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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Sep 1940, p. 9

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T<i"DAY1 SEPTEMBER 26TH, 194b ORONO soci andPersoi Mr. and Mrs. J. Eagleson visit. Mins Grace Warren visited fri. . i-. Mrs. D. Lockwor 'Yckering, vlsited here. Mrs. Charles Green, Oshawa, vlulted ut Mr. P. Chapman'a. Mis. R. B., Logan vlslted her daughter Mm. Hay in Toronte. Mrn. d hrs. Neals, Cobourg, vlalted at Win. Seymaur s. Miss Maggle Taylor ha return. ed home frem vsiting relatives. Mrs. McEfroy und Margaret, Peterboro, visited Mrs. D. Noble, ,Gordon Bruton ha commencud studies fer the ministry in To- Z *0 and Mrs. Johni Millson were home fromù their honeyniaon and spent a few days in Orono. Messrs. Ed. and Harry Pinder, Toronto, fermer Oranoites, taok in the fair. Miss Viola Noden has returned te Toronto te continue studies ut the unlvursity. Congratulations to Miss Bertha Cain on passing her university work. Mrs. J. R. Cooper is judging domestic science and schooi ex- hibits ut Port Hop~e Fuir. Mr. and Mrs. H. Awde and fam- ily, Toronto, visited Mr. C. F. Awde. Mr. W. Watson had wandurfui success with horses ut Lindsay fuir, whlch many Oronoites ut- tended. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith, Mr. and. Mrs. Jenners, Trenton~ and Wooler, were guests ut Mr. Jus. JE. Richards'. Mission Band met Monduy uf- terneon. A program 'of choruses was enjoyed, a!ter which games and lunch were a delightful clos- lng feature. Klrby Church held its rally ser- vice Sunduy afternoon, prograni in charge o! Mr. Fred Truil. Rev. S. Littlewood preached an inter- esting sermon ta a large crowd, and a story was told by Mr. Ruth- erford. Group No. 2 of the Park St. W.M.S. with Mrs. Fred Kelly con- vener, held a delightful afternoan tea at the lavely hame of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mellor Tuesduy after- Xioon. Mrs. W. C. Lynch favored .î'th piano salas and Mesdames 1wM. H. Staples and A. A. Druni- mond with piano duets. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brix and children, Mrs. Albert Brix and jà%ittle son, St. Catharines, visited W-ýat Mr. 0. W. Scott's. Mr. Scott returned with them. Mrs. Arthur Brix la his grand-duughter. Ivirs A Wesley, Toronto, Mr. el~. Eagleson, Bailieboro, Mr. J. Euglesan, Mrs. B. Eugleson, Mr. and Mms. E. Mephen, Oshawa, Mr.. and Mrs. J. Bell, Garden Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Cruse and son, South Monaghan, Mr. Arthur Thompson and mother Mrs. Ella Thompson, Kendal, visited ut Mr. J. Eagleson's. Wmen's Institut. Mrs. Harold Allen and Mrs. W. W. Sherwin began the imparting of instructions and information on the Vegetable course (tuken by them.at Hampton this month with Miss Gray as instructress) at the Orono Women's Institute meeting Frlday. The instructions inciuded the value of vegetables in health,i secrets o! salad making, preparu- tien of saiad ingredients, etc. The demonstrution inciuded the muk- lng o! a purticularly lavely salud the ingredients of which wure cheese, appies, cabbage, dressing, alt and pepper, and three ways of f ixing a tomnate with various BABYYS~ CýONSTIPATiION MEROUS IF NEGLECTED q% N o 1oroah ea ~tl1 whkb oédu acSste om udb. képt. Wbu be h. mh.. oeahlagmut b dom ad eue. CoaitmUaios lu ut for baby.- là& j" T. ffl o ee, Ont., bu 1h to _W:«ýBvbjbadmusa chidm and baviAS »Md Ea y.Own TaUbafo« U saes, c- tqe the bUn Wmoaut rtor fori .Msua .. Mi «.wci fr tin bmimLI1gs othm op to Ioyearaofane. Dwb bndtaay duain TAOU cea r frie Ia." Eq&WgulwfSor abait. vdimoboes. Qlkand in la th*r ation. lmEasye Nasmeamai aahDo mAw con"l pltso etap.yln i.. Bach pak acontalasi IaLja' eJIoe 09 bu . S im kF in. U îL 2ascont. Mu Jfillings and garnishes such as cu- cumber slices, cheese, etc. The tomata rose was espuciully attrac- tive. They alsa Made a new may- onnaise. These saluds wure serv- ed along with breud and butter, amali cakes and tua for lunch by tthe committee in charge. Furthur