-~-~-ma PAGE TmN Th*Newcast1e IndependentI Phono Clarke 1114I Miss E. M. Blackburn visited friends in Omcmec. Pnivate Jas. Murray, Home Guards, Ottawa, was home. Mr. Howard Thom framn Cali- fonnia is visiting Dr. Annie Hig- bec at "Tlntaglce'. Mr. and Mrs. AdMir Hancock, Toronto, wenc guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hancock. Mr. Tom Spencer, Jr., 'who is an thc sick list temporarily, visit- cd in Taranto on Tuesday. Harold Hockin, Military Police- man at Fort Henry, Kingston, was with his mothen, Mns. W. J. Hoc- kMn. Private Leonard Lawlon, Camp Bonden, visitcd Mn. and Mrs. Wil- bur Baskcrville and Mrs. Jesse Baskerville. Mrs. Pency Hare is prognessing nicely following her aperations at A POT 0F TEA There'. nothlng like it t o pel FOU Up I he i.afttrnoon and more se when van slp If at thec Carter FamilY Tea Room ami ebeerful suroiun& That'. flot ail that we are noted fer eîther. Our Soda Fountain croations have a re- putation of thefr own. Drop lu any tisse, we il b. glad te have you. The Carter Family Dakers for P. Generations Ki" St. Dowmanlie OS HAWA Free Parking Phono 1011 CONTINUOIIS SHOW EVERY SATUEDAY FROM 2 P.M Friday - Saturday SEPT. 20 - 21 DITECUNICOLOR "The Return et Frank James" Starrlng Henry Fonda - Gene Tlrney - IaekL Cooper Alibi Cartoon: "Done Trouble" REVIVAL Friday at 11i p.in. 112. Louis Blues" Starrlng Lloyd Nla - Dorothy Lamour Mon. -'Tues. - Wed. SEPT. 23 - 25 Greer Garson - _Lauronco olivieri 'Pride and Prejudice' wlth Mar" Boia - Eina May Oliver - nMaureen O&Sullivan Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. SUPT. 26 -28 AUl et Romance Aiventmae - Thrils IOrne Great Picture ERROL FLYNN in "The Sea Hawk" Brefda Marshall - Claude Bains - Donald Crlsp 1 Oshawa hospital. She neturneil home on Monday. The cherry -crop has held out for a long time this scason and thene are stili plenty lctt on the trees ta make a few pics. Newcastle boys ofthUi N.P.A.M. Regiment, ne- 1turncd traom Pctawawa Sunday might ail well and healthy. Mr. and Mrs. Art. Bail and family, nccently of No. 9 S. S., are occupyig an apatment an tUic canner of King and Mil Streets. Thrcc of the childncn anc attend-1 ing school. Poncupines have long been con- -sidcned not only rare but non- existent in these ports, but on Monday Uic Banchord bys found and killcd anc on their farm on the Third Line. Mns. E. S. Van Den Veen, G- vcrsville, N. Y., is staying for Uic wcek with her fathen, Mr. J. W. Bradley, and Miss Muriel Brad- ley, Toronto, rcmained aven aten the funeral until Tucsday. Mn. and Mns. J. H. Jase did Uic deconatmng at Tinity Chunch, Bowmanville, ton Uic Cryderman-s Anderson wedding on Satunday,1 using pincipaily their own andt Mr. *nd Mns. J. L. Crydenman's1 glads. Mn. and Mns. Jas. Coulson ande daughtcn, Mrs. R. C. Lovekin, andc son, Mn. John Coulson of Sunset1 Prairie, B. C., who is visiting hist parents liene until ncxt spning, took a moton trip through Uic Niagara fruit bilt. Reeve C. R. and Mns. CarvethS arrived home tramn their westernS visit Sunday evening and in good tinie ta get ncsted and aittnUi f air at Orono. Ini Alberta and British Columbia they met a nuln- ber of former Newcastle and On- ana folk who cnquired after fniends of Auld Lang Syne. S When Mns. Kenncth