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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Aug 1940, p. 8

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N - THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, AUGUST 22ND,' 1940 PAGE EIGHT âMessrs. Irwin Colwil l Stn Ôraham have gone into artne- ship in the purchase of a thresh- lng machine for their own use. It will pay you to attend Wcrry's sale of cattie Saturday morning, Aug. 24th, at 7 o1lock sharp, at Werry's Farm, Enniskillen. 34-1. Mr. and Mrs. Barnet Harris and family left the Shaw's Section last ,week and moved to Simcoe Co. about 12 miles north of Barrie where Mr. Harris had secured a position. , Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Stowe, Miss Margann and Master George, returned on Tuesday from a week's motor trip through East- ern Ontario and Quebec. They have now gone up to their cot- tage in Muskoka. Master Neil Britton spent some ROYAL THATRE BOWMANIfiILE Thurs. -, Fri. - Sat. AUGUST 22-23-24 The famous British War Film 'The Lion Has Wings' and on the sate program 'MPsic ln My Heart' With Tony Martin and Reita RaywaWd Matinee Saturday 2.30 p.m. Mon. - Tues. - Wed. AUGU8T 26-27-28 ïipeï huile Feature 'Dramnatic School' with Luise Rainer and Paulette Goddard also 'Blondie On A Budget' with an ail-star oust You Tried Themi At The Fair- You must have likeA ftie Paneakes made from Aunt Jemima Pancake Flou: and nmade by Aunt Jemima herself. You can have the same lu your own home by purchaslng a package at Harry Ail's. %unt jemimta PANCÂKE FLOUR Crowu Brand CORNSYRUP OLD CHEESE To lovera of olA cheese: We have Juat recelved several cheeses of excel- lent quality that you wil want t. twy. Order a couple et pounda now. Lb. 28c lWnarch PASTRY FLOUR Maple Leaf BREAD FLOUR . pikg. 17c 5 l1b.tUn 43e SPECIAL ARTICLES AT 5c PER LB. Macaroni, Roiled, Oata, Cooklng Bran, Corn Meal, Graham Fleur, W hol1e Wheat Fleur, anA Cracked Wheat Only Se Lb - 24lb. bag 17e -24 lb. bag soc HIARRY ALLIN Phone 367-368 THE CORNER GROCERY Eowalanville FOR TROUB LE -FREE TIRE elE XZ\ 598 KOKEEVER & alITH B. B. FURBER The Newcastle Independent Phone Clarke 1114 Dr. isdaH discusses vit amins in co niderable detail. About 15 vitamins bave so fa been demon- strated tram animal experimental work. Nine have been sbown necessary for human nutrition. These are: Vit amin A, found in milk, crcam, buffer, eggs, liver, colored vegetables sucli as leffuce, spin- adi and caraots. There is a large concentration in rnosf fisb ails. Niglit blindncss is duc f0 a lack of this vitamin. Vitaniin Bh, also callcd thiamin, prevents and cures a disease known as beri-beri or polyneuril fis. Ifs besf sources are yeast, wheat gerrn and pork. If is tound in most vegetables and fruits thougli fot la large amouafs. The use of wbohe grains and cercals, liver, park, peas and beans will afford an adequate supply ta:rflic ordinay individual. Vitamin B2, aiso kaown as ribo- flavin, if is only lanflic hast yea fliaf this vifaniin was discovered ta be a preventive of premature aging, lass et hair and develop- ment et cataract. Vitamin B6, in flic pure syn- thetic tarm, was found only lhst year ta bave a remarkable etfect on patients suffering tram cx- treme aervousncss, insomnia, ir- ritabilify, abdominal pain, wcak- nesa and difficulty in walking. If is taund in wheaf germ, egg-yalk, lard, soy bean, flaxseed, peanufs and in some fruits and vegetables. The chemical formulae of ecd of flic B group, mncludîng Nicotinic acid, which cures black tangue in dogs, and