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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1940, p. 5

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mRUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7,1940 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIOPAEFV IlMlsslonary Programt Roosevelt Re-elected teniais through brokers in the S ILLadies Give Sp..ches i afMÎh Trail D i J Cr riione s"a* a third terni. Te preoei- are producing metals for Japan V Ji lu e u e SOCIALAN» PESONAL t Wome's Socety LaestreUsinite l v-they caut atortantheinteti r u~Lvu1 Trinity. Woman's Missionary* dently agreed wxhoees i the canot at n'ead the se B e d P i e e u Il ~~~~Society met Tuesday alternoon. dent that thfs was foatime to tymeberdung etsfoue Pte Brce urney Peawaamen mae t fl te vcany.Devational service was in charge swap horses so an historic by Britain agamast Germany, and -wt group.mMs.onagarchose as a dsit in heElectoral Vote inCs n ar la homO on leave. Mr. Lucas' home town la Cobourg, go Mr.G.L Waradhe tadio was broken. 'h e lis tl n osbyJ- C s n ar Miss Èlba Cavcrly spent Sun- MnXr. Effie Wight Anderson, St. scripture lesson the l4th chapter- colunins was, approximatclY: The real loss in such cases is a day wth friends i Toronto. MarYs, Ont., in sending hIn her of St. John's Gospel, -making Roosevelt 442, Willkie 89. ducefor a r hepurntoses if they Mrs. Annie Restrick ptSu subscription ta The Statesmhan ta many helpful and inspining ne- dueor_________i____10__ieîe t C oo e r dayvistin fren snot-.Ho- end of -1942 says: "We arc getting marks on the text. She cailed this were 'Jintelligently employed by5O'lc Id asindH at da iiigfinsi otHPe. ahegd:of yo collctQyAl. before the "Love Chapten"' of the Bible, Red Cýo9s W@dc the government for that purpose. 0a0 5O lc 04FsindH at Loat) te.Alex, Bruce aï Jack ho eàils at t e door.' second only ta the Shepherd p At AypAý.l actories which, are making Ca tess to a fwellarty Tueng s a lm thelgrann s uilrarcnd_____AYPA.for small boys ta utem l ahome. Ms_____ Gahm a hs-a ..But. ikHigh DoubeLa Caicon Ptwaaar vs te Mrsa*Geargé G ram was hs-a lm roaitself. ________ blow off on halloween cannot at Mn. and Mrs. Ernie Brown, evening ini honor of Miss Ruth misoary work in Africa. Mrs. During the meeting of St. eohin's anc and the samne tume be making * Ven uhm D itSie 1»rampton, wene ini town over the Hammi who has accepted a po LW.Dippell lntroduced the study A.Y.P.A., Red Cross work waS explosives with which ta bomb 6. een ura -Weeendtio in oroto.Her irla Ps -by well chopen selections fnom prcceeded with while the Pro- German plants. Sa on ail around Mrcc. toLi 1rnoHrgil 4red Dr. Tucker's descriptions of his gram was in progress sa that no the cycle. Wreprswie **. Cii uhm Bu rpe ad Ms Max Rbi and prnte hler wt an overnight alirdy in Africa.. Miss Leta preciaus time might be lost. ThcY books about what they cal]. the(FrS son, Hanmilton, were guests of Mr. . Jackson, Mrs. A. M. Hardy and will continue it at the home of "War potential" of any particular ... OdF hioned Round Loaf (o ad ihs and Mns. T. H. Knight. Rev. and Mrs. H. R. Campbell Mrs. W. B. Polard gave interest- Miss B. G. Allin, Queen Street, nation. Thià is just a technical 00I ahW oeI Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ddvis, Pet- have nioved ta Piceville where ing information on various phases Thursday evening. naine for the total war power of erboro, spent Sundaywith Mr. hie has been appointed miinister of of Dr. Tucker's work. Mrs. W. P. An enjoyable program was in any such nation. 