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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Oct 1940, p. 5

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THUBDAY OCOBE 10,194 TE CAADIA STTESANBOWMNVILEONTRIOPAGE FIVE i. __________________________________ 'I Mr. and Mre. F. A. Fitchett, Montreal, visited her father, Mr. Wm. Paintan. Miss May Leggott spen the weekend at Mr. and Mrs.'W. C. Ferguson's. 0 Ms. A. Gainer, Torontoe -.vistng with Mis. Spicer and Len and other friends. Mr. and Mis. Beecher Barrett ~Ason William, Consecon, visit- SMr. A. E. Beilman. MrMs. B. H. Mortlock,' Tommy, iCathleen andl Joan, Brampton, vislted friends in town Friday. Mrs. F. H. Bounsail has return- ed from visiting her son Lieut.- Col. A. H. Bounsaîl at Millbrook. Mi. and Mis. Oliver Beckett, Marchant Grave, Sask., are visit- ing Mis. Stanley Beckett, Ontario Street. Pte. Harold Carter, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, Niagara Fals, vislted his cousins, The Car- trFamily. ïSeîgt. Barney Rois, R.C.A.F., an ng Pool, Mr. and Mrs v Fogel, Toronto, weîe gueçý ?0 Mr. M. BresIin's. Mis. Bruce Lunney and son Harvey havereturned from Ot- tawa after visiting at Mr. and Mis. James Sutherland's., Mi. and Mis. Bob Watson and Betty and Mr. Warren Peel, High- land Grove, spent the weekend at Mi. Charlie Mutton's. Mi. and Mis. F. Blackburn, Mis. Jénnings, Orono, Mis. Omer Colo, Newcastle, were gueits of Mr. and Mis. S. O'Brien.' Miss Marion Belîman, wha un- derwent a serious operation in Bowmanville Hospital yesterday, is reported ta be progressing very favorably. Mi. B. H. Mortlock, Who ad- diessed the Rotary Club Friday, alsa, spoke ta B.H.S. students on -"TheWeekly Newspaper in the Community."' Mis. John Luxton, Mi. Murray Cain, Mrs. Colmer, Mis. Newton Hackney, Mis. Bruce Lunney and Miss Louiso Cole motored to.Peta- wawa Camp on Sunday: W c ~s H. ,L. Pearn intend spen eitii winter *ith theix' daught iïn"7aîonto and have rented their house to Mi. D. B. Oîcutt, General Supcîmntendent. FOR THE MAN on ACTIVE SERVICE WATERPROOF WATCHUES 15 Jewel Movement M3895- $2150 These watches a very attractive an4.,*s ,9U can *sec are very" "moderately prîced ~r4'ewery of the Bowmanville Foundry Co, Miss Ada Annis, Mis. Rota Du4- iey and Mis. E. S. Fergua%: at- tended the Convention af Cntario Music TeacjsW . ,'Aimiofho in Osliawa.GMt apeakers were prof. C. Harrison* of Queen's Uni- versity and Hôn. Gordon Conant. Convention next year will be heid in Owen Sound. Mi. and Mis, L. B. Nichais, Calabogie, and son Douglas af Renfrew, Mr. and 'Mrs. Harry O'Neill and daughter Cora, Barry- vale, wcre weokend guests af Mi. Wmi. Nichais. Luther took occa- sion ta renew lis youth by enjoy- ing a game af bowls wth sorne of his aid croniles an the local green. St.. Pbul's Woman's Association met in the lecture room on Oct. Sth, with Mis. N. Pingie presiding. Group No. 4 had charge of an in- teresting program. Mis. A. R. Cragg gave an mnspiring talk on Thanksgiving. Mis. Hull favoîed with a solo. Encouraging reports were given by the various graups. The trip to Hampton on October l9th was the main item ai discus- sion at the Lions Bicycle Safety Club at theix' weekly meeting Satux'day. This will be the second time the club lias visited the capi- tal af Darllngton Tawqship. and the outing is being looked for- ward ta by evcîy member« of the club. Eleanor Jahnstan was chair- mxan. one more reminder! Duck and deer hunters who propose going out'after their favorite gamo this Feul should boar in mind under the new regulations a permit must be secuîed from a provincial pol- ice officer before you can lend, seil, or give away a rifle or shot- gun. Whether