peilagra, ln human bcings, are kaown. Vif amin C is flic one whicb prevents and cures scurvy. If shauld be given ta infants tram sbortly affer birtb in flic form of one ta fwo ounces of orange juice daily. Vitamin D prevents and cures rlckefs. Ordinary foods do not cant aintfins vit amin. If cornes trom flic sunimer sun and tram cod, or oflier fisli ails. Vit amin E is naf very wcll known. If is found la wheat gcrrn, butter, milk and in many vege- tables and fruits and is said fa lie useful la womcn with a teadency ta abort. Vit amin K is found in large ameunts in alf alla and other green foods. If appears, if given te Uic moflier for a wcek or fwa betere confinement, ta prevent haemerrhages in flic newborn. New thinga are being discover- cd about vif amnma airosf very wcek. There is no doubt that their systcmafic use will have a profaund effect on nutrition. J. W. S. McCullough, M.D., D.P.H. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stainton, Orona, wlsb fa announcethe en- gagement of their youngest dau- gliter, Aima Bernice, Cobourg, ta Mr. Garnet Edward Towns of Cobourg, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Towns, Brighton. The marriage ta fake place quiet ly in September. holidays with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Atkinsoil, Richmona Hill, and returned h6fnie Wcdnes- day evening, August 14, with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Brit- tan, ;hctq~ Uic street fair and cart1!a hcmond Hill on that éveniing. 1Misa Ethel Wcbber, wha has- been feacbing scbool at Hilliard- ton in the Haiieybury Inspecta:- ate, resigned her position and will be tcaching at Englchart i,the Kirkland Lake Inspectorate next scbool year. She bas been spcnd- ing part of her vacation with her sister, Mrs. H. C. Allin. Mr. and bMrs. Alred DeGroot and two sons, Jack and Bob, Ro- chester, N. Y., arc spending two weeks in Mr. Gco. Farncomb's cottage at thc lake. Meanwhilc Mr. and Mrs. Farncomb are oc- cupying their other house, Copper Beech. Mrs. DeGroot is a niece of Mr. Percy Brown apid Mrs. Edith Chapman. Dr. J. A. Butler took a fcw days off from his practice and with Mrs. Butler visited in Western Ontario and attended thc Cana- dian Gladiolus Exhibition held in Strapord on August 15, 16 and 17, and *berc thcy felt quite at home in one way3K#Iewing among other exhibits some 300 Newcastle' Glads shown in various sections by Mr. and Mrs. J. H.'Jose, their fellow citizenis. Registrars Thos. A. Rodger and Fred Coucb Sr. spent Friday, Aug. 16tb, at Uic J. Anderson Smith .Co. factory rcgisfering emplayees. A number of the office staff as- sistcd and greatly facilitated the work. Mr. Gea. C. Wright rcsign- cd as rcgistrar for No. 2 poing division as be was going up ta Copper Cliff and Mrs. Chas. A. Cowan was appointed in his place. Rcgistcring of thc gencral public began in the community hall, Newcastle, on Monday morming. There is an unusually hcavy crop of straw with most grain crops in this section this season and cutting bas been a difficuit job and bard on binders, especial- ly wbere grain was lodged; but lift guards whcn used have been a great help. There naturally bas bcen the giving out of wcak parts and many breakdo.wns of binders and one Newcastle farmer says repairs to bis binder, have cast him $50.00 this barvest. To cite an example of the difficulties of cutting: Mr. Geo. Walton spent Uiree days hast week cutting a badly lodged five acre block of Erban oats, practically using up one binder and working tiil late Safurday cvening with a second machine. There was stili one acre of Uic five lcft ta be attacked witb a mower an Monday. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Mains, Leaside, and Mrs. Embly, Orono, with their father, Mr. Tracy Mains, S...- Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner, Lindsay, formerly oi Belleville, and Mrs. Wilson, Lind- say, at Mrs. Geo. P. Rickard's.., Mr. Walter Blackburn, back fron taking a summer course ai Qucen's University, K in gs to n with Mrs. Catherine and Estelle Blackburn. . . Miss JUne Heath St. Lamberts, Que., with Mis Kathleen Toms.. . Mis. Dunhani Toronto, with ber cousin, Mrs. N jL. Rickard. .. Mrs. Jos. Chapman Orono, with Mrs. J. M. Cobbhe- dick. . . Miss Aresta Martin,,Mr Archie Mitrtin and friend, Mr Tom Jobnston, bath of the R.C A.F., Toronto,- at Mr. J. P. Mar- tin's, Mr. Johnston's home being i Saskatchewan. . . Mrs. C. C Grubbe, Weston, with Mrs. P. F LeGresley. . . Miss Marie Moise Bowmanville, at Mr. Geo. Wal- ton's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Rusi D'Eyc, Toronto, witb ber mother Mrs. Wallace, at thc Lake, and Leslie Wookey with his friend Tom Wallace, bath back froan camp at, Gul Lake. . . Mr. anc Mrs. Robt. Crowther and daugb- ter, Bownianviilc, holidaying witli bis parents, Mr. -and Mrs. Walte: Crowther. . . Mr. and Mrs. Col- berry and Miss Riorden, Toronto, witb Miss Dorothy Trenwith, To- ronto, at Miss E. L. Trenwith's... Miss Hoiland of Sault Ste. Marie, formeriy on thc staff of thc New- castle High Schooi, calling on Mr. W. H. Anderson and others. KNOW MORE ABOUT VITAMINS AND HEALTH In a recent number of the (To- ronto) Acadcmy Bulletin, Dr. Frederick Tisdaii contributes an instructive article on Vitamins. He points out that according tc Uic figures issued by Uic Bureau of Statistics, Ottawa, approxi- mately 44% of the caloric intake of Canadian people, based on an average daily intake of 3000 cal- ories, is practically devoid of vitamins. There is considerable evidence that Canadians suffer most froni lack of thc vitamins Bi, D and sometimes vitamin C. A restric- tion in diet will accentuate this condition. During Uic progress of an infection the need for most vitamins is markediy increased. A simihar necd is scen during prcgnancy and lactation whcn the demand is doubled. Under ordinary 9.nditions, if Uic individuai takes a diet con- sisting of a pint to a pint and a hall of nilk a day for children, one hall a pint for aduits, some meat, an cgg a day, two liberai helpings of vegetables besides po- tato, some raw fruit,' some wholc grain cereais, .cither in Uic form of brown bread or breakfast cer- cals, and some vitamin D, <cod- hiver ail or ifs equivalent), in the months from September to June, he wili be using al Uic known vitamins in adequate amounts. Under unusuai conditions as in illness, pregnancy, lactation and during any dîctary restrictions, it may be neccssary ta give vitamins in their concentrated form. aj The short cold wintcr. Suriday ihad 'ended. Darkness bad dipped i ifs manthe over the city. Street - igbts had put up their barrier aagainst the nigbt. The snow driv- 1en by a fierce wind cddind about - fthc street corner, sparkling and f glistcning in circles of light. Most people wcre at church or around *the f ires af home. The few pedes- trians burrîed along, hcads down, jagainst the biting bhast. . Along a popular avenue, a man iwas showhy making bis way. He Ewore a thin summer overcoat, Lbeld fogether at Uic neck by the one rernaining buffan. With bare hands, blue wifh cold, be, mcid ta bold fthc garment about bis sbiv- cring body. Time was when Ray Stuart had been ancet thé smart- est ooking men f0 walk those 1streefs, coming tram an honorable family, wchh known in business. He had the best of university training, afterwards faking a posi- tion in bis fatbcr's.store, expect- ing ultimatcly fa carry on fthc famihy business, bcing the enly son. The Stuart f amily were like- wise noted as singers and musi- cians, Roy especialy. He was blessed with onc of ftic besf of Christian mothers. 