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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Sep 1940, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILL, ONTARIO TRURSDAY, SEPTEMER 10MR, 1940 - E ~ m~ ie Dia aand Distant Pasi either at Quebec.1 guess oni way. Th States are therefome e'W1!Y YEAD.S AGO J. Elliatt, T:W. Cawkem and Miss gaverine Liezie 111111. where thE F»ol 140 C m&di Statcsmaii, Orono's new scbool ranks with it. The September 24, 1890 Uic béat in the province. The site wiiling ta NoIw 'uicive! Last week Eli 'saon Colcge Hill" and the spect, bu. Osborne danatcd us a choice b as- grounds have been considerably sanie quic ket Of apples and Samnuel Snow- cnlargcd. it located den broUght us a fine b a fir- Treasurer of the City of To- French la: nips. 'Tis nice ta be rcmembercd ronto has received a check for ond langu thualy! $1000 fram an insurance campany as Uic re Mrs. H. Pearce has og'Mr for the policy the city took out specificaUl D. _ Mrri, bick boughte o on the lufe af Pte. Ed. J. Niddery mniorities D. nT. Mrri' brickor sid0nc. ofa Hampton wbo was living there that it wi: Wdfintoi E. or 200.whcn he enlisted. Canada. G. W.- Curtis, Manvers, toak- Day anc a eundfo nm flrst prize at Toronto Exhibition ~ anc a eundfoi I i for driving horses awned by far spending the aummer with his any differo mars. grandiather, Rev. W. C. Washing- la in Can A tbuar hie a eghtbelston, on the ranch at Josephine, land, Jer la about ta bc placed la St. John'sAl.Watm Anglican Church by Uic rector, ' We have flot beard 0. A. Ganis- would I ca Rey. Canon Macnab. by, Orana, slng for sanie yeara Union hec M.s. Moyse had a large îarniîy but at the apening af Orana's ncw thing marE g8thering canisting of ber son schaol he sang patriatic sangs as gin with - William with his wife and family: few can.- The grei froin Detroit, and -son James and Mrs. F. L. Lucas, Carlisle Ave., tionl.s ta little boy fram Walkcrton. bas gone ta visit ber father wba races and -Han. John. Dryden, Uic new is very iii in England. reason thaý Minister ai Agriculture, was ac- Enniskillen: Fred Hoar, Bow- end al af carded a splendid ovation 'and manville, broke -is-auto an a de- The wc, torchlight Procession in, cele bra- fective bridge nort4 ofa this village world gov tion ai his harne-camlag ta Whit- Sunday. Pathmaster please take came cithE by as cabinet minister. notice. . .. A number froni here Hitler way Tyrone:motored ta Green River ta wit- Ty He appy. Billy arrived ness a bail game between Tyrone froni Uic training home, sick. May and' tbat place. Tbcy sbouted lie soon recover ta finish his tbernacîves boarse for Tyrone but course. . . . Jas. Penfound bas la vain.... Friday evening about erccted the bandsornest fence in midnigbt the bouse and hbmaio town, around bis praperty... Wm. Tardiff, nortb ai Uic village, Rey. F. Woodger, Part Carling, were burned ta the ground.... A Paid a rcttIlrn visit ta bis aId home tree near George Preston'a baem and aiter a number af years spent was struck by lightning and badly amidst the rugged grandeur oi -spitr. Muskaka says thet the pastoral pitrd beauty ai Darlington is more ta Hampton: Mrs. Emmanuel Mer- bis liking. tin la seriously i11 witb erysipelas. Enniskillen: Luke Pottcr's team .. Cephas Souch hes undergane tookfriht a th staion a critical operetion in Edmanton, tao irghtat he tatonand Alte. His cousin, Dr. Edgar Alln, undertaak ta beat the fast express son af S. Allun Esq., Bawnmenviilc, which they did for a iew minutes.primethoprin...o- They came ta grief in D. Willca- pgratuletnsan eatishes taon son's dooryard by running afoul rtE.lati iliarn nd b i s t cfatc. Little damage was donc. bride. 