- --.-..-,., 'IL JJ1IIIL'LL I L THEt ANDIN STATEMANBOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12TH, 1040 The Newcastle Idepeitdent Phone Clarke 1114 b'à"Nias ua Toil, OU.L., Whit. bY vlisted with Miss Marion 1fr. and Lira. HarryMCBamn, M414 isted her parents, Mr. and -Mi. frwin Allin. Lira. Conneil and daughter, Miss Cifliatina Conneil, Oxnemee, it- ed Misse Catherine and kst=l E3ackburn over the Weeknd. A numnber of their, Newcastle ~elwcitizens have been pleased t. receive post carda with some partculais of their trip west from Ice C. R. and Mni. Carveth who EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE Queen and Division SPECIAL SUBIECT FOR Sandayl, Sept. lSth a pi. "Hitler in the Hands of An Angry God" '*AWae: REV. C. A. HARRIS. WOOL starglo 2-oz. akein -39 Eail! and quickl7 knitted,j xmkes attractive and practiemli garmenta. SOCKWOOL Durospun (unsbrlnkable) and Scotch Fingering Both 5Oc per bail or $2.00 lb. Neptune Fine Flngerlngr Skeln - 70oi -ý-Patoma& &UlwIu SupWr Sece Yr Hal - 850 Free Knittlng Directions Je W, JeweI il Pion. 5su King st. sarc in Victoria, B. C. Mr. T. W. Jackson, Lira. Perc: Brown sud LMr. sud Lirs. Miclse' Gogenty sud daughter, visited Lins. Clayton at Woodbridge andî motored aven t-o sec Maltan Air. port. Mr. sud Luis. Alfred G. Perrin, twio wcne aisarrnid at Uic United Churci Pe"onagià on Saturday, ar-e pndi ' thein honcymoan al Rev. R. E. 'Lirton's summen cot- tage at Liauntain Lake, Halibur- ton. Lir. Harny Cnydenman and his bride-elect, Miss Clia Anderson, wene gucata af honor at a con and wicncr rost at Kilcolman Farm beach ýSept. 5tli, when they wene Uic recipients of a kitcher showcr and ather gits. A goac tirne was apent with Miss Anden- son's sister, Lira. Cecil Alldrcad, as chief hosteas. Newcastle frienda note with in- tereat that Rev. Dr. Arthur P. Addison and Lins. Addison celc bratcd thc fortieti anniversary ai their wedding in Toronto on Sept. liti. Rev. Dr. Addison lias or occasion pncached in Newcastle United Churcli, Uic chuncli ai which has father, Rcv. Peter Ad- dison was pastar at two diffeneni penioda. Special services ai prayer and supplication ion oui- country, aux empire sud aur iightîng forces wenc held in ail tirce Newcastle churches on Sunday, with large congregatians in attendance. Rev. Father Coffey conducted mass ini St. John's R. C. Churcli, Rev. D. R. Dcwdney conducted Uie matins and vespen service ai St. George's, sud Rev. R. E. Morton the marn- ing and evening services at the United Churcli. Miss Elsie AllUn, bnidc-elect, daughtèr ai Dr. Nanman Alin, Edmonton, Alberta, sud a former teachen at Uic O.L.C., Whitby, was guest ai honar at a misceilaneous showen ield at the home ai Li. sud Lins. W. J. S. Rickard, Shaw's, an Monday evening. About fiteer girl frienda ai Miss Allun were present. Thc party was given and thc sliawer airsungcd by Miss Mar- ion Rickard, B.A., ai Uic O.L.C., Whitby, sud among thase preseni was Misa Wilma Tail, B.A., aise on the staff ai the O.L.C. At thc apecial patriatic service in Uic United Churcli Sunday manning with Rev. R. E. Morton in the pulpit, Uic choir with Lira E. C. Fisher at Uic organ led in Uic smnging ai national and pat- riatic'hymna, sud a male quar- tette, Rosa, Howard sud Harold Allin and Wiibun Baskerviile, sang I'rn Coming