PAGE EIGET THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAZ4VILLE, ONTAIUO THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19TH, 1940 SPORTNEWS Mike's Place Billard Rings Win Young Men's Trophy -Defeat Goodyears 3- Straight SECOND GAME - 8-7 After a temPararY lapse i the seventh inning when they allowed Goodyears ta stage a 3 run raily ta tie the score 7-7, Mike's Place caine through like potential champions with a last ining run ta defeat the Rubbermen 8-7 in the second game of the Town League softball finals played at Creamn of Barley Camp Thursday. This was the second straigbt win for Mikc's Place, and they necd anly onc more victory i the next three gamnes ta annex the softjall champianship. After a scoreless first inniiig, Mike'. men teed off on "Ace" Richards' pitches for a grand total Of six runs i the second inning which featured a parade of twelve batters ta thc plate for the BEl- liard Kings. Once they succeeded( in getting this ane bad inning out I of their systeins, Goodycarîs set- . tled down ta play a mucb steadier and better brand of baîl. TI thc fourth inning the Tire-t CUTS Irlght Through CLOGGING DIRT CU5T ue leftt'sPureFlake JLye7rM1e .. and yau'l kee si daina deanand rn- ning freey.It wi fot harm enamel Sr plumbing. Banishes impleasant aOra as it clens. Giflet's Lye niakesleglt work of dosns of liard cleanug tasks ... »aves ySu horaof drudgey. KeeP a CtialS nhandi MRmBOOELUT- The cilmd'a Lyel et *u hw tbe perfa C I ýCtffl-,tëjpd .mm -- - e Cima " odI iw ce the pr dagua of te". Sd for a =:w t.h U=d-d Dare=td PmeAvj..mdLbev te. Togcat. Ont -N~ bot uu*o. TMW action et th. b. itni hats th wcto. men, aided by twa of their appan- enta' errars, buncbed three hits ta taily four runs. Mike's Place add- cd anc more in their last hall of the saine inning ta make Uic score 7-4. There wcre no more runs until that dramatic seventh and last inning. Hooper led off for Goodycars in thc last inning, promptly sing- Jing inta left and went ta second on a passed bail. Richards went out - pitcher ta first. Woods hit safely ta third. Then came a lune- drive biomer by Ted Bagnell ta tic Uic score. The next two batters wcnt out on grounders ta Uic pitchcr's box. ",Porky" Osborne smashed a hard line-drive at Calwcil which was toc, hot for Uic portly second- sacker ta bandlc, then stole sec- ond. Wilson got on base on an error by Uic sbartstop, Osborne going ta third on Uic play. Dave Osborne singlcd ta right, and I'Porky" Osborne came home with Uic wining mn on Gay's single. Mike's Place showed their sup- eriarity i bath batting and field- ing. For Uic garagemen, a total of 35 batters faccd "Ace" Rich- ards, while 31 faccd Dave Os- borne. The strange ground forced bath tcamis ta make frequent mental errors, but an Uic wholc Uic game was quite well played, as weil as being a thriller. Most noticcable feature was that neither pitcher fanncd a batter. Mike's Place - Little, If; Mc- Knight, rf; Piper, 3rd; Hallnian and Werry, lst; C. Osborne, ss; Wilson, c; D. Osborne, p; Gay, 2nd; MacDonald, cf. Goodycars - Woods, cf; Bag- neil, ss; A. Osborne, 3rd; Mur- phy, 1f; Calwdil, 2nd; James, lst; Wiseman, rf; Hooper, c; Rich- ards, p. Mike's Pl. 060 100 1 -8 10 2 Goodycars 000 400 3-7 8 4 Umpires - Large and Habbs. THIER) GAME - 5-4 Mikles Place came througb wit. a sparklung, Uhilil-packed win ar Friday nigbt ta defeat Goadyeari 5- in Uic last gaine of Uic Taw League softball finals, playcd al Uie Creain of Barlcy Camp,.there. by winning Uic Young Men's Clut Trophy. Thc wi was a great ont for Uic winncrs but the loseri were by no means disgraccd, foi Uicy bad Uic tying and Uic wir. ning runs an base in Uic last inr. ing. Thc Billard Kings jumpcd inix an carly twa-run lead in Uic fins