information and instruction will 1- bu forthconung ut luter meetings. Foflowing the usual epenlng 1ceremony, Mrs. H. Allen ruud the minutes and Mra. Hesper Dean 1gave the treusurer's report show- ing a balance af $64.13. Mrs. D. W. Rolph, aiong wlth the secretary, treasurer. and pre- aident, was uppointed te inter- view the girls o! the community i regard to another club course. A questionnaire regurding the Homne Imrprovement Conteat wil tbu fiiled in and muiled. Mrs. J. Tamblyn was appointed ta se cabout getting carloacis to go to Biackstack.te a meeting regard- ing Guneral Lighting. Mrs. J. R. eCoo per expiained the wuy the cvuriaus canveners should repart *for the convention. Mrs. J. Tam- blyn, Mrs. Rolph, Mrs. E. Dean, Mrs. N. Cobbiedick and Mrs. kCooper were appointed a commit- tue te make arrangement for a 1Jam beu for war purposes. , t Mrs. Flintoff gave a paper pre- paredl by Mrs. Harry Lycett on a"Health and Child Wel!are P dez.l-- ying chiefly with discipline. Rnol call wus on the subi uct o! what one could do to imprave child welf are. Music was provided for by a plana solo by Mrs. Lynch.j Meeting closed with a vote o! thunks to Mrs. Allen and Mirs. Sherwin. HYDRO MEETING Hydro Commissioners mut Mon- day evening. Mr. Chase reported he was unsuccessful in applica- tion for interest on deposits ln local bank. Mr. Chase wus auth- orized to appraach the H.E.P.C. to enquire if a rate could bu ar- rungud in which the cut in re- venue shaîl not uxceed $450 pur annum. This la in rufurence to the matter a! rate reduction recom- mendud by the Ontario Commis- sion. It is the opinion o! local commissionurs that it would bu an unwise move ta decrousu rates ta such an extunt that the upkeup o! the Hydro system hure would bu in danger o! buing impaired. The fallowing bis weru order- ed paid: E. D. Pollard, painting poi;s --------------- $ 13.50 Rolph Hdwe. stuin for poles 11.00 H. E. P. C. 270.00 B. P. U.---- - 104.63 Tata $399.13 ORONO CITIZENS TO SHOVEL SNOW Orono Police Trustees met Mon- day evening. James Mof!utt, Pol- ice Constable, uttunded and ana- wered questions .put by some o! the trustees. The mutter o! the building o! the tank wus again discussed and saine progrusi ru- partud. These bis wero ordered nuid: Orano Times, printing, $1.75; Workmen's Compensation Prem. $16.68. By-iuw pertaining ta shovufling snow on sidewalks ln Orono was finally upproved, and under this iaw evury ownur la to clear snow !ram the sidewulks fronting thoir premisos. Ail this la to bu dono within f ive houri ufter a storm. in cases wheru authorities have ta hiru suéh work donu the costs shall bu uddud ta the taxes o! the parties concemnud und collected lu the samu munner as, ordinary taxes. SCOUT NEWS Scouts mut Monduy evoning with 23 presont. Donald Staplos uddressed Rev. S. Littlewoed and Neil F. Porter on bobs]! o! the Scouts and George Waiters pro- sented thrni with $58.00 for the Red Cross wbich had beun coi- lected Saturday by the Scouts. Bath gentlemen thanked the boys for their work and contribution. Each Scout ruceived a fancy but- ton from the Red Cross soclety. A sing sang o! spirituals and the new favorite "There'Il Always bu an England" !ollowed, a!ter which Rau Patterson took charge o! the gumes and cioslng exorcises. Next Monday patrol leaders and Scoutmasters muet after the reg- ular meeting to fi vacancles. (Contrlbuted) The Scouts have bad a busy week. At oreno's fuir we march- ed te the groundsaund gave a de- moutratioli before the grand- stand. George Walters speiled eut "-Welcome to aur fir" wlth flaga, ,etters being called out by D. Chmura. We ulso hud a tug-of- wur. We ulso gave an exhibition o! blind boxing and make-believe- necesary stretcher bearing when the so-cliled injured laser bad ta bu taken away on the stretchur. Wu did what wve could ail day ta direct stranguns and help in any wuy possible. Saturday ut 10 a.m. the flag was raisud by George Waiters and Donald Mylus ta apen the nickel truil inaugurated by the Scouts ta aid the Red Cross. Scoutmnaster J. J. Muilor gave each boy bis. route and the wbole village was canvussed. Later ail who did not wear their badge o! honour, sig- nifyinx they had givezi, wei'O tug- ged. Thoso Included chiefly furra- ors on thuir weekly shopping trip and strangers. Ail day and nlght the red uine, drawn from the light paie south a! the town hall and uxtending nortb, grew until it was about 87 feet long gleamning wlth nickels. Over $58.00 was realized. Thmnk you! Monday wu held aur weekiy meeting. 