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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Sep 1940, p. 1

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0a1flbU1flat#na With Which Are Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News VOLUME 86 RW,ýVTTP X r-TPlà PCI M A1'J7TTT ~Ci~Tm 1'ItTDafl Ax. 1- ~ i~..-.--. SEYFE .JJL.'. L. ILLI.BJ/i E'I IIV I1 12 I mJiUA - ~ *-~u NIJMBER 37 As SE£ IT unDurham Musical festival I RY capt. Elmore Philpott. M.C. R .OlI* .E u f r CNDA SHOULD PA On Auguat 29 the Ottawa Jour- i a c s i nlcarried a leadig- editanial » nc s i Ex e l tSh p arile entitled "ell 'w7o n Blckingthe 'no a dea9 llTfTnnTT 17U Tus s,* ngeneral, a fie article. Port Hope wil be Loca. SCHOLARSHIP WONvi il sets' l easy- n bifly tion of Festival Next just what the .,Union, Now' planT'T flTTT is. But in anather respect in MY May - Syllabus Com- D ~u vu1.a aversîght in ils line of argument. mteet etT i Aiter roferring ta Mr. Churci- Month ills imoralphrase about Bni- týIeli-A m enican inte m ngling T e a n a m e-g o t e D r 'lNo anc can stop it. Like the Il TheTaenuttawaethig 0f the Dur- Mississippi il just keeps rauing hani County Music Festival beld TcOtaaW ensCadn Club General ProficiencyScholar-j along. Let il rail. Lot it roll on aI Newcastle Monday evenîng ship valued aI $285.00 has been1 full flood, inexorable, irresistible, was nat largely altended. But awanded ta Miss KaUiryn (Kay) I ta broaden lands and better days." thene was Present liaI ever failh- O'Neill, Bowmanville, daughtera Thie i Journal asks: .ful group af wîllîng wonkcrs wha ai Mn. and Mns. J. O'Neill, She t "Wliat then ias sappirg Union ya feyarhvtoldsareceived official natif icatian oai Naw? Nat Bitain. Not Canada ytahie erhaetie sale award yesterday.I or the ather Domnhions. Nat an; labon af lave ta make this musi- Althaugh Miss O'Neill had triedC af these, but ratier Uic iaolation- cal event popular and an out- for the scholarship sanie months ists ai lie United States, Uic standing success. Thc people at ago, il came as a camplele sur- J~ Lindberghs, the Fards, tic short- large are grateful for their in- prise ta lier that sic iad actually P sîghted Congressmen wIba cannaI terest and efforts as la shown b won il. Hawever, tie lelter from. d soc beyond the4r own front gales, the large number af entnies and Uic office af tic Registrar was c: the vast masses of people inai cneasing attendance t tic fes- quite genuine and Miss O'Neill in- q country wlio nover haveliaught tival sessions. -F formed Tic Statesman that she 1Y thmngs ouI but jut placidly as- Il was tie unanimous decision inlends ta lake full advantagc ai unie. .icy cannat be touchéed by af lie meeting ta iald tic festi- it by stantin ata Queen's Uni- E lie mlfo lnes which blast leïs val next ycar at Part Hape on versily when il opens. i a little g. blessed lands. Il la at home Uhal May 13-14-15. aven a week.b, l. Streit must do his missionary Tic Syllabus, Camiittec will Thc nature ai tic achalarship wonk." .meet at Newcastle Coninuniîy ila suci tiat il lias a cash value fc Froni lie short. range poit ai Hall, Monday, September 23rd, aI ai $ 185.00, wilh the added tuition hl view lie above may be an ac- 7.30 p.m. D.S.T., ta get Uic sylla- credit- ai $25.00 a year for four Pl curate picte But it la not Uic bus under way. This la a large years. a] complete p tie. And Canadians but very important committe and At lie recent Upper School t] Can do smmthig about il, beides every- member should make a exanis. Miss O'Neill made an ex- bi just waitingfar Uic United States. special effort ta be présent and ceptionally gaad standing. ai Wars are not, won by defence give thc benefit af their knaw-- ul alane. EVery0god general ail ledgc and experience in ciaosing Se'y.