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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Aug 1940, p. 1

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A an br With Whlch Are Incorporated The Bewmanville Newsï The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News VOLUME 86. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, -AUGUST 22nd, 1940 NTRP~ AtSSE IT, By Capt. Eln2ote PpOf DIER TAG PASSES August i5th was the day plcl< ed by Hitler months ago as- thq outside limit for bis triumphun- arrivai in London. He has not go- there yet. 'I suspect that he hini self, as well as everyone of th( millions hie has ensiaved, no long. er hàs any illusions us to the diff I culty of that task. Between Hitler and his goal the conquest of Britain - therE stand three walls of defence There is as yet not one shred oJ evg, nce to- suggest that the Ger- mînas can pass any oxie of them - let àlone ail three in turn. The first line of defence is thE airforce. The second is the navy, The third is the army of Britain, The best proof that I see o: fihe effectiveness of the Royal Air Force in this increasingly severe test is that on the night after it had fought the greatest air battle i history it was able to stage the heaviest counter offensive ever made by - any air fighting force. The attacks on Italy.and the very outskirts of Berlin, when the trained Nazi newspapers, Were shrieking f0 their readers that 'Der Tag liad come at iast, were- aý gri reminder that the reai zero hoùn was a very different eue from thut anticipated by Hitl1er. I know of no more inspiing page in the military history of the British people than that written in the past few weeks by those lads who have held the skies above fthe BritishIx lIes. Even if the Germnans were able te do whaf they have been un- able to do so far - temporarily drive the Royal Air Force from, one section of the Channel -they would still have to pass the Bri- tish Navy. I see no evidence from any theatre of ,war iahl the past tWenfy-flve'eàies of bloodshed thaf an'y amounit of air force can overcome seapower. Moreover al the normal rules which might tend f0 make naval forces cau- flous, rather tixan risk heuvy loss- es - such as miglit apply in Nor- way or ini the Mediterranean - will flot apply i the battie for Bifain. Everybody knows what is at stake. In that sense it is lit- .iiytrue to say that the test jYich. the Royal navy mighf have to mneet auiy time n6w is the veny test for which the British navy las been preparing durlng Its vÀple 1200 .,vars of existence. jWranted for the sake of argu- qiit that the Nazis were able to overcome, or evade, or trick, both thxe Royal Air Force and the Royal Navy what size force would tixey needÏIÉ land to have any hope of success? My ýguess is that any- thing less than an army of 300,000 compiete with tanks and aIl the heavy parapixernalia of modern war would have no chance what- ever. Mr. Churchill has clearly stated that Britain has neyer pianned lier defences with fixe idea fixat not a single soldier would ever be able to land on Britishx soil. Aii*one knows that the task of landing a few thousand troops, on a foggy niglit, is no impossible feat. But fixe reai con- sidenation is whetixer a sufficient number couid be landed to pre- vent their own annihilation with- in a few heurs of discovery. In that respect sea power is stiil the answer., h hl - I short, tewoeposition with regard to the invasion of Bni- tain is what it lias alwuys been, since the one slip-up in 1066. A would-be invader net only lias to e s t a b 1 i s h communication,- but maintain it. lI a straighfforward figlit I do nfo believe Hitler has any chance wliatever. That is why I believe that almoat inmeditely after tixis tentative attempt at invasion fails Hitler will fail back on lits alter- natives - namely new "peace" of- fensives, rqegetiations with fools or traitors, who may swailow tixe sugar-coated poison pill of a com- promise peace. * THE UNDEFENDED FRONTIER Thxe fate e!fie world depénda. on fixe outcome o!fie but fié for * Bitain. If Hitler could win, fie world would napidly, nesalve itself int a great territorial blocs, with a new super-colossal armament race undjnevifuble "nexf" war. If H-itle,,Vails te win (as I feel * paaifive4e wili) fixe world is sf111 faced wltli fie task o! beufing fixe aggressers. We in Northx Amenica would be blind fa alfixe sfern nealifies e! fixe fîmes if we neglected te fakei ail possible precauf ions aguinat1 succesaful invasion o!f tua coun-j try. Mn. Churchill iimself ha pla 1y waruxed fie* wald o!fie1 p0 le coming o! a time wieni th a centre o! nealtance ta Nazi agresaien would have te bei * trans!enred fa Canada. If for any neasan German arms an German diplomacy or German trickery i wene femporarlly te evercome1 Britishi nesiafance te Nazi aime j t.~.1uewan miglit came te Canada9 siaxeat overniglit. Tere lu new ne senieus obstaclei Inti way e! an attenxpted i- Vas iYh o ! N orth x A erica f om Europe except fixe sea nid air power o! Bitain. We cannot tçoe offen ponder fiat tact, anrfo lrunkly face Ifs implications. t COMPLETE BMITARY t ALLIANCEc The pness o! Canada, on fie1 wixle,las ardentiy in favor e!fie i ouf-nid-ouf mllitary alliance lie- tween flua country and fixe Unitecd (Qsnt>zuod oni page 4) r --Sports 01ip May be Guai 'i Lansdowne Park May ýe Be Future Camp' of Midlands -Rumored They Mlght be Photo- -ê graphed on6Gu ar d Duty.___ Due te generous contributions from bot h the Lions and Rot ary e Clubs ef this town, the local rcompuny of Midland Regiment li as been able te purchase enough f sports equlpment for softbail and r soccer. Howeven, there is stil e considerabie need of running -t shees and financial support, and ecitizens of the fown are usked f0o edo whut they can te assisti solv- ring the probiem. Eveny. day, ever 100 Young ne- 1 cruits drilIrom 8.30 in fixe morn- eing until làte i the afterneon aand go flirough, routine . which rwould floor many civilluns who i are. nef used te exercising. On rMenday morning the pregrani iopened with a five mile route mardi, foilowed by a hall heur workout in pixysicul training. For the balance o! the day, rifle drill, squad drill, lectures on military Dsubi ects, and comrpany drill c- 3cuý,y th~ time and the day usual- lyfinislces off with erganized sports. There ha been a rumeur that r"'I" Company of the Regiment 1wiil be stationed in toWn until possibiy Sept. 15th when tliey may leave for Lansdowne Park Lin Ottawa., There lu nothing of- ficiai in this rumeur, but the lads are hopeful that if is true be- cause they have appreciated the ce-openation of Bowmanville citi- zens and want te nemain here as long as possible before moving if o camp. If they go te Ottawa, it is just possible that tliey will be cailed upon te do special guard i duty ut the opening e! Parliament1 and otlxer, officiai fuixtions, but thàt tee, lu onily surmise. Some of 1 the lads are aiready suggesting 4 that they may be pixtegraplied1 for news reels when they guardt fixe parliament opening.t The. spirit ef this group of Young and id ddle aged men la higixer than average and evi- dences ifself on many occasions. On the route marches, the officers find it difficuit te keep the mene fnem wulking tee rapidiy and tee fan for their own good. Tee, theye love te sing, wvhist le and jolly each t other, especiaily ofher plafoons. Each plafoon is tnying te. outdo ' the otier and fhe resuit is that every man is frying his utmost continuuily. There is ne "swing- ing lead" in, the ranks. c If has been impressed upon them thut the Town of Bowman- 0 ville welcomes them and that & they in turn must eurn the ne-a specf of every citizen. Se far, P