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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Aug 1940, p. 7

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'ffiIJRSDAY, AUGUST 22ND, 1940 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN I %CW 1and Personal ]PhWlone 40r10 Geraid Cornish was home. Mr. C. Shaw la busy painting. *Waora Graham was homne.j '-Ey Tamblyn la an balldays. J. Stobart was home an leave.1 Mrs. Ted Woodyard la visiting at Lake Cbemong. Miss Ethel Rutherford has re- turned from. ber holiday trip.' Mrs. Emsley spent a few days with relatives in Newcastle. Misses J. Wilson and G. Mercer visited iToronto. Mrs. Evans, US.A., la guest of Mrs. A. J. Staples. Glad te report Mr. Charles Awdepi getting along fine. -is Flora Cobbledick has been visiting i Havelock. Mrs. D. Found, Toronto, visited W. E. Davey. W. C. Lynch, Camp Borden, was home. Sgt. Major McKenna has had hie house painted. Sorry to hear of Mr. Widdis' accident. Soldiers s taged a route marchi August l4th. Mrs. D. Noble celebrated ber 80th birthday Sunday. Mrs. Ivison Tamblyn is home from the bospîtal. Mr. C. J. Hughson bas had bis 'house painted. Mr. and Mrs. W. Reid and dau- ghter Muriel purpose moving ta Bowmanville. Sympathy ls extended ta the Orono relatives cf the late Mrs. Woodward. Miss Helen Bower, Nestieton, bas been visiting Miss Joyce Sut- ton. Mr. K. Gamsby was called bac ta work at Oshawa before his holidays were cver. Mrs. Hallowell and daughteri Bertha were guests cf Mr. and1 Mrs. W. M. Stutt. A swarm cf bees attracted mucb attention by Armstrcng's store cbimney Friday. Orono bas been a busy place these last tbree days with regis- tration. Picnic parties from Port Hope, Lindsay and Kirby picnicked at oyripark Wednesday the 14tb. J)W.arge number cf Oronoites atended the Lions Club Carmival z Thursday evening.11 Miss Jobnson, Toronte, was1 g t f -Mr. and Mrs. A. H. t c-town ock went back ta its tÇtetelling business SaturdaY af- ter its holiday. We -ânderstand Messrs. Bowen1 and Sason teck in the races ti New Hambourg last week. i Mrfs. J. Eaglescn visited friends1 .in Peterboro a f ew days last week and tcck in the Peterborc Ex. Mrs. Laverne Carscadden visit- ed with her husband at Camp Borden cver the weekend. Mr. Rlph is sending nctes from varicus Oroncites tc Majcr J. C. Gamey. Gcrdon Trim of Starkville l camping i a trailer on one of our back streets. Mrs. N. Smith bas returned home after a visit with friends near Oshawa. Misses Marjorie and Mary Sis-1 son, nurses i training at WhitbY,1 are on holidays. .. Mrs. D. Noble is visiting her daughter, Mrs. McElroy, at her cottage this week. Congratulations ta M. and Mrs. Wm. DeLine on the birth cf a son Saturday, August 17th. Miss Myrtle Smith la again cn duty at Central after a few days « holidays. Mr. Wm. Brown, M.A., Hamil-1 ton, spent the weekend with bis parents. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Hall and coloured servant cf U.S.A., spent the past few days with Miss Min- nie Hall. We welccme the Wite famlly te the community. They have LADOR DAY LONG WEEK-END jFARES Between &Il Points ln Canada moved into the L. A. Dent bouse, Nortb Ward. Mi. and Mis. T. Bennett (ne. Nettie Walkem) and family, Ta- rante, were guests et Mr. and Mis. F. B. Wbyte. Mr. and Mis. Turley and Mr. and Mis. W. Glanville are bome fom their wedding trips in the Muskoka district. Miss