op Wilth Whlch Are Incorporated The Bowmanvllle News, The Newcaitle Independent, And The Orono News NMER4 VOLUME 86. ROWMA MXTTT T .ý' ()w rP TTP-ql A TIRnT Goodyear Work.u Iscuis ~hop Conditions, aiWge mient ttees Elected Workers Meet In Town HaII-4lear Organizer TeNU Benefits of Union. "It is an ofiencc for any eu. Ployer or agent wrougiully and ,Y thout legal Sutiority ta refuse cmploy or dismiss from eni. *oymcnt any persan becauseo c 'Lis mrnbership Mn a lawlu-1 trade union or ta use intimidation tu provent s warkman frornibcloug- Mng ta a trade union or ta couspfre witi other employees ta do itie. ai such acts.") Accordiug toas leailet dirculated lu taoyn uudcr tue auspices ai the United Rubber Workers af Am, crics, thc' above is an official pranauncemoent ,aiftic Fedemal govemumneut. Empiasis was placcd upon ti by J. MacKenzie, district repre- scutative of tic abave organisa. tian, iu a very able address t< Goqdyesr wakcrs Who assemblcc lu tue towu hall Suuday siter. naon. Preliminary womk had been doue sud a prior' meeting lied taken Place at Oshawa s weh ago. Tic main hall on Suhday was filled witi several iundrcd wark. crs who paid ducs as thcy filed lu. The galery was reserved for tawnspcople and was camnfartably fîled. Thc meeting wass ntimely open. Tic wliole audience was attentive sud most. orderly. Tic meeting opencd with tic Nation 1 Antiem sud tien Mr. MacKcnzle 'prôccedcd iglit ta business. Ho cxpl'aincd that visi- tors frorn Kitchener 'ard other Points were expccted wlio wauld speak froni thcir experience as members ai trade .unions. On behai f aithc Goodyear cm- ployecs lie thanked Mayor R. O. Joues sud tic Council 'for tic privilcgc and honor af having W use ai thc tawn hall. 4]Wr MacKenzie dlsplayed a pléasing piatiorrn manuer sud stated thc case for s Union lu s strslghtforwsrd, bus i nessik e manner. HRe- sald: "For thc pust few 'weeks wc have condùttW5"rjI ivss aniong tue cmplayees, selç- 'i ng two main things. (1) better wamking conditions, (2) btter wag.es."1 His whale argument cefntred around tues. objectives. Tic reason for an open meeting was that tue public mgit camne sud sec that ail praceedings werc conductcd in au omdcly, democra-1 tic, legal way. Iu empliasiziug that. tue propos- ed Union would be coufrollcd by tic cmployecs tiemseives, Mr. MacKeuzie quatcd from gavemu-i nment statements that "'Employees througli tic officers ai their 'trade union should be .iree ta negotiatec with employers concerning ratesi MANAGEMENT SILENT "I have uatiing ta say" was thc comment af A. M. Hardy, Superinteudent ai tic local Good- year plant, wieu a Statesman IMeporter calced ta interview hlm on Mouday,, in regard ta thc meetings af cmplayees on Satur- day nigit sud ou Suuday lu tic tawn hall. It was urgcd tiat certain vcry grave allegations iad been made about thc management, publicly, at tic Sundsy meeting which ougit ta becocaceded or dcuied; that tic public require ai tue1 press the ucws ai local happeq- ings. Ail ai wiich çlicited mrcrcy tic abovo stàtment, "I have notiing ta ssy." of psy, haurs ai labor sud' womk- 'u ig conditions with a view ta tic - cnclusion ai a collective bargain- -mg agreemout."1 Oneofaitic telliug points brougit out amoug many statements ai grievances brauglit ta uis atten- tion Was tue assertion tiat girl cmployccs in 'tic local plant mc- ccivcd su appraxirnate 20e an hour whie tioseIM tic Kitchener Rubbcr Womkcms Union eceivcd an average ai 33e or better. , Thc rate paid icre was statcd ta be around $10 a wcck whici is bclow tic legal minimum wagc laws and as suici was flagrant violation ai tic law. Mr. MacKenzie callcd attention ta tic attempt lu 1937 ta form s union heme sud said: "At tiat timc tic niavernent was deieatcd1 because the compauy gave an lu- crease ai 5c su haur sud whcn tic mavemeut dicd ti raise was dut i ta tic 6Id rate. On tic atier