inning. It was not until Uic fourtl that Uic Goodyear outfit wcxg able ta tic it up. Even then Uhi: efforts were soon nulicd, far in Uic next frame Mike's Plac pounced an "Ace" Richards' af feringu for another twa runs t4 make Uic score 4-2. Goodycars seemcd unable t salve Dave Osborne's pitches fo: anything reseinbling bits until ti last inning. In Uic meantimi Mikc's men addcd another run ii Uic first hall of tic seventh. ThIf Uic Rubbermcn came ta bat for last attcmpt ta save Uic champion sbip. Wiseman, Uic first batter fo Aul et te essentiels of a perfect fuel ore found ln IF« gMt dqedability, comfort and conv.ntmsoe. That'le wby mo many itns year after yçar insiuon Blue Goal. No < étbw 0001 atiufieu tb.m. As tbe . atonal war effort deanand on trams- poettlon altie. Inreaewuh ceaiordrs wil besomme. more difficuit; therufore homunhoMeru abeuli not fortet the experlence of lat winter &" hoW their cai bina fUied. la other words order te-da7. Lhimted Supl17of Scotch and Weish Ceai on hand 'AQFAZNWB IUGGZBT YOU GET IN YOVE WJNTE 10 DUPPLY OF' YUEL EARLY - PHONE 715 Shoppard & GMI Lumber Co. Lt. KOU sUt. flowmanvWle th )n ib 1,e Action Th"m iAnd Su Laek' Wth this lsue we 557 lare- well to Edward Nickerson who has been acting sjrrta editor of The Statesman for the past. two months. He i. returnlng te Uic University et Toronto te continue bis stu- dies. Wc hope Bd. wM if d thc opportunl±y te resume hi. conneetion wlithUiIs paper. Bd. talned hais firat experi- ence as a sports wrltcr wlth the Varslty, the excellent dafiy of the U. et T. whlch i. preparcd and publlshed en- tlrely by students. He came te The Statesman at a time when we were greatly lu need of help En this dcpartment and took It over Uike a vet- cran. The colorful style et .wrltlug ln whlch he plctured varions sports events et Uic town bas lncreased lnterest in thc sport page. The frankas wlth whlch he penuéd the columnu "Pits and Pats", Caus- cd every fan te tura t to int thing te leamfi Uic latest gos- sip in Uic realm et sport. No doubt Ed. wll gain more lame for himself this yean on -tbê Vastyaà4 retura 4*- Uic old home tewn neit jean ready te take Uic score book on hi. kace and begin just where he bas had ta leave off new. Good luck, Scotty! th thc Tiremen, poked out a luit inta e left field aid advanced to second àr on Haapcr's bit down Uic third )r, base Une. Richards lit a long f ly c ta rigbt field wbich Horn caugbt, d-Wiseman coing home on the to throw-in. Woods beat aut an in- f ield bit. TIen George Piper bit ta a single inta short centre, but or Woods ran Hooper off third base, ic and the latter was trapped be- ne tween third aid home, event- Iin ually being tagged out at Uiird. en AI Osborne singlcd sbarply ta left a field, Woods scaing ta make Uic n- count 5-4 in favor o! Mike's Place. With two out Murphy went down or pitcher ta firut, cnding run-scor- ing activities for Uic scason. TIc Billard Kingu out-played IL their appanents by a sligbt mar- gin throughout Uic wholc game. TIcir sluggers seemcd ta corne Uirougb wîth bits just wbcn thcy wcrc maut needcd. Once agai Ken Wcrry and Dave Osborne playcd Uic maut proniinent parts in their tcam's victory. Wcrry lad tbree bits in four trips to the plate, anc a triple and a double. While Dave not only pitched great bail for a great win, but aisa wîclded a wickcd wiilow wîen runners wcre an base, contribut- ing Uiree bits in four trnes at bat driving Wcry home wiUi thre runs. TIc final raiult was always in doubt until Uic lait mai was out. It was wiUiout question tlfe maut cxciting game of Uic ycar aid ccrtainly was a fitting climax ta a scason af nat 50 good basebail. Mike's Place out-bit thc Gaod- years ten ta cight on tife night's play, wbilc Uic Rubberrnen wcre