-Treas. - Miss Helen Marris, C down tiougi hislory lias known suitable selections for tic varlousBam vie.5c tiat lie iad ta attack. Sa toin classes. To aten in tic pat wmnil.s lie wonld ai palitics. Movements suggestions and complaints have Prize Commilîce - F. H. W. ar have ta lic started and kept gaing. been made wîen it la toa late, Brooks (Chairman), E. S. Fergu- Li For instance, in Canada wauld Praper selections is one ai the son, W. H. Jordan, M. H. Staples, yc wc ever have achieved Canfed- essential stops for tic success ai Dr. J. A. Butler, A. E. Fulfard, eralion when we did had nat a festival. Bear tuis in mid, R. E. Osborne, G. W. James, J. T. George Brown taken the unusual music teachers, and be on iand George, Mrs. M. S. Hawkina, Mrs. E course ai suggesting ta uis chef Sept. 23rd. W. L. Elrnaley, Mrs. W. R. Bowles, palitîcal apponent, Sir John A. War year and ail, Uic financial N.Haler.dTckt ý .M Macdonald, that such mgit lie statement is gratifying, showlag dow and Tickets - W. . ca-t tie' way out ai tic impasse ai a balance an iand af $244.26 E.wB.,hinma).T.Gret thatday whih i mor thn $6 beter Publicity Cammiltee - D. Mil- Tic narrow mindcd, short tien a year aga. In liief'Uic fig- son (Chirrnan), R. A. Forester, E& sîgited people do not anl live in ures as prcsented by Miss Helen Barninger Bras., N. A. Moore, Geo. mi lie United States. Nor do anl the Marris, Se'y.-Treaa., are: W ae.e -âlazy people - Uic anes whq admit Balance 1939 - $179.04 SylJamesCmite-J .S *llihat someiow,, sometime, sanie- Entry focs 1940 132.75 George (Cheinnian), Mesdames E. PC .ýwierç, such-axid-suc muigit lbe a Donations 119.00 S. Fergusan, L. W. Wiamlaw, E. C. wi good thing ta do, and lioy arc anl Admissions 372.82 Fisher, D. Robli, L. Swilzer, G. ai 4 it - provided liaI somnebody _ Brent, G. Campblcl, A. J. Sadlen, Ai o does an Uice wannylag about Tot=eiPtâ __ _$ 803.61 R. Dudley, H. Foster, W. C. Lynch, Di tting il donc. Last wlntcr I Exponditures 1940 _ $ 559.35 Misses H. A. Mason, J. Hawkins, S., yself travefled froin coasîta oK. Rowe, D. Edger, J. Ramsay, a ast 'aCndsokigo ll aae on hiad --------$ 244.26 P. Chals, H. Marris, Mossns. T. lie -and Uic next peace, ta Cana- 'Of Cens elocted for 1941 arc: W. Stanley, N. Stewart, G. Camp- oc Cubs, and urging *Union Hon. Pesidents - Cal. E. E. Sni- bell, D. Millson, G. Davidgc, F. H. la( aw as the most liopeful sîga on don, Hon. Vncent Massey, Mr. T. W. Broaks, M. Haines, W. E. C. ful c.lhorizon. Tic avcrwielnung R McEwen, Mn. R. A. McConneil; Workman, M. J. Taniblyn, Geo. m ajanity o aila Canadiens I mol PasI Piesident - J. H. Jalinston; Haod. sid ppeared ta ho la favar ai thc Presidont -A E. Fulford, Port Auditars - le P. Bradt and E. sw treit plan ion uniting in anc fed- Hp;Vc rs .R ignS egs ation tie United States, the 7HoeVieP s.-AR.in n;SFrusn ritisi democracies, and suci tien real democracies whici ere roady, willing, and able ta m ie G e ti l r lS r n t ThEmpire GreatndnaMoralnStaendah sofan as I can discover, a fewA m d bi h o Sufce t minute minanites appased ta icM ihtNheu fi ie1 'Unian Naw' plan. fv Te only seriaus objection frani New Daddy and Bridegroca C.N.E. PRIZES WON flar. reasonalloquarter la Canada lh otnst I have seen, is thet 'Union Presented wt oest BY CLEVER BOYS * would lie wandenful, for Mark Occasion by FROM DURHAM a especially, if we cauld gel Lions Club ____wal we cannaI, sa we had bel- lie o and work for samcthlng Garnet e B Rickard and Harry Qui r roachig. . "In tic pasl we have been toc Kennedy Score In bol, cab thia. ab jection I take dir- ready ta accuse alier ntons for Grain Judglng fly. e. ;Tic wiole question, i heirunjual acta af aggresmin,"wli d, la wliethcr the Britishi saîd Rev. A. R. Cragg, midnisler ai Deapite a smaller oany tIan in fIai nwealth and thc United St. Paul's United Churcii, ad- aUier yeara, due ta thc late bar- wer willlagnct hleeeeeadesngUcLons ýClub Moaday vest and.farn labor shartage, the rive c, ta nîefon,, ticir own cvcnlag."Sce5 much ai aur junior iarmcrs' judglag competi- the lio, ad or ic ale a aI 9W~ ~P1'e ia -been won tiens idairv nnoducts, fruit and uIit- E STREBIT AND NARROW WAY It was i March 1939 that Clar- ce Streit, fair halred, freakle- aced, blue-eyed newspaperman frorn Mantana, publlshed his book 'Union Naw'. Streit started 'lue, like George Washington and the father af Laurier, as a surveor. He served in thc war in Uic J..S. Intelligence Brandi in .France, as custadian ai thc confidential documents at Utce Versailles Con- ference. A Rhodes Scholar at Oxford, and for many years cor- respondent for the New York