1 But Ray had cultivatcd a taste for intoxicants acquired in gayi company wbich had grown rapid- ly info an obsession. Cever and capable as he was be soon - came a hcartbreak f0 bis faiU. Kindly and tactfully they str~ ta check bis fendency for dik finally scnding hlm f0 anothr city as brancb manager. This ncw responsibilify bad ifs effecf. For ove: a year he neyer drank. and was fast making bis name as a rising business man. Then came a New Ycar's celebrat ion that sf art cd hlm downward worset than ever. The business cbanged owncrs1 and Ray Stuart« became drift-t wood, cast and wcst, north andc soutb, and back again. For a finie a correspondence witb home wast carried on which grcw less ands iess and f inally ceased, while bis mothcr's prayers neyer ended. Morning, noon and nigbt, with quivering lips and fhrobbing1 heart, she praycd for ber wander- ing boy. Her bai: was sbowing silver threads and the anxicfy was teling on ber bcalth, wbilec ber faifb and trust in God madeu ber teed sure that some day berr prayers would be answered. s To-nigbt this driftwood wasf directing bis steps te, one of bisv bangouts, hoping thaf a tip for0 flic use of bis voice would be av drink or a free lunch. Arnbling along Uic mast sbelfered side ofM fthc street be stoppcd suddcnly - a vague sweet sound bad cauglit bis car. Looking up lie saw theL brigbf igths shining Uirougb Uic windows of a cburcb. Drawingo near be distened. The choir wast singirxgtg lat beaufiful anthem f "Scek yc the Lard while he may f be found." Something dlicked in bis de- t moralizcd brain. Chearly as r thougb if werc yesterday camneo flashing bnci, ta bim Uic mcmorya whcn lie birsell sang so perfect-c ly bef are great audiences these r same words "He will bave mer-E cy." There came over hlmn an i uncontrolable desire ta enterc those sacred portais wbencc liadj came those inspiring strains.e Shifting around tf0tflic curchd door - a door lie had not cntered in ten years, - be walked quietfli into the outer vestibule. Nobodt was around and flic service ba(da just cornmenced. He tried ta peerv tbrough the space of Uic inner door, asbamed of bis appearance.c Witb Uic spiendor of the intcrigr ' and audience, lic dare go no f ur- t ther. He was about ta turn away when an usher bearing him slip- ped ouf and kindly invited hlmn f0 enter.C Yes, flicre was a seat just it-0 side the door. As lie sat there so uncoufli arong those well drcs4- cd people bis mmnd did not fallow the minister's words, but rather kept rcpeating in bis rnuddled brain thc words "He will bave mcrcy and abundanfly pardon." These words coming tlirough flic trosty air bad arrested bisV unsteady tootsfepa, holding biuÏi as a prisoner and for Uic firsf tiniO in years be began f0 regret, ta wisb, f0 hope, fa pray for some- tbing bette:. During flic singing of the losing hymn be seemingly forgof bis surroundings and ap- pearance and joined ln the hyrnn "Lead Kindly Liglit."1 Many of fthe worshippers lookcd around f0 sec whencc came that beautitul voice somcwbcre near flic door. Affer Uic benediction lic tried f i t