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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Sep 1940, p. 8

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~4~4'4~ iy~ PIAGE EIGHT THE CANADL5LN ST4ESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO TauRSDAY, SEPTEUMER12T]% 1940 until the f ifth when both teams SofflbaI atJmg Avorages FAREWELL CANADA Stop, Look aid Lit! SPORTNEWS Caurtice hammered out four ____runs ini the first of the sixth. ButWhtRoeBAla ih é'~~yy~mn, ~ Saremraei wth a tu r bt. Final batting averages of White At crossings and station. we barae cinted i ath ratfibarun loiteRoue e Aheaov in h e I:Eiiivuii: i.ii~JiI~ The latter part of the game was Rose softball team:ofesethabvsln Wen CO M IMplayed i semi-darkness, a great Player A.B. Hits P.C. where and why did those three W. MacIlhinney 38 16 421 od eteroigDwnI ULmaL ny pted eutn ntepatB rw 2 9 49Oklahoma and nearby states, D E T SALM of baptheaid. ot owngaeyflorT.B: Brw2 9 0391 there was years ago especialIy in O H W ~ w.ui~uSalem,, but a also the leadng IH. Depew 29 10 345 sandy districts, littie villages BkIg Poo11 5.Ii'. IH IM bitter for her team, getting a S. Large 45 15 333 known as prairie dog towns. A ___________ NEW 1111 'JISA.I.II total of three runai four times F. Mutton .31 10 323 paredgl ls eaiet ____ * at bat. Aileen Pingle also played B. Bird 29 9 310 pairewoodchu c loseThey lativeshaf sixh lnln rflywhih nt-a fine'fielding game at third base C. Raby 28 7 250tw tatreftdeph eiiay-S udy sthinn al hcne-and contributed two runs ta the K. Suiiimerford 24 6 250 san o u then a tunellinrthe ted Salem five runs just failed ta Salem cause. F. Blunt 26 6 231 sea l, fent a urnishe SPT 1 -1 tic the score, as Courtice grl L. Antil led the Courtice attack J. Semple apartment ev ral f ote a c m o ai nMret Suflaaan - James grswith three runs in four times at Those at bat less than 20 times: of en foo r tdebaby omdog d hyareteaon defeated them 11-9 t w i the b t hl . W de pa ean H ob si 1 10 0h West Durham softball champion- excellent game at short-stop, J. Cowle 3 2 667 btfr dees~~m ra tr Bhip, played at Cream of Barley handling many difficuit chances F. Tigh easy.teir bet esuinta short and capModynih.Incidentai- without an error. G iln 1 500 thin, and when a cool spel of Wt ly, the Courtice team won the titie Darkness called a hait ta pro- B. Muteon 1 25400 weather cornes they bank up the Roetoug-FnkM mi i two straight games, and ceedingsaet the end of the ixth B.Caler 4 2 250 entrance ta their burrows, as Mr. Lv afrMeah brought dstiction ta that village inîng.H.Coe8 2 25 and Mrs. Prairie Dog do not want wodr ebetei r by havin two chapionshipJ. Rice 4 1 250 aycl ruhsi hi ap by aving theorchambos hip Courtice - L. Antil, c; M. So- J. Crombie 6 1 167 ayhomd agt.i hi ap sudrb h Gsaotro teamwon the Courtice aya hav- bil, s; E Wae, rd;A.Gay, p; J.Nickerson 19 2 105 hoe. of Nazi haveermanyen in wnth Suh arigtnN. McQuade, cf; M. Riznek, lat; D. Davey 3 0 000 ~ title lest week. o h~ oshv hi n M. Konapacki, rf; M. Wilkins, l; D. McKnight 1 0 000 eis r n r.Fxhv Trailing 2-1 gomng ito the fiirt R. Penfound, 2nd. C. Mutton 3 0 