'I Park Stret Union Unian Monduy night was. ln charge o! the rnissionary conven- ers, Margaret Million and Myrtie Smith. Seripture and story wus1 read by Jean White. Miss Berthu Cain favored with a vocal solo, and Margaret Milison, who pro- sided, gave a reading and led ln prayer. Myrtie Smith took charge a! the topic and o!ficiuted ut the piano. Insteud of the usuai forai o! topic the subjuct "Couriers o! the Cross ln China" wus deait with by Myrtie Smith usking questions relating ta the wark e! Miss Shipley, answered by Gloria Richardson, and Dr. Djang ans- wered by Mervyn Keune. Miss Snmith, toucher ut Antioch, will fill the position on recreution group le!t vacant by resignation of Lois Wood. Miss Alle Wood will bu a member of lunch com- mittue threugh resignution o! Hazel Winter. Insteud of a rugu- lar meeting next Monday ail de- siring ta go are ta bu ut the churcb ut 7 p.m. standard time, ta go t(Y Muple Grove ta attend a Couching Class., Glen Hancock and Lillian FoIýwere appointed delegates to Bay o! Quinte Conferencu an Oshawa. Miss Lais Wood favored with a vocal solo. Obituary W. T. Beacock W. T. Buacack, onu o! the luit participating survivors of the North West Rebeilion, p asse d uwuy ut his home in Kirby on Septumnber iotb, ufter six montha' lMness.. Mr. Beacock was born in Cart- wright on September 23, 1848,1 which meuns hu wouid have beenq 92 this montb. Slxty years ugo ho married Surah Jane Clarke o! Manvers who predeceased hlm nirieteen years ugo. Foilowingi their murriago tbey lived in Mua- vers and later iu Clarke where they spent 27 years. Deceused wus an Oangeman. He Is sur- vived by four daughtera, Mns. W. Bannon,. Orono, Mrs. F. Hurley,- Cleveland, Ohio, Mmm. (Dr.) Ira Miller, Ponnàylvunia, Miss Maud Beacock, Las Angeles, Calif.; twa sons, Elvin o! Gait, and Elsworth o! Greenbank; ton grandchildrun; two sisters, Mri. Wm. Nicholson, Pontypool, and Mri. G. H. Loney, Wiarton; and onu brother, George Beacack o! Wiarton. The funeral wus held ut Kirby on September 13th, with Bey. S. Littlewoed, Orono, officlating, us- slsted by Rev. R. E. Morton of Newcastle. Bearers were Mosars. Chus. ]Rutherford, William Ruther- ford, J. H. Blgelow, F. Brima- combe, S. Bermy and Geo. Hender- son. Friends were preseut from Bob- caygeon, Lindsay, Wiarton, Duns- fard, Millbrook, Cleveland, Har- risburg, Gaît, Greenbank, Osh-1 awa, Newcustle, Bowmanvlie,t Pontypool, Bthany, Peturboror and Orono. WILSONS IREALLY KILL One pad kil. files all day and eve' dyor 3 weeks. 3 padulecb pke.No spraylag, no tlkIeut no bad odor. Ask pour Druggist. UOcery*or (louerai Store. 10 CENTS PER PACKET WHY PhY MORE? THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO NEWS __t Whon you an unable to uhop go to your phone and gIeu aoeil. in peson, jusi; Tins 2for Phone '13rl SURE GOOD CHOICi PEAS, CORN Phone 73rl MYSTERY 0F THE SUEDE GLOVEý As ToId by Orme Ganiby Orono's veteran!ý foilowur o! Isaac Walton - Orme Gunisby - strutted into the editor's sanctum Manday morning and thruw on bis desk a ludy's suede glove. From his manner in casting the rnystorious glove for aur inspec- tion wu wure a bit puzzlod if Orme was muking an admission, issuing a challenge, or reully in search of littie Cinderella. Suddenly bu blurted out, "I can't !ind her, so yeu'd botter udvertise the fact in The States- ma. She'll- need that glovo as the chilly wintry blasta will soon bu hure."