Home." Rev. Morion pneached anotier thought- fui sermon, bearing on the lii e ai the people sud the nation, at the evening service when Misses Pat- ricia sud Margaret Pearce sang "Tic Lord Can Depend on Me.' Nexi Sunday marning Lira. Ken- neth Hull, soprano salolat ai St. Paul's Churcli, Bowmanvillc, will sing. Amang the many building and home improvement projccts lin pragnesa in Newcastle are: the wiring and plurnbing ai Misa Al- meda Couch's new house buili by Mr. Gea. Gaines; Uic plastering ai the new fire hall inside by Mn. VanDusen sud the wiring by Ncwcastle's chief electrician, H. S. Bnitton; Uic rapid building aifLina. Edgar Oaborne's new hause by Mn. Denault; Uic building ai an ENJOY "TEA FOR TWO" Air-raid or no air-raid ln London they stiil take tisse for their aiternoon tia and bath bu. You eau kecp up the tassons tradition at CARTERS TEA ROOM Spend 1-phone 1 a picasat boun u onversation over a cup ot tes. you'fl b. r.frebhed! THE CARTER' FAMILY '55 King St, PEACHE Choioe 6-qt. basket 140. I Qualty Peaches ......... 39C O-qt. basket N.2Qu4lty Peaches............. 29C FREE Ao -É.àM£&dwlth NOTRER PARHEI'S TUA CANADIAN SOLDIER Canadian Soldier imprinted on a Balloon Over a Foot High (with Feet> With the purchase of a hall pound, of MADUANMother Parker's Tea a*eu** ( For a Llmited Time Only) Moilur Pamk.r's Tee Ce. Toronto -Cana SISCUITS Ibmi. 350 Eo *LUNN GROCER King St.1 ýy it I ________________________________________________________________ gSECONDARY SCHOOLS DAY AT THE C.N.E. Saturday, Sept. 7th, was Citi- zen's Day at Uic C.N.E., Toronto; il was also cildren's second day of Uic big fair; but ta a great msuy other folk irom Uic centre Bta Uic fan ends ai Ontario it was "Sccondary Schools Day", ion on this day nepresentalive pupils ai Uic aecandany scibols ai the pro- vince sud niembers of achool boards aud barids ai education wcnc special guests ai tic C.N.E. ai a luncheon on thc balcony ai tic womnen's building. Early in Uic year invitations wcre sent oui tiraugi Lira. H. M. Aiken, Dinectar ai Womnen's Ac- tivities, toa aU boards administer- ing Coilegiate Institutes and Rugi sud Continuation Schools ta nom- inate iwo tudents, a boy and a girl, and a member ai Uic Board ta be Uic guesta ai Uic C.N.E. an Sept. 7th. Later pase were is- sued toalal wiase names iad been submidttýed, cntitling the bearen and hsaorlier car ta free admis- alan te lhc exhibition park sud Uic bearen ote clunchean. Iun esponse ta tis graciaus gesture te thc secondai-y achoals hundreds ai bight sud ambitiaus students, board menibers sud a numben ai teacliers wenc presn ta partake ai the iospitality ai tic, management sud te sec as muci as possible ai thc big fair in whose prospcnity sud succes ail wcnc liappily intarcsted. Newcastle Rugi Scioal was ne- prcsented by Miss EdiUi Hendry, Donald Jase sud R. R. Pearce; Bownville by Miss Helen Wil- liama aifBowmanrillc sud Miss Reia Coake, Newcastle, (this Uit- ile party iaving their luncheon tagethen), sud Orono by -Miss Gwen Tennani, Ronald Pattenson sud Principal Russeil C. Roabor- ougli, B.S.A.j At tic door ai Uic east balcony ai thc Women's Building whenc luncehon was scnved in buffet style, gucats wenc wclcorncd by Lira. H. M. Aiken sud Lira. John Millar, wife ai Uic C.N.E. Presi- dent. The functian proceeded in a most agreeable