Huil, Bow- manviile, sang i the UnitcdJ Church Sunday monning, therea were tour genenations of Uic tam-2 ily present. In Uic pcws werc hber - littie son; hen fathen. Mn. Arthurn Joncs, Bowmanviice; and her grandinother, Mns. J. A. Fry, New-b castle. Mn. Eun was also present. Mns. Stagg, who spent Uic suin- mer with Mn. and Mns. C. S. Hon- rocks at "Half-a-Hill'", and who s recentiy left ta nejoin hen husband l in Yokohama, Japan, was cxpcct-C ed ta take the boat from Vancou-c ver Frîday. Hen daughter, who t also spent Uic summer hene, is f now attending Bishop Strachane Schooi in Toronto.V Board of Education on Monday2 evcning decided ta introduce the ( teaching of Agriculture in bathe the public and high sehools. The 1 subject will be taught in grades 7v and 8, public school, by Principal7 T. A. Rodgcn wha took Uic teach-S er's course in Agriculture at the r O.A.C., Guelph, and in grade 9, high school, Uiis academic year by Principal Hugh M. McColl Who holds a specialist's certificate inC Agriculture. The high school iSS planning ta hold its annual Field t Day Fniday, Sept. 27Ui. The senior C.G.I.T. gnoup with their leader, Mns. Irwin Colwiil, C heid a wîenen naast at Newcastle- on-the-lake Friday cvening, Sept. 13. There was fia bad luck of any kind. Guests of Uic C.G.I.T. atC this moonlight, lakeside, bont ire s function, and how much romancen these ail suggest, were the mcm-n bers of The Lîve Wires, Uic Young t Mcn's Class of Uic U.C.S.S. andn Uic members of thc High Schoold staff, Mn. Hugh McColl and Missk Helen M. Smith. Also present was Mr. Stanley Rickard, former tea-b cher of Uic class, who goes toh Toronto next week ta take up his9 third year studies at Toronto Uni- L versity.n W. A. of the United Chunch met C Sept. 12th, with Mrs. J. H. Jase t in the chair. Mrs. W. J. S. Rick- aird's group had charge ofthUicde-0 votions, Uic pnognam, and atten- i words served rcfreshmcnts. Plansv were completcd ton Uic holding of a bazaor; but it was decided ta hold fia suppen this fall and in-C stead ta canvass Uic congregatinan for valuntary subsciptians ta carry an Uic usual wonk. Mn.. N. I L. Rickard contributed a neading t ta Uic pnagram and Misses Patri- cia -and Margaret Pearce a vocal duet. The minutes necorded Uiatî at Uic August meeting which was unrcported at Uic time, Mns. Per- S cy Brown and Miss Doly Purdyp' i CEiff.eHeluz Soupa l t4...... 93C MunM»l is ........... pkg. »C GrpfptJulce .....20-oz. Un 10e - FUUNIF19N FOR FR1 DAY - HAuT LLIN Pb.n 84-U -ucoRNERGROCERY Rowmanvlie THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F. Parkcr, Hampton, wish ta announce thc engagement of their only daugh- ter, Ruby Bernice, of Galt, ta W. Charles Robb, second son of Mr. and Mrs..Wm. Robb, Ayr. The marriage ta take place the latter part af September. Mr. and Mrs. Osmond Wright, Blackstock, Ontario, announce the engagement of their daughter, Lulu May, ta Mr. Goldwyn Lester Faint, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Faint, Midland, Ontario, Uic mar- riage ta take place quietly the middle of Octeber. The engagement is announced of Mary Eleanor, daughter of Mr. and Mns. R. 0. Thompson, Baw- manville, ta Mr. William Bertram Syer, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Syer, Orono, Ont. The marriage is ta take place very quietly ini Octoben. 