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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Oct 1940, p. 7

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THUL~ DAY, OCTOBER 10, 1940 '~MZ CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANV'ILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN Social and,'Personal ~ 1 / Phone 40rle JenWilson is ill. jis Beamsh is ill. i m.Forrester and son were of Mr. R. A. Forrester. s. Manning and famlly ha've moved to Toronto. MUen tarred the roads home on Tuesday morning. Min. Geo. Seymour is visitlng hem sister, Mrs. Wmn. Seymour. - Èalph Thompson is wcrking ini Toronto. Roy Wmnter and Ken Neale have secured jobs in Oshawa. Mrs. J. R. Cooper is judging at Roseneath fair. The sodiers stuged a route n1;4rch October 2nd. LOOS WANTED Basswood - Elm Beech 2nd Growth liard Maple Apply The Oakville Basket CÔMPANY, LMD Oakvle - ont. FRETFU LNESS 15 BABYS CALL FOR HILP FReTFLM eSS fa ot mtua.t aig of trobl. A wamimg iarabwlh you muat qulckly resWod. Read how Mi.Cos ichl ea's ««I have found Bay's OwuTàbes=0hIf hý r t twhen m baby gels irrtable anduse.Igv hlm00eatNo abetsanad lu a short lh. la~~ ~ ~~ eleeanaee so aouadly." And Mms=SeItMcahr ys=en mybaby soa sinbf ee o rtlai. tehrE'Own Tabieta which change her croup, cld,rcntiepatteethIng troubles sumnI r -'asiai t sdsmpeLr. F fQuik, sureand sale lu thefr action. Pre. rmOPiates and atupefglg juga An and- I~~~~~~~ t'crica.leerlI. taotoday. ,*Its3eLcents. Clears, CLOGGED DRAINS B C=Imm it cuts might thrSug B logiatitrt, RetsL t hm*dyaway-for clcaring Mut .... fS ouring pots and ~..f& ~mwwm yohrevoy- ayhoSmhold tamisa Nuv.v l Mt# I W faShtég-Toe.2* « tfwa 10 Omo fn< FM » Oxtu'T 'h Gue tL the cir&-tê îo« n<oemadof tta". Umdfea ire=rAve, mi Libeti'Ite To nte.Oi guest of W. E. Davey. Mrs. H. Flintoff is working at Breslln'b. Mrs. G. Mercer, Toronto, visit- ed friends here. Mr. Ern Gibson, Oshawa, was guest of Mr. John Gibson S. Six hundred guns wero regist- ered by the clerk cf Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. Keats have e- turned to Toraonto. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lorriman, Toronto, vlsited here. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dean attend- ed Markham Fair last week. .Ken Hall visited his father, W. J.Hall. Maynard Clougi was home on leave. W. C. Lynch, Camp Borden, was home for the weekend. Numerous Oronoites ef t Wed- nesday for a month's training ina the army. Rev. S. Littlewood was anni- versary speaker at Bailieboro on Sundayv Mr; J. J. Me~~lor was thunk- offoring service speaker at Ken- dul Sunday. Tic Library has receiv.ed an- other donation cf bocks, tuis tume from Mm. T. Cowan. M. and Mm. Ransberry and Uhrce ciildren, Montreal, visitcd Mr. F. Duncan. Mr. T. M. McLdlian, Tomante, i5 substituting for Mr. A. A. Drum- mend ut tic bunk. Mr. and Mm. Henry Yonkem and Fred, Preston, visited rela- tives here. M. and Mms. S. Biddlecemh and daugiters Doris and Carol, Toronto, visited ut Mm. A. Saun- ders'. Several citizons witnessed Uic result cf bad accident t Pres- tonville Sunday, alse a humn huma- ing t aratier place. A raumber cf aur yeung people atteraded tic Oshawa Presbytery Bay cf Quinte cenfemonce -fer Young Pccplc's Unions ut Oshuwa. M. and Mms. M. Harrison mcv- ed te Bowmanvllle te hegin their work t B.T.S. They wlfl ho muci missed ira tiecocmmunaty. Mr. and Mm. Kemietu Fralick and daugiter Ruhy, Tomante, visited Mmm. L. Fralick and Miss M. Davy. Officiai Board cf Park St. Churci met Friday evonihg. Tic departure cf M. Wyven Reid was speken cf witu regret. Next Monday is Thanksgivinge Day. Tiat week the mail will close on Monday, with ne mail in or eut, and on Wedraesday ut 12.15 with mail bath la and eut but thc. *wckets clased froni 12.15 an. Durhami Contral,,, Agicultural Socety executive met Friday ov- enlag -and, stmaightened up faim matters. TI4ey repart tic best faim fer sanie yeams and appreciate thc froc help extended. Duing Uic stanm Sunday a transformer, was blown out t Rowland. SmiUi's, norti ward. Boti long distance limes were alse out cf commission and cuils had te be put timougi via Clarke.