THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER l2TH, 1940 THE CNADIA STATSMAN,~OWMNVILL, ONTRIO P (W iTTJ ONONBWS Isc ulad Pers0nal1 Phono 40r16 Bon Pattensen was in Toronto. ~~~Pper, Tarante, vsited Mn. Mis -MargartMilsen vlslted Miss D. Tenlh Tenante. Mn .McElroy, Pcterbone,waa Intac - village en route te Toronto. Mns; G. Winter and wee son Tommy have neturned home. Mr. and Mis. N. P. Poter and Shirley vlslted at Bobcaygeon. Mrs. Allia la vlsiting at Mn.* C. Knox's. Mrs. E. Porter vlslted W. E. Davey. .Mont Richandson la homo from lira. Sydney Morgen was guest -o! Mr. S. Soucis. Mr. and lins. Vernon Saunders, Toronto, visited lis parents. M. H. Staples and famlly spent the weekend at tac cottage. MussAgnes Waddell la training for s nurse at Whitby Hospital. OrnoeBend were engaged for Oshsawa Pair. Marion Cooper la. taklng a busi- ness course. Messrs. Norman and Gordon Bruton and lins. Bruten visited in Midland. ?&. and lins. H. Seymour, To-. renta, vlated at Mi. Wm. 'Sey-- mour's. j The licîsanca who have been tachir cottage here have netrna- ed te Tenante. ?.and Mis. George Lowden, S.Catharines, were guests at Mr Chanle - Lowden's. Mr. Oscar Scott neceivcd a tele- gram froni a relative ln tise State's an the occasion e! lis birtisday. Mr. and lins. W. K. Sloene, Peterboro, -vsitedlien father, O. W. Scott. Mr. and Mis. N. D. Carruthers and daugister Jane, Perth, visited H. A. Millson. Agicultural Society officiais met Monday night te make final arrangements fer the faix. Mr. Richiardson and Mr. Lloyd IR. Cruse, Sudbury, visited Mia, J. Eagleson. Mr. and Mis. H. T. Turley, Belleville, were gucats o!flins. James Dickaca. '( wolcome the Boycbuks, wlo l44rVnted tac Staiker lieuse, ta eut cernmunity. James Linton, James Powers, P 'IForrester and Grant Mofatt 1V~eiding Bewmanville Higli Orono Ned Cross slhipped to iseadquxartera: 4 sweaters, 8 paix of pyjq$mas, 12 scanves, and 46 pairs orf socka. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rowe, New- tonville, children and granddhil-à dren held a.- reunion at Oronot Park. Mia. S. Payne attended tac'. wedding e! Mi. W. Bigelow andr Mfiss K. Johnson ln Toronto anf August 30ta. Misa Jeohnson won the radio at tac Orono street fair. Mr. R. C. Noabarougli, Gwen Tennant and Ronald Pattenson ne-a r esented O.C.S. at tac luncen aturday tendered ta representa- tives o! acbools by O.N.E. officiais.0 Orme Gamsby, aur voteran 77-S year-old sportsman, get bis quetaù cf speckled beauties on Saturday, t thse largest being a foet or mono a I length, he says. Most of tac t fias were given te tac sick. 9 Orme Gnmsby lad a painful. aoerec while fishing at Ken- /dafl5 A dog crept up beiind hi, bit him, and taon liurricd away. i In other worda the dog 'bit" him t a fond adieu. Tise wound was ,t treated by tac doctor. I Thene will be no hockey or skating for tac yeung peeple tais wlnte n la Onnaunless circuni- BABY S TEETHING UPSETS QUICKIY CHECKE TOUR BABY mut "et a tooth".Du h need otlfiee a foyer wth lt--il bbyaotie lise1.he won t. Here la what one vise mon e EegbOUl t.oSne, btor ba.» Iu n lb' u hog tlnasle aId tandby Baby'aov Tahet. e worth thefr welgt in gold.» And lira. B. A. Sebine, of Omt, Ont., says: gila aa oe o a b er teeth rapldly (ail four'mlin t ae h B snyryet wknedust W. 1 ot b.vttth l tbet., Giethea. aile aweet-tatlng tableta at te Birt aguncf teetkilng foyer. Easy tota, prmpnl action yet &aife. Anlyt'acrtl Catiluevery packagÏe. MAc effective la Constipation, simple Fever, 'D rlrjIetu.I. Ot aboztlcay.Slck- -sa iten strikea lu thenlfght. 