PAGE FOUR TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANV1LLE, C)~NTARIO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1940 - Burketon Visitais: Mi. and Mis.S.J. Pedlar and Kenneth, TorontcffýMr. sud Mis. Clarence Avery, Hay- don, Mi. and Mis. Walter Coch- rane, Jean sud Harold, Bewmsu- ville, ut Mi. H. Rahm's. -.. Mr. sud Mis. Wm. Hudson, Iris sud Neil, Tarante, ut Mi. S. Mottatt's. . . Mi. sud Mis. Laine Dean sud Carson, Oshawa, ut Mi. Chas. Dean's. .. Mi. sud Mis. M. Gatchel sud f amily, Osha ul, t Mr.., Gatchcl's... M- T.Brcck aE Wallace in Trant... . Mms., S. Moffatt with Mis. H. Farrow, Oshawa. .. Miss Betty Moffatt with Mms. E. Hall, Oshawa. Membeis et Uic Y.P.A. met on Thursday sud will continue these wcekly meetings. Haydon Mi. and Mis. C. Atkinson, Mi. Roy Chutera, Miss Lamna Thomp- son, Tarante; Mr. and Mms. Frank Osmond, Miss Veda Purdy, Bowmanville, at Mr. W. Thomp- sen's. . . Mi. and Mis. Lloyd Ashton and family, Mis. Henry Werry, Mis. Redpath metorcd te Mis. J. Cullis', Fenelon Falls. .- Mi. Douglas Fontaîn, Miss Ruth and Ursul MeNeil, Toronto,. utj Mr. A. McNeil's . . .. Lieut. and Mis. Gardon Cowling, Lindsay, ut Mi. Yeo. Cowling's. . Mi. and Mis. William Steele sud Mar- garet, St. Christopher, ut Mi. R. Sandemsons. .. Mis. Philp with Mis. D. Higgins. Trnte...-Mi_ sud Mis. C. Avery at Mr. Harry Rahm's, Burketn.... Mi. Cyril Lée, Mi. Charles Biiggs, Tom and Billy, Tarante, ut -Mi. C,. Slemon's. ... Mi. Yco Clements, Miss Ethel Hodgins, Tarantn; Mi. Walter Blackburn, Janetville ut Mi.- M. Blackburn's. Rainbow girls clasa met ut Mis. Henry Ashten's on Menday. Thej evening was spent in sewing sud: a social time. Luter Misa Winniej Trewin read a short addîcss sud1 Misa Eileen Cowling piesentcd Miss Freda Bradley with a silver teapot stand on behalf efthUi - clusa. Mi. sud Mrs. Mervyn Hobba sud Jean hqLve moved te Ennis-1 killen. We are sory te lose thezn. Rev. A. F. Gurdner spoke on "Burning Heurts" Sunduy. Sac-i rament et Uic Lord's Suppe.r was1 unitygathered ut Uic home et Mr. and Mis. Elmer Bradley on Saturduy evening ini honor et thcfr duughtcr Fredu, a bride-t-be-yý Over Uic table hung a white and. pink umbidlla with streameis.- The couple were seuted ut tUic udf et ictable in chair decarated with large white bows. Bert Ashton, Uic groom- te-be opened Uic paicels, whilc Miss Bradley disPlayed Uic msuy and, beautiful gifts ofetsilver, uuninunx sud glassware, etc. SPECIAL. OOMESTIO Sh.erteniag SPECIAL - SERDLESS aaiit +s SPECIAL. R@Illed Oats SP ECIAL Mascaroni SPECIAL.-- XkXXX Quaker Flous SPECIAL - PASTRY 24-lb Uag Flouy uxeemior s 7c. 9c CAMA Bar SLUE RISPRON !/*.tb Pka. BLUE RIBBON la lIn BASC, 'STin Clou. W They bath very ably thanked al present for their kindness. Cecil Slemon acted as chairman. A duet 'Believe me if ail these en- dearing younig churms" was sung by Misses Bessie Black- burn sud Elleen Cowling sud a solo "'Beautiful Dreamer" by Wilbur Blackburn. Con3iunity singing and a social #One foilow- cd and lunch was seed.. Visiters: Mis. C. Johns at Mr. W. White's, Orono. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. Spracklin, Tarante, at Mis. J. Celwill's.. . Mr. sud Mis. A. E. Jennings, Oshawa, at T. Wray's. . .. Miss Rosellen An- thistie, Brantford, at E. An- thistle's. . .. Mr. Reg. Rackham, Mi. and Mis. Douglas Rackham, Bowmanville, at thc parsonage.. Miss G. Wickett and Mr. A. Baker, Bowmanvillc, atMrs. Bessie Rab- bînIs. . . Mr. un7l Mrs. F. R. Ker- slake, Bowmanville, at F. G. Ker- slake's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Farncomb, at Newcastle. . .' Mr. and Mis. Will White, sons Donald and Douglas, Orone, with Mis. C. Johns... Mis. Frank Marty, Fort Thomus, Kentucky; Mr. sud Mis. J. B. Fuirbairn, Bcamsville, Mis. Quibell, Tarante, at Mis. R. Kater- son,'. . Miss Bernice Rogers, at home.. Mis. Everett Elliott sud daugl'Aters, Oshawa, at J. Chup- man's. . . .,Mr. sud Mis. Geo. Holxnes, North Dakotu, 'sud Miss Annie AllUn, Bewmaniville, at Mr. C. W. Seuchs... Mi. K. Caverly, Tarante, with hiÈ wifc sud family. ..Mi. sud Mis. J. A. Cale sud Donald, Bowmanviile, had Sun- day dinner with Mr. sud Mis. C. W. Souch, it being their 42nd wcd- ding anniversaiy. Sacrament was observcd at thc Sunday evening service when a large number paiticipated. W.M. S. will have charge of thc even- ing service next Sunday, when Rev. W. Rackiham n il be the spcaker. Choir will be asslsted by Mis. Ken Cavcrly. Women's Institute met Thurs- day afternoan with Mis. J. R. Knox presiding in Uic absence ef MIrs. L. Truil. A donation ta Red Cross work was made. Mis. Ed. Doidge conducted thc progiam which was in charge et Uic East group and opened with a sing sang led by Aima Rundie, with Mis. G. Brent at Uic piano. Edu- cation was a subject ably taken Up by Mis. J. R. Knox. Mesdames G. Brent and H. Brent,- Tyrone, favored with a piano duet, includ- inig patriotic airs, etc. Cuirent events were read by Mis. E. Adamson. Mis. G. Brent sang a solo sud Mis. H. E. Rundie gave a reading. A contest was held pre- vieus ta serving et refreshusents. Roll eaUl for Navember, 'House- hold Hints' and the subjcct for discussion 'Home Economics. Hampton W.C.T.U. met at Mis. Je Chapman's on October 8. Miss *-fo 4 -Pound Qulck 250, 100 th 250 Shelici "lhbt M1b~ eut 6 "5-th Bag$2 9 Tokay Grapes 2 lbs. 19e Sw..t Potatoos, . lb. 5c Cooldng Apple$ Basket 19e EATMORE 0VORY SNOW ............. pkg. 4,- N19W HEWSE .............. L 21c ~INMNO~ODER l9c .......COF lb. 39e Katerson presidcd. Devotianal period was taken by Mrs. J. G. Burns, followed by prayer by Mis. W. Rackham. Prayer tapie was "Patient Endurance for These in Distreas." Motto: "Whaseever tears God tears ta it at case."1 Program was in charge et Mis. G. Barron and included a îead- ing by Mrs. A. Trenouth "Booze or Bombera." Mis. C. J. Keralake favoured with a piano solo, fol- lowed by reading "On the Wes- tern Front," by Mrs. J. Calwill. Chapter et study book was pie- sented by Mrs. S. Williams, fol- lowed by a discussion. Next meet- ing at Mis. G. Barron's Nov. 12. 