000 disovr.d a lm py o nghRaIve hall of the third ining, Courtic Salem - M. Cornish, f; P. Mac- - - - prairie doga are toothsome damn- Put on a rally which brougt Kbilt;A ige 3rd; D. Team 411 123 299 ties for lunch. So alter Mr. or Fia tIIpm their total ta seven. Salem added Dwe, pS; . YPinge, n;PotSre Mrs. Prairie. Dog have taken their anc more itheir hall of the M Hamm, as; Marion Macdonald, Final batthig averanda of Front _________________nomore_______ c;*H. Rundie, cf; Marg. Mecdon- Stree t(ntmcîudig pîof Fn visit their ncxt door neighbor Stret natid, rf. pay. fsome ixty feet away, knowinganH -'Ms alCortie 0 04-1 games). tic cunnig cf the fox farnlly,IWLm i 2oric 01 014 - Player A.B. Hits P.C. they dart with lightning-lil<e m w c Ia br Business Directory Salmir1es15-Largemand2Li1te83pi(lity about one-third of teuics-carh darRre Umpies -Larg an Litle. undl 44 20 45 taceput brekes on all four et __________________ ________________ Jackman 25 il 440Soies fuiScndC-goby tahirhmln stand erect like a sentinel, and MD. McIlveen 26 9 346 Slir fteScn a-gobet hi oeada okalaon o osbedn Legal mm Brough 47 16 340 adian flivision C. A. S. F. wave they embark for England. . Iftail around farossibleyn rITS A U PAT Crawford 33 10 303 go another 20 feet, and then re- M. G. V. GOULU, B.A., LL.B. Morden 21 5 238 community. Mrs. Down, Who haa ta baose Miss Kelly who has sc- peat the same stop-loak-and-listen ET 16-7 Barrister, Solicitar, Natary _____________ Allin 40 7 175 lived in this community ail her t.lof cepted a higher position near posture. A tourist seeig this TOGETFAUE Phone 351 Thase at bat 20 timea ar less: life, will be greatly miased in ah _____Taranto. careful way of travelling, gave us Bank of Comniercp Bldg. Alter two wes of haranguing Rickard 7 5g14 hurh ad social work. Mrs Reoent Visitora: Miss Doris Wilis, Town, with the well lnowrt slogan: Stop! To rat~ QfyI Bowmanvile and arguing, tesoftball execu- McFeetera 67Dwnwspresident of thc Wo- M'n r.Ls osi n r..H Mna.Lo!Lsen!! tive and the managers of Mike's Hayes 5 3 600 men's Institute, a teacher in the fMir. aMton'Ls.ConsRev Mrs. JTai ndi a ronoetLook!ran oneListule W. R. STRIKE Place and Goodycars got together Clmer 14 7 500 S.S5., member of the choir, as fmlTono' onr e r.TmSih oota Barrister, Solicitor, Notary and decided to play the reat of Mason 19 9 474 well as taking an active part in . . Bick, Whitevale, et ïMr. j: Mr. Roy 'Metcall'ýs. Solicitor for Bank of Montreal the play-off s games at the Cream Cale 19 8 421 uic young people's and otiier or- W.Bo'. The meny friends of Pte. Gea. TOBACCO CROPAneu-AkmTmof Balson'a. ~H. Painter, Hemnpstead, England, N O NU E n Money to Loan - Phone 791 of Barley Camp. Rackham 8 3 375 ganizations. She waa always Mr.«and Mra. Fred Canieron and who formally warked for Mr. I O NU E Bowmanville, Ontario Ashton il 4 364 ready ta lend a helping hand Helen at Mr. Alfred Sonley's, ]ROy Metcalf, now one of uic C.A.BYE RYF O TDr utIn" The firat gasme wiil be played H. Hooper 18 6 333 where passible.