0 Soya Bean Bread... Whl W ea Br d and Mrs. Bert Colwel. the Presbyterian Church there. Rogers spoke on some of the pri- charge of Lillian Naylar, Bilan I think anyone who faces facts Alcx Colville has been trans- Their daugbter Shirley is remain- mitive customs of the native Af- Flaherty had his movie projector which literaily stare at the ob- Shop at.the Store and Save M oney lennçd from Jarv'is ta R.C.A.F. ing here ta continue hier studies rican, showing the graduai devel- on hand te show several mntercst- server froin every hand in Canada Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. at B.H.S. opmnent of somie of these people ing reels. Bob Evans contributcd that Canada's total war patential Ai.craftsman Jack Gibbs, Man- Mns. Win. Webb visited hier ma- under the Christian influence and a cornet solo acconipanicd by flot only bas not been reached. I ning Pool, Toronto, spent the then Mrs. Shaw at Owen Sound, teachings of missionaries of the Hazel Rundle, and Jean Living doubt that fair statisticians could wcekend with his parents. who celebrated hier 93rd birthday. Cross. played a piano solo, rate it higher than twenty or ~Petawawa, was i town Wednes ed her own birthday cake and was thç business session. Secretarles T hC at r ~r I y dyrnwn cuitn es- the gnàcious hostessta nine of ber gave their reports. Plans were S. A. League Cives Soldiers Inspected Phone 855 Bakers for Tw" Generations .Bwinll p ayr. en oni cuhitandces. -fiends. conipleted for supper meeting in Socks Te Midlands -te . Ethel T ornshnd duhew - Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Simmons, the school room under the direc-____ (Contlnued from page 1) te eanTa rats e n te wek Aircraftsman and Mns. Batlett tion of the M. & M. Cammittee of Telaiso th Slvtn__________________________ MéendwittL.ns.breAdu. Smas ent and Donald, OsaaPebtry oiam my Home League and Red Major F. L. Dudley who had and rs.Ev ene.Osbonsend ntn an nls a h e-CmîtefrteAxlaywsShield have been busy knitting, chag fteuitpirt ao me n gr th e Md Midlndsheare N W A T E tE cods fpalefn ie and Mwens. larn coe sbn cently camne ta Canada fan the appointed. and have parcelled 98 pairs of! Gamey's neturn frem averseas. tabaagrtltdupntefct____ hefmes Sceviiigduration of the war, ail of -Barrie, A petition was circulated fan soks t be sent to theBo an Interviewed alter the review, that thisasebld unit asoeofotnc cf a pge1)Prtud an omn pf thefome'sfather. visited Mn. and Mrs. W. P. Cor- the signatures cf the members of ville boys serving everseas. Mns. Gen. Armstrong paid high tribute the fînest trained in Caniada. Theb. ai sained rcaft Mnra, p manviolSu-e'st the saciety, asking the Govenn- Jahn Wilson, King Street, dna-toalal ranks, vaicing the opinionl citizens cf Orona district deserve ing out witb dlear creek water. lzn ulin ol ieb ton, sainda otel pn omnil' business section ment te restrict sale cf alcoholic ed checolate bars foie the pack- that they were a match fer any high praise for their kindness and "Barkham Hall" was bufit ini seen in saa the weekend with bis uncle and seemed ta lack something during liquons i Canada, as a war.mea- ages. Inaddition to this a box of units anywhere and ready fan ac- bard work in helping ta make 1923 for Dr. W. H. Walton-Ball by aunt, Mn. and Mns. A. Hoît. the past summen and ne one seçm- sure. socks was given ta the local regi- teive dtywbhe cl. onever the vntasledd ucssatnlyMis or oe. Itwa Dr. Raymond R. and Mrs. Rog- ed te solve the mystery. But it ment before their departure ta serewerever tatrmayf e.i-dsg nth tl fGog ers, New 'York City, spent the became self evident what was Orene this week, centaining a pair Interested spectatars ofothe weekend with bis parents, Rev.