35 cota Ç-e-~backl UYou are not atsfied. DIM AND DISTANT' HAPPENINGS From The Orono Niews of September là, 1917 Last week The News teck its annual holiday. Tribunals are to be appolnted by Judge Ward for carrylng the terma cf Miltary Service Bil. Re received notice te recornmend a tribunal te act in connection wlth the carrylng eut of the Mili- tary Service Act, There will be seven tribunal centres I North- umberland and four i Durham, and for each centre there will be two members sltting. The centres are Cobourg, Cold Sp rings, Rose- neath, Brighton, Campbellford, Castieton and Warkworth i Nor- thumberland county, and Bow- manvile, Blackstock, Millbrook adPrt Hope for Durham. Judge Ward is te appoint one of the rnembers for each tribunal and the Governor-In-Council the oth- er member. The appointients are te be made lmmedlately 80 that the ternis cf the act can be put in force as moon as practicable. It is said that the men cailed eut under -the set will be I unifori by Nevember lst. A good picture cf Casey Myles and bunch after the big drive at Vimy Bridge juat passed through dressing station and ready te en- -train for hospital i England has1 been received by J. E. Richards.' Hlgh School students have or- ganized a Literary Society wlth these officers: Hon. Pres. - Miss Johnson; Preuident - Miss Viola Gilfillan; Vice Pres. - Ross Patter- son; Sec.-Treas. - Bertha Staples; lst Forni - P. Lurin; 2nd - Mamie Archer; 3rd - Meta Clare; Pro- phet - Fred Lorrirnan; Poet - Geo. Campbell; Editor - Floyd Cuttell. A new 6 foot concrete walk la being built from the town hall corner on Main street connecting with the waik at Armstrong's store. F. J. Hall has the work in hand. Mr. Hall aise has the con- tract for building new steps in front cf the town hall. stances allow an open-air rlak la tac park. The dril shied will like- ly be uaed for witer"training for soldions. At tac acbool meeting Thurs- day it was decided te lccep an D.S.T. at acloal until the end c! September. Jehn Tamblyn wna appointod to ropresont tac achool board at tac C.N.E. Sept. 7ta, wbile Non Pattensan and Gwen Tonnent will nepresent thc pupils. Clamaber cf Cammnence met Mandny nigît. It was decided te sec if tac Scouts would ho ne- sponsible fer tac dally raising and lowerng e! tac flag. Plans anc aise unden way te scee about tac possibility o!fliaving a unit e! soldions stationed hec tais wla- ton. jScouts met Monday niglit, wita - about 25 pr'cscnt, and ail four patrols rcpresented. Plans wcre funthered fer tic dernonatration at the fair, and plans were made for a patrol leaders' meeting te propcnly orgenizo for tac winter and te soc about fiIlng two and poaalbly 'thnce vacancica. National Day e! Prayor was obsorved at Park St. Churdli an Sunday, wita tac ministen dent- iag wita prayer as a nation in the monning, and with prayen as an individual in tIe cvenlag. At tho marning service blrtisday greetings wenc extended te Mr. 0. W. Scott on lis Setis birtliday. Klrby W.M.S. and W.A. ualtedt in a meeting Sept. 4ta te enter- tain the motacins and dhildren cf the community. Rev. S. Little- tvood gave an interosting talir, Mvrs. Fowlen a reading, Mis. Hart- wvell Lowery a devotional talk, Muiss Steila eest'a vocal solo, tise Milsses Wrighst s Vocal duet, end tho dhidren n lyma chenus. A delicieus repast was enjoyed. Oreno and liaple Greve girls' e coftball game at Cream cf Barleye 'niday nesultcd la a 11-11 tic. Ed. Wîtheridge tried eut ail five cf 9. ia pitchera, Alice Mcîsnac, Lii- ian Fowier, Canal Staples, Mar- tn Carleton and Betty Claughinl te -imalaga garne. Joan Ferres- ter onugît tanougisout.. Eunice Middleton and Lilian Fowlen sored tIc moat ruas, Eunlco get- F ing flic enly lamer. Owlag te tao national drive- for F ced Cross stantlag