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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1940, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR Hampton Recent visitors: Dr. Jabez 1.. Ellott, Miss M. Poole and Miss Nora Keralake, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Yens Yensen, Bowmanville, at Mr. C. J. Kerslake's. . . Miss Vera M. Kerlake has resumed hor position i Toronto. . . Mrs. Clarence Yeo and son William Edward are at home after a visit at Mr. W. H. Yeo's, Bowmanville. ...Mr. and Mrs. Milton Robin- son, Clifford, Morley and -Mur- ray, with her niother, at Mill- brook... Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Degeer and baby Grace, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Collier, Port Perry. .. Mr. and Mrs. Fred West, Toronto, with his sister, Mrs. Wflfid Greenaway.'. . Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Rackham, Bow- manville, at Mrs. J. Burn's. . Mr. and Mrs. W. White and sons, Orono, with her mother, Mrs. C. Johns. We are pleased to hear that Mr. Lew Scott is improvmng, although still cofined in Oshawa Hospital. Red Cross sewing bees were fheld at the homes of Mrs. H. Rundie, Mrs. E. Wilbur, Mrs. H. Cole and Mrs. L. Cryderman, when considerable work was done.1 Mrs. W. Gay' is having a sale of farin stock, implements and household furniture on Saturday. See bis for particulars. Adult ]Bible Class visited Zion Adut Class on Sunday afternoon, when about 30 mombers were present. The public speaking contest held Monday evening proved quite interesting. There were eleven contestants from different schools. Ail deservo credit for the manner in which they hand- led the subjects they had chosen. Gerald Cox of Shaw's School was the winner, his subject being "An THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIÔ THURSDAY, NOVEMER 7, 1940 ___________________________ v _____________________________________________________ Interesting Event." Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hiorn, Misses Minnie, Norah and Lottie Horn attended the wedding of the former's son Dr. Wallace Hern ho Miss Hazel Jacob in St. Mark's Church, Port Hope and receeption at "GreenwoodTower." Several other Hampton friends witneaaed the ceremony at the churcb. Special Thank-pfferng igervices next Sunday at 2 p.m., when A. D. Cornett, of SiMcoe St. United Church sh*d lvilspeak ana at 7 p.m. Rev. D. M. Stinson, lhchstdck, wiil preach. Special music by thse choir, assisted by Mrs. K. Caverly. Services are on standard tme. Speciai crusade meeting held on Friday night was well attended, despite inclemont weathor. Rev. H. Crozier, Oshawa spoke very forcibly on the subject "The Christian as a Citizen." A short discussion followed. Rev. W. Rackham was in'charge. Clarke Union Hallowe'en party which was held at the school on Friday night was not very well attended on account of it boing a wet night. Mn. and Mrs. Ed. Graham, who were recently married, were pro- sented with two beautiful chairs.i Remander of the ovening was spont in gamos, after which ap- pies and candy were served. Mr. Sulas Souch is on the sick list with a dose of poison ivy. Congratulations ho Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Kent, Oshawa, on their marriage. Bob and bride vlited in the section on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Souch and Eileen, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry1 Bailey, Orono, vlited Toronto friends. James Nixon bast a valuable Rice 0Co*C. Phone 682 Bowmanvile HARRY ALLIN SUGGESTS Food- Gifts for the Folks Overseas Mail Them Now Biscuits, tinned ciarettes, canned fruits, cheeses, honey,,tomato Julce. They are Sure to enj.Y any of these, but b. sure ta ahi» lmmodiately. OLD YORK CEREAL............. 