'Y. P. U. met Friday. Edith Ruckham taok charge et Wershlp Service. Readings were given by Acy Hein sud Gladys Truil. June Geisel read Uic Bible lessan. Ruth Colwill led in prayer. The pro- grain was in charge et Nallie Ar- mour. Readinga were given by Garth Perrett sud Bertha Ar- mour. Madlyn Wilcex tavored with piano selectiens. Mms. War- ren presented thc tapie "IThunk- giving."P Ebenezer Services were lu charge et Rev- W. C. Smith Sunduy merning, with Uic evening service with- druwn an ucceunt et services in coninection with Uic Young Pea- ple's convention. Our Diamatic club huaspie- sentcd its play "Double Trouble" ut Bebcaygeon, Masonic» Temple, Oshawa, sud Audley, which pro- ved auccesul ut cach showing. Ladies Berean Clas met ut Mis. Charles Osbeîne's with greup 2 in charge. Meeting open- cd with Miss Hazel Rundle singing Uic verse sudail joining in the chorus "There'il Alwaya Be An England." Rail was cuiled and each member unsweied wlth some kindly Uiought in prose or poem. Devotionul periad oened with prayer by Mis. B. Courtice. Mis. W. C. Smith îcud Uic lO3rd psalm sud spoke on "'Thanktul- nesa." Vocal solo, Hazel Rundie. Mis. Rosa Pearce gave su inter- esting talk on Uic lite et Jamnes Whitcombc Riley. Mis. G. 'F. Annis, vocal solo sud poem by Miss H. Rundle. Prayer by Pies. Mis. H. F. Osborne. Refreahmcntà were served. Sympathy- la extendcd te Uic famuly et the late Mis. Sydney Trivuil. Mi. Frank Worden, lii cen- pany with Mr. Gardon Worden, la enjoying a -trip te Winnipeg, thence by plane te Bissett, Man., wherc Uiey will visit Harold Woiden, son ef Goedon Woiden, and aisoecnjoy saine hunting. Several frienda et Miss Hazèl TruIl were plcasantly cntertained ut "The Grange" previaus te her entering Oshawu Hospital us nursc-in-training. Miss Audrey Wealinga, Miss Norma Williams, O.0. UCallege, Whitby; Miss Edra McKnight, R.N., Giavenhurat, wcre guests ut "The Grange." Privute Jack Pollock, Jr., Lon- don was gucat ut Mi. Rosa Pearce's. Kendal Visitais: Mir. and Mis. Johnny Scott, ut Mi.. Chus Carsan's . . Mr. sud.Mis. C fi. Robinson, ut Mi. william Rbifisoujl% .Misses Pearl sud Vivian Mercer with their grsudmothre Mis. Gea. Mer- rer.. - . Mi. a4id Mis. George Snmith. ut Mi. M. Rebinson's . - Mt. sud Mis. George Swuibrcck, Toronto, with Mi. A. Grig.... Miss Annie Wiight, with Mia. Florence Wight... Mi. sud Mis. W. Armstrong sud Mis. George Fowler, with Mi. Sain Brysn. .. Mi. sud Mis. Orley J. Mercer sud fumily., at Wni. Mcrcer's. . . . Mr. sud Mis. Jack Glever, Newcastle) Mis. Chas. Reid sud Miss% Huzel Reid, Ncwtonville, with Mis. A. G. Darlingtan. . . Mi. Wm. Mereer la huviug a hot water heuting syatem installed lu his store and dwelling. W. A. held a quilting Thursday. Sanie thirty-ene ladies ofthUi Legion from Tarante jouineyed by bus te aur quiet vilage on Oct. 2nd. Thcy weuc given un cx- cellent supper in Uic Orange Hall by Mis. Stoker.Luter in Uic even- ing a cuchie and dance was held. Proceds $18.50 were sent ta Ta- rante Telegrum fou Waî Victima Fundal United Church held Thank-offering services on Sun- day. Mi. J. J. Mellor, Orano, gave very inteucsting sermons. Kendul thoir, under Uic supervision et Mi. and Mrs. Swarbrick ussisted by aînging special anthcms. Young Peeple's League met on Thuîsday when these afficers werc elected: Pies., James Swar- brick; vice-pies., Agnes White; sec., Helen Mercer; treas., Sauina Thiitell; pianiat, Mis. Swurbrick; usst. pianiat, Myutlc Falls; con- veners, christian fellewship, Ar- thur Thempaen, Archig, Hay; christian missions, Mrs. IZ. Mer- cci, Miss L. Knight; christian