* Boy. M. Bowland, Fraserville, was uccompanied ta Omene Sun- luy by uis motier, who was for- merly Ilu Musgreve, formerly cf Orone. wiose father an tic Or- onc Mill. Mm. Brown, a widew froni Newcastle, moves Uhs week into +hc heuse formerly occupled hy Mr. and Mrs. Ted Weadyard Who are now living in tic Martin Lin- ton icuse. Chuniher cf Commerce mot Menday evcning with a slii at- tendance. NohiIng wlll ever ho accomplished if citizeas stay home or Just go to Uic meetings to kraock overythlng that Je mid or donc. Bey. Morgan Rowland, Fraser- ville, accup led Park St. pulpt Suaday and gave twi) thoughtfül sermons. At thc monn service aquartette comprlsedod i us Logan, Smith, Porter an&' Taylor sag a selection. At Uic evening srie a quartette cpmPrsed of Mesdames A. A. Dummand and J. Rchardson and Mesrs. Lagan and Sutton gave two selectiaras. St. Suvieur'. Churci, heauti- fuiy decorated for Uic occasion with vegitables, rumereus bou- quets oifowers, flugs, and a ban- ner "lThe'll Always Be An Eng- land", was Uic scene Sunday cf thc annual Hamvest Home service. Bey. Ralpi Adye, Wultby, proaci- cd a meust . interesting sermon on "Wilbe thep arti remaineti seed- time and hamvest . . shah nat ceuse." Un. Mary Phasey con- tributed a sweetly rendered vocal solo. Under thc able canvenersilp cf Mm. Wnm. Armnstronag thc Red Cross ield a dellghtful five inn- dmcd Party ut thc Orange Hall on Frlday evening. Follawlng thc gantes a lunch was' ervred, mter whlch Mr. Armstrong announc- cd tic prize wiinncms and prescrt- cd primes us follows: Men'm high, Robert Glaraville (ara idertifîca- tien falder); men's lew, Charles Shaw (a pendi); ladies' higi, Mns. Robert Glanville <a plate); ladies' bow, Elsie Bawe (a pencil). Seven tables were i pragress. Orano Bed Cross met Tiursduy evenig, wlth Mmn. J. - J. Melon ira charge. Reports were recelved- showing Uiat crac spindie cf wool had huera baught, and that so0 fox aver $600 had becra recelvoci ,n thc diive. Two quilts were belng anltl d were admimed hy tic ladies. A letter was rcad regard- lng tic nced cf efugec' clothing. t wus declded tha1t tue reedLs specifled waubd ho suppbied if ut ahi possible. Mm. J. Armstrong was put ira charge of an ufterneen tea te he ield on tue regular womk romday (Thursday) cf next News Breakfast FRESH BACONFOOD, ROAST PORK Llbby's Tomato Juil0. un10 Quaker Corna Flakes 3 for 21O Nabisco- Shredded Wheat -223 Phonoe A I E 73rl C.]RCÉit - - - OIRONO . Donald, resident 'of Orono for 22" years and a 11e-long member cf thc United Churci. Born in Wel- lington Julyti, 72 yeurs ugo, he came te Oreno 22 years ago as manager cf tic Caniing factomy. Thc contre cf deceused'm 1f o wus uis fime and f amily and ho prov- od aise te ho a kind, good neigi. bar. Surviving ta >mourra is boss are is widow and one daugiter Vema <Mm. 0. W. Bolpi) cf Or- crac, and crac broUher Hirmn. Tic funcral service wus held Friday at Uic hause, Boy. S. Littlewocd officiuting. Intermont wus ina Or- cao Cemetery. In ast issue wo menticned that Women's Institute ladies met on Wednesday and pnepared for jani making, etc., whici was te take place on Tiursday. More dona- tions piled i se the ladies had te womk Satuqday.' 