there lias been ne need te check up on any of fixe men.for indis- b creet behavieun and the ladies P who are billetfing the men are ti loud in praise of their fine Char- actenistics. .ti ment is Needed f 'DW Company rds ait Capitol H. S. PUPELSTO NIE Pupils of Bownxanville Hlgh Scixool are asked to attend a meeting in the B.H.S. audi- torium on Monday niglit, August 26th, ut 7.30 p.m., to give fliose pupls who se de- sire a chance to, register for farm wonk or for seiling war bonds durirng the montx of September. The Board of Education is doing this in un effort to ascertain the num- ber of pupils wixo would ixelp if needed. -The date of scixool opening will be set immedi- ately foilowing this meeting. The Public Scixools will prob- ably open at their usual time. LEGION CARNI VAL FORWARWORK AT ROTARY PARK Ail patriotic citizens of this e community wil have an oppor- c tunity te perform a two-foid duty b in the near future - a chance te ci hlp the Bowmanvîlle Legion and si an opportunity to enjoy them- A selves. On Thursday, August 29, V the local Legion War Services Fuir will be ixeld ut Rotary Park.- A. grand druw is te f ake place ut 'll.30 of tixe same evening wifli feu prizes offered te the lucky winnens. Firat prize will býe a $50.00 War' Savings Certif icate, and then follow, two prizes of $25.00 Certificates, two $10.00 Cerfificutes, nd five.$5.00 Centi- ficates. Tickets will bte sold on ti the draw ut fthe bargain-day hi prices of ten cents each or three 1M for twenty-flve cents. ni In addition teoi tis there will a be fthe special attraction of num- e( erous booths. Authorities 'assure F ail in uttendance of a real good st time, with *no effort belng spared .t satisfy the public's desire for E: a good finie.E Feati he fieèvenmina wMllbe el " grand xifltary parade i which a 'D" Company of the Midland C Regiment, the N.P.A.M., and many oi er-service men wilI participate. F ncidentally ail veterans are urg- Ci ed te funeut for this event so 01 that the parade will be even big- ger and better. The parade wll start from the public schooi grounds ut 7.30 pým. D.S.T. 3 Here is a splendid chance to aid 3 our fighting men. And they are in need of your heip. Se ceme, on out and do your bit by aiding L. a wenfixy cause. Refreshmenfs 2; and entertuinesent wiil be sup- plied by muny bootxs. A] Yeu are dependent on «"our c boys" and tixey need your sup- port. Se lef's ail get togetixer on lie subiect. C. The Fuir is being held under the War Charities Act.1 Arguments' About Racial Origin As Registration OrdealI Fimished At iasf it's over - for bef fer on for wanse' - and the tliousands in fixe electonal disfricf o! Dur- hiam have aurrendered their pedi- gree te the gevernent. Thxe man wixo came in and offened fa have lis fingerprints taken was oniy one o!fite hundneds wixo neally didn'f knew whaf if wus ail about. Perhaps the trickiesf question on the whole agenda was fie one put te women, nef fixe age queny, eh ne! - but fixe one whicli de- manded te know if fliey would be ut libert y ta serve in any ofier capacify for which they wene qualified. Whxy was if se fougix? One guesa lu as good as nothen but -thxe fact remains fiat mare ladies iesifated aven this simple item flan uny othen. Penhapa if was because if was fixe lasf and tliey wene loatixe fa leave. Who knews? The question o! racial origin pnovided a basis for many an argument between fixe two a ides ,o fixefable. Usuaily fie govern- ment servants gave in. Were tixey not instructed te be polite? When. la fixe goveruiment geing' fa admit Lixaf Canada lu ef age and ac- knowiedge there is a Canadian race? On fixe whle, if aeems fixe registrants could be clussed as 'timid" or "beld" wixen if came to teliing age. Befli classes ob- lriously were a littie sensitive about if. Some taok the secret wvay and wixispened if whlle ofi- ers, gathening