Times ?t Geneva. Eurdpe d Uitcrld a e 1utdwandtche wt arld ioii dawn Uic slope ta disaster.H becanie convinced that there must be world govcrnment as Uic anly alternative ta successive dmses and that it wauld came elther the Stalin wpy, Uic Hitler way, orth Demacratic way. *à 'i boak is rcally an Arnerican e'ýk, by an American tusing Amn- écan background, for American readers. There is nothing really ncw ianythlng lho said. Four thausand years ago Uicepraphet halis said the world waulcd have smre day what Streit saya must corne now. Nearly a century ago1 Tennyson wrote i Locksley Hall how Uic nations alry navies gras- pllng i the centra blue would force a .great Palitical change, .bItî Uic standards ai Uic people1 ~lungig Urough thc thunder1 ,tarm iUic ewar drum Urobbed1 no longer, and Uic baIlle flaga were furled, hi Uic parliarnent oai =nan, Uic federation ai Uic world."À Strelt'a 1book argued tUat- Uere1 was Stijl time ta lave Uic world1 from Uice dlsaster wbich has atacei corne upon Il - but Uihat i anY1 event out and ouI union ai Uic real demacracies was Uic onlyc way ta end thase conditions whlch1 inade wars a1,aolutelY ievitablç, (Continued on Pag0 9) thranga canqucat il lias sel e ne- Uher led exemple ta 1Hi11er and Mussolni. Howeven, we jnust ne- member liet Britainha lialweys siawn more lateneat 1n cemeating îles ai loyally wili her subject àpeooles lien eny othen power." M.Cragg spake on tic sub- jet "Faundalians of lic Empire. "I have hed occasion ta anelyze lie reasons for lic tremendous reception ai lie King and Qucen when Uiey vlalted Canada and I flad liaI Nicir popularlty la based not on power but an scrvice. ha fact, tle mata aoftic Prince ai Wales for gencralions has lion 'I Serve. - "Aima lhe King and Qucen cm- body lie Ideel ai Christian char- acter la lheur privete, public and home 11e, so tiat t Io not tic more fact of tloir being savon- elgns whlch ettrected us ta Uhem." Thc speaker canlhnued ta cx- plain 10w tUc faundellons af Uic Empire have evolved. Tiey have boen maulded by tiq influence ai tic Engli-Bible and by Uic struggles ai lie Brillishpeaples for Ilibrty and freedoni. And also because Englisi parllamentary constitution la ai an elastic type allowlni fer change Billons have came ta kaow lie velue of froe- dom. Ho ciîed as evideace Uce fat thet tle Statut. ai Westn- ster whlci pevened many lqgal tics wlU Uchemother country liedtUc final effect cd' lncrechliag-aur af- fection for hèr. 1 Conllnning hlm virile aneIlreIs oai thiS aspect ai wanld hlatory, Mn.i Cregg told ai lhe reception lHlt- le's Milter aifinance got. whcn1 he paid e vimit ta India hoping ta strengthen Uhe Nazi ceuse there. Althougi Uce Indien people lied1 many griovances wiUi Uice-ngUic lhe consensus îeemced ta lie t1,ey1 wonld fmd marc grief under Gcr- many' ,,.aInUtcepast thc farelgn polUcy theUi Empire has lied self iner-c est as Its blas" ho said. "Some tell us thett 1dBiUic heonly pas- (Oontlnued on page 7)> *vegetals ic in grain and rts wee close1 coatcslcd aettl * aadien ational Exhibition lasI Wcdnesday. Tiere wcre slxty- 9oegit contestants. t Thc competitians were marked by the cntry for lic iirstUie, ai a girl initle fruit andý vegetalles1 dlams - Miss Muriel Siarpe ai Vinelend Station - wio placedi fiii h.' Mima Shape elso is druni1 major oif tic Ontario Agicultural1 Band aI Guelph. In Uic grain and roots judglag,1 tic top tlino wcnc Gannel B.1 Rictard ai Bowmanviile, Durhem Caunty; Clare Burt af Hillsliurg, Wellington County; ad Hannyt Kennedy o avai Cha County. aeDnn r Winnera ln olher C.N.E. coni- petîtions froni Durham County were: Fred Merlin, Hamptan - Sheep Judging - 151 points eut ai 200. Neil Malcolmi, Nestletoft - Swie Judging - slaod firat wili 87 points eut ai 200.t Garnet Rictard, Bowmanviile -0 Heavy Horses - 178 points. a W. Wesley Wenry, Hampton - t' Delry Cale - 173 points. 