25C e Wlth Generous Free Samplo PEANUT BUTTER ............ lb 5cI 2 lb. tn Devon MINCEMEAT............25e CUT MIXED PEAL............ lb 25C Bleached RARSINS ................... lb lac M~o»e 307-368 Bewmanville A Natural Beauty! SR' reaily a loeokout. And she doemf't owe her sucoeu to foflewing the varions m.thod (1) The way to a mani's heart in through his ulomach, or reading books on (2) How to Sold Your Man . but sb.'s found aivng natural, radient beaut is Muk hodli four accu. Be asmarti St.art drinking good, wholesome (Hon la. miik dally for healthier snd happier living. Glen Rae Dairy Sphonoe SM' Bowmanville Solina 'Nisitors: Miss Pearl Leach,. at Mr. Norman Leach's, Taunton.. Mr. and Mxs. Roy Jackson and LJoe Anne, Brooklin, at Mr. Bruce 1Tink's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Poey Dewell, Mr. and Mxs. H. E. Tmnk, wite friends at Hastings. . . Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bush, David and Catherine, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Jane Bush.. -Mr. and lira. Everoît Elliott, Mary and Bar- bara, Oshawa, wite lira. R. J. McKessock. . . Mr. and Mxs. Bryce Brown, with relatives, in Toron- ho. .. Mr. and Mxs. Russell Glide, Mn. F. Yelland, Greenbank; Mx. and lira. Meredith Fallis and Annie, Mr. and lira. Dan Thomp- son, Blackstock, at Mx. E. O. Mill- son's. . . . Mr. and Mxs. Maitland Gonmley, Kinsale, ah Mr. Jas. Smales'. . . Mr. and lins. Wull Clark, Bll, Dorothy and Alan, Greenwood; Mr. Donald Yellow- lees, Bowmnanville, ah Mx. N. C. Yellowlees'... Mr. and Mxs. Lau- ren Hogarth, Harmony; Mr. and lins. Wallace Pascoe and f amily, Enfiled, with Miss Mary Hogarth ..Mr .and Mrs. W. Jardine and Donald, Kingston, at Mr. Frank Gilbert's. .. Mr. and Mx&s. Frank Gilbert attended the W. A. sup- per at Mr. and Mxs. Godfrey Bowman's, Enfield, Friday. . Mxs. John Baker attended the Wo- nien's Instituhe Convention, in To- ronto. .. Mn. Frank Gilbert was in Cobourg atending Supreme Court sittings as a member of Grand Jury. Hallowe'on masquerade party was held in basement of church Thunsday night. The following prograni was given: guitar miusic, Grace Truil; recitation. Mxs. Will Leach; vocal solo, Pearl Leach; prize winners were, best- -Hal- lowe'een costume, Betty Smales; best comic, Russell Balson; best dnessed lady, liarjonie Groat; best dressed man, Ella Miilson; best couple, Muriel Langmaid and liarion John; best representative costume, Mrs. Gordon Leask; best child's Hallowe'en costume, Don Pascoe; best dressed girl, Evlyn Taylor; best dressed boy, Glen Williams. Candy and apples were served. Y.P.U. met Monday night with Manjonie Groat, Fellowship Con- venor in charge of prograni. Scipture readings by Bila Mill- son and Mxs. E. Hockaday, with explanation by Marjorie. Topic, "Peace in our lime"I was exoep- tionally weil given by Mxs. Chas. Naylor, who also favoured with sonie delightful piano music; reading by Gladys Yellowlees and a piano solo by Kathleen Baker were enjoyed, afber which 'Ileen Balson conducted soie gaies. Maple.Grove Visitons: Misses Beryl and Dom- een Wilkins and Miss Louie King, Oshawa, at Mr. R. L. Worden's.. Miss Betty Pingle, hown, wîth Miss Betty Snowden. .. Mr. and is. Will Rundle, Windsor, Mr. and Mxs. Kyle Squair, Shaws, ah Mr. Chas. Rundle's... Mxs. John Sanders and Mxs. Lewis Rundle, town, at Mxs. L. C. Snowdens... Misses Betty Snowden and Greta Munday ah Mr. Elgin Munday's, Sterling. . . Miss Mildred Snow- den wite Miss Irnie Lyons, King- ston. Rev. R. E. Morton, Newcastle, occupied the pulpit Sunday, while our pastor was taking uis work. Mr. J. J: Mellor, Orono, will occupy the pulpit this Sunday, while Pastor Smith la taking Rev. Waliace's wonk ah Greenbank. Mission Band concert was held October 25th. Prograni