0f thc thmee ai- terneens' womk tue resuits are: 50 lbs. of pluni jam and 18 quarts of frbif 'fl thé Pot Hope mielter and 68 four-pound tins cf jani for aversoas. Seven cf thc ladies wcrked Uic whole thmee mter- nofnand Mms..J. Thickson, Dist. Pos., oBwmanville, wus pro- sent two days ta 'direct. Amrong the most important donations wero 22 baskets cf plums frcm F. B. Lovekin, and tic use of thc truck given hy Jini Tumblyn. Other ladies cortributed work part tiie.arad aise smablea' dona- tiens cf fruit were received for whici tic Institute i5 grateful. PARK ST. W.M.S. THANK-OFFERING Omono Park St. S. S., heautifubby decerated witi colered autuman beaves,1 fruit and flowers, was Uic scene ai tue W.M.S. Tiank-offer- ing service Tuesday afternoen. Newcustle and Kirhy ladies were gueste and Dm. Margaret Addison was guest speaker. Miss.M. Davy welcomed thc visitons ahd con- ducted thc worsiip perlod. Mm. H. Alli and Mm. C. CarvetU, Newcastle, iavered wltu a vocal duot. Bey. S . Llttlewood spoke on thc rlghteeusraess and holines ai God. Mesdames A. A.,Dru.r- mend, S. Llttlewecd anad R. Smith, Orano, wlithMrs., X. H. Brownaut the plana, favomed with a vocal. trie. Dr. Addison in hem message mentlened tiat mie believed hem motuer estabisied the fimst W. M.S. ira Orono about 1885. Sic *spoke cf Uic condition cf tic world,, which sic blamed on tic fact tiat we had hast God. Sic stresscd thc need cf study, cf e- veabirag what Christ was ike, and cf missicons. Miss H. Maman, New- castbe, favored witu a vocal solo, mter whlci Mm. Honoy expremsed appreciatiora for thc message glv- on by Dr. Addison. Lunch was servcd. PARK ST. UNION Union meeting Menday evcnlng was in charge cf Roy Berry anad Elaie Rawe, the latter presdn Scrîptume was read by NeilW and Uic tapic "Canalaism' wa ahhy given hy Mervyra Keano. Tic main feature was tueers- once of Scoutm1aster J. J. Melor and is assistants, John Gady and Ronald Patterson, wltu tic Scouts wio povided part cf tue pmogam. Fol'owing a few werds froni Mm. Mellor, tic Scouts forai- cd a semi-ciitcho ut thc front cf tic mccn i wtu Howard Myles anad Glen Tamblyni being flag-bearers. Te investiture cf Archie McLar- on took place, wiUi Mm. Meler giving hlm werds cf congratula- tions -and advlcc, Rosi Patterson placlng on tic scari, John GradY tic hat, and Donald Staples Uic shoulder kraot. *Folowlng tue al- utc o e ctnoep by tue new Scout and the salute te tic new Scout by tic troep, laiceysun gtwonegre spirituals and aIma 'l herell al- ways ho an E!ngland," tic whole gatiering unltlng Ira sigirag tic btter. It was decided te have a meet- ing Monda y evenlng Ira spîte cf it heing. Thanksgivig. Misses McDowell and Smith led ira tic gaies. Phone 78rl HAPPENINGS Fr.m Thse Orono News of October 11, 1917 Onq cf the most deightful lit- tle dramas, "Willowdale Farm' whlch Orano has been privileged te sec took place Fair night. Thc play was a great success and showed what a few amateurs with a Uttie practice can accomplish. Cast cf ciaz:acters included: Miss Marlon Waddell, Miss Wilisan, Milton Staples, Albert Marton, C4rl Billings, Miss Moffatt, Victor Stuart, R. H. Brown, Bruce Wad- doll, Miss Eva Mitchell, Charles Cooper and Miss Mary Reid. Thc play was a great success and well received by the audience, show- ent at pepular prices., Proceeds amounted ta over $200.00. "I'LL WIN' YOU PRAISE FOR YOUR i TASTY 1 ep on ey D.Cae's FRIENDS HONOR BRIDE-TO-BE A) O 5T Miss Mary Tamblyn, bride-to- NI#P YO(/ I Oi ho, was honored ut a shower Mon- day evcning in the Orange Hall, CO'NPOLM wien around 50 cf her friends gathered te extend to her gifts and best wisies. The hall was boautifully decoratod with color- cd leaves, baskets cf gladioli and other flowers. Cards were played until Mary arrived, upan whici Uic gathering came te order while D ALS Mrs. Stanley Payne read an ad- dress signcd by Mrs. C. Knox, Mrs. D. Jeffries and Mrs. S. Payne. Mmm. Jeffries removed