1 Donald Jase, Newcastle - Dalry r Catîle - 171 points. e Harry W. Kennedy, Cevan - IL Boef Cattic - 172 palis. b jc It la not going ta lie sa easy ionrIh employeble mon on relief ta P evade wonk hi Uic future. At Ot- C tawa a relief rocipical since 1932 was given suapende osntence and A six moalis probation ionrcieusing s ta wonk. Provincial Secretany ti Nixon has called attenton ta lic g case ai a number ai Toronto mca E wio refused to. avail liemmelves ai ai obtainhng jobs when afiered paoiions and anl alaag tUc lino Ji Uher. la a lendency ta view wlU Ji leas talerance mca on relief wha S- refuse work. Attention lias licen S directed toae Toronto relicice wha E neiused ta go ta Camp Borden et in 90 cents an heur liecause Il was 1i nat suffilcient ta provideorfanis 21 dependents, VI POLICE ESCORT BICYCLE CLUB ON RIDE TO O5HAW Boys and Girls Sec- Show Pr mented by Red Fauter at Regent Theatre About 40 piembens ai Bowi ville Lions Bicycle Club leit lai an thir wioels Saturday mort ing aI 8.30 liaund fan Oshati Tiey wene escortèd and guard by two stundy matarcycle officei detailed ta tuis duty. On lie wa aven lie baya and girls stoppe lwice for nest peniadi. Anniving la Oshawa tiey tai' part la a safety panade eroun, tic city and later attended ea pu turc show aI lie Rogont Tceatri A.rline Northcutt on behaîf of Il Bicycle Club presentcd Han "Red" Foster, prominent radi and sports ennouncer wio put ci the show, with a sweater ari nrest symbolic ai honoary mca bership la lie Bawmanville Bi Short talks were givea liy rounslan of tic General Mot Police Chici Friend, Mayorn lerson of Oshawa, and tic CI of tic Fire Department. A b qnet ai rases was preseated MIrs. Joinston who was proses Appreciation was exprcssed Hon. G. D. Coant ion lITe h given liy us office ta thc afi by providing thc escant. At twclve noan tic club ag fomcd ligir ranis fer the 1 home, escartcd tIs lime by th Police officers. Tic boys and g. arived homo ratier tined fr Leir long journcy on lieigim ut arc sll excilcdly talk- about lic linilling experience ally accorded oaly la visit .elebrilies. Ciarlie Carter unden wiî wpervision thc club was for and Vcrnon-Ott, secrclany ai I ions Club, accompanicd I ioung cycliats liy car. CONTRIBUTE $31.59 AMBULANCE FUN Durhem Ciepler No. 181, Ord ,ýambra Star, ield ils open! ncctiag ai tic seeson on Tuesd rning wth tic Wortiy Matr ;iter B. Wlght pncsiding. E orIs werc icard ai tic pumme vont which included a donati )f $31.50. towards tic Red Cri nibulence belag purciased XStricts 10, 1l and 19 ai lie O0 Lend wiici will lie an displ, tich Grand Chepter sessia eld itic Royal York IHatel, )cober 1-4. Ollier war wo icluded 2 quilts qnilled for i goe wori; 3 boxes pacltéd ai iailed ta soldions in England; t !es maay pairs ai sacis ai wcalers tait for Red Cross wor IARN BURNT TWICE IN S YEARS BRIGADE CALLEI For lic second tume la less tis -c years thc occupant oi Il xm immcdiately wesl ai tic vi ge ai Enniskilîca sufiered Ù, ss ai isliera by fire. Early Tuosday morning a re a busily cngaged f.1 -g ,e ssea's lireshing on th igley fana. In sanie inexpl ble manncr e spark lgaltcd th ing straw i he ic mw and th âole place liecame a mass c unes. Bowmanvllc fine figliter re called but tiey did nol ar re la time la lave any part o Lera. Howeven, lame amaile t-buildings and posslbly th nim bouse were saved by th, Dmpt appearance an tic scene rveylag lie sti i 'maulderinj ia af wiaî had been a icv un befare a flac barn, Mn g9ley related lhe frantic ci at ai lic' Uircmiersaend neigi. rs e sae what lhey cenld iranr flames. Froni beiind him kit. m slave mounful souads camnE n a basket af mothcnîcas 11111e a nc day eld, he said. lie value af lits fine barn and contents was covcned i part insureace. .he farmer owacr oaitle fanm, n.Stalaton, lbat hie bra ougi Uic miachici ai a hired five years aga. IRHAM GIRLS COMM~E AT C.N.E. cc again xhlbillng, judaing dcmortatlng aItite exili- big ta, a close enother yeer lub Wonk Tic Iwa hundned fifity club girls inoni thinty- ceunîtes who registercd et kdale United Churcli tua yean resent aven Uiroc Uiousand )girls beck home, we werc 1.We liape thc girls inom, Sud- y ad Manitou hland en- !d Uic day.n ean Wright, epnesenting Dur- 1County, was a guest ai lic gdent and Directora ai Uic .E. aI e formel luncimon. lckstack girls, Irene Coates, rey 'Stinson, Helen Wotlen Mlldred Archer, presented rakit, "Tee Ia Senved." Thc irnotored ta lie cliy with Mn. LSumnmers, Uce girls steying ýnneàley Hall aven nigil. âe pnize winners hi Uic open tiag i Durham Caunty wcrc: WIght, Nestletaa, Srd; Rdta a, BurtÙeton, and Kathleen son, Janetvllle, lied 14th; bBclch, Millbrook, anid WII- Armstrong, Millbnoak, tied Margarct Millsan, Orono, Dora»"' Annislrong, Fraser- 341)' fan pra Sur rnis lieu Qui fart bon the chei fror pigs T its' by m tira boy Dt 4 and. tion of C and twa repr, club told. bury oyei Je ham >res: Bli Auid irisr E. A at'A Th Lîdgi en Lwai Ethia lUi; S3rd; vine, CANDJA STTESANBD. 