consisbed of vocal solos, reading, dancing, îouhh organ and violin duets, and pînys. In tee absence of the pas- hon, Mr. IH. G. Freeman acted, as chairman. Proceeds $10. Young People's Union meeting was -in the forni of, Hallowe'en. The basement was nicely decUlrat- ed and there was quite a ljt of costumes. A nice prograni..was pnesented conslating of a readLng by Mildred Metcalf; violin diet, Stanley and Bort Snowden; vocal solo, Rosa Metcalf; reading, Betty Stevens; song by a group of young girls; Y.P.U. paper "Taler" was given by tee edibor, Clifford Swal- 10w. Lunch was served. Haydon Visitons: Mr. and Mxs. Wî. San- derson and Barbara, Jnnetville; Miss Laura Philp, Toronto, ah Mr. R. Sanderson's... Pte. and Mxs. Don Cameron. Camp Borden, ah Mr. T. liountjoy's . . . lira. M. Blackburn and Mr. Wilbur, ah Mxs. Heyd's, Toronto. .. Mr. and lins. Stanley I-ead and famlly, Oshawa, ah Mr. C. Avey's... Mr. and Mxs. F. Blackburn and qýace, Salemi, ah Mr. M. Blackburn'së.. Mr. and Mxs. Gordon Werry and Boyd, Mimico, ut Mr. L. Ashton's ...Mr. and lins. Bort Ashton, Tononto, ah Mn. H. Ashten's... Mr. and Mxs. Fred Ashton and family; Miss Viola Bradley, To- onte, ah Mr. E. Bnadley's .. Miss Gruce Tnewin, Toronto, ah Mr. Wî. Trewin's. . . Mx. Paul Stephens, Misa UnsulMlcNeil, To- ronto, ah Mr. A. McNell's. .. Mxs. Jas. Kennedy ha returned ta la- lington a!ter visiting ah Mr. H. Ashton's. Masquerade party held ut Pub- lic School Hallowe'en nighh under auspices of choir was a reul suc- coss. Nearly everyone carne in costume and loada of fun was on- joyed by ail. Prizes wene nwarded for beat lady ho Miss Boulie Black- well as "Canada"; beat gent te Mr. Wilbur Bluckburn as a cav- alier; beat couple ta Misses licha Dogeer and Marie ,Ahton, as bride and groom; bost comic ho Mr. Roy Grahami, as a hobo; beat child ho Vivian Cowlig, and most original to Miss Winnie Trewin, ns an old fashioned lady. W. A. quilhing held ah lins. Henry Ashton's was well attend- ed. A pot luck supper wns sorved. Rev. A. F. Gardner gave an in- spiing message Sundny on "The Unemployed Christ." A duet was nendered by Misses May andi Wlnnie Trewin. BOARD MNZTS AT OTTAWA Canadian Servie Members of the Joini Canadian-United States Defence Board; left ta right: Air Conmmodore A. A. L. Cuffe, Air Member, the Air Staff; Captain L. W. Murray, Deputy' Chief of the Naval Staff; Brigadier Kenneth Stuart ..,MCDe puty Chief of the General Staff. DS..MCDe Eni-niskillen Visitons: Mr., and Mxs. G. Rahni and family, Union, ah Mr. W. Rahm's. . . Mr. and Mxs. I. Wot- hon and family, Oshawa, at Mr. R. Giffin's. .. Mr. W. Smith, Mr. J. J. Ormniston, 'Mr. and Mrs. Moorey, Mr. Cloide and Miss Vol- nia Moorey, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. R. Gilbert, Solina; Rev; C. Smith, Courtice; -Mm. and Mxs. C. Rahni and family, with Mxs. Ella Smith. ..."Miss Gladys Page, Oshawa; Mr. E. Russell, Rochester, with Mms. E. Page. .. Mr. and Mxs. Hobbs and Joan, wite friends in Lindsay... Rev. H. Staiton, Guelph, at Mr. E. C. Ashton's.. Mr. and Mxs. Fred Parker, Fair- pont, N.Y.; Mr. and Mxs. J. -Vof- frèy, Rochestem, N.Y., wite lins. C. Burgiaster. Rev. Geo. Williams, Toronto, la taking services on Enniskillen circuit nexb Sunday. Be sure and hoar hlm. Bible Clasa opened Sunday School on Sunday momninig, with the president, lira: M. Stainton, as leader. Reading by Mxrs. L. Lamib; Mxs. E. C. Ashton sang a hyng1, whîle audience joined in choiMs. At theelosing of schoL Mxs. R. Ormiston was in charge ýof tee missionary progrmni Short readinga were given by Misses Joyce licGill and'Marie Ashton. Mxs. S. E. Wery, S6linia, gave a veny fine paper on Missionary work and showed just how our extra pennies might help spnend Chmisianity ho oteer lands. Burketon