sud sociable man- ner whicli increased in intenslty as the haur spcd by. Lira. Aitken, Prcsidcnt Millan and Lira. Milar ecdibriefly addresscd Uic guests, expncssing themr pleasure in sec- ing and meeting thens ail. Thcy were happy ta note Uic inicndly, congenial spirit that was preva- lent and thai was charactenistic, ta a greaten degr-e han ever, aof ail tic thranga ai people liat iad attendcd thc C.N.E. tuis yca. An- otier feature sitar cake sud ice creans course had beconie a jay- oua nicmory was Uic informaii-oll call. On tic invitation ai Mns. Aiken a niemben f aicdigroup introduced thie other members, giving hheir names and tic achools thcy rcipresented. Follow- cd a smn-sang in whici sîl heartily joined. "Tliene'll always be an England",was sung witi especial fervour hwîce sud tic function concluded wiih God Save Uic King. ?&ra. Aitkcn apoke ta as many as she cauld as thhy passcd out ai tic luncican nooni ta once mare nesumne thii explorations ai thc park and buildings. We siould have said a word about the table deconations wiici consisted largely ai Rudbeckias, thel- yllow and golden tinta flashing tnequently Irons black You .Arniy Mon1 1 4',: r' addition to hits house on Emiiy and Beaver Sta. by Mr. Bert Brereton who is loaking forward ta the coming of two littie nieces frons England as war guests; the ne-building of Mr. R. B. LeGres- ley's silo in a new location by Contractor Mantineil of Kendal; the building* of a fourteen-foot cistern and the putting in of a cernent floor in the cellar at Mn. Wm. Neil's summer house by Messrs. Jno. Robinson, Newcastle, and Brown, Bowmanville; the digging of a long drain from bfns. A. S. Houston's cellar af her home ta the lower marsh by Mr. Wm. Perrin. THRER WEDDINGS ON SATURDAY There were three weddings in Newcastle on Saturday, Scptcm- ber 7th, two at the United Church Parsonage and anc in St. George's Churcli. Congratulations ta al the contracting parties. Perrln-Simlîson Alfred George Perrin, Cowan- ville, son af Mr. and Lins. Alfred T. Perrin, Toronto, and Miss Frances Ruth Sinipson, R.N, dau- ghter aofLMr. T. J. Simnpson and the late Mrs. Simpson, Cowanville, werc niarried at the parsonage by Rev. R. E. Morton, with Mr. Jim Simipson attending the groom and Miss Darothy Simpson at- tending her sisten. Only the im- niediate relatives were present. Cairns--Hellingsworth Also at the parsonage Mir. Wal- ter Cairns af Schoniberg, son af Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cairns, was united in mariage ta Miss Viola Hollingsworth, daughten of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hollingsworth, Cowanvile. The groom was at- tended by hs brother, Mr. Elnier Cairns, and the bride by bier is- ter, Miss Violet Hoilingswarth. Brown-Langler At St. George's Church in the evcning by Rev. D. R. Dcwdncy, Mr. Archie Brown of Brown's, son of Mrs. Jerry Brown and the late Mir. Brown, was united in mariage ta Miss Lorrain Lang- lerBrowns , daugliter af Mr. and Lins. Henry Langler. The attend- ants were the gnoom's brother- in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Woodlock, Newcastle, at whosc home a wedding supper was served alter the cenernony. Mr. Barker, Toronto, a brother- in-law af the bride, teok some pictures af the bridal Party. Among the wedding guesta were the bride's two sisters