0F EDUCATION IsSHSORT RANDED FILLS VACANCIES CuelOat A Y là k LEFTON STAFFCo ciGans.ASF Liemany other irms ThcSceFatr orT anx ft- Statesman staff has been op- Gardon R. Ellott te Take P. T. S i e a t r o r i â t cretlng short handed for scv- and Cadet Work - Has 12 oral weeks now, due ta threc Years Expenlence af Ibs members liavlng enliaI- Mdayor Dâlks at 'FreeRent' ed for active milltary service, In- and a fourth member hs at- Yesterday àordon R. ElliottIOai wn tendlng milîtary t r a. i n i n g Toronto, a ncw teacien, began fis -a- camp at Pebawawa for two dulies et tic Bowmanville Higi hF P A E ugsin of Citizen va.. weeks. Sciool. ic Board et its meeting D'tor ChY R sg ei Spoder led This means tic remalnlng Tucsday nigit reversed ils dcci- 1 tVE N O H on ChS ckogFvoedr ura members ai the staff, fnom alan ta dispense witî a teacier M) o ScgogFavred ay editor ta, prlnter's dcvii, have this yeer and hired Mn. Elliott toa S R D IN B T ýe ta, wark harder and longer to look alter lie subjecîsN A A A to Siii h i ok We would tierefore ask the For twelve years Mr. EllilotU S.A D 1,'N A id co-operatlon af aur readers, taugit la Cobalt Public Sciool,_____ c- carrospandents and advertls- three yeans ai wiiciho was pria- Town cauncil granted penmisa- re. ers In helilng ta alieviabe the cipal. He gradualed iromn Quccn's Whilc England and the capital ion Manday nigil liat Uic Mon he bunden resting on aur present University thua year in Engluishaiftic Empire wcne gaîng liraugi of tic C.A.S.F. statianed here be ry faithful staff. They caa case and Histony course. Weli quali- tie moal severe trials af lie war alaowed use of the old Scale and [in bic situation by liavlng news fied ta supervise sparts ia thc 50 fer last Sunday, people al aven Slicer îactory (fanmcrly Congre- n and advertlsing copy ln aur school, P. t aend cadet work, ho lie world galiee nl places, of gallanal Chunci> for drill and id office early each week. uThs liolds an elementary P. T. centifi- warship ta pray ion tic succeis training purposes wiliout charge. n- wlll greatly facilibate thc cale and Grade A Cadet Train- ai their cause, la tic United "Do lic soldions know how S matter ai gettîig to, press on cr's certificate. Hoe lso iolds a States, too, President Roosevelt lang liey wil lie icre?" was thc lime. Thank you! higi achool permanent ist clasa iad issued a proclamation cailing pertinent question put by cvcry certificate and is qualified ta -on tic variaus denominatians ta meniber afitlicocundil. Na one teac Agrcultre.join in a national day ai prayer. cnlightcned lhin. Bath Cauncil- ~.SANG OVER CFRB Miss Novelda Berry was ap- - The Govcrnnr-General as King lon, Chas. Scanle and Uic Mayor ~i AN OU CE A KS pointcd Secrctary, iilling vacancy George's reprosentaîlve in Cen- wandcred wiy tic gaverament 0o F HOME TOWN Doris Frea.MisBrywiîî ada attendcd divine wanship. was able la pay high renta in atted t thelibary s prt o InBawmanville la responso ta ather tawns and purchasec proper- aten dutaie llrrya ar itic nequcat af His Worship lie tios for themr needs but were in Lo illiau Naylor Waa Gacat SalIst Thc new onganist af Trinity Mayor and tic Ministeriel Assc. tlus instance askig for a dona- LP on Rass Miliard's Progrant United Churci, W. E. C. Wonk- ciation crawds came ta churcli lion. No anc enlightened lieni on IrmlutTiursday man, was eppainted supel:visor ai despile lie downpour of rein la liat point cither. [nEveang music in lie scliooîs. tic marning. "Qdnly a smiallamaount ai work [PPropenty cammillo wes aulli- At Trinily United Churci Rev. Miilneed ta lic donc ta put lie orized la have bicycle racks built S. Davison was absent in lie building la sli*pe," seid Reeve ýe Bowmanviile was on tic air