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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Oct 1940, p. 1

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Wieh' Whîch Are Incorporated The Bowmanvîllîe News* The Newcastle Independent, And The Orono News VOLUE 8 BOWANVLLE, ONT., THUBSIYY OCTOBER lOth, 1940 Value of Newspaper in Community Told by B. H. Mortock to Members of Rotary Club. ,lcrlCanada determines the eof inore members of the House af Commonsanaad mare mnembers of, Legisiatures thar does urban Canada.. The elcctcc rulers dare not be insensitive to the. rural press." This significant statement, was anc of Uic hlghlights in an in- formative and entertàining ad- dress delivered by B. H. Mortlock, Associate Editor of the Brampton Conservator, Who was the guesi speaker at Bowmnanvillc Rotary Club on Friday. Mr. Mortlock, who wàs assaci- ate editor of The Statesman for elght years, la to-day recognized in thc "wcekly" field as anc af Canada's ablest editors. Tribute ta this fact* is that hia year the Branmpton Conservajor' won the Mason Trophy, embicmatic of Uic best weckly in Uic Canadian Weckly Ncwspapers Association. The occasion on Frlday was Rotary's recognition af National Newspape eck#. President Fred Hoar, 5eti'ct and smoothly ef- ficient, conducted Uic usual rau- tinc; extended good wishcs ta Ro- tarian Harry Layman wha is ieav- ing for Florida; laudcd Canon Spencer as an ex-officia member of Uic newspaper fraternity, and spoke, feeiingly conccrnlng Uic illness ofRotarian Ross Strike's. mother. Ratarian, George James,. edifor af Thc Statesman, who lad lis eafIas guests, was called upon tj1iroduce flem and did 50 ia '!lllorous vei. In introducing Mr. Mortlack he said: "Bert -bas rendered- an outatanding service 1, ralulng Uihesaliiàrds i mod- ,d*n -newspaperdombraýugh ser- lcce editor4aJiy, on sudh papers as the Fort Erie Times-Review and thc Branmpton Conservator, sincf leavig us. His editorial page .to-day la considered Uic best iCanada among Uie weeklies. It reflect# Uic effort he puts, info everything le undertalog. lge Is going places and doing4jI R.le will spcak a stodir'oi4P 'The Wcekly Newspaper and UieeComn- Speaker War44Y WClcomed Warmiy we.jcomed, 14r. Mort- lock opened'ii reminlacent vein: "It is a very pleasant experience ta be back home *, again, and. if docs secm iike home ta be with members of Uic Rofary--Club at a weekly luncleon. For mare tîan seven ycars I met wi ffi yoVa here each weck, and I do feel fIat thc expression of, Rotary Idealism which I Icard so oten, lere, lias meant a great dmiin the upbuild- ing af my proal code aI ethlcs ilite. It la just fwa years mgo thi& week, that I 'packed my, trunks and let Bawmanville for new fields of endeavour. As I sat wlth you again to-day, I could not but recaîl many of Uic happyexpoi- ences I enJoyed lere. And thon Uiere came ta my mind fIat un- forgetabie, but undeserved tribut. you paid me wlih ther organiza- tions in thc tawn, just before niy departure. Thi e iory oaI.thaf occasion las lll, and vwrlll always b. green in my milnd. Some Local Peronalities On Manday if was my privg, ta give someling of the.