citizenship, Miss M. Smith, Miss Agnes White; recreution or chris- tian culture, Miss K. Stewart, Pearl Hay, Jean Mercer and Lloyd Glas. Oct. lth the league la holding a social evening with lunch . Orono News Mi. sud is-.James)Egleson hu~been lu Peterboro. D a nd Mis. F. B. Whyte sud Drsspent Sunduy in Touante. Mi. Hiramn McDonuld ha been gucat et Mi. and Mis. O. W. Rolph. J. J. Mellar ha been hanug out Christmas puesenta this weck -tax buis. Late Weducsay atternoon Uic Orono tire brigade was called te check a tire ut D. G. Hooper's. Flames îaged In Uic chinincy but prompt meusures prcvcnted much damage and a levely home was saved. Mr. George Coan la havlng his house shingled. Home Cleanîng ln tee Dangerous and Expensive Thousands of loilro property <Ramge as.bee donc, Md< even Rives lest, i attempting te, do home cleanliig. For Fast, Efficient Dry Cleaulng, Ciii BOWMNVILLE L Cleaners & Dyérs phone 520 King St. Tyrone* Visitors: Mrs. Fowler and Mr. Cornforth, Lindsay, at Mr. J. Aildread's. . . Mr. and Mis. Chas. Kersiake, Miss Vera and Mr. George Kersiake, Hampton, at Mr. Byron Moore's. .. Mrs. Wil- liam Stewart at Raseneath... Mrs. Russell Virtue, Mis. .Floyd »Dudley, at Mis. Theo Down's, Lakefield. . . Mr. and Mis. H. Jones, Fenelon Falls; Mr. A. Mc- Gll, Janetville, at Mr. Geor7ge Brook's. Mr. Brooks returned home frem Fenelon Falls. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. Park, Shirley and Doris and Mr. Trewin Scott, at Mrs. Everett York's, Belle Haven. Young People's -Union opened with a worship period in charge of Mrs. G. Brent. Thexue was "Kindness." Bible lesson by*Miss Yvonne Byam; Poctry by Mis. LG .Brent; prayer by Mr. Gard- ner. Mrs. R. Virtue had charge of the program. Reading, Mis. Clinton Bigelow; musical selec- tions, Mr. Lorne Mortsen; a splendid topic by Mr. Gardner. Meeting closed with contesta. Tyrene Sehoal News (By Charlie Camipbell) Oui fiîat Red Cross day was held September 27. Rail eaUl was answered by naniing an upple. Bretta Collacott gave a reuding and Glenny Brooks and Donald Dudley saine riddlcs.' Gregor Freund gave a fine piano solo. Progrum clesed with God Save the King. Smallcr childien braught several kinda et cutter- piliers te sec if Uicy would spin cocoons. Muny et them have donc se. . . Thursday we rcccived a new war map, thut will camne in very usetul in social studies. It shows where rice. tobacco, sugar, timber and silvelb are tound ln Asia wheue we have leurned of a ncw war criais. Maple Grove Visitera: Dr. and Mrs. L. H-. Coutes, son Danny, Brantford, with Mis. L. C. Snewden and Mis. H. G. Freeman. . . Mi. sud Mis. C. D. Rogers, Vancouver, iiiece Miss Eleanor Shepard, Gen- cral Hospital, Tarante, ut Mi. C. H. Snowden's. They attended church whcre Mis..Ragera <nec Ada Tyler) met severul old friends. .. Mi. sud Mis. Norman Lathangue, Miss Della Lathangut, Cudmus, at Mi. H. G. Fieemun'a.. Mi. and Mis. Mark Munday sud Greta, G. H. Munduy and Wallace anli Misa Jean Johins, ut Mi. Ele- glu Munday's, Stirling. ..