haricl, under tic Kitchener Rub- bcr Workems Union therc were no cuts sud to-day their rates are up 14e over tic 1937. scalc. Many of is unchaflengcd aIle- gations as ta speciiic instances ai industrial indiffereccoasd ne-i glect brauglit astardshed asidest irarn tuose lu tic gsilery. .c Proceedlng ta nmunation oai temporary committees Mr. Mac- ýuiud: "^IWe, are dàlng sl- ply what we are cntitlcçI ta, doc under Federal laws."1 Ho tien called upon Mr. Cot-1 treile ai tue Taranto Stcclwarkerst Union ta take tue chair sud cou- duct tup bailoting. Ciairmen ai temparary canmmittccs were elect- cd fram oaci ai tic 8 or 9 de- partmcunts Mn tue local plant wia will carry Qu untîl permaneut ai-F ficers are' clectcd.t It is planued ta open commit-E cee moinis on King street sud that I a clased meeting will be held ucxt C Sunday ta 'futher tic movernt. t Thc two sud s isîf hour sessiond closed, witu "Therc'Il Always ' be 0 au Euigland." a Presideat HNora -on Brtday Five Attendau'ce Pins Presented Reasons advanced for tic im- motives and effort lu tue.matti partance cf keepiug up weckly ai attendance. attendance at the Rotary Club ran Twa Oshawa Rotarlans, Russel thc ganiut irorn - "they came ta Welr and Jack Yaung, set a gooý sec who is winnlng an the bowl- example ta . tue local boys sinct ing scores" ta "1wc prize the tcl- they were here for the purposi lowship found at the meetings." ai making up their attendanc. Five plus we prescntcd ta Mr. Youg spoke brlefly campli niembers in- token of unbroken mcnting th club on the cxccj. atteindance records, longest of tionally fine friendly spirit the) wiici was ield by Gea. W. James always siowed ta tucir gucats. credited wfth 100% presence at A pleasant fcature of theclun. ail weekly meetings since August cheon, whlch was nat on the 1928-aover 12 ycars. Len Elliott schedulcd prograrn, was birthday came next, iaving been a hundred grectings accorded President Fred percnte fo alost s lngDe-Hoar ou beialf oa isii ellow Ro. pcener 12.for amostas long, De- tarians in a neat speech by Wes. grcebe 1928. Fie yeaofpins noJewell extending ta hlm contin- other menibers, Frankc Morrisudhatan pi4s.Ioe Munroe Neal and Président Fréd spontaucous chorus the Rotarlans lioar. broke forth Into singing "Happy Ciairman Charlie. Mason ai the Blrthday" wltu tue gusto and en- Attendance Cammittee, wha was thuslasrn af children, whilc Tin in charge af' ftic prograni and Garton appcared from nowhcre -made the pI!sentations, endeavor- carryrng a huge dccorated blrth- ed o, eaÎh ot he easns hyday cake bearlug ligited candles cdotaery'coudr t te raans why with thc inscription "Many Happy vitarYý arcoIdexiatednce. A Reur aiofYaur 70tu Blrthday.2 vita -6par of ts xise.- President Fred acknowlcdgcd the spokesman frorn caci table e t fcnrauain n prcssed the feeling ai his tablegetr aicnaulios i( copaio a n the subjcct. goodwlll ln an appropriate ad. Len. Elliott declared that 100% rsanth poed oeu attcndance In Itself was a draw- the cake wlth due dlgnity anc ing-card ince cvery Rotarlan lik- crnoyadechRtrnwa ed ta know lie would fild lis ionorcd wti a generous iclphng. lellows present and enjoy ticir companlonshlp at tue meeting. % ce a meeting is mlssed Il: liso6 e c i u I _ çi casier ta miss agMan sd P c n % again. Humnoroualy lic added that his awn 100% record was neces- W e e i w o sary ta get 50 % cfflclcncy out af o e e iw o a 50 % Rotarlan. Continulig ta canfide inmait thaugits, Oxford-Group-llke, ta "Peace in Our Tinie" was tue each other, Tommy Knlght, Mun- themre af a talk very ably given 6..rae, NeAl, Morley V a ns t oune, ta TrinltY Y. P. UJ. by Dotis,Dud- ForlpHeylaid, Rosu Sti'ikc, lcy Monday.evenlÙg. '11 po"çg. Ch *sMlllar, Jlrn DeVtt'and Guelhase brouglit out other ad- going ta be permanent wc mu* vantages of ilgi attendarice find a substitute far war, she showing tiat It gets anceout