-samg,, address I am ta give yau to-amy,- beore the Kiwanis Club at.Bar- rie, and I felt very praud afini$ connection wtI Durhami and Bowmanvllle. I was 'the guest and was lntroduced by Alex ýMàq- Laren, Mtor af Uic Barrie Ex- aminerlholived at nikl « and w;& lW thc unique expeW ençe af beIig'Uic oniy etr i Caneda ta win the-Mason Tophy1 as Canada's beat ail roun week-1 ly newspa e. tour tinies. We managed troteal td *om hlm tia ycar, but hoe vows ta get It baèký next year. Mi'. MacLaren, per-i b aps thce.most hlghly esteemed ky newspalpermmn In Canacla tdCy, la a w orthy praduct «, $ thi caunty.1 In thc coursq af my address I f referred ta another> whç> servedt in the Bar-rie 4ltrict for several years, Canon 'C. R. Spencer cf Sf. John's Church, and niy refer- ,,ence ta hlm was greeted wlth ap-t pause. Several spoke to me 'mter1 Uof Uic fine qualities of this nowt 19BoWmanvilie rectar.,È li ten Uce iidhappy as-c sotof IUi velgwas meet-E ing rank Wiilms' sn Don on thc treet. Thasewh know bon' in Barrie speak most h hlby af E hlm.1 A Ri of om Totln T h slaà e s a p r W e k+h c EDITOR SPEAIS B. B. Mortioek Assaciafe Editor aI The Braipt on Conservafor, and brmcerly oaI-Thc Statesman staff, who gave splen- did addresses at the Rotary Club and also ta Uic B.HS. studenfa Fridmy on "Thc Wcekly News- paper and Uic Commnunity." His address appears in fhIs issue. Miss Helen Pritchard spent Uic weekend -in Toronto. Toronto Troupe Givea Snsppy Entertainmont-Mgayor JTones Presenta Regt. Wfth Walleta j On Frlday cvening, in fIe High 3Scîcal Auditorium, citizéns and 3soldiers fraternized in a rally and presentation thaf. sunpassed any thn Whrtcbr witneaacd ere« 3abouts.. If bad been rwnorcd fIa f1.h "Mad Midlands" were sean to ,leave and join Uic other fhrci t oçnpanies on active service dut- oea, 50 a "send-off" was arrangcd. The. Rotary and Lions .Clubs comîbine fô. prévlçlc Uic enfer. tainmnenf. , Ike May>or and Coun- cil. on belalf aI Uic citizens, -con- tribufed îandaone. lcàther bill- flds foi' each ,soldici', -Wîeflcx fr6m fIls diiftrlcf or fpot. The sdI board grant cd Iree Use ai tIc auditorium, and even broke a precedent by permitting the soldiers ta smoke duiring -lin- feérniasioin. Arrangements were *that Uic N.P.A.M. units slould join with the C.A.S.F. (Midlands) in shar- ing in Uic cnterfminmcnt. Accord- ingiy, cacl unit marched fromn its respective parýde-grounds fa con- verge af Uic high sclool. Thc Midlands, in 'baffle drcss, rolled up smartly unider commiand ai Capt. F. E. Lycetf as O. C.,~ with lis junior Officers and N.C.O.'s marshalling Uic platoons. Thc lo- col unit ai Uic Vèerpiis' Guard ai Canada, equafly:s4t feU ito lin. under command oi tCol, L. T. MCLugli, G.M.C., D.S.O. Thc -N.P.A.M. Midlanda under Lt.-Col. Percy,'.Jobb coniplefed fIe parade. Cmpt. Joe O'Neill, M.C., 2nd i canimand aIfIe Veferans',Guard and chairman af Uic. enfertain- ment conmItte., appeared on Uic stage in muft i and spoke i b.- hall oI Uic joint organizers. H. welcomcd- Uic soldiers as, gucats and. stated. Uice purpose ai Uic oc- casion. ' ¶.C. Hoar, president 'of Rotmryf;b, rcsolufcly fmccd Uic spot-l ai added his club's - ecome. e sald: 11 slould 11k. 'tofeUnyou'ilométhlng aif1.heold 45t1 but tissei laiitcd s0 wc slpcercly hote you cnjoy yourself ta tI. full." 'Z'hle told a story abo.ut "Blackouts" flat put every- anc igood humai'. t'ed Chant, presldoiit af the Lions .Clu a ~Ie very n1celyhI t ei e :11WIen ydu leave, ro- menibet * all b. with you."1 Chitin4à.i Jo. thérn hifroduced the imgSrteatmaatp aI ceremanles wehàYqffnIni Many a moon, the wldèly kitowýr Hmrry fDunlop aI Taranto, who lpaded fIe artista and arflste<' qo abiy asulatlng lim la. pMqentfng a lengthy and varled p~githmme or fIe boys. Not for- gettlng fao, fIe bald-leadcd co- terie, fIat crowded Up ta t he front, sans aeaglaises but flot lac klng'icahusasm. Harry, as lia iirst nuniber, in- trodu.ced. * lia ,Royalette#; "Four lit ile ladies - ,vr4y. give the a- a and." - And, every1bdy 11d. In orange and scant les 'they dld a fmp-and-tuniblc acf bclQre a backdrop aI blue and the Ilmg, Ray Caulder at Uiceppiano. TIre. brunettes and anc blond, Uey earInedl applause fIat was a tri- bute ta obviaus relinement and urnusual abllity. TIc audience wms thence at case wlth alcrtness and expectancy., Acf 2. was Harry alone wWU lokes and patter; lis "Can you inake a. shirt, 11ke that for 95c?" got acrs uproarlously. Act 3. Nor nan Harper, youth- (ptIiusd on page 0) JEWELLERY STORE ENTERED STJNDAY LOOT RECOVERED Prompt Action by Three Local Police Resait, ln Capture of Two Men The stillncss of Bowmanvilles main street was shattercd about,. 