-Mi. untd Mis. Chas. Welsh and son Toap ut Mi. Ivison Munday's. . MiS. Bob Clark sud Lyle Wood, Ch thain, ut Mi. Lawrence Woad'É, wha returued home with them. Congratulations te Mi. sud Mis. W. E. Kent (nec Floence Evans) on their muruiage. Sympathy is extcnded ta Misg Winnie .Haoey sud niece Miss Maud 'Edgerton in Uic passing ot Mi. Hoocy. Mapie Grove School News <By Ellen Abernethy sud Doris Stevens) On Friday we had anothci Red Cross pregrain. We epened thé meetlug with a chorus "ficurts 90 Oak." As our secietaiy was a:. sent Ellen Aberncthy teok hi$ place. Wc then passed around out, Red Cross membership pins sudi cardsansd a book entitled 4"Faoý For Health." A letter tramn Junlo~ Red Cross was read. We wiibij picture trames fer thc certiticat wh.ich we ieceived. Piogrum wa as feilows: Recitution by J oh .Munday; piano solo, by Yvoun Wood; chorus by the school "Co4 boy Jack"; story by Christeng Campbell; National Antheni. Blackitock Misses Helen VanCamp, Jeaà Wright,' Ferga Johnston, Ruth Trett, und Evu Brown attended the Bay et Quinte Conterence for Young People ut Oshawa. A number trom here attcndcd Markham Fuir. Visitera: Miss Isobel Chilvers6 Taranto, ut Mis. F. Thomson's. . . Mr. Ronald Tiewiu and Mi. Laine McQuude, Tarante, ut Trewin Bras.' -... Mi. and Mis. Jee Far- der and funiily ut Gaît. . . Mr. and Mis. Alex Gilbert and Joan are holidaying ut Kitchener. - - Puy-ý utc Ernest Hale, Scettish Regi-' mrrlofl, and Mus. Hale sud Mis@ Peurf Hale, Torante, ut 1Mr. Jack Rahn*F;7ý .Mrs. Fred Bailey with Mi. Geo. McLuughlin, Tarante. - Speclul Thanksgiving meeting et W.M.S, wlll be hcld ut Mis. Roy Tuylor's next Wcdnesday. rCoup. Lawrence Mauntjoy and Pivute Percy Hulbeit are ut Camp ut Peteubore. A. Y. P.A. met ut Mis. John Carter's, wlth Vice President Toi Hodge ln charge. Luverne Devi* read the bible lessen. Two del~ gates are te be sent ta Uic con- vention at Ottawa. Progruni was in charge et Miss Myrtle Irwin. Reudinga were given by Mis. T. Smith, Clarence Butson sud Tam ERedge; a solo "Land et Oui Biith," Mis. Wm. VanCamp; in- strumental, "'England" by Miss Ethel Carter. Lunch was served. Viatorisu Women's Institute met Oct. 2nd at Mrs. Mervin Mount- JOY's. Two local leaders were ap- pointed for Uic girls' club workc, Mrs,'Albcrt Wright sud Mis. A. L. Builey. Mrs. Cecil Ferguson is Uic delegate te attend, Tarante con- vention. This pragram was given: âm dings, Mrs. T. Samefls' sud R .A. E. MeGill; paper on Corn- muùpity Activities by isr. Mlten Gray et Lotus- a talk anx den-n stration etof lis'. lub ork y Miss Jean Wright; piano instru- mental by Mis. Mervin Mauntjey. Enfield Wofnian's Association met Oc- tober lat ai Mms. L. Bradley's. Plans were miade for Uic Thank- Offcring service on Oct. 201h sud concert on 21st. Mirs. G. Bôwman oftered her home for Uic sunual Ai Home in ý.ovember. A îead- ing was given by Mia. -A. W. Prescott. Visitera: Mi. sud Mis. Frank Gilbert and Mia. James Rundle, Solina, at Mi. L. C. Pascoc's... Mis. A. Pearce, New Jersey, Mi. and Mia. John Webster sud Stan- ley, Tarante, Misa Elsie Samis, Peterboro, Miss Ceirsina Samis, Oshawa, ut Mi. Miltan Samis... Mia. John McCulloèh, Miss Ida McCulloch, Mis. L. C. Pascoe, at Dr. W. G. McCulloch's, Oýono... Mis. O. Beckett, Prince Albert, Sask., with her sister, Mis. L. Bradley.,- . Mi. sud Mis. L. Brad- ley ai Mr. Frank Webber's, New- castle. Solina Visitera: Mi. sud Mis. Will