of statcd. The ideal ai peace whichi the routine Inu lue, lets anceout semed ta be just wltin aur of a couple haurs work eaci week, provides recreationa a-rchatrtilstwrpoc ities, gvcs an apportunlt:y to do ta., le nat lasting. It was gîven 1hs very useful welfarc Work and niortal blow by tic fallure ai thc other hurnanitarlan and Public- League ai Nations. Tic world splrltcd endeavor. All In amliMr. Mason and is problem is mare cornpllcatcd uow comirnttec dld a splendid job ar since tic several graups aif na- ranglng this aut-ot-thc-aordlnary tiaus espouse conflictligideola- progrgm wlilchprovlded an op- gies. The ideas taugit childrcn portunity for analysis ai the club's ai Gcrrnany, Italy, and otier me ce. 'y n- Ry ed i ie s re it Id ARMIS TICE DAY CENOTAPH SERVIC /WILL HONOR DEAR Accomdngta custom. tue usi ýRemembrane Day service i be hcld at tue Cenotapi, Mnda Nov. Wti 'ahnor hase Wh gave their ta-day for aur tg-moI mifice h alwsysnce lu thi icat ai those who loved tuem. It tiere Lfore behooves ahl citizens ai Bou Lmanville ta attend tue annual Re membrance Day service at th Memorial Plot ta houar those w] served sud tiose wia died Mn th Great Wam ai 1914-18. Arrangements have been coin %)leted by the Canadiaji Legiar Town Council sud Ministerial As sociatian for tic service whicl begins at 10.45 a.rn. DS.T. It1 cxpected that stores will .be close( from 10.30 until noan toa alo everyanc ta Participate lu thg function wich takes au specli significance lu vicw aif tue.gravd state ai world conditions. Tic service wiil indlude hymus prayers, sud su address on re membrance by Rev.-A. R. Cragg Otier ministors of tic towu wil also take part. Tiose who carne ta lsy wreathe on tic cenotaphinM memary ai tie falîcu will probably tuink bacà ta tic tcrnpestuous days of 1914. 18 wieu their iusbands sud sonc fougit Sa tiat there migit bc nc more war sud will mealize tusl thaugi eveuts have cianged thas vision ai lastihg peace is still be. fore us - tic ideal tuat tic da: May, sud will came, wieu war shahl be no more. Tic acute reality ai tic present war cannat remove tic pain and scuse ai loss for those wio have falîcu. Tic two minutes' silezlce on Remembrance Day formi link witu tic dcsd. It d'an also lnk with tic future sud with life ail those wia attend ucxt Mon- day's 'service in the proper spirit. MIINOR ACCIDENTS OVER W.EKEND Local police rnvestigated two ninar, accidents over tic wcek- end. Tic first occurred Saturday nigit at Prestenvale whici sccrnt to be quite a rendezvaus foi ac- cidents. Robert Gambie, Toranto, rcceivcd injuries ta lis back and was taken ta Oshawa Hospital but was released Sunday. He was ac-, cornied by John Murdock, Bradford Heiutzrnan sud, Andrciw Wecbb, Toronto. The car got ail the side ai tue maad just an tue hil (Iud pulled over into the ditci. Ail occupants ai tue car attend Queen's University, King. ston. Suuday nigit, Police Constable 'rice Morris was called ta inves- igate an accident s mile sud a aI! norti af Kirby' Mr. sud AMrs. Elrcr Foulriesuad Mrs. Fowler's matiem, Mrs. Haris, were in anc car sud Clifiord Cowan was in te oth&r car.' Ail live iu Oroôno lstrict. Bath cars met ou tue top )f à hill, doing causidcrable dam- ge'* ta thec bit iront ai bath 'a. Mrs. Fourier suiiered pain- ll head sud lcg, injuries. POLICE FAILED TO APPREHEND "'LOST IIUSBAND"I Among 9tue spirits sud goblins hat taak badily iorn Hailowe'eu gît anc figure., garbed iM tue, Xy costume ai a màtron in su veniug gQwu ai aId rose velvet Pamkling with beads, made thc oundi Iaoking for isudauts sud "last iususund." Inquiring at tic mUlce office brougit very, dis- îpainting rosuits. Ciief Ven'tou, layor R. O. Joues, Nigit Cou- tble Walter Hall sud otuer civic ignitaazies did not; know "4hem"-_ >tic iusbsnd nover was found. Next manning tic editor ai Thc stesman *happcued ta meet tic hief ai Police on tic