3 o'clock Sunday morning when thieves broke. into Marr's Jewel. lery store, cscaping with several hundred dollars worth af mer- chandise. Neighbours hearing the noise immediately phoned tic police who were soon on flhc scene investigating. Police wcre told by tenants living iiearby that the two mai'- auders laoked ta be soldiers. Wlth nothing ta go on but this and a few linger prints the marauders were caught up with early Sun- day morning, and ail the. stolen goods recovered by Tu e sda y morning. The two men accused of thc robbery, Donald Tucker and Wil- liam Boyd, wcre arrcsted in their home in Oshawa. Bath men are members of thc Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment station- cd at Cam~p Borden. Appearing in police court Tuesday marning bath men were remanded for a, week. Great credit la due the mcm- bers of Bowmanvilce Police Force, Chief Sidney Ventan, Provincial Constable Price Morris and Night Constable Walter Hall who did sanie clever detective wark ta bring these men ta justice. The Oshawa and Toronto police forces also assistcd in tracing the thieves. ie ké .,e m ks. 1 n it y d d e e e e a 3 r r FURE RECORD GOOD HELP TO KEEP UT TAKE PRECAUTIONS Last year the local fire brigade responded ta 22 cails, 19 of which were within the tawn. 0f these, seven were chinney fires. Total danmage in the town was only $271.* Sa far this year fire lass in flowmnanville has been slight and It is to be hoped the good record wil continue. Fire Chief Lucius Hooper points out that since the most prévalent source of lires is dirty chimneys citizens shouid take necessary precaut ons to have their flues properly cleaned out befare putting an fires for winter. Ncxt in line in hazard la the practice of burning leaves and rubbish ta dcean yards for faîl. It will be rccalled.that in one day iast Spring the fire-flghters wcre called, out three times ta quel blazes ail started thraugh care- lespnes with out-of-door bonfires. Maxe a resolve in Fire Prevention Week that this will not be re- peated. ,BAS,.lJuulors De 'In Oie-sided Rug JuniorGridders Win 19-O in ?irt Ganie of the Beason B.H.S. junior rugby teani fook an easy win fromi Part Hope here on Weànesday'mternoon wifl a 19-0 vlctary. This la hf1 mt of niid-week janies fIat the junior feama wll play In the Lakealore Cossa League. Rigît Ironi the be- glrinlng fIe castera lads showed fhiey werc ih.xperienccd at f1. game, whereas tIc BH.S. bpoys kncw many aI Uic fine points ai their manly 'art aI brawn and brain. Firat blaod wms faken wlIt Tommy Cowan's kick over fhe deadlihe fa net anc point. Fui- bics gave Bawmanviile Uic md- vantage I hislapcrlod and gave Kelvin Synians his chance ta score fhle ilrst toucldawn aif te GOODYEAR HELPS RED CROSS DRIVE SHORT OBJECTIVE Total of $3.256M8 Collected -fifa. J. B. H. Jury Makes Generous Donation With the canvasp still incom- plete the Tireasureil of the'Bow- manville District Branch of the Red Cross reports donations hn the amount of $3,256.88 made ta date. The District objective la $5,500.00. The amaunt donnted ta date includes a generous donation of $500.00 made by M.r. J. H. H. Jury af Bowmanville, also a gen- erous gif t by the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Ca. covering the dona- tions made by thé local Goodyear empioyees of dollar for dollar., Subscriptions from other compan- ies and fiaternal societies are now being reccived by the treasurer. Subscription lists wlll be kept open until the objective af $5,500 la rcached. Donations, large or smaIl, are needed ta attain the ob- jective. If you have nat yet donat- "PlaingWi~Dynamite" When Doard'Nêt Consulted About Use if .