31m. Alex McCulougb, age 78, _____________ was Uic victim ofa asevere nmis- fortune. Whle -the. pld, gentleman - - was treating a horse it kicked --A I~ l hixn below Uic right knee break- <E £ W SUIT lng a bance. Dr. Hamilli 1inl at- B at loePiptMC tendanc.... W. J. Bray returna YCP.EmrePiptMC ta Toronto ta pursue bis medical course t Trinity School. .. Wbiie onnudrmpae) Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Crossman were Cniudfopae1 returning from church their horse rent and increasmng disaster iniUic sbicd and upset the buggy la Uic îarm ai cconamic coilapse and ....... dltch. wr Courtice: Mr. F. J. Brooks' son wr and daugbter were returning Streit proposed that Uic United from A. Langmeid's wben a gun States constitution be teken as - whicb was lying in the bottorn oai-the n1bdel for a future warld de- thc rig was accidentally discharg- macratic govcrnment. To came cd by a kick ai the feet. Its con- ia obclag step by step. Hia spec- . tenta wcni inta the body ai Uheic ic suggeston was thet Uic U.S.A., buggy sending sPlinters egainst Ertain, Canada, Australia, New thc young man wba was opcming Zealand, South Africe, Eire, Fin- thc gaie. . .. Mr. Samnuel Brook, land, France, Norway, Sweden, New Orleans, Le., better known Denrnark, The Ntherlands, Bel- as "Uncle Sam", visited relatives gium and Switzerland f arm tllem- hare. selves inta anc federation. Hampton: A good crowd was Ths federation would be gov- out ta hear Mr. S. Washngton erned by a parliamentary body Sing la Uie mamning but be failed 1 with two bouses, members af .to Put in an apperance... John1 which would be clected dircctly- .obln, Bowmnanviile, occupied Uic by Uic people on a basis ai reda- pulpit la Uic morning. .. Severai tive population. tafrmnera are contemplating chang-1 There would be no attempt ta Ing ferrma Owng ta feilureoaithUichangeany internai arrangement cop5. af any ai Uic member nations unlesa such change was necess- TWENTY-FIVE VEARS AGO amy by reasan ai Uic formation af _______tUi federation itself. We would From fThe Canadian Statesman, kecp aur King, Uic French would SePtember 23, 1915 kcep their own lenguage, Uic U.S. 1 is wn President, and Uic Scan- Report ai Public School Inspé&- dinavian countrica their own soc- tor Dr. W. E. Tiiley, M.A., ap- ial systeni. parsin this issue. One icature ai The jurladiction af Uic Fedemal Ibfindings la that Uic percentage Union itaci was ta be lirnited Of maie teechers la increasing. under Streit's original proposai ta Principal Gillies ai Part Hope basfieild:ctzshpdeen, tue istncton i rceilagUictrade, moncy and communications. highest saiary, $1,300.. The basic charter ai the Union Dwvelling bouses are seldom nnwudlcueabulibu n ~eatr deand han ow. ev-rights which would be guaranteed eral bouses are being crccted but ta every citizen by Uic Union bY no means 1nougb ta meet Uic itscli. dcmand. Lac 1 option bas NOT klled BOWManviile yet. IMEDIATE PLAN Toronto'a big patriotic exhibi- The timeliness ai Uic book was tion carne ta *a close Saiurday. praved by wbat bas since oc- The editars of country papers gat currcd. Of Uic iliteen nations afroc luncheon and 50c worth ai narnedlaUcoinapros, passes so Uie'snahlgmarc eight already bave been canquer- Wesngt aite i. cdlage d or encircled by dictator caunt- WoeatDrba itnes figurOshage-ries. The appaliing force ai as prWizerwin terS e Osawa: Streit's argument - that the de- zw. P.innrs laUic brsai are: m'Ocmatic nations literaly had ta 1)o F AnniagHughE reelejs. stand tagether or go down anc DMcCunieohnb E eweSo, M. by anc - was Uius driven home MacKnzî Jon Ok & on, by bitter expeience. Aiter Uic fal ai France, Mr. Streit and bis associates la ic h United States set forth an amcnd- ed plan, different la some impor- tnt respects froni Uic original. Under Uic new plan, which la be- ing advocated la full page adver- tisements, paid for by groupa aof MORE thie rginai Union will be ite ci thzenUacrodsSUicesiand thatsi, sef overning British nations. These91nations,- on uicivtto I believe -with ail my heart and ul that such a British-Amnerican rpion wiil take place within -tUic 21 ----à Et Ottawa, Montreal or This is not just a wild rnmy part. 1 figure it this ie people af Uic United re intensely