- missing when William J. Chahls Local Girls Attend of socks for each man in D Coin- spectian and march past weree TRINITY Y.P.U. Vasrngn's eh hue Datoun t. .ualuy In Aoboum pagy hsltl sitne visited. It was named afterteARCag AAscaeMn W. P. nd Mr. Rogrs, Cntre t. reentlyretured tM Mîdgraaed.MRegiment;RegLtnt - t ol.o. Contlnuedfro1pagbouseoueoffanc, WilyurnallBa en, smon- Mn. and Mns. A. L. Hagerman, and service station after several "Coou t he sock problem was much. ap- A .BuslOC, n ao"indi drcrso h o Sturgeon Point, were in town for -iniths' enforced* rest at bis sum- Four members of Trinity Unit- preciated. A.HB ou2n nalCmmand. Ma.jor taraim n an a i ma onhiai erscfsthe Norat-ois.unaNvlO:il.m several days and left Thursday ta mer home at 'Bewdley an Rice e hrhCnda.GrsI h oeLau et ahLoreT. MLagblinC.M.G., the speaker said that in ~ mn aqesa the plcft Mrinroshpstpm-v spend the winter at St. Peters- Lake. Bily's hasts cf friends are ewCurh andin inWilliaommeauemetseaheab,,ndinComadqCl.Toaltaiaisn ndCaadans burgFlonda. lad e sechlm ack t th oldTraining, Helen and Gwen Heop- Tuesday at 7.30 p.m. in the SaI- D.S.O. was present as Officer case the individual is subjecte eted wih Wi i te Conqeroreing-osisbjc AMd Wug ia . Clile ecn snsad tekig afelias th - er, Lais Burgess and June Dusen- vation Army Han te do knitting, Cmanig32nd Imp. Reserve te the demands f the state, but vading and iaying waste part of ______________H__ WfiMn.ams. A Colville, haon snstuandlooas and sfeeliong ant berry, accompanied by Miss Flan- etc. An3' ladies who care ta as- Regiment, Veterans Guard of Ca- in Canada it is the well being cf o r nedtheRoy alexCnadian Airgetalksing te hm eryong be- ence Werry and Miss Helen Prit- sist with the knittig 'are wel- nada, together with one cf bis citizens wbich is primary. While England. joined the oyal Canadan Air gettalking tohim vjuniorngofficers,, Lieut.d A.eL.oBaker.rethecmfutureiof fCanadianisut. canL.Btker. thefstutenantna17ayearsanageIRemevet teeatcauseyear agoedor Force and is in Branc4on. Man.fere lie stants telling abeut the chratddt he CobI.. a urg in S-cae Reeve T. A. Reid cf Clarke be feretold we caf be sure it will was Dr. R. O. Dickson, now prac- "Beaut"Tbes Tw wek ailhsbe aiigt ofrnd Doecars.nbefo1re ou drew's Cburch, Cobeurg, on Sat- Township gave a civic welcome ta bc fine and beautiful because its tising dentistry and living in the supply l0.MGrgrsDu khe Qth.ad Dt e'as. godt y oeut i t urday. oswsnw Gen. Armstrong and accompanied roots are se finely and firmiy village. Mrs. Ida Stinson and Store. 4- Pte. Sidney Casbourn and Ar-. sbow reoin leoking right at. these About 125 girls gterdfrein A1 SE E I 18 .. hum at the saiuting post. estabiished in tbe past. dubeMs rneas c-______________ thu Culy pen Snda inTo-brnd ew ode. Nxtwee tb contes f gtheedFallowing the militany nianoeu- What can the youth of Canada cupied it. It was unoccupied this renta withf Tom Dustan at Trinity Bil expects te make an announice- bore, Nr hrastmgandPetr- B at loe hlot ..vnes, Majon Gamey accompanied de then, ta ensure peace for the sunimer except for a nxonth when House, U. of T., and attended an ment-. about bis annual Moter bai naid were privileged te bave _______________ Gen. Armstrong i an inspection world? Pacificism will net take the Doctor's family used it whcn impressive service of St. Thoma hw sgus cae Ms are f temperany quanters. The bat- us fan. Our ideals must be de- Mns. Rex Wynn and sons, Brant- E Anglican Church. maChri. s stseearyMissthaGrsietTE HALLOWIEEN talion' formed up in column of fended. In the iast analysis it de- fend, holidayed at "Harris Lodge." E Mn.,,ançl Mrs. W. T. Quinn, Mn. ity W. -A., of .which Mrs M. W. Work Board, Toronto. aI met a little youngsten the othen and were dismissed as snow and cording ta bis abiiity, talent, and a niece of Dr. and Mrs. Walton- TBR A L and Mm- ~c Passincre, Mns. Tamblyn is chainman, served a Following registratian and cuyin itatnay John annEide, Mn andMrs.mastappetzingand atisyinglivey si gsg, iss Cndr aday with a big gievance. It made sîcet fell - singing and cheerful. opportunities he may serve in theBalhdben ccpigtSu73 Foth ,E xeStape, .and ugtrs. otaoutig-adstifig lined the f