a cloth and dlspluyed the gifts - a beautiful drop-leaf table and a hostess tray. Tic sînging cf "for she's a joliy ' ccd fellow" was followed by a 0eW words cf appreciation from tic surprîsed recipient. Severul piano solos were rendered by Mrs. Everott Brown. Prize for high score was won by Mrs. J. J. Cor- nisi and for low by Mmm. Victor Hancock. The evening concluded wlth a sumptucus repast cf sand- wiches, cake and coffec. TownshipCouncilfa At CLARKE COUNCIL Pa <Crowded eut hast week) Clarke Council met Octobor lst with all present. Letter conccrning hospital mat- tors from Port Hope was ordcrcd filed. Letter froin Dept. cf Municipal Aff airs rogarding cutting dewrn relief èosts was referred te the treasurer. C. A. Pointera, Provincial En- gincer, discussed the railway crossing situation in the souti end of the tewnship. This was refer- mcd te tho Read Supt. who stil dlaims ho is unable te get tic neccssary help. They aise dealt witi tic Farrow1 ditch wien Thomas Simpson ad-i dressed tho council rogarding it.i Mr. Simipson wishod tic matter te bo settled and the ceuncil was qulte willing te co-operate. W. Farrow did net secis way cloar te agrec. Council agreed te thc award made by tic ongineor. 1 Tic matter cf sclecting jurors was brougit up by tic clerk and action was erdered te bo taken by tic proper officers. It was agreed te purchase a new f hag for tic flag staff cf tic town hall. Orono sidewalk snow cloaning by-law was approved. Owing te Uie fact that tic clerk iad ne more use fer it, tic phono ira tic town hall was ordcrcd me-1 moved. C. F. Awde made uis report before turing in Uic tax ol whici was us follows: Total taxes and penalties collectable, $54,3 17.- 40; total cellected, $48,042.20; tax- es net collected, $4,621.66. Theic reeve granted uis order on tic îtreagurer for $325.00 i ful com- pensation for Mm. Awde's er- ce.Tax Cdllectom's bond of $3000d was ronewed for anotlier year. These bls were ordored pald: Dean'sBakery, supplies _$ 4.48 J. J. Meilor, Oct. salary- 50.00 Mrs. E. J. Randail, R. vs F. Oct. payment---------32.00 P. A. Blackburn, Oshawa relief charge back _ 2.26 E. L. MacNachtan, 50l% mtco. hopital patients_ 36.76 M. A. Carleton, painting tewn hall dlock 5.40 Lunn's Hdwo., material for painting ----------------- 2.75 Orono Meut Market, sup.-. 39.00 Orono Times, printing ---22.50 C. G. Armstrong, supplies_ 17.20 C. J. Allen, 2 trips valuator 5.00 Cecil Glass, 1 sheep killod 8.00 A. J. Souci, 2 sheep kllled 17.50 W. E. Davey, B.O.H. -- 2.25 R. H. Wood, care tewn hall 12.55 A. E* Wilson bond enewal 22.50 Mms. J. Clycfesdale, suppl's 12.08 Orone Phone Ce., tolls... 4.96 oaud Voucher --- 555.31 Council adjeurned te meet on November 5th. B. ASHTON-WOLFE ES BACKI "Tic Case cf Uic Clawingg DeaUi", is tic fimst article in a new serles cf remarkable mys- tories cf crime teld by H. Ashton- Wolfe, master-d eteet iv e who holpcd unravel tiem whera he was an asseciate of thc fumous Frenchi Sureto, appeurs ira Tic Americaa Weekly, tic great weekly maga- zine, .witi tic October 13 issue cf Tic Detroit Suinday Times. 41-1 Eyesight Education And Efficiency C. H.Tuc k Optometriat Rym9iht Spocialist Disney fDhdg. (opp. P. 0.) Oshawa Number 146 Were ycu ever advlsed to woar tinted brases? You can eadily sec Uiat it is wise te remomber tic advice tuat is given you wien your glasses wero last flttod. If you forget or ovombook Uhs advice, you may expoct only a partial correction. Learn to kaow when they shculd bo wemn as a means of. prevontion ratier Uian tç put Uiem on te relieve a feeling cf discomfort whlch muy be due te your own raeglcct. It is much casier ta wear glass- es when they are becomlng and comfortably fitted. If therofome, any cf these thinga affect you sec your Optometrist