> The conversation ixmodiately changed to bis favorite pastimu o! trout fishing. He was ail het up and perturbed about a consign- ment o! 3000 yearling speckied trout which the goverrnent had delivered to hlm en Orono Fuir day for his personal disposai in the rippling streanis and gurgling brooks o! Clarke Township. They wuro a purticularly liveiy and hualthy specimon o! speckled beautios brought direct from the government batchuries ut Peta- wawa. * It was an ideai, day for distributing thernius everybody wai ut the fuir. Even his aid cronies would bu ignorant a! wheru they had been placed. And the only information Orme wouid divuigo was thut tbuy were emptiud inte three creeki - so your guessa lsaus good us Bull Jackson's. Howover, the upabot o! Ormu's visit was ta reuest somnie o! the weil known fshhoga (net ung- lors, for they are good sports and observe the laws o! the gume), to use discretion, net te !ish out o! season, throw buck the small ones and bu sutisfied with a reasonabeie catch. As Orme bld us adieu hu ru- marked "If you !ind the awnur o! thut glavo tell her Orme Gans- by found it."-il DIM AND DISTANT HAPPENINGS Prom Thec Orono News o! September 27, 1917 The new town bail steps wure not built any tao soon as the aid anus were ia rickety condition and an accident mlght bave oc- curred any time. The new steps are permanent, bult of atone and concrète, have a much larger ianding, and wlth the railing it is intended to place, louves very littie te compluin ef. F. J. Hall had the contract. Judge Ward presldod ut Divi- sion Cortbeld in the town hall hure Frlday. Twa cases, bath from the east aide o! the township, made up the docket. Casweil viz Pethick occupied the attention o! the Court. The case was a disput- ed uccount f or odder and labor with no bookkeeping by either party. Judgment for plaintif! W. Caswell with costs. James R. Boyd vs Henry Jones lu wbich plaintif! sued for the priceofo!a mare bought ut bis sale, the de- fonce claimîng that the mare was not us guarantuud. Judgment ru- served. QUOTABLE QUOTES ON 'FASHION' Basically and essuntially human nature doua net change the way fushions do.-Charles Dana Gib- son. Fashion or the aitorution a! driess la a great promoter o! trade, because it occasiorns the oxpense o! clothes, bofore the old oaies are worn out; it la the spirit and M1e o! trade.-Nicholas Barbon, «A Discours. of Trade" (1690). HORSES Clydesdale: Mare and Fou- Purcy Farrow, Wm. Bickle, J. H. Farder & Son; Foal-Fordur & Son, Wmn. Bickle, Arthur McKay; Filiy or Gelding, 2 years-Forder & Son, L. Weish 2 and 3; Fiiy or Gelding, 3 yrs.-S. Chas. AIln; Span o! Horses in harness-L. Welsh. Agricultural: Mare and Fou- Xd. Pascoe, A. McKay, Robin Al- dread; Foal-Ed. Pascoe, Normnan Shea, Reg. McCooi; Fily or Geid- ing, 1 yr.-Forder & Son; Fllly or Gulding, 2 yuars-Ed. Pascoe, L. Welsh, Farder & Son; Filiy or Gelding, 3 yrs.--Orville Osborne, Gordon Brent; Span qf Horses- Ed. Pascoe. Belgian, Percheron and Punch: Mare and Foui--J. M. Read, Ern. Bowen, Luther Pascoe; Foai-L. Pascoe, Ewart Robinson, E. Bow- un; Fiily or Geiding, i year-E. Robinson, Halstead Coatham, S. S. Lackhart; Filly or Geiding, 2 yrs.-S. S. Lockhart, H. Caathum, Milton Brown; Filiy or Geiding, 3 yrs.-S. S. Lackhart; Span o! Horses-J. M. Read, Ideai Dairy. Generai Purpose: Mare and Foalý-Wm. Gardon; FWiy or Gel- dint, 2 years-M. Brown, Lewis Wood; Fiiiy or Gelding, 3 yurs- M. Brown, J. H. Jase; Single Herse in harness-J. G. Evans i1 d 2, M. Brown 3; Span o! Horaes in harness-J. G. Evans, M. Brown. Beat Horse, any ugo, on rein- Ed. Pascoe i and 2, Ideal Duimy 3. Carntage: Mure and Foal-Bur- ritt Mann; Foui-N. 5 h e a, B. Mann, Leslie R. Cochrune; Fiily er Gelding-R. Sadier, B. Mann, Eyesight Edocation And Efficiency, C.H.Tuck Optometrist Eyrsight Sf'ecialist Diuney Bldg. <opp. P. O.) Oshai& Number 144 We have bath these corrections cambined by fusing the two cor- rections ta one single Ions. This la not unusual, the twe-piece bi- focal has beon la existence for many years but the perfect pro- duct ta to-day dos not show a noticeable attached segment sud makus a very direct appeal to the wearer la