snd- isscfChritie me c!ucklc at first. But wben I Despite inclement weather the cause cf peace. We sbouid take a tunes the previeus twe years ad S TFlet er e wcekes nd agutess supper, Friday at 8.15 p.m. in outieth onngofCGIT got timo to think it aven I won- manoeuvres were a buge success. definite stand against eviis. Make had lef t thein funniture bore. It 'T eSaet hltr Toroth , M rs. W . Spa go. sTrnity scbool roin te about 125 25 years ago and the purpase ai dered if it did net bave a real 0f especial intercst were ne- a set cf rules and live up te tbem. was a total loss. Dr. Walton-Ball wih r. .H.Spro. - guests. It was a real sociable accomplishinents of the ineve- lesson for Canada in general and marks beard ameng spectators We sbould be willing ta take the bad reduced the insurance on the Fida o8p 1 Mn. Lën Luças, mathematical affain and gave an epportunity ment. She pointed out that C.G. the governinent i 1articular. that 'D' Company, Bowxnanville, bard way in life cf forgiveness, bause and contents. For the past tec theel Canadian A ir nesdr apy angenal ruain - s .women inesed hi ee-g e p 1 The littlc felow was grieved under command of their ncwly sacrifice cf self - live peacefully few years lie had been using partJnlrC u ytheRealas beenne appoint- stnes hppya d wel ci as mejygilnd ter the y counld do g because bis scboal principal had gazetted Major F. E. Lycett, was witb aur neighbors and preserve cf the heuse- for the practice of ye heeha ee o poit sace-al for has te pice.sing ilsadthe urch. they dievedolspublicly dcclared that bis pupils the smartest an parade. Major aur freedoin ta think and learn. dentistry wben in Newcastle and frae e1 e ______________________an added feature a musical pro- ceuld best be taught in sniail had volunteencd te give te the Lycett's companyofficers include Business cf the evening was aouet bs40 uip.there atnowithr ~~1-4* ~~~~grain was carricd on wbile the graups witb leaders. Thus C.G.I.T. Red Cross the money that tbey Capt. L. Curtis and Lieuts. C. B. cenducted by Lorraine Pickard. aot$0 hn a eisr oplCoue u mealwas beig seved y th wasestalishd. .would have spent on firecrackers Qattes, J. James, R. Dennis, C. Miss Eleanon Johnsten played a ance on this. lsrae Tak mantv wates es.Ms .A- Fling discussione groupsblshed and for ballowe'en. I Iteard hini Spencer. piano solo. The naging fine in a bouse that OheSrvcs sUsa ...... .. .. .btentiClgve rsee rpas e .AI l- in adisciusbnqruets mumbling and grumbling te hum- Tbe United Caunties of North- Many mnembers of the Union was fan langer than any ordinany WePahteFuiGse ? etCl aesvra in e-giea eiiu aqe a self and wben discovercd the rea- umberland and Durhamn are ta be signed a petition protesting the summen Cottage, lit up the hea- T .ections; a piano trie compesed cf scnved by Cebourg ladies. son he .complained "nobody askcd cangratulated; the Officens anid sale cf liquen in Ontario. yens anaund 9 p.m. and attracted S 'U< toV .- Ms. Coe nd ises oyc Li- The clesing event of a very me if I would de it." I asked bir W th -tan and Marion Dudley- played profitable and interésting day was if he did not want ta belp win the Ti e sycrl slecion; vcaan impressive Candle Light Ser- war ta stop Hitler frein conquer- soo'Wete rendcred by, Misses vice presided over by Miss Chris- ing an these countries and he Donothy Nichais and- Marion Dud- tic. After'a short talk on "Jesus, scornfuly replicd that cf course HE ley. 'It was noted that all this ex- the Ligbt of the World"l by the bie did. His gievance was that RANER lpond ie mesicu a l tu.asete leader, eacb girl received ligbt thcy should have got the Red pAN ERfammant t c bave- proven t frein a large central candle and Cross ta sel the firecrackers, and thrratnths hveup ibosed wtb formed a circle about the chuch then everybody would have been thacn sna isble anai aen t te. close the service by singimg satisfied. I gave him ail the othe- Jees.Bey. yugent, minister ef St. boiled and demanded a plain e- e ui Intecolor and. ENGAGEMENT Ade', in- a * pleasing' and ply as te how we could use -theFO V R E SS ULPB harmof yellow friendly way, made ail the girls firecrackers te win the war.F ROV R ASS UL ECIaeTohDgtr$If Mn. 