suspiciaus of nentanglernents and will cinsist that Uic seat af tnt be on thîs continent iy can keep their eyc on British Empire may be Lomeet Uiern in this re- ut will certainly want d pro quo, such as having don British soil. As the nguage will be Uic sec- Lage of Uic Union- - and .tention ai language is y guarantced ta the ý- 1 think a safe bet is .11l be in or near French opinion, it dacsn't make rence whether the capital nada, Washington, Eng- 'usalem, or Timbuctoo. itters is results. Nor ,re whether Uic original Id jurisdictian over any- re than onc ulatter. ta be- - that ai defence. *at task of aur genera- end recurrent armament 1wars, for Uic obviaus at if we do not wars will Ius. orld. is going ta have vernent. It la going ta lr Uic Stalin way, the yor in thc way pointed by Uic modest, freckled faced jnewspaper man froni Montana. 1 amn for Uic Streit and narrow 1way. LESSONS FROM FRANCE The faily af expecting clvllized trcatrnent fimnthUicNazis, merely by attempting ta please themi l well iilustratcd by what is hap- pening la France. Already Uic captive Petain gaverninent has had ta re-shuffle itself, dlizrdnat- ing aIl former members of Uic Chamber, exccpting Lavai, the slippery chare boy for Mussolini, and Mussolini's Berlin boss. Neyer since Uic sinking of the French fleet has Uic Nazi press even bothercd to prctend that the worst had alrcady corne for France. AIl silly talk (as la sanie Cathalic papers la Arnerica) about the building up ai a "Latin bloc" ta overbalance Uic power ai German Nazidarn has been ren- dered ridiculous by plain state- ments irarn Ge rmany about Uic "liquidation" af what was-France - and Uic equally plain state- mente that Uic "liquidation" was ta be donc by and for the Ger.. mans. If Italy imaglned that she was ta get any easy loot by stabblng France in Uic back, at Uic crucial moment ai Uic battle a&,France, she tao has been taught-ditfement- ly. Italianis have hardly been al- lowed ta set foot on French sil- not even on that corner ai it which Fascists raved about for years before the war. It is the Germans who have cartcd aw.ay everything of value ln the banks, stores, art gaileries ahd factorles - and above -ail, ini the peasants' homes and barns. BORING FIROM WTI What the Nazis have dane -in FrAnce is what they have done every place cisc - that is, plcked out a few of their -ýictlis to do the Nazi dlrty work. Petain !a just a convenienttoIl- Wh~o will be Ùuséd as 'long. as It suits the Nazis and then flung aside. It seems to me that what has already happened ta Fra nce should be a stern warning ta that section af the Catholic church, bath in Europe and America, which ia argumng, secrctly or publicly, that it nilght be the part af wlsdom ta corne ta terms with the dictators. That wauld simply mean that Hitler and Mussolini would use the Catholic church ta servie their gangster ends for a few mantha or years and then when it was no langer useful the church wauid be either coin- pletely liquidated or transformedj into an out-and-out Nazi prapa- ganda agency. I Anybody who cares ta study1 Hltler's intentions. and ideas in1 this regard shouid read the book1 Hitler Speaks"' by Herman Rau- scnigg'. The uncanny accuracy of Rauschnigg's revelations has ai- ready been demonstrated. In lUs first book, "'The Revolution of Nlhilsm," he did warn the West-1 ern world, several years aga, thatc Hitlecr would do precisely what he has since done, not only ini GerianY lbut in Scandanavia and .France. Rauschnlgg's latest book1 was in print rnany months before. thc attack on Norway, but gavei details and technique to be usedi there and in France with com-c plete accuracY. It is interesting,s ~fore, ta see how Hitler pro- p ost use the two branches of the iistlan church. He la con- vlncedt hat they wlll alwaysaucl out for, a price - and intends ta pay tha~ price for thc tinie belng, for his on ends. It woui , be extremcly. unfor- tunate for uý la the western warld if be