that there la no notice- able linu ta irritate, ta mur the appeamanceofo the wearer or cal attention ta the fact that the wuarer required bifocal lunsua. There la no compariion therefore with the oidé praduct *where the segment la pasted on, which serves ta proclaim the ugeofo wearer and advertisus the fact by showing the visible hune on the edge a! the augment where the dirt la sure ta coiiect in the groaves. It la a normal sequeuce to the advancu o!fie for the power o! the oye ta bu deficient la Its sus- taining powers fan close range vision a!ter the ugeofo forty years. Science la sultlag itsel! ta the needa o! the human oye when it bogins ta tire, devised the bifocal lens as the beit moans a! incor- porating in one p air o! glaises, esse, com!ort and eye presenva- tion - the three essentials ovury wearer o! glaises sbould atrive ta obtain. (ta bu continued) (Cantinued from last weuk) Always Durham Central Agri- cultural Society Fuir held ut Orono is the very apex of a spec- tacular yeur for farmers in Dur- hum County. This year it proved ta be butter than ever with larger entries computing in the vurlous classes and with a much lurger crowd than ever before te witness Wednesduy a!ternoon's uctivities and displuys. The greatest show of course la the crowd. Many of them, neigh- bors living but a few miles apurt, really visit with onu unother en fuir day. They gosaip about the too dumpnuss o! the suminer and the too earliness of the frost, but opine on the whole that they hudn't came off so badly. Hud we a Vergil or a Herodotus on aur staff he rnight de justice tei this great fuir ut Orono. Ho might sing the mooing cows and crowing roosters, the jewel-tinted exhibits here in the fruit and vugetable stails, the ail-pervasive smell af applus. He might cele- brute, too, the glittering jars ofi canned goods, with their preter- naturally perfect pears andi>buets and asparagus tips; and the temp- ting rows of pies and *cakes, of cookies and crullers on the baked goods counters of the Domestic Science Dept. Yes, he might even maku men- tion o! the doilies and budspreads, the beaded bags, the crocheted yakes in the fancy work displuy. There were pathos in those in- numerable- stîtches, those punch- ings and French knottings, even more so for same of'the entries in the Red Cross display were knit for sons and husbands overseas. From Penelope backwards and farwards such things have been the home women's supreme ut- tempt ta express herself. Nearly Everyone A Wlmser Everyone who exhibited uppear- ed ta bu 'a winner in some dlass, which speaks for itself thu high standard that la muintained in theÈ rural community a! Durhani1 Caunty. Although no prizes were supplled far the school exhibits, almost every schaol in West Dur- hum was represented ut the fuir with an exceptianàily fine dis- play. Horseshae pitching shawed ex- ceptianally fine ability, the win-J ners being: lst, Robert Glanvileie and Hurry Fuaser; 2nd, Raymond Davey and George Glunvilie; 3rd, Ken Neale and Henry Cuntreil. j SHEEP Robbins 1 and 3, J. G. Trevuil 2; Ram, Shearling-W. R. Robbins, J. G. Trevail; Ram Lamb-W. R. Rabbins i and 2, J. G. Truvail 3; Ewae-.G rvi1an 2, Leonard Porter 3; Ewe, Sheari- ing-. R Robins1 ad 2 J.G. Trevail 3; Ewe Lamb-W. R. Rabbins 1 and 2, N. R. Andrews 3. Cotswoids: Ram, aged -T. C. Giaspeli i and 3, F. B. Giaspeil 2; Ram, Sheariing-F. B. Giaspeil 1 and 3, T. C. Glaspeil 2; Ram. Lamb -G. H. Mark, F. B. Glaipeli, G. H. Mark; Ewe, aged-F. B. Glaspill 1 and 3, T. C. Glaspoil 2; Ewe, Shearling-T. C. Giaspeil, F. B. Glaipuil 2 and 3; Ewu Lamb- Mark & Son, . B. Glaspeil 2 and 3. Southdowns: Ram, uged - A. Ayre & Sans 1 and 3, Bruce Loc- kie 2; Ram, Shuariing-Ayre & Sons 1 and 2, J. R. Kelsey 3; Ram Lumb-Ayre & Sans, J. R. Kel- suy, B. Lockiu; Ewe, aged-Ayre & Sons 1 and 3, J. R. Kelsey 2; Ewe, Shearling-A. Ayre i and 2, J. R. Kulsey 3; Ewe Lanib-Ayre & Sons 1 and 3, B. Lockiu 2. Oxford Downs and Shropshire: Ram, ugud - Harold Skinner, B. Lockie, J. R. Keliey; Ram, Shear- iing-H. Skinner 1 and 2, B. Loc- kie 3; Ram Lamb-H. Skinner, J. R. Kuisuy, B. Lockie; Ewu, aged -J. R. Kuisey, H. Skinner, B. Loc- kie; Ewe, Sheariing-J. R. Kul- sey, H. Skinner 2 and 3; Ewe Lamb-B. Lockie, H. Skinner 2 and 3. Yorkshires: Boar, uged-C. L. McNeil 1 and 3, Werry Bras. 2; Sow, brood, aged -Hancock & Sons, C. L. McNeil 2 and 3; Boar, under 12 mas.