al the bravadeo!o 45 years about tixein,-pnoclatned their "Ilength o! days" loudly. Lute Wednesday niglit,1 b6tAli Cecil Robinson, Chie! Registrar, and "Bob" Cotton, lis able as- sistant, were seen wendig their i way home, stilisaune, in spife of! the confinueus barnage a! ques-j tions which ixud been finr t a them niglifnd day for "tixe dura-, tIon."1 It's aven farnonw, but1 don't feel ut ease yet - fixe census1 wll seon be upon us. Mrs. Raymond Cale and son1 3iily, Kitchener, have been visit-( ing lier aister-ln-law, Mrs. C. H-.i Dudley.9 c r L t 1 RtOTALS STAR? PLAY-oFF 1 If was decided ut fixe meet- e ing o!fixhe Lakeshore Bal r Leugue on Monday niglit fiat r due fa fixe latenesa o!f te ..season ndfie number o! 1 PostPoned gamea fiat the piay-e!fs weuld sturt imme- diafely. The firee teums will be hinfixe league and the firat game will lie piayed in Port Hope Friday evening, aguinst fixe Rayais, with a return game being played fthe fol- lowing evening ut fixe higx scixool campus. If a third game la necessary if wili be pluyed Menday night f uthfe local stadium. The winner of tixis senies will then camne up against Cobourg Ponies fa decide the league winners. Incident ally, a game pluyed iasf nigif between Pott Hope and Cobourg tied 2 ahl. LEAXHER NEEDED 1'BY RED CROSS Humour and ingenuity la brouglit te fixe men a!Canada's f ighting forces when they- neceive leafixer jackets made eut a! aid leather collected by the Red Cross. Leuther cushions, book covens, gloves and pursea, or uny ethlen available leather articles i une put into fiese jenkins, mak-j ing them. have fixe appearance af! patch wark quilts. Neventhelesa, 1 neëgardiess ef looks they are comn- forfable and warmn whlci l fore- 1 most in fie efforts o!fixhe Red1 Cross. Thxe citizelia o! Bowmnan-j ville can help, hi flua effort byi ixandtng In any old leuther ta fixe( Red Cross headquarfers i twn.1 This lu juafanether item o e! 1 many flinga the local brandi are 1 tnying te coilect, Otixen thîngahI- 1 clude tinfoil odd bits o! weel, 1 and many edxér articles tee numn- 1 enaus te mention. 1 A mericat, Editors In Canada's Capital. Amenican weekly newspgper -Stanley Lewis. Members o!fixhe firsf hund information us te. fixe editors are here pictured ifrot. aty were guesta of fixe Canadian ease wifh which tourists muy en- of fixe Chafeau Laurier in Otfývaa 'uekly Newspapers Association, fer Canada nd fravel about wifh being weicomed by thnee fedenul file Ontario Hotel Association and freedom. The edifor of The cabinet ministens, Hon. J. L. Ral-, the Ontario Dept. of Highways, Statesman who accompanied fixe ston, Hon. C. G. Powers and Hon. on a 7-day motor tour of Onfario's parfy wiii give funther def ails of AL. Macdonald, Air Manshall vacation grounds. The trip a sfixe trip in our next issue. W.. A. Bisliop, V.C., nd- Mayor plunned te give fixe U. S.edtos Llpper School Rults Released Students Maintaù'l High Record Very few fallures were among C oke, et-E.C. 2; E.L. c; L ~i itof Upper School resuits A ;LC 3; F.A. c; F.C. .3. *anded out by Secretary C. H. Couch, Eileen-E.C.e c; E.L. c. Mason- on Tuesday. Ail depart- Crawford, Byron-Al. c; Ge. 1 ments of academic work showed Tr. 1; F.A. 2; F.C. 2; Ph. 2; Ch. 3. avery high standard that is ' Creasser, Donalda-E.C. 2; E.L equalled by very few schools. 1~ Principal Dippeil and his staff .Cryderman, Ruth-M.H. 2; AI sould be proud of their recor d. L1 Tr 2; F.A. 2; F.C. 2; Bo. 1; Zo. 1 E.C.-Engiish Composition; E.L.- #ach, Leslie-EC. c; E.L. c. Engiish Lîterature; M.H.-Modern ,pavison, Trevor-E.C. 2. [istory; Al.-Algebrg; Ge.-Geom- ijl ViviaM--4 -. c; E.L. 2. etry; Tr.-Trigoifbmétry;ý Bo.-Bot- 1dley, Mgrian-EÎ.C. 2; EL. c ,ny *o.-Zoology; Ph.-P h y s i c à; Dustan, Patricia-E.C. c; E.L. 2 hChehmistry; L.A.-Latin Auth: Elliott, Biain-E.L. c. ors; L.C.