i s t i i I i r SCHOOL CHILDREN KEEDED TO HELP WUTH WAR EFFORT Evcry boy and ginl of scbooh age in Ont ario wil be given an apport unîty f0 play a part la Canada's war effort, Prime Minis- ter M. F. Hepburn revealed Uiis wcck at Queen's Park. The Ontario Govcrnment's plans in this direction cnt ail sefting up a "Saldiers of the Soil" commit- tee i ach county, and once this prelimnary organization is cern- pletcd, mustering Uic fuil strength of this Provice's young people at useful tasks in Uic furtbcrance of war activities. First duty ta be assigned ta Uic "Soldiers of Uic Soul" will be f0 assist in the barvesting of On- tario's crops. Faced witb an acute shortage of tarm labour, the On- fanao Government is enlisting Uic co-aperatian of local scbool boards i keeping primary scbaols chosed until September h6tli, and secon- dary scliools until October 2nd. "This wil make available fa Uic f armers of Ontario a vast re- servoir of farm liclp," Mr. Hep- burn said. "Not only will if per- mit farmers ta kcep Uic assistance of their own cbildren durig a pcriad wben they wauld normally lic at scbaol, but if will aiso make avallable for farm work a great number of city children. Ia cach counfty a comrnittee bas been set up ta include Uic agricultural re-, presenýtative, scbool i n s p e c t o r, superintendent of employment of- fices, wardeft and reeves of Uic various townships for the purpose of regisfcring bath the tarmers wbo require assistance, and Uice school-age cbildren wiliing ta tii] in at Uiis work. "Young people wlio arc trained this ycar wull be just thaf mucb better equipped ta belp ouf ln 1941. This war is not going ta be ove: in a day. We must look fa Uic future and prepare ourselves for what is lkcly f0 devehap, in flic immediafe years ta corne." Under Uic direction of the On- fanao Government, a special comn- ifitee is now cngagcdi workingI ouf det ails of a scberne ta put across a gigantic drive for flic salej of War Cerfificates. Wben Uic proposal was first made by Mr. Hepburn ta flic Ottawa Gavera- ment, if was cntliusiastically re- ceived, and flic Province is now proceeding with a plan whicb wilh enlis Uiche hp of aillicheSecon- dary Scbooh girls. They will be cnrolhed by flic local Soldiers of flic Soil Commit- tees and scbooh feachers wihl be askcd ta lielp by exercisig super- vision ove: flic plan's operation. "The Dominion Goverrnenf considers flic sale of War Savings Starnps and Certificates as anc of flic rost important links in Uic wliole cliain of war undcrtakings" Mr. Hepburn said. "Here is a tan- gible way la whicb every child can assist, in flic sale 0f stamps or by earning moncy for their purchase. If is a two fold pro- gramilth cannot f ail ta be of immeasurable Worth." Work Wanted WANTED - TRACTOR WORK of any kind. Apply N. Deckcr, phione 670, Whifby. 34-2 For Re»È rO RENT - ONE -3-ROOME]) apartment and anc 4-roomcd apartmcnt in Uic Cowan Block. AhU conveniences, electrlc re- trigeratar and clecfrlc stave; also store ta rent. Phone 870. 33-2 COMING EVENTS Women's Institute will -meet at Mrs. C. Robinson's, Prospect St., on Thursday, Aug. 29, at 2.30'p.m. Dr. Slemon wil give a Healthetalk and all ladies are invited to the meeting. 