Visitons: Mr. and Mxs. J. Shed- wick and farnily, Oshawa, Mxs. J. Blighh, Brooklin, with Mxs. H. House and Mr. J. Shortidge... Mr. and Mxs. R. Bryant, Mns. W. Pierce and Mxs. A. Moffatt ah Mr. S. Moffatt's. . . Mr. and Mxs. R. Wilson, Oshawa, wite Mr. A. Wil- son's. .. Mxs. S. Pedlar, Toronto, ah Mr. H. Rahmi's... Mxs. C. Avery and Audrey and. Edna, Raglan, called on Mxs. Sarah Wilson and Mn. A. Wilson.. . Mr. and Mxa. H. Abbott and boys visited friends in Oshawa. Mr. A. Wilson is silli il in bed. Our hencher Mr. Thoîpson la now esiding ah Mr. J. Curan's. Y. P. A. met Thunsday. They have decided ho have only bwo meetings a month. Dr. Williams, Toronto, la bring-, ing his coloned lides of Darling- ton and nearby sùrroundings hemo Friddy night. We are sure we will enjoy, theni. Salem' -Christ Unemployed" was the 1subject o! Rev. Gamdne's eunest and thought-pnovoking sermon on Sunday. Y.P.U. la being re-oý5oned on Wednesdny evening. Mr. F. Blackburn held a Hal- lowe'en party ut-thee chool on Thursday nftennoon for his pup- ils. Mr. and Mxs. Aldnead, Tyrono, ah lin,,H. Strong's. Mn. and lins. F. Cator enter- tnined Mr. and Mxs. F. Black- burn and daughten; Mr. and Mxs. E. Cain and baby son. Orono ut a Hallowe'en purty. Mr. and Mxs. R .Griffin and Miss Verna, Union, Mr. and Mns. P. Conlin and Miss Juon, Oshawa, wene guests ah "The Muples." Mr. and Mxs. J. Cator and son, Toronto, with his parents. Mxs. F. Caton retunned to Toronto wlta theni. W., Darch ha eceived word tant ho will have ho tuke a îonte's îilitany training itihe nean future and H. Cowling willl soon have completed his trai- ing. lins. E. Silver and lins. W. Cann weno guestsata a quilting on lionday ah lins. F. Werny's, Betheada. This district is being canvasged for Red Cross funda tais week., Bush Gnoup o! Hampton 'W. which includes soie Sulei ladies mot et Mxs. H. Rundle's and dld sewig on garients for Engllsh relief purposes. Ebenezer C.G.I.T. held their meeting in1 the S.S. room. Next meeting la at the parsonage. Devotional was im charge of Lucille Wade who gave Bible reading. Reading also given by Wilma Down; Prograni in charge of Kathleen Pidduck was as follows: reading,- Josephine Courtice; 'solo. Marilyn Rundie; reading, Jean Antil; study book on India, by Muriel Found. Closed, with tapa. Mission Band on October2t, at No. 4. Roll called and 4 birth- days were observed. A letter was read by Audrey Beauchamp. froni a little girl in a hospital i Mani-1 toba who had received a beaubi- ful doil froni fhis branch. Scrip- ture reading was givon by Gwen Osborne and a few remarks on "World's Friendship" by Mr&'. C. Worden. Prayer by Pros. Wilma Marshall, with Audrey Beau- champ in the chair. Following program was given: piano solo, Marilyn Rundle; Dutch solo, Mena Venhoff; reading, Dorothy Hig- gins; chorus by Band; story on "Trinidad" by Mrs. C. Worden; prayer by bdnd for "Peace." Congratulationsto Mr. and Mrs. Bil Marsh (nee Noule Husband) on their marriage. Best wishes to Mr .and Mrs. Bill Allin on the arrival of a little daughter in their homo at Bow- manville. Dramatic club presonted their play "Double Trouble"~ in Har- mony. Proceeds for Red Cross work. A pleasant evoning was enjoy- ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Pearce on Octaber 25th, when thé brothers and sistera of lias Jennie Oke joined in help- ing celebrate her birthday. A sumptuous dinner was served and the guest of honor received many lovely gifta. Gordon and Jack Pickell and Marshall and Jack, Jr., Detroit, enjoyed a holiday with relatives here. Harry Worden, Glen Pickefl, Sidney Worden and Orville Grills enjoyed a holiday in the eastern provinces on a hunting trip. Sorry to report Mn. Jack Gay la confined in Oshawa Hospital, due to injuries received at