-Werry Bras., Han- cock & Son; Sow, under 12 mes. --C. L. McNeil 1 and 2; Boar, under 6 mos.-C. L. McNeii, Wer- ry Bras., C. L. McNeil; Sow, un- der 6 mos.-C. L. McNuil, Werry Bras. 2 and 3. Berkibires: Boar, aged-G. H. Mark & Son, B. Lackie, Hancock & Son; Sow, brood, aged-Mark & Son, B. Lockie; Bour, under 12 mos.-Mark & Son, B. Lockie 2 and 3; Saw, under 12 mos.-Mark & Son, B. Lockie 2 and 3; jâar, under 6 mos.-Mark & Sa f, B. Lockie 2 and 3; Sow, under 6 mos. -Mark & Son, B. Lockiu 2 and 3. Tamwartbs: Boar, aged-Tuy- lor & Son, J. R. Kelsey; Sow, aged -J. R. Kelaey, Taylor & Son 2 and 3; Boar, under 12 mos.-Tay- lor & Son, J. R. Kelsey; Sow, un- der 12 mos.-Tuylor & Son, J. R. Kelsey; Boar, undor 6 mes.-Tay- ion & Sgn 1 and 2; Saw, undor 6 mos.-J. R. Kolsey, Taylor & Son 2 and 3. T. Euten Special - Market Hoga -M. H. Staplea, Fred Yeo, Mil- ford Sherwin, R. Moffutt 4 and 5. POULTRY Plymouth Rock, Barred: Cock -W. R. Bail, M. R. Brown, Fred Blackburu; Hon-F. Blackburn, PAGE NINE Prize Winners at Durham Fair DUCKS Rouen: Maie, old-R. M. Brown 1 and 2, Wylma Farrow 3; Fe- mule, old-R. M. Brown 1 and 2, W. Farrow 3; Maie, 1940-R. M. Brown i and 2, W. Farrow 3; Fe- mule, 1940-R M. Brown 1 and 2, W. Farrow 3. Pukin: R. M. Brown won al prizes. Muscovy: Maie, o id-R. M. Brown i and 2; Fumale, oid-R. M. Brown i and 2, W. Farrow 3; Mule, 1940-W. Farrow i and 2, R:' M. Brown 3; Female,- 1940-R. M. Brown, W. Farrow 2 and 3. TURKEYS Maie, aid-R. M. Brown i and 3, R. G. Mo!!att 2; Femalu, old- B. Mann i and 3, Jas. McKenzie 2; Maie, 1940-J. MeK e n z ie, B. Man, R. M. Brown; Female, 1940 -J. McKunzie, R. M. Brown. Any Othur Variety: Maie, old- J. McKenzie, B. Mann 2 and 3; Femalu, aid-J. McKenzie 1 and 2, B. Mann 3; Mule, 1940-J. Mc- Kenzie 1 and 2, B. Mann 3; Fo- maie, 1940-B. Mann i and 3, J. McKenzie 2. GEESE Toulouse: M ai1e,aid - R. M. Brown 1 and 2, L. L. Pascoe 3; Femalu, old-R. M. Brown 1 and 2, R. Mofatt 3; Maie, 1940-R. M. Brown i and 2, L. Pascoe 3; Fe- mule, 1940-R. M. Brown 1 and 2, L. Pascoe 3. E mbden: Maie, oid-R. M. Brown, Ayre & Sons, Taylor & Son; Female, old-R. M. Brown, Ayre & Sans, L. Pascou; Mule, 1940-Ayre & Sans, L. Pascoe, R. M. Brown; Female, i940-Ayre & Sons, L. Pascoe, R. M. Brown. Donald E. Gibson Speciai - S. C. AllUn 1, 2 and 3; W. R. Bail 4 and 5. POULTRY PRODUCTS Hen's Eggs, white, 1 doz.-M. Sherwin, Marjorie Oke, Mmi. D. G. Hoopur. Hen's Eggs, brown, 1 doz. -M. Sherwin, R. Moffatt, W. Far- row. Hen's Eggs, wbite, 12 doz. crate-M. Sherwin, Mrs. Ed. Dean. Hun's Eggs, brown, 12 doz. crate- L. Hooper, R. Maffutt, Taylor & Son. Chicken, rough drussed-W. R. Bail. Pair o! Chickens, raugh dressud, heavy breed-W. R. Bail, M. Bowen. Pr. o! Chickens, rough drussud, light-W. R. Bail. Fowi, i pr., rough dresed-R. Moffatt, W. Farrow. SPECIALS Duck and Chicken, drussed-W. Farrow. Pair o! Rock Chickens, dressud-W. R. Bail. T ur k ey, dressed-J. McKenzie. Pr. Ducks, dressed-W. Farrow. Pr. Young Ducki, dressed-W. Farrow. FRUIT Coil. Fuil Appies-Ne Il Mutton,j Bickle & Son. Coll. Winter Ap- pies-F. L. Squair, Neil Mutton. St. Lawrence, one quart basket-q J. H. Jose. Gravonstein, 6 quart1 U 71î-Mraý. M.* Brown,*M.