34-1 Thursday, August 29th, Black-, stock A.Y.P.A. will present their play "Look Out Lizzie" in Ennis- killen church Mhd,.undc' auspices of Enniskilený W. A, Admission 25d and 15c. 34-1 Salem Harvest Home Services will be held Sunday, Auguat 25, at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. Standard Time. Rev. Clarence Ferguson, Bethany, will be the speaker. Monday at 8 p.m. Solina Young People will present their 3 act play "The Path Across the Hi." Admission: Aduits 25c, children 15C. 34-1 Corne to the Legion War -Service Fair at Rotary Park, Thursday, August 29th. Buy tickets and win War Savings Certif icates.. Ten certificates offered froni $50.00 to $5.00. Proceeds of Fair to provide comforts for our fighting -forces.1 Back up the boys WhIo are going; to beat Hitler. The, Legion Wari Service Fair Fund is registered under the War Charities Act. 32-3 DRIFTWOOD By Alpha Plueh FOR SALE .- JERSEY COW, 5 ycars old, also Jersey Durham cow, 4 years. Phone 2448, Bow- manvilie. 34-1 FOR SALE-REGISTERED JER- sey cow, aged 7; 75 Leghorn pullets, age 5 mths. R. Brooks, Courtice. 34-1* FOR SALE-ONE GREYHOUND, female, 1 year old. Apply M. Butson, Port Perry. 34-1* FOR SALE - 16 YORKSHIRE pigs 6 and 7 weeks old, nurs- ing. Pioncer pig starter fed for' 2 weeks. Apply M. W. Heard, Enniskillen., 34-1 FOR SALE - YOUNG YORK- shire boar. Apply R. H. Brown, Orono. Telephone 65r2. 34-1e FOR SALE - TWO DURHAM heifers due to rcnew shortly. Apply H. B. Foster, Bowman-. ville. Phone 745. 32-tf Real Estate For Sale FARM FOR SALE -60 ACRES, Lot 27, Con. 5, Clarkc. Apply on premises. R. H.-,Brown, Orono. 34-1* FOR SALE - TWO HU1ýDRED acre farm, fifty crop, fifty tim- ber. Selling very reasonable. Wouhd seli timber scparately. N. Deeker, Whitby, phone 670. 34-2 FOR SALE - SOL!]) BRICK house, cast side of Centre St. Mo de.r n convenlences. Seli cheap to close up an estate. Apply A. E. Behiman, King St. West. Phone 526. il-tf Aquctioa Sales FURNITURE SALE I have rcceivcd instructions ta seli by public auction for Miss Ruby Clatworthy in Uic village of Hampton, on Wcdnesday, August 28th, at 1 p.m. (S.T.), her bouse-' hold effects lncludlng bedroom, dining and kitchen furniture, carpets, rugs, dishes, wood, taois, staves and many other articles f00 numerous ta mention. Termý cash. Elmer Wilbur, auctioncer. Auction Sale'et 150 head stock- er cattie, conslsting of beef breed of good quallty, 500 iba. to 900. Sale Saturday mornlng, August 24th, at 7 o' dock sharp, at E. A. Werry's farm, Lots 17, and 18, C6n. 8, Darllngton. Corne and buy your cattle whlle Uic dew in on your grain. Cattie at my hast sale sold very cheap. Absolutely no re- serve on these cattle. They wll be sold. Ternis cash, free dcliv- ery. Ted Jackson, auctioneer. 34-1 Articles For Sale FOR ALE USED WICKER baby arrage i~odcondition. Phone 638, Bowmnville. 34-1 FOR- SALE - A GOOD SOLD walnut sofa. Apply to Mrs. J. Chapmnan, Hampton. P hon e 2421. 34-1* S T RAW AND MANURE FOR Sale. Apply W. C. Asbton, R. R. 4, Bowmanvilc. Phone 2216. 34-1' FOR SALE - VENETIAN Bllnds, 1sf quality wood slats, per square foot, 35c, instailed. Nortkcutt & Smith, Bowman- ville, Phone 668. 33-4 fa s teal quicklyr away, but Uic warm bcharted jantor held hin and led others f0 bim, people wbo did not scem ta notice bis un- sbaved face or raggcd élotlies. Tbey clasped 4is' bands and in- vited bim ta Uic club room in Uic basement. of the church to-mor- row night. If will be warm and we want f0 bclp you if we dan, they said. These words, with Uic others "He wil have merdy," t iied bis wbole mind as he passcd ouf and a strange new determination had taken possession et hlm. Insfeiid of continuing on tawards Uic easf side te bis favorite haunt, as bis intention was before be cnfered the cburcb, he wenf straigbt f0 bis attic bedroom. Digging into bis old trunk be found Uic sheet of music with Uic words crumphcd and creased, almosf