Murmel Meton, nurse i training at Witby, bas returned ta duties atter a pleasant holiday at home. Rev. and Mis. Cecil Allin and two sons, cf U.S.A., are hodidaying wltb tue Misses Allin and Mr. Clarence Aluin. Old fiends weme glad ta see George Smitb, a former member of the bank staff, in Oono Sun- day. Congratulations to our brides and groomis, Mi. and Mis. R. R. Waddell and Mi. and Mis. Lock- wcod. Mr. and Mis. W. K. Sleane, Peterbore, were in Orone Thurs- day nigit (baving brougbt bome Mr. O. W. Sctt who had been visiting them), en mute te Te- mnto. Tii. shelter la about finished, except for tue cement floor which they intend te put i it, and it adds mucb te the leeks of the park, net te mention the conifont it will be when it mins. Orono Citizens' Band gave a much enjoyed band concert Sat- urday evening. We understand they are playing in Orono Park thus Sunday and ini Newcastle the following Sunday. Mr. and Mis. Leen Jones, St. Petersburg, Florida, and cousin, Mis. C. Mountjoy, Tonante, caled on Mr. and Mis. F. B. Wbyte on Satunday, wbile en route te spend the. weekend witb friends in Pon- typeol. Oronc acheol board met FYiday evening. It was decided that sciioci would open Sept. 3nd. Miss Alice Basnett, Toronto, was en- gaged in place ef Mr. R. Widdis who was ganted leave of absence for tue duration cf the war. Miss Marien Mahood and Mis. J. Carscadden, Bowmanville, Miss Hazel Carscadden, Toronto, Miss Annie Thonipsen, Hudson, Ont., Miss Mabel Tbompson, R.N, St. Paul, Minn., and Miss McLean cf Toronto, bave been ecent visitons witi Mis. J. Eagleson. Mr. Gordon Lockwood, pro- prietor of Oona Fleur Mils, and Miss Helen Tuansky, sister of bis assistant, weme quietly married in Whitby on Satumday, and are at present beneymccning ithe Muskoka district. Thcy are ex- pected home the. end cf this week. Mr. J. J. Mellor, efresbed by a few days bolidays, pneacbed a thougbt-pmovoking sermon Sun- day jnorning at Park St. Cbumch. Music was pnevided by tue choir endering an antheni and Mis. A. A. Drumniond and Mr. R. E. Le- gan favouring witu a delightful vocal duet. Omane children have found a new way te kili bees - namely ta throw large tones at tueni. A neat at the. chuncii, since rmnoved, seeméd to botier tuem se tuey f ired tones ta kill the. bees. Net result - tour broken panes and the pratective coveninga amasbed te bits. Ferestry won over Orona 20 te 9 in the. -tird ganie in tue play-1 efas in the, seftball league wiiich1 was piayed mhursday. Jim Woodc pitched and R. Winten caugbt ton Foreatry, allawing anly 2 uns inj the. third and 7 in the i.fitt, tue1 reat being blanks for tue OFnan-j ites. Pawers and Witbcnldge pitcb- ed and Watson caught ton Oono1 and tbey lloed Forestmy ta sec-A une 6, 2, 4, 1, and 7 in tue tive- innings gaine, which was clled off at the. end cf tue ftUtu on nc- caunt et darkness. R. Wood and N. Cauvien, bath of, Fonestmy,1 secured tue oniy home runs cf tuei game, anc enci. Umpires were R.i Sutten and C. Power.1 Wbitby Hospital staff tennis club wene guests of Orono lest weekend, playing a keenly con- tested tournannent. V. Noden won the, ladies' singles for Oona, Roy Celvilie tue men'a singles, Roy Colville and John Gady tue nien's doubles, Mac Smith and P. Winter anotuer set cf men's doubles, Mac Smith and Jim Pow- ens tho third set of men's doubles, and Jim Pewens and M. Overend the. mixed doubles. Thie secend set et