^Auditorium î BE PREPARED! A Scout wuill likely stop yau On Saturday and ask you ta buy an apple. Don't pass him by but help the warthy cause of the Boy Scouts by buying anapl.Bth the Cubs and 0 cot are in necd of money thelp carry on their work throughout the year, and this *the only time that you will t easked ta help. Buy your apples only from the Scouts a nd Cubs with the officiai emblem of a seller. TEACHER INJURED Gardon R. Elliott, Toronto, who la oCn the teaching staff of Bow- manville High School, was badly nj Urcd in a car accident near Die.barton Sunday night. He was rvrning from the city where he h visited a brother in the hos- pitai when the accident accurred. es0 're knce and head injuries wlconfine him ta the hospital for at lcast two weeks. I'. S. Phillips, af Providence,, a -Successlul high school teacher of wide experience in mathema-1 tids and P. T. work, has been en- Lri .ged to teach until Mr. Elliott's Puplis lIelp Farmers Pick potatoes_. Lun- cheon I-our Changed to Avold Congestion. Divýente points. aI view, or" =swithout the. regular chreand without consulig eI Boar'd ai Education as a wll wcre aircd at the Board meeting Tucsday nighf. Trustee Paterson:'Mi'. Chair- man, I thlnk you are playig witt dynamite fa grant a request for ftle use oi Uic auditorium in au hour without cÇg UicheBoard together. Clairnian '"C>yderinia: I see tlat naw. But in both of tiiese cases under discussion Uic parties cancei'ned, wcre ini a jani and'lad ta knaw rigît away. If'a a slame tley've got a town hall Uiey, can't use because it's se dirty. My point of vicw on fIa matter la fIat the Board as an eleced body las the power ta grant tIc auditorium ta sanie organizations and refuse it ta others at aur discretion. Truste. Bonnycastie: How far do Yeu intend fa go in lefting out tIc gym? Truste. Hardy laditroduccd a rcqucsf fIat fheeIH. S. gym ib. given ta thc Rangers for use one nigît a wcek for ten wecks ta use ifs athîctie equipmcnt and cen- tire lacilities upon Uic paymcnt aI a small janifor's le.. A vigor- ous discussion ensucd, niembers dienianding fa k»ow why Uic Op- ci House could naf have been used for tIceniilitary entertain- ment last Friday and the Chami- 'ber ai Commerce meeting fhia Thursday. % "The first I knew tîcy werj going ta use fhe scîaol was wlcn I read it in fIe paper," remarked Mr'. Hardy, clairman aI property cammitte.. III think tlcy should ail pay for it," declared Mr. Paterson. (Mr. Pafterson' subscqÏiently miade a motion ta give it fa f1e Rangera free). Chairman Cryderman madc an effortfto Point ouf why hé thougît sanie public spirifed organizations should have itftfee while athers should be chrged. "la there nof a caretaker for the Tow~n Hall who kceps th. Opera fHouse cdean enougî ta hld a Public meeting m-?' queried the chairman. 