next wcek ItF mas tliought advisable te pnint îc total o!flthc gooda shipped andF alac a financial sf ateorent o! Dronc Red Cross. Total geeda D ihlpped arc: 289 pra. cf secks, 20 S cîlmeta, 291 scarves, 250 wrist-1 lets, 54 sweatens, i pr. rifle midtts,4 DO pr. pyjamas. This la since the1 rat sliipmnent in February up te îe present date. 21 blankets wce alac shipped for nef ugees. TheE Inanclal statement appoans la an- :1her coluin. si t] ta 1 fi fi a' l .01 MARKS 88THE BIRTHDAY Oscar Scott, Orono Who on Tuesday, Sept. iota, colo- brated bis 88th binthday. Mr. Scott la sti11 in goed lealta and very active. Ho takes a great in- terest la community li1e, espec- lally in tac churcli e! whlcb lic la a hlghly respectcd member, and la an example te tac youth o! tac comrnunity in moral as well as plysical aphones o! life. Ho keepa lis gardon and lieuse in .Al condition and la an expert carpenter. ORONO RED CROSS HfEAR REPORTS Orono Red Cross met Thunsday evening. Following fthc minutes Nov. S. Littlewocd denît with tise conrespondence. One letter was eapecially interesting aince it teld what had heen donc in tac linos e! giviag and wonking fer tise Red Cross in Ontario. Mis. Mur- naY gave tac treasurer's rcport. A atatement of ail tat lad been rccived and spent will be pubi- lisbcd. Mis. Ganey reported for the purchasing cammlittee. Mis. Whytc gave tac inspection cern- mittee's report for tac articles packcd Auguat 8tli and Sept. 5ta. Mns. H. Dean fer tac wenkroom committee reported mucli wool given eut, tance quilts !inished and twe nearng completion. The purchasing ccmmitteo was auta- orized te ailow thc working r=on camnittee to spend se mucli cd menta. Nov. Littlewoed was ask- cd te interview tac lodge regard- iag wintr use o! thc rooms. lira. J. R. Cooeero gave an iteneating acceunt o! tac Red Cross display at tac C.N.E., and Mra. Murray md lira. W. Armstrong were ap- POlated a ccmmittee te arrange for one fer Orene Faix. Notice aras alse given o! tac baznar, card parties, etc. planncd by tac finan- cial corrxxittee. PARK ST. UNION Glen Hnnceck was appointod îew President o! Orono Park St. 'Union Menday niglit. Other effi- cers are: Sec'y. - Stella Beat; T'roas. - Elvin Blcwott; Missionary T'reas. - Jack Wadc; Ccftveners - Jeotienal, Lillian Fowler, Myr- le Tamblyn; Miasionary, Manga- 'et Millson, Myrtle Smith; Citi- censhlp, Roy Berry, Elsie Rowe; Litenary, Marie Hancock, Jini Powers; Planists - Myrtle Smiàta, len Tamblyn; Recreatien - Miss M. McDowell, Lois Wood, Manley Littlewood; Lunch - lira. S. Lit- tewood, Elleen Jones, Hazel Win- ter,' Sami Keane; Ushers - Frank- ai Tamblyn, Elvin Bbewett. Myntle Taneblyn and Roy Berry Pre scnatincers for tac election whlie was cenducted by Nov. S. Littleweod, wbe aIse gave a ne-j ýot o! tac last year's activities Mid conducted a short wcrsbip ýeiod. A vote o! tanka was ex- nded te flic old efficers on me- !on o! Elvin Blewott. Pathflnd- L-s are te be onderedfcr conven- rs e! programs. STATEMENT SIHOWS FINE BALAINCE FOR RED CROSS Recelpts ,eoceeds o! 1939 Canvasa Orone and Kendal $ 490.80 'recceds o! Bazaar 13 1.35 'llection -------- - -------- 4.00 inctions liold by ladividuais ----------. 88.90 Inctions held by Filnance Cemmlttee ... 151.50 ýnations__----- --- --------- 54.14 ?AIM PRESINT 0. W. Rolph Prominent business man of Orono who is giving able leaders4ffpiri 1directing the destinies of Durham Centrai Agricultural Society in holding its annuai fair at Orono on Wednesday, Sept. leth. PARK ST. W..A. Park St. W. A. met Tuesday afternoorr. Scripture was read by Mrs. N. F. Porter, and a reading by Mrs. H. Walsh on "Golng the Second Mile." Treasurer's report was given by Miss L. Aflin, anc Corr. Sec'ys. report by Mis. N. F. Porter. Committees for fowl sup- per were appolnted: Program, Mrs. S. Littlewood, Miss L. Allr and Mis. Hoar; Geese, Mis. Win- ter, Mirs. Seymour, Mis. C. WoQd. Rev. S. Littlewood gave an in.