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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Oct 1940, p. 6

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~AGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANvILLE, ONTAIIIO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1940 DUHUS. Seniors Win Opeuing Game Deleatiug Oshawa Gridders -5 to 1 NBefore one of thxe larges crowds that has ever witnessedi rugby game ini Bowmanville, 13 H.S. Senior gridders defeatec Oshawa Colleglate team 5-1. Thi game was preceded by a paradg along King Street of the Midianc Regiment led by the B.H.S. Bugli Band, the junior rugby teazn decked out in their sweaters anÉ some of the students from bot] schools. The red, black and white fane had many a scare in the firsi hall, when fumbles were madE more often than the plays were ccmpleed. Oshawa took the firsI blood when after several fumbles by the B.H.S. boys they landec in the vicinity of their goal Une. A kick by Ted McLaughlin went over the lime and over 'the fence ta count for a point. The remainder of this haîf the ball was pushed Up and down the field with +he Oshawa boys hav- ing a slight edge of the play. Ai- though in the last five minutes of the hall the local lads really set- tled down to business and with several Uine plunges started to imarch down +he field but it was a little late, the whistle sounding OSHAWA Free Parking Phone 1011 Thurs. - fr. - Sat. OCTOBER 10-12 T7he TbrMilSpectacle et the Year Foreign Correspondent Jol MeCres. - Laraîne Day Herbert Marahai George Bandera RobertI enchley REVI VAL Friday at 11 p.m. Staîniker" Starring Ding Crosby - Louise Campbeli Ned Sparka Mon. - Tues. - Wcd. ,Thurs. OcTOBER14-17 They're Mr. and MmL Agait WInLLIAm POWVELL A»~ BIMRNA LOl aie back ... ami Ibe.rnw f. flt h swIhutiadou 1ILove Yu, Agi." wI&h Naank Me rgh- du lawe COMING Frlday. and Saturday LuckyParteers" Ronald Colenian and Gluger Rogers = t a le le d le ýs it ;t LUCKY DRAW TO LIFT ROYALS OUT 0F THE RED With Cincinnati winning the world series it again draws to light the basebail team of 1940, better known as the Bowmnanville Rayais. This team gave many a basebail fan an interesting after- noon's entertainment this sum- mer, but not enough of the fans turned out to cover expenses. To offset this deficit the members of the executive are having a draw for war bonds, the tickets for which have been on sale for some trne. The draw will take place this caming Saturday night at 7 p.m. in the council chaniber with Mayor R. 0. Jones drawing the winning tickets. If you haven't already purchased a ticket it's not too late. as thcy loomed in sight cf Uic opposition goal. *The second hall saw the offen- sive in sight oTlhffe qppositian goal. B.H.S. with spectacular for- wards ta Slemon sud Rundle +ak- ing the boys right dcwn thc field. Thcy went as fer as five yards from thc lime but were unable ta push it over, fumbles àgain catch- ing up with them. But net able ta take defeak so easily Gilbert McIlveen rushed througb on thc Oshawa kick, successfully block- ,ed the bal sud feUl on it ta give thc Bowmenville lads their first two points. Once thc boys had tested suc- cess it wes bard +o stop thein, those two points were just like e spark setting off e keg cf dyna- mite. At the end cf Uic third quarter Sid Rundle, for the