'II guess the cauncil didn't allow for its upkeep i their budget. Affer fIls I'11 cali an <Ooftlnued on pages) featPort, Hope rbY Came Wed. game, 2 mninVifes Jbefore fhe end af f lis quarter. Mark Lambourne and Fred Paya. wcre the chef scorers in f1e second rame, ecclscoring touchdowna fIat were convcrted Into another point by Tommy Cowan's placements. Thc bal very acidoni icif Port Hapc's end ai Uh ieIld. MucI credif is due fa flic hcmdy playing ai "Red" Nases, 'who ran back mmny a kick for a substantial gain for lis feam . The B.H.S. te~ were almoat icît scarelcas in Uic las f half only anc point big &ored. wlen Lindsay Mitchell hoaîed anc aver the deadlinc ici' another point. This lit fIe diminutive pawcrhause misa deserves credif for brillant end ruas. The real star aI Uic feani was Mark Lambourne, lcîty limes- mari wîo f ie and finie agmin bucked fIraugh Uic lin. ta gain yard mter yard for lis teani. Thc boys play in Cobourg next Wedricsday. M~SUES WARNJNG Fire Chief Lacius Hooper In kccping* witl Pire Prevention Wcck Uic Pire Chiefl as lad dis- tributed in thc schoola, factories and stdres literature bcaring on the variaus ways ta prevent lires. This is an important matter in whicl ail citizens are affected. FOUR MILLS BOYS ON ACTIVE SERVICE Prom finie ta tume ncwspapcrS record fIe enlistments in military service of severai members froni anc famuly. W. lcarncd reccntly fIat Durhami County las another famuly wlo las earned recogni- tion ln this particlar hall aI famc. Four sons aIfIe original Mils famuly <ail tîcre arc af military age) have cnlisted. Thcy arc: Pt.. John Nulls, R.R.C., Camp Bordan, son ai Mr'. and Mrs. John Mils, Hamipton; Pte. Chaaies E. Mills, D. Coy. Midlarid Reginient,j son aIfMi'. and Mrs. C. Mils, Osh- awa; Rifleman D. L. Douglas,1 Q.O.R., Toronto, son of Mrs.( Nance Douglas and the lat. Corp.j Dan Douglas aI Tororito (vetcran( of the last war); anid Pte.'George1 Mills, son af Mr'. and Mrs. J. Att- well, ]Ranisgate, Kent, England. Pte. George Milîs wcnt ta France last faîl and was fIer. un- tii sent inta the Battie of Narvik, later back ta France and was evacuated froinifIer. at Durikirk. He didn't receive a scratch, but was an thc beach at Dunkirk un-. der heavy lire for liv. days. A destroyer finally pickcd hi up ançI took Iii ta Dover amid heavy bonibing which partimily disabled tIe cngines aIf te veasel. RED CROSS WORK BEGUN BY A.Y.P.A. CROUPS FORMED MucI aI Monday night'a meet- ing aI Sf. John's A.Y.P.A. waa busily spent ini Red Cross work witl bath boys and girls takirig part. Aithough thc boys did nat seernita be vry expert knittcrs they pcnfanmed useful service as many a mari las lad ta do, mer,- iy holding the yarn for thc ladies. For greater cfficicncy tIe group syste cmfa canducting meetings was adaptcd, four conveners b.- ing appolntcd, anc ta take charge eacl week. Tlcy are Lilliari Nay-? lac, Florence Shof fer, Art Cully and Mrs. C. Beffles. Ruth Virtue read thc acripture lesson arid Volet MeFeetcrsalmsa took part ini tIc warship service reading an cssay conimenfary up- an fhe scripture. Communify sirig- ing and games eihvcnd fhe lat- ter part ai tIc meeting. Misa Ruth Seymour, Tarant o, spent the weekcnd witî 1cr par- ents. BADMINTON CLUB iWallets Wil De Purchased SOLD TO MEMBERS For Ail Town C.ALUF.Men ARMY GIVEN USE- Street Sigus To Be Erected 1MýED EbibRine Mnn*v &n bu y.. chase Army Hall-When Playint Starta Not Detinite Negotiations which have been gaing on for about twa months have now culininatcd in the Bad- minton Club purchasing the pre- mises accupied by them, from McClellan & Company. Soon alter the Midland Regi- ment was ordcrcd ta recruit a battalion for active service it be- came evident that there were no adequate preniiscs available for this purpose in Bawmanville. Temporary arrangements were made with the Badminton Club ta allow the club rooms for recruit- ing hcadquartcrs and these quar- ters were very satisfactory'ý and canvenient. It was suggested by local Miii- tia officers ta Mr. J. H. H. Jury, who had cxpressed ta them a will- ingness ta asslat linancially any mave ta provide the military wîth adequate recruîting and training quarters locally, that he take steps ta purchase the Badminton Club premises