it's. a few hours sport or a week ai shooting-, per- mission must be grantcd. Miss Dorothy Fitchett, Hausey's Rapids, Muskoka, was struck by a westbound csr in front of Virtue's garage on Wednesday aiternoon. Chief Venton stated witnesses de- clared she stepped from behind a' passing car into the path af an- other driven by Clarence Hend- ricks, Jaiie St., Toronto. Dr. V. H. Storey attendod Miss Fitchett who was remaved ta Bowmianville Hospital aii4 found ta have a fractured leg and heed abrasions. The-occupants af a car awned by Gardon McDanald, Battersea, miraculausly escaped injuries on Sunday afternaon when the car was heading east neer Preston- vale. The car gat aoffanto the shoulder af the îoad pulllng the car into the ditch. Before the vehicle had came ta a standstill it had turned over twice, finally ending right side up about fiftY yards irami where it liad gone off the highwey. The occupants ai the car wcre McDonald's. imme- diete farnily whose injuries were only minai bruises mnd cuti. Bandnxester J. Green, Mr'. and Mis. Taylor, and four niembers ai the Belleville Salvati6n Arnxy Junior Band visited Bowmanville Sundey and conducted services at ~the Salvatian Army which were well attended. After the evening service a delightful progrâm i o musii was given. Mis. Geo. Prit- chard and Mis. Roberts sang. A number ai quartets were given by the Belleville boys, alsea cori.3et salas by Bandmaster Green, piano accampaniment by -Mis. Greeni. Many expressions ai a;preciation were.given by thase who attend-I ed. SOCIAIPhNo 668NA ~~~~'hn SOIA8NDESO A ceused ta mankind by Uic great histaric scaurges ai war, famine, and pestilence combined. -Glad. stane. No strenuous exorcises - Sien- dar "Beeuty" Tablteî are Uic safe way ta an alluring figure. Two weeks supply $1.00. McGregor'si Drug Store. 41-11 OLDEIT MAUON Tiity Womnan's Associatian met October 8th, with Mis. T. W. Cawker presiding. Mis. M. J. Hutchinson and circle were in charge of Uic devotioal service and piogram. Mis. Hutchinsan rend Uic scripture lbison and Mis. S. Davison ofered prayor.. Mis. L. Dippell gave an intereiting talc, and Mis. Langi a Thanks- giving reading; solo by Miss Mar- ian Dudley, jccompanied by Mis. E. Wood; plana solo by Miss Elesnor Johnston; and e reeçling by Miss Ruth Hutchinsan. Re- ports ai the variaus circles weîc presonted. 1 Girl Guides mot Friday even- ing. Lieut. Caîbouin taok charge ai thc Second Company duiing the absence ai Mis. Cameron. The new recruits cantinued their ton- derfoot work and they will soan be enrolled. The majority ai the Guides in the Fuîst Company are now working on firît dais work. Kathleen Roberts, Helen Tait, Florence Denseni, Elenor Wight and Winona Clarke have been mae patrol leaders -n the fit conipeny ta replace the girls wha have jained Rangers. Mis. Cun- ningham led the patrols in march- ing and games. The meeting clos- cd with Pow-Wow. BIBLE SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING In keeping with anc ai the aid- est traditions ai the British and Foreign Bible Society it was de- cided et the autbreak ai the i ta issue speciel editions ai Uic New Testament for distribution among those serving in the Navy, Armny, Air Force and other or- ganizations. In the flyleaf ai every capy issucd is a message from Hiu Mai csty the King. At the annuel meeting ai Uic Bawmmnvi2le Branch ai Uic Up- per Canada Bible Society held in St. Paul's Church Sunday ovon- ing these facti wcrc rcvealed by Prçsident T. H. Lockhart as well as other vcry- cncoureging infor- mation about the wark. Hç quat- cd from a letter ieceîved froni Rev, Capt. W. F. Banister, King- ston: 11 notice in The Stetesman that the Bible Society