- Oke. Marigolds, African-Mrs. R. Put- nuni, M. Oke. Marigolds, French -M. Oke, Ada Annis. Nastur- tiums-Mrs. Brown, Ada Annis. Scubiosos--W. Farrow, A. Annis. Petunias, single-J. H. Jose. Pe- tunias, double-J. H. Jose. Nica- tiana-Hazel Truil. Colesia, feu- thered-Ada Annis. Stocks--Mrs. R. Putnum. Verbenas--Mrs. R. Putan, M. Oke. Saipiglassis -J. H. Jas e. Salvia-Mrs. R. H. Brown, Hazel Truil. Snapdragons--M. Bewen, M. Oke. Zinnia, Pom-Pemn-M. Oke, Mrs. Putami. Zinniu, large -Mrs. M. Brown, Mrs. L. Wood. Roses-Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn, Mrs. B. Thomas. Phlox Perennials--L. Hooper. Phlox Drummondi -M. Oke. Cosmos-Mrs. M. Brown, M. Oku. Dahlias, coil-M. Oke, Mrs. M. Brown. Dahlias, cactus-M. Oku, Mrs. M. Brown. Dahlias, show-M. Oke, Margaret Million. Dahlias, decorative-M. Oke, Mrs. M. Brown. Dining Table Bouquet-J. Mc- Kenziu, J. H. Jose. Living Roem Bouquet-M. Oke, J. H. Jase. Gladioli: Single Spike, any col- or-Mrs. F. Tamblyn, J. H. Jose; White or light-Mrs. F. Tumblyn, J. H. Jase; Dark-Mrs. F. Tamb- lyn, J. H-. Jose; Pink or Rose- Anna Staples, Mrs. F. Tumblyn; Ten Varieties--J. H. Jose,.bMrs. F. Taniblyn; Basket o! Gluds antis- tically arranged-J. H. Jase, Mrs. M. Brown. Wall Vase Flower arranged - Ada Annis, J. H. Jose. Best Ar- ranged Bouquet o! Fuil Flowers- Mrs. M. Brown, M. Oke. Button- hale Bouquets-Mrs. M. Brown, Ada Annis. Arranged High Bas- kut-Mrs. M. Brown, J. H. Jose. Arranged Low Basket-Ada An- nia, M. Oke. Corsage-Mrs. M. Brown, Adà Annis. Everlastings -M. Oke, W. Farrow. Wild Flow- urs-red Blackburn, W. Farrow. Miniature Garden-Mrs. B. Thon- as, M. Oku. Kendal Visitars: Mr. Wm. and Miss Georgina Dariingteu were homo over Sunday. .. Mr. and Mns. Car- iuy and fumily, Toronto, ut Mri. McTaggart's. . . Privute Gilbert Greig was home frani Bowman- ville. . . Mmi. Hilditch and Bob were la the city... Mr. and Mmis. Read and !amuly ut Mr. Howard Boyd's... Miss Jean Mercer la in Orono. . . Mr. and Mrs. Everett Themne and !amily, Humberstone, with bis mother, Mmi. L. Thorne. .Mmi. A. Jackson and Mmi. Wm. Jackson motered te Mlilliken... Mr. Don Little rutumned wlth bis mother from Kingston thon went on for a visit te Chicago with bis uncie, Dr. Laing. Eucbre and Dance la being held i the Hall Octeber 2nd, la aid o! War Victinis' Fund. Mm. J. J. Mellor wiil have charge o! the thank-of!enlng services bore October Oth. ***Matchiess Quallty *..Unsurpassed Cleanlines *.*Unrlvalled Dellvery Service RoIled TOP QUALITY BuIk Tea Sugar Oats Black 6 lbs..- 25c '/_g-lb. - 25e 110 Ibo.. 67e TIP TOP TOMATO JUICE 3 fo 250 TH RUPT ISOAP FLAKES 4oCaron29C BAlLE Y GROCER,. - - - ORONO L. Cochrane; Single Horse in har- ness, 15 % hands or over - Wm. Beatty 1 and 2, B. Mann 3; Single Horse in harness under 15% hands -E. K. Bottum, B. Mann, W. H. Lindsay; Pair of Horses in har- ness-B. Mann, W. H. Lindsay. Roadsters: Mare and Foal-W. H. Lindsay, L. Cochrane, Milton Brown; Foal-W. H. Lindsay, W. S. Moffatt, M. Brown; Filly or Geldings, 2 yrs.-M. Brown; FiUly or Gelding, 3 yrs.-E. K. Bottum, M. Brown, W. H. Lindsay; Single Herse in harness, 151/2 hands or over-C. W. Glenny, W. H. Lind- say; Single Horse in harneas, un- der 15 V/2 hands-C. W.. Glenny, W. H. Lindsay, R. Sadier; Pair of Horses in harness-C. W. Glenny, W. H. Lindsay; Best Turnut-W. Beatty, E. K. Bettum, C. W. Glen- ly; Single Pony i harness-D. Dowsen, T. R. Hall, Mrs. E. Dean; Shetland Pony, under saddle - Mrs. Ed. Dean; Lady Driver-E. K. Bottum, Wm. Beatty, W. H. Lindsay; Saddle Horse-Hancock & Son, B. Mann, E. K. Bottum. Clint Brown Speciai-Reg. Mc- Cool, O. Cowan, R. Aldread. Wm. Robinson Special - Wm. Gordon, L. Wood, H. Coatham. Andrew Eider Memorial Cup- Ed. Pascoe. Henry Memarial Cup - J. M. Read. CATTLE J. H. Jose, M. R. Brown; Cockerel basket-N. Mutton, Bickle & Son. -W. R. Bail, F. Blackburn, J. H. Duchess-Bickie & Son. Melba- Jase; Pullet-W. R. Bail, J. Hl. I K. Squair, Wylma J. Farrow. AI- Jase, W. Roland. exunder-Neil Mutten, Bickle & Plymouth Rock, White. Cock- Son. St. Lawrence - F. W. L. R. M. Brown i and 2, Taylor & Tamblyn, F. L. Squair & Son. Son 3; Hen-R. M. Brown i and 2,i Gravenstein-N. Mutton, Bickle & B. Mann 3; Cockerel-A. Ayre & Son. Wealthy-J. H. Jose, Russel Sons, B. Mann 2 and 3; Pullet- Osborne. Snow-N. Mutton, Mary Ayre & Sons, R. M. Brown, B. Bowen. Mclntosh-Squair & Son, Mann. N. Mutton. Scarlett Pippin-R. Wyandtteany ariey: CckQOborne. Baxter-R. 0 s b e r n e. Wyand Boe and 2arîtJ. Cck Wolf River-N. Mutton, J. H. Jese. Keze e-R. M. Brown 1 . c lenheim Pippin-R. Osborne, N. Kenzie. 