and convey the same ta the Department of Defence. Mr. Jury offcrcd the owners of the building a price which they ac- ccpted in view of the intended purpose and the deai was closcd. However there was some delay before action was taken by thic Department of Defence at Ottawa and in the meantime the Badmin- ton Club members decided they would try and raise the money if thcy could purchase the premises for the same price at which the building had been sold ta Mr. Jury. The Badminton members were quit. willing ta co-operate with the military but f cît it should b. purchased if possible ta give the young people of the commun- ity a recreation centre when not required for military purposes. After some negotiation with Mr. Jury by the directors of the club, in which the delay at Ottawa was aiso a factor, and upon the direc- tors of the club assuring Mr. Jury that the club premises cauld be used by the Department of De- fence as the Department required .upoE. the payment of carrying Icharges only, it was agreed by Mir. Jur tha t he wauid withdraw ,%o the sale and allow the Bad- minton Club the benefit of the terms already made .by him with McClellan & Company. The Badminton Club have therefore been able ta secure the premises upon what is stated ta be very favorable ternis. The dii'- ectors state that as smon as defin- ite arrangements cari be made with the military authorities, an announcement wili be made about the opening date for badminton. For the information of out af town readers the Badminton Club building was farmerly the Salva- tion Army barracks located just t east af the Balmoral Hotel on King St. East. jEnsconccd in a glass case on tIc wall of Cawker's Butcher Slap is anc aI tIc most unique tributes ta service w. lave ever scen. A wcll warn butcher knif c by W. J. Found as a neminder ta ali camera fIat bis fricnd Nanann (Curly) Allia, wla lait there same wccks ago, lad been on thc job 22 years, expertly wiclding this synibol aI but cîery in f1. public service. Mi'. Pound lim- self showed us many kaives whicl le hmd worn ouf inri i 39 years ai service for fhia sanie fim. lHe declmred fIat butcher kaives, 1k. other commodities, didn't lave fine workmanship in them nawa- days as when I. started in fIat Dean of Past Masters Honoured TorontoReporter Speaks to Lodge NEW 0.0. Major J. C. Gamey, MAL. Whosc appointmnent as Officer Commanding the Midland Regi- ment la being rcccivcd with popu- lar approval by nilitary nien and civilians in this district. Hisfory oi lis carecr and appointnient appears in another colunin. LATEST BOOKS AT PUBLIC LIBRARY These ncw volumes arc now available in Bownianvilc ?Public Librmry located in the Municipal Building: Story aI the Pacifice -VaiiLoon Madame Dorthca - - - Undset Trail's End- -----Raine Out of the Fog- - - - Lincoln Oui' First Murder-- - Chansler Night in Bombay - - Bromfield Thc Iniperial Sonnets - - Wole Eggs, Beans and Crumpets - - Wodehousc Murder at Uic Munition Woi'ks - Cole Thechcildi'en's stary hour Sat- urday mornings at 10 o"? lock, la open toalal young boys and girls. Pmtsy Clarke and Ruth Hutchin- son assist Librarian Mrs. V. Argue Orono Mlanis Midland's New C. Returned Fron. War in England Town Clerk Desires Names of Ail Men From Town on Ac- tive Service So Gifts May Get on Their Way. Thc soldiers froni Bowmanville on Active Service arc ta b. pre- sented with wallcts it was de- creed Tuesday night at the meet- inig of Town Council, while Uic bos overseas wiil reccive an ex- trat olt f cigarettes. Deputy- Reeve Mris was authorizcd ta purclase another 200 wallets, as well as look into Uic matter of cigarettes. A bni discussion of Uie sale price af thc Scale and Sliccr Fac- tory was