in Bawmenville is making plans for fit annuel canvess. I iincerely hope that Uic peaple ai t he tawn gencrously support the society this year. Since entering the Chaplain ser- vice I have camne ta know sanie- thing ai the groat wark the Bible Society doos earnng Uic uoldiers, seilors and airmnen'by tihe froc Aistibutian ai New Testaments and books ai Psalme., I have ppr- sonaily givon out 2000 or mare ai these kiseki covored baoks'and amn glad ta say that Uiey. are giato- fully wélcamed and widely read. The Bible itrengthens the sauls ai Uic soldiers, and the Bible Socle- ty, by its good work, is putting Uic ward of the Lard inta aur mon's handi." .The appointmnent ai J. H. Bate- man as collectai for this year was approved and'ho will begin his wark et once.- Lest yoar Bowmanville cantri- buted mare than $140 ta this splendid work. Nfevi of Mad Midamd Capt. F. E. Lyeett OC. ai "D" Cay, Midland Regiment and Major P. J. Blgelow,; of "C" Coy mie in Kingston- fat'four weeks taking a course for cammanding afficers at Uic Royal Militaiy Callege. Caipt. Curtis is acting as O.C. -of "ID" Coy ànd us ssisted by Lieut. Oettes. Agein Uic sneppy B.H.S. bugle band led Uic Cay ta chuich par- ade on Sundey. Salvation Army Citadel« was Uic church chosen with spécial usic being supplied by Uic Bandrnaster Jack Green ai Belleville. This Sunday Uic par- ade will be ta St. John's church whcrc Rev. C. R~. Spencer will preach 1'a special Thanksgiving message. Soie aime were qulte prevalent emnong Uic boys in Uic régimnent Mpndey, Uic second "shot ini thc mini"l for Typhoid being received. The boys arc having this once a wcek and as anc ai the lads men- tioned Uiey will soan be able ta drink swamp weter. Night, manoeuvres will. be re- sumed Wednesday night with sev- oral platoons doing tactical %voik. Dan't be surprised if a cry goos aut when yau are walking home "lHaît! who goos there?" Don't' mightfind- a 1-sef .thA- be- SCHOOL BOARD ( Continued from page 1) emnergent meeting ta cansider Uthc matter fully."' Whcn it was put ta a vote thc Board favoîed gianting thc Ran- geis free use ai the gym, 4-2. Yeas - Paterson, Hardy, Edger, Goddard; Nays - Bannycastie, Stutt. .Principal A. M. Thompion in- faîmed the Board that he ha& had "a requeit fram a fariner that marning ta send him 20 or 25 bays ta hclp pick poattes. The lads weîe transported ta the faim. and beck and seemcd very pleased wlth the experience and the nice little fee they îeceived for the wark. Now 534 are cnrolled, in the public school but many have been given permission these Faîl pxanths ta stay home and help with the work. Principal Thomp- son aiso announced that a Junior Red Cross Society is active in the school. Accounts totalling aver $320 were orderod paîd. Tests for T. B. as condlactod in the High School lait year will be eîrranged for the new pupils. Board was euthorized ta rent thîce sewing machines to enable H. S. girls ta make unifoîms. Aitor the meeting had been ad- journed some time it was recon- voned that a motion midght be passed allowing pupils et the Pub- lcè and High Schools ta have theïr lunch hour from 11.50 until 1.20. The reason advanced for the change is that it will do away with crowding at the Paît Office so that the children going for noon hour 'mail will not ho there at the seme time as factory men. Also the yoùngsters will flot be expos- cd ta heavy noon traffic. SOLDIERS' CONCERT (Continued from page 1) fttl cowboy, with guitar and yodel got a big hand. Act 4. Dolly Bronson, in mauve decolicte. teamed with Harry *in rapid patter. Their fouls were Whitby and Newcastle. And did the crowd warm ta that !! Act 5. Chic Anita Adams in black velvet and a "came-ont' smile, did