at an early date and have ioap poperly f ltted for you. Next week it as my inten- tioný ta explai somcthing cf a Ions partially occupational as well as corrective asu it qppliesitaM*hc NEWSPAPER UN THE COMMUNITY (Contlnued from page 3) Watchdog of Communtty Earlier I referred te the news- paper as the watchdog of the com- munity. I think that is a true1 statement. Where newspapors are weak, thete is olten notorious corruption, and when you read of1 gangsters contrclling great Amer-1 can cities, you rnay be sure it is because the newspaper wasn't on the job, or the editor-hadn't the intestinal fortitude of a mouse. In nearly every» instance where corruption has been cleaned up inj great cities; it has been accomp-1 lished by the spotlight of inforin- cd newspaper publicity, 'arousing the citizens to a determination to rid themisclves of these treacher- ous barnacles which dling se ten-1 aciously to their ship of state. Many of the services rendered by the newspaper are done with- out remuneratien.. Newspapers have only one thing to son andq that is advertising space. I won- der how many professions or business mon give as freely of what they have to sen as doos the nowspaper. I don't want to paint such a glowing picture of the newspaper- man that you would thirak we could do no wrcng. We do make mistakes -whlch only 'serves te emphasize the point I have been making that wo are very human. Dactors make their iliistakes too, and bury them. We have to par- ade ours before the public where ail may sec them. Some TyPogrphical Ermors Many cf our mistakos are due te, typographical errors. T her e was ano irn an Amelican news- paper which nearly brought on a label action when a birth notice and a plumber's advertlsement got mixed and read: "Born, to Mr. and Mlrs. William K. Brown, a son, with hot wator attachments." Then there was that badly word- ed one that àppearod ina The1 Statesnaan years ago: "The ladies4 of St. Paul's Church have cast offi clothing. Thoy rnay be seen in the basement of thse church on Saturday." Most of you recail the days of rival oditors ln the community, and how they used to scrap i their editorial columns and turn up their noses at oach other If they met on the streets. Two such editors had quarrelled for years and thon one died and the other sought ta make anaends by pub- lishing a fine obituary cf his de- parted contemporary. Unfortun- ately the story got mixed Up with anotier cf a fîre and réad like tuis: "Wien the beautiful casket was loworcd into its last resting place, lurid flames shot skyward."~ A Fficndly Visitor jI arn a friendly visitcr. You'lb find me constantly ut yeur rigit hand, week aftem weck, ut yeur fireside, on your porci swing, or ut your breakfast table. I have character, and evon when I hurt you, I know yeu would net have me spinehess. ,I prevido you with special cvic service."I support ta the lust drop of ink your charities, Rcd Cross drives, sciocis, churches, and service clubs. Yes - I assist ina the building cf community character. "'Tirougi udvertising I pro- mete your trude, move your coi- modities, advarace your living standards. I am a bit basiful about menticning tieso Uliings, but I want you te rest assumcd I amn yeur friend. I amn tie Cana- dian home tewra newspaper, and witiout me, your liborties woubd varisi." Spontaneous applause felowed tuis emakably informative ad- dress. Mm. Motbock dlmplayed unusual ability in handiing tic bni notes whici are se necossur- ily a part cf a subject se deep and wldc. Tiere was nover a pause for thc igit word and telbirig phrase and is humorcus inter- ludes welh balanced tic subject matter. Net onby i5 he an able journalist; he is an cqualby able onater. Botariar a Dve Morrison moved a icarty and appreciative