mixed doubles was nat fin- isiied,.and Whitby players defeat- ed Misses Cunningham and Mit- chell of Onono in the. ladies' doubles. The fourtu game between Fer- estry and Ornonheii best-3-out- af-5 series for the cup ended abuptly at damk Monday nigut in a free-ter-all. Hair was pulied and wime fencing disturbed as tue "sparts?" ali decided te umpire at once. Tii. score wben Lowery called tue game was 25 ta 23 for the Ferestry but tuer. was oniy on. out on the Omeno ide. There were gced pînys inluding homers by R. Wood fer Forestry, Ron Patterson (2), Jini Pawers (2), and Alb. West for Orono. Hcw-, 4tý,Makes a INiicr Cool Drink ffa. AnmAUi UPPER SCHOOL EXAM RESULTS E.C.-English Composition; E.L.- Engis Litenature; M.H.-Modern Hltr; Tr.-Trgonometry; Ph.- Physics; Ch.-Chemistry; F.A.- French Authors; F.C.-Fmencb Composition; Alg.-Agebra; Ge.- Geometry. Aid, K. - E.C. c; E.L. c; Tr.l1; Ph. 2. Brown, O. - M.H. c; Tr. 2; Ph. 3; Ch. c; F.A .2; F.C. c. Bruton, G. - E.C. c; EL.1; M.H. 2; T.l1; Ph. 2; Ch. 2; F.A. 3;1 F.C.cý; Alg. c.1 Ceoper, A. - M.H. 2; Tm. 1; Ph.1 2; Ch. 1; F.A.i1; F.C. 2.j Cooper, M. - M.H. c; Tr. 2; Ph. 2; Ch. c; F.A. c; F.C. c; Ge. c. Duval, H. - E.C. 2; Tr. 1; Ph. 2; Ch. c. Froste, W. - Ph. c. Geode, R. - E.C. c. Harness, H. - Tr. c. Littlewood, M. - E.C. c. Moffatt, G.- E.C. c; E.L. 2; M.H. c. Morgan, E.- E.C. c. Patterson, Ron - M.H. 2; Tn. c. Powers, J. - E.C. 2; E.L. 2. Taniblyn, F. - E.C. 3; Tr. c; Ph. 2. Tennant, G. - E.C. 2. Whyte, D. - E.C. c; Tr. 1; Ph. c; F.A. 3; F.C. 2. DIN AND DISTANT HAPPENINGS From The Onono News of Augut 16, 1917 Clarke Township Agricultural Society Field Crop Competitien. Award with oats; judge,' J. H. Hess, Trenton: C. A. Cbapnian 88½% points;.- C. L. Powers 87 points; D. J. Gibson 86 points; I. T. Chapman'85% points; A. A. Pcwens 84 pcints; A. J. Tamblyn 83 points; Victon Stuart 80 points. Pte. Leland Heeper died Apnil l9tb, 1917. The Nursing Sistens' Hospital, France, writes ta uis people here: H. came to us in bad shape, bis rigbt amm was bad- ly waunded and also us lef t band an wbich if he did live two fin- gens would be missing. The M. O. nmputated bis arn and it iad to b, don. very higb, nigbt ta the. shaulder on account cf infection. It was what tby cali out hem. gas infection. He was a long whiie bfor, anyane couid get ta him, and thicugi the. dut etc. h. be- came infected, then be absonbed it tbiough bis system. He was a dean brave boy, neyer murmured or cemplained, and died in a gaod cause. ORONO 0GIRLS ARE THIRD BEST' AT PETERBORO Margaret Millson. and Gloria Richardson cf Omeno came third in a class et seven witu their demonstration cf "Packing A Week-End Bag" at Peterbomo Fair Wednesday cf last week. Thes, girls nepresented Durham county. Northumberland came tirat and Petemboro second. 160 registered in tue twe units. In the. morning ,acb girl iiad te judge dining table bouquets and sandwiches for atternoon tea. They aise bad ta plan a panty ex- tending an invitation fmem the Homeniaking Club ta the. Grain Beys Club te a Harveat Home party, planning invitations, dec- aratiens and refresbments., Each girl aise exiiibited a hoateas file and record boek. Atter dinner tue denianstrations toek place and resulta were given in tue judging, tue Orono girls, Mar- garet Miflson and Gloria Richard- ,son, botu being graded B <aver 70%). Miss Clark., Leader cf Women!s Institut, Womk for