the Gay Co., Oshawa. .Mr. and Mrs. Carl Short and Dorothy and Mr. Jini Short have moved ta Oshawa. Mr. and Mra. Walter Colo, Bow- 1manville will shortly occupy tho house vacated by the Short fani- ily. Enifield W.A. held their 'annual "At Homoe" Friday night at Mr. God- froy Bowman's. There was a good attendance. After a hot suppor contesta and games were enjoyed. Community inging and carda completed the evening's enter- tainnient. ReV. W. C. Srftith, Courtioe had charge of the service here Sun- day. Rev. G. Williams, Toronto, will proach this Sunday. Mr. WiII Stinson, Detroit, with Mrs. J. Stinson. .. Mr. and Mrs. F. Abennethy, Maple Grovo, at Mr. M. Samiq'. . Howard Ornia- tan has accopted a position with High Ouality OnIy This la the absolute truth whenyou bu>' a pair of our Smart. Drema Shoes. They are moderatel>' prioed and in thse latent abo&deor c Blrown, &ac oBlack. WORK BOOTS (Iuaranteed to givo you plenty of. wear and are a comfort to your foot, Ail aises at thse Iowost prics. ComohI today and look at our stock. JOHN1. LEUZ Sho. and IRamneu lepaira 1 W"ngst. W. - Bowrnaavll Rosa Stevens, Bownianvillo . . MWr. and Mrs. Clarence qullen, 1Mr. and Mrs. Neil McMEùffen, Toron- to, at Mr. L. C. Pascees' Enfield Sohool News <By Jean Taylor, Grade VIII) This là the first news to the paper this terni. We hope ta be sending some news each week. October 3lst we had a Halowe'on party and invited Marion and Evelyn Pascoe, Jimmide Sleemon and Kathleen Smith ta the party. We had a parade first. Margaret Smith and Alian Taylor won tee prizes. Then we had an iitiation of aIl pupila. The prograni of readings, recitptions, and a play was prepared by argaret Smith and Jean Taylor., We ènjoyed cenies and apples. We washed and olled the floor. We put up now blue and white ,curtains. They make the scbool look much botter. Ray Smith and Jack Tay- lor put up ahelves for tise dinnen pails and books. Merle Ormiston, Gertie Mayer and Jean Taylor painted the storm -windows and stonni door of tise scisool. We went ta the Royal Theatre Oct. il and saw Shirley Temple. We got thirby Christmas, seals on Monday. Theym' were ahl sold by Tuesday morning. Cowanville Rallowe'en spooks were out in the neighbonhood Thursclay night. Numerous gates, etc, appeared in strange places. The township atone crusher la workig at E. Hancock's gravel pib. Mrs. R. Haskell la wilh hem par- ents while her husband la deer huliting. Clark. Church celebrated its 58th anniversary Sunday. Rev. H. Lackey, Enniskillen, conducting services, gave two imely and im- pressive sermons. Recont Visitons: Mr. and Mrs. Les. Reid ah Mx. W. A. Réid's.. . Mir. and Mxs. R. Hendry at Mr. Alf. Perrii's. . . Mx&. and Mxs. Er- win Farrow and Arthur at Mr. Theodore Shephens'. . . Misses Lillian and Jean Hale ah Mx. J. J. Stringer's. ., . Mr. and Mxs. Roy Bu4rley at Mr. W. Layton's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham, Mr. Tom Couch, Mr. and Mms. H. Walsh ah Mr. T. J. Simpson's. .. Mr. and Mxs. Roy Smith at Mr.* Charlie Cowan's... Mr. and Mxs. George Hefidenson, Rev. H. Lackey, Mr. and Mrs W Farrow at Mx. Bort Cnossleys. . Mr. and Mxs. Morish Osborne, Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Cowan at Mr. Brooks Cowan's. Blackstock Pash Masters' Nighh was colo- bmahed by Bluckshock L.O.L. ah Orange Hall November 4th. An enlamged pichure of the late John Henry Devitt was unveiled by P. M. James Beacock, of Mymble. P. M. centificates were pnesonted ho C.-P. Devitt and Henry Thoîp- son by. Counhy Master Leslie Brooks. Rev. S.' Littlewood l, On- ono, gave a fine talk on "The ,World ah War, and Aften." Offi- cens are: W. M.Jas. Byers; D. M.- Jas. Beacock; Chap.-Fred Hy- land; Roc. Sec.--C4: Devitt; Fin. Sec.-Fred W i il a n; Lectuner- Earl Donrell; Dept. Lec.