White, Donald and Douglas, Or- ena, at Mi. Gea. Whitc's. .. Mr. and Mis. John Garwoed, Audrey and Kenneth, Mi. sud Mis. Chas. Carrick, Toronto, ut Mi. W. J. Reynolds'. . . Mis., Will Warner, Hastings, ut Mi. H. E. Tink's... Mis. Everett Elliott, Mary sud Barbara, oshawa, with miss Mary Hogarth.. . Mis. Walter Vice ha returncd tram visiting relatives in Chapleau. . . Mi . and Mia. IHarold Reynolds, Miss Phyllis Leeder, Toronto,, Mi. Gardon MacAllister, Cooksviile, ut J. W. sud Wcs. Yel- lowlees'. . . Mi. and Mis. Frank Cryderman, Mi. and Mis. Haiiy Crydernian, Bowmanville, Mi. and Mis. Gea. Boutillier, Mis. Al- mon Blewett, Mi. Leonard Blew- ett, New Toronto, ut. Mi. Everett Crydeîman'. .. Mi. sud Mia. Ed- gui Piescott and family ut Mi. Al. Prescott's, Entield. Mr. George Werry, U. et T., was ut home and accompanied the choir te Enniakillen Sunday night where they assisted ut the suni- versary service. Y. P. U. met Monday night with the pregram in charge et Mai- jonce Great, Fellowship canvener. Those taking part in the devotion- ai pcniod were: Kathleen Baker, Muriel and HeIlen Langmuid, Har- old Balson. 'Stor>r "Mhàc Joncs' Problem"l was given by Doreen Groat, Brooklin. Vocal sole, 4'Tra- vel Lite's PuUi with a Smile" by Pearl Leech. Mis. Wcs. Yellew- lees led un enjoyable recieutional pcriod. Zion Visitera: Mi. and Mrs. Harvey Hagerman, Meda and Ina, Osh- awa, at Mr. J. W. Balson's. . Miss Jean Leach, Bowmanville, at Mr. N. Leach's. .. Ralph Orniiston and Lloyd Stainton, at Military Camp, Peterboro. . . Mr. and lIrs. Geral Balson, Mr. and Mis. Anson Bal- son and daughters, at Mr. Robin Nicholson'à, Whitby . . . Miss Norma Glaspell entertained the C.G.I.T. girls Saturday. . . Mr. and Mis. Hans Gîcisberger and lamily, at Mi. K. Sidler's, Thorn- ton's Corners. .. . Mr. James Mc- Master, Miss Jean MçMaster, To- ronto, at home. . . Mr. and Mis. J. W. Balson and Jean, Mi. Arlo Balson, at Mr. Leslie Hoskin's, Thornton's Corners . .. Whitney Lang, Toronto and John Stainton at London. . . The Balson Quar- tette sang at Centre St. United- Church Sunday evenîng. . . Mr. and Mis. Gerry Glaspeil, Whitby, J. J. FLET FUeLS Tard C.N.R. Siding Phone Office 267â- Besidence, Ontaio Street Phone Residence 2695 BOWBMhNVILLE at Mi. F. B. Glaspel's.. Mi. and Mis. J. W. McMaster, Alex, James and Jean, at Mi. A. M. Laird's, Narval; aise at Malton Airpeit. . . Mr. and Mis. J. W. Balson and Jean, ai Mi. Harvey Hagerman's, Oshawa. . . 'Mra. Bruce Buck and David, Mrs. 11. Herancourt, Oshawa, et Mi. Rus- sell Stintons.... Misses Doîcen and Betty Balson, wlth their sis- ter Velma at Mi. Victor Parkin's, Kinsale. . . Mis. Garfield Trevail sud Doreen and Mis. Carl Wilbur are rccovering from their recent illness. . . Mis. Hurold Gifford sud, Mis. J. W. Balson sud Mis. Chas. Nayler entertalned the W. A. at her homp- on Thursday. There was a very good attend- ance. After the usual business there was a gaod program sud a bountiful lunch. .. Miss Joyce Gifford -had an attack ef sinus trouble. .. Mis. Jack Cruickshank has been under thc doctor's care. . Miss Mari'Marlo.w, Oshawa, at Mr..A. T.1 Stainton's. ' . Mi. R. W. BaIl has returned from the coast. . Silo filling and apple picking keeps busy these days. Town-ship Council CARTWIGHT COUNCIL Cartwright Couneil met Octo- ber 5th with members ail present sud Reeve Creighton Devitt pre- siding. Grant was made te Durham Ploughing Match te be held in October. These eiders were passed: H. E. P. ----------$ 8.16 J. Dickey, services Weed Inspecter -------- --- 18.39 J. Wright, sheep valuator- 8.00 W. D. Ferguson, postage, etc - -- -- --------- 25.15 Can. Statesman, advtg ---.