On- tarie, spoke te the girls. About 280 gathered at the. En- press Hatel fan tue banquet at 7 e'ciock. Singing, music by an or- chestra, and intenesting addresses by Mr. Alec MacLurian, in charge cf Iti. Boys' and Girls' Cauncil at Ottawa, and by the, President cf Peterbomo fair, followed tue mc- past. Miss Eadie announced tue winnems of tue demonstrations as above. Tiiose in charge of tue twa units are Miss Eadie, Misa Scott, caunty coach, Miss McCurchie and Miss, Dermatt. Units are Nu- trition and Clotuing and bath are moat interesting and helpful ta tuas. taking tiien. mhe girls are te b. cengratulat- ed on tbeir acconiplisnient. Mar- garet Milison judges in Taronte oný Sept. 4tb, and Blackstock girls will give their demonstration. This, cf course, is at the C.N.E. We wish theni ail success. EXTRA1 A meat dlstressing incident took place at tue sottbail game on Menday evening in the. park. A dispute arese megarding tue uni- pire's decision ta caîl off the. game and fisticuffa appeaned im- minent wien a diminutive gentle- man, an autbority on softbali, was about ta give sanie timeiy and mucb needed advlce when a play- er who npparentiy mistoak bis gesture for adverse crîticism at- tompted te land an uppercut be- tween a two cent cigar and tue gentleman's nose. The net resuit the diminutive gentleman's beau- *tiful spats wemc hoisted highin the. air in a most undignifief fasiion. Moral: Neyer pake an expert. even tue effect was spoiied by the atten-game freakus. Wood and Mlddleton pltched and Winter caught for Ferestry, and Wltuer- ldge pltched and Watson caught for Orno. L. Lewery - and S. Payne were unipines. Up to the tue etofgig ta prcss I t la net known definlteiy whether thene wili be anotuer ganie or net. I'C ~ORONO N BWS WOMEN'8 INSTITUTE The InÊtitute meeting Fnlday was most itenestlng, being in charge cf Mis. F. Bowen and the Histonical X~esearch conimittec. Mns. Bewen conducted a series ef meadings on early pianeer lite and f amlles et Durham coumity, given by bers.eif and other ladies, wblch were mucb appreciated by those present. The roll call also was along the sanie lime, bcing items ef local interest. Correspondence and treasurer's repent were dealt witu and varieus items of busi- ness discussed . Mis. Tamblyn mentloned tue success efthe girls at Peterboro and tue Institute special at tue Pair, whlch will be well worth se.lng. A scrap book bas been secuied, and was on ex- hibition, for niatenial for Histeni- cal Research. $21.00 mere was given fer 1Red Cross work. It wiUl be remembered tint $15.00 was given at the lest meeting. It was decided te have a cern noast at Mis. Rolph's cottage at the lake Wednesday, August 28th, for tue Red Cross. Mesdames HI. Dean and H. Allen were ýput in charge. mhe question cf two delegates te the Leadership Training clasa at Miss Reynolds', Hampton, was lef t in the, hands of Mirs. Tamblyn. Mis. H. Dean was appointed iiead cf the pantry committee. Port Hope Shelten la te meceive a gif t of canned gooda, jani, pickles and canned fruit, and Institute mnem- bers and otuers are urged to bring their offerng te the Octoben meeting. Chocolat. niilk and ceokies wene served at the close cf the instructive and enjoyable meeting. Clarke M--.Union Mr. IH. J. Souci bas imnproved his residence by a coat cf paint. Mr. Sandy Watson did the paint- ing. Mi. James Nixon made a busi- ness trip ta Part Hope this week. A