Ield, Uic price remainlng at $1000' Thc mayor stated since Uic soldiers had been using this building if lad shown a marked change in appearfnce and he Uiought if was woi-th thc set amount or mare. If was misa mentioned Uiat sev- eral arganizmtions. lad been en- quujing about tUic aidntfing iactory, but Uic mayor stmted fIat nothlng couid b. donc in fhIa dir- ection unt il f1. Doner matter lad been clearedi away.0 Much finie was consumed i arguig wlef 1er a stan. in front of anc of Mr. Jury's housea on Second Street should b. remnoved or not. The atone la on tawn pro- perty several feet under thc ground but would interfere with Uic planting af trees. The 7ncm- bers of thc coundil plan ta pay a personal visit ta fth. place in question and decide what ta do Reeve Edniandsfone brought i a repart that mter hIvestigating thc traffic signa Uiroughout Uic town I. would mdvlse speed limit signa for Scugo.g and -Liberty streets and Uic "Stop Ths-ougî Streef" signa b. repaircd or new ones erected long front street. The Reeve also madc a report on the survey of Uic town lighfing with several improvements sug- gested but no 1 'm.liIt - -' ta speciai meeting will b. beld this manth ta paso a by-iaw con- REBEKAH LODGES GIVE AMBULANCES Cheques for the purchase ai two Red Cros ambulances werc prescnted ta Dr. Fred W. Routiey by Rebekal wanien at an intercat- ing cercniony in Toronto reccntly. One suni was frai tIc Rcbekah Aaacmbiy, Iead Ontfario body, and the ofler froni menibers in the province, in whicl Bechive Re- bek lLaodge ai Bowmanvillc smd. a gencraus contribution. At thc recent annual meeting tIc group lad dccided ta raise enougl rnoney for anc ambulance and wlthin thi'.. wccks enougl funds îmd been contributcd for buying two. The twenty tlousand member& in Ontmnio's 240 ladgea lave beca active nof oniy in ralaing money for ambulanccs but in knitting soidiers' camfarts, making hospi- tal supplies, warking with thc Red ross Sciety, sçriding boxs f0 soldiers overseas and clotling ta Major J. C. GFmey, Former Orono Poatmastér 1ln- speots "D" C0oyenô Wednesday Recalled from England ta as- sume commiand aI Uic regiment wîth whicl le las served for thc past 18 years, Major X'. C. Gamcy, M.M., Orono, las been appointed COmmanding Offioer ai Uic 1sf Battalion, Midland Regiment, C.A.S.F. Major Gamey off lclly as- Lsunied command af 1sf Midland, 1Reginient on October 4Ui, and in i 0 doing took over a post Icld 1vacant for lim sinoe mobilization aI Uic C.AS.P. battalion fwo and a nc hall montls aga. Pending ap- tPointmn fthiUicncw C.O., Major P. L. Dudley, second-in-comm-and, las been acting commanding aI- ficer. Even befare thc iirst World War Major Gamcy was mctivciy intercstcd in rnfifary affaira, Iav- ing carly milifla connections with- Uic former Orcys ai Owen Sound. If was therclore nafurmi fIat i 1914 h. slould cnlist ta serve lis country. 'Major Garny enlisfed wlfb Uic 93rd Battalion at'Peter- boraand enrolildta qualfy bar a commission. Befgre le lad ob- tained lis commission lis bat-' talion lad gone fa France. Not ta b, leift b.ind le wcnt aven with Uic 54fI Battalion from Koafenay, B. C. in 1l6 whilc wifh tfIa unit h. was awanded thc Military Medal in France, was granfed warrant raak and was subsequently commis- sloncd l ic he id. lic Bmw action at tIc Somme, Pasachendale, Vimy and scveral other places coming fIrouii l ic vanlous "slows" wlthout a wound. A resideat ai Orono, since shortly mter fIe laqt. war, thc new O.C. was. assoclafcd, with thc Durham Regiment froni 1922 un- tii its amalgamation with thc Northumberland Reginient -ta Iorm Uic Midlmnd Regimnrt in 1936. Hc scrvcd as O.C., H.Q. Coy, ini tîla unit until April ai tuis year. In