y THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1940' THE CNADIN STAESMA. BOWANPAGE. OTARI I P5IED.AND WRITE -FOR YOU I By John C. Kfrkwood The warld's largest dlock lai Jersey Clty, N. J. It measures 50 feet acrossa is face. The minute band, Includlng counter-balance, la almnost 4o feet long, and can be read alimast threc miles away. It Was built lI 1908, and weighs 2200 lbu. Big Ben is Brtain's moat famous ck, and its 13-tan benl la heard aU aen London annd, via radio, ail over Uicwhe d *LaCOMa4lves, like aId hanses, ~find their way utibhatehy ta Uic scrap beap. One famouj locomo- tive may even 110W have been COnverted litoscnap for Uic màk- lag ai guns or ammunitiaxi - thc ohd "Caronation" l0co0m o tiv e wbich hauled the Raa Train la Bnitaixi when George V and Qucen Mary succeeded ta Uic thxéone- 29 yemr ago. The mast famous U.S.A. loco- motive bore a number as is name -999. It was Uic Quexi ai Uic Nincties, and ion mary years hehd Uic -wanld's speed record. It was thei finît locomnotive ta pull a maderxi passenger express. Anew "'Life" aif John D. Rocke- feller 1 bas been publishcd. The sub-titlc is "The Heroic Age ai Ameican Enterpnise."1 John D. chame by bIs tift na- ture boncstiy: bis fathen bad im- Prcssed upan.,hlmaven and aven again Uic neccssity ai driving careful bangains. Jabn's father, William, la rcportcd ta bave said, "I cheat my boys evny Uie I get a chance. I wart ta make 'cm Sharp. I trade wlit the boys and skin 'cm, and I just beat 'cm evcr time I car."1 John used ta bjU dy by the paund ard sici it ta bis brothers and sisters by Uic piece and make a profit. What la Uic age lmt for a tree? The bcst authanities say Uiat trees con neyer reach an age ai aven 2000 ycars, and that only rarcly docs a trec reacli an age ai 2000 ycans. Yct the Big Tre iaund li thc Sierra Nevada Mountains bas an age ai, adnilttedly, 5000 ycarsl It la, therciore, thc oldeat oai-al living thiga. 1if you want ta start a competi- tion. then ask entrants ta rank ilowers according ta popuharity. You wouhd fmd the correct ara-i wcr li a fat book - anc four incbess thick, and wcighlng six poundi - a book wbichp.ppears1 evcry three years and whlch no- body readsl It la a referencebook, callcd The Agicultunal Index. It lists, for anc Uing, aIl articles on flowers Uiat have appeancd la 128 magazines, and ail govcrnmcnti àfamphlets. and ail books dcalixig 'T,- a 1wli h owenrs. Here la Uic ranki ai sorqe flowers as based an t disclosures ai The Agricultw Index: Roses (178 mention irises (83 mentions), ghadiolus L(74), dahlias (e3), lines (6. muma (57), tulips (44). And bu tare Uic lcast joÔpuhar: Hyacinl 1(9), manigolda (6), zinnisa « ipansies (4), and poppies (4). The gnctest amount ai drea: lng la donc by persona who a bctwcen 20 and 25 ycars aifaa accordlng ta a study made Doris W. MeCra.v ai Cedar Rapid Iowa. Dreams increase wîhtheUicva lcty and activlty ai thc induN dual's intellectual life. Studen repart the héightencd frequeni af dreamis during examinatioi and Intensive scboal waî Dreaming decreases with age.' drcama seldorn lbats marc than ti minutes. Sa lyau say that you xievý on have few dreama, y decL yourseIf ta be unintelle tuai I Nikola Tesla famous invents naw 84 ycans old, says that he bi invcnted a "telciorce" with wbuc