-Latin Composition; F A - Emmett, Patricia-E.C. 2; E.L. 2 French Authors; F.C.-F r'ezuC Fisher, Carl-E.C. 2; E.L. c. Corrilposition; G.A.-German Auth- Gibson, Marion---E.C. c; E.L. 2. rs; G.C.-German Composition. Hall, Ronald-E.L. c; Ai. 2; Ge Adamson, James-Ch. 2. 1; Tr. 1; F.A. c; F.C. 3; Ph. 1; Ch. L Harnden, Eveiyn-M.H. 1; Ge Aider, H-azel-E.,C. 2; E.L. 1. c; Tr. c; L.A. 2; L.C. 1; F.A. 2; F.C, Armour, Bertha-E.C. 2; M.H. 1; Bo. 2; Zo. 2. 1AI. c; Tr. 2; L.A. 2; L.C. 2; F.A. Hutchinson, Wm.-E.C. 2. 1F.C . 2; Bo. 3; Zo. 2. Lambourne, Mark-E.C. c. Baker, Kathleen-Ge. 2; Tr. 2;- Lovekin, James-E.C. 1; E.L. 1; .A. 2; L.C. 2; F.A. 2; F.C. 3; Bo. M.H. 1; AI. c; Tr. c; F.C. 2; F.A. 2; 1Zo. C. , Bo. 3; Zo. 3. Breck, Williarn-E.C. 2;, E.L. e McDonald, Marion-E.C. c; E.L. Il.2; Ge. 3; F.A.l1; P.C. 1; Ph c. Ih. 2. Mcllveen, Donaid-M.H. 2; AI. Brown, William-E.L. c. c; Ge. 1; Tr. c; F.A. 3; F.C. c; Ph. Campell ShileyE.C.c; yL.3; Ch. 2.1 Campell ShileyE.C.c; .L.McIlveen, Giibert-E.L. c. Clark, James-E.L. c. Mahood, Marion-E.C. 2; E.L. 2. Coiville, oh-E.L. c. Meredith, Nora-E.L. c; F.C. c; ComstockJAo dre-E.C. .. Bo. 2; Zo. c. *M.H. c. <Continued on page 5) DowRanyile-ol-te.Deach News 1 (By Able Dareh) THE CHAPIEL-ON-TUHJL At The Cove, Dowmanville on the Lake The Sunday beils frem fixe Chapel-an-fhe-Hill ut The Cove have contiued aill fis seuson te cail ta worship fie summer resi- dents frain Cedur Creat niglif te fixe Darlington Harbor. The.present plan o! having the coffugers tieniseives coan duc f these services, rafler fin de- pending on negulur neligieus or- ganizufians, lias brouglif unusuai iteres tet the services - se muci 50 tiat an lat Sunday even fixe auxiliary outside benches were in use. Typical o! these informal meet- ings was is week's service. First came "Old Hundred" and "The National Anflein," followed by reaponsive reading e! the' Psaim. sfarfing, "I was giad wlien they said unfo me, let us go infa fixe bause o!fixhe Lord." Mn. Bail a! Poplar Lodge, Cedar Creat, toak charg. The Rev. Ben Spence o! Trnegave a short tulk an "Thxe Sense o! Values." Mn. Grey Ban- rick a! Cornwall drew remanix- able music !ram fixe liff le aid organ. , Mr. Jackx Carlton assisted with lis trumpet. His sole, "Land o! Hope and Glany," played dur- Ing fthe offertony, echoed ail over the Hill. Two vocal sales cantri- buted by visitons were greufly appreciated. Mn. Gage unnaunc?., ed that fie annual business and. social meeting would be lield fixe follewing Saturday niglit ut Mn. Nasli's cottage, Cloven Cabin. Thxe cottagena nealize fuily fiat te thern lias been given "-ixe keep 0' !tfie ligîfs aleng fixe share." Feeling flua they sent one of tixeir distinctive invitation cards, deaigned and denated by Mr. McCarfney, ta Ris Majesty King George and aise ta Prime Miinister Chxurchill i n f o r m i n g them e!fixhe cantinual and fervent prayers thaf go up fer fiem In lhis amaîllpart e!fite Empire. rwe weeks ugo graclouff words of' acknowledgment anid appreciafian were read ut fie meeting. To tixis short service ield ut 12.15, sfopping pnemptiy ut 1 p.m., visitons are always welcome. S% O'B.- Sec. The Chupei-on-the-H-iii. EAST SIDE Mrs. F. Cox and Ronney, Mn. and Mns. M. Corrm, Mn. and Mrs. C. Cox anid son Abie, Oshawa, and Mn.anid Mrs. Mathews, Bow- manville, ut ClietWyn Villa. Mn. and Mns. G. Cashmere, Mn. and Mns. H. Jackson, Mn. und Mrs. F. Casîmore, Toronto, ut Idelbye Cottage. Miss N. MacKinnan, Toronto, ut Cherry's Cottage. Mn. and Mns. V. Pethîck and Marjonie, and Mn.and Mns. C. Pethick, Toronto, ut Ma,,!ufir Cot- tagae. WEST SIDE Mn. and Mrs. M. K. Luwsen and Mr. M. Walton, Toronto, with Mrs. Walton ut Resfy Nook. Mn. and Mrs. W. Davies and Jimmy, Mn. Cruickshank and Ho- land, Toronto, ut Cruicksixank's Cottage. Mrs. G. Luttrel and Anme, Windsor, Mn.and Mrs. V. Pefhick and Manjonie, Mrs. J. Falkner, Toronta, ut XTC