vote cf thanks. Hamcly Associations But it's time to get back te more seicus things. In these duys cf rapid transportation, motion pictures andt other means cf bringing peopîe cf the world clos- or together, there is a definite tendency for individual persons to become so ahsorbed with af- faims cf remote cities and nations, that they overlook tic importance cf affairs wiich truly affect them more intimately and immediately. This is a natural tendency, but net one whici makes for richer assocatian with one's own neigh- bors, the people he meots on the streets cf his homo tcwn, the man who lives across' tielune, or tic fellow who serves witi hlm on his service club cemmitteo. These primary and homely associations are a full and happy life's first essential. It is this feeling cf unity, Com- mon te all who live ina it, that makes a community what it is ru-. ther than a more localization cf humanity. And it is tic office cf the weekly ncwspaper which helps te preserve tiat unity, to nurture it and te brauden its scope. It is tic weekly ncwspapor whîci puts the tirob lite the heurt cf the town. In what I have suid te you this aftemnoon I have strivon te givo you a glimpse cf Uic mest intang- ible thing about a newspaper, its soul. Most assuredly the nows- paper has a seul, and that is what makes it the important asset it la in tic community. Definition of a NewsPaper If tic newspaper ,aIo had a volco, and could speak for ltself, I think it would descrihe - itsolf something in thUs mannor: 'II arn Uic guarantee of Uic Ca- nadian way cf 111e, the way cf liberty, the way cf equal eppýOr- tunity, the way of froc entorprise, tic divine way and Uic truc way for national well-being and up- ward advancement. "Weekly I go into your home, in wintcr and summor, in spmmng and fall. I chronicle your birth, your marriage, your death, and the intorvcning cvonts wh]ich moan for joy and sorrow, depros- sion and exaltation, health and pestilence, povorty and wealth, woakness and strength. "Freeborn am I, and true te My heritage. I am nont the subservient carrier cf propaganda whici on- abled Hitler te become tic mas- ter cf Germany, nom am I the complacont press than contribut-, rd te Fr anco's donall. 1 L001K buT FOR YOUR &MER' EIIIITUAUIVESC" Bf orII YIu IsueJ a eul One of te W rdsGo -ieIsrne Business irectory Legal M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Bowmanville W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario L. C. MASON, B.A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail its branches Office immediately east of Royal Theatre Phones: Office 688; Home 553 Dental DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Col- lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg., Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, except Sunday Phono 790 - House phone 883 X-Ray Equipment in Office DR. R. 0. DIICKSON (Toronto) and Newcastle, Ont. Over Langmnan's Store, Newcastle. Office hours: Saturday only, 9 a.m. bo 9 p.m. Funeral Directors IUNERRAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day F. IF. Morris C.. Mloderm Motor Equipment, Amn- bulance -and Invalid Car. Tele- phono 480 or 734, Assistant 573. Auctioneer ELMR WILBUR Llcensed Auctioneer imaapton - Ontario Speclalizing ini Fartn, Livestock, Iniplementa .and Furniture Sales TERMS MODERATE Phone for Terms and Date to: Bowrhanville .2428 ENTERTAINER Secure IRALPU GORDON, the wonderfully versatile e a t e r- tainer, for your next entertain- ment. Dlustrated cireular free. -Address 628b Crawford Street, Toronto ýZEBRA LIQUID -o-r PASTE STOVE POLISFi PAGE SEVEN 'IME CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIT-I , ONTARIO Tgtnt6D,&Y, OCTOBER 10, 1940

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