from Ta- ronta and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Langler. Mr. and Mrs. Brown will reside on their farm an the King's Highway, cast af Newcas- tle. The bride is a grand-daughtcn ai thc late Mr. and Mrs. Richard Langler, Newcastle, and a niece ai the former Miss Dora Langler, for sanie years a member ai thc staff of The Newcastle Independ- ent., centres adding * decidcdly ta, the cheeriulnesa ai Uic acene sud houn. NEWCASTLE W. M. Newcastle W.Li.S. met Thurs. day, Septemben 5tli. Aiter the opening by Uic singing ai Uic Na- tional AnUieni and Uic Daily Prayer Uic service oai-adoration was led by Mna. Aflin sud ne- sponded ta by Miss T. Ferguson. Arrangements wcre made for Uic thank-offcning service in Oc- tober, Uic graup led by Mns. Rincli sud Lira. Awde being in charge. A commnittee was appoînted toara- range for a special speaker. Re- frealiments wiil be aerved. Mns. Honcy announced a cafl fi-rn Ncwfoundland for used clothing especially ion childrnn aiïd warm coats, etc., ion fishen- men. The Liiasionary Raily will be held Oct. l0Ui at Ebenezen. Lira. Morion brauglit an invitatidn inom Uic ladies ai Clarke Churci ta aur auxîliary ta conduct a meeting there Uic firat Wedncs- day in November. Tic -leadingiMature irom Uic secretaries was an excellent paper on "Tic Stewardship ai Persan- ality" by Mns. Cooke. Scripturc rcading by Lins. Herb Toms was iollowed by prayen by Miss Fenguson. Thc introduction ai Uic ncw study book "Cami-ades in Uic World Churci" took tic fanm ai a moat intcncating addrcss by Mns. A. E. Meliow on "Bircli-Bark- Tallcing."1 She gave a reaumne ai Uic life ai Rcv. James Evans and hita wonk among tic Indians, stressîng has outstanding conrii- bution ta their welfare in giving them a wnitcen language, birci- bark being used in lieu ai paper. Sucli is tic simplicity ai tuis language that it may be mastered in a single day. A solo was rendered by Misa H. Mason, accompanicd by Mna. E. C. Fisher. Lira. Oea. Honcy brougit an mnspiring report on the School for Leaders held in Wiitby. Having attcndcd. ail sessions during Uic four days ai tic achool, sud rub- bing shoulders canstantly with many ai the greateat missionary warkers, she liad attained a wid- en outlook sud caught a new spirit. Sic made a stnang pics ion more ai aur membens ta attend ncxt ycar. Meeting was closed wtt prayer by Mna. R. E. Morton. Obituary . B arry Smith Newcastle citizens wcre sorry ta lesuin ai Uic deat ai a former resident, J. Han-y Smnith, at is home on St. Germain Ave., Ta- ronto, on September 7Ui. He had nat been in good hcalth for same tinie. Hie was bonn at Whitby but in lis youth thc iamily movcd ta Newcastle where Harry sud has bnother and sistens attcndcd achool. His fathen, Uic laIe Wm. Smith, dicd ln Newcastle. Later tic iamily mavcd te Tarante wicnc Han-y had lived ion Uic past 27 yeans. He was a veteran ai thc wan ai 1914-18, having senved averacas with Uic Royal Canadian Dragoons. He was aj member ai Riverdale Lodgc, A. F. & A. M. Heic t survived by is widow, Jane Acheson Smith; three sons, Douglas, Roberntd q Norrta, wlio necentiy viaited in Newcastle; is mathen, Lira. Wm. Smit, Newcastle; anc brother, AU. Smith, now overseas witi Uic C.A .S.F., and Uiree aistera, Mns. lierb. Toms, Newcastle, and Lira.