for pupila cycling ta sciool. moraing, fils place being ably Edmondstone, "and I Ihlnk wc IS lest Tiursdey evenig. Listeners Contract ta supply 300 tons ai taken by Rev. J. Venner McNeelysiould stop quibbling aver whal n o CFRB were linilled la heer coal la alIlirce sciools during ai Oshawa wlio spoke in vola suit- il la gaig ta comt and ow thc 'y Miss Lillian Naylor's voice wien tie casuing winlcr was awarded eble ta tic particularly solemn boys wc wouid neally lik ot have g9 'di sang on Ross Millard's pro- ta John A. Holgale & Son. occasion, wiile Mn. Davison con- them icere thia winter." Thc -g gnam that cvening aI 8.30. Trustee Bonnycasîle inquired linued thim very impressiveîy in motion carricd. g Miss Naylor sang îwo sangs: regarding sanie rifles whici lied us address aI Uic evening ser- D. A. McGnegor, Scugag St., :e Brahmis' 'Strains ai Music Drift- been lent la lie army. Ho was vice. addnesscd -council requesting thal d i n ', nd h e ell k n o n ' i rd i nf o m ed th a th y w r e n g od R ev . C an o n S p en ce r a lso mw as th cy d o s am c liin g t o r nmed y U ic e Sangs et Eventide' by Coates. iends and tiaI lic sciool board out ai town since ho la spending traffic situation on Scugo St. He "Ruby Ramsay Rouse accampanied was lana way respansible for two weeks wilticth soldions et dnew attention ta Uic neariatality on te ogan.. tem. omewill lie returned for Pctawawa. In lis absence Mr. ai a weck ega. 11 foel liaI sane- Intnoduclag her, Ross Millard use ai lie cadet corps. Coaa, Oshawa, ably. conducted liing siould be dane ta stop asked about Bowmanville, esked Hospital Auxiliary was given tic service. Prayers wene afferedi matorista making a speedway on if sic was acqueinîed with Dnug- froc use ai B.H.S. auditorium for for lie safety af Uic soldions, sali- lie iigliway Jclwcen Gaud's èist Rosa StuIt, and esked Lillian a bridge party la coasequence ai ors and for tic success ai the Bni- corner and thc C.P.R. tracks," Mr. about hon musical training. Lis- lie wortiy nature ai tic wark. tiai ceuse. McGregor said. "Frani Jackman's j eners heard lion repîy tais quon- Scouts, Cuba and Guides wcre St. Peul's congregation heard corner ta thc tracka there are les aaying liet she was e sololat gîven use af Public Sciaol gym Re,. A. R. Cregg bath mrnng houses on one sidc of Uic Street In St. John's Anglican Churci twa nigits oaci week liy payîng and ovoening. Speaking on lie anly and drivers do not soni ta rànd sic bold Mr. Millard about lie canelaken's foc as before. subject oi Prayer, Mi-r. Cragg said realize lhey are in tawn andciocn. g Junior Choir la lie churci. Ho Trustee Wmn. Paterson was lie thal we aiould explre the values sequcntly slow down. Ina lis anea e pied liaI lie would like tla have only member of board absent, ai prayen. We have nol yet been liene live no lbas lien 20 spiai «tlemn, tao, on lie pragrani sane celled upon la make any neel sac- childnen Who cannaI lbe kept off -lime. nifices la luis war, ho aaid, non lie road et al l imes. I wauld s Two alliera sang as weil, bath TRINITY W. A. have wo hed la give up anythmng lite ta suggesl ta caundil, asa "Aslteyt0ild" e i HOLDS MEETING for lie cause ai freedoni. pivate Citizen, that loy waUld ýbtpesonlut1 i.used, waask-h Other denomninalionS as weil, le wise ta take action -ta cçj joined la lic day of prayer. St. signa werning motanists ta clieck cd iow aie eicl l really lic sing- Trinily Womn's Association Jasepi's Chunci, Salvation Army spccd coming ln from. thc nati r ig ta Ihousands ai pcople. met ept. lOli, with Mns. T. W. and the Gospel Tabernacle all ne- and I suggest liaI the Ciief aif Aller lie broadcasl a pleasin anpeiing. mnst M H. portcd services wcll altended. Plc migil lie instructed ta, icompliment came ironitle con- Minore ad lion circle were in apPrcicnd a few speedens as an ctrol. He said lier voice was l'per- change ai tic devolionel service »fecl far radia." an rgaasse yMs . RyadDnl udeaeexemple taolters." ami roganiassste by E. Ray nd onad Rudleare Allen Mr. McGregor fiaislied 1 "Wcre you nervous?" we asked. Strike's and Mns. Ferguson's home eflen liolidaying wili loeir speaking a lively discusion took "Well - juat a litîle, iow