38-1* tavorcd with vocal solos and Mis Reita Coake with a piano solo. Sunday marning at Uic Uniteg Church, Rev. R. E. Morton, ii vicw ofthUic act Uiat Uic Genena Council ofthUi United Church o Canada was in session in Winni peg and this was Genenal Counci Sunday, took as Uic subi ect of hi, scrmon, "The Church." He con sidered it unden four hcadings What is Uic Church? What ar4 the bonds of union that bind it parts and its mcmbership ta gether? What is its task? Wha are its responsibilities? After thi opcning prayer Mrs. Kennetl Hull, Bowmanville, sang «'Opel the Gates of Uic Temple," and a., an Oftcrtany Mn. Haynes-of Gan. anoque and Oshawa, who is e~ present stayig with his cousin Mn. Gea. C. Wright, sang a tenax solo "God is Love." Mrs. Hull. soprano soloist, sang again aftcx thc scunon. At Uic evening ser. vice Misses Betty Enwright, sa. prana, and Doris Allin, alto, sang Beautiful City of Light." ThE threc baskets of lovely tlaweni that decorated thUic curch werE sent aver tram Uic house by Mn J. W. Bradley and daughtcrs and arrangcd by Mns. J. A. Butler, After Uic cvening service thcy were taken ta homes of Uic sick and agcd. NEWCASTLE ORGANIZED FOB RED CROSS DRIV Ne castle is preparcd ta do its shqW0 in Uic campaign bing laichcd by Uic 'Canadian Red Cross Society ta naise $5,000,000 i cash te carry on its great humani- tarian wank. The canvass ton funils, and Uic nced is urgent as cvcnyonc knaws, is ta be nation- wide and will begin on Septemben 23nd. At a representative meeting of Uic Newcastle citizens in the council chamber on Sept. llth, a local onganization was formed with Dr. J. A. Butler as president, Thos. A. Rodgcr as secnctary, and Saxon Graham as treasurer. Also named as memibers of. Uic execu- tive werc representatives of Uic three Newcastle chunches: E5dgar KcnefiCk ot St. John's R. C. Church, Rcv. D. R. Dewdncy of St. George's, and H. S. Bnitton of the United. Mns. J. A. Butler, President of tic Newcastle Branch of the Rcd Cross, teok Uic chair for Uic open- jng and cxplaincd why it was callcd. Regular Red Cross work in Newcastle and vicinity has been carried an night Uirough Uic year, since Uic war startcd, by Uic wo- men, althangh thene are some male membens. Thcy wiil con- tinue their work of kindncss and mcrcy without cessation for Uic duratian of Uic war, and no anc knows how long atter. The drive for tunds which. wil begin from coast te coast next Monday howevcr is apart alto- gether from Uic kind of work Uiat is being carricd on month in and rnonth ouf by ail active Red Cross branches. ît is a spedial emnergen- cy drive and wiil continue through Uic week beginning next Moil4ay. The executive et Uic Newcastle organization met on Fniday even- ing, drew up plans ftonUc cn- vass which wiil embrace adjinm- ing school sections Uiat are affi- liatcd with Uic Newcastle Red Cross, 'mapped out Uic territory, and appointeil canvassers. The urgent need of Uic Red Cross for money will be widely publicized this weck and next and it is hard- ly possible Uiat any anc can ne- main unacquainted with Uic need. In tact everybady has doubtless sensed the seriousness ofthUi pre- sent war situation and been ap- palced by the suffening the wan has