* Master G 1 e n Whitby. y.F mn, enra Onaro RgiFROSTJVU~ L. C. MASON, BA. Thursday (to-night) et 6.30 The C. Mcllveen 18 6 333 Brooks presented Master Billie Mr. and Mrs. Anson Balson and ment, B.66753, are sorry ta hear Durhamn Plantations lI Hope Tp.StIli Barrister - Solicitor following gaines will be played Slemon 15 4 267 Down with a sweater, and Misa daughtera at Mr. Leslie Haskin's, that he is rePorted i the casualty [nita rpUijurd-AirIDke-Jaceogi Notary Public - Etc. Friday (to-morrow), then Tues- Rice 4 1 250 Joyce Woodley prcsented Mirs. Thornton's Corners. list as dangerously ill. Wester Crop Uffeed - l chioo Law in ail its branches day and Thursday. If rainy wea- Cully 5 1 200 Down with a bouquet aof fowers. Mr.sandnMs. Hans eisberge Office inunediately east of Royal ther forces a game ta be postpan- E. Mcllveen 1 O 0 Mr. and Mrs. Donbt xrs adîHye *adoîphE y- rerFlfty Per Cent Lona hoe: Theatre cd, then that game will be ad-- - sed their thanks. Short speeches mans, Whitby. Poe:Office 688; Home 553 vanced to the followîng play-off Team 415 153 368 were made by Mr. A. H. Brent, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Balson, Enniskillen DurhamPattostbco W de.-Tusa dat. M. A HilaMr. R Glspel ad MsaJean Balson visited Mrs. crop was uninjured by froats Dental Mr. Lorrie Mortson. Mrs. G. Rose- Wilfrid Brown, Courtice, at Bow- Recent Visitera: which caused extensive damiageSPT 18-9 Playing et the Camp presents Black11cstock vear gave a rcading, alter which manville Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Parker, ta western Ontario tabacco crops, DR. J. C. DEVIIT certain disadvantages. For anc a social turne cnjayed and lunch Mrs. W. Glaspel . et Mr. Ray Cobourg, Mr. and Mrs. Richard an officieli Port Hope announc-DO LEBL Asistant: Dr. E. W. Sinson thing it is not us centrally located was served. 1as thc public or high school, and Recent Visitera: M.adMs haDw n Scott's Oshawa. Gibbs and George, Tyrone, Mrs. cd lest week. The crops i Hope Graduete af Royal Dental Col-.adMr.Te Dw n Miss' Jean Leach, Bowmanvile, C. Stephens, Hampton, Miss C. Township, which are uic first E*a lege, Tarante. Office: Jury Jubile uic dianiond is not in as good M.and Ms. Charles McLaugh- Billy moved to their ncw home et a rR.flflOOorin Ms H ishrt latdbyDrhmPlnatos BlgBwmnil. fiehor hpea tshudb.But smnce lin and two refugee children, Lakefield on Monday whcre Mr. M addy PotrplarSoktno eeDrhm ng r porssn avrby am o6.. al, neither team would agree toa aMargaret Page, Bradford, Eng., Down has secured a position. Vla MrMWltrF rgusond, actn o Gs, D.urham-ast r e rgesgfvoal.Sar 9 a.m.t 6 .m.daily comndomiie,,thnlield, Mr. and, nothndrEliC.bBurhmastertOfficiai estimate o! thé damaciAlE Shirley -oJames Eamago Phone 79 cept Sundayone88 omperomithertiveehad orknd Elizaet R abetIMr. VsiorFred Ashton, Tarante, et Mr. R. Mr.. and Mrs. B. Wood and by froat ta tobacco in Norfolk, 790 - Husephoe 83 ohe alerntiv. YrkEn., pen Sudayet r. Mrs. Laura Virtue, Mr. Milton Perkins'. Nancy, Mrs. S. Pcthick with Mrs. Middlesex, South Oxford and- n - Tue "gateu willnatibeOasibeg r. and rs. Ryod n Virtue, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue Miss Doris Leach et Mr. John Wn'i. Sheppard, Zion, and New- Brant Counties places uic bonat - h gtl ilntb sbg M.adMs enlsadwith Pte. and Mra. Art Spicer, Kivell's, Soline. tonville friends. 