3; Hen-R. M. Brown ii and 2, J. McKenzie 3; Cockere- iito.RbtnPpi-Sui J. cKezie R.M.Brown 2 and& Son. Talinon Sweet-Squair & J; McKlenzeR. M. Bon1ad3 Son, Bickie & Son. R. I. Greening J;Pe-. McKni . Boniad -M. Bowen, R. Osborne. King- J. MKenze 2.N. Mutton, Bickle & Son. Bald- Rhode Island Red: Cock-R. M. Win-Squair & Son, Bickle & Son. Brown 1 and 3, B. Mann 2; Hen- Golden Russett -R. 0Osbeor ne, R. M. Brown; Cockerei-B. Mann, Squufr & Son. Northern Sp - R. M. Brown; Pullet-B. Mann, Squair & Son, N. Mutton. '&n R. M. Brown. Davis-F. W. L. Tumblyn, Squalr Jersey Black Giants: Cock-R. & Son. Crab Apples-J. Eagleson, M. Brown, B. Mann; Hen-B. J. W. Boyd & Son. Coll. Dessert Mann, R. M Brown; Cockerel-B. Apples-Bickle & Son, J. H. Jose. Mann i and 2; PuIiet-B. Mann Coil. of Pears--Bickle & Son, i and 2. Squalr & Son, F. Taxnblyn. Bart- New Hampshlres: Cock-R. M. lett-F. Tamblyn, Squair & Son. Brown, J. McKenzie, Taylor & Sheldon-Bickle & Son. Fleniish- Sons; H e n - Taylor & Sons, B. Beauty-F. Tamblyn. B u e r r e Mann, J. McKenzie; Cockere- Bosc-J. H. Jose, Squair & Son. R. M. Brown, B. Mann; Pullet- Anjou-Bickle & Son, 'P. Tunib- C. S. McLaren, R. M. Brown, B. lyn. Mann. CoUl. of Plums-Bickle & Son, Sussex: Cock-N. R. Andrews; F. Tamblyn. Bradshaw-F. Tam- Hen-R. M. Brown, N. R. Andrews blyn, W. Farrow. Imperial Gage 2 and 3; Cockere-R. M. Brown -F. Tamblyn, Fred Blackburn. 1 und 2, N. R. Andrews 3; Pullet Lombard-F. Tamblyn, Bickle & -R. M. Brown i and 2, N. R. An- Son. Reineclaude - Fred Black- drews 3. burn, J. H. Jase. Leghorns, White: Cock-R. M. Grapes, green-Bickle & Son, Brownf, M. Sherwin, B. Mann; F. Tamblyn. Grapes, black-Bic- Hen-R. M. Brown i and 2, W. R. kie & Son. Bail 3; Cockerei-B. Mann, Ayre & Son, Mrs. Ed. Dean; Pullet-R. FLOWERS M. Brown, Ayre & Son, J. Hud- Asecol-Maore ke son.Asescol- aoreO, Leghorns, Brown: Cock-R. M. Mirs. M. Brown. Asters: White- Brown i and 2, B. Mann 3; Hen- M. Oke, Ada Annis; Sheil Pink- R. M. Brown 1 and 2, B. Mann 3; J. H. Jose, M. Oke; Rose-M. Oke, Cockerel-R. M. Brown 1 and 2, J. H. Jose; Red-K. Squair, Mrs. J. Hudson 3; Pullet-R. M. Brown Lew. Wood; M auv e-Mrs. Roy i and 2, B. Mann 3. . Putfla1T, hrs. R. T. Rutherford; Minorcas, Black: Cockw-R. M. Purple--J. H. Jase, Mrs. Ruther- Brown,. B. Mann; H-en-IR.M. ford. Brown i and 2, B. Mann 3; Pfe Dianthus or Pinks - M. Oke, -R. M. Brown. Mrs. B. Thomas. Carnations-Ada Capons-J. H. Jose. Annis._ Mrs.- Rutherford, Calen- Sharthorns: Bull, 3 yuars-W. F. Rickard & Son, S. Chas. AllUn; Bull, 2 yuars-Dinsdalu and Pim- mnett & Son, T. Baker & Son, New- ton Taylor & Son; Bull, i yur- Rickard & Son, Dinsdale & Pini- mett 2 and 3; Bull Cuif-Baker & Son, Rickard & Son 2 and 3; Milch Cow-S. C. Ailin, Dinsdale & Pimmett 2 and 3; Heifur, 2 yrs. -Dindale & Pimmett, Baker & Son, Dinsdale & Pimmett; Huiler, i yr.-Dinsdaie & Piinmett i and 3, Baker & Son 2; Huiler Cal!, Junior-Rickard & Son, Taylor & Son, Baker & Son; Huiler Cul!, Senior-S. C. Allin, Rickard & Son, Baker & Son; Bull and four femulus-Dinsdale & Pinmuett, S. C. Allun, Rickard & Son. Aberdeen Angus: M alc o1m Bailey won ail prizes. Herefords: Bull, 3 yuurs aid-- J. L. Ashmore; Bull, 2 yrs.-E. & G. -Whitson; Bull, i yr.-Whit- sons, J. L. Ashmore; Bull Cal!- J. L. Ashmare, Whitsons 2 and 3; Miich Cow-Whitsons i and 2; Huifer, 2 years-Whitsons, J. L. Ashmore; Huiler, i yr.-Whitsons 1 and 2; Huifer Cul!, Jr.-Whit- sons, J. L. Ashmare; Heifer Cul!, Senior-J. L. Ashmore; H e r d Bull and four females-Whitsons, J. L. Ashmoru. Be! Grade: Milch Cow-J. L. Ashmoru, Dinsale & Pinimett, N. Taylor & Son; Huifer, 2 yrs.-J. L. Ashmoru, Dinadale & Pimnmett; Huiler, i year-J. L. A s h m o r e, Dinsdalo & Pimmett; Huiler Cul! -Dinadale & Pimmutt, Taylor & Son, Dinsdale & Pimniett; Beat Baby Beef-Taylor & Son. Jerseys: M. W. Stupies won.ail prizes. Ayrshires: J. G. Ferguson won ail prizes. Duiry Grade: Milch Cow-M. W. Staples 1 and 2.

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