aiready cntailed. For this nea- son the canvassens aught ta find their task not too difficult. As a gaod starter ton Uic fund Mns. Butler handed in Wedncs- day evening $22.79 as a donation from the Croakeil Cneck Sunday School. Needbess ta say this was greatly appneclatcd. The Newcastle Branch ofthUi ecd Cross Society met Sept. 12Ui and shippei Uic tolowlng articles to headquarters in Taranto. Note the society has made and included in Uic shipinent twa quotas et surgical dressings i addition ta the sewing and knittlng. lXine cartoans containcd Uic following supplies: ô single blankets, i dou- blc blanket, 18 scarves, 8 pairs of wrstlcts, 2 helmets, 156 pairs of Bocks, 15 sweaters, 30 sets pyja- mias, 6 hospital bcd gowns, 70 3" cotten bandages, 86 4" cotton ban- ages, 1200 compresses, 800 wipes ½" lx 2", 60 large dressings, 160 racdiuin dressings, 240 sinali dres- iLngs. E"dnfield Recent Visitons: - Mr. and Mns. Merniyn Nicholson and Normna, Mount Forest, at Mr. C. G. Bownian's. Miss Eluie Samiis, Peterboro, Mn. and Mns. T. Abernethy and family, Maple Grave, at Mn. M. Samnis'. Miss Vena Stinson in Tarante. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mottat and Harold, Onono, Mn. and Mrs. L. Craga and family, Ebenezen, at Mn. Fred SmlUi's. Mr. and Mns. A. Prcscott and WILKINS - In Oshawa, on Tues- day, Sept. l7th, 1940, Margaret Yelland Wilkins, beloved. wife of Mn. Milford Wilkilns, aged 76 years. Funeral fnom, the faxnily residenoe, 17 Royal 'St., Osh- awa, on Fridày, Sept. 2Oth. Service at 2.30 p.m. Contege ta leave at 3 o'clock for Bowman- ville Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM ALLIN - In laving mcmory of aur bcloved son and brother, William "Bil", who passed away September lSth, 1939, in his 22nd year. In aur home he .is fondly ne- membered, Sweet memaries dling ta his name, Those wha laved him in U11e sinccrely, Stiil love hixn in death just thc same. -Lovingly remcmbercd b y Mo- ther, Dad, brothens and sisters. REYNOLDS - In ever loving xnemory of aur father, Arthur James Reynolds who passcd away September lath, 1934. -Ellis and May. Photography David Gordon Studio of Oshawa wiil be taking photegraphs i their 9Bawmanviile studio i the Cowan Block, Thurs., Fni and Sat., Sept. IMt, 20th and 2lst. Open from 4 p.m. ta 10 p.ni,. Sec window dis- play. Complete range of Prices. Wedding groups, t anIlY gtaups, children's portraits and aduits. Men in unifarm a specialty. In- quire about aur wonk. 38-1 COMING EVENTS Kendal Thankoftering Sunday, October 6th. Services at il and 7.30. J. J. Meilor speaker at bath services. Special music by choir. Bowmanville Womcn's Instf"O will néect an Sept. 26 at 2.30 p.Mi. at the home of Mrs. G. F. PurdY, Church Street. Demonstration "ot rvegetable cooking. The syllabus Committee of thc iDurham County Music Festival ,wiil meet i Newcastle Commun- Sity Hall next Monday, Sept. 23rd, 7.30 D.S.T., ta draw up a list of test pieces ta be used this year. This is anc ofthUi most important tasks in thc entire festival and Lthat no anc may have occasion te compiain about Uic choice everY member ofthei committee should be on hand. Wanted WANTED - POTATOES, ANY quantity. Phone Bowmanviile 2208. 