local lads, nioely intercepted an Oshawa forwerd atid ran 1cr a goad wenty yards befare he was- brought ta earth. This gave thc boys the start they nceded for the final freine. Sevemal successful- bucks again found the B.H.S. team resting under the sbadows of thc appas- ing goal posts, but again +hey failed to have enough push ta get the little aval shaped bail over thc line. However, Sendy Colville somewhet relicved Uie gloomn wbcn hc kickcd a beautiful place- ment square betwecn thc goal posts ta give B.H.S. its final tire Points. The remainder of *he gaine wes spent in Oshawa territorY with ý the local boys threatcnlng at any time ta let lacs. with another, blitzkmcig cf plunges and passes.' The gaine wes officially opcned by Fred Cryderman, chairmnuof Uic Board cf Education, who kicloed the bal +o start thc gaine. Chemring was.handleçl by Uic mcn, af Uic Midland Reixent wbo were divided as ta wbicb teain thcy wcre hoping would wla. A number of Uic men bcing froin Oshawa gave Uic Motor City lads hearty support 0.C.L. - Halves, McLaugblii, Buchanan; Flying Wings, Stein- ski, Slcone; Quarter, Kren*z; Centre, Knowles; Insides, Varcoe. Trew; Middlcs, Andrews, Davies; Ends, Curten and 0OBrien. B.HS. - Centre, Elliatt; In- aides, Denscin, Hutchinson;*mid- dies, Rickard, Casbourn; Ends, Fisher and Powers; Quarter, Tamblyn; Halves, Slenion. Mc- ilveen; Flying Wings,*2 Rundle, Colville; Alternetes, Venton, AI- lin, Undembil. If we would have anything cf1 benefit we must cern it, sud,, eemning il, became shrewd, inven-1 tive, .mgcnious, active, entempris- ing.-Beecher. The chief farward sail undaubtedly Sid Rundlc,i satisficd with catcblag +k labdlled 1or hlm iasisted c ing ia on Oshawà's fi adding a little excitemeni gaine. This lad also knov to do wbea b.e gets Uic s+ead cf doing a Uittle jiti, ing, lie ducks bis bead sui straight thrcugh gaining yard for his teammates. Si.emon, licIlveen and ehl deserve credit for pli hcadsup gaine, settling dc Uic pinches sud et ail tim ing out fighting. Sandy1 deserves special mention. makiag several badl fuini Uic firs4* halflihc really cen his usuel formin th Ui made yards several times One cf Uic bighligbts gaine was Uic lack cf i betweca Uic officiais ar members cf Uic teains. Th sionfltheUicrefere sud t pire, in almost cvcry casi acceped as final. Lieut. Spencer sud Lieut. John were refere sud hcad ir rcspcctively, bioth bclag in tle Midisud Regiment. Ia Uic history cf Uic thece bas neyer beca suc -port, fromin Uic fans asi game. Bath ides of Uic fie: lined with spec+atars root their favorite teain. Anyboi says sport bas 'died, ouI town only aceded ta atte game ta prove that their is cntircly wIong. The seniors have a lay. two wecks wbca Uiey wi bere ageinsî Peterboro. J- naine of Uic opposition is ta give Uic jit+ers ta soini local fans knowlng that n ter what Uic other teams s Peterboro elweys insua tara out one of Uic besf: t Uic league. *This Wednesday Uic junicrs take on Part Hol their firat gaine. Theme yoiu have been taking their1 vcry serious sud il la ta be they pul fhrough with ai The juniors play Cobour week. Ail junior games erg cd Wcdncsday sud Uic gaines an Satardey. Cadmus Bey. F. Jablin, Scugcg gave an intefýesting discou Sunday, basing bis rem&e "And lie was afraid sud1 talent in Uic ceth."1 Glen Gibson bas secured tioan