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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1940, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1940 S~AU~ MI ~ a n enclosed emporium but the FACE NUS FORTUNE RISTORY BEING NADE.IN MO!OS BICYCLE SAPEI'Y CLUB T r n ~~U I i~ people at large have failed ta give ______ SPOR T U UW it the required support. Several JonMhalfHaitnadrsViaSmtvstefind _______ people have mentioned that they h n pic el oftHe iton Sa dnTrnoadOoo osupporglanoden ae smalorUan5 few days ago. He looks lake Hit- Airs. Wmn. Staples, Bowman- o manvill. Stu t a elspport n nk asir thrino nler - and how! His sister is Mrs. enloe rn btstliter s oGus Annis of this town whose ville, visited at Mrs. Jas. Starey's. Withut Rik comitee o tae te lad. husbnd unsthe ental oolMr. and Mrs. Dudley Bradd and Buto ARnkc mitte ta ta thelead. ntrobtse snttopesdSheila, Oshawa, visited at Mr. Jas. want ta bother itself about get- roh, tshe s lot oo leaDudley's. Another year has gone around ting a rink. Perhaps they prefer wit h rs'lac.A goodly number atne and Bowmanville stili lacks facil- ta have samebody hand it ta them John believes his striking re-LnePai' ae aar tockde iMes for a good indoar skating without doing any work them- semblance ta Hitler may help fin- ane iemntsaleoffri. c rin. Mnypeolearea e lvean We hope this isn't the case ance the downfall of the Nazi uand pemn tesmuihl on rdy gn g ovn ope s areal a dpe nd i trust in the near future there fuehrer if either of two overturesY.P U.h dt ei a nul m s the evening skating in.the arena. up fbe ms ase.r nees tre Hallowe'en night. Aiter the judg- for thisdsaie cause.iesting of those in costume, crokinole hascbeated some the itit t Back raw: left ta right: George Roberts, Howard Doner,Donald a lyro ndluhol New hageokey tasintedigstrctndh IAnderson, Ray Westlake, Bob Rogers, Ray Aiken, George (MuttonFrend larcodstning g amwees nd I 011 M0 g I T Jack Childs, Arnold Sleep, Donald.Wilcox, Jim Martin, Jack Samis, (By Gupis rer Freund)wit supparting the teainswherever il AAE~ EMULaurie Hart, Alan Strike. Centre raw: Louise Cale, Eleanai- Johnston, Afwppl r tl ikwt they go. But evidently these peo- _____________ Mari orie Kilpatrick, Betty Goslett, Florence Chartran, Betty Osborne,- thq mumps... Al af us welcom- pl ae otiteetan r-Nellie PreAln otetDrs hrrn er rsiBtyed aur new pupil, Billie Bradd. pie h ave ojst liktesta akr rieNrtctDrsCata, er rsiBty Grade 6 had a stary in Eng- dncaeojstacte iii- Aiter a week's layoff B.H.S. Lunn, Orma Moweis, Jean Living. Front row: John Cattran, ereü--pro bu idhnyes tivp ta start the bail rollilngKeg ent rwod a uly George Widdacom ddi The service clubs have g been Seniors corne up agamnst Oshawa It was about a bee whom the damng a great deal ta haLve an open in the motor city this Saturday. Allin, Teddy Clark, Wallace Ru.ter, Leon Brown, Earle Gfilmoe, 'Carl writer of the story, John Burrows air ink and have even thuhto Oshawa proved their strength last Boe, Charles Cattran, Bil Calver. aldPgyMl eg mli Satrda whn tey efetedAppearing in the magazine, The- val'parade and helped ta patrol the haney which Mr. Burrows put Peterboro 8-1 in a hard faught Lion, official organ af Lions in- the grounds. Fiity cycliste went there and after she was loaded btl.Oshawa has added several t o Peterborough ta participate in with honey went back ta 'the hive Business*Uffir u en ta its une-u thseem terntonl pbise i hiao a Safety Jamboree. The girls held and came back with two or three eta have insirdthleala 1., is the above picture by Lieut. a bazaar and raised $26.00 for the mare companions. These hie fol-, greater accomplishments. John M. James showing a part of Red Cross. Ail theo members are lowed and iound out where their the_______________Lions Bicycle outfitted with yellow sweaters nest was... The lioysar still Legal chaion n mer oy s a negru Safety Club.,The Club has had a and Safety Crests supplaed by the practising tumblmng an the base- chamionsno mtte whowinson ery busy summer ai interesting Lions Club and every member ment. Some have became pretty DL . G.Y. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. Saturday, but it doesn't look 50 activity holding safety meetings has passed the tests of the Chief good at head standing and other PhrseSlcioNr one 35 teamlose the last eague game Hampton and Orono, weekly of Police. The Lions are definitely su..... In, Art we made many team los ther l st eagu ga e. raff c c urtwith local citizens as making the people oi Bowman- funny masks - half masks, Paper Poe31Dnesand Stasinski an the Osh- 'judges, and sending memibers ta ville more iaIety cansciaus. Great bag and cloth bag masks. All were BakoB omrBd.awananvlle are the big threats with John Michael the Lions Carnivals at Whitby praise and credit is due Lion amusing and interesting. ___________________ their forward passing and smart and Port Hope. Sixty mmeso Charlie Carter for i leadership W. R., STRIKE bucking. Bath these lads were nat from movie corporations reach the club took part i a Bawman- and contlnuous effort hie is givlng Baristr, oliitr, otay 1on heline-up when Bowmanville the contract stage. He wauld con- ville parade and eighty more par- this project which is such an out- Starkvflle Bariser Slicto, otry deieated Oshawa in the first game tribute maney earned this way ta ticipated in theclub's owri carni- standing fuccess. Solicitor for Bank of Mantreal ai the seasan. . the Red Cross. Michael is dubbed ____________________________ ___ Mô o La hone 791 ** "Adolph" in the Hamilton cale Rev. S. Davison, Bowmanville, The time ai the play-aiis is nat where hie works with his bi-ahe- HalloWe'.n party wr liadb oadSu-pece aesro nSio 1. C. MASON, BA. definitely set as yet, but there will in-law. * rock, Betty Sasson, and Don Wil- on Sunday. Barite Sliitr prabably be home and home Dinner patrons, clamor ta have uSOsyous M.vift cox, and Ronnie Evans who ta- An enjoyable Hallowe'en party aitary-Pub lic tr games with Belleville with points hlmi "camb his hair down.'" He is At Bicycle Club gether forrned> the component was held in Starkvllle schoal. The La nPail is brances ta count. The winner ai this group son ai a Greek Orthodox minister parts ai a giraffe. costumes were real good, especial- Lawin il ts ranhes wil then go ta Toronto ta meet and was born in Kato Kollinas, An interlude in the fanai ai a Canon Spencer was there, too, ly the ones worn by Russell Sav- cWe lanredately east af Royal the winner of the Georgian Bay- Tripoleos, Greece. He was two Haîîowe'en 'arty broke thet entertain with smre tales ai ery and Carol Todd who were Ph Th:Ofieatre8 Hoe Ni3agara district. years short ai receiving a degree ote wartime romance, evidently much prize winners. .,Phones. Office 688;** Hinoedcme whn h lit5reee.regular activities oa, the Bicycle enjoyed.MrBetrinhsgenrt Dental A Bawmanville teama, regard- Althaugh now a naturalized Cu nOtbr3t.Aot10 Gmsadlnhhdntbe with a hunting party. ___________________less whether it is baseball, hockey, citizen ai Canada for the past five boys and girls, ail costumed apro- averloaked by the committee and Shiloh W. A. are taking part ini DR. . C.DEVTT bsketallor rgbyhasneyer years, the recent Italian invasion pas ai the seasan, were present at befare 'the party brake up Alan Red Cross work and are sending DR 3 . EIT inished as Ontario champions, ai his homeland, the cradle ai St. John's Parish Hall where thc Strike toak the iloar ta invite ail sorne provisions ta Orono Red Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sinson We are gaing ta have another democracy, makes John's blood the guesta ta became members of Cross ta help feed the soldiers Graduate ai Royal Dental Col- chance ta beat this jinx sa let's bail and hie would like nothing party was held. the Safety Club. wha visited Orono. M lege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilce give the boys ail the support they better than ta get just ane goad Charlie Carter, shepherd ai the Cogratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. BIdg, Bowrnanville. Office hours deserve. crack at the Axis partner ta whomn Club, declared lie was mightily H. Lyttle, Kendal, on the birth aif 9a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily, * he bears such a resemblance. surprieed when hie arrived at the GECQ. 