a tae-tap with encore.. Boisterous applause. The boys were tapping too. Act 6. Pat Mclntosh, in plaid pants and Scotch hat, gave Scotch sangs and diail humai that "wowcd" cm. Act 7. Ray Caulder made his piano-accordion literally sing a group oi popular sangs; and when he swung inta "Rail Out the Bar- ici," the soldiers rolled with him in full thioated symphony. From then on, it was anc happy family. There's singing talent among those Mad Midlands. Act 7. Margaret Anderson, a "cheerful. cyefull," in îye-grass skirt did an Hawaiian dance and encore and Corporal Joncs, sotta, sang saftly, dPeeping through the *Act à. Cowboy EHarper, againi WHEN TEE IVILD CUCTJMBER BLOOMS When wild cucumnbeî's blaaming,1 thon We knôw that Feil is near, For summer days are shoit'ning, taa, And soan will disappear. And harvestors are gathcîing 1 The lete thingi summer yields, Froni bush and vine and fruit troc, taa, And hoc-crops ai the fields. Septeniber, naw, is leaning hard Againît the autunin wmfl And signi ai field and wacdland show We're into carly Fail.j 'Twill nat be long till Winter winds Are. blawing hard and drear, For when the wild cucumber bloomis, i Wc knaw that Autumn's near. -RALPH GORDON. 628 Crawford St., Toronto. CHURCH NOTICES St. Peul's United- Church-Rev. A. R. Cragg, M.A., Assaciate Mlin- ister. Thanksgiving Services Sun- day, Oct. l3th: lb e.m.-"Thanks- giying in Wertimne"; 7 p.m.-"Gre- titude in Action." Visitais wel- came. Trinity United Church wull ob- serve itt Anniversary and Thenk- offcring services on Sunday, Oc- lober- 20th, when Rev. Pcrry S. Dobion, M.A., D.D., Principal ai Alma College, St. Thomas, will preach et bath services. FIVE EVACUEES ATTEND SCHOOLS ON BOWMANViSLLE With Uic prospect ai more chl- dren reaching here fram Uice Br- tish Iles and Europe being veiy slight for Uic roît ai Uiis year we Uiought il was turne ta talco stock ta sec just how many ai these guests have chasen Bowxmnville and its environs as home. At Uic High Schaal there are lhice new caieirs this yoar. Patricia H sigs 4, wbo with her mather, =MIIMbelHastings, Elgin St., mie living with Mr..and Mis. J. Brown'Of the M&ple.Grave Defr Patricia entered thfrd faim which ise quivabe tota-her stand- *lgin thse Ilkley GC'àmnrar Scisool ~Ieattended in EiiglandL .e Walter Frank entened firît faim. He is frain Arnhem, HolUqnd, is 14 yeari af age, and je living with Chas. Frank, R. R. 5, Bowmanvilje. The îemaining meiber ai this frio is. Joan Langman, age 12, in the f irst faim, who came irom Stratiard H.' S., England. She is living with Mrs. John Darch, Wellington St. At Uic Public Schiol are two brothers ai Joan Langi=i, John and Ronald. They arrived hore duig h ummer and are also livig wii Mis. Paroh. About 70 homes in Bownxan- ville district have oiicred ta teke .i evacuce childien accaring ta the registration made Ihis sum- mer, cering Uic muni hpal. electian, and 'alsa ta cansudor. à by-lmw whether the eleclors uhould vote an -thselengtb ai terni.ai office Uic town council should hold. 'Twa communicatians were re- 'teived from Uic Canadien Legian, aonc. aski1ng far permission ta use Uic Opera House for a concert for 'V' Cay. Midlapd Regiment on Friday, Oct. i lth. The ather let- toi was regarding Remnembrance Day. The council xo'ved that a wreath be purchaied, granted permisosion for Poppy Day on Nov. OUi. and appointed Reeve Ed- mondstane anti Councillar Searle ta meet with Uic Mlnisterlal As- sociation ta dîaw up plans, for the service. Town S4ptball1 League, in e let- ter, ,t&jqýecd counct for their kindelsin ihaving tise diamand :smoothe4_' "it. The hospital îeported receivink severel ai Uic town's relief charges. Members ai the