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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Aug 1940, p. 6

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PAGE SIX TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, AUGUST 22ND, 1940 TWO COMPANIES NEWCASTLE, PROM WINOI'OOT CLAN seems that in southern Ontario MIDLAND REOT. LAERNrATPYR'avenappeared on the leaves of PORT N EW S KE:R:fN:' ATEPAERS; grawmng crops. "A letter B" sald PLY______ASOITINNZT the annauncer, who was broad- S P O R N ES Th ancentrivlry etwen he Rtepyerb Asocitio ofcasting ta England from Canada, CLE KSPU O T rns Hs ea-macsaforedrenewed again on Tuesday night 'Trelwoad"l, the ancestral Thomeà we t an cat crps him excellent support. Once the bourg and the local '«D" Company a h rsdnM.Fe r-mnil ae oee osfr BY MIKE'S PLACE Westerners started to hit, aay of the Midland Regiment met i leaven, on Saturday evening, and say ta t t he figues 40r IN SECOND IGAME was neyer in danger. He struck a spirited softbafl classie. The August lOth. Mr. Treleaven has aiso'anshw o the eaves.figrs 40 ____out oneand walked four. Reg. game was undoubtedly one of the ably filled and dignified the office alsuresidicaon thla Br itai I Teeing off on Reg. lRaclclam's Rackham and Dick Rickard, wha most enthusiastic gaines plaeed aisupresidenttfor thepat twa win wi14. rs httill pitches for ten runs in the second shared the pitching chores for in the local hlatory of sottball proof ain fo the high ini 94.' rstat o you inning, Mike's Place blasted Front Front Street, struck out one and bath froin the standpit ai the years and alter opening the meet- par uothed, h e stauhofback- Street's champianship hopes into walked six between Uiem. plaYers and spectators. The win- ing he gracefully retired ta the woos ews ste, he s uc Toronto oblivion when they defeated the Feature af the game was the ner ai the game happened ta be position ai immediate past presi- "Star" and Winnipeg "Free Press" Main Street crew 21-4 on Monday consistent hitting ai Mike's Place. Cobourg with the score at 15-4. dent. Mr. W. J. Eilbeck, a New- are simply net mentioned - willl night for their second straight Everyone on the teain hit safely Officers and men alike played castle boy by birth and satlll a nlot resuiti yaur waistcoat but- win, thus eliminating Jack Cole's at leat twice except Gahy who for the Dees while only the men*d s tMrelHnro osfyigffaarsutia boys. hiad ta be content with ane single. played for the A's, Uic officers suimierime resident at iprey Mrchesnerontonsweing owfths prie.uto Ater a scoreless first inning, Ken Werry and Bun Moore led standing an the sidelines and cottage at tic lake, was elected Five years wthprde Bu or'smncarmdtnthe attack with three hits each, managing the heckling division ai president. Mr. C. S. Horrocks Fvey aio talking on the Gaod- Anyway, you can guess how we runs ave Uc len med seond bath pounding out homers. the gaine. A third inning rally the diligent and efficient secre' Year switchboard seem ta have feit aver here an listening ta your aund added emei the plt n th r abetytahind pofil- netting seven runs, plus four runs tary-trcasurer, was re-elected. He- made Muriel demure about talk- 'news item being included along ta settle the issue beyond any ing were the causes of Front in thc first frame, gave the Ca- won the commendation of the ingfe t a ce, " for. wshliar with matters ai Canadian nation- Stret'sdowf al. he ain bourg ladsa good xnargin ta wýork meeting for his very full record a tab Bcloeup'ie. she l importance, such as thc Leth- doubt. alst dwfl. h Vo a chool teacher, seainstress, bridge Jehovaba Witnesses trou- JackGayon Uc mund or ic Sreeers ereguily a noless on for the rest ofithec gamne. The ai last year's