'ROBERTS a son. Hazel was a Shiloh girl. hne except Sunday 83a This week-end promises ta be Jahn remembers that Hitler has hall and saw thc extensive pre- NEW laid up M. LwtH alcol a be X-Ray Equipment li Office Friday the Juniors play Cobourg not grieve too much for the super- had mnade for the evening. Arlene OF BICYCLE CLUB No service« at Shilah next Sun- DIn . «). . DICKiSON in the final game ai their sche- fieial likeness which links hlm Northcutt, Neilie Parker, Alan day. dule here in thc aternoon. The with the "Beast ai Berlin." Strike, Chas. Cattran, Jack Childs, Saturday's meeting ai the Lions Everyone la trying ta finish (Toont) nd ewasteOnt Jnios ae eiiitly utai heBetty Osborne, Eleanor Johftston Bicycle Safety Club was a re- hauling -i their turnips. (ToroLno)ansd to Newcastle n. runingrsavdinlothree tght and Geo. Roberts were the clever velatian in what this body is doing Visitars; Miss Wray spent the Ofic ous:Studa nl, or in other wards winnmng only Bowl.r* Close S..... children planning the event. for greater saiety on the streets weekend at hier home in Peter- Offc a.m. : turdpm.ay ny ncgarne. WtTScalEennee prises for best costumes ai the town and what the organ- 'boro. .. Miss Nellie Shutka and 9_______________________ .* ____Social_____________ izatian means ta the boys and Miss Annie Andree, Oshawa, wlth The Juniors also played Whitby ThsmereaoaiUcBw girls who ae members. Mr. and Mrs. M. Shutka who Fuileral Directors in thatton eseraand from mhean mm eL as ow of Club ai- ML Indefatigable Charlie C ar t er cclebrated their wedding anni- » tc looks ai the score when Uiey iicially closed Ocober 29th, with aanwthhexcuvekpUivrsy....MsPtiia e, FUNERAL DIRECTORS played this tearn befare they wiil the memibr and guests holdig a meeting well i hand while im- Oronio, with Miss Helena 'Halo- Service, any hour, any day have a fairly tough job gamng any peasant social vning in Uic new portant business was transacted. well. . . Mis Helena Hallwell Mode Maar qimenf A th e Jniors le.upl~ays yer.clb ashon i 'c lub members are appointed ta daying at home here. . . Mr. J. the enir lne-p aains sh yer. eepalooakout thraugh the week Stewart and Miss K. Stewart, balance and Invalld Car. Tele- awa an Saturday. Uic building a goodly number ta sethat ail cydlista adhere toa Kndal sptca tletMm A. Dobsons phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. TeSnorbe o gathered ta enjoy the evening OSHAWA the "ten cammandments'l ai their andC. sp en litile t e wi. .r. Th eirboyshaebngo spent i playing variaus gaines. sbauht upcu rt.0f ei hnes est Mrs. Sid Hallawell and Helen are I ing through some very strcnuous The prise oai the evening was won Free Parking - Phone lor b the aineaddou.Bi nd hacis home alter visiting at Mn. H. Autiner . physical tainn hswe ab yMs a.' etne asd ao fed Rusk's, Port Hope. .. Mrs. Silver ELME inBUhe i best ai shape for Uhi iii Short speeches were made byrse sent t aseek Uijou ffnsel visited hiem sister li Toronto. LEeuedA uctoer portant games that 'are comlng members ai the executive and Thurs. - Fr. - Sat. ersChici ent on wk hei s ly LiemdAcioer off in Uic near future. Bil Pater- President Oscar LaBelle aificially ofVXER -9 ingtavet h yagstes a Tey are, neyer alane who arc Hampton . - Otaro son, BawanarWille's foremost rug- closed Uic evening with a few NVIýR7-9wligt ieteyugtr Bpelaizngla l'mi Lvetokby fan, was doing dtnsidrable words reviewing an exceptianally GARY COOPER baost alang thc path ai safety. accompanied by noble thoughts- inPiLietcwomk with Uic boys bringing Uiemenyalsao. Electians were held and Uic bal- Sir Philip Sidney. Inplments and Furailtire SSales_______________ ,,sson lulaota counted, showing officerd for TERNIS MODERATE it hp. ** SCIENCE FlNDS BEST The IlOWesterner thc new terni to be: Pmesidcftt, Phon~e for Terme and:Date to: Plans are under way for Uit0heA O AV 5vV V W l IGeo. Roberts; Vice Presidents, H A T Y LU VE R BowxnanvlDe 2428 Midland Regiment ta have a hoc- OF ______AV BS - with - Neflhe Parker and Alah Strike; E L H Extraordinary 'facta about anc Walter Drennan - Fred Stone Secretary, Betty Osborne.mu av p i e *of Uic puzzles ai science only now Doria Davenport A bni talk fromn Bob Corbett RE *US WWWWWD bemng unraveled! Read-mn The ai The Statesman editorial staff tuk #F YM ur . Avili 9.h . 