sligltly better aficld. Poor base running was prabably anc o! the main causai of Uic downfali af Uic Tiremen..On sevemal occasions they had chances to stretch sing- les inta doubles, but this was just nat their night ta dlicic. AI Osborne and "Ace"' Richards starrcd fan Goodycars. AI bad two bits in four turnes at bat and came througb wlth a fine lait inn- ing single ta score Waods. In ad- dition be playcd errorless bal durlng Uic entire gaine. Richards could lave had better luck tIen loue both cf bis lait two starts by one-run margina. Mike's Place clsrvcd their win. Thcy wcrc able ta corne tlirough in Uic pinchai, and that Uiey wcre able ta defeat a teain as good as Uic Goodycars speaks that much mare bighly for their ability. Mikes Place - Little, cf; Piper, 3rd; Wcrry, lst; D. Osborne, p; Wilson, c; C. Osborne, os.;Macre, If; McKnigbt aid Horn, r!. Goadycars - Woods, cf; G. Pip- er, as.; A. Osborne, 3rd; Murphy, If; ColweUl, 2nd; James, lst, Wise- man, ai Hooper, c; Richards, p. R HE Mikes PI. 200 020 1 -5 10 3 Goodycars 000 200 2 -4 8 1 Umpires - Hobbs and Large. "It gives me great Peareo behaif of the Town League o prsn you with this cup,"' said Prsdnt Sid. Little ta "'Mike" Osborne ýdirect1y after the end of the third and last gaine of the Town League play-offs. This l'lit- tie"' speech was the signal for the wildest scenes of jubilation in- aginable (for Mike's men). Mike's Place did the impossible. Any teamn that can, beat an outfit like Goodyears,- three gaines inia row, certamnly deserves ail the credit in the world. Their wins wcre no fluke either. They wcnt i 'there like the great fighters they are and out-played a teain that had been beaten only once during the regular schedule. One very good reason for the success of Mike's Place *4as that thcy were every bit a unit - each and every man fighting for the championship, flot merely playing for mndividual glary. If a player made a mistake, well it was just forgotten or else it was a signal for ail to bear down a littie hard- er. They are worthy champs. Thcy hit an opportune wmnning streak right t the end of the schedgle - and kept- Up that fftulty Ui'Jwc-. tory-snatching until they hal the trophy safcly ensconed on the counter of a weil-known gas sta- tion situated in the western part of our town. Mike Osbornececrtainly pulled a clever bit of strategy when lic mnade a wholesale shift i his bat- ting lne-upi the last gaine. The manager of the Billard Kings movcd Jack Gay frain ciglith to second place i the batting order, and Dave Osborne from seventh to f ifth place. The resuit? Well, Gay scored two runs,, belng knocked home twice by Keni Wer- 1ry, whilc Dave brought» Werry 'home three tîmes with three bits. It looks as though Mike used the .score-book to out-smart the op- ;position that time. Timeliest bit of head-work goes ta Dave Osborne. In the lait gaine .Dave was at bat with two ont and Ken Wcrry on third. Dave had decided to bunt, but the pitch was 1too high. Sensing that Dave was going to bunt, the Goodyear third baseman hadl moved in ta niake the play. But cagey Dave delayed his swing slightly and bit a short safety over the third-sackcr's head, scorig Werry on the play. One place where the winners 1shone particularly was in their base running. Where Goodycars ,would only get a single, the Klngs would get a double by dint of .a speed and smartness i travers- ing the sacks. Ken Werry, Dave Osborne and "Porky"l Osborne were outstanding in this depart- ment. Evidence of the superiarity of 1Mike's Place can be seen by a ,glance at the box score. Ini the three gaines played the Billard Kinga made 24 runs, 31 hits, and 8 errors. While Goodyears made 15 runs, 26 bits, and 8 errors. AI Osborne was the only Ç<ood. year