'and, Mns. L. llderlcy an- feel at home and helped te make That little felaow seerns typical S N O nounce tbe engagement of thein the rally a. success. e c ftb wae omnonefSNTIA] WOSIE - -daughter, Rachgel May Kathleen, Canada in the wagig of this war. Dueto0We5..oniton nGIANT e cn c adI4Idig at o We are ail so desperateiy patrie- Prices 33 owrlecniin egaaae a omd cadn aec to Reginald Guy Coombes, R.C. Boys' Parliamient tic, and feel se proud when we ----delîvery ef Christmas Glft parcels or mail sent overseas, The only sode way M arr's Jewel AY, Ottawa, son of the late Mr.. To HoId Election read about the Air Force or when _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s hmf: ii ~dtr id SN A IN L O F l Phn 3BewManville England). The. marriage, wil take While we are fighting for De- bean Enga ndoBut yhowur ac-l place the latter part of Navember. mcayi Europe anc cf the we are îmnbued by exactly thes choose from. _______________________________________________agencies that bas been teaching saine ideais as the little fellow. Democracy at home is the 0naio f course wc want ta win the Gifts For Men on Older Boys' Parliament 9ntai ar utCreamwn orlie b 6this year is ta hold its 2th ses- crackers. iST Active ServiceI -.aI .............. ... .. ... sion n McMaster University, We will net really begin te pull SPECIAJL SETS .O Vae Hamilton~, December 26tb te 30th. aur full weight in the figbting cf The Premier for the pa2liaincnt the war til we anl realize that 50ce - $1te. mai j j . j ..this coming year is Alvin Carless we have te give up sometbing if a0e redy1.00 ai of Roseneath. Leader of Opposi- aur net effort is ever rcally ta oe laligSA IGKITS tien is Lloyd Penny, Windsor. increase.50 $10 President of the Cabinet i$ Jack -2e - Sc - $O _______________ - SPECIAL. - SEEDLESS Dodds, Tenante. ilcci li IIAR BRUSHX thIS NSl Nominations xn:y be receivcd FORGOTTEN ABC ST ]RAIS N S l c up unte November lltb. The vet- As a matter of fact; the littlc $1ETSu ens' lîst aroesNv 25tb and the fellow was right in one very un- 1 c 2 1r3 ý.MLITARY PEN AND ________________________________ elections arbeld Nov. 30th. portant respect. In the long run PENCIL SETS , *,, ------ TENDER LEAF The Returning Officer fer this it dees nebody much good if fie - _____________ SPECIAL - GOLDEN HALLOWI E2 - 56 district is T. Edwin Hancock, crackers are left on the sheives il 3c SO Nbcatlwbo wil be glad tao f sinaîl merchants tii]. the end of PaOlmoli*ve Soap ECIAL - LEMON£ turjning fierbUov. 5h,140wthJpan - this vast metal ~.... j L ~day' Scbeol class that bas sent its saine quantity cf its praduct ta PE U SOI votera' list ta the District Return- Britaian the anc band, and te 1 2 5 0 ILfor oys' erand ad a ta299theJapan, ally cf Bnritains ancb cf- 4 I AL 1L EMO RO R ________________ qQcnStreet West, Toronto, by In fairncss te the management NrALO amo.ot8p Ie _________________________n 5b 90 f the company I souldadd that hme.:I .hi . Watcb 'fer furtber news next (in the absence af any restrictions I."brlis ot acetJàv7rgraianc~e week. by the governnMent, and in ite of oith r 1 abs.nceo nyhbti wlthen t29 9c Po E X 792R Every motenlst for bis own pro-U.abnsenc ay rahibwition byn te 15c 2We 9Dephneve9 D O M I 4 10 >4tectien should read Tlm Garten's would bave been impossible te 5 0PE ' 1M E1 advt this week on page 8. prevent Japan buying these ina- ME '1~* 4 I i s 'f -i t I *1 .4 :4; 44 r 'I.

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