15,000,000 ta 20,000,000 pounds or a DR. R. O. DICESON as. it would be il uic serica werc Mrs. Franks, Peterbaro, et Mr. Bowmanviile, Miss Norma Glaspel et Mr. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Siemon, about fil ty per cent of the crop, TovroLno> ansto Newcastle n. placebt ith er o ictwootherLsleMonjo'.Mr and Mrs. Byron Moore, Mr. Murray Williams', Part Pcrry. Misa Greta Slcman, Tarante, Dr. J. K. Pcrrett, sccretary of the On- Ofer Lngnas Satore, Newc te laebu itwesreared thatn- Mr. Galdwyn Faiiit, Midland, and Mrs. Russell Virtue, Mr. and Tracy Glaspel has rcturned with and Mrs. C. W. Slcman, Keith tario Flue-Cured Tobacco Market- *uiac Ofic ha: turday only, Ui legu e ul eak evenplin- e t Mr. Osmond Wright's. Mrs. Theo Down and Billy, Mr. his fhock o! sheep having shown Sieman, Bowmanville, Dr. Harold ing Board, said. wt 9 a.m. te 9 pthe.th ancia ly n isasn'offpaysa miss Francis Barton and Miss Fred Moore, et Mr. Arthur them et several fairs in uic United Siemon, Toronto, et Mr. H. An- Tue board's estimate o! the ta- HdaHpe iI ibr uicthoouhlydigt fficielsBessie Rodgers, Richard's Land- Moore's, Enniskillen. States. rdni'.tlcrptiyarws40000 Funeral Directors were only too glad ta get affaîrsa ws 5,0000 settlcd without further argument. ing, St. Jaacph's Island, visitcd Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byarn and Al. Ayre and F. B. Glaspel cx- Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright ac- pounda. With almoat hall of this Add:MchoTmeN.3 FUNERAL DIRECTORS * r.M.Sth family et Mr. J. Liilicrapp's, Can- hibitcd their flocks af shccp et campanicd by Mr. and Mrs. R. gone, a ncw situation wiil dcvclap"Gew stPam" Service, any hour, any day It is ta be hoped that ncxt yer Mr. and Mra. Wm. Haoey, nington. Toronto, C.N.E. and brought home Philip, Burkcton, visited frienda in the tabacco market, which has F-F M risC. il the league s in operation, there Gertrude and John of Cameran, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks and a good inany prizes. et Victoria Harbour and Midland. been staggering under a surplus F. F.Moirrs Co. will nat be e recurrence of such Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith, Bcth- Floyd, Cobaurg, et Mr. George A number o! aur farmers cx- 'Mr. and Mrs. R. Gardon and of about 28,000,000 pounds carried XModern Mter Equipmcnt, Amn- foolish proccedings. A marc strict, any, et uic Smith Bras.'. Brooks'. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks re- hibted et Oshawa Fair this week. - Helen, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. N. over !rom lest ycar. bulance and Invalid Car. Tele- dictatorial attitude by icague of- Mrs. Jahn Marlow with her tumncd ta Cobourg with thçm. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton et E. Wright, Hampten, with Mrs. Tue frost bs la not covcred by gona i atDra ln x phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. ficials would soan staxnp out a deughter, Mî!s. Ivan Shook, 'To- MrL.ancl Mis. W. E. .Ste i~d Peterboro, Bewdlcy and Camp- Wm.