April, Major Gamcy trans- Ierrcd from the Mldland Regi- ment ta tIe 1sf Infmntry Holding Unit and wcnt overseas wîth fhIa unit in June. H. las scrved in EniUiid» since that finie as a Company Commander and if wms Iron isl post le was recalied, at fIe rcqUesf aI fhe regiment Icre. A new niember las been added ta TIc Statesman staff thîs wck. Russell Vesnm, a student of B.H.S., la leanning tIc intricacies of fthc tecînical end aI tIe prlnting busi- ness, and like mmny mn edifon aI to-day starts in as a printers "dcevil>t. il A ti p b rr ti g Ir IN h ti ir M fc Sc te c Sc M John Lyle, Age 92, is Oldeat Paut Master at Jerusalem 'Lodge Mr. John Lyl., the dean ai Maaonry -in tfIa district, was giv- cri special praminence at thc mn- nual Pmst Masters' Night mt Jeru- saleni Lodgc, A. F. & A. M., Na. 31, Manday cvening. Mr'. Lyle, who is misa the oldeat member bcing 92 yemrs ai age, las been a member ai thc iodgc for 69 years. He wms lait iatd on June 30t1, 1871, was Worshipful Master in 1885, and made a lif. member on June 2nd, 1921. Par mariy ycars le îeld fIe office of lodge freas- urer, and for 35 years was clerk aI thc municipality aI tIe town of Bownrvill,. Sincere good wlahes were cx- tcnded ta Mi'. Lyle by Dr. G. C. Bannycastie wla presented Iii witl a box of cigars an behaîf ai ,te iodge. Thc glît and good wisl- es wcre grmciously and modcstly reccived by Mr'. Lyle. Thc iollowing Pmst Masters oc- cupied thechcairs and conberred the Fllaw Craif Degre. on P. D. Armstrong: M. W. Comstock, W. M., John Baker, W. L. Ellioft, J. R. Sfutt, P. C. Hoar, E. H. Brown, John Lyle, G. A. Edmondsf on, G.' C. Bonnycastie, A. H. Bounsmîl, A. W . G. Nortleuff and E. E. Sta- pics. "Slips TIat Pass" or "lErrors i RANGERS' MEET]ING Rangers began their fourth meeting this year with a prayer followcd by inspection. The open- ing routine and annauncements over, the liatrols retired ta their corners ta work on their current events badges. Miss Mathews led in marching and exercises neces- sary for physical training badges. The lieutenat Betty Edger and Lynn Hailma taught the new recruits Morse Code, while Miss Wagar taught the aider Ranger semaphore. Aftcr several minutes singing, the meeting was closed with taps. Type" was the subject of an In- teresting and ,huinéirous address by R. W. McCornell, city hall re- porter for 'Tht Toronto Telegram, who spoke in the banquet hall following the business session. Mr. McConnell gave the history of prlnting, It being a very timely tapic as the quincentennial of printing is now being celebrated. He spoke af the inventors of moveable type and how the type advanced ta the stage Itemd erri, linotype. H aso gave the history af the printing press. Mix- ed with his address he related humorous incidents of mistakes and typographical errors which caused considerable amusement for his audience.i : 'e Brampton News Ean lys Trie. Voice.of Canada uud in Rual Newspapers Jokes and Dances AmuieSqldieru Wheî Service Clubs Sponu. Show 1 - e «n«» ---------------- qe Tim Eu'uCuMba Our- collection philosopher AL. la taking ta Uic Iiglwmys and bywmys in thc nean fut- ure with Bowmmanvile as lis first objecjve. lie.,proposes. ta cii perscnally-ànd pleas- anfly-upon those wlo lave, apparent ly, forgotten about those lit fie slips le sent ouf. Rlis tlcory la flat many do nof ycf know about the obli- gation rcsting upon Thc Stafesman now that member- slip in fIe Audit ]Euremu aI Circulations las" been attain- cd. Whcn you sec. lis Iomciy face and picasant smile aft the tUçan if means fIat le will explain why subscripf ions musf be PAID IN ADVANÇE. 'Héc wil have lis rcceipt forma Ihandy, fao. Thanka.

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