number cf the tainiens oethe section have tiiresiied and report a gocd yield. Recent Visitons: Mr. J a nie s Rickaby of the Ontario Scbol for the Deaf, Belleville, Miss Mar- garet Tunnbull, Toronto, at H. J. Souch's. .. Mi. and Mrs. Gardon Power and faniily at hem moth- er's, Starkville... Miss Ruth Fogg of Bcwmanville Hospital at home. ..Mis. H. J. Souci witb Mrs. Carl Billings, Lskard. .Newtonville Visitera: Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wood and fannily, Antioch, with Mr. and Mis. Cecil Stapleton.... Mi. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow and fanily, Blackstock, with Mr., Willis Jones'. . . Mi. and Mms. Stuart Bassett and Doris, Toron- to, at Mr. Ken. Ware's. Doris me- niained for a week. . . Master El- gin Stapleten at Mr. Alvin Jenes', Port Hope. .. Mr. and Mvis. Ar- thur Redknapp at Mm. Edgar Whittakem's, Hamilton. .. Mm. and Mis. W. W. Henderson, Bownan- ville, with Mis. Thes. Stapieton and with Mr. and Mis. George Stapleton Sm. and sons. Mr. and Mis. Thos. Bunkell quietly celebrated tueir fiftietb, wedding annivemsary on Auguat il. Their family presented theni witb a chesterfield suite, a Cole- nian lanip and a cheque. Kendal Visitors: Mr Don Little was homne fremin inàston on Suinday. ...Mr. John mhompson is staylng with Mi. and Mrs. Eber Luxen... Misa Dereen Pernett, Hampton, is at Blake Alexander's. . . Mns. Geo. Mercer and Miss Beatrîce Thomp- sen at Garden Hill. . . Mrs. H-oney, Milliken, Mms. A. Jackson, Mis. Wm. 'Jackson and family with Mis. Vernon Peacock, Elizabeth- ville. .. Mr. and MIrs. A. Grant, Uxbridge, Miss Mildred Shier, Toronto, wvere gueats et Wm. Mer- cer's on Sunday. Miss Violet Mer- cen returned te Uxbridge witu tiien. . . Mis. Menzies and Mas- ter Malcolm Redman are holiday- ing wlth Mis. Thos. Hllditch... Mr. and Mis. Russell Lowery and family, Mr. and Mis. L. Lewery and Joyce, and Mr. Hartwell Low- emy spent Sunday with Mr. Sani Searle. Miss Phyllis Searle la me- maining for a hliday.. .. Mis. Wesley Elllott wlth ber dnugbter, Mis. M. Dunbar at Pernytown... Mr. *Ed. Symons and daughter Vilda and ber husabnd were guesta eofI14r. Tom Hey sevemal days last week. The Kendal girls' bal! tearn and their Slupporters jeurneyed te Craeked Creek Friday and weme winners by a score cf 22 te 15. Next Menday_ eveniing -tue Cnook- Starkville Miss Nellile Hill, Kendal, bad charge cf the service at Shileb lest Sunday morning and gave an exceellent talk. We hope to bave ber witb us again seme time i the near future. People of tuis section are womk- lng late and eanly, trying te fin- ish barvest. Mr. Geo. Smith bas sold bis South f arm, se It la reported.. Mr. Bert Trim la havlng a silo built. Mr. A. Debson bas been help- lng Mm. Ed. Ruthven at Zion with bis threshing. Miss Jessie McKay la very lew at the time cf writing. Mr. and Mir. A. A. Martin of Brighton are there. VIsitors: Mr. R. Farrow, Port Hope, with bis daughter, Mrýs. J. Clysdale. . . Miss Phyllia Giliner la helidaying with ber aunt at Cameren, and other points. ... fr. and Mrs. Delbert Hallowell, Torento, with Mr. and Mrs. Jaceb .1laUowll on Sunday. Miss Ber- tha ]Hallowell returned to the city wlth them... Friends from Osh- awa visited at Mr. M. Sbutka's on Sunday. . . Mr. and Mrs. Rossi Haflewell with Mr. and Mis. E. White, Elizabethville. . . Mrs. J. Tam-blyn, Onono, and Mms. C. Reid, Newtonvill,, with Mrs. T. A. Reid