~ Oke. insurance. Hundrcds o! growcrsttonHenareusUcsx- aniarprisal a! such mutineer- ronto, and attended Uic wedding Mrs. Enoch Stevens, Haxnptofrat bellford. Mr. -anid Mrs. E. C. Ashten etwilbhrd itWic ni-peswrasgdasny~bd Auctoner ig teni. AterailMr. lauico! er ausi,.essi.Makenie r. obt augdasMrM..adSMs. . T Stintn aPoMrtS.Radan', Prt crry duls illsuferuicindatthet-sce hiNoroli whlc ELMER ILBURsense of having an executive if Farbes te John Arthur Kidd on Mrs. A. W. Annis withfrnd Eien tM.Nwon dgrs MmadMs.F McGil and self may be jecked up" byuistnd theranwsaptiù FIR EB they will nat use their vested Saturday i Deer Park Chapel. in Taranto. Oshawa. Donny, Toronto, with Mrs. J. Mc- hcavy froat damage, anc tobaccotia!Ucpsbltesogoin amtn - Ontario lem arises surely it would be bet- Canon John Kidd who wases i ___________ Mr. and Mms. F. Bilett wni western grawers have sanie ta-ancrinbdadptdorhs Specializing i Pen, Livestack, ter fcr ail canccrned il they would recter of St. John's AnglicanB reo Mrs. T. McGill. bacca from lest acason atml un- pmac bnplements and Furnitume Sales get uic question scttled almoat Church, Bleckstock, 22 yearsaega. ____Misa Alice Ashton with Mr5. S. sold. ________ TERMS MODERATE immediatcly insted af lttng it RMm. Jeck WaldPan.,aterTarante, mc-l Re Phone for Termmaand Date te: go an for several wecks. Tue turned haine elter holideyhiWcn iing.Eat e: orda Myr.anteMr. E F C. anPpesnatv o ersan A r clura - Bowznanvifle 2428 whobc trouble was thet officiels with his cousins, thc Smith Bm Mr Ewart reck, Thomak r.E er and rsent atiefor ee DrboroCoun- Lv o eki auccea wne oati uhawyta r.Jh Ke sisting e oe A. Telfer, Taranto, et Mr. A. ty, brought te Tue Statesman onstaeTrhanrfic dve Veterinarlan no on's feelings were hurt. frienda iOshawa. l vnMm. and Mms. W. King, N ma ear _________________ ***Miss Eva Parr visitcdi To- 1 and Marie Hartnett and Mm.E.WcM.n ro tvn a e Tuesday several leaves of tobecc ovc-ayBae dy D. C. DAVEY, V.S., B.V.Se. It would elso be'a goad idea a.f rm OshaCR IMetSMm. and Ms. ceptcd a position in Generel Bowmanviile thc managers o! ail teamas were Tue village has been rather MaI t'.Mtons, Oshawa. Office long tD.F. Ja he given a free hand isettling d isquietthis past week wiR I EheoM.iandM. .Dais n ogardaton stevM.ens hes a _____________________ Ofie:KngS. ist tTighc putes without outside iterfer- barber, thc bbacksmith ancdTHOe family, Oshawa, with Mrs. L. A. Radle n er. Aamsnd Ridne hae83 ence by thase nat ectivcly con- Postinaster et Petawawa. WMis. TAbbott. thnee Poca arl dahes> hiit _________th______G.___________ dng o te t hme Mm. and Mms. G. Henry, Osh- . elcy.Bwanile ~1 l cdpost office. mte wiMsWeh, awnvlcawa, et Mm. A. Oke's. r Hih School wiil floot avile AYPA fSJh' etany uic _____________Miss . CoaeBwm.i "Tue Beautilul Garden c! iihSho il ntaer- h egh home af Reeve and Mrs. C. ____M___ r. MSa . Copdranis. ilePrayer" wes uic number sung by d ecf i n i t e scheduled itrhg Devitt an Tuursday cvcning. Tue wt MsU.icms h choir on Sundey cvening et school sport this ycar, but will meeting was in charge a!Vie Wallae Brcck and Merle Hub- raesrvc.R .H.L- foilow uic exemple set by CO- Pes