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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Sep 1940, p. 7

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THUBRSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19TH, 1940 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO SOCIAL ANDl PERSONAL P h o n e e l s - 1 M~fs. Frank Taylor, liamilton, is vlsiting Mrs. Ted Bird. Pte. John Living spent fixe weekend with Mr. Bill McGiII, Toitonta. Miss Darot Richards, Toron- to visted her parents, Mr. and MîW. J. Richards. Mr. and Mrs. Laine Brown, Windsor, have been holidaying at hitrmother's, Ami. Thos. Brown. :2r and Mis. Percy Slxoemnaker and, la iily, Kitchener, visted his sister, Ïs. C. R. Bickle. MiS. Cliff MdNair is spending a few days with her parents, Mi. and Mirs. E. J. Naish, Simncoe. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Henderson visited Iis sister, Mrs. V. Coulter, Brighton. MJiss Verna Langstaff, Toronto, has been visiting with Mrs. Chris Robinson. Mrs. Robert Cailan, Coboconk, la visitixxg her parents, Mr. and Mrê_F. J. Spry. Miss Helen Battle, Oshawa, Miss Ruth McMurray, Colborne, visite d Mirs Bernice Mutton. Mrs. G. H. Cook has îeturned TO THE BOYS of the MNiand Regt. we are pleased to aumounee *ai we now have la stock Miniature Crests of the Eidlaad Iegiment These crests ean be solder- ed to leeketa, rings, coin- pects, or any other article s> i êâi r a personal James Marr Jeweller Phone 463 "Ig St. s home aiter an enjoyabie visit with relatives la Lindsay, Wood- ville, Cobaconk and Oakwood. Miss Helen Pritchard ai Tue Statesman staff Io holidaying in Bram ton, guest of Mi. and Mis. Miss Veina Lenhart and fîiends, Mi. and Mis. A. Rodgers, Hîlis- burg, visited Mi. W. J. Henderson at the lake. Regain your loveiy, willowiy figure. Take Siendor "Beauty" Tabiets. Two weeks suppiy $1.00. McGregor's Drug Store. 38-1 Mis, W. C. Fergusorr and Mis. A. W. Pickaud attended the fun- eral of their cousin, Mr. Thomas Beacock, la Kirby on Friday. Dr. and Mis. R. W. Clark at- tended the funeral of lis brother- in-law, MI. Thomas Beacock, in Kirby. Mr. and Mis. W. C. Ferguson are visiting their son, ]Rev. Clar- ence Ferguson and lis wife at Bethany. Mis. Gco. 'Jackson and baby, Toronto, have been lolidaying with her aunt, Mis. Chris. Robin- son. jý Pte. Howard Brooking and Pte. Ron Richards spent the weekend with the former's parents at Tory Hill. Mi. and Mis. G. F. Jamieson had as their weekend gucsts Mr. and Mis. M. G. Schmidt, Kitchen- ci. Mr. Fred Hellyar of the De Havilland Airciait Ltd., Toronto, spent the weekend with his uncle and aunt, Mi. John and Miss H1ellyar. Mis. L. H. Beatty and daugli- ters Anma, Kathiyn and Jane, Mr. J. Ross Weaver, Johnstown, Pa., are visitous witli MIs. D. Davis, Beech Ave. .Mri. C. L. Upper, daughter and son, Peterboro, spent the week- end with lier parents, MI. and Mis. G. B. Bickle. Mr. and Mis. Frank Kennedy, Tara, spent the weekend w!th hits asiters, Mus. R. M. Jamieson and Mrs. D. H. Janiieson, and attend- cd the Janison-Allin- wedding. MI. and Mis. Aubuey Hord, Ruth, John, Hugli, Marilyn, To- ronto, Mus. Louic Morris, Milton, Mildred and Donald, Oshawa, weue gucsts at Mr. G. A. McTag- gart's. Lost that terrible tired feeling. Found a new lease on Uic. Thanks ta Siendor "Beauty" Tablets. Two weeks supply $ 1.00. McGucgar's Drug Store. 