player ta keep up the pro- 1f îc hitting -that had synibollzed the mighty Rubbermcn ail during the season. Boastig a tearn bat- tmng average of nearly .400j they were about 50 points higher-than Mike's Place. Then how is it that they were not able ta bit as wdll as their opponents i the -play- offs? The answer i. flot hard ta get. Goodyears neyer saw- good pitching until they encountered Dave Osborne in the finals. Al season they were batting againat weak pitchers, thereby paodlng N0W TO COMBAT Rheumatic Pau-S nM.ude P" sw. ohm emw hi mmi iluM.uzireambadby du hluhqu uad «Seu "UNc acM v.,leS 1 as dumu"d Wsu oli uuhgb Dodds KIdney PRUs their averages. Meanwhlle the .ather teami in thc league lad ta face Uic league'. hait pitcher, "Ace" Richards. Consequently Uic battlng averages of Uic other teains werc sluinping consider- ably whilc Goodycars' were gaina UP. - ** * 1Sihce aIl-star tearns sein ta be bitting Uic ncws a goad deal these days, wc'il clip in with a teain chosen froni the Tawn League. To get ourselves out of a bad spot this teani is going ta have two pitchers and twa catchers: lst base, Wcrry; 2nd' base, Colweil; 3rd base, A. Osborne; short stop, C. Osborne; leftffield, Little; cen- tre field, R. Woods; rigît f ield, LL. Rundle; pitchers, D. Osborne !and Richards; catchers, O. Hooper iand Wilson. Honour of being the best lard- iluck man of local basebail circles gaes ta "Ace" Richards. In bis last thrce gaines, le has last ail three by anc mun, and bust two cbampionships. He lost lis last two starts ta Mike's Place, thus losing anechcampianship. In bis former start le lost a 3-2 decision ta Courtice and there went the South Darligton title. Thc Lakeslore finals are still bcing leld up at Uic time of writ- ing. But a winner must be de- clared by Sept. 2lst. We still pick Port Hope ta wi. OutUln.Measure For Un.mploymlent Insurance Plan Fo& better or warse, uncmplay- me~nt insurance bas naw been estabished in Canada. Wlat i- terests people most now arc Uic ternis of thc act. Thc act itaelf la long and camplicated, accupying Uiirty-five printcd Pages. The Act provides for Uic sctting iup of a Commission ta adniinistcr Uncmployinent Insurance thro'- out Canada for Uic establishment of an Emplayment Service and for rclated purpoe.OeCm missioner lata e ppainted aftcr consultation with organizations repraientative of workcrs and anc aftcr consultation with organiza- tions representative of emplaYers. Thc Chief Commissioner is ta hold office for ten years and cacl of Uic other Cominssioners for five ycars. Thc benefits of thc scbeme ap- ply ta ail persans cmployed under acontract of service or appren- ticesbîp with a number Of excep- tions wbich include agriculture, fislhing, lumbering in woads, ihuntixig, transportation by water or air, domestic service, nursing, teaching, military or naval ser- vice, and police wark and Uic gav- emninent or municipal service. Young persans under 16 years of age and persans carning less than 90e in a full day, cannaI draw benefits but may accumnulate benefit rights at no cout ta them- selves. The Bill pravides for Uic inclusion of some of Uic cxcepted eniplayments under Uic Bill on Uic recammnendatian af a national 1Advisory Cornmittee ta be set up under Uic Act. An Unemploynicnt Insurance Fund, with Uic Bank of Canada as fiscal agent, is ta be created. Thc contributions by emplayers and workmen would bring ap- proximatcly equal totals over Uic country. Parliament adds a grant of one-fifth of Uic aggregatc con- tributions made by employcd per- sons and emplayers, and also as- sumes Uic cost of administration, wbich moncys are ta be provided througl annual votes of Parlia- ment. Benefits arc paid as of right on fulfilment of four statu- tory conditions:- -1. The payment of flot las [than 30 weckly - or 180 daily - contributions within two years, wbilc in lnsured cmployment. 