* teresting talk on his holiday trip andsthe beauties cf the Muskoka and Baysville regions. hIrs. Lit- tlewood added a few words on the sanie subi ect, after whichi Rev. and Mis. Littlewood render- ed a vocal duet. A man may say toc much even on the best subject.-English. He that speaks cf things that do net concern him, shall hear of things that do net please hlm.- Arabian. It is good speaking that i- proves good silence.-Dutch. Speak littie and te the point and You will pass for sorebdy.- Portuguese. Eaci pad will kil!f iles ail day aud every day for three weeks. 3 pas lneachpacket. 10 CNSPR PACKET at Druglatb, Grocere, Gentel Sloeea. WHIY PAY MORE? naliii WlS FLY PAD Co., Manlil, O&a a t î i i set o jTV dglng by tac frequent sliowers. Hoover and o! exchanglag views lh crops with tac exception o! wlth hlm at San Francisco, and , , ato s, uckwheat, are good. A good at Victoria, tac capital a! tac Ca- ccnd cuttiag o! hay has made andin atate cf Victoria, I lad netw wo hýaying sonmons for many discussions wlta Ca ptain Elmen )îka tais year. Fleldpcrt, and wita tac President cf tac Victoria Times whldh lias If yeu have knowledgc, lot tise reputation cf being pro-Japa- hena liglit tacir candes by it.- e. L.. . boras Fuller. 1 feel so honored.-at being in- i1.< ( r - ~.i The World's News Seen Through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An International Daily Newspaper STruthful-Coaaructiv-Unbiaad-Fr.e freen Seaaational- * n - Editoriala Are T iely end Instructive and Ilu Danl Features, Together with te WeeWcy Magazine 'Section, m'a te Monitor an IdalNowapaper for te. Home. N e The Christian Science Publiahing Society One, Norway Street, Boston, Maaachusetus Fric. $12.00 Yearly, or $1.00 a Month. Saurday Isue, includia; Magazine Section, $2.60 a Year. Introductory Offer, 6 liuc 25 Coe. Addreai--------------- ---- SAMPLE COPY ON RHQUHST Je~ ~) 5 ---- - cluded in the list cf notables nani- Gret Clay Bâ't ed by Dr. Nakamura (for my____ dMws( d tesS r r names have been misspelled (Ctl.dfo pae1 ee4, Oddities by Sqùier ~worse than that even in English Cniudfopae1 text) that I amn taking the liberty gathering crowd - meet Greater cf sending this postscript cern- Ontario. ment on the chat we had. I feel Mr. Ballantyne is a product of - - I arn the right sort cf person te Ontarie's Great Clay Belt, - dir- de it, because I hold ne govern- ected the clearing cf that farm ment job, but de happen to know ot o forest and muskeby the -*what many people are thinking inlaorue th G rnsIe yn North Aneerica.. Camp located there during the Everybody knows that Japan is previcus Great War and in some rlght now considering what her twenty years since, will now show future course of action should be us thrcugh actual pictures i in Eastern Asia. The fire-eaters growth, i the very tine of coler- in the army are advocating that fui green and quality, what a ILL Japan should seize the opportun- twenty-million acreage of agri- ÇCONOUtTuc <IN A SMP< CAR ity offered by the war in Europe cultural fertility lies beyond On- Wn. A ARCOi.omaêEDro ANV -^Mrte grab everythlng desirable in tario's Height of Land. U*OOAVE , A HERDSMANANL . the Far Est. If se what? While Southern Ontaric's Agri- AND culture is degenerating with lack «O MVALSMR MECA.WHAT FINIS? o r-forestation, by erosien, and 115ý Let us frankly admit that if top-soil depletion, this arctic Japan is determined