37-2 family at Mr. J. Davidson's, Osh-1 awa.1 Mrs. A. W. Laver, Mr. Albert4 Laver, Miss Verna Onniisten, Ta-1 rante, at Mr. Hoskin Smith's. 1 Mn. Gardon DeLong at Niagara.1 Mn. Leslie Cochrane was award- cd first prize on a mare and colt at Oshawa Fair. Mn. and Mns. R. W. Pascae andà faxnily at Mn. H. Beaton's, Osh-1 awa.1 Mns. L. C. Pascoe and Mrs. A. W. Pnescott attended Uited Cross meeting i Bowmanviile, Fniday night. Committees wene ne- organized ta plan anothen drive immediately. Miss Helen Ashton is nesuming hen studies at Lindsay High î School. Mr. and Mrs. L. Sargeson, To- nonto, Mns. F. Rooke, Mns. M. Sandenson, Peterbano, with Mrs. John Stinson.. We notice ini a Toronto paper that a san arrived at the home ot Mn. and Mns. Frank Hubbs (nec Jean Ashton), on Frlday, Sept. l3th. The mother, of .this verY young Canadian t. Uic youngest daughten of Wn. and Mrs. Fred T. Ashton fanmerly af this village and now ncsidlng on Lawlor Ave., Toronto. SORE BACK? It niay be your kIdneys. Gin Pilla,th widely known, reliable kidney reniedy. help bning relef by eliininating pain- causing toxic wastes. Money bock if flot satisa5ed. Rfegar *',S F40LM au bmo P " (In the U. a* for "Gino Pilla) mi, BIRTHS> ALLIN - In Bowm-anville Haspi- tai, September l5th, 1940, to Mr. and Mrs. Clare Allin (ýVera Powers), a son, Robert Clore. TOMLINSON - At Bowmnanviile Hospital, on Sept. lOth, to Mr. and Mirs. Ceeu Tarlinson (nee Catherine Clark>, g, soù, (Cecil Clark>, MARRIAGI3 TORDIFF - GEDDES - In Ta- ronto on -September llth, 1940, Margaret Jessie, daughter of Mr. and Mlrs. P. J. Geddes, Bow- manville, ta William D. Tardiff, son of. Mrs. Wm. Tordiff, Bow- manville. DEATFIS OKE - In Bowmanville Haspital, September l5th, 1940, Sarah Grace Allin, beloved wife of Hedley Oke, in her 7lst year. FOR SALE - PUREBRED LEI- cester ram; also a Yorkshire sow. Mn. Blanchard, Hampton, Phone 2544. 38-1 FOR SALE - FEEDING CATTLE fer sale;- also some choice milk cows. Apply H. B. Fosten, Phone 745, Bowmanviile. 36-tf FOR SALE - 3 YORKSHIRE brood sows, due te farraw Oct. 4th, 21st and 26th. Brcd te Shady, Lawn Quaester 81T- 209810. Phone 2406, Bowman- ville, an thc Frank farm. 38-1* FOR SALE - NINE PIGS, SIX weeks Ôld, white Yo r kshire. Apply Concession 4, Lot 17, N. Sherba. 38-1* Auction Sales Melbourne Wight, Lot 6, Con. 2, Darlingtan, will sel by public auction on Wcdncsday, Oct. 2nd, at i p.m., Mis tarin stock, imple- ment. and quantity of household furniturc. Sec list irn ncxt weck's Statesman. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 38-i- The undersigncd will sel by public auction for Alan Duncan, Lot 29-30, Broken Front, Darling-« tan Twp., on Tuesday. Sept. 24th, 2 hanses, cattie, Yorkshire pigs, fiens, harncss, quantityr of impie- ment., and saine househobd turni- turc. Sale at i o'clock S. Time. Terms cash. Elmen Wilbur, auc- fiancer. 38-i Auction Sale Foin Stock and Impîcinents - Jno. A. Quigley will sel by auction on Uic W. Staînton tarin, Lot 20, Con. 8, Darlington, (first tarin west of Enniskîllcn P. O.) on Fniday, Sep- tember 2th, 4 hanses, 40 cattle, 40 hogs, 300 poultry, 8 acres corn, 2 acres tunnips, 2 acres mangels, 20 acres claver, implements. Sale jt 12.30 o'dlock sharp. Terms cash. Ted Jackson, auctioncen. 