street sud isually iquired, "Did you fid twman s iusbsud last nigÇ? zt nigit!" ojaculated tue Cici. Wel, ofai aithings."1 Open Satuiday Niglht! For tbe couvonicuce ai cua- aomers sud subscribems Thc Statcsmau office will be open 'ach Saturday evening froni 7.30 ta 9.30 p.rn. D.S.T., til furtier notice. Accaunts Mnay 1- -AldAd orderstaken-'fo me YP.U. Topie 1World To-Day l- a Fascit couzntrles cantributc toaa philosopiy ai hate. Thc word "hate" accurs in tic Bible 177 tumes. Nawedays 1hs connotation 15 nat so much te in- dividuals asta ticir tiaugits and actions. We siauld be careful nat ta charge a whole nation with a crime cornrntted by part aif It, glss Dudley çautioncd. Thc words' ai aur Lard, "Father, forgive ticrn forf they know, not what thcy do" %#ere cited' as aur guide ou tic question ai talerance. Are wc ta hate German yauti? We figit in order tiat all rnay enjoy aur ireedarn. Dc'fining tic differcuce bctween (Contlnued on page 5) D rul vil ,ho 'c- re s.n id ew âe [al ve 's -k l- is at 't Lr 't .d ,e ýe a io !e * Rev. Dr. A. S. Tuttie On Wcdnesday, Nov. $ i3th, at Trinity United Churci, Bowuian- ville, s special mljly will be hcld ai Unitcd Churcli people from tue Wiitby, Oshawa, Bawmanvrnle sud Orono ares. A supper meet- Mng wil be ield at 6.30 i?.m. D.S.T., wien tic' speaker will be thc Riglit Rev. Dr. Aubrey S. Tuttie, Modcratar ai The United Churci ai Canada. In thc cvcuing at 8.15 p.m. a mass meceting, ta whicli tic public is invited, will be held wicn tic speakers will be tic Moderator Port Perry. 'ani Mc- ited, iion- ably biher on- ral- Kai- eru nass avi- 'per yth, Dr. R. B. McClure sud Dr. R. B. McClure. Dm.1 Clume is anc ai tic mast talent versatile sud dynamnic missi aries in ail China. Heo h probal more intimate than auy oai Canadian with tic present c flict in China sud with Gener Lssimo sud Madame Chiang K Shek sud leaders ai tie Gavei ment lu China. Tic Chairman ai tic ný meeting wil be Rev. Sidney Da son sud pmsiding at tic supi meeting tic Rev. W. J. H. Smy Fourteen Public School Students Participaite ini Oratory Contest L(honorable 'mention) - Canada; Dorothy Evans - Tic Dcvelop- meut ai tic Great West, Jacque- Uine Heylaud - Mackintosh Reds: Collette Ferguson . Our Flag; Alan Strike - Rt. Hon. Wiuston Churcill; Bll Kuox - Aviation; Darathy Faulkner - My Hobby Is Collecting Hsudkrchiefs; Bobby Reider - Tic Proccss ai Makig su Iran Casting; James Paterson - Thc Rayai Navy; Audrey Venton - How Boys sud Girls Can Hcip Mn tic War Effort; Joan Grcenfield - A Mator Trip Timaugi Ontario. Principal A. M. Tionipsoni pointed out ta tic audience tiat tic boys and girls had liad a very 4bO,'t. Urne ta prepare their ad- dresses sud tic methods uscd ta help theni. A group ai instrumentalits un- der Director W. E. C. Warkman entertsined with orchestral selec- tions sud other fine musical womk was donc by Collette Ferguson wlio played a pize-winning violin solo, accompauîed by hem motuer. Mary sud Doris Aildread sang a swcctly harmonizcd vocal duet I utee pupils campcted lu th nual oratorical cautcst at tic Public School Weduesday r iit, evcry anc giving a speech Iwartuy of an aduit arator. IAter lcngtliy delibemation by ciared ta be: lst-Ircne Piper, wiose subject was "Thc Red Cross Society "; 2ud-Haines Bellmai? - "Wien I Gmow Up.I Wauld Like ta be a'Tcacicr"; 3rd-Mary Fa- gan - "Princess Elizabetu." These winnems wiil go ta Millbrook Fr1- day ta campete in a district coni- petition, tic winncr ai wiici wil have an apportunity ta gain wider distinction.. Rev. A. »l. Cmagg spake an be- hall ai tic otier two judges, Gea. Davidge sud W. Carpeuter. Ho said tiey wcme sgmeably surpris- cd witi tic unifarm excellence ai tic speakers snd tic 'obviaus me- searchi tucy iad put inta prepars- tian ai tic subjects. Folwing are tic other con- testants sud their subjects, suy oai wiorn miglit havc, by