te do that prairie with its subsoil of! day she can succeed for a certain surfaced i black rnuck and boam THE WORLWs ViftsT e is, IA cmRESi length o! tine, and up te a certain awaits Canada's cail for expan- TiE 8 YEA-Ou.0 ERSE'Y.WHOSE ORNME BOUDOR pont. Hcng-kong would prob- sien. You may say the werda and AT TH4E NIWVRJC WORLdS FAIR BORDEN enOuae as9 ably fall, after a long and bitter epinions are only those of the A MAGNET FOR MIWON% NWOW LEAVES FOR IN1M battle, cestly te the Japanese as speaker but the pictures en the MOVIE CAPTA 1 APîRI N .m 1w4wcS c'aODUCciOwF _. , weilas ourselves. Inde-China acreen are a facsinuile cf what Lou%% N 0TLC bTDF flm M WM K IA-Y FRNCIS, .' could be seized, and niuch of thse has been done. Dutch East Indies occupied - at The Doctor teck agricultural HAPINOS SAY< ELSIEý AaLoemO ir WL tmRf9.lPT a price. But mcanwhile, Japan pictures another 100 miles further ÇMPEMSSON îos__ ELSIËS FLuM CAREM IN AIJLXIT. would be finding the Chinese re- on at the Provincial Govermnent mEO ASuV 11in QmfAUTYor sua sistance icreasing by leaps and Dernonstration Fans, Hearst. Ne EWMONL ÇONRI VOCIE FR IMNOVC tuMMo, PRO- bounda. The whole weight of the took more of such north o! Coch- l neVORSFwoucrnGD* MMoE 91 WDMEO <T British Empire and the United rane where the speederneter o! a u ~j p squ*m n- e w« u ma States would be used in the eco- ChrYsier was Impain vna nemie f ield te crush Japan. And- 60 miles an heur on the back con- '-' ~ - if, fore any reason, there was a ceséions which on a seenilngly L.JNazi coilapse in Europe sooiner perfectly level roadway reached 0 than expected, the British' and on and on as far as the eye ceuld United States fleets could be con- see, and again at New Liskeard centrated in thse Far East wlthln Provincial Fanm which now thre' ea matter o! a few weeks. lmproved scenlo travelling facili- 9EL< S AN EWM141AST<C LETER WMITER~. PMONG Let me put tis just as plainly tisacus erta ex.ur ME OQ5oQEVASLONE AR N tO ON13 MA - as I can. It la rny canefully studied hum fanera wil soon hoe- MMIKVANLOO AN WOTS F bM S MSopinion tat if Japen pîsys Ifit- changing help wlth them at your M M Ea'CMirAAhIn PERSOMAL STAIIONER'<! ler's gare ne the present extre- thehns rnity cf western civilization that Last spring at the sced fair i she will have taken a step toward Toronto, a boy from Cochrane, her own future destruction as a took the sweepstakes iPotatea S tarki1ne great power. The people ef the oyer al otenOtro Viiea9S E T~ United States and thse Britishi Surface drain that northcrn AS 1 SCE IT un Empire wiil net forgive Japan. land, for ice la d cay bottom,4 e Mrs. G. ilveoradgadoB:ap.Emr hlt And when we beat Hitler, a e tiling la ineffectual, plant rapld Mrs.G. Slverand randonwill, we will rnake abselutely cer- gnewing and suitable- varieties o! Raymond Trini, Mr. Gco. Etwell _____________ tain that Japan do«a net retain crop, have faclities te raPidly Miss onelli ha adCLSi Cnine rm ae1 the physical power ever again te work it against the shorter season hfis NelieShuka ad cusi (Cntined rompag 1) menace us, ln the far east or any e! gnowth and yeu may have ag- e home from Oshawa. with intervening and increasing place else. Our shipa will cern- riculture under thc Northern Mi. and Mrs. P. Allun and econornic difficulties. bine te blcw the Japanese navy Lights. daughter, Toronto, at Mn. L* e ut o! the water fer ail time te This Great Clay Beit prinearily ew He urged the fdllowing 15 coun- cerne. Our air forces, frin bases was deposits in what was known Haflowell's and Mr. T. Falls. tries te unite in one federation: in the Aleutian Islands, will de- as Lake Ojibway ferxned