wauld circles. Mna. W. P. Rogers read cousins, Mn. and Mrs. Melville place about thi situation."IJlie- 1you feel?" Who wauldn't lie lual lie acipture leason wili cam- Wiseman, and otier fionda Ii lieve liaI an cquaily dangeraus a 11111e excited ett lis rare op- monts and Mrs. Elle Strike offer- Toronto. They aiso tookinlatic portunity? ed prayer. Reports ai tic various Ex. <ontinued on page 7) A listener ta lihe pragrani, Mrs. circles were prosented. A piano R. M. Cale kindly sent la lie fol- duel was nîcoly given by Mary lawing commenta upon Miss Ney- Fagan and Ruth Abernelhy, and al5a i lon's work: vocal solos lieautiiully rendormd i am tel cu eo ü ol "A h g ftev h a yMiss Bennet oît paniemd by L ctaeonbili g pleyino e chunci pipe ongen, and Mns. D. Monison. An appropriate paIlie egeaitacchoandy eapenws i ee y .D by yWhithy Clerie at Rotary Cub achoal, and singing solos, unden Pudi.ng was ve iy the D the tutelege ai Mn. F. Sutton, Prdy. irLusn chasre ad balieso-_ Mus.Bac. At presont sic is teaci- trcia orcle l crge end a clsa- JhSpr Epeso e. ILL NO ing îwo junior chairs, assistant àciahontspeentbogtl ls JhSpr xrsinRv ILLA N 0 organist ai St. John's Anglicanapesntm tig C. Parka Quotea Famous GREATr CLAY BELT Churci, and pienist ion lic Sun- paci cf the day school orchestra, and new hem AT DURHAMw CLUB e music studio in her home. Miss Mr. Chas. Lorriman and deugi- Emire Naylon hem always given unspar- tcr Mary, Chatham, have been Tarento Durham Club To Hoeld ingly ai hier time and talent, and ncnewing acquaintances in this "Froinlie latter half af lie lasI Ws etn l ecal wieneven nequesîmi ta, sing, play section. Olden citizens will recail century Rudyard Kipling, lie MMmeigl wod or accompany ion any churci, as- that more lien filty years ega great Poeî ai lic British Empire, sociation, or t hom e, sic las Uic Lorrim an f a nily lived on Uitghep at a l c ai n b c u e T c P es d n, D . L . W l ciancd ienaudenc wih anani Prt i lc Smer feai is potryserves the exact need liama, has cantinuoualy iadi sweet voice and pleasant manner, which la now included la Uic ai tic Empire aI lis mnia mi h winning herseli many friends.". Boys' Training Sehool. -, '* , met"!idUcholding ai a Toronton hie o t nt. iell fat ,ail tri' Lreg ,on lis ed oer ing lay [on ok e- )e- e i- ie rs e f Durham Central Fair t. Feature Fine Exhibits and Entertainument Record Numbetr of mnes - èLDr-ama Contest to be Held in Town Hall Tuesday Evening The time far fall fairs la araund iagain and judging fram the 1standard maintaied by the Ca- nadian National Exhibition at Toranto thc local fairs siauld be quite as gaod as usual. The Dur- ham Central Agricultural Society is sparig no pains ta make Uic fair at Orona on Sept. l8th Uic best ever. Those who came ta sce goad exhibits, ta meet old frienda, and ta have a gaod tinie are sure ta fid just about what Uiey want. The grounds and buildings are now In splendid condition all ready for Uic live stock and pro- duce, entnies for which are pour- ing ito Secretary M. H. Staples. Speclal mention should be made ai a few af these. Most people like ta sec goad harses i harness. Durig recent years there have been none toc many af these at aur fairs, but froni advance i- quirles and entries there la likely ta be an unusual dlaplay ai horme- manship thia year. Particularly la 1h15 truc in carniage and roadster classes. Thon there la bound ta be a large showing ai caIlle. WhUc Uice dalry brceds have taken Uic lead in recent shows, Uic better prices1 provalllng for beef arc stimulat- ig new lnterest hi Uic beef breeds. An outstandig feature hi Uic swie section wlU bo the pens ai choice piga cntered hi Uic bacon1 hog contest. The prizes are sub-1 (Continuei Oý Page 7)> I HEP FIANCE DASDIAJILCLUB Bawmanville Basebaîl Club annaunces Uiati arder ta end their financial year with a dlean sheet they are holding a draw ta wipe out a $75.00 deficit. Only enaugi tickets will be sold ta ensure Uhir finances being lited out af thc red. Prizes are: lst, $10.00 War Saviga Certificate; 2nd, $5.00 War Savings Certificate. Thc draw wlll ie rmade Satur- day, Oct. 12th. Tickets are 25e or 5 for $1.00. PRINCIPALS STATE ATTENDANCE EQUAL TO LAIT