aéroplane matons wauid be mcl cd ai a distance ai 250 miles. Th ncw force cauhd be generatE froni a spécial plant that woul cost no mare than $2,000,000 an wblch cauld be built iside thne months. The beani froni tbis ncw ni chine would meit - any engin' wbether Diesel an gasoline drive, and also would ignite the explc sives aboard any bomber. No pa sible défense against it could t devlsed, says Mn. Tesla. Mn. Tcsha's record la such thi bis views and assertions arc ci, titled ta respect and ta carnei considération. About left-handedness: T be r bas beexia revalent - but nai substaxitiatd - beief Uiat teaci ing left-bandcd ensons ta us their riglit hand, particularly fo writing, causes thcm ta becoir stutterers. The new'cr beici tbat thc very reverse la truc - namely, that stuttcring tendst décline la those who change ove from being Icft-banded ta beir rigt-handed. A study made ai 1594 student Se vealed Uiat 1422 were righi nardcd, 138 were axnbidcxtnou 34 were let-bandcd, and 77 hai been chaxigcd from leit ta nigi bard at lcast ton wnitlng. Of th right-bandcd 1.1 pan cent wcî iound ta stutter. Stuttcning wa also dlacavered la 2.9 per cento Uic eft-banded, and la 1.3 ps "-EFFICIENCY lu the watcword ln our mechani- cal departm eut Efflcieney com- blned wlth the latest cqulpment la your guarantee of Firat Rate Service. WINTrERIZE.YOUR CAR NOW! Everythlng you need to, 'put the oRl bs ln shape for Jack Frost Weather. Don't be late for work the tiret cold mornlng of the *inter because the car won't etart. Our lcensed mechanle wil diag- nase-your car troubles before they bivalve major repaire. 1 SPECIAJI DUSSES FOR ALL -OCCASIONS GARTON'S GARAGE Phone 2666 Klng Street More Qverseas Glft suggestions Dou't worry about delivery of tiiese articles, W. do ail the work. Just glve us the addreus 100 Salada Tea Bags for soldir 1.3 3½,/ LB. BOX'MeVITIE AND PRICE POPULAR ASSORTED BISCUITS Delivered hi Englanul ar Seotland for anly $1.49 20L.Pail 20oaz. tini Pure Lard toCrn, Pen*, Pork S I SBene or Butter 51.85 Bene Tin 10e 1% lb. Packagre LYONS TEA (packed for overseas) $1.20 SMcCormlck's SUNW1IEÀT BISCUITS...pkg. 25C increase your poultry productions wlth Pratîs Poulfry ReguJaton FRESH FISH FOR FDJDAY HARRY &ALLIN Phono 867-368 THE CORNER GROCRRY f.wnmvill. ýng mal is>, ses U), e tis re its ns rk. A ier ias [h t- his id id e la- e, x' o0- )s- at ?st 1XARRIED RZCENTLY ,Mr. and Mrs. H-arry V. Crydq maxi, Elgin Street, wha were nu ried recently at Trinity Unit Church, Bawmanviile. Bth m very well knawn in tawn. Har works at the Gaodyear. M~ Crydernian, befare her marnal was Cia Anderson and was for number of years an the local sti ai the Bell Telephane Ca. cent oa 'the ambidextraus, and 1.3 per cent af those wha hý been shifted fram the use af t leit hand ta the use af the rig hand. Further, 20 stutterers we found ta be 75 per cent rig]. handed, 5 per cent left-hande 20 per cent ta be ambidextrai. Only 5 per cent ai the stuttere had been shiited fram use ai hi hand ta use -of right hand. The new Clipper aeroplanes strata-dlippers - have a flyil range ai fram 5000 ta 10,000 mili Now flights by strato-cipper s being made fram Las Angeles San Francisco ta New Zealaid. tinie 4% days. Dogs as welh as chiidren a e being cvacuated frani England n- cbicfly