in past Mn. and Mrs. Lorne Paedcn The U.S.A., Britain, Australia, vastateJpee cities, asth ages when melig receding gla- wlt hi prens a Wslcvile. Canada, New Zealand, South Af- Japanese are ncw devastating ciera ente h adt as Our teacher, Miss I. Wray, with rin, Eire, France, Belgium, Hol- Chungking and places in China. by nelieved weight in what we cail thc Helght of Land and with lier parents ln Peterbore. land, Denark, Norway, Sweden, Mereoven, even if Japen were funther rnelting and receding, Mr. Gordon Clysdale, Oshawa, Finland and Switzerland. able ternporarily to win eve riage te Hudson Bay becaine Manm s. Lo uhsa The swf ae o! subsequent thing in East Aria tae penalties estabîished and thc Great Clay H.B.aGdMers. Loe uhsa events indicates the tirneliness of to herseif ln North America would Beit was ne longer lake bottoni. M.B issMedaHalwelsNw the 'Union Now' plan. Of the be sevene. Certaily ne Japanese Roughly, the Canadien National Ms eaHloel Ne-fifteen nations mentioned in ishing cnaft would ever again be RR'v oten ubclm i Mr. and rs. ee. Yl n Streit's plan ail have been con- nllowed witala 1000 miles c sti giulua rao B&.an Mr. eo Yue ndqucned or encircled except the North Arnerican shones, and tachecte t5 suaricultrles o!i son, Oshawa, at Mi. Wni. Savery's, British nations and aur neighbons, mss depottion of al Japanes sm d2,00sqe iesr, bein Miss Ruth Saveny returnng home the United States. residents here would be exre e ni g rarouhNew imard i-er with theni.hevfoetgwtbgnsed- Mi. W. C. Rutaven has rcturn- In the last awful agony c! the ly probable. minlsh and neaching norta cf cd te Mrs. A. Dobson's freni Zion de! cnt cf France Mr. Churchilliohaea es otePe wit Mn E. Rthvn.offered that nation out and eut WHY THE SOVIIET SMILES Cechran ea let totiere-i wihM. Ean Jonnind f Britajin. The Ofer I i<e the Japanese, and adiure anothen ten miles the altitude Por. tphave Joead inte theate tee late. It was eutvoted i tair many fine qualities. 1 hon- draps aven 500 feet, accounting loreusee,theae oh nt the Ail Reynaud cabinet by 13 to 1î0. estly believe that if Chinese and for the great water powers on al roenodfrohe at Jhn. Whte Ai continental Europe was irn- Japanese would get tegethen as the many large rivers cf Hudson ret1s d oHaM.I.wllSark.auh-plisoned. equals, and cornpletely free Bav's great drainage basin. t«*, SHle havoe ntand d hm To me that la a tragic reminder agents, that they could work eut na 900, North Bay was a fron- trm vistng he reparetsathorte ooly cf tise need for action, the enly klnd cf New Order for tien town separated from New from isitng hr paentsbut o! tac need for action now, East Aria that has a chance te'ikado ak eiknn. DH nype. tk l wokin atH. it la tee late. endure. Fer fnom being opposed r whither up tac Ottawa by canoe usk' s, Morrai oiga . by flic Engiish speaking werld a few pioncera had ventuncd, by Mn. and Moris. SdHioel SPEAK OUT NOW tais sort cf New Order wouid be 100 miles o! impassable rocks and G. HanlodiMr i. Rcg oelto heelaaveyliean.n-weicomed and supported finan- foreats. Te-day cnly forty years G and wel Da Myrht. atRed utac ngithee st aa tacie d States cinily and othenwise by the Eng- lator, you will see in tause acreen hta teddte- igitrs nth ntdSae lish spakigowrs. pictures taat New Liskeard far Ex in the 'Union Now' propesals. paknpo Reg. Bouton lias been cngagcd Groupa e! citlzens are inserting Dr. Nalcarura made no secret outrivals our scutacrn towns in to work at Geo. Smlith'a. full page ncwapaper ndvcrtise- whiie here taat Japan la serieusiy stream-lined modennini. H. G. Gilmer la starting out ments ail acrosa taecocuntry urg- cencenned about tac