38-1 Miss Sybil Mutton is soon to leave town ta take up a cadet training course at the Saivation Army Training School, Toronto. ss SIc has aîdered Tue Statesman while away to kccp un toucî witl wliat is going on un fixe home town. Messrs. George White, George McFeeters and Eric Swindells have joincd the Air Training School at Gaît. Mis. F. C. Pethick, MIs. T. E. FIaxman, on, MI. and Mis. R. G. Ha ilyn, Otawa, enjoyed a visit with MiS. A. W. Mingeaud, Windsor. Mr. and Mis. N. Byron Van- atone returned this week fîom their honeymoon, part af which was sperit in British Columbia. Bowmanville Higli School Atli- ietic Societies are holding their annual Field Day on Wednesday, Sept. 25th, wlen tIc local high achool athletes wili have a chance ta show bow fast and low high tley can jump. Tue events wil be held at the high schooi campus. The fish that most men only dream about was pulled out of the waters of Rice Lake the other day. Keith Yeo wbo works at Chlis' Garage was the fortunate angier. After a battle royal lie found that. the cause of ail thc trouble oxq the business end of lis lune was a muskelunge weighing 24 lbs. 'S thc trutîl 115 rnany friends la Bawnxan- Sville will be soriy ta leann that -Piaf. C. T. Paul of Hartford, La Conn., lad ta fougo lis annual Lmer due sonaesudden ilness >whicl overtook hi wllle on lis ýs way lieue. Mus. Paul and le lad ;eueached as far as Albany, N.Y., 0but owing ta lis canditipi they - iguetfully ieturned lame. In a letter to lits buother-in-lnw and d sister, Mr. and Mis. F. C. Pefluick, dated Seipt. 6th, leie lilaates le d siprovlag slowly. Wc are privileged ta print these extracts 'frai Cliarlie's letter: "You rnay ýs imagine low disappointed I arn la i beiné obliged ta forego rny Svisit with yau, especially this 9summer when there wauld lave 1been so much ta talk about, not èonly conceunng aur personal af- Sfairs, but about our belovcd Can- eada and the war. I did sa much want ta ha 'at home' again axnong the old scenes and ald friends.. Please tel any aifrny aId friends la the town, wlo may inquire. that I arn thinkung ai them, and arn lanxcnting rny inability ta be among theni tlis sunu. My main cornpensatlag thougît la the intention ta Met aveu as soon as n- Er s es ie 11.: Il BARGAINS Dodd's Kidney Pus Pinkbam's Camp.- Robinpan',s Barley- 9t~ Tue Catholic Women's League of Canada, at their National Con- vention in Halifax pledged $25,000 ta the Canadian Goveunnient to be used to thc best advantage for thc most urgent cause. Bowman- ville Brandli ai thc C.W.L. las contributcd $ 14.00 of this amount, which is one dollar per member. Sincere apologies ta Mr. Neil MalcoIni, Nestîcton. In the re- sulta of Junior Farmer's Livestock Judging Competition at the C.N.E. publisled last wcck we inadver- tently creditcd hi witl a score of 87 points. It should have îead "187" as Neil did 50 wcll in the swine judging competition that lie stood first, leading a ciass of f if- teen contestants. Tue following lave been elect- cd aificers of the Boys' Athletic Society at B.H.S.: President-Gil- beut Mdflveen; Sec'y.-Treasuer- Lindsay Mitchell; Faim Repue- sentatives .- V, Keith Siemon; IV, Trevor Davison; III, Bill Ed- ger; Commercial, Harold. Cas- hourn; IIB, J. Knxox; IIB, D. Fer- guson; IB, C. Fletcher; IA, W. Cowan. Vernon Lowens, principal ai Weston Mémorial Public Sdhool, who is younger son of Mis. Robt. Lowens, Manvers Road, Bowman- ville, las been callcd up for active service un comnection with the compuisoiy training s c h e rn e whicl goes into effect next month. A veteran of the Great War, Mr. Lowens was gîanted indefinite leave of absence 'by tlie Weston board. ERATS CORELESB CARROTS 6 SPMECIAL CAULIFLOWER SPECIAL ORANGES ' TOMATOES ORAPES RED, OA ICEBORG lettuce Head 10e I LARGEE Ceier~cRI8P Head CRMGEEN emali Large Cabbagmmue 5c &. COOKI14fG Ph '2FOMA10 Ba25c Giapefruit. 5 fr250 GU CINEBE w Lettuce 210,1l5e Apleasant surprise for Ms Dorotliy Carter, bride-elect ai Fui- day, Sept-. 