tic swing1 ai s point tuis wsy or tiat, been in tic prizes: Winons Clanke witi their mother at tic piano. Let Your Con, science, Be Your Guide! This is a message ta everyone in aur whale cammunity, tawn and country alike. It is a pre-Christrnas appeal ta the conscience of ecd individual. We have only 39 shopping days before Christmas. Despite war-nay, because of war, we must perpetuate the spirit of Christianity by observing Christmas day and of good- Winl among us. Millions are -i n isery, slaves ta pagan overlords. They must observe Christmnas, if they can, in fear and secrecy. Happily we can and shaîl, in the usual way, plan and shop for aur good-will gifts. Let us start riglit now ta plan. In this we offer comment aiftl suggestions. We addrese ourselves ta bath tawn people ar;d country people.% To those in the country we wauld say that Bowmanviile, for half a century or more, deserved and got the wholehearted support af all' this countryside. At Christmas tirne this was the busy, happy centre. But the automobile age bas changed this extensively. Now shopping goes abroad ta a considerable degree-to the cities where the add cent here and there invites a saving. Maybe the cost of gas and a il offsets ail this-yet the "bargain" was there- it was advertised. Sa riglit here we introduce the plea of conscience and goad- wiil. Why flot let us resolve this Christmas, now that war is upan us, ta iark back ta tie gaod old days and do ALL ai aur gift- buying. in the old home town. This is a patriotic camniunity appeal that ought ta reach the 'hearts af all wio beileve in comrnunity welfare. You know and we know that you wiil do just that. But, you may ask: "What have you ta show us and what is the price?" A pertinent question indeed! Sa now we turn ta thé merchants of the good old town- not just the regular advertisers-but each and every one of those who have somcthlng ta sen, and this is what we say: "If you want ta share lu the Christmnas trade and welcorne ta our country neighbours, you ougit ta tel thern what you have ta senl and list some price leaders. Tiat is-you should advertise. That is preclsely what thcy want. If you do not tell them-then you do not deserve their business." We print this well in advance, ta the end that all may do Borne thinklng. The Statesman reaches every section of the caMmnnty and a ur staff will caîl upan each shop and store in town ta ask for yaur cooperation-ta help you construct your advertlsing ms>age. .lu tuis wc rnerely do aur duty as a community newspaper. The one great service we can render is ta bring tawn and country tagether. M a spirit of mutual good-will. We believe aur suggestions in ttus matter at ti time and in these days of warfarç will meet the wholc-heartcd support af everyone wio cdaims ta be a citizen, loyal ta lis cammunity. A week, hence we plan ta make aur canvass wlth a vlew ta early annauncemcnts af the goods and values you may have tg offer. Let us not caunt tao closely thic dollars and cents-tic old, cold, materialistic vlew tiat repenis rather than invites. andLet us join togetuer early and entiusiastically in creating adinfusing the old-tirne Christmas spirit. And do nat forget aur saldiers. Get their presents early and send thcrn along in a Bowrnanvile wrapper, They will welcorne and applaud just that. Speakeirs À-t Local Rally' Junior Gridders Tie LeagueChampions Mrs. Lee McMurter, mother of Stan MeMurter, well known wdrk- er at the local Goodyear plant, was drowned in Trenton Sunday night. Mrs. McMurter who lived inBigtnwain a ar, alng IB.H.S. Junior gridders made up over a thirty-foot embankment for their recent defeats by tying into the Trent River. The car was IWhitby 5-5 in a scheduled game in a collision with another car played in Whitby Wednesday af- from Madoc. Attempts to rescue ternoon. Eric Mcllveen kept the the occupants of the car were