impassible ta read. .. It was soon discovcrcd that he was an expert in the dry goods business and bis risc f0 a bigb position was more rapid than bis fahl. His singing and musical qualifies soon- made him choir leader, and in answer ta bis mo- tber's prayers a restoration ta bis family was a memorable day. Two ycars hater this choir of whicb he was conductor gave a concert before a packed audience. Was if propbetic that Uic lastl time thaf splendid vaice was ta be beard was the anthcm thaf had donc and meant se much fa hlm. The lisfencrs could notforget Uic pathos, bis soulltull of emotion, as he sang those words "He wil bave mecy." Truly if was bis clarion cali of farewcll, for Monday he tell sick with pncumonia. Rapidly be sank, those tragic years were exacfing their penalty. The folowint Sun- day the cburcb could not dont ain the bundreds wbo came fa ren4cr bornage fa Uic mcmory of onie savcd from. drlftwood and wbo had become an inspiration to bun- dreds. -Cilli d Ad -Rates' One cent a word cash, each Insertion (minimum chtrge 25c). Charge or 25c extràý la made when advertlsement la flot pald same week as Inser- tion. Extra charge of 1o when replies are dirécted to a Statesman box number. Blrths, deaths and marriages 50e each. In Memorlams, 50o for notice plus lOc per lune for verse. Olassilled advertlse- meula accepted up until 6 P.m. Wednesday. BIRTH THOMPSON - In Bowmanville Hospital, on Monday, August 19, 1940, to Mr. and Mrs. James C. Thompson (nee Dcirothy Henning), a daughtcr, Su~zanne Louise. MARRIAGE STEACY-GIRVEN - In North- mmnster United Church, Osh- awa, on Saturday, August l7th, by Rev. WM. P. Rogers, John Hurst Steacy"and Elsie Evelyn GirVen, both of Peterboro. IN MEMORIAM BLANCHARD - Ini loving mcm- ory of a dear husband and father, Charles A. Blanchard, who passed away August 20th, 1939. Our lips cannot tell how wc miss him, Our hearts cannot tell what to Say, God alone knows how we miss him In a home that is lonely to-day. -Sadly missed by wife and family. BOOTH - In ever loving memory of Maurice Edward Booth who died August 23rd, 1937. Memory lane is a dear littie path Wherc hcarts are ever truc; A path we travel again and again Because it leads ta you; In memory's garden we are ai- ways together, A thought for today-mcmories forever. -Lovingly remembered by Mother and Dad. M1OUNTJOY - In loving memory of Elgin Mountjoy who passed away August 20th, 1935. You lef t a ray of sunshine To help us carry on, Tender memories of you Linger though you're gone. 'Twas hard to let you go from us, Your task had just begun- He cailed, you answered, we must amile And pray Thy will be donc. -Ever remembered by0 wife and sons Donald and Fay. Livestock For Sale H E L P WANTED - CAPABLE man for gencral f arm work. Experienced man p r cf e r r e d. Apply to W. C. Ashton, R. R. 4, Bowmnanille. Phone 2216. 34-1* WANTED - CAPABLE G I R L for gencral housework, Sept. 1, 2 aduits, 1 child 6 years, sub- urbs of Toronto,' new home; cv- ery conveilience, very desirable surroundings; $25.00 monthly. Appiy Mrs. J. N. Stanley, Becch- wood Ave., York Mills, Ontario, R. R. No. 2. 31-4 SALESMEN WANTED - GET into a good-paying business, selling every day necessities from door to door in your dis- trict. Make your own pay en- velope and cash in on the pro- f its with our Profit Building Sales Plan. Let us tell you more about it. Familex Co., 570 St. Clement, Montreal. 34-1 Radio Service RADIO SERVICE - WE HAVE-1 ordered new, additional service cquipment in order that we can give you even better service. F. Crowc, Elgin St. Phone 433. 