î Carl French (Laura) and Mns. Mencen (Nelle) ai Tarante. Those attending tic funcral frai icre on Manday wcnc: Mna. lien. Toms and lien malien, Mns. Smith,. Mr. and Lira. Wilbun Baskcnvillc, Mna. Jesse asakerville and Mn. Elvin Middieton. Mns. Smith liad gone up te Toronto wlcn lier san's iii- ness had become citical and is staying for another week. Mn. Herb. Toms was also up on Sun- day. LOOK HERE! Get heel plates and hob nails put on your shoes for greater wear. Prompt service. Mien'. Hall Soles $100 jr. Ladies' Half Soles .75 jr. John Lenzii Salem Progres Through Sufering'l inen's fine sermon Sunday. IMim. Edgell, Caesarea, Mir. and Lins. Pickhard, Toronto, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Lira, J. Hall. Congratulations teLin. -and Lira, E. Cain, Oropio, (nec Miss B. Cator) on the arrivai of a fine baby.boy in Bowmanvllle Hos- pital. Mr. W. Taylor la wlth lits par- ents iToronto owing ta ill health. The Y.P.U. sud ha miany friends wiah hini a apeedy recovery. Lir. sud Lira. G. Connlh, anet- ville, vislted thein 'son, Mi. R. Cornish, sud cafled an othen fr1- ends. Mrn. E. Darcli met with a pain-' fui accident while thrshn when a ladden gave way thrawling hi ta thc bar-n floar sud necesaitat- ing Uic docter's care.> Hanipton Recent-Visitons: Mr. and Lira. S. Nash, daugliter Mavis, and son John, Detrait, Mich., at Mir. Wm. Chapman's. .. Miss Vaughanu, Ta- rante, guest ai Mrs. A. Trenouth. ..Miss Phyllis Niddery wiUi fri- ends in Toronto and attended Uic *Ex... Miss M. Harn with rela- tives at Kitchener. .. Lins. L. FTruli in company wiUi Miss Ruby 1Clatwarthy with fricnds in Peter- *bora. .. Mr. Jack Cowling, To- ronto, at home. . . Lrs. H. Smith- *son and nice, Isllngton, attendcd W.I. meeting here on Thuraday and visited friend... MLi nsd Mrs. W. E. Stevens sud Luis. E. Stevens at Mr. R. Burgess', Ty- rafle. .. Miss May Wright wiUi Mrs. R. Katerson sud Liary.. LiMra. W. Watchorn with friends at 1Nesteton... Mr. and Lins. W. J. LSmith, Beamsville, with thein visitors at their home wene Lin. daugliter, Lira. E. Anthistie; other sud Lins. J. J. Nicholson, Humber Bay, Mn. J. H. Nichai, Montreal, Lira. Nina Putubougli, Flint, Midi., Mr. sudLira.« Frank Chard, Wes- ton, Lir. sud Lira. C. Smith sud childi-en, Grimsaby, who joied in their Silver Wedding anniversary cecebration. Lir. ajàd Lira. Gea. Cilarke sud Sylvia, Mir. sud Lira. Jack 'Rudder and Eari,MLi nsd Lira. Mcl. Mec- Cabe sud Shirley, Mir. and Lins. Mcl. Arnald sud baby, Mr. sud Mrs. Keith Clarke, Lir. Ernest Brock and Liss Gladman, Mri. Menvin Scott, Oshawa, Mri. Lewis Scott, Grecnwoad, Lir. W. Clarke, Zion, Lira. K. Wintcrburn, Bow- mnville, at Mir. Arthur Clarkc's and Lir. Clarence Yeo's. Miss Doris Cryderman had her tonsi]s rcmoved in Bownianviile Hospital on Friday. Misa Betty Rogers also underwent an opera- tion on Wcdnesday at the hoapta]. Bath are convaiescing favarably. Congratulations ta Lir. and Lira. Al. Randle an Uic arrivai of a baby girl. Rev. H. Gardiner, Tyrone, was present at Uic Young People's. Union on Friday cvcning at theiif ~ ening meeting sud gave a help- i sud thought-provoking ad- kress on "Disciplining Ourselves" wvhich was weil received. A social time was enjoycd wiUi weincrs, rails and coffee scrvcd. Worid's Day aif rayer waa ob- gerved on Sunday. In evening aur pastor gave a fitting