couneil were lnvited ta attend meeting ai the Oshawa Chamber ai Commerce Thursday nlght ta hear Dr. Mc- Aithur, Minister af Educatian. Council leit It witfi Individuel memboîs whether they would go or nat. & ,SPECIAL VALUES 8AND MNIUMPRICES on nationally kno'wi brandi. Your I.DA. store has a most complete range ot g'oodà, popular by reason of their quality and reiability* Lowost Jugt fl&li your special favourite. Wo are almost certain te have Prices it at the lowest price obtainable anywhare. Compare our prcma listed below with others. .i HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPUULES 5OIS.... ...63e 1005......9qu SCOT'S EMULSION......... 59c-98c NEW L0W PRIC *O-m294 I Pepeodent Toath Powdeî 23e-39c Kolynos Tooth Faste - - 23c-39c Lieterine Tooth' Paste - - 25e-39e prophylactic Tooth Brus1% 50c Value -- --- ----250 Listerine - - - 25c 49o Lavoris -- 23o - 41c 79o A.B.D. Caps - 59c-1.09 Ayerst 10 D' Cod t Liver 011 67ec;P 1.09 Wampole's Ext. 1.00 IL Aiphamettes TIP 25'8 1.00 -10?' 85 ______________________ Haliborange 79e - 1.85 Dodd's PIS - 33e Corega 35e size 240 Plnkbam's Comp. 870 EX-Lax - 150 - 33e Chaae's Nerve Food - - 49o CL"A 8TE Mm Feilow's S ;1100 1.0 Syrup --69C-1.19 Idaphos -- 1.0o Alka Seltzer 29e - 57c "M bi Eno's Fruit Sait -29e -53e- 87o Brongo-Seitzer îuA Ioon Pe e250 - 9 50 m V6kor ifATf MUTiuNa I nacin - 92o - 43o mi aaW7G~Oa tmUI-o uLs"JI Pinex, 50e size - 32o Pdrtussin - 590 - 1.39 Vlek's Vapo Rub 43c Mecca Olutment 23c-45c-79c Bronehida - - 49o Mason'e "49"1 40o -75o Buckley's Mixture - 40e-i 5o L~25 jStarfer 154 - NOXEMA ~ Chap.d4fer W-à popular sangs caught the fancy oi the boys. Act 9. Hariy and Scatty retuin- cd with patter and the Old Oaken Buckct. They wrcckcd thc buc- ket and panicked the crowd. Act 10. A chorus and dance, "Sticets ai Paris," thc girls in black and white chiffon, Caldwell linon frau fraus, Boston festeneis, and what a dance! Ask thc soldier boys. Yes, ask thc gray-beards and the beld;heads!. This ushered in an intermissian ai 10 minutes. It had been a fast pace. Thon came the prosentatian ai puises. Joe O'Neill caloed up- on Mayor Reg. Joncs wha made the formal presentetian. Mayar Joncs complimented the afficers and mon an thoir smart appear- ance, their manlinesand orderli- ness while billcted in tawn and said: "It has been a great honar and pleasure ta have had you here for training. When yau mave on ta bear the brunt ai battle, aur hopes will follow *yau. Those purses are but aur humble tribute ta brave mon." Reeve Alex Edmondstone thon handed ta Capt. Lycett the boxed presents. The dapt. respondcd foelingly and- fittingly in behaif of the N.C.O.'s and mon ai his Command. Capt. Curtis ably sec- anded the thanki. Thon came the îoof-splîtting war-cry ai the Mad Midlands. It was their heartfelt vote ai thanks. The second haîf apened with a real ald-time warm-up. Harry as sang leader with Ray at the sc- cordion led community singing: Pack Up Your Troubles; Rciamin' in the Gloamin'; Oh! Johnnie; H-ome on the Range; Tippcrary; and niany ather numbers, wind- ing up with "Hail, Heul the Gang's Ail Hore." Thoy raisod their voices and raised the roof. Wivos and sweet- hearti on the outside in distant homes sat in fearful apprehen- sion? Act 11. A fait conxedy skit with Dolly, Harry and Pat. Experienc- cd troupors these. Act 12. Ruth Gibbard, a lovely little lady just out of high schoal, in an acrobatic dance and acro- betic ensemble did tumbles and splits, the jack-knife and aerial cut-off., The applauso means, Harry, tixat yau will lase her ta Keith's. Act 13. Harry Dunlop himielf in jokes that "gasped" cm. And a few lait bots. Act 14. Norman with guitar and endîs oncores. Act 