38-le Aucti.. Sale 1 have recelved instructions tram oxecutorset the estate ef the late MRS. P. J. GALBRAITH NIEWCASTLE te seli by public auction on Saturday, Sept. 2Mt Rer Furniture and Householi Effeets, Including: 3 double beds, springs and mat- tress; 2 sigle beds, apringa and mattrcss; 2 dressing tables with mirrars; bedroom chairs; bedraam tables; blanket chest; clo t h es hampers; camp bcd and mattress; white chest of drawens with mir- non; beddlng, piilows, sofa cush- ions; bathrootn fittings; smal desk; antique walnut deskh; wal- nut tables; 3 sofas; uphol.stered chairs; mirrons, carpets, rugi, trunks; velour curtains, floor length; drapes, white curtains; antique lamps; bridge lamps; tire- irons and tenders; old-fashioned tireplace; living room rug; curtai pales; sewing machine; books, onnaments, dlocks; man's fur-lincd coat; tea wagon; walnut ottoman; Dominion piano, upright, and stool; electric fixtures; pictunes, steel engnavigs; walnut frames; Mottat clectrqc stove, Ai condi- tion; coal ail stave and aven; Que- bec heaten; nefrigerator; electnic iran; electric toaster; kitchen drap leat table; kitchen chairs; clothes hanse; dishes, pots, pans, glass- ware; wickcn tunniture; lawn rus- tic turniture; flowcr boxes; ver- andah screens; venandah nngs; steel sate, medium size; lawn mawen; buffalo robes; work bcnch, vice and tools; harness; gorden nakes, etc. Termns Çash. Sale 1.30 p.m. D.S.T. Ted Jackson, Auctioneen. 38-1 150OCATTLE 150 Compossi et: 50 Yearlhng; 50 two-year-olds; 50 1000 lb. short keep Steers and Helfers, and a nuniber ef Pl"a and Calves the Property of E. A. WERRY wl b. offered for sale by public auction on hie prenises, LOTS 17 AND 18, CON. 8 DARLINGTON, Tues., Sept. 24th ati 1p.m. Sharp These Cattie are ail TMD. testei. Bur your cattle the rlght way, Puble Auction. Tour price.lu mÏ price. Duy your cattle whle fthe weather in good, the cattle wul b. stralghtened away before going te Uic stables. These cattle are of extra quality. Don't delay buYing as these cattle arei line wlth tic nutrket. Froc Dellvery on Cattle - Terni Cash - TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. THURDAY, SEPTEMBER lOTI, 1940 For Rent FURNISH-ED HOUSE FOR RENT -Phone 2390. 38-1 FARM FOR RENT - LOTS 13 and 14, 4th Con. of Cartwright. This farm is i goad condition. Buildings first class. Apply Fred A. Bailey, 1 mile east of Blackstock. 38-1* TO RENT - 200 ACRE FARM, Lot 22, Con. 2, Clarke, good buildings and lots of watcr; plowing possession at once; ful possession April 1, 1941. Apply Mrs. Cliffard Brown, Lot 21, Newcastle P. O. 38-3* FOR RENT - FIVE-ROOMED Apartment, hot watcr hcating, f i r eplace, hardwood floors, heated sunroom, garage. For possession Oct. lst. Apply Rice & Ca., Bowmanvillc. 38-1 Articles For Sale FOR SALE - GOOD USED tracter on rubber almost new, fully equippeil, wfll accept used' car as part paymcnt. Apply N. Dccken, Whitby, Phone 670. 38-1* CAR FOR SALE-1929 DE SOTO Sedan, i gad condition. Cail at Mrs. W. H. Gay's, Hamptan, or phone 2366.. 1 38-1w RECOND)ITIONED TIRES -* Save up te 50% an tires and. tubes. Fuil stock bath newv and recanditianed, some reai buys G. F. .amleson, Tire and at tery Shop, King and Silver St.. 23-tf FOR SALE - RUBEER GOODS, Sundries, etc., mailcd postpaid in plain, sealed wrapper. 