meeting and his re- sknter and- a swell girl. be n i inysoish .W Jack Gay on the mound for theDes'Srrmatcamewtr icguaury ofino ort on Uic activities of the As- bé n h ev trsi .W Billiard Kings hurled his best than seven errors. DOistario, etc. inisheught ta send gaine ai thc year in holding Uic Bob Kent made lis first ap- anc mun and in Uic last framne socintian and the many advant ynarirclaTio aatring Clerks ta a mere six hits and four pearance af the season for Uic with three runs crossing Uic plate. ages and attractions ai Newtàstle S oughirultitonsarticls ou ____________________Cale caached outfit, and acquit- The game i some ways re.: on-the-Lake as a suminer resort iSes i un te aricl nd July4r ted himself creditably. sembled a rugby game,, Uic local The new president briefly rcvlew- suso ue2t n uy4h Wally Wilson did Uiecatching Company having a cheering sec- ed some ai Uie functians anid past "As I Sec ItV" Written by some- for Uic Billard Kings. And Uic tion that would make any college achievements ai Uic Association anc wlia las a real Uiorough iact that no one stole a base on ycllers look sick. and voiced the appreciation ai Uic grasp ai Uic facts, as well as a the Oshawa praduct speaks vol- The twa teams are sdliedulcd ta members for what Uic Municipal convincing way af putting them urnes for his recciving ability be- play again in Cobourg itheUicvry Council and the Newcastle Hydro ase tea rnd. wr ap hind Uic plate. near future and we hope at that Commission had donc d-i Uicin- Te terepneate pea o *eFront Street - Crawford, f;- time Uic local lads will trim the terests ai Uic Inke front and the hmes o aurtBrthe chlort en,3dMcvenc;Rcss; pants off Bowmanvilles sparting ratepayers, bath Permanent andhoefr uBitscilent Rickard clst n ;Bg, c f; enemy, part time residents. Reeve C.R. be emigrated ta Canada for Uic Cale, lst; Rackham, p; Allin nnd "A" Company - Hall, Mathews, Creh en iî duration, was,' I notice, not up ta McFeeters, 2nd. . Houston, C. S. Houston, Brooks, tish Columbia, was net présent expectations. Thizia l surprising, Mike's Place - Little, 2nd; Mc- Burley, Castilina, Tnsker, Mc- this yenr, ta give information nnd for the generasity, and warm- Knight, nf; Piper, 3rd; Werry, lst; Tavish, Gordoti, Corn, Robinson, facts, and his and Mrs. Carveth's Greknowcky oic- hereneta me, andUicang s e a C. Osborne, as; Gay, p; Wilson, c; Waghorn. absence was noted wihregret. Gkdnr Miky"Hacnhateei andieanger wof Moore, If; Jackmann'and Horne, cf. "D" Company - Phillips, James, The meeting aise rnisscd Uic It is news ta us that "Mickey" littie kiddies being blawn inta R H E Brockley, Lyle, Little, Lade, Run- presence ai a former president, Ranch la an industriaus gnrdencr fragments ta satisfy Uic ambitions Mike's Pl. 0105 141 x -21 19 2 dle, Dennis, Ormistan, Spencer, Dr. W. H. Waltan-Ball, and Mrs. as this picture would lead anc ta ai a crazy criminal la vcry réal. Front St. 021 000 1 - 4 6 7 Lloyd, Richards, Tilliuck, Lycett, Wlton-Ball ai "Harris Lodge." believe. However, he bias mucli Only the other night I was awak- Umpires - Large and Hobbs. Brooks,. Richardson,- Bird, and It was thic first time Uie, doctor cisc ta his crédit if net that, hnv- ened by the bursting ai a bamfb ____________ Shedlian. lad eveè niissed a meeting and he ing juist campleted 15 ybars ta Uic net far away <my wiie slcpt on sent a letter fram Toronto, which employ af Uic Goodyear. Weil Uiraugh Uic noise - what a thtag S L M WINNERS Secretary Horrocks read, dceply known about tawn for lits taterest it la ta have a clear conscience!) SALEMDPAT regretting Mr. Walton-Ball's and ti sparts "Mick" can be seen any and Uicetliaught pnssed Uirough AGAINST COURTICE DII is inabiity tea atendts year's moring at 7.59 trytag ta make