20th, was the misce]- __________lancous sliower given licr under arrangements made by Miss Ber- nice Mutton and Miss Georila Someiscales. Tlirty-iivc gucsts liad a happy cvenlag at games, naJ a* music and well-wishing, .at the home of Miss Mutton. A buffet C new fail lunch was seuved and the gifts be able -ta opened. It came as a complete been look- surprise ta the gucst of honor wli, responded wtl blushes and ap- prapriate thanks Tue Alice Jackson Mission Band alUn, chic, was lcld un Tîinity primnary class rooî on Sept. 16th. We opened with quiet music, tIen cail to woîship by thxe president. Miss Pickard led la prayer. Offering ýw Prîces- was leld by Connue King anc over Our Beverly Sudds. Whule we sang obligation. "Give 0 Give," Miss Pickard re- peatcd the offcrtary prayer. Mis. A. Smith read the scipture. The trcasurer's report was given. New~ business was discussed and we lcarned a new sang. Tue meeting DRESSES ciosed with the playing of gaies. I Qt. Basket 190 WHITE C 11 Qt. Basket 500 2 190 Iý QUAKER XXXX *READ FLOU R $2.79 U Mlb ag 'STRY FLOU R 57e 24 thb ag E81 THE CORRECT OFT 0F E LARGE O F FLOUR IN OURE NDOW AND TAKE IT A E. ¶Pea@hes Fresh Doilly - LW.st Prices - COCOANUT DIXIE BAR BEEHIVE New L.ow PrIco Corn Syrup - 5-lb. tin 39e FOOD CAMPBEL.L'S - SPECIAL - New Pack Ç uiii Ç Tomato Soup - 2 tins 17e Wedding Allia - Shrubb An evening wedding was sol- psil. ernnized in St. Paul's United In the following cipping frazr Clurdli, Bowrnanville, on Sept. the Hartford Timnes it waulin 1 lth, when Nouali Ada Shrubb, dicate Piaf. Paul lias a busy yeni Sdaughter ai Mr. and MIs. Alfred alead of lini. It is ta be lioped IShrubb, Bowixamville, became the lis lcalth wiil be restaued ta en. bride ai Haruy Larme AllUn,- eldest able him ta carry an the educa. §on ai Mr. and MIs. Harry Allin, tianal wark that la c> dear ta hii Bowrnanville. Amid a setting ai heaut. Tue article rends: magnificent gladiali, dahlias, feins "Hartford Junior College an. and daisies the ceuemony was per- nounces among its new course. forned by Rev. A. R. Cragg. fou next fall the apçning ai a de. Weddung music was played by partient ai Spanish under thE Mis. Reta Dudley and Mr. George direction of Du. Chaules T. Paul, Davidge sang. founder and puesident af the Col- Given la marriage by heu lege ai Missions, afiifated wltl father, the bride looked lovely in the Hartford Seniunary Founda- a gawn ai ivoiy satin, inde in tion. pulacess style with large pufi Tue geneual lacrease la inter- sîceves. SIc ware a full length est un Latin-Amneuican affairs lim veil ai ivory tulle caugît with cueated a dernand for courses in mother-of-peari head dress, and Spanisl language and liteintuit carried pale pink roses with bou- and the collège feels fartunate in vardia. obtaining a proiessor ai sudh dis. MissNany Srub, sste oftinction as Du. Paul wlo is the the bride, nttended 1crwcaring a DiepatrneftheLnd Amria white silk ilawered ougandy dress .eatnn n professai oi His. aver a turquoise blue silk under- panic Languages (Spanish anti skirt. A pink silk bow graced heu Poutuguese) at Hartford Semi- lair and sIc caruied a bouquet nary. He la also lecturer on plani- ai pale yellaw roses and larkspur. etics and general lhxguistics in the sdliools ai the Faundation, Tue duties ai best ian weie wlce e las developed speciai- perfornigd by Veun Westaway. ized, graduqte courses lateipiet- Ushers weîe J. C. Snawe and Ray ing 'the liteinture and listory ai Dilling. the Latin-American uepublics. Leaving the dhurch aiter fixe Du. Paul la a sclolar un Italian, ceucîony the party gatheued at Fuench and Oriental languages the lame ai the bride's parents and gives courses la the Japanese wleue a reception was held. MIs. language and cultuue at thxe Ken- Shrubb and MIs. AllUn îeceived. nedy Schaol ai Missions. the former wearing a dress ai Recently le was appointcd ta navy blue white slk sheen and coan duct extension courses in carrying a bouquet ai yclaw rases Spanish fou Trinity Caflege. Typi- and the latter in a black and white cal ai lis wide range ai schalgrly .11k dress with matching bat.' interests is lis uccent git ai 100 Tue bride and groom let fou texta in Frenchi and German té