la Toronto. Mr. sud Mmm. Arthsur Wai have moved to Richmcr wherc bie bas a poito Rosclawn Damy Farin. Mms. Wolfe, Mra. Hylar Phlllip Geai of "Dahlia D tumned ta Toronto on Fridi Visitars., Mmm. RichardE Haydcn, la staying wi i ters, Mrs. J. E. Elliott as Mounîjy . . Mr. William sud femiy, Omemee, et Brown's... Mm. sud lirs.]l S. Ellilott, Edenvale, aI Mmi Elllatt's. .. lira. I. Whitfil Russell Brown and Gardan Jack Gibsan's, Coboumg.. and Mrs. Marwood McKe4 James Thompsopansd Mm McKee wlihMms. Ed. Lam 'Yclverton. per was who not he ane's on butt- lorwards it ta the vs what bail in- erbugg- id plows many a Rickard eying a own in ies coin- Colville ý.Altér bles ia ne Up ta lst sud Enniskillen Visilors: Mr. sud Mms. cf Uic Pedler sud Kenncth, Mrs. quarrels Rabm, Burketon, at Y nd Uic Rahi's.. .Mr. sud Mm.]1 [je dcci-. Pascae, Columbus, Mm. ai the um- Geo. Holmes, <nee MabelIR el were AllUn, Miss Annie Allun, Bc Cherlie ville, Mms. C. W. Souch,, * JTames 'ton, with Miss Eve Soucis. nesinen, and Mms. A. Moore, Salini Officers Mrs. Win. 0k.... Mm. an E. Parrétt sud f emily,1 Wcarn sud Donald ait h school Weamn's. . . Mm. ad Mrs.: Uih su:p mon, Toroata,,Dr. ànd Mmi et this. Sheman, Bowinenviile, at eld wcrc Annis'. . . Miss Elsie Oke ting far daylag et Mm. Wesley Oki' >dy who Misses Alice Ashston, Mer la this Mr. Bruce Ashton et Mm. S. end. this Toronto. lhcary Our Uiank-offering servi a decided success. Bey. Cmagg, St. Paul's, Bowmà .Off -for spoke on "Have FaiUhinl in -play Evemyone wes hcld.spellboi aust Uic bis latcresting discourue. enougis choir ccrtainly wes, a crg e Uicth their trainer, 'Mm. George' no mat. as thcy sang Ibm.. flac au are li. Saline people have relis ges to proud of teryuhü eams1 la Thse Wonisu's Associatio et Mrs. Lackey's. Presiden Page conducted Uic busine4 B.H.S. of Uic pragrani, afler whi lpe 1cr group leader, lira. F. Wcrr mngters charge. hIrs. B. Ferguson, practice maville, wbo wes forint ehoped faitblul worker ia aur W.A., Win. on "Mlaking Uic best of hi Uiey are ta-day," espcially -g mcxt garda ta our young people ,e play- Bruce Wood, Toronto, san, senior sweetly a solo "Abide wil Miss- June Ashton played a -solo. A deinty lunch wasE sud a heerty vote cf than] moved ta Mms. Lackey fi haspitality. Missionamy prograin on S Island, marning was given by Uic urse on ladies' clama. Miss Elva 0 irks an gave sorne notes from Uic bld bis ing Classaet Maple Grave. Bruce Wood and Miss Alici a posi.. ton sang a duel, sud Misa Moore gave a mnssionamy r anacott W. wclcomc Mmm. F. Snil d HM Claude ta oum village. The] et Uic bougbt Uic property of th F. Rabbins. id sud Mr. M. Hobbs bas mcve el" me- Uic cottage farmerly own thyeUi latte S. Page. S enon, Mm. T. M. Shemon basj ec s- furnace and beating 'systi id Miss stàled lu bis bouse -and si Brown Our Y. P. M. re opened Russell____________ Hlerbert rs. J. E. Id M,-u -- i et Mm. s. John wson et Purpie Hill The home cf Mms. Fred Taoms was Uic scene of4 pleasant even- Ing on Sept. 27th. Mms. Tains, being the Supeintendent cf Bçth- eh Sunday Scbaol, welcomed Uic girls cf tbe Intermediate clama wlth saine cf their fricada b bher home. Duing an evealng cf gaines and music they presenled their depamllag, teacher, Miss Frances Graainl view cf ber comnlg marrie ge, with an ad- dres ansd ae ction cf silver, including a pair