80% less than retail. Write for mail- order catalogue.. Nov-Rubber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 38-8 Wiison's Furniture Co. Studio Couches 50 beautiful studio couches ta choose frbm. Vcry attractive cav- cnings. $14.95 up. You can save 40%. Mattressei New spning tilled mattresses, genuine damask ticking, ail sizes, extra special, $7.95. Also felt mattresses, rolled eciges, well fill- cd. Wonderful value, ail sizcs, $4.49. New Chesterfield Suites Luxuniaus suites, in the latest styles and most attractive caver- ings, fully guarantecd construc- tion. Sale pnice $39 up. Liberal allowance on trade-ins. Bedrooni Suites Thrillingly new, smart watcr- tail design, lovely selection. Sale price $39 up. Save 40%. Breakfast Suites Choose from a grand selection, ail styles and colons. Sale $18.95 Up. Floor Coverlng Specials Inlaids, cangaieums, r el1t o 5, heavy linoleums, in ail widths. Visit aur very large f bon caver- ings, rugs, and carpet dept. Save 40%. Our lower pnices pasitively save you maney. Trade-in Department We are ovenstocked and must clear much of this dcpartment at any pnice, 50 here goes - 3 pce. chesterfield suite $5; dining room suite $12; buffet $4; dressens $3; large Axmninster rugs $5; kitchen cupboard $3; bcd. $1; upholstered chairs $1; pram $2; studio couch $7; stoves, piano, etc. Wilson's' Furniture Co. 40 KIINO W. - 20 CHUROR ST. OSHAWA 35-4 LATEST DISCOVERY in Eyesight Comfort 0 NOW sien..ies u = lyrLensc-thelatet dicvery m-raucm* eyeetrain and fatigue. yOU Wear glas., let us fit them withTillTerLenses They will bring you a new and noticcable oye comfort. Y. taiE bu glad g o . bru o. U>wLaaaarmw DO WMAN VILLE Clauied Ad Rates Orne cent a Word cash, eaoh Insertion (minni*Mn charge 25c). Charte et 25e extra là; ma&e when advertlsement I. not pald smre week as bisr- tion. Extra charge of 10o when replies are dlrected te a Statesman box number. Dlrths, deaths and marriagres 5e each. In Memorlams, 50o for notice plus 10e per lUne for verse. Classfled advertlse- ment. aecepted np until 6 pan. Wedncsday. Livestock For Sale Weekiy Feed Speciai WEEK.LY FEED SPECIAL - Oyster Shdil, $1.05 per cwt. Offer gaod until Sept. 26th. F. C. Vanstene, Phone 777. 38-i Tea Cup Reading TEA CUP AND CARDS FROM 3 p.m. ta 10 p.m. Darch's Ta- bacco Stere, Phonp 2615.' 36-4* Ageits Wanted AGENTS WANTED- IF YOU are unemployed at present - why nat become a Jita Dealer? Easy and profitable work. Sel two hundred necessities includ- ing tea, coffc, i exclusive dis- trict. Thirty day trial without risk. Interesting specials for consumers. Inquire at Jite, 1435 Moxitca]m, Mantreal. 37-4 1 Aiterations ALTERATIONS - MODERNIZE your iast yeor's clothes by hav- ing Uihem altcrcd te conforni with 1941 styles.- Alterations carefuily and expertly donc. Our speclal departmcnt is tully equippcd ta handie your needs. Low pnices te suit your budget. AU work guarantced. Phone 594. The Evlyn Shop. 36-tf Personai MEN 0P 30, 40, 501 VIM, PEP vigor subnorrnal? Try Ostrcb tablets. Contain tenics, stimu- lants, oysten clements, aid. te normal pep. If nat delighted, with results tirst package, maken refunda law'pnice. Call, write Jury & Lovell and ail other good druggists. 36-tf music Mrs. Rets R Dudley ']raclJ. PipeOrgan ýory.P Specialffl4â 1h V6lao Production and Singing. Studio, King St. Phone 757. 