a Ioncynxaon la Eastern Ontario the libuary ta the Hartford Jun- and Quebec. MIs. Alln waue a loi College."1 ligît iawn travelling costume, tweed coat trimîed with beaver, Equipment ta furn .isli a recrea- lat and accessaîles ta match. tion uaom for men ai the Midland They will reside in the Kingsway Reghment at Paît Hope is sougît Apaîtments la Bowîanville. by citizens inteuested la tIc sal- MIs. Alla las veuy well kmowm diers' wcliare. Tue roorn will be un tawm having lived lere fou a iocated at No. 8 John street la the number ai years as well as Mr. store iormerly accupled by C. Allun wlia las been assaciated la Young. Bownxanville c it iz en s business wlth his inther and Is a should go and do likewise for oui 1 member ai thc Lions Club, local saldieus. PAGE SEVEN 12 BELECTED PROM OUR REGULAR STOCK We are clearing these R 1 s 1SAT T CONTMNES RDUCTIONS Along Boy Scout Trais lot Bowmnanville Wolf Cub Pack opened the 1940à,41 scouting tern Tuesday night at the public school gym. A large number of Cubs turned out and it is ta be hoped that accommodation wiil be found for the large number of boys wha wish to join the organization. The lot Pack also boasts a new Assistant Cubmaster in the per- son of Art Turner who cornes ta us with a considerable reputation along. scouting limes. Mr. Turner, who at present la empioyed at Lunn's grocery, cornes from To- ronto where he was the esteemed Assistant Scoutmaster of the 2lst Toronto Troop. Cubs of the lot Pack consider themseives fortun- ate in having a leader with sa much vaiued experience. The Scouts of the lot Traop met Tuesday zlght but the meet- ing was adjouîned prematureiy due ta unavoidabie circumstances. Senior Court of Honour was held at the conclusion. Preparations for the big paper drive Saturday were discussed. A thorough canvas wiil be made of every house on fixe north side of King Street, so housewives resid- ing in this vicmîity should have ail their aid papers ready ta be taken away. This is as good aj time as any ta dlean out that cel- lar of ail the waste paper. The 2nd Troop and Pack are ta have their inaugural meeting Thursday night when it is expect- ed a large number of aid and new boys will be ini attendance. Patrol competition prizes in the lot IÉroop this year wiil take thxe faim of War Savings Stamps, each boy in the winnung patrol receivuxg three stamps. In form- er years scouting equipment has been given but it is thought better ta assist un Canada's wàr effort this way. Orono Scout Troop is ta be congratulated on the splendid shawing they had at their f air. They also did considerable work in directing traffic and ailier dut- les about the fair grounds. ILLNESS STOPPED MIS VISIT. HERE C. Tr. PAUL WRiTrES Veterans' Guard Rosent Treatm.nt At the regular parade and lec- ture Wednesday evening of thxe Veterans Home Guard resent- ment was expressed concerning the rent demanded for thxe use of a room in the public schooi. XIn this war many cases have arisen where improvisation has been necessary.. The V.H.G. during holidays was granted simlai priviieges ta those accorded the N.P.A.M. la the use of the public schoi. Each unit paid 75c per evening. Tliey use one îoom for one hour on two evenlags per week. The charge therefore, is 75e peu hour. Thts is paid, not by the gavern- ment, but out af the pockets af the senior officers who are tax- paying citizens o fthis town. This matter is here set forth very briefiy for the information Of and the quiet consideration ai ail the public spirited and patria- tic citizens ai Bowmanville. We should welcome views upon thxe Coucli Johnston & Cryderman Phone 836 Bawmanville Obituary Mus. J. W. Bradley Tue deepest sympathies of the community go out ta MI. John W. Bradley and daugîters la the passing of wife and mother on Septexnber llth. In the laterven- ing days betweem lier death