YEAR School enroilment in Bawman- ville Public and High Schools la approxixnately Uic samne as i 1939, Pricipale Thomnpsone and Dippell said yesterday. Approxi- mately 825 pupils registered Uie firaI week ai the achool terni. Of this number 535 are at Uic Central and Southi Ward achools and 295 enralled at Uic Hfigh School. The prixnary clama regiatered 67 beginners this ycar, and hi thc H. S. there arc Uiree Englh guest pupils and anc froma Hol- land. As Uic terni progresses ai iew mare pupila will enter, Uic prn a tated. r~a'a have been niade hitcschos and on the whole tic teachers hold higlier qualifi- cations Uian ever. One a4ditional maie teacher was engaged is week. btie çv. mÂ..fl U r ks, pastor o f the United Church Tabernacle, Whitby, ta Bownianville Rotari- ans at their Friday luncheon. Beginning his talk an the 111e and warks of Kipling, Mr. Parka pointed out how his vigorous, patriotic style of writing contrast- e d wîth the dilettante manner af rnany paets to-day and how his style faund sa mueh favar with cantemparary readers that at the time af his death Kipling was the most highly paid English writer. He started aut Ini life with a gaad background af family and tradition having distingulshed re- latives an both aides of the family. As a child ho was taken to Üniaâ ta live and sa from babyhood heard much exatlc lare of that myaterioua country. In later 111e he wrate many poema wlth India asolacale. When Young Rudyard was old enough ta go ta achaol he was sent ta England. Part ai hlm cur- riculumn comprised a thorough study af the Bible whlch know- ledge atayed with hlm thraugh life and had a profound influence an himre serlous writlngs. Leaving achool at the age af 17 there was the chaice to malte af gaing ta college or at once start- ixig into the business af i 1e in India. Unheslîatingly lie chose the latter course and back there aai thrilled ta the scent af thoe t in him noetrils, andidndulged hi. love for the Fgt, A. note of whini- si g ro cal rnytq« r u nsa Not cosmopolitan by nature, Kipling neverthelesa delighted ta travel and found that hlm work1 took hlm ta several parts ai theo globe. Ho marrled an Americani lady and lived five years i Ver- mont. South Africa, toa, was hie home at the Urne ai the Boer war.1 Finally ho settlod hi Sussex and1 i 1907 galned the distinction ai wlnnlng the Nobel prize. Throughout has discourse Mir.c Parka greatly heh Uic theef-c fect ai what ho 4id ta aay by CContlnued on page,7> .Uurham. Club meeting centrally in the County, If lie could get an Occasion imiportant enaugh ta mernt a real mass meeting af Dur- hani. Tic Doctor and lira. Williamis have just returncd from. a trip in Northern Ontario Uiat led tlem ta Uic end Of =ig7wy, at Hearst, ta Uic end aofedatMoosonce and ta Uic malt tidal waters ai James Bay at Moose Factory Hudson Bay post. Canýadaa great dcstiy wlch thc p rsent war in ahapig rmust incvltably Point northward and the thought bchlnd Uic Jaurney was to malete cSauth, North- cansdious. Thc Superlntendent, Mr. SmIi Ballantyne, af thc Dominion Gov- crnment Experimental Farm ai nbm.le1200 acres at Kapumkaslng, Northen Ontario, in la give an address, clistered about Uic screen Pictures I natural color (st111> phatography jmml taken by Dr. William,. on Uic aubject ai "Northera Ontarlo'a Great Clay Bell InAgriculture." Tis la un- don Uic auspices ai Uic Durham County Club ai Toronto and aponmored by thc peaple ai New- castle, -Mr. Earl Waltoan tn Reeve. atn The Tanonto Durhami Club ex- tends toa aI a welcome ta came and hopes ta meet you ail aI Ncwcastle's spaciaus Massey Cammunity Hall, Thuraday nlgit, Se tmber 26th, aI 8 p.m. stand- Just as tua la ic h firat occasion ai its klnd and unique in chanac- tcr af bringjing a factual under- standing oi Northern Ontarlos agriculture ta Southern Ontarils very hearthstane, so, Uic Toronto Durhanm Club la meeting Uic ex- pressed wish ai many Durhanitea tha CLe 1 ul L ke ta attend anc ai aur season meetings. The largest auditorium ai Uic caunty awalts yau; parking of cars will be regulated for yau; Orano Band will entertain Uic <Cntlnued on page 0) 9' r - 1 zý- 1ý

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