- 8.64 Grant te Ploughing Match 15.00 Lewis Swain, Sec.-Treas. S. S. No. 9, M. G.------ 140.00 0. Wright, roads --------- 89.23 FAR MERS NEED MORE HIELP The rumar Uiat a distinct short- uge et lubor exista lu Bowman- ville sund Newcastle faim areas wus confirmed this weckend in interviewa with twa apple giaw:- ers. They are hardeat hit by Uic dcurth et hclp aince the acason is juat upon Uicm when muny pick- crs are needed. Rue Hulliday, manager et Uic Oshawa Employmeut Service of- fice, sald his office wus unuble te supply the demsud. One Darling- ton farmer ha been faîced toecm- ploy temale help. General rate et puy is wcll over $2.00 a day. While the number et men avail- able toi odd jobs ha decrcased duiing Uic pat tew wceks, there are atml a tew registciing ut Uic Oshuwa employment office. The difticulty seema ta be thut the eity men cunnat find transporta- tion te the arens in which they could find work picking applea. In other fields it is repaited there la still a good demanid for domestica, pgrticuluily coaka-gen- erul with experience. The nuni- her rcgisteîing toi employment ha been ulmeat eut in huit the past year. Wedding kent-Evans *A quiet but pretty wedding was solcmnizcd ut Courtice parsonage October 5th, by Rev. C. W. Smith, when Florence Hilda, yeungest daughtcr et Mis. A. Evans, Muple Grave, was United in marrage te William Erie Kent, youngcst son etf Mis. W. P. Fruyne, Oshawa, sud the lute Mir. Kent et Myrtle. *The bride looked churming lu a street length dis et Indian caith waol crepe and a corsage et talisman roses, with mutching se- cesseries and tailored hat with nase lcngth veil. Heu orily attend- ant wa heu sister, Miss Evelyn Evuns, et Taronte, whe wore a French tuncy knit winc waol dicas with black suede turban and accesseries, with a corsage et erimson rases. The groom wus ut- tcndcd by Dir. C. From, Tarante. Atter the ceremany a receptian wus held ut Hotel Genosha, Osh- awa. The brîde's mother reccived .the -gucata in dark blue crepe dis sud a corsage et pink rases wi navy accessaries. She was assisted by the gream's mether diessed in light mauve chiffon and a corsage et pink rases, with black accessories. Atter Uic re- ception Uic huppy couple metered te Ottawa. On their retuin they will reside in Oshawa. THANKSGIVING MOTIF (1940) O'er Landau town-, Hun bomba explode And air-raid sireus sem,. While here, euch noîtheru country roud Dreama a stilI Autumn dicani. Oh! Such a coutrat! Englund teels A heilish hute uncurbed, While here a stuitling whir-r-r * reveuis Just partridgea disturbed. I iambled through a woodlund wide Where Autumn brooded light Whcn suddenly on every aide The partridges took flight. In Landau tewn Hun bomba ex- plade And uir-raid siiens scîeam, While eueh Canadian country road Dreama a stlll Autumn dreumn. No cause toi thauka? They kecp atout heurt Though high explosives sound, Whilewc wulk woodlund rouds, sud stait When ahy birda leave Uic guouud. -Pcott Shoitt. (Viola Shertt, Sutton Bay) COWLING SELLS FOR 'LES3b And Serves You Well 10.0 A.S.A. Tablets ---19o Combinatien Fittingt - 39o Vàeuum DBottie - - - - 9o Teck Tooth Drush, 2 for 49o PI1*a3~. Coi. -.870 1i Lb. Absorbent Cotteis, 39o KeensiÜarbi 'BW- -6. for 7oe110j A.B.S.