and buriai a hast of fuiends cailed at the bouse ta pay their trîbute of respect ta tIc memory of a gentie lady and extend their sympathies ta thc bereaved. Rev. A. M. Irwin, Whitby, a former pastor, and Rev. R. E. Morton, present pastor af the United Clurdli, officiatcd at the private service at thec buse and at the burial la Bond Head Ceme- tery. Among the many beautiful floral tributes were pieces from the Glovcrsville Teachers' Asso- ciation, N. Y.; Tue Estee Junior Higli Sdlool Teachers' Associa- tion, Gloveusvilie; Tue Estee Jun- ior High Sdhool Student Cauncil, Gloversville; the W. A. of the Un- ited Churdli, Newcastle; Durham Lodge, A. F. & A. M.; Newcastle Ladgc, S.*O.E.B.S.; and friends and relatives in Aurora, Belleville, Bowmamville, Port Hope, Toronto, Port Granby, Newtonville, New- castle, Gloversvillc, N. Y., and Alientown, Penn. Annie Gladys Stainthorpe was born un Millbrook wherc she spent. 1er girlliood days. In the summer of 1887 she became the bride of John W. Bradley, Port Granby. While living un Port Granby Mi. Bradley tauglit the sclool there and for two years taugît the Port Britain school. Later tley moved into Newtonville wliere Mr. Brad- ley tauglit ta the end ai 1899. In WA January, 1900, lie was engaged as %~ver Mr. Workman's face and he teacher of Newcastle public school remarked "My, but Mr. Paterson and the fanxiiy became residents was a great and good man." of Newcastle. lIn the summer of Wlxile lIn Sarnia Mr. Workman 1937 Mr. and Mus. Bradley cele- wsas uia ietro h raed heu gode wedlxg wenNautlxern Navigation Co. which numerous friends and relatives duties entailed building up or- called ta extend greetings and cetascrn igr n offer congratulations. In former chsannin ecrng s fo ger ad years when Mrs. Bradley enjoyedtrp an secaexuios n bettr helthshe as egulr ~their fleet of Passenger boats. Any attendance at divine services and wixo have travelled on these boats took an active part in fixe worckn whta imoatad of te woen'sorgaizatons. pleasurable part of the trip is fixe Besides lier husbandl she is sur- musical entertainent, not over- vived by two daughters, MIS. EUs- looking fixe "mile walk" around worth S. Van Der Veer, wife Of deck led by a Scotchrnan and lis Lieutenant E. S. Van Der Veer Of bagpîpes. We undeîstand Mr. the New York State Guards, anxd Workman was the ariginator of Miss Muriel Bradley, Toronto; this unique idea ta "work up an and three grandchuldren lin Sas- appetite." katchewan. Frteps ieadahl Rev. A. M. Irwin, who took yFr ixer.st nineandba hall part.un the funeral service, i aouganist of Wesley United Church, long tinxe friend of Mr. Bradley London, which is further proof and the late MIs. Bradley, as be- hth er el fore his ordination lie used to hth easwlI pîeach at Port Granby when there He has had wide experience as was a church there and it was a teacher of piano, organ. violin. part of the Welcome circuit. theory and vocal interpretatian. ______________ He liolds the deguee of L.L.C.M. (Licentiate of the London College W. E. C. WORKMAN, of music), Senior Music Masters (Coninue fro pag 1) and the Department of Educatian <Conlnue fro pag 1) Specialist's Certificate fovýSc"~q training from his fathxer and later MicHewsiansolois wt studied with other prominent mu- the Port Huron Synmphony Or- sic astrs n te Cpitl Cty.chestra while la Sarnia and has s i msters in thenCapita it.eturned for several engagements. was in West End Methodist eas nrtndh wfi n Church, Ottawa, and later lad accomplished pianist and organist. short stays at Ridgetown, Chat- In fraternai circles he is a Past ham and St. Marys. - Grand Steward of fixe Masonic For 19 years MI. Workman was Order, a Cliapter Mason, and a organist at St. Andrew's Puesby- Knight's Tempiar. - terian Churcli at Sarnia where Mr. and Mrs. Workman and Rev. J. J. Paterson, father of aur their 13-year-old daughter intend estimable townsman W. L. Pater- taking up residence un Bowman- son and manager -of Downham ville inxmediately. Tlxey aiso have Nurseries, was minister. There a married daughteu in Detroit and was a radiant smile of joy came1 a son empioyed ini Kingston. TED!I 1,000 oid or discarded Hot Water Botties We wiii aiiow yog 10c on .