cf candlcstlckm, rellsb dîsis, butter server, condi- ment set sud flower holder lnaa niatchlag design. Miss Do r ias Lambe read Uice ddress wbicb was signcd by Vcmna Gibsan,j LoabMagar en Home, Myrhe Doris Maay, Jen m, Meona Duff, Marie Trlpp, Vemna Coates, Doris Lembe, Dorotby Wollea. If Yeui Child Ras" A NASTY* 4wb Miitii n -boton withV ýVicaVpR b et Rlh wy, apoRub omtowork. -..twowaysatonoe. VapoRub acta on the skia like de w amrlW muiatlng pouile. M tA.sane liet gives off Mcd- chwa vapauroti are breadsed direct lite Irrtated air sugm b IMUs direct, doubl cmti etn- ues ftourImafter restul deep oem. Oàme by asomalg meut of th imley Io gene. _Why rlsk lnceaud discom- in met it Mrs. as part ich Uic y took ýBow- terly a .spake Jnga #j i inre- e.Mrs. Lg vety a piano served, s wfs 'r ber Bunday Syouzig char Coac i- Muriel. ediné. it and ýy bave hc late d into Led >~y a new en in- stre. la thé "WORM OUT" AMD WORRIEI .~ 0 .--M w1 an. Emy teta w Si, m jDodd'sKIdney-PIHII The red, white and black cer- tainly got off ta a good star+, but it sure is lucky thet their opposi- tion wasn't stronger in thc first periad or it migbt have been a different s+ory. The lest hall was definitcly su irrprcvement as saine cf the boys took the gaine more seriously. What amazed most cf thc fans was the fect that lest yeer's jun- iors played almost perfect bell, whle saine cf *he senilors didn't seem to know what it was ail about. A little practice will iran out these ruffles.- Rookie honours go ta Jin Pow. ers, a product cf Orono, who played his first league gaine of rugby sud held down thc posi- tion cf end. He seemed to be la on almost every +ackle, as wel as doing bis part in making the plays click. We. expcct greet things cf this lad. The Oshawa lads were a little weak on making their yardage, gainlag only one first down by thc plunglag method durlag the. whale gaine. Wherees thse B.H.S. lads on several occasions marched right up the field with contin- uous bucks, anly when almost gainlag their objective they were forced to a hait by fumbles. Nestieton Nestleton W. I. met et JobILin's. Pro gram wes ir of Mrs. H. Philp on d Current Events were gi Miss E. Thompson. An was given by Bey. D. M.1 Lunch was served and a vote of thsuks given aIl w. ed with a good meeting.. Nestieton W. A. are lav Mrs. Bruce Hcaslip's at Vi on Octaber 17th. Mr. B. Suggltt is not w, has gone ta stay with hlm A. Suggitt.1 Miss Nora Porteous ise as bookkeeper at Gartons age, Bowmanvlle. Visitors: Mr. L. Wrigt onta, at Mrs. P . Wright's. B. McNafly, Toronto, wit S. Malcolm. . Rev. F. G. ScugogMr. sud NMrs. F. and Buddy, Janetviile, at Joblin's. . . Mr. W. Haw Newcastle, with Mrs. Jai liamson.. . Mr. sud Mrs. A aIl sud family, Madoc, wi G. Johns. Salem "Christiens with aE H-eart" was the subjectc Gardner's fine sermon Suai ternoon, and at the clo sacrement was adininistere lirs. L. Squair cnterta number cf ladies on Wec in honor cf her guest, L, deil, missionary, who sp, the W.M.S. cf St. Paul's or day when several Salem weme in attendence. lirs. sud Miss Durst Smyth, Mrs. sud Miss Mccý ronta, were guests at1 Gaud's. Mrs. C. M. Carruthers tained Mrs. L. Squair aiý Sandel sud several ather ladies Fridey aternoon. Mr. and Mrs. P. Cann an were in Toronto Saturda: sulting à specialist in regs baby's health. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cate Ralph, Toronto, were visi Mr. and Mrs. F. Cator's. Mr. P. White, Toronto, Salemn friends. James Malcoim Hooey Alter a bnifilmeas there pesa- cd pcaccfully ta rest on October 3rd, James M. Hcoey wbo was bora near Bowmanvifle 64 ycars ega, son cf the laIe Wm. M. Hcocy and Margaret Malolin Hoocy, wha with their family nxoved ta Novar in Parry Sound district and wcrc pioneers there. In 1919 Mm. Hoacy, witbhlmi father and sisterMinale, moved to Handel, Sask. Then la 1932 Mm. Hoacy and his siuler rcturmed ta the former Malcolmn farm, Iben oc- çupled by bis uncle, Wm. Mal- colin, Maple Grave, near Bow- manville, where be sud bis sister bave resided ever since. The luneral wam held Saturdey froin Maple Grove United Cburch, with a privale service etthlie bouse, canducted by bis pastor, Bey. W. C. Smniths. Bearera were Messrs. .Alex (Sandy) Lawrle, Cecil Jeffery, Steven Jeffery, Thos. Cohhis, Leo Green and A. Laird Sm. The deceased was a Presbyter- ian until Uic lime cf tb. union. LefIta omoum bhis bs la one is-. tcr, Minnie Hooey, who cared for hlm la bis lest days, and anc niece, Miss Maud Edgerton cf Haileybury. Two mustera prede- ceased hlm, Edith, (Mme. Wm. Ed- gerban) 40 years ega, sud Eliza- beth (Mms. J. E. Woaley) juat anc year ega. Mmm L. Don't Cet Tour ichsarge'F~ a lucation. u~ ieiby Drig ou shees sud boots ine addrcss ù: te have them mnai. over for Stinsan. fan ani winter wear. Wé are Rbearty dlie te bave a lot of dauzi wea- 'ho helP- shes. yeiy 500» uowhy liot be prepared. be »si Fzewlake have theni loue for yen while yen walt or Mf yon i'ell and are flot t» a hurry irbp son Mm. theux t» on, your way te, work and pick theni up on engaged th. Wsay home. î's Gar- rh, o-JOHN LEN4Z [th rs. Shoe ami Harnesa Repaira Jablin, King St- _W.- DOwmanville JobUih wtborne, la W11 fcrin cf a social evening sud A. Nlch- wiencr rcast. Program was la it MrÉ. charge cf, Vice Prcsidcnî Alice Ashtan sud Lorne Rahin. Those - taking part in devational were, Allen Wearn, Lamea Rahin, Ruby McLaughln, and a vocal duel by Mms. B. Wood sud Alice Ashton. Rey. W. Rackham, Hampton, gave Burning a fine address, aller whicb Mm. ail Bey. Bruce Wood, accompanicd an Uic nday af- plana by Mm.. Wood, gave saine ose thc sweeî masic an a saw. Myrtle cd. Page sud COlga Sandermon taak ained a charge cf gaines sud contesta. .desday Hot doga were scrved by Jcsu 1ss San- Burr and Elsie Moore. A gaadly poke to number was la attendance. AUl rThurs- reported a reai good lime. ri ladies t, Mrs. ody, To- Newtonville Mm. H. calner- Visitors: Miss Ruth Turner and Id Miss friend, Cobaurg, et 1M. Lanson rSalem Millson's... Mm. and Mmm. Harold Staples and Grace, Mms. W. C. id bùbe Calvert, and Miss Jean Wade, ay. con- Lindsay, with Mms. J. Wade..- ,rd Uic Mm. and Mmm. Walter Coucb, Or- oaa, with Miss Berthe- Thonipsan. tor sud . . Inspector A. A., Merlin sud itors et f amgly Brighston, Mm. sud Mmm. vstdArthur Bell, Bowmanvillc, sud vildMiss Veina Mallougis, Toronto, et Mm. George Stapletan's Jr.... -. Miss Audrey' Burley, Port Hope, et home. .. Mm. sud Mmm. Bruce Leuty sud son, Part Hope, et Mm. W. C. Lane's. . . Mm. sud Mms. Gardon Smith and daugister, Port 3S. J. Hope, et Mm. Cecil Burlcy's. ... W. H. Mmm. Pymn, Oshawa, with Mms. S. Elerman id Mmm. ROUND TRIP Hap- October 18, 19, 20 a, with