my liead "I wander if any babies UN IR T LAYOF' 88meeting. Thc death durtnheictUi dendline at Uic factary. are theré." If Uic American Gov't. IN____ _______PLAY-OFF____ year ai Uic wife ai theAsbcia-____ can sec its wny ta send ships '-flW s hy'arnnht Qum I Uic first gamne oaiUic South Cobourg Ponies did Uic local dent,. the Inte Dr. Gea. H. Car- passible that I may be ta charge 'a the favorite!iloaej~ Darligton Lengue Sotbnll Play- hardball teain n real favor when veth, was noted with sorrow and ai 15 ai thein, as I amin tacarres- It înglstîng, enine afs Salem defeated Caurtice 5-0. they trimnicd Port Hope Ontarios the secrctary was tastructed ta pandence witl Uic Canunittees Ieon-etn gnne The gaine, a forecast ai what Uic 9-6 on Saturday. This means that send her family a letter of con- and have sent ta a farin givtag al spearmaint flavor. H«ltbful, remaaiig play-affs arc likcly ta thc warst the Rayais can do is ta dalence. Uic particulars Uiey désirc. But good habit of enjoying i<4te Werry descrving crédit for a mn- cvcn if Uiey bace their last game for consideration were: Moe e de- fire. ee ealjority ai Uic five runs. A pitch- ta Part Hope. quate street liglig; Ui -cocndi- Httler's threntened "blitzkreig" 12 crs' battlc ensucd for most ai the** * tion ai Uic raadsides anid saine of lias se far not materialized. 0f game with Jerry Peterson hold- But by deicating Uic Ontarios Uic pedestrian walks; Uic new course we arc sa used ta bis many Ace Richards for Salem. Thi thUi Lakeshore loop. Anid Uic Uic wceds on thc rondsldes were if passible, mare than ever. Ris game follawed truc ta style by way aur boys arc going it looks not kept cut as in recent years fool idea is, of course, ta scare Startirig late, rcsulting intahUiclat as though it will be Bawnsarville and that there was n rampant us, as licbas scared sa many. A tafe ntangs bcing played in dark- and Cobourg for top spot. growth ai rngweed, which lsaa chance rcmark ai my wiie's an ness.** * __________maacause ai hay fever. WhereBetCle ern th bmswedop Thee i nance tawta atthe Youthful Ed Witheridge de- thr ecoc ine ah sDr Cld crrgtatbmawr rp Thee i nonee tewin attheserves al Uic crédit ini Uic world naw overgrown with grass and Twenty yenrs ai service at Uic ai Uic géneral feeling. "Fancy jf act that many divisions ai Uic for Uiat no-bit, no-mun perform- other herbage with now only a Goodyear plant have just been themn darig ta came aver liere Goverriment arc liniping badly ance against Port Hope last Wed.. bicycle track thraugli the green- chalked up by Bert. Bnscbnll and with their bombs," she said. GET OME ODAY,ý,because afintadéquate personnel. nesday. Hurling a gaine whicli cry. There is a splendid rond ail hockey are his interests, and at "What an idea! The chcek ai ~-Raymond Moley, 1934. would décide Uic Rayais' fate as Uic way ta thc lake for car trai- home - well thcrc's Uic kiddic - thein." Not mucli crtaging terrer _____________________________________________far as play-off chances wcrc con- f ic; but pedestrians also choose and Uic wif e, who la also a for- ta that, isý there? ccrned, and with lits mates kick- this in préférence ta Uic side- mer Goodyear employée. But we nîl realize that this la tag in with several errars, Uic waiks, whicli creates. an unneces- no Sunday Sdliaal picnic, and are Onono store clcrk was really an sary hazard. Thc purchase ofai prepared ta face n long and taugh Uic spot. And that lie came tbra' ire engine, Uic building ai a hall session with Uic certain know- se nobly speaka well for lis and Uic outlaying ai other money IThlcdge tînt Uic great camman- ability anid bis iigliting spirit. In for a water supply and mainten- I h dtrswenlth oaifrce nations cen neyer the face ai sucli odds Ed surcly ance,, at