers ta clcarly explain advontagea aur House- hold necessities known as Fain- ilex Pnoducts affen ta buyers. Alreçy selling tain mcn quontities. faon ta doon cen- vassing neceasary ta, show art- icles and takeorodera for samne. Unusually good commission.. Unlmited earnngs possible. Everybady buys on sight. Far Prme Catalogue and details: Femilex, 570 St. Cle m e nt, Mantreal. 33-1 MEN 0F 30, .41, 50 !EALTH (Min, Pep) subnormal? Try Ostnex tablets ai tonics, stimu- lants, ayster elenionts toalad recoveny ai normal pep. If flot delighted wlth resulta ifrat package, meker nefunda its 10w price. Call, write Jury & Lovol and ail other good "~g stares. 32-tf Roomn and Board . BOOM AND BOARD-CENTRAL location. Apply F. McIndoo, phone 894, King St., Bawrnan- ville. 32-20 Dry Cleaners DRYr CLEANERS - YOU'LL enjoy Uic cool confort and self- assurance thet clothes cleaned by us give. Twcnty yoars' cx- perience. Pminsaklng c ar e on each germent la your assur- ance ai satisfaction. -8-haur per- vice. Work guaranteed. Bow,, manvifle Cleaners & Dycrs, Phone 520. 33-1 Tourlats TOTJRIST ACCOMMODATION in pivate home, all conven-, iencms, garage, central location; Mas. W. E. Gerny, Qucen St., Bawmanville. 33-2 Notice To Creditors IN THE ESTATE oai'MARY GALBRAITH, late ai tam Village ai Newcastle in the County ai Durham, Widaw, deceaml. NOTICE la hereby glvOýn that ail pensona having amy cdaim on demanda ageinat tam estate *fthe said Mary Galbraith, wha dlmd on an about the 30th day ai June, A.D. 1940, at tae sai Village ai Newcastle in the County ai Dur- ham, or claiming ony tatereat in tam said estate, are rmqulred ta send bypoat prepcld ta tae undon- slgned Soicitors for th. Exocu- trices ai taec Estate ai tho sfld Mary Galbraith, on or beforo the lst dey ai September, A.D. 1940, e stetemnent ofair, mintenosi er dlaim, propenly verifled by acta, mter which date tac Executrlcos wilh pnoceod ta diatnibute tae as- sets ai the etai. amorig tae par- tics entitied, thereta havlng re- gard only ta the daims ai whlcl, notice shah taoen have been ne- ceived. - D)atod et Brantford tuas 31.1 day ai July, A.D). 190. WATEROU8 & WALLACE, 169 Coîborne St. Brantford, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrices. 32-3 J Notice CLNE 0E F FIRST POS tIN -O1VOTERS' LIST Votera' List 1940, Munlclpality of Danlington, Ceunir ofý,Dùrham Notice la hereby givon thet I have complied wita Section 10 of tac Votera' List Act, and taat I have posted up et my office et Hampton, an tam lst day ai Au- guat, 1940, tah iat ofaii persans ontilhd ta vote ta the sald Muni- cipallty for Members ai Parlie- ment, and et Municipal Elections, and that such liat rernaina thene for Inspection. And I hereby call upan all vat- ers ta take immnediate proceedinga ta have any errons or omissions Corrected accordlng ta law, the hast day for appeal betag Wednea-% dayý, tam 2lst day ai August, 1940. Dated tala 6ta day ai August, 1940. J. D. HO0AeTH, Clerk ai Derlington Township. * 32-21 150 CATTIE 150 The Property of FA. W.rm'y will offer for Iale by publie sucion on hs romif Lts 17 & 18, Con.SDarn SaturdaYr Aug. The followlng So . oruma Hereford Caile:- Durhama Cow, caif ai aile; Durham Cow, Sprlmger; 50 Feeder Steers; 50 Feeder Hoers; 50, Yearlig Steers ad Hof- ors. Tits group of cattle o m a espeolally gool breeiy' lot andinl gool flesil. Corne te ibis sale and fil Up Four requiremonts la the cale lUme, while seman Pomple are se busy harvestingp thm lomad andih wHil bo poster ai ti Freo oleorez , Clls Sale, at ie30pin. Tonzu Cash TE» JACKSON, Ait1M , 1 l-/ RediRccineinu rates (lmluilng admission) dinect te the grunis, cojnmenclmg Monisy, Augus 26th, te Saiurdsy, Scpt. 7It, 1940 EASTERN DAYLIG1T SAVINO TE Loavo Cobourg 7 sam. $ 8 AulliFareo_-$2.