1" ~~~~~~~~~~~American Weekly with Uic Nov- REVIVAL 0w ewsae okcmlte luaséIlcmSapl ember 10 issue ai The Detroit wi rounded program at which ,èju mg. gy t. shg. - jSunday Times-why it la best for Friday at 11I p.m. forty yaung cyclists werc present mdm m - ,tu u&pgk, "h u child ad mothr, taaif Uicranging in age fromn about 8 ta 16 id . o"d-Iby pj.,Ivd largse s ni lote Winter or The Great Waltz F' yarmai 1ge.n*6.Fu Ue. - ealrSprn ai fits chance ta .Toe 1e a greater man or woman, and - with - " I Ikey team. AJI their practices wiKriu Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Victor liMM e on Oshawa ice and games wiil' Pris isla r no *MMprobably be playcd with other Mon. - Tues. - Wed. Bark.n,is e, Mr. Aor onsn companies hi Uic egiment. The NOVEZ&BER il - 13 Colunmbus, Misses Annie Killen I I Ilocal company la said ta boast Ford Ernily Killen, Oshawa, Messrs sarne very gaad hockey talent. CiyFr on n't" Mk esad Harvey Balsan,A R M E n Tom Depew, Bowrn a n v 111 e's - Starrnt - Jean and Marilyn, Maple Grave,F ratgn hihockey pr actissi t egices James Cagney - Ann Sheridan at Mr. Wes. Canaeron's. . . Miss gret gns n hcke prcties Prank Craven - Donald Crlsp Marguerite Martin, Toronto, at wth Uic Marîbomos i Toronto. Mr. Tomn Martins. . . Mr. and Mrs. fastest men on Uic teamn, with Musical wlth Ozile Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Killen at M~r.O Nq *Igood chances ai ýbeing the aut- Or~cstre Delbemt Flintof's, Kedron... Miss I Istanding player ai Uic year. Ernie Velma Balson, Kinsale, at home Dickens, another out s t a n d i ng9.-F -St for a couple ai days. .. Mm. and Marîbora player, was guest ai Trof r.-S t Mrs. Russel Stainton and iarnily, Tom aver the weekcnd. NOVEMBER 14 - 16 Mrs. Jas. Stainton, gat Mr. A. J. Bso',Sl. . . . MIrs. Ray I ou behieve you coul< IN ECNIOLR amemon and family have rc- jbo rumm ê anW,' urned home iromn visiting hiemobo farming by bora Eye..eiht duc tion 'Do n Agenine ay' moterat Osaca. .. Mr. A. D. Mc- And Strrig --Klttrick, Helen, Victor and Bob hesitate to talk over y' I taDV'C hnting W I Lmay again sew o mad wt ea- 1,coe The judges gave the nega- RAI W M AM II~~ I used a magniîying glass at certain[.1L 1- .I.I candy, papcomn and apples ta the WNWUU MU E work and yet refused ta think ai vis tors. having the eyes examined forth. m ____________DL ion as nrman d yet thoe se vis mppana o y aaptfc md eI ! The greatest events of an age MODERN, EXPER1ENCED BAN)K ion as orma di flt us a ood. an hofs.are its best thoughts. It la the magnifier at their work. Dr. Chase"s Ointmenf# nature ai thaught ta find Its way (ta Jbe cantinued)%mmInto action.-Bovee. *0~ Larger Hai Needed ? IYOU try\to 00ver your head with a h&it several aigs top amal, you'll have a swell headache. But it won't be as sericus as thle headache you'l have if your fire inmurance ian't enough ta cover your loua when fire destroya yaur home. Have you really enoug h insurané,e? Je Je MASON & SON INSURANCE AGENTS Pone 681 Bowmanvllle Shoppard &Gi Lumber Co.Ltd. kt«Elit. Dowmmnvll lu l "b màe.-*WM, T. Umai ., 0KW, Tm., SOSpF., OFF^V, l.Log^.u tS DORROW 4t TERMSý A do a better wing, do not roui require- ofour nearest y the Bank of ;of seed,fobr mieàts, for the is, and for the. n operatio .ns. Wu lis BANKi' IFMONTR'EAL SMALL'ACiCOUNTS AREi WELCOMIE" t'anch.: F. 0. McILVEEN, Manager [KING SERVICE ...'tke Ouwce o f 123 Years, Sucrmfut pea:o i PAGE S IX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1 .

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