ta, U.S.A. Some dogs a h- evacuated "for Uic duratiar e ailiers pcrmancntiy, on Uic uxide or standing Uiat Uic shippen la se necive a choice ai their pnogeî la ater Uic war la aven. Î- It is stated that a great deal er sympathy bas been wastcd on t ngdags and the terrons Uiey unde ,g go during the. incessant acnJ tbombandmcnts. It lasald thi k-British dogs anc taklng their bor w, bardmnixts la stride - that the kreactions' are peniccthy norm hthere *la 1no panie, na icar,i he wliining or distracted barking. as The recent U.S.A. census, 80 Iî of as figures have been release er shows a total population ai 131 409,881-a disappainting imerci aven Uic figures ai Uic previal census. The rlae la population bthe decade was only 7 pan cent camparcd with 16.1 per cent b tween 1920 and' 1930. Declixie Uic xitional blîth rate and t] virtuai stoppage ai immigratii are stated as being Uic explan tians ai Uic umalrisc la popu] tion. Sanie wrltcrs put Uic mai mum ai U.S.A. population ta ncached at 150,000,000. Tbcy tUir that this wiil be a more or le stati fgre,,and wiUl be reacht la1c97 0 or 180. Maple Grove Mn. J. J. Mellor, Orano, occi Ipied Uic pulpit vcny acceptabl an Sunday. Visitons: Mn. and Mns. B. Ravdile, Mn. and Mns. J. L. Boa] Mn. and Mns. J. Catar and se: Ralph, Toronto, at Mr. F. Swà] low's. . . Miss Vdlla Munday, M Edward Mathcws, London, Mis Reta Bradsbaw, Wihkesport, ani Lamne Mundhy, Caurtrlght, at M Mark Munday's and other rela tives. . . Mn. and Mns. J. D. Picis ard, Mary. Gary anid Wayne, ang Mns. H. G. Freemar visited a Bey. H. C. Wolfralm's, Lindsay. . Miss Edna Swallow la visitin, *Mns. J. Catar, Toronto. . . Mr. anc Mrs. Ivison Munday, -Joan, Jac] and Boy, at Mn. J. W. Lancastcn's Newtonvil. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ba: Snowden, Helen, Mary, Donni and Biliy, Toronto, at Mn. R. R Stevens'. Enfield Visitons: Mn. and Mns. C. Fer- guson and famihy, Bowmanvillc, Mr. and Mns. James Davidsoxi Oshawa, at Mn. A. Pnsctt's.. .. Mn. and Mns. Ted Gardon, Mn. and Mrs. Walter Green, Toronto, Dr. and Mns. W. G. McCulloch, Onono, with Mns. J. McCuloch. .. Mr. and Mns. Harold Bcamish, Oshawa, Mn. anid Mns. Bobsori Bawman and Lenone, Ottawa, ai Mr. W. Bawman's. . . Mr. and Mns. Fred Smith at Mn. George Wilson's, Yelverton. . . Mn. BQIi Masters and Bill, Toronto, at Mn. BR. W. Pascoc's. . . Mn. and Mns. H-. Sm~ith st Mn. H. Peters', Hamp- ton. . . Mn. Cari Bradley, Misses Gladys Bradley and Norcen Lang, Oshawa, M..- and Mrs. Clarence Bradley and iamily, Ashbunn, at Mn. Len Bradley's. . . Mn. and Mns. Will Smith, Whitby, Mn. and Mrs. A. Smith andGlen, Colum- bus, at Mn. F. Smith's. . . Mn. and Mns. Fred Smith wcre îuests at the Chrysantbemum Tea at Park- woad, Oshawa. . . Mn. and Mns. Earl Bowman, Vincent and Jim- niy, Kitchener, at Mn. C. G. Bow- man's. .. Mn. Bill Grace, Beaven- ton, at Mn. A. Grace's. .. Mn. and Mns. Harold Ormiston witb Mrs. F. Smith, Exilkilen. . . . Miss Elsie Samis at Peterborough... Mn. and Mns, C. Curnier, Mn. and Mrs. Connar, Pont Hôpe, at Mr. M. Slcemon's. . . Mn. and Mns. W. Bownian at Mn. Lamne Thamp- san's, Nestîctan. .. Mr. and Mrs. E. Harrison, Toronto, at Mn. W. Ashton's. A styIlat says li ten years peo- ple wl laug b at present styles li millineny. A large number ai us are ten years ahcad