&C. Tabiets .0ft « Coaig oo NYAL 2 FOR -1 SALE Perfumes'aand Colognes Evening lu Paris Perfume - - - - 25C-550 Ashes et Roses Perfume - - - 250-550 Yardiey Perfgme 1.10-2.20 Zergen's Pert me 25c-50-$l Molinard Cologne - $1.25 Florida Water- 35o - 89o Hayes Cologne- 350 - 15e Chases' Neuro Nerve Tonte Food Tablets 49* 49e 87c "53c-29c> Hon. James G. Gardiner, Do- minion Minister et Agriculture, has suuounced thut on and utter September 30, 1940, carcàss grud- iug et hoga wil be the officiai method of* grading throughout Canada. The present hog grudiug regulations which provided for the live gruding et haga since 1922, wml be rescinded us tram Uic date mentioned and live grud- ing et hoga will net thereutter be continued. Exporta et bacon sud hum from Canada. during Uic aevcn-month peried, Jsafiry te July, 1940, slightly exceeded 188,000,000 lb. For, Uieceorresponding period in 1939, total exporta were 94,700,000 lb. The present bacon agreement wlth Uic United Klngdam wil terminute- on October 31, 1Q&I Negetiations arc lu pragress terI renewal et Uic agreement or Uic formationet a new anc. PUMPKIN PIES The tang of autu is in our pumpkin pies. *i4à*Mfo fuaslngý over the oven for Tbanksgiving.. Lot la beke your pies, jusitheb.w ay you want t1eM.- PUMPIÇIN PIES ......lO0e- 20C -30Oc A BIG TREAT Puinpkin Tarts...... 3 for 10e IIUNT'S CIIOCOLATES Give tbsnks wfth a loveiy box of Hunt's Ohocolatles 1 Lb .............. 60e Phsoneà TH1E CARTER FAMILY Baker. for Two enerations 855 omnie r --~ .~- Perhaps no one has A BURNED building in bad enough but . . 8t.ý.,Wn-cruedwhe yo ur rentai inçome ceases. But - lent Insurance Wli *Y ty is! If no Que bas eve' told you about Ibis wMuatial ine*ouqive -polioy w. wll b. gIad to do no-today. Je Je MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS Pho0ne 681, Bowmanville . I - I 5 Cakes Colgate's Soap 25o Colgate'. Tooth Paste- 89a 1 Glass Bowl --15o Halo Shamlpoo . . . 150 Ail for 25C Both for 40c, VUTAMIN PRODUCTS Ayerst 10D Cod Liver 011 ---------67c - 1.69 Extract Malt and Ced Liver 011- -------590 - 98c H&Ilbut Liver 011 Capsules -----------630 - 980 Codlette Coneentrated Cod Liver 011-- - 1.09 - 1.98 Wampéle's Extraet of Ced Liver ---------1.00 Byes Tested and Trusses Fitted te Your Entire Satisfaction in Style, Quality and Price 695 neP. R .COWLING, Phm.Ba' elivery M NW At JO' W. JEWELL'S " BIGR 20" i 'WOOL C HIN A Open stock dlnnerware and W. hve agood ciet gtft china. Speeial values ln We hae a ood upercupe and saucera. &U kinds ef -wool needed for service knlttlng and BO OK S home use, Baby wools a Good rea4ing for young and eld. Picture books for thse specialty. cblidren. L- PAGE POUR THURSDAY, OCTOBIM 10, 1940 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIT.1 , OPTARIO