n total estimnted Ca* _____________ be focedl.to, lik. Uic .dustdram, rates rcbids for thé great gainé $10,000.00, without submittig' e the boots ai baby murderers. lie played. question ta a vote ai Uic New- 171 Yale Ave. Pcrsonnily, I believe Uiat aur. Thi coumi mst av pu ncastle Ratepayers, was viewcd Winnipeg, Mari. great ally ts Father Timc, and Thiscolun mst hve pt awith same measure ai disfnvour. ust7190 nxwnerhwilcmin ih jinx an Front Street wlien it cal- Thc meeting did net lose sigiit a Aost7f90 e itelpofcle wtae adwfoo cd tuein ta bent Mike's Place in Uic fact that thc members are Dean George:- scarcity Uiraugliout Europe. Then the Towni League play-dawns. assessed and taxcd. It was Uic I have just iiniahed rending gangster Hitler's number will be Thc twa games weren't even concensus ai opinion that Uic Uic "Great Weekly" and have lad up, and meanwhile we have plen- close. Tic Moore-coached boys electric liglit rates arc now pretty a rare hlu hour's entertaininent. ty ta cnt; lots ai coal, good clothes unlcnshed n tremendous hitting f air and équitable, but thnt it First let me ask you to please and n iirm spirit ai déterminiation attack ta compile a total ai iorty- would be in Uic taterests ai safe-' convey ta that versatile brother ta sec this thirig thraugh. anc runs ta twa games, utterly ty and morality ta have a few ai yours, Dr. M. A. James, my England does Uiank tic Domin- Wh t dffre ce -annihilatirig Jack Cole's outfit. more street liglits abong Mill St. veny hearty thanks for lis de- ion for their great hclp. Trusting Wha adifernc !iromn the bridge ta Uic lake. lightfilsctcs ai letters on lits re- you ail are as well as we, I ain, Ken Werry lias been Uic shin- Mrs. Treleaven, assistcd by Mrs. cent trip out West, out whcre Uic Yaurs sincerely, ing light oaiheUic nners' attack. W. H. B. Chaplin and Miss Mary great mouritains ancredp aR. .West. TERRE ' a decided difference betçveen Pro- Tusevb itysugi iah is tned and Mrs. A. N. McEvoy, servcd licaven ta majestic bcat n ___________ perty Dmg InBurance and C at evn ita n igitInp-t refreshments and al cnjoyed a power, out whcre "Uic heaV/cns DailtheUi plate. Waily Wilson, Dick social time together. A vote ai déclare His glary and Uic firnia- surance. The former covers your legal Little and 'Porky" Osborne have thanks and appreciatian was tend- ment showeth His handiwork," laiîyfor any dainape rour car xnay do to aisa donc mare than their ahane ered Mr. and Mrs. Trelenven for out as, we say ta God's country. libliywith Uic wiilow, and "Penn" their fine old manar house -wel- He centainly wiclds an artist's the property of others. The. latter cavera the. Jackman and Dave McKnight came and haspitality and ta Uic colorful brusî, as le carnies us on damge oncta ou ow ca. Tu nedhave kickcd ta witli a couple ai ladies wlio assistcd in scrving. fromn beauty ta beauty and causes both policies! Get the= hebe. If Uic team keeps up this kind oi Before Uic meeting several ai ane, wha lias lad the pleasure ai plnying, Goodycars w-ill have the members took n tour througl i seeing this great panorama, ta mare than a littlc bit ta worny Uic "Trelwood" gardens, cnjoyed just tînili with delight as lie can- abu.a stroîl tirougli Uic lcaf-archcd ries us agnin thnough this magni- OSHAWA about. *lovers' Inne, admired the licdges ficent outdoor art gallcry ai nat- F'ree, Parking Phone 1011 On Thursday ta-niglit) Good- and Uic flowers and stood under une. My thanks in abundant mca- ____________ Je JeM A SO N & SO Nyears and Mikc's Plac meet in the stately chcstnuts, tîcir tops sure ta hm. I was gncatly dis- tue first gaine ai Uic finals ta vadilting like cathédral arches ta appainted that I had- net the Friday - Saturday INS RA CE AG NT te kis.pleasure of