Cottage. Mn. and Mrs. R. Redmon and t Miss Eviyn Johnson, Tenante, ut c Irmadeil Cottage. Mr. and Mrs. H. Marsixall, Ta- rente, arelhiolidaylng ut fie beach for one week. Miss D. Herridge and Mns P. Herrldge, Toront o, ut Simpson'sc Mn. and Mns. J. Millen and Chxarles, and Miss Elsie Downen, Torounto, wifix Dr. and Mrs. G. Milieu. e Misa B. Heeney, Mn. J. Heeney, r Mn. B. Heeney, Mr. and Mns. J.t Carpenten, Toronto, ut Rendez-C vous Cottage.a Mrs. Evelyn Bateman, Mns. e Harrison, Mrs. Robinson and son, il Oshawa, wifix Mr. and Mns. Paw- ' san ut Beachi Haven.t - 1 NEWCASTLE MAN WINS MANY PRIZEI STRATFORD F A I R Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Jose wex 1exhibîtors ut fixe Canadian Gludi olus Show in Strafford lust weel and were successful in winnin, 20 pnizes in fixe Amateur Cias 1und fixe Amateur Sweepstake 1. Pnize, a.challenge cup te be corn peted for unnually and an up holstered walnut chair, for ai taining mosf points hinfixe dusi c.Otixer notable wins were firsf fa 2a 40 sq. feet dispiay of Gladt finsf on a basket of flot more fixa 2.25 spikes, distinct colons; first ei a thnee basket collection, uný first in a special for nine spike o! E. F. Palmer introductions, thi L. pnîze for fixis being a silver relis] disx. This is fixe third time Mr Jose lias been un exhibitor uttf C.G.S. Show and in recognifte:r o! lis achievements fixe C.G.S this year ut the annual meetin on August 16t1, elected hlm« director of fixe sociefy. Mn. und Mrs. Jose left euniy Thursdu: morning with some 300 spikes oJ gladiolus for Strafford and ne. turned Sunduy evening ailei visiting relatives ut St. Marys Mn. and Mrs. Jose are te be con- gratulated on their enterprise nd success and fixe wuy tixey uni ixelping f0 keep Newcastle on thE map. This is but one way, foi Holstein men anywuy know thul Mn. Jose, fhis summen, lias sole cows te go te New Yonk's Worle Fuir, teo Chili, South America, and te Maryland, U.S.A. GEORGE GAINES NEW FIRE CHI'EF FOR NEWCASTLE Newcast le Municipal Council, with Acting Reeve E. A. Wulton in fixe chair, uppeinfed George Gaines Sr. te fixe responsible position o! Fine Chie!, ut ifs negu- iar meeting on Monduy evening August l2fh. If is a good choice for Mn. Gaines nurely leaves fixe village, lie is a fîrst clas artisan and knows ail about the con- struction o! buildings from fixe ground te fixe top o!fixee noof. He is a veterun o!fixhe lusf Great War. Councilior Fred Coucx was nain- ed Deputy Chief. The following, ail expenienced truck drivens, wene numed us drivers of fixe new fine truck, fixe first on fthe scene in case o! a fine te be fixe driver for fixe occasion: Harold Coucli, Irwin Colwîil, Coucx Court ice, eryGeieen, Ross Dikno, Emerson W. Fisher. Members of fixe Fine Brigade ap- peinted ut flua meeting, ah o! wixom volunteered their services, wene: Lawrence Gaines, John Rickand, Fred Thomas, William Brunt, Jack Glover, Ellison Moise, Frank Miller, E. A. Wuiton. Otix- ers muy volunteer their ser- vices and be appoinfed ut sub- sequent meetiags. If wus left te fixe new Fine Chie! te call a meeting o!fithe bri- gade and pnoceed with onganizu- tien.. The new engine and equip- ment lias aireudy been tested eut at different locutions in fixe vil- lage and one evening last week was down by fixe cneek in Mns. Chaplin's flats tlirowing wuter 2lean across fixe flats te fixe foot of fixe orcixard on fixe higlier land. The aiertness o! Bowmanville's police fonce was again illustrafed early Tuesday monning wixen a recentiy ucquired pup of the edi- tor's decided te wander. Night Constable Walter Hall witx fie assistance e! lis faifliful dog pick- ed up the young canine and ixeld ft on a charge o! vagrancy until lie ewner cailed for if and haçi thxe change dismissed. Lions Club Carnival Attracts Largest Nuinbers la History Oshawa' Woman Wins Auto 'RED' FOSTER HOST G. Matthews