by scoring Bowrnanville's only tou.chdown in the second quarter. Watts scored the Whitby counter ~ I~.fIab ' in the third frarne. CouneiLUearns D, As usual the Bowmanville lads sported a very weak Uine that seemed ta be even weaker thanMo aia l fi i ther garnes, and the brilliant playing of the backfield only rnanaged to save the day. "ýSlip"I "This country has canscripted Rowe was the player to deserve wealth lànd property for war pur- credit for much of hMs team's un- poses and s0 it looks ta me as if precedented burst af skiil. This the owners of the Davis-Houit diminutive littlc end surprised factory won't make it available some of the local fans with lis for rnilitary purposes. I move that quîck running and deadly tack- we notify W. F. Rickard, M.P., ling. and the Minister of Defence af This Friday afternoon the Jun- the situation asking that pressure iors meet Cobourg in thé final jun- be brouglit ta bear ini procuring ior garne of the season here. Gaine same ta accommodate the Mid- starts at 4 p.m. Word was receiv- land Regirnent." Deputy Reeve ed frorn Belleville that home and Morris was the speaker and his home garnes were agreeable for rMars ere voiced during dis- the Senior playoffs likely to start cusin ofa. communication from in a week's time.jrFL. Dudley in which it Bawrnanville - Mitchell, Moses,l wasstatedthat the plan ta quar- Cowan, Brown, Payne, Lamn- ter th4idland Regiment in Bow- boumne, Ferguson, Southey, Rawe,1 manvîlle for the winter was un- Stutt, Grant, Evans, Neal. tenable unless this key factary Whitby - Freernan, Bl1i gh t, could be obtained. His informa- Quantrill, Watts, Brain, Dews- tion was that the owners would bury, Hadgson, Spratt, McLean nat let them. have it on a rentaI Burkhart, Harden, Price, Mac' basis. Carl. Keyes, Cardwell, Lynd, Several members or cauncil ex- Spencer, Roycroft. pressed- themaselves forcibly on Newcastle Summer Home Burned. Water Supply Nlot Available it wasn't long befare tic New- castle Fire Brigade under Chief Gea. Gaines was on the scene wti tic ucw fire truck and pumpcr. Howver, a fire inside ai a frame building, once it gets a little head- way, will consume tic structure at racing spced. About ail tiat can be donc is ta keep tic fire from spreading sud tlhis was donc with tic aid ai many williug help- crs with buckcts ai watcr on top ai nearby roofs. Tic brigade had sarne diffii.culty at firtfindnS accessible water for tucir intake hase, but wlth the help ai Rteeve Carveti wlth a canoc, whlch Was sunk near tic edge ai tic Lowcr Marshinl suf - iicientiy deep wster tuis trouble was ovecome. Tic hase was p ut lu tic sunken canoc sud tius tiere was no danger ai sucklng uiuci mud. Thc council has nat isd time yct ta pravide an easlly accessible SUPPly ai watcr for aUl parts ai tic corporation. TMie cquiprnent was taken down ta Houey's creek an Monday aftcr- noon and given a tharaugn cdean- Continud on page s) Barkiam Hall, tic largest and most preuteutiaus summer resgi- dence on Dr. Walton-Ball's "Har- ris Lodge" estate, Newcastle-an- the-Lake, was razed ta thc ground by fire on Sunday cveniug, Nov. 3rd. All that rcrnained after tic fire fury had donc its wark was tic brick fireplace sud chlmniey, standing intact, Borne twisted iran bedstcads and staves and electric wasiing machine, some ciarrcd timbers, the skelcton ai a dental chair, a part ai a piano, about the only impotant thlng that had been tahen aout of tic house, aud a few other odds and ends. Tic Doctar, whosc farnllyv residence at Newcastlec s "H-arrIs Ladge '" an all-year-round hause, had' also had twa fires gaing at "Barkhamn Hall" during tic aiternoon, anc lu tic stave and oa n Mthc hearth. Tic fire tuat destrayed tic house cvidently originatcd irom anc ai tiese, but there was no anc lu the place at tic time. Tic firat intimation tic Doctor iad ai it was when Alec Adair, wio