last Thursday. . . Mr. and Mri. Jack Hailowell motored te Cold Springs and Rice Lake an Sunday. . . Mr. and Mrs. C. Tamblyn, On- ana, with Mrs. I. B. Stark. .. Mrs. Lew Hallowell and faxnily with Mirs. H. Lyttle, Kendal, on Fi- day.. . Mis. W. E. Reid bas bad an enjoyable visit frem ber sis- ter. . . Miss Meda Hallowell, New- castle, was home over Sunday.. Miss Edna Farmcw, Toronto, is berne at Victor Farrew's. .. Mrs. Geo. Merton, Sixth LUne, Mrs. H. Barroeclougb, Wesleyville, and Mmi. R. Bougen weme at Art Mc- Kay's on Monday. . . . Wilfred Walker, Toronto, is visiting bis aunt, Mrs. S. G. HaUewell. SINGERS AND THEIR SONGS Wrltten speeiliy for The Statesman by weii knowu Durham boy, Fred R. Foiey, 123 Lake St., St. Catharines, ont. Typewriting Marathon At Toron to Exhibition Siiowing Canada a favorite ever the. United States by a paper average cf five words per minute, the. Canadian National Exhibition announced recently the. complet. restera cf the 12-member United States and Canadian National Typing Tennis wbicb are to meet in the. Exiiibition's annual 14-day- and-nigbt International Typewrit- ing Maratiion in Tomonto.begin- ning Auguat 23md. Ciiosen froni "average"~ typists by a series cf eliminatien contesta in a dozen large chies in all parts cf eitiier country, eacii twelve will take centinueus turna at a single typewniter, cenipetitively tannacribing tue lengthy text cf a wonld-tanious book. Identity cf the. copy, n cloaely guarded secret until campletion cf tue local pre- liminanies, is shartly te be made public by the. Exhibition. Judged by the. figures which won the variaus eliminatians, the Canadian National Typing Team avenages about 98.9 wcmda per minute as againat a corresponding Yankee figure cf 93.9 werda. Marathon prizes are the Canadian National Exhibition Tropiy and "The Cromiwell Cup for Sup- nemacy in International Type- writing," donated by James H. R. Cromwell, cf New Jersey, wbile United States Minister ta Canada. Tiiese statistics weme warniiy received by tuas. hoping tiat tue Canadiens are ta square tuis year tue defeat cf leas tian twa womds per minute suffered at tue Yan- kees' banda in 1939 wben tue Americans typed 1,664,998 words of Sbakespeare's cempiete womks ta tue Canadians' 1,624,964 womds during tue Maratuon's twc weeks. Liv, witu wolves and you wil learn to hewl.-Spanish noverb. FAMILYREUNIONS SUGGITT REUNION Nestleten, Aug. 14. - The Sug- gitt family marked a seventh an- nual reunien at Bowmnanville an Monday, August Sth, witu a large representative gathering cf one hundied and fourteen membèrs. The presidenti Mr. W. T. Wat- son, of Baddow, presided over a business meeting and tue electian of these officera: Honorary Presi- dents, Mr. William Suggitt, Bad- dow, Mi. Jehn Suggitt, Torente; Pmesident, Mr. Allan Snggitt, Nes- tleton; Vice President, Mr. Ernest Fountain; Secretary, Miss Lonie King, Oshawa; Treasurer, Mr. A. W. Robson, Fenelen Falis; Sports Comm., Messrs. Maurice, Ralph and Larne Watson; Committee te arrange for grounds and tables, Hugh King and family, Oshawa. The event was featured by a pregram .of sports in the after- neen, with winnens in tbe races as foleows: Tots' race - Jesephine Watson, Grenvile Feuntain; Girls under 12 - Vivian Goodhand, Bet- ty Geodhand; Boys under 12 --- Melville Graham, Norval Watson; Girls 12 te 15 - Fern Watson, Lois Suggitt; Boys 12 to 15 - Cecil Watson, Gordon