2. Praper presentation. of Uic laim, and proaf of unemploy- ment. 3. That thc contributar la ca- pable of and available for work. Î. That be bas not refused ta attend a course of instruction if c iiqD â ii ai n for benefit i- clude: lass cf work due ta mis- conduct or a labor dispute i wbicb le is dlrectly hivolved; un- willingness toasccept suitable cm- ployment; reccipt of an aId age pensian; beig an imate of a public institution, or carnig les. than ninety cents a day wbllc hi empicyment. Contributions are gradcdhI wage graups. Thc amaunt of daily or weekly benefit ia 34 turnes Uic average daily or weekly work- man's contribution for insured persans without dependenta, and 40 times the average contribution for married persans mainly or wholly maintalning anc or mare dependents. No benefit is payable durlng tie first nine days of unemploy- ment i a benefit year. After that a worker inay draw ane paynient for cvcry five contributions made i thcpreviaus ycars, les. anc payment for every three benefit payments received in thc previaus three years. There are sevczal exceptions for holidays, etc. Thus an cmployee who has paid for 1,200 days i five ycar-s and re- celved benefits for 40 days in thc previaus threc years, would be paid unemployment insurance if out of employment for 200 days. Paynients- by employers begin at 27 cents a wcek aon bebalf of persans receiving 1cms than 90 cents a day or under 16 years of age. They pay nothing. Em- playee earning from $5.40 ta $7.50 a wcck pay 12 cents a week into -the fund, while thc employer pays 21 cents. Employees earn- mng froin $7.50 ta $15 a weck pay froin 15 cents ta 21 cents wbile Uic -employer pays 021 cents on their behaif. Emplayecs carning $15 ta $20 a week pay 24 cents, thaseearnlng $20 ta $26 pay 30 cents, and those earnig $26 but less than $38.50 <Uic lumit) pay 36 cents; in ecd casc Uic em- ployer pays 27 cents. Thus Uic lower th~e wages thc hlghcr Uic proportion paid by Uic employer. Where wagcs have been stcady i anc cla for two ycars preccd- ig thc claii befits range frain $4.08 for a sinle persan earnhng 1cms than $7.50 a wcck, ta $12.24 for a single persan earnlng $26 or aver. For a marricd persan or a widow or wldower maintaining anc or marc -thildren under 16 ycars of age, thc benefits range froin $4.80 ta $14.40. Wbere pay- MeGregor Hardware H. C. Bonathan King St., Phone 774 Phone 442U Dowmanvillie Ontarlo Newcaste Ontario ments bave been made an varying scales within two ycars, Uic bene- fit wiil be propartiancd ta Uic payinents. The Act, does nat came into force until a date set by Uic pro- posed Commission, atter ite ap- pointinent and arganization. An empty purse and a new bouse make a man wlse, but to late.-Portuguese proverb. h il Calling out mon of certa in age classes for medical examination, and if fit, to undergo military train- lng for a periodi of 30 days within Canada, or the territorial waters thereof. PROCLAMATION ATHLONE CANADA GEORGE T~HE SIXTH, by thc Grace of Gad of Great Britai, lreland and thc British Dominions beyand thc Seau KING, Defender of thc Faith, Emperor of India. To Au.. To Wxom Uicsc Presents shail came or whom thc saine may in anywisecocnccrn, GiEMaNo: PROCLAMATION E. MIA LL, IA HEREAS it is provided by The National Acting Dcputy Minister jResources -Mobilization Act, 1940, that thc of justice, CanadaJ Govemnor in Council may make fromn time ta tino sucli arders and rctgulations rcquiring persoa to place Uiemsclves, Uhir services and Uhif propcrty at Uie dispasal of His Majesty in Uic right cf Canada for Uic use within Canada or Uic territorial waters Uicrcof, as