-L o n. Joblin; Marahal-C. Hill; lst Coin. -Wm. Hooey- Tyler-H. Swain. A bountiful lunch bnought te memonable evening ho a close. 'United Church W. -A. met ah lira. Wesley Bradburn's Nov. 4th. Mrs. M. Grahami pneàided. Arti- cles wene bnought for tee bale for Matheson and qult making was decided on. Mxs, Cecil Hill had charge of tee prograni. Ms Kathleen Wright gave an interest- ing reading on "Tht Makingo Qults." Misses Ret<f Swain and Marion Hill gave a vocal duet. Mxs. Norman Mountjoy gave an enhertaining account o! tee trip she and Mn. liountjoy and Mr. and Mxs. Enrl Dorreil made ho Ottawa by way o! tee Thousand Island. Refreshmentg wene serv- ed. The staff and pupils of the High School ententained thein fnienda ho a Hallowe'en pamty in the cou- munity hall Wednesday evening. Prize winners in the niasquemade wene: Helen VanCamp, Lucille Fallia, Pearl Wright, and Menle VanCamp. Mxs. Switzer and Ms L. licCoil wene judges. Gaines wene eonducted, and dancing and lunch concluded -a fine evening, St. John's Anglican Chunch helqI its snnual fowl supper in the communihy hall Friday evening. The ladies pnovided a wonden!ul supper. Eriniskillen 'Dmr nima t i c Club put on teir play "The Girl in the Pur Coat" which was well received. .Sincere sympathy la extended ho Mr. Robent Hamilton and fani- ily on the death of Mrs. R. Hamil- ton. Girls' Club met ah tee home of Mms. Oscar Graham Saturday a!- ternoon. Mxi. Balley led the dis cussion on Invisible enemies and how ho flght taem. Yenst, mould, bacterin and the cane o! milk came under %this* heading. lins. Archer gave tee girls an intereat- lng talk and demonstration on Firat Aid for accidents, fnlntlng, and bumna. Spendlng oun leisure tme i a profitable mannen was the subj oct o! the discussion led by the leader, lira. Wright. Re- creation, in moderation, helpa ho build up the bedy, both physicnlly and ienhally. The girls have sated a quilh to be gîven ho the Red Cross, and ane planning on knlttlng soie of the children's sweaters nequired for the next shipient. lins. Grahami and Alma served n dainty lun>ch. The hot cocon was doUdcous. Visitons: Mr' and Mra. Wfg C. Ferguson, Bowmnanville, lins. A. W. Stevenson, Douglas, Jean and Bruce, Thonnhlll, ah Mr. Cecil Hill's. . . . Mn. und Mxs. Allari Mandenson and Glpnn, Bulsoni, wihh Mxs. Robt. Saaler. . . Mrs. Franka, Mx. and Mxs. Reynolds, Petemboro, ah Mn. Leslie- Mount- joy's. lins. Alfmea Henry return- ed home with them... lins. Stan- ford Swai wlt hem daughten, lins. Milton Sanderson, Toronto. COWLING SEiLS, FOLESS'ý And Serves You Well Antifreeze.ACOloi.......gai. 1.23 Certifled Antifreeze, .no rusting, gai. 1.49 Nova Keip Tablets 49e Pond's Cream 1.4e Danya Hand RIech ln minerais Lotion 79e - 1.39 - 2.79 Both for 49e Special Prices Plnkham'a Comp 87c 750 Nomzma - 59e Dodd's Pila - .33o Roblnson's Barle>' 33c Lactogon. large -1.59 100 A.S.A. Tablets 190: Pinex* - - - - 320: Rot Wator Bottles 39c-69o 100 A.B.S.&C. Tabs. 09c 10 Cakes Cggtile Sos»p 19e 1 lb. Absorbent Cotton 29o f O~qs 5 e. * o9 Creophos Neo Chemical Food la guaranteed to $top cougbs or Toniec rnoney refunded Capsules 1.25-2.25 Large B.ttl. 1.00 Fluid 1.15-2.45 950 8h. Combination *Packer'a Iran,& Toust Bromo Sbltmer Fittinga Tar Soap Tablets 6c39e 25c' "e When, we test your eyes you are assured entire satisfaction in fit,- quality* style and p?ice Phonoe .R OLIO h.B 695 P.R h B LEGION EXPOSES THE NAZI BLUFF The Canadian Legion la .cimcu- lnting a pamphlet in which lsaa staz'ling exposeo' of The Nazi Bluff; naniely te varlous means, other than achual physical and niechanical, prowess by which Germany aniazingly ovorman hem neighbours. We quote inheneshing excerpts froni it: Actual War Againat Nattons At Poace ... the Nazis are bound by no morality whatever. Fear la -one of the eleMents which mon and wo- mon have in connoction with te lowem animais. The actions of in- dividuals possesqed by fear are unpmedictable fof~ it la a stahe of mental unbalance. Fear has many handniaidens and teese tee Nazis woo, * . . . The 'f ifth column' can be used as an instrument of actual war ngaiiiat people with whom tee Nazis are atmn ostensibly ah peaçe .. . . l la a long range wea-, pon .. . 