discourse sud choir rendered su appropriate selection. "Rally Day"I will be observed in Uic Sunday Sehool next Sun- day aternoon. We hope fon su increascd attendance. Mrn. and Liis. wrnl Rantan, SmiUi's Falla, sudMLi nsd Lira. Lorne Robbins, Leakard, called ons friends here Friday. MLi nsd Lins. Ranton liad been in Cobourg for Uic marriage oaI Uic- daugh- ter, Margaret te LMr. Prcscatt Douglas MiacArthur, son aifLir. L. D. MacArthur sud Uic late Lira. Mar-Arthur ai SmiUi's Fails, which took place i Trinity United Churcli, Cobourg, wiUi Rev. W. P. Woodger afficiating sud Miss Ruth Woodger, solaist. The bride ia a graduate of Ottawa Ladies' Cailege sud lier husband is wiUi Uic R.C.A.F. They wrnl reside in Toronto. Lira. Alan Parker lias returned te Liontreal aiter visiting lien inother, Lira. M. Goodmnansd sister. Louise. .Miss R. Anhislte, Brantford, at home sud attended Uic Silver Wcdding anniversary aiflier par- ents. Solina Recent Visitons: Mir. W. L. Miller accamPanied by Lins. Wilfid DeweIl sud sons, Roy sud Harold, 1 Lira. Frank Farn*r and daugh- . tens, June and Nora, matoed tc *Ottawa ta visit Pte. Wilfrid Dcw- cil sud Pte. Frank Farmen. Mr. sud Lins. Bruce Tink ai Lin. Will Ormistan's, Columbus. e Misses Ruth Cryderman and Olive Ward, Bowmanvilc, wlth Miss Velms Gilbert.- Veina -is teachlng at EsilyduffUia year. Mri. sud Lira. P. A. Hsucack, 3Toronto, at Mn. N. C. Yellowlecs'. Lisas Jessie Cation neturned wltl, Mr. sud Lira. E. Larmer and iamily, Blackstock, at Lin. E. R. Taylor 's. Lira. Wcs. Yellowlees attcnded a sliower for lier cousin, Miss Elais Allnat Uic home aofLira. Walter Rickard, Slaw's, Lionday niglit. Lira. S. E. Wcrry wi George Wcrry, Toronto, ion a iew days. Messrs. Ted LicLauglilin and Normsu Carey, Oshawa, at Mr. A. L. Psscoc's. Mn. sud Lins. Will White and sons, Orono, Lira. C. Johins, Hamp- tan, at Gea. White's. National Day aif rayer was ob- scnved at Uic Churcli service on Sunday. Liissionary progrsm n i S.S. was in ýclhrge aifLira. N. C. Yeilowlcca. Misa -Harris told -a stary ai Annie Bradley, thc miss- ionary, Uic key note being thesa fw nes iound on the ily-leaf ai lier diary: "If nadio's alini fingers Can pluck a n*iody from night And teas it aven a continent or ses; If pctalled white notes ai a violin Anc blown acroas thc mountains or cities' din; If sons like crnison nases Are culed from thin blue air, Why sliould montais wonder If Gad hears prayen?"1 Rally Day service wil be hled next Sunday at 2 p.m. and on Sept. 22nd aur annual Harveat Home services wiil be lield. Pan- ticulans ncxt week. George Wenry cntcrtaincd a number ai young people at a corn and wicner roast Thursday niglit, pnion ta lits departure ta resume lits studies at Dental Coilege, Toronto. Newtonville Recent Visitera: Lira. Foster, Mns. Hibbard sud Joyce, Lira. Nalis and iamily, Toronto, at Mn. Wm. Stapleton's. ... insd Mns. Reg. Waodham and Marie, Ta- ranto, with relatives liere. .. Mr. sud Mns. S. R. Joncs, Lira. Henry Joncs and Mn. LMelville Jonies with Mr. George Griffin's, Omemee.. Lira. C. Hoakin, Whitby, with Mns. Hoskin. .. Cecil sud Ronald Bur- ley in Toronto... Lin. and Lins. W. Chester, Oshiawa, at Mr. A. Redknapp's. .. Lir. and Lira. Jas. Payne, Torante, with Mns. W'm. Smith. . .. Miss Florence Burley, Port Hope, at home. Inspectar, and