shouldsuccecd la his am- bitions la this irespect, as it would threatcn to rcêurrect difficulties long thought bilried. THEY NEVER LEARN The mast foolisb of al l itler's dupes werc thc big capitallsts in Gcrniany, who cantributed mill- ions to bring hlm lato- power ta save them from the menace frarn thc Reds. Hitler saved theni a4- right - but ta be plundered and plucked in bis own goad Urne for thc enr'lchment of his own gang- sters. The most influential elernent in France, who favored thc sur- render ta 1Hitlcr on June ,13th, were those behind Uic Bank of Franoe. They .hopcd ta save their awn mi-serable hold on Uic French people by paylag tribute ta Hitler. Hitler fooled* theni. Hc allowed them ta cxist for a llttle while, but their end is certaifi. Hitler may leave thern their lves and notbing cisc. 'I daubt that. Uiey wrnl save their lives in what carnes la France when Hitler'is1 ýsent where he belangs. .»I We've taken our greatest ali.time Buick and Stylewise, their suave and dynamic beauty steadily and carefully brought it forward to refreshes the jaded eye as would siglit of a hydrant in the desert. G0o see these superb new cars at your dealer'. They move and func. -they niake plain why Buick is rightly called, tion like young wild "éexemplar of General Motors value."' WITHALLlr8F.S.FATURES grace and poise and Ask especially about the new micropoise-bal., ~5herO9OW<rHîB owîeRrSuwe!; eagerness. They bring *anced Fi:BBALL engine- the 1941 furtjherance NEAINGNEI' -moarcuven ' roet"in front Ilcense framteo antd 'n' ing a keener pleasure the features that make Buick the sensaii f twit ENIN30illo 11e 0 Zgravai guords. adanwtrl.the new automobile year. ____________l" ht us h30nlO011m ndane hrl.M-14 lo.bt eoC U . AoI t svlfOnmi1@ g~reoomy fron eanîo mak rh.mnt f nmodern fuels. MICR heonOISdALANC AFIER SE ~Ly-engines wlth loa islbration rpeuoun ethon a R~n@ wail wu Ch COIL S 1 fS AUL AROUIND .-'tnolubrlC ~neospring CoVen5. ne breakoOg, 9sller ride. BIIGEII, AcMl ~n cieel Bodies by Fsher.wlhcnao runnîni board' and hidden Iinges on 0Il doorg. dom fron t oeraflgwheel Play over ihree or four tisones the msal .felv epri-od. DOREZ MAIN BEARINS-me-' clianicOIl and dtemioi'l bond b.- fwoen bobbiff and kmclclng PlaIe> and practically indeSlVuclabîola normal service. FORE N -AFT DIRECTION SIGNAL (Aut0mutic CutOA>- wlfl' reor signal Il,..nounled ln fondier. PLUS: Fuit.Lenoth Torque Tube in Sealed Cholis * TipfoNY- draulic arakes * One-PioCo "LifI. off,, Hood * Ealsier, Quitter Concentrlc Shlftitg * ulitt AutomatiC Cheoke * HeOvY Duty 011 Bath Air Cleuneri * Pow*r- Saver Fan and Water Pum'P * Micro.Moiched ConnerfîflO Rodi * Seclod Boom H.adillhth * TWO.TonIIo dy Colors * SaIfefY Glass Ail Around. r, ___________ DE8 SURI 70 SEl THE NEW 1941 BUICKS AT OUR SHOWROôOMS Courtfre ROY NICHOL (a? j Bowmanville -- -- '4-.' I - -- J I- "'0 ~ 'i -7w w Union, Darlington n=ie aYoung'>-pie were, cntrtanedta a corn roast on Thursday evenlng atMr. Il. Grif- fin's. The evcningwas nl cards and dancing. AUl Rort a gay time. Visitars: Mr. and Mrs.' R. GXiffln and Cela at Mis. Stevens', Hampton. Miss Veinia Fergusan at Mr. Fred Day's, Cadmus. Miss Jean, MeLean with her parents at Uxbridge. Mr. Art Moore and MissM garet Osbornc, Pickcring, at lMr Frank Moorc's. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rahrn, Elsin and Ada, with Florence who la working at Mr. Lamne ButsQn's, Newcastle. *~ Personal liberty is Uic para- maunt essential ta hunian dignlty and hurnan-happiness.-Btilwer. Give 'me libcrty to know, to think, ta belleve, pnd ta utter: frcely, accordlng ta the conscience,- above ail other liberties.-.Miltori. Easier were it ta hurl Uic root- ed rnountain frorn its base, than' farce Uic yoke of slavery upon men determuned ta be free.- Southey. He is Uic freeman whom the truth mnakes frce, and all are slaves beside.-Cowper. CANAD IAN Rmb CRtOSS . 1 l oc àé 1 Aàrii

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