BOWMANVILLE to rid lirs. Mm. L. TORONTO------- $1.10 Nfru. A. HAMILTON- -- ----2.05 H. Sic- CHATHAM - - .0 BC. W. GODERICH -- -- --4.85- Mîý IË. OWEN SOUND> - - 4.10 la hdh- PARRY SOUND - 4.85 e's .. -SCRREIBER - - - 17.95 le Oke, SUDBURY - - . - - 1.50 ýMay's, sud many lntermeaiate points 1 Ice was Got»g, Altemnoon snd Eveng A. IR. trains Oc..18, All trains Oct. ianville, 19, Moriila trains Oct. 21 1God." Net Gooçi ou Trains 6 a»i là eund by, -For train service, retuma hinits- Sine oCansuit agents - Procure DodgcrT Wegr, POOL TRAIN SERVICE- i i1t b. Canadiain Canadian t alagers. PaClfc N toa ýassed. R. Jones. .. Misses Fac Jones, Ro- berta and Mfldred Hoskin wlth Myrs. Ivison Taniblyn, Orono. .. . Miss E. Rowland, Newcastle, wlth Mrs. Cecil Burley. . .. Mr. and Mrs. Cleland Lane, Billy and Gloria, in Torônito.. -Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Barrie and Murray at Mr. W. A. Wrihts, Ennikillen. .. Mr. and rsDaey, Toronto, with Mrs. Rutherford... Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Whittaker and f argly, Hamnilton, with Mrs. Wm. WhIttaker. . . Mrs. Abbie Pethick, Mr. and Mrs. Cl- ford Hilton, Toronto, ut Mr. Bruce Whitney's. .. Mr. sud Mrs. Ken. Somerville and TMrs. Fred Moore, Castleton, at Mr. J. Stark's. Sale of the late Eb. Stapleton's cffects was quite successful. E. Wilbur was auctioncér. Bey. and Mrs. J. McLachlan and Misses Helen Couch, Margaret Deneuit, Mary Deneult, Isabel Bruce and Marian Bruce attend- ed the Bay of Quinte conference and banquet at Oshawa. Lloyd Clysdale assisted in Bur- ley's Garage lest week. Spencer Burley has purchesed Chester Pethick's property here. Octaber lst the W.M.S. of the United Church met whcn they en- tertained members, cf the Baby Band with their mothers. Miss Laing, the president, conducted a short business session.* Mrs. L. Savery took chargeof the pro- gram: Recitation, Leureen Me- Cullough; sang by seven srheil girls; recitation, Dorothy Staple- ton; readings, Mrs. McCullough, Ilrs. W. Jones sud Mrs. Morris; solo, Mrs. A. Redknapp; cancer- tina solo, Merian Bruce; piano solo, Fac Joncs. A social time was spent when ice creem and cake were served. Starkville Service at Shioh next Sunday at 2.30 p.m., Shiloh W. A. met at Mrs. H. E. Hancock's in Oshawa on Tuesday when an enjoyable afternoon, was spent. Visitors: Mrs. S. G. Hallowel sud Miss Norma Hailoweil motor- ed to Toronto.'. . Lavern Fîrrow has been in Bethany. . . Mrs. Ross Hailoweil at E. White's, Eliza- bethviile. . . Miss Marion Farrow, Toronto, at home. . . The Formes- ters from West Port visited at A. Dobson's. . . Miss Berthe Hallo- weil, Toronto, with Mrs. Jacob Hallowefl. Mr. Hailowell return- ed home froin the city with hem. McKay's. . . Mr. sud Mrs. Amn- brase Robinson at Mm. Bert Trim's. . - Miss Helen Moore àt Mrs. Rusk's, Port Hope. . . Mir. and Mrs. Davies, Toronto, lirs. Wm. Rutherford, Newtonville, at Mrs. Jacob Hafloweil's... . m. Thos. McMuilen, Mrs. A. R. Cou- sins, Toronto, sud Mrs. D. F. Camemon, Belleville, et Mr. Wm. Savery's. Suits - Dresses m 2fr $LOO Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning ~ ColpnLlle Phone 419 W. Cali Fer aud DeliVer ADD TO YOUR. S MARTNESS UnANew WINTER> We are showing an - except- îaiyfine range of fal sud wilrcoats. Ail ases, colors and styles for you la choose from. Corne in .