Henry; Ladies' race - Miss Clara Grabam, Miss Gladys Grahami; Young menas race - Everett Wicks, Irwin Good- band; Time race - Marie Fountain; Nail driving, men - Richard Wat- son; Three-legged race - Vivian and Meryl Goodband; Novelty race - Mis. Ralpb Watson and Mr. A. W. Robson; Balcoon race - Meryl Goodhand and Epbriam Goodhand. Tii. lavely Cream cf Barley Camp was the selected location for the day's events wbich includ- .d dinner and supper amid ideal envirannient. This park was don- ated by Mr. J. L. Morden, ownem of the. Cream of Barley Co., and la well equipped witb modemn facilities, including picnic tables, cabins, swimming pool. A ls o there are several wild and tam. varieties of birds and animais on display as a feature amusement. The evetit marked a deligbtful occasion, wbich will be repeated next year in the same place. ELMR WKLBUR Lleenmed Auctioneer Hampton - Ontario S7pecializing in, Farni, Livestock, Implements and Fumniture Sales TERMS MODERATE Phone for Ternis and Date te: Bowmanville 2428 SOLDIER'S LElER Mr. Wm. Nelson has rec eived this letter from Harvey King, R69994, R.C.A.F., Brandon, Man. August lltb: We pufled ite Brandon on Friday last about 2.30 p.m. -IL*avlng Tomonte Friday at midnight we had a fine trip thre' the north country of Ontario. We had an air conditioned coach and wonderful meals on the train - everytbing you could ask for. Can't tell you anythlng about where I'm stayig but so fan things haven't been tee bad. The cliniate la bot and sticky up ber. and the. western water la the worse tasting I ever had. I would give $5 fer a good drink ef Bow- manville watem and a swlm i Lake Ontario. Tell them ta send me a Statesman now and then se I can keep informed cf what's going on. Let your religion be seen. Lamps do net talk, but they do aine. A lighthouse sounds no dmum. it beats ne gong; yet far over the waters, its friendly light Je seen by the mnariner.--Cuyler. By the time the meek inherit the earth it la geing ta b. well plowed up. And they wiil bar- vest a bumper crop cf barbed wvire. * Veterinaerlaen D. C. DAVEY, V.S., B.V.SO. Bowmanviile Successen te Dr. T. F. Tlgbe Office: King St. Eaut at Tlghe Residence - Phone 843 MWJ BUy-7,""W-t WAR SAVIN.s STAMPS1 M. 0. V. GOULD, B.A, LLB. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Bowmanville W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Soilcitor, Notary Selicitor for Bank cf Montres! Money to Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario L. C. MABON, B.A. Barrlster - Solicitor Natary Public - Etc. Law ln aUi ts branches Office inmmedately eaut of Royal Theatre Phones: Office 688; Home 553 Dental DR. 1. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate cf Royal Dental Col- lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubile. Bldg., Bowmanviile. Office hours 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily, exoept Sunday Phone 790 - House phone 883 X..Ray Equlpment ln Office DR. R. O. DICKSON (Toronto) and Newcastle, Ont. Over Langman's Store, Newcas- tle. Office heurs: Saturday only, 9 a.m. te 9 p.m. Funeral Directors FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any heur, any day F. F. Morris Co. Modern Motor Equipinent, Am- bulance and Invalid Car. Call Phone 480 cm 734, Assistant 573. Auctioneer "ONWARD! CHRISTIAN SOLDIEUS"1 The aution cf tuis brass-band, soul-stirring bymn la S. Baring- Gould, an