lives in anc ai tic cottages an tic es- tate, carne rusiing over calling, "Dactar, yaur hause h ou ire."1 Tic fire alarrn was sent in and Pro p y at 3 pa.m. te Lbttalion >m overdPto the right in threes,, wheeling into close order of cam- panies to battie music as they rnarched past the saluting post, dwith bared bayonets and full 9equipment. Despite mud and In- 1 clement weather the parade waa Ia huge success. Ail ranks, tanned sand enthusiastic, shawed evidence rof the smartness and efficiency éthat had been developed under (Cofltinued on page 5) avis-Rouit Plant w Army Quarter. lthe subject, saying that iminedjate .action should be taken by writlng rdirectly JO the Minister of De- Lfence pointing out to hlm that t1fis factory -had flot been used for several years and there was no imnmediate prospect of its accu- pancy, therefore he should see fit to bring pressure to bear on the owner to make it available for the soldiers. One or two other very imiport- ant items of the meeting were also introduced by Deputy Reeve Morris. . "I amn going ta give notice of a motion I intenci ta introduce at the next council meeting19 he sai. 'I amn gomg tô move that* ali *Organizations which conduct canvasses for maney for charity, relief, Patriotic and other pur- Poses .consolidate their effort in- ta one drive henceforth.", Mr. Morris stated hat there are now farty 'cities ana to ni Canada whlch have donc this suc- cessfully. OitUrnes a greater suin is raised than is done in the us4ual way. His suggestion was that tue local arganizations at once g et ta- gether and decide how much they have to ralse next year to carry an as the firut stel. Although the question was not thoroughly dis- cussed, Monday night mast caun- cillors- cxpressed approval of it. Accounts totaillng $5519.25 were passed. Of titis amoulit $133.00 was for wood under relief sc- count and $86.90 was for relief. Howard Cowle was appolntcd fireman ta replace Wm. Slaght Who tendercd hMs resignation say- ing he was flot; in a position to continue the work. # In the absence of Mayor Joncs, Reeve G. A. Edmondstone capably c td i Whe g. chair and A cheque for $690.7e from the MvcGlU Building was received - the solicitor's fee ls includcd in the amount. ]Regardlng a communication !rôm the Britishi Aierican Oil Co. asklng Permission ta rernove a gas tank fromn beneath- the sidewalk at McKeever & Srnith's Garage, there was Borne discussion when the "background" of the situation was rcvealed but they were grant- ed permission to take it out. A request from the Salvation ArmY for a grant was referred to Plnance Committee. "Leave it ta niext year's council," came from one of the chairs. AJI%-g TV LYIL'XIN Y 11A Jrj. Vll J.. -1-11UIbOMA y. N( IV FfM HIW'F? 7fh 1 GA A Iý 1 I'Nv V ri lvlj:)rjn DURHAM BOYS WIN Drig.-Gen. Inspected Troops JUDGING CONTEST As -Orono Host te Mqidas FORALLCANDACompanies Mleet Together Coacied by E. A. Summrs a of ______-Nb____ Bowmanville, Agricultural Repre- sentative for Durham Caunty, tice judging teams composed ai tic 810APPLE SHOW il undreds of Citizens brothers Vernon and Allan White, W a tchb Brig. Gen. therac osinLamredWhie Psu- Somebady has suggcsted L o g i e Armstrong Murry Lrdcarred ic ro- tiiat Bowmauvilce being Mi T. I vince ai Ontario ta tic top in tic tic centre ai anc af tic bcst 'afte .JaIute romi grain and potato classes. apple districts in Canada why MidIan ds. These boys are members ai tie not put on an Apple Show? ___ East Durham Grain sud Potata Tic idea immediatcly caugit Clubs ai Port Hope and tiey an sud a meeting has already Despite main and sleet Orona headed tic armay ai youthful stars been held at which represen- was on fete Wcdnesday. No. 1 in Canada's basic iudustry. tatives weme present froinitue Battalion of tic "Mad" Midlands *Their outstanding work brouglit Chamber af Commerce, Apple was mobilized at full