34-1* Pickling Needs Memba Seala - - 100 Parowax- - - - 130 Rublier RIng - - 50 Certa - - - - 250 Mixed Spîce - oz. Se WIiole Spîces - - oz. 50 Corks (asaort.) doz. Se JURY & LOVELL ORIGINAL SWEET PICKLE NMTURE 25c for 1 Gallon Quantlly Weekl2v Feed Special WÉÈEX L Y FEED' SPECIAL- Bran (in bulk) $1.15 per ct' 122.00 per ton. Offer good un11 August 29th. F. C. Vansfone)/ phone 777. . 34-1 LOT-AT ROTARY PAU OM August l5Ui, arm from beod cf baby carniage and- baby's white boot. Finder please returu te Mrs. Arthur Brown, George St. 34-1* Wanted To Buy WANTED TO BUY - FIVE OR six raom bouse. Will make smal down payment and $15.00 per month fil paid for. Box 67, Statesman Office, Bowmanvile. Personal 0ji* 0F 30, 40, 50! HEALTHf LVI'm, Pcp) subnormal? Try Ostrex tablets ot tonics, stimu- lants, oyster elements te aid recovery of normal pep. If flot dcighted with resulte firaf package, maker refunds ifs Iow price. Cal, write Jury & ]ýovell. and ahi other ,good drug stores. 32-tf Notice Dr. Birks' office wiil be ciosed from August l6th to September lst inclusive. 31-4 Notice To Creditors IN THE ESTATE of MARY GALBRAITH, late of the Village of Newcastle in the County of Durham, Widow, deceased. NOTICE is,. hercby given that aU persons having any claims or demands against the estate of the said MaryGalbraith, who dicd on or about the 30th day of June, A.D. 1940, at tic said Village of Newcastle i the County of Dur- hami, or ciaiming ,*sy< jnterest i tic said estate, arc rcquired to send by post prcpaid to the under- signed Solicitors for the Execu- trices of the Estate of the said Mary Galbraith, on or before Uic lst day of September, A.D. 1940, a statement of their mntcrest or dlaim, properly verified by oath, after which date the Executrices will proceed to distribute the as- sets of thc estate among the p4j- tics entitled thereto, having Y%% gard only ta Uiec daims of which notice shail then have bcen re- ccived. Datcd at Brantford this ~t day of July, A.D. 1940. WATEROUS & WALLA 169 Colborne St. Brantford, Ontario, Solicitors for thc Executrices. 32-3 ALL POPULAR SIZES IT OUR CAMERA COUNTEM Verichrome, Paaatomic-X, Super. XX Film. Fuit-color Kodachrome Film and all-around Plus-X Film for miniature cameras. Whatever orpctr rqureinensth Ko.dak Film you'I edi ed for you here. FOR H-AY FEVER Rexali Cold and Catarrh JelIy -- soc (With Ephedrie) Eudiphedrine Drops ---* 54 <Witheut OU> Rexal Nose & Throat Relief 25e 5Oc Razmah----------------soc $1.00 Felsol --------$1.25 Respirin -50eSO Y stîvin -- -,-$1.39 Kellogg's Relief - 23e SSc JURYU BLOVELL DO WMAN VILLE PHONE 778 When we test your eyesIt la doue properly RECONDITIONED TIRES - Save up to 50% on tires and tubes. Full stock both new and reconditioned, some real buys. G. F. Jamieýson," Tire and Bat- tery Shop, King and Silver Sts. 23-ttf Help, Wbed H EL P WANTED - CAPABLE man for farmn work. Ail year position. Phone 2173, Bowman- ville. 34-1 HELP WANTED - SMART DE- livery boy with bicycle. Write Box 66, Statesman Office. 34-là C USTOMER CONFIDENCE Quality Produets mean Satlafled Customers auj. we; Guarantee Satisfaction or- Money Refunded. We are boumA to satlsf y every customer. RE D"01(iuSE 1/1-t1",)WANTuADS ..&L- -- 1 - .Omm»- -M -àL 1 ý 1 , 1. THURSDAY, AUGUST 22ND,- 1940 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO HELP WANTED - A YOUNG man ta drive truck and leara good trade, bandy around ma- cbinery. Steady work. Apply Box 65, Statesman Office. 34-h

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