Anglican ectar and a large land owner in Devonshire. Beside uis ti#o-fold relation to the people, as squire and parish priest, he was the versatile author et 140 bocks on religion, fiction, travel, biograpiiy and art. But whcn these are laid away an the tci uhelf and targotten, b. wil tili be nemnembemed as the autuon of tuis militant hynin of the. Christian Ciurch. When Baring-Gould w as a young clergyman about 30 years old h. hnd charge cf a mission in Yorkshire. Preparations weme in pragneas for a Sunday Sciiool festival and the childmn were ta niarci tram one village te an- other. An idea came te the yaung minister to prepai'. a hynin fer the. chidmen to sing as tiiey niarcied in procession. Regard- ing its composition, in later years Baring-Geuld said: "1Wiit Mon- day la a great day for scicol fes- tivals _in Yorksire. On. Whit Monday 30 years ago it was an- ranged that aur scicol should join forces witi tint cf a nigh- boing village. I wanted tue chil- dren ta sing when marciing tramn one village ta anetuer but I could not tiink et anything quit. suit- able; so I sat up at nigit resolved that I would write scmetuing my- self. "O0nwand Christian Saldiens" waa tue resuit. It was wmitten i great baste. Certninly nctuing has surpmised me more tuan its popularity." Te-day it belengs te every ciumcb and nation wheme the gospel is preacbed and sung. Catiiollcs, Anglicans, Metuodists, Baptists, Saivation Army and otiier denornunatiens find a place for it in their bynin books, tueir assemblies and conventions. The tune, "St. Gertrude," se appra- priate te these martial verses was compased by Sir Arthur Sullivan. Onward! Christian soldiers, Marciing as to war, With the. Cross cf Jesus Going on befor.. Christ, the. royal Master, Leada againat tue tee; Forwnnd into battle, Se.! His bannera go. Onward! Christian scîdiers, Marciiing as te wam, Witu the. Cross et Jesus .Going on befare. At the. sign cf triumph Satan's legians fiee; On tien, Christian saidiers, On ta victaryl Hell's faundations quiven At the, sicut et pmaise; Brothers, lift youm veices, Lcud your anthema raise. Like n migbty army Moves tue Churci of Ged; Brothers, we are trading Wbere the saints have tmod. We are net divided, Ail one body w., one inh pe, in doctrine, On. in ciiarity. Cmcwns and turenes may pcish, Kingdoms ise and wane, But tue Chumcb et Jesus Constant will emain; Gates cf bell can neyer 'Gninst tuat Ciurch prevail; We have Chrlst's own promise, And thnt cannat tai. Onward, tien, y. peaple! Join aur happy throng; Blend wlth ours yeur vaices [n tue triumph sang: 'Glary, laud, and bencur Unto Christ tue Kingl' This, turougi countiess ages, Men and angels sing. Amen. S. Baring-Gould, 1834-1924. 1 "MUDAY, AUGUST 22ND, 1940 PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Two Nabisco Shredided Whsat, witli milk and fruit, go a breakfas ha a e o ighty good to tfaste but full cf balanced nourlshment. This simple muai aclualiy contains three Vitamine (A, Bi anîd C), Calrium, Phosphorus, Iran, Proteins and Carbohydrote - .ight vital food elernents ln one deliclous diebtuil . . . Neath authacitles recoimnd whoI. groin corsais as a~n eueentioi "pratedtive food. Nabisco Sheddd Wheot is 100% pure wIoi wheoF-serveit rsguary-and gt rouai nourisimeni for yaur food dollar. THO CANADIAN SIHMD WWNUAT COMPANY, US.. Niceum Fdis, Csd

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