strcngth for Ontario two victomies ta lcad all Growers Association, Public tic ilrst tinie under commnd ai the provinces' in tic National Utilities Commission, Agri- their 0. C. Major J. C. Gamey. Judging Contest for boys' and cultural Represcutative snd Thc ilve companies had been in girls' clubs ield at Toronto Nov, local rnerchnnts. training for some montis at Lind- 4th and 5th. Tentative date for tic Ap- say, Campbellford, Cobourg, Port Sixty-two boys sud girls ou ple Show sud Apple Cooking Hope sud Bowmanviile, and had thirty-one tcarns represeuted ail Demoustration was set for been brougit ta a state ai effici-. ulue provinces sud ail tic pro- Friday, Nov. 29th. Look for ency which warranted mobiliza- vincial chanipions campeted in tic more details ncxt week. tinft prier to procecding on active two-day classic couducted by tiche________ duty. Canadian Council on Boys' and Esci plateau, afoat and by Girls' Club work. tasot ovre tOooo Ontario (whîch meaus tic Dur- MANY ARTICLES treansportuerd att ronu iam County Club) scarcé 1072 IN XMAS PRESENT strcngtii. points ta win tic secd grain FOR SOLDDERS Brlg. Gen. Logic Armstrong, eveut; tic tcam, Allan sud Lamne____ G.0.C., M.D. No. 3, came fram White. Manitoba was 2ud wîth Headquarters lu Kingston ta in- 962 % points. By caincidence a reporter drap- pcd lu ta sec R. M. Cotton tic spcct thc unit sud recelve tic Vcrnon White sud Murray Lard other day just at a moment whcn salute in tue mardi past. scored 1099 points in tic patate he had a most intcresting suppîy Preparations iad becu made by event, tic highest teami score in ai canteen items arrayed on hus tic citizens ai Orono for tue re- any event. dcsk. ception, housing sud fecding of D ur am s t am wer a clo e nd "Sure," said R. M ., "these are tic tr o udr a central coin- in swiue judging sud hcld tic tic articles thc Legian pack_ mittec composed ai 0. W. Relph, higi individual scome, iu ail tirce iug in boxes to-mamrow ninigh~t t Neil Porter, W. J. Rlddell, Mmi. eveuts. send ta tic boys overseas. Thc John Armstrong, Mms. S. Little- Iu swine judgiug, whcn Alberta box will weigh five pounds sud wood sud Mns. Herb. Murray. toak iirst place, tic Durham tcam as you sec contains just tic dcli- Sleeping quarters weme pmovid- af Howard and Lawrence Mal- cacics aur men lu Englaud will cd lu several buildigs 'adc colin carnc second - only 6 points want for a littie îomey atmo- alaiaes for ic occ10 asn a behind tic winnems. These boys spicre at Yulctide."laispvdd8,0mesMa are cousins, Howard irom Janet-. Twenty-iivc cigarettes, a pound central mess-hall for tue thrce- ville and Lawrence imom Nestle- ai Christmas cake, smnall tin af day muster. ton.evaaraed rilk hal a oun ai Promptly at 2 p.m. tic N.C.O.'s Western Canada won lu tic lump sugar, ton tes bags, s gen- gmusrd eattalionbutlthe fm paultry sud beci cattie events crous package ai peanuts, life- lgroundsMasud a ticabugle seof- while Qucbec was iirst lu dairy savers, etc., 10 oz. ai chocolatelyclMjrGmysd sa- cattle judging. tic wallcts irom tic town, sud ý ficers took pasts. Ail contestants wcmc given a pair ai socks irom tic Red Cos, Tic intcrim priar ta inspection 3day tour ai tic Niagara district plus a cheery card ai rossn was fiiled iu. with thc battle-cry sud at tic Capital, Ottawa. for a very merry Christmas. ofgaitic "Mad" Midlands, followcd' Congratlation are d e to Mr "Iwc'relydaingt y popular ate s nÏ w h I - Summers who has s long array for tic boys." e 'rdon trvl for smokes. At 2.45 Gen- ai winuers ai iirsts sunce hoe took eral Armnstrong recelved tic gon- over tic coacîmng ai teams lu eral salute sud inipected tic Durham County sud has csrricd whole unit, Unc by Une. Ontario ta an enviable place, par- Local Man's Mother «. An imimense crowd, afoot sud ticuiamly iu tic seed classes. .D e id m I. M hundrOdi af parked cars, were 1 - III.- -1 1