Mrs. A. A. Martin sud family, Brighiton, Mns. Gar- dofi Sr., Miilbrook, Mr. and Mns. George LMarton sud iamily, aixth lie, and Mr. sud Lins. Robt. Gardon sud iamiiy, Elizabethville, ail attcnded Uic sliower for Mn. sud Mns. Jack Kimbail. A nuni- ber ai Uic bridels idilow workers from Newcastle Box Factory were also present. Lins. George Ovens la in Part Hope Hospital. Miss June Ware ia attending higi achool in Tarante sud stay- ing wiUi lier Grndmathcr Ware. Davcy Hendenson, Taronte, wlio purchssed Uic Wm. Hayes iarm, 3nd Uine, Clarke, lias purchssed a fine teami af hanses fram RQbt. Morton, Newtonville. Misa Jennie Tliorpson sud Mna. Wilfls Joncs attended Uic Local Leader Training Scliooi at Hamp- tan. Miss Marguerite LicKay lias acccptcd a position in Mr. Dave Denault's office. Community Honours Receat Bride and Groom On Friday cvcniing an cxcep- tionaily large number af relatives sud friends gathencd in Uic New- tenvilc Community Rail ta lion- aur aur latest bride sud groom, Li.nsd MnS. Jack Kuxnbail (nec Wsuda LicKay). Rev. J. McLach- lam acted as cliainnisu for this Program: m~usical numbens, John Scott accompanied by Lins. Scott; hunsonous neading, Raymond Gil- mer; musical nunýber, Mr. sud Lins. George Campbell; vocal duet, Mamian Bruce sud Laurna Pearce accompsuied by Margrare.t TDen- 5 Cakes Colgate's Soap 2 Tubes Woodbùry's Tooth 15e Glas DOWI Paste - 25e Sise i for - 25 BA . A.for NO26em 10Cks 100 hon 10 $1.08si sa Tablets Tablets Now 19e J69e 19e me - Films Developed FREE - We Test Eyes and Fit Tinsses 95 P.R. COWLING, Phm. Be PromPt young people linlita wonk and gave Uicelhappy couple some lime- iy advice as wefl as beat wialies. Mr. LicLachîsu pnaiscd bath Uic yaung people ion Uic part ecd liad playcd in sparts sud ln Uic churci. Mr. Bal Waikcy, manager ai tic. girls' sotball tearn, also apake. Tic bride sud groom wcrc lnvited ta occupy chairs, deconat- cd in pink sud white, on thei Pialiorm sud Meda Hailawcll rcad an addrcss which spake in Uic higlicat ternis ai bath yaung people and wiich was signcd by "Tic Girls' Softbail Teans." Al sang "For They Anc Jolly Goad Fellaws", afier which bath spoke wands ai appreciation. A numben ai girls assisted in unwnapping Uic niany beautiful gifla star whici lunch was scnved sud a social lime enjoyed. Brownfs Red Cross Cornmittee met at Mna. Freeman Eddy's Sept. 4Ui. Mns. R. Brandi sud Mna. Eddy donated quilts, anc ai whichisl gaing te be sold. Nexi meeting la at Miss Jean Pernin's Sept. 25Ui. Norman Eddy la the only new beginnen ai achool as yei. Congratulations ta Li. n. dMns. Arche Brown an thein manrage. Mrn. Richard Roiey has acceptcd a position in Wcston. Mr. Kenneth Stephenson ai Uic R.CÀA.F., Montreal, was home. Li. nsd ins. Roy Ersucli sud iamily visited ai Mr. R. Graham's. Li. nsdLins. Geo. Stephienson. visited ai -Mn. Irwin Colwil's, Newcastle. Lina. F. Branten sud Ailsu, Newcastle, visited with lin. R. Brandi. Township Councli1 CARTWRIGIIT COUNOIEL Business triansacted aI Uic Aug- usi sud Septeniber meeting ai -Cartwright Coundil iollows: H. D. Fenguson asked fon leave ai absence in case lie was ac- ceptad by Uic Milita. Requcat grsuted sud clenk appointad ta coilecit te taxes during is ab- sence. By-law Pascd fixing rate for, 1940 ai 23 nis ai whicli anc miii wiil be paid by Uic Provin. cial