ý and choose yours flow. bleds Overcoats and Swits W. have just reeived ail our new fal coating and suit. iflg sanples. We Vill b. pleaaed lo have you corne in ' and look Umee vr. Evet-y garment made to fit you and yox -alone.ý Our ready.,to-wear departmient is aloo Wefl equipped to lies, underwer, etc. CURTAINqS Elake your room hbav, a new appearance. Put up *tresh new ourtains purohased froni our plentiful stock. Readyrnade aur- tns bythe par -r ourtain maleww by thle yard. CGuch, Johoston & Iryde rman, Lt.- ]Phone 836 Bowmanvmfe The iones Touagiteus Speak Up: "W. have lb. uarleat moter in 1he whole world-uh&e alwayg gives us a big drink of milk and sandwich whn wo corne home from sehool." Try GMen lmc Wblpping Oream, Chocolat, 5111k, and Butterrnilk. AUl Qualily Healtb prduos. Glen'Rae Dairy- Phone 266 BowmsaVIlle m AiU of the essentials of a perfect fuel ore found In Yfu gel dependB" IUiy, ooufort and convenience. That's wby so Many otlzepsYea mter year Insist on Blue Coal No <ether coal safl u esthouz. Ao the national war effort demande on trana- P*eMst atIon 5.111. IeesS, rush og criera will beime' more ilfticut; thoeteore housoholders aboui Bot torget the experlence of ltaIwinter aMd %.»their coal bina tfMed. la other wrds osier te-day. Limitei Supply of Scotch snd Welah Coal on baud AOAW~BUGGEST YOU «UCT IN TOUR WWTUR'O 0VLY OF FUEL F.ALY - PHONE 715 ShePppa*&GilLumber Co. Lt. "Favourite Melodie , Beautzfully Praentge1 CANADA'S. OUTSTAN1DING, SUNDAY PROGRAM LIPTON TEA MUSICALE RE.URS TO THE\ AIR Be' ure ta llto athlidelightfllprogram, etrg nme of Canadlals most notedmuil EVERY SUN.DAY .. 6.15 P.M.' I DRY CLEANING THAT SATISFIE.SI EnniskIlIen Old Boy ýHon.r.don SBfthday <Whitby Gazette-Chronicle) September 16th merked Uie birlhday cf ome cf Wbitby's wdll- known sud csteemed citizens, Frank* G. Rogers. Mm. Rogers celcbrated bis eigbtieth suniver- sary on Sunday cvcning wben he was escorted ta Uic banquet hall cf tise Royal Hotel wherc a sur- prise bimthday party was tendered hlm. Thse eveal was most enjay- able and was ettended by more than a score cf close friendsand relatives, anl af whom were well- wishers. Guesta were pr esen t frani Toronto, Hampton, Hemn- ony, Oshawa sud Wbitby. Ordin- arily Uic celebration would bave« been held on Manday evcning but it would not have beca possible for ail ta bave atlcndcd. For racarly a quarter cf a cen- tury Mm. Rogers bas been a f amil- 1er figure la Whitby sud district public ice, baving scrved for msuy years as balliff,, also' as court crier, at tbe county build- ings. Froin these positions b. me- tired on Saturday night, althaugb he is still very active sud mterest- ed la Uic public wclfare of Uic town sud district. Tise banquet was organized by Mrm. Fred Drew, bis youagest daughtcr, and other bro'thers sud mislers of Uic family. One cf the higbligbts cf Uic catir. arrange- ments was the buge birthdey cake whicb decorated thc centre of Uic table, wbile candles were arrang- cd la sucb a manncr as to forin Uic figures cighîy. Mr,. -Rogers was presented with e purse cf money as a reminder that be had many friends wbo wisb for him maay happy retumais cf Uic day. Obituary mumw 1 PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIRIO TRURSDAY, OCTOBM 10, 1040 Cots- 75ç'Eàch

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