«ch on the purchase ofaiay Hat Wate'r Bottle, Fountain Syringe or Syringe Pittiings in oui store. - 87e 330 0 St NOTE THE SPECIAL LOW PRICES BELOW Special Dottie - - 69C 3 Quart Size - Guaranteed 2 es Other Guaranteed Hot Water Botties .. 39c-69c.79c-99e Fountain Syringes ........ 79e - $1.50 Syringe Fittinge ........... 39c - 59e The 10e allowance on old baIlles applies on ail above prices n FEIET HURT? ENJA"OTYGOOD J ýus INTER ]Bui a; wlth vitamin UST ue 1 lmProducts Now l.w'I 5~ : ~* - Alpharnettes $10 1.85 - $3.50 N.C.F. capsules ~ DQ 125 - $2.25 - $5.00 wampre'sExt. 01.00 Kepler Malt and C REAM C.L.O.-75o -$15 et.Iy Chacko PerspIruIln Ayerst 1@D a- a- - -C.L.fl -67- l8 i10 o Dffl " Won't jrritate akin'or rot " Nn-gea.... stainlesa. 0 Quickl No waiting ta d à FUL OUNCE NOT JUST 3% OUNCI eOT oC L Th@ "lck New Way Io ... CitanorTooth'Brlghtor Sullos 35o sîze and 2e ize floth for -------34 Junior Foodu - 2 fer 23e *1 ALEX Phone 792 CASHMERE ky- TI SSUE 33C teth Rol NEW LGW PRICEI *0-291 Bayer Aspid-i - 22e -39o Ohase 's Nerve Faod 49e Special Gillette Blue Biades 5 for 25C -7~trationCse 10o - 25o - 50 MALWyiUNIOM IN TASTI AND IN JurFod -2fo 3 3forZ5c Prescriptions a SpeciaIty McOREOOR W. Deliver T * t LOOK AT TIRES£ VALUES r Somethig Ne, IFroM ur u large stock of BConta and Rata You will b m pick the very thlng you'vet lng for. C OAT S As modern as 1941 -s > they'hI flatter yen. HA TS. Lw Farnous makes at new le' stuinningly beautiful. Look stock - YOD are under ne THE TOWNý'SHOP Dresses Dresses Dresses Dresses Dresses Dresses DWresses Forrnerly New $2.95 $1.95 $4.50 $2.95 $4.95 $2.95 $5.95 $3.95 $6.95 $3.95 $7.95 $495 $8.95 $5.95 Ail genuine crepes, both long and sh o rt sleeveu. Neyer befare sucli reduotian. See aur complote lime of Misses' and Women's Wmnter Coats Brown 's Recent Visitors: MI. and MIs. Gea. Stephenson un Toronto.. Mr. and MIs. A. Hunter and Mary at Mr. Whîtney's, Port Granby. ..Mrs. Elsworth Casweil, New- tonville, at Mr. C. Brown's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Brown at. Mr. Langlers'. .. Miss Isobel Steplienson and Peggy Stephen- son at Mr. Harold Gibson's, Lock- hart's. Relatives and friends lield a miscelianeous slower in the school for Mr. and MIs. Arche Brown, recent bride and groom. Chairman Fred Coudh called on Miss Wylma Farrow wlo uead a fitting address after which Mis. Brown with fixe assistance of MIs. T. Woodiock and Miss Audrey Brown untied the gifts. MI. and Mis. Brown thanked their friends for the gifts. The rest af the ev- enung was spent la social chat and dancing with music supplied by Mr. and MIs. G. Martin. Brown's Home and School As- sociation new officers are: Pies- Mirs. Henry Reidhratix; lst Vice- Pies. and Convener - Freeman Eddy, Assistants, Jean Perrin and Clarence Turner; 2nd Vice-Pies. and Convene-Andy Hunter, As- sistants, Miss Cain and Mis. R. Branch; 3rd Vice-Pres. and Con- vener-Sidney Brown, Assistants, Ethel Hendry and Aileen Turner; Sc.-Wylixg Farrow; Cor. Sec.- Ferne Webber; Treas.-Bill Mor- ley; Paper Editor - Lorraine Brown; Piani t-Miss Cala; Ass't -Ethel Hendry; Chair Com- Billy Webber and Geo. Webber; Sick Com.-MIs. Branch, Mis. Wellington Farrow and Mrs. Turner. Mrs. Bob Hendry had charge of the following program: piano solo by Audrey Adams; vialin and guitar selection by Messrs. Burley and Miflson; thxe e& r read fixe H. & S. A. paper; p 0solo by MIs. A. Brown. t 1 1 ýwý mmmlbq 1 t--

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