eastward Our Ontario ewned Rallway, with his cern binder. ing the United States te take the sproad o! the Soviet Empire, and the Temiskamlng and Nortiserre Fred Todd la putting repaira on lcad in cailing a conference at atternpted te justify Japan'a ne- Ontario Railway in its firat ate has stable. which representatives o! their cent nggressions on that score. from the nontheramost ends o5 No service at Shilol last Sun- own country would jein with What I cannot understnnd about steel at North Bay was prejectod day owing te tac heavy rainfail those o! tac seven sel!-geverning se aient and intelligent people as te Lake Temiskamiing where Ag- but service as usual ncxt Sunda; British nations te censider ways the Japanese la why taey fail te riculture began te give great pro- at10 ~to fonni one union wita one con- sce tant they anc now playlng mise. Then logically, it was ex- Fer0 amr.r a ga xrme ra rpniretwita full nigltito tethe banda cf thc Cern- tended te contact tac Canadian lbu tume t eyngt catch u power oven such thinga as de- munlats. If taey force us te figlit National at Cochrane and wlth a lyqun u ain aryng hehig fencc and international commerce. them taey wil aertie day seen !lnd furtiser impetus e! agricultural with- thein tall work owing te I myseif knew, net oniy by let- themnselves menaced froni two develepment te meet Cobalt'as ui- hel u to.Hevywidsdid ter froni ry friend Streit bum- directions. Ail ensiaved China ver and Tinunins' gold, there cenderable daneage te appi self, but because I traveiled wita wiil wnit for the Red anniies as came tac slogan - "On te James cnsep l amg o p hlm eut hene on tac PacifieCcoast for deliverena. Bay and tidal waters." crop.and heard the questions his Am-. It la net tee late for Japan, Nortisward, turn Northward, 0, enican listeners asked, bota in even now te turn back, froni tac time in your fliglit, public and pnivate, that one o! tac rond te self-destruction. Tise nenthern liglits beckon me, Kendal gneatest -obstacles to tac pregreas No nation in ail histony even lune me te-niglit. o! tac mevement la dcubt taat made greaten progresa than Japan To soutaward by frlendsilp our EccntVistea:we, tac people la tac Britishi made whcn tac United States was border's hematiteised, Miss et t Brs ,Eiaeh Commonwealth, would nenily go her closeat friand. That fact la But te anctic's nantis polo star, viss wlt MisgssiEliordon. inon tac union. werth ncmernbcning night now. - wc as yet arc net hitcised. vil.l wthoMins ia er don.b Thenefore, it is net enougli for______________________________ teMrs. L hrehhlcyla siauga.newspnpers la Canada tesany tat, Mnr, dM is. Milton DuinbOs a- cf course wc anc in favor o! it Mr.Elit at Mns.WMilon Eunar over here, and they should get on an s. iroy at ur eder aniOt'.wita tac job la the United States. Mrs Glry ratuedhe a!n Nnturnily cveny newspaper, ineie an i sayngwih ie sstr nor sanl, wbich believes insuc h rl Always Be An En gland Oshawa. U. S.-British union should aay se. The local achools opened Sept. But municipal ceuncils could hclp There'Il always be an England, while there's a country Ian., 3rd wita Misa Margaret Smith by pnssing resolutions nsklag oun Whenever tisere'. a cottage amail, beside a field of grain. again at McLean's and Miss Lela Prime Miniater te state Canada's Knight o! Oshawa, in change at wiilingness fer such a union. There'Il always be an England, while there's a busy street, Kendal.. Provincial leglalatunca couid do Wherever there's a turnlng wheel, a million marehlng foot. Mrs. James Swarbrick wns un- ikis.RdWleanBuwhtds Loatao? THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVELLE, ONTARIO PAGE Mn«