may be dcemcd neccssary or expedient for sccuring Uic public safety, Uic defence cf Canada, Uic maintenance of public order, or Uic efficient prosecution of thc war, or for maintaining supplies or services essential to Uic life cf Uic community; AND WHms punsuant ta Uic powcrs therein contained, and Uic pro- visions cf The War Meatures Act, aur Govemnor in Council did on Uic 27th day cf August, 1940, make negulations ta provide a systein for. calling out men for military training within Canada and Uic territorial waters Uiereof, such regulations bcing known as Uic -National War Services Regu- latians, 1940; AND WHEREAS ptrsuant ta anddin accondance with Uic said Regula- tions, it las been decidcd to cail out for military training, as afaresaid, every male British Subjcct who i. ar ha. been at any time subsequent ta Uic firat day cf September, 1939, ordinarily resident in Canada and Who, on Uic first day cf July, 1940, had reachcd Uic age of twcnty-anc ycans but laed net yct ncached Uic age on Uiat date cf twenty-two years or had rcachcd thc age of twcnty-two ycans but had not yct rcached Uic age an Uiat date of twcnty-tbree years, or wha lad rcachcd Uic age cf twenty-Uiree years but had not yct reachcd Uic age on that date cf twcnty-four ycars, or who liad reached thc age of twcnty-faun years, but lad not yet rcachcd Uic age on Uiat date of twcnty-five years and who was on Uic fifteenth day cf Juiy, 1940, uunarricd or a widowcr without dhild or children; Now THEREFoRE KNOW YE Uiat pursuant ta Thc National Resources Mobilization Adt, 1940, and Uic War Measures Act, and pursuanitot and In accordance with Uic National War Services Regulations, 1940, pramul- gated under Uic provisions cf Uic said Acts, we do hcreby cal out Uic aforcsaid classes cf men ta submit- theinselves for medical examination and ta undergo miitary training for a pcriad of Uirty days witbun Canada or Uic territorial waters thercaf, and to repart at such places and times and i such manner and ta such authorities or persoa as may be notified ta tIcin respectively by a Divisional Registrar of an Administrative Divi- sion appointcd by Uic Gavernor in Council pursuant ta Uic above mon- tioned regulationq. 0F AIL CF wHicH Our Loving Subjectsanad al cUiers whom the»s Presents may conccrn, are hcreby requircd ta t ake notice. IN~ TEsTiMoNY WHRnmoF, We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent, and Uic Great Scal of Canada to le hereunto itffixed. Wrrxqxas: Our Dear Uncle, Our Right Trusty and Right Well Belovcd Cousin and Counsellor, ALExANiDER AueusTus FRzERicKGEcORGE, Earl of Athlane, Knight of Our Mcst Noble Order cf Uic Garter, Member of Our Most Honaurable Privy Council, Knight Grand Cross of Out Most Hanourable Order cf Uic Bath, Grand Master cf Our-Mont Dis- tunguished Order of Saint Michael and Sainit George, K.night Grand Cross cf Our Royal Victorian Order, Conupanian cf Ont Distiguished Service Order, Colonel in Our Army (retired), having Uic honorary tank cf Major-General, One cf Ont Personal Aides-de-Camp, Gaver- nor Gencral and Commander i Chef of Our Dominion of Canada. 'At Ont Governinent Hanse, in Our City of Ottawa, hiselevenUi day of Septetuber, in Uic fear cf Ont Lard anc Uicusand nine hundred and £atty, and in Uic fourth year of Our Rcign. By Command, E. H. COLEMAN, Under-Secretary cf state. The .b. i. ,àrnrbatlm cop>' of PiecIana- "e appesrind ln The. Canaa Gstt, No. 25, Vol. LXXIV, S.ptw)Ibw 13th, 1940. Publimhod for the Information of those concernod by the authority and courtosy of HONOURADIE JAMES 0. GARDINERJ, Minister of National War Services, r -1 -ýi ýý- P'- el, --n 'In, - 777 PA-GE ICIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANMM, ONTAIRIO THMISDAY, SMEMER 10TE, 1940 ý