-- Chili Fare -__ __ __ Leave Pont Hope 7:15 a.m. Ainit Fao --- _ $2.55 Chili Faoe--- 10 Leave Weicomeý 7:25 a.m. Ad____________$2.40 Chili Pare $1,35 Loave Newtonville 7:40 a.m Ailt Faoe_$1_____95__ Chili Faoe$1.19 Leave Newcastle 7:50 a.m. A___________$1.60 Chili PFare - 950 Leave. Bowmamvillie 8:00 a.m. Aduit FPo140 Chili Faoe . _ _ _ _~....850 ARRIV EXBDTON GIROUNDS-- 9:30 A.M. LEAVING EXHIBITON GROUNDS -104P.. COLLAC UTT SCOACH LUNES DRUG SPECIALS JAD SALTS - - - - - S5c BEECHAM'S"PULLS - 22c - 39e RUSSIAN MINERAL OIL - l-ox. 39C ODO-RO-NO ICI - - X IfEALTH SALT.- - 1-oz.. .39c UNGUENTINE --44e- 2 for 85C SANI-PED FOOT-POWDER -- IF O PIF DRENE-SHAMPOO SEIDLITZ POWDER MàENTHOLATUM RExIEME - ~5axiL(WUI MAL H19PATICA - ANTACID CAS TABLETS' Ise - 33e - 59C - 2 for c - - 29e- Sse - - 29e c 1 30 O- 59e~ - - 251 JURY 0LOvELL BOWNANVýIE. PHIONC 718 WMon we t51ut r o eaIis ion@ inoperly EXHIBITION SPECIAL FLINTOFP - In. Bawmmnvllle Hospital, on Auguat 12ta, ta Mn. and Mms. Morleyr Plintff (Maple Grave), a 'deugîter. PICKARt; - In Bawrnanville Hospital, an August 1 tt Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Pickard-& (Maple Grave), a son. DEATHS 1-- 1 ý 1 - Il HUNT - In Bowmanvllc, on Tuesday, August 13th, 1940, Mary Jane Hunt, widaw af Jesse Hunt, aged 79 years. The funeral from tae Chapel aofP. F. Morris Ca. an Thursdey, August iSta. Service et 2.30 pan. Interment in Bowmanville Cezmetery. TAYLOR = In Charke, an Sun- day, August lita, 1940, Lucy Hernis Taylor, dearly belovcd wlfe of George W. Taylor, in hon 68th year. Intorment Orono Cemetery. WOODWARD - In Bowmanville, an Sundey, August lita, 1940, Margaret Jane Lunn Woodward, belavcd wife ai Bandlpî Wood- ward, agcd 55 years. luterment Orono Comctery. IN MEMORIAM YEO - In hoving memary ai aur dean ister, Emma Albertf Yeo, wha passed away Aug.* 12th, 1939: Stin chmished in thc hearta ai those she lmft behtaid. -Brothers and sisters. TOMLINSON - In tender and loving rnmembrance ai MY darling daughter, Marjory, who depmrted tala 111e August 19ta, 1934: My danling alunes in thc ight of Gwod, His likenesa stamps her brow, Through the ahadowg ai death hér feet have tnod, In tac shedowy vahe ai bygono days I travel alone ta-might The dean ittle girl I love so well Has passed just aut af sight. My heart ia amd within me But I thrfll with the wond- roua delight, Fan a beautiful angel ta heaven Calling me mothen to-night. -Sadly missed by mather, fathor, sister and brothora. Weekly Feed Special WEEICLY MED SPECIAL - Vanstone's Egg Meal, $2.15 per cwt. Offer good until Aug. 22. F. C. Vanstone, Phono 777. 33-1 Radio Service RADIO SERVICE - ON ALL types of iradios. Cail 575 12.30 ta 1.00 and 6.30 ta 7.00 p.m. R. Quirin, Ring St. East. 33-1* 1 PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANMLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, AUGUST 151M, 1940

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