Gavernnent. By-law was paased te coileci trustee rates as follows: -School Sec. No. 1, $200; No. 2 Continua- tion, $1,262.20; No. 3, $200; No. 4, $200; No. 5, $150; No. 6, $200; No. 7, $400; No. 9, $250. Orders signed as foilows:. Grant to Regatta, Caesarea ----------------$ 50.00 O.Wright, roads ------- --- 172.66 D. A . Bur, premium on grandstand and snow fence 26.00 G. Wright, S.S. No. 8----- 240.00 N. Edgerton, S.S. No. 6-- 330.00 0. Wright, roads ----------- 286.92 1Councîl adjourncd to meet Oct. 5th at 2 p.m. A sylphlike figure is easily yours mn a natural, non-radc1 way. Two weeks supply Slaendcl\i "Beauty" Tablets $1.00. McGreý- , gor's Drug Store. 37-f YOD SAVE MONEY when car repaira are entrustel to a skllled icensed mechanle. Get real vaine for your service dollar at Garton'. COMPLETE STOCK 0F NEW BATTERuMS Fog Llghta, Waxes, Poilshes, Fans, Tires and other accesuer- les eoverlug entire range of motorist'a noeda kept lu stock. GARTON'S GARA"GE PhozQe 2666 KingglSt. SELEOTED nROM OUR REGULAR STOCK We are clearing these LOOK AT TREUIl VALUES! Formerly Now Dresses - $2,95 $1.95 Dresses - $4.50 $2.95 Dresses - $4.95 $2.95 Drýesses - $5.95 $3.95 Dresses - $6.95 $3.95 Dresses - $7.95 $4.95 ftwes - $8.95 $5.95 Il Il 7- Ail genumne crepes, both long and sh or t Bleeves. Neven before such reduction. We must char these dreuse at once te make room for large, new fail stocka, Mn. snd Mn.E. Anthistle . 25 Yeara Maried A nuz*cn af relatives sud ti- ends assemblcd at Uic home ai )&n. sudLins. E. A. Anthistle, Hampton, on Sept. 8Ui, la celc- bieta Uic Silver Anuiversary af tel- marniage, sud te enjay a pleasant day tagether. Ticy werc tic nedipients ai several lovcly silver picces i-rn Uice compsuy including a beautiful casserole, silven water pitcher, flawcr con- tainer, table neflecten sud other smaîl picces sud bouquets ai beautiful sumnier flawcrs which adonned Uic house, Tic goad wlalies sud gifla wene grateiuily acknowlcdgcd by tic bride sud groom ai 25 yeans aga, suter which parteok ai a sumptuaus nrepasi. a pleasant lime was spent and ail Thi- friends joicd in congratu- lations te Uic bride sud groom witli goad wislics ion the pture. Anumben ai beautiful cardiqwerc receivcd from rnany frienda wlio could flot be preseni. See Fred Mitchell for pianos. Easy terma. 37-1 Be attractive. Take Siendon "Peauty" Tablets. Twa weeks suppiy $1.00. McGrcgon's Drug Store. -37-1 Lien will wrangle ion religian; write ion il; fight ion il; die ion 1t; suything but live for it.-Colton. A city may as well be builded i the air, as a commonwealth or kingdom be cithcn constltuled or pncacnvcd withoultich support ai religion.-Plutarch. 1Phono 5m Couck, Joknston & Cryderm-an Phone 836 Bowmanvilhe. k il- , COW LING, SEILS THE DEST AND SERVES YOU WELL BMSIPLWOOD 'a tii e re am of Qualty promptly deIivered ini bulk or brioka. CombinatHn Bt Water Moth Larvex Pittinis Dotties llr Liquid Âutostrop Razor Nova KeIp 1 Strop - 5 Blades For Real Health 150 tabs. 300 tabs. 750 tabs. AU for - 79e 79e $1.39 $2.79 Mosby's Tonte - 1.17 Cbase's Nerve Food, .49 Neuro Tontec -- .49 Wampole's Ext. - 1.00 Ext. Malt and Cod Liver OU1-, 59 98 1.69 Seott's Emul.- .53 .98 Haliver Caps. --.89.1.50 Neo Chemical Food 1.15 2.45 Cale. A. Caps. 1.10 2.00 Irradol A ----- 1.50 3.25 Hypophosphites --.89 me2--- 23* 2 OR45ç