meeting Dr. James AUGtRET 23-24 INSURANC AGENTSdécide Uic soitball championship Ucske.pcrsonally as I lad caunted an. Phone 61 . Bow anville honours. Tic Rubbermcn wifl be ________ Howcvcn, hl cit a very pîcasant In Glorlaus Technicolor P oe6 1B w avle faccd with thc prableinof ain- remembrance of himself in tuis tag back ater a lay-ai ofai a Canda Grows More splendid contribution ta Uiecocl- " IntamêiI couple ai wceks' duratian. Al- "-l uILUofTheI'JUsan fisa fiet, opiitic Manufaturer miglt suf May I say how pleased wc wcrc Starrlng fie a sct- ac t Ursic land aiUic New Demands te have lad even a vcry short Ray MilIand - Patricia Morison feife-aka tehnso h visit from your gaod superviser Akhn Tamirofi Bipoiio n, Uo iy tketcz Disturbed agricuitural candi- Mrs. James. Sa sorry tint wc E IA ap ii o e i n n E rp ai g e n- a lghl.cauîd nt have lad a langer visit Tiee gine wil pobalei- ttcipatcd, Canadien n arie - frain lier. tuptclh ig afles wih"Ace pnedt euet ya ral ndmyJ syIwddilt Friday At I11 p.m. 'z~b. Istes In equlpmet ua~eguard WOfl K---J. N.Hutchison. 'afueT fIhr Io" Qiu1l$> on Your Table.làCahsol15HtS. Wrexhar, Waleswtl ___________________Specillo1w fareq good for travel July 4,140 Vivien Lel<h-Laiirefloe Olivier in parlor carsquioted on request. ,, Dear Mn. Jmes,-- and Your next issue sliould appean ]RA U " & U Good geing Aut. 20 to Sept, 7. ugle yewt u headine 'free, Blonds and 21' 19 D j IR Returu unmit Sept. 12. across the front page in 6-tacli wlti Kln S. AN DIA P CIIClettering "Statesman ncws quotcd yn Baril - Mary Beth Hughes KingSt. ANADA22-29FI in Canadien bnoadcast ta En¶ 22-29 land." For it la a saber fact.i N The six-boutle. carton of "Coca-Cola" is the idealwaytohaverefresh- ment at home. The car- ton is easy to buy and. easy to carry. Pure, wholesome, delicious,--. «Coca-Cola" belongs ini your refrigerator. Authorlzed Dottier ot "Coca-Cola"' HAMBàLY'S OARBONATECD BEVERAGE13 OSHAWA PHONE 755 DRY CLEANING T HAT SATISFIES Coats -Suits -Dresses 75Ç Each - 2 for $1.00 Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleanîng Company, Llmlted Phone 419 We Cail For and Deliverg y REPDUCED FAitES,. TRAVEL TORONTO and LINDSAY EXHIBITIOI SPECIALS By GARTON COACH UINES Comfortable Up-to-date Busses Going DaiIy Prom August 24th RIDE ON TEIE BUS AND AVOID WORRYING ABOUT DRIVING IN HEAVY TRAFFIC OR CROWDING FOR STREET CARS i TOROJNTO EXHIBITION BUSSES DAILY FROM August 24 to Sept 7 <DAYLIGHT SAVING TIE) Leave Read Down Arrive Return AJM Read Up Fare 7.00 KAWARTHA DKAPLEB 1.35 $2.25 7.10 JANETVILLE - - 1.25 2.15 2.20 YELVÉRTON - - - 1.15 2.00 7.30 NEBTLETON - - - 1.05 1.90 7.40 BLAOKSTOCK -- 12.55 1.80 7.50 BUREETON - - - 12.45 1.70 7.55 ENNISKILLEN --- 12.35 1.60 8.00 HAMPTON -- 12.251.50 8.20 BOWNANVILLE M 12.15 1.40 10.00 TORONTO Exhibition- Lv. 10.45 p.m. CHILDREN - - - HALl TPARE FARES INCLUDE EXHIBITON ADMISSION Ç Bus Takes Passengers Rlght on te Exhibition Grouod- aBd Stays There Al Day for the. Convenience of Puasengers LINDSAY EXHIBITION' FIRIAY AND SATURDAY September 20, 21 <STANDARD TIME> Gohn Read Down AJL 9.00 EOWXANVILLZ E - 9.10 RAMPTON ... 9.20 ENNISKILLZN- - 9.80 BURKETON --- 9.45 BLACK8TOCK -- 10.00 NESTLETON- - 10.10 YELVERTON- 10.25 IANETVILLE - 11.00 LINDBAY - - netaunlngReturn Read Up Fare 1.00 am .$1.50 12.50 a.m. 1.45 12.40 a..r. 1.40 12.30 am. 1.25 12.15 a. . 10 12 mid'ght .80 11.50 p.rn. .60,4 11.35 p.n. .40 11.00 p.rn. s' -j r FOR INFORMATION PHRONE LINDSAY 508 - BOWMANVILLE 2666 - 'OSHAWA 2283 Patrons Uslnig Our Dusses May Leave Their Cars in Parking Spc at Kawaia Maples or at Our Garage In BowmanvilIe Free of Charge @W TaUfflDAY, AUGUST 22ND, 1940. PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ,id 14 m

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