Tho.Hdge henaniter- TO need for liard rubbing and bard ettendcd uic C.N.E., To- uic prae service. e.H Lac- o ,, bourg. Cobourg wiil concentrate csting end profitable evening was L9 crbbngwhen yau use a ronto. Faith in uhi lalites whcn Caleb on intra-mural euiîetic activitica. spent. Miss Betty Moffatt la hliday- nd Joshua wmited te lead them more students will have e chance home of Mrs. Percy Phayrc, Sept.Ly.tcusigttholiea, Oshawa. MissOlaSnes ntr Ly.I e ihttruhgS, Mms. S. Moffatt and Betty et- tic laSnesnetr TO THIS SWORN ta participate on uic variaus 4th, Tue rail calwas answcrcd d lge ris ep U cdducCNE nStma. taie a in r ofrdyunghtpeal OI teenis. and the terni "1physical wiih weys ofIhclping chlui c lumen nuniber cf young- peoplhee.NE. n Stura mduae " itsl ae a cace. form habits o! heelth, neatuesa, houses sanitary and odorlesa, Mr. and Mrs. Hl. Gil and Mrs.rptig-ga me If yau are bcthered byr*** obedience and caurtesy. A letter soeurs pots and pans, taises the J. Gf tBbagoM and Mrs. Jas. A. erry an dandruf rub Minard g Te mebscm we t-was read Irom Mrs. Thickson ......S k otof- M lenng r. nd is.on. Rh ihMrs. N. E. Wright attendcd ucthe_________________________ geauMo&Iawtkmyou asking this branch to nfake plum A~We<u Aha, lem~ rcd aat.funcral cf their uncle, Dr. Jas. hdrno unpleaaie1y - and thc present state o! affaira cd te be donc as soon as pose.-ewy ad.M peG ov ry ooto ody Oeaddisu d aca oesnot lcnd itself ta catering tpossible.ov It'a the 0wara fao of Uic fcw. Cobourg ha made a This program wes given by con- 8 LT-Th eteo dandruf-es il la of 1wisc decision in adopting thc plan vne Mra RprtByrsredi tens howdi"powoeftiml.nu R Becent Visiters: ___ muclr oe fum or inter-or, or inter-clas by Mrs. Wilbcrt Archer, Mra. clrm « 1 ri. . . keflcot.- -___ puuain om rmar Robert* Amp rdc by M rs. rVank1 ik maa tnd ci ime .b »m iMl.Maxs laior Cmplll orn, m. oNc-fl.+nW. . met t th hom Stovos poolt urtgolagCob ou aC,* tVhave n art o.,f ..home af Mr. and Mms..Samuel Mra. Belle Richardson, Black- of resdlng the newsaprwUapnolndpaper, reed and returnlng. the idea. Failing in' this, Port Snowden, Oshawa, i honour ofI stock, *~ith lIra. Wm. Muirhcad.'9 - Hope trcd ta have the Ponies W .adSnjlSodn5 Mis. Sarah Gilchriat, Shmityteot<WDUcails eylhteobt. r ia ~ fr~ Western te Estr aaadru an honota h rud htblthdays, alsa Mr. and lIra. Sam- Bey, wlth hem alter, Miss Mary ýmethod. It gaves lime, money n rvd.yuwt 1perqgw»il. thcy used an inligible player uci Snowden's l7th wedding an- acii gr mrai"ations and ail information Iran any agent. here sanie weeks ega. A h a niv:rsary. Everyonc had an en- Miss Maeie oeswihhrthe pick o! the day'. mercalu e AUFOR HANDBILL T233 bourg Sentinel-Star so well ex- jybetm.gadohr r.J aes presses it - "It looked like thc We welcome Miss Dorothy Me- Miss May Naon, Toronto, wlth Sweil known squeeze play te win Master, Tarante, ta aur comnmun- hem fether, Mr. Joseph Noon. I~I UI MI the1Ui laurels via uic commlittce * TI lty, who ha been enigaged te lIra. John Haoey with hem ais- rNA TIoutA L teach i MissKelly'. place. Sory ter, lIra. H. Samells.

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