1h la a weapon which can be wlelded with immunity among neutral, nations . . . On. renemn- bers the 'war of nenves' as it was cplled,- waged for montes in 1939 te .- ie Nazis have studied and analyzed every aspect of humas psychology . . . The Nazis first administered an anaeshhehic ho te civil population for tee purpose of dulling their undenstanding of Genmany'a real intention. Wita the war over a year old lb la not certain teat even yet tee peoples o! tala continent nealize teat the Nazi emissaries are in teir midst. The whole story o! "Germany's invincible might" is in teat formula--"Bneak tee spiit of tee civilians and you break tee heart of tee soldions" . .. Befoje tee war many o! teir ageits wene well known. Their engaging, mannen and affability made ten populan. One should not be toe critical o! the. peoplea tee enemy marked down ithe pre-war days for tais infiltration. They wene toe en- groased in their own selfiah little purstgits te necognize teneal shape o! teings happening unden their noses. The pageant <of Hitler's special show troopa) ssade eenman forgot fon the îo ~tevane- mic looking and mninfeatly under. nourished YOutes Who made up tee bulk o! Hiitler'. cannon fodder. A survey of the oregolng leada us ho tee conclusion teat tais war la different froni any pnovious war. .We have no weapon to con. bat the fifte colunin. This "Sec- ret Weapon", on which tee Nazis boasted has left us unpnopared. In Canada-an excellent cutting edge of that weapoh la the Royal Canadian lounted Police. But although the Mounties can lntern Prompt Delivery enemy allons, they can't intern enemy alien ideas and rumors, Propaganda has to be met with counter - propaganda - *, iatter how distastefutue Wo*i«'sounds in our ears. We must re=émber that 4,000 miles of undefended frontier can be a weaknesà as well as a strength and soýith of Lit is a vast repubic wicih la toI-e .erating fifth coluinn activity 1wlthout knowing it. - ' Your surest shield againit the fifth colun i your own good comnion sense. Whon there I bigger and botter lies te be toid Dr. Goobelîs will tell. them. Tou don't belong to' the breed which lets itselft be- panicked by the bluster--and bragging of .... beer-hail Napoleons.. You haveg lots of stuif the Nazis don't have.I' The main elemnent of that la Llb- rety. Fight b 'retain it--aiid yçu will.. What we nkeed most, la not s0 much, to, realizo the. ideal as to idealize the real.-Iedge. Feel, brighter, heaithier., Trake, iSiendor "Beauty", Tablets. Two weeks supply $1.00. McGregor's 1Drug Store. 45-1 t E Made in Canada POTTERY 1An Ideal gif t at low cost Attractive shapos and colora, tBULB BOWLS JARDINIIERES VASES Cups and, Sauçers, White Vitroc. Practical for ovoryday use 1Cups and Saucora -- 3 for S5U 3Cups Oni>' O for SU i WooI r A good aupply for ail types of knitting Christmas. Carde. boxed, Singles and- by the dozen Personal Carda ait Ver>' Sp«OW ORDES BEAELT i. WC*Jew&11 "Big 20" "Prices Marked Down -60- Our arge Stock of ~ Dbresa up wlth a now bat and do It for »c ver> little. We are reaily Pleaaed to be able ta offor these hats ho Our cuatomersa ah c low pries,. Core ne ansd look around. Yeu are Under no obligation. Couch, iohnston & Cryderman,Ltd. HAUYALLIN THE CORNER GROCERY

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