15. Estelle Taylor, e petite blonde in cerise and black, with a top-and-toe dance that invitcd a "'came agaîn Estelle." Act 15. Hariy and Scotty in "soldier jokes" with Scotty hold- ing the bmg in a milking parody. Act 16. A girls' quartette in Scotch plaids who tapped the Higlend fling; a ici mcd and cx- quisite numbor; prelude ta the grand finale. Act 17. Introduction by Harry ai each member ai the cornWany. Thon that îallying battlc-song "Thcre'll Always be an England" IENTAL. LIQIIîI E..ups t.etktb rIliI.t M'oie# fr es#t a ili L E MT M.dlum Size 154 Clapp's Baby Foode 3 for 2s0 Castorla - - - .230 - s9c Pablum- --------l. 45o Dextri Maltose - - - ose Lactagen - - - 79e- 1.59 $1.00 HinSs Creaus - - 49o Vinolla Castile 0 cakes 100 Lux Soap - - - - 3 for 18o Woodbury's Soap- 4 for 24o Gillette Blue Blades 5 for 25C Preïeriptiong a Specialty ALEX. McOREOO Phone 792 W. Deliver JTohn Lyle, 1,P. Who is 92 years old and bas been a member ai Jerusaloni Ladge for 69 years. A presentetian was made in bis honar et the Paît Masters' Night. Sec repart on front page. We are offeuing thes peciala to malte 3our Thbkgiving Dinner more enjoyable Olh Canadiamn Trurmips I JUICE 20 I o2 oz.' ti Ontario No. 1 potatqes ...........75lb. bag I1,0 Onions ............. 10 lb. bag 5 SPECIALS ON HEINZ PRODUCTSI Fleloz Ketchup, large 14 oz'. hottie 18e Heinz Beans or Spaghetti Medium Slze......2tins 25e Heloz Soupe, large tins .. 2 for 25e Large Pkg. Oxydol andC 2 Cakes P.&G. Soapt ail foýr '250 Waxed TuKnips For Sale Wholesale XVERY DAY18 FI« DAY-- _OIRDER YOURU OM HN ARRY ALUIN H94aRY ALLIN Phono 867-868 THE CORNER GROCERY Bowmanville *Brighten Up your home for the winter seasonon Thankogivig. Une natioxially known brandi. PAINT WALLPAPER For the best appearance and Brighten your rooms for longer wear use Glidden's winter with Sunworthy and Painta, Enamels, Varnishes Sun-Tested papers for il at popular prices. purposes. KNMTING WOOLS Drop in and sec our'complete Uine of Knittlng Wools for al purposes. Oui stock le camPlete and our prices loweet STATIONERY GREETING CARDS Make your letters appeas' Make that Certain Day mueh neater wrltten on our- Lotus, more bappler wlth an ap- Lawn, Royal Windseor and proprtate Greetlng Card. Ail Balmoral Brands. Sol4 in manner- of suggestions for boxes or In tableta.1 giftà. JUST ARRIVED-A Grade-A Lot of Books in the Lend- ing Library. AM latest books Issued. JDHNSTON'S BOOKSTORE - MlAMLM am nana a M M A came full-voiced from every soul in the hall. To Harry's question: "Do you like our show?" brought a "Hoo- ray" that shook the chandeliers. He will take back with him to his home at 74 Lindsey Ave., Toronto, memories of a memorable night. Comment was heard that tis company too, shared in Bowman- ville's send-off to the soldiers for they gave a performance far be- yond their pecuniary returns. In closing, Joe O'Neill thanked the Schoal Board, Principal Dip.' pell and Herb. Moyse, the genial janitor who cheerfully set about putting things in order. These' thanks in behalf of ai who made this happy evenîng possible. Par- ticular thanks go to the commit- tee: Y.en Elliott, Vern Ott, Lou, Dippell, Harry Aluin, Mo Breslîn, Earl Cunningham, J. J. Brown. As the boys filed out, a cam- mittee at the door passed out cigarettes. Singing, "Roll out the Barrel" they rolled up the street to roll into bed. Ndj more papular scheme could have been conceived than this get-together. Everyone called it a real "smash-hit."1 =Mmmmm=====ýM .lGîlletteil BLADES wý TRURSDAY, OCTOBER lo, 194o THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Poole's Bakery Phione 654 Bowmvie 1.00 . e

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