37-2* Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE - SOLID BRICKC hause, east side of Centre St. Moadecr n convenlences. SeU cheap te close up an estale. Apply A. E. Bellman, King St. Wcst. Phone 526. il-tf HlpWanted HELP WANTED - EXPER- ienced-general, fond of child-' ren, te go ta Toronto, refer- ences. Phone 363. 38-1 WANTED - GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework. Apply Mrs. Gea. W. James, Harscy St., Phane 413. WOMEN, GIRLS WANTED- Earn from $10 ta $15 wéekly sefling Fanmilex high quality goods ta relatives and cstablish- cd dlientele. Everyone spends money on household and teilet articles, etc. Eveiry Familcx cus- temner is a satisfied customner. Work 5 or 6 hours per day, pro- fit by aur experience, and yau will succced. No risk - good carnings assured te workers. Let us help you. Write at once ta Miss St. George, 570 St. Cle- ment Street, Montreal. 38-1 For Sale FOR SALE - MASSEY-HLARRIS Corn Binder i excellent con- dition; also 1 two-furrow Oliver tracter plow. W. S. Staples, Phone 781. 38-F' TME TABLE MHANGES Effective Sunday, Sept 29&u 1940 fFunl infor'mation.from Agents. Canadian Pacitic I. TIME TABLE CHANGES ]Effective Sunday, Sept. 2»tl 1940 Ful inormation fram Agents. Canadian National Railways PHONE 778 HARYALUN GimSa over these bargains and thon erier a bit o§»% troa r=7Aflha'm. Drop hn te eur store eAwgU at k i ies. .... ......... . 2 bo. 25e SCIENTIFICALix HAlRMOl41ZED ADRJ(NNt A complets eaomitie naemble for ev.vy type. . s ubtiy bwndsd ta harmonis wth ycur'csniplu<on and your ocetume. 7h. n.w ooamelo [déa that ha$ reoIoutI@nIOd thO fashion World, !ALOUX PO'Wma..'3* AGEPOW»ER .... ozaANuDiG oum iatunZ -ElnonuMn .~~1 Ior, Dcil Uv~mbI cUErm Cla...............M M'MM emm -- viUI1%Elom, Porno- roun Dflow OAUM umglo, Omi ucm AIT im N!......0* OIPAT-mim-l * ,Moue. aziN LTION ........ê OiAO$4u I 7.7 . BATH POWDRE ...... REUM .254e 1 JURY & LOVEoL Wben we test your eyes it Io donc proerly Nu Bone FOR STYLE AND COMFORT- Mrs. W. H. Cale, Prafessionai Corsetiere, Phone 2160, Bw- mýanvile. 38.1) Notices Bawmanville, Sept. 19, e, i1 I will ot be respnlbk any debts contracted by my'W (Kathleen Rusk) after thi. dte. Wm. Rusk. 38-Se That from this date I wlUfnot be responisible for any debte con- tracted by mny w1fe. Elmer Wood. Bowmanville, Sept. 9, 1940. 37-2* Notice NOTICE RE SCARLET FE'!ER IMMTJNIZATION . Children may be inmunized against Scarlet Fever at the South Ward School on Tuesday morn- ings at 9 o'clack and at Central School on Friday mornings at 9 o'clock. Tests are donc on cach <éhild over five years of age ta sec if they require imniunization. These will be done at the South Ward Sehool an Monday, September 23, and at Central School on Thurs- day, September 26, at 9 o'clock. 38-2 Vete rinarlan D. C. DAVEY, Y.S., D.V.Sc. B~Vmanville Successor te Dr. T. F. Tighc Office: King St. East, at Tlghc Residence - Phone 84 DUR MOST VALUEO TRIBUTE IS THAT SATISFIED CUSTOMERS RETUERN Bartwlg hnows "what makes 'er tlck" and ean restere pop te Ifeless watches. Your watch Is safe li the banda or an expert. Prompt service . . . easonable Charge S. J.-HARTWIG King St,. E. Knght Elo . Il mur RE Daot,(/US- ifle$ÎIPWANTBA -1- .. li 1 - 1 -1 1 . 1 i ".