as TO BICYCLE CLUB car - Businessmen AT PETERBORO Prizes. CosIt n "«To aid in the conservation of Parade, Vaudeville, Movies, and sight, community b e t t e r m e n t, Speeches Dellght Klddles lu boys' and girls' work", and i- Three Heur Show cidentally to have one grand time - these were the reasons which brought thousands of people to Harry "Red"~ Foster entertained town last Thursday evening to at- over fifty members of the Lions tend the gala Lions Carnivai. Safety Bicycle Club in Peterboro MrN. J. Topsn 15 Brock St., on Saturday morning. A parade Oshawa as lucky lady of ail the Peterboro Scouts, Girl wh nwame warw a Guides and Sea Scouts, the Port the oppotnity o ~once in a life- Hope Bicycle Club, and the Bow- t u a euifl14 manvilie Bicycle Club started the tm obyabatfl14 big program, which wended it Cevrolet coach for $1.00.' way to the Capitol Theatre. A record crowd turned out to Here the makers of Lowney't see the parade *end its way te Chocolates presented an educa- the fair grounds. Led by the Port tional and entertaining variety Hope Citizens Band in their.color- show. Brief speeches were given fui -costumes of red'and blue, by several prominent men before were 200 staiwarts of 'M" Cbm- the show started. Lions President pany, Midland Regiment, with Ted Chant and Lion Charlie Car- Veteran Col. L' T. McLughiin at ter were nciuded among the their heud, followed by soldiers guest speakers. of the last Great War cenxmanded A vaudeville show that thriiled by Capt. J. O'Neill. Many re- the heurt of every child, bringmng marks were heard thut these old down the house with laughter and army men rivalled their youthful causing many gasps of astonish- successors li smartpiess, snap, and ment, was part of the program. smooth marching. The remaining hour and a hall of Details of the splendid parade entertamnment was made up of cannot be mentioned at length but safety films, a cowboy picture, following 1. a0list of the kiddies and shorts. 0f special note were who won aWaLrdS:' the safety films depictmng the en- Best Decorated Tricycle ,- 1, forcement of the various laws Ron. and Ken. Brooks, benaà that the local. safety club are Snowden; 2, Ileen Vesna; 3, Aud- carrying ouf. rey Northcutt. Decorated Doil Carniage - 1, LOC L R SID NT Patsy Snith* 2 Put Mason; 3, UN EXPLOSION Decorated Wagon - 1, Alan AT WIDSORMoffat; 2, Jack Smith; 3, Gordon ATWID ORHwad__ rc ad Sonny Hooper. Ernest B. Watson, Ontario St., Patriotic Costume - 1, Lorna escaped serious injury when an Fletcher; 2, Leonard Philips, Beit- explosion shook the Norton-Pal- nice Hanson and Les. Philipe,- 3. mer Hotel in Windsor ln which Lydia Bates, Eileen Burton and he was staymng last Saturday Donald Bates. night. One man, an employee, Best Costumed Boy or Girl - was kiiled, and a score of other 1, Joan Wonnacutf; 2, Con ni e persons mnjured as a resuit of a uCing; 3, BettY amid Audréy Sot, gas explosion in the basement. Honnie Rundie. Seven were taken to the hospital. Pony Ouffit - Bobbie Stevens. M4r. Watson is well knownin i Patrîotic Float - 1, Lions Club, Bowmanville, being a former pro- Port Hope; 2, Evelyn Wade'and pnietor of the premises now oc- Josephine Caveriy. cupied by The Carter Famiiy. Sometime past midnight Presi- Now he is empioyed with a De- dent Ted Chant mnounted the troit firm. Mr. Watson's OwII sound truck and the barrel con- story of his experience will ap- pear next week. <Contliued on page 5) aWeek-End Accident Kilis Orne C Others Cause Serious Damage- 1-SOFTBALL EXHIBITION ie To-mornow evening, Friduy, )r a picked seftball team fnom at "D" Company o!fixhe Midlnd Id Regiment wiil match ifs fui- Ident s wif h one selecfed from fixte town leugue. The game wiii begin sharp ut 7 p.m. nd ail pensons in fixe town are invifed. Thxe Regiment wiil, us on Tuesduy evening, have its cheer leader doing lis *stuf, nd befween the bahl E gume and.fthe cheens, fixe evening wiil be weil warth l' whuie. Incident uhly, the col- n lection, which la expecfed te ce be large, wiil be handed oven .e te fixe Regiment te buy addi- 1- tienul sports equipmenf. The game will be ut fixe Public c Scixool. In fixe near future * tixene wiii be seccer gumes * with local tearns if fhey can be arranged. LOCAL FARMVERS WINNERS IN 1940 CROP CONTEST )Feilowing is fixe list o! prize, winners, with scores, in thxe 1940 1Field Crop Competition o! Dur- hum Centrai Society. Judge, H. sA. Quinn, Peterboro, R. R. 9. James T. Brown, Newcastle, 92; Thos. Baker, Hampton, 91; N. C. fWotton, Hampton. 90; John Rich- ;ard, Newcast le, 89%; Garnef B. iRickand. Newcast le, 89; Maurice iBaker, Enniskillen, 88%½; Russell Osborne, Newcastle, 88; Fred Bni- macombe, Onono, 871~/2; Douglas Countice, Court ice, 87; Russell Bragg, Bowmnviiie, 86%½; F. W. L. Tumblyn, Orohno, 86; R, K. Squair, Bowmanville, 85; Win, Rowland, Newcastle, 84; Chas. Os- borne, Bowmanvilie, 82; J oh n Tamblyn, Orono, 80; Alfredi Allin, Bowmanviile, 79½,e. ST. MAUL'S W.M.S. St. Paul's W.M.S. met af fthe home o! Mns. D. S. McGregon, Scugog Sf. August 2Oth. Presi- dent Mns. W. H. Carruthers pre- sided and opened the meeting wifh prayen. Eacx member read individual quotations, adding ex- planations nd comments. Mrs. Geo. Mason gave a very instruc- tive and interesting address, "W. M. S. lin cennection wifli the War." The meeting ciosed witi fixe Miz- pax benedlcf ion. Refneshmenfs wene served and a social heur waa spent. Mrs. Isabel'*Pierden, 35 Lang- iey Ave., Toronto, was fixe only fatalifyi eue o! many accidents occurring in and around Bow- munviile over fixe weekend. She was in a car driven by lier ixus- band, W. G: Pierdon, and accom- pnied by lier daugliter Isabel, geing west through Newtonville wixen they met an eastbound car driven by J. S. Jelinston o! Graf- ton, uccompanied by lis wife. The two cars met in the middle of the noad in a sideswlpe, senieusly damaging both cars. Mn.nd Mus. Jolinston are the parents of Un. Raipx Sfutt, Bowmanville. The injured were taken te Port Hope ixospif ai. The accident was biani- ed on glaring headligxts nd wef pavement. Eanly Friday morning, Daniel Sigouin, Toronto, cellded with a car dniven by Alex Lamb, Ottawa, easf o!fixte town, deing censider- able damage te the car nd clip- .ping off -a teleplione pole. Late Friday niglit, J. F. Mc- Nally, St. Thomas, atfempted te pass aun A. E. Jupp transport load- ed with a sfeam siovel, when he met an oncoming car driven by John Breen, Toronto, wixo lit Me- INaliy on fixe left side forcing hlm in h fxtruck. No one was in- jured, fix car being badly danxug- ed. Mrs. Ruth Biaise ijured lier le! t ieg Saftirday altenon wlien sixe was dnivlng in a car wlfh lier liusband, Frank J. Biaise, Evans- fown, Ill. Biaise atfempfed f0 pull ouf fram behind a car ut fie samne time us a car driven by Franklin Steven, Tenante, tried ta pull ouf from behlnd a slow movig car. Both cars met in fixe middle o! fixe raad, fixe fenders hoeking and hurling fixe cars in opposite dltch- es. Two on thnee liundned dollars wantli o! damage was iflicted on fixe cars. A skid was the cause o! un accident just east o! Newcast le when Gordon D. Carveth, Peter- bore, colllded with Edward A. Dorfman, Tenante, doing damage te bath cars but injuring ne one. Twe caws luad te be sixot, south e! Hampton Sunduy wixen a de- liveny truck frein Hampton crash- ed nf o fixe ixerd being led back te their stables. Theseaare jusf a !few o!fie more sertous accidents, there being sev- eral miner enes dolng veny liffle damage te thxe occupants on the cars. Mrs. J. E. Ellloftt and Miss Mary Eunice Thompson, R.N., Toronto, wene weekend guestsaut the home o! Mn. David Morrison Sr. Nol,

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