ai the trnes. -St. Louis Star-Times. on, Mr. and ig f thmm.. Misses Susie and Olive Tis 1 is amly anc of many inci- tersan),-- Omcme e; -and VanCamp took a trip ta Mantreal. dents the proof ai whicb la withln Stratford; ahi ai Uiem will ..Mns. James Flett, Bowynanville, your reacli. It is passible ta con- and call hlm blessed. at Mrs. M. Gnaham's. . . Mn. An- rect these conditions witbaut op- Aiter a number ai ycai son Taylor, RobUn, wlth bis par- eratian and it ls being donc. Some dence li Pontypoal, Mn. ai ents. . - Miss Ruth Marlow, To- ai these neceive a naticeabie im- Evans, wli their daugbtcî ronto, wlth ber mothen, Mns. Jas. pravement et once, others take and cbildnen, wbase husba Marlow.. Miss Florence Mc- langer dcpending upon Uic type fathen bad passed on lx Laughlin, Toronto, et Mr. J. R. and hcngtha îm h condtlan moved ta Lindsay wheri McLaughlln'a. . . Mr. and Mrs. took la develaping. lived ion a few years.. It w Geo. Fonder et Mn. N. Ruiey's, (ta be cantlnued) on the 2hst ai August, 19W Weddigs WITH GOODYE1AR 20 YBARB J. E. H. Davis, er Mrs. Bill Nesbitt, Mr Alan McKenzie, Calun Ralph Davis'. . . Mr. Mtchell-Marvln Hugh MacIntash, Ali The Presbyterian Manse, Part JSr.a Bob in Tr ar Hape, was the scene ai a prettySr and Mrs.bRironam wedding Saturday marning, Nov. leand r J ean, r.Ca 9th, whcn Margaret Lillian Jean ZienandMr.an Mrs.AN Marvin, daughtcn ai Mn. and Mrs.ArMon r.and MltaNi W. T. Marvin, Marrish, was unit- alnoadMilss, 0h cd in marriage with Alfred Jahn al Mn A.J. asan's. Ïtchell, son ai Mr. and Mrs. C. J. atMr. E. R. Talso . Mitchell, Newcastle. Bey. George MrE . W T ar's Oand Rawland perfar'nied the ceremony. Me lla ShoCl The bride wore a street length meadiswek s lal waal crepe dresa ai bottle green nuemnthiwill bse mi hue with matchixig accessonies. Y..U . c met wMondaym Her hat was green icît with a Y.P.og.amlxchet ona veil and her flawens were Plflk lowlesm in aryeon roses. Miss Mangery Dickinson, ta Washlp, scnrturenr cousn aithebrid, wanlxg adevotianal tapie were *wixie hued wool crepe dress withGads ndHve mnatching accessorles anid wine Ga and a HarBrce shade icît hat, attended the bride. clsl yPalLaI SHer flowers were pink rases. Mn. cary taoyPic alabcph Kenneth Ashby was the best mfan. rs. J. Bwsake. B e er- Theyong oule lU esde xi Pretty yaung ta be a- grand- ored with a piana sala,j La- Newcastle iollowlig a wedd.lng father la Arthur J. Joncs shawn were enjoyed. tntrp ta western points. 'here with bis anly grandchild. are Arthur must be anc ai thase wbo Theobal-ad bears bis years well for hie las TI». Plowb3oY Frg 'ny -Bani ust completed 20 years with the [Irs. A charmixig Autumn weddixig Gaadyear plant. He camne here West Durhaui ,ge, took place Novemben 2nd li St. irflT Newport, Mantana, and GetSo~ r a Jahn's Anglican Cburch, Peter- warks in the Hase Dept. His hob- ra tr ýaf borough, Canon W. P. Robertson by is gandening at wbxch he bas Sure enaugh Fred offlciating, whexi Lilliaxi Wilxia been veny successful. "The Plawboy fram -Brand, daughter ai Mr. and Ms ham", gets into the in F. H. Brand Sr., 250 CarlIsie Midland. . . Mr. and Mrs. Jahn araund tic Niagara mad avenue, Petenborough, became the Walby, Oakville, Mr. and aotsateasmt le biea C.Q.M.S. Robert G. Theo- Fred Hamilton and îamily at ~ always seems ta be doi gbt bald ai Part Hope, no* wlih t .he i Mr..Mis hmi Hae tbing belpful and coi ~cMilad egmet ofa R.S.M. Taranta, at Mr. Geo. Hoaey's. wbich makes gaad cap: ht- WilliamTheobald axid Mrs. Thea- .paper. Here is somethi ed, bald ai Port Hope. F. G. Man Ralph Larmen bas been nammn- Frcds latest public a] ,s. L.Mus., onganist aif icthucl- ated a candidate for the BOYS' as reported in the St.C ers played thc wedding music. rhP Parliament. Stnad eit The bride, given li marriage by Mr. Norman Mauntjoy met with Fred R. Foley was1 bier father, wore a gown ai white an accident at a sale at Shirley Speaker at the weekly net aver satin. Tiny buttons îast- an Saturday, but he is impraving. tian ai Kiwanis Club, - ened the slim-fitting waistlixie,. Sympathy is extended to Mn. spoke mast interestingl: [ng and the skirt was gnacefiully funl. and Mrs. Richard Hoaper li the "Art ai Stary Telling."1 es. Her tulle veil fen walst-hegt death ai Mrs. Peter Lansing (Mrs. The speaker recountec ire tram a coronet ai orange blassoins Haapcr's mather) on Manday.. tory ai that art froni or and she ware net gloves and car- Mr. and Mns. Pattersan have nursery rhymes, thraug ricd a shower bouquet afi pnk gane ta Guelph for Uic winter. scbaol ie that invalvcd and white roses and ieri. Mess On account ai the cantixiuous events -of ail natians.1 Edith May Brand was hier sister's ra n an Manday nat many turncd t Uicth world's greatE ;Lbridesmnaid, and wore a frock aiouttf UcRm baneDy c-te 11cr lived 2500 years ou ote eebaceDySr Grcek slave and tUic on archld net li thc sanie style as the vice. The iirst part was in Uice ire bridal gown, matchlng vieil held cmutyhlwihRvE.Ptaesap's Fables. King I ; with a cluster ai orchid flowers, Woad and Rev. D. M. Stinsan tek- tles wenc well known1 t,,. anid orchid net gloves. Her flow- ngprt. At the cenotaph Mr..adeds iblaton s ta, ers wene Talisman roses. Cor- Samuel Jcfery read Uic bonar ýny parai Willam Theabald of Ca - roil. Mrs. Florence Crawiord ments, which are dese behford was groomisanf orbis placcd Uic Pravincial wrcath an vaniaus sons af Solomair ai brother, and thc ushers were Pte, the ccnataph. Rev. Woad pro- a obcaeUc hc heFred'Braxid, brother ai Uic bride, naunccd Uic benediction and Uh, ic o and politics dawn er. and Mr. Clarence LOW. National AnUiem was sung. thein agsan th pnifcUpa ja A buffet luxicheon was senvcd ai wsteprnia Lat at Uic home ai Uic bride's parents, A. Y. P. A. met Thursday even- ing bond betwccn Uic M- whene Mrs. Branid reccivcd li a ing at Uic Smith Bras. A splendid and southern United Sti ei gown ai lavexider crepe -wlth con- repart was given by Uic dehegates The hast Great War anc Ah: age ai Talisman rases. Mr. and Mns. Tam Hadgc ai the ai stories that surrai no For a trip ta, Toranto, Uic bride provincial conicrence i Ottawa, brouglit iorth the mos worc a travelling ensemble ai A letter was ncad by Mns. Wm. staries afiSSr Harry Lau( navy, and black coat trnmred amCapfri Donald Clarke the modern age intradu anwith Persian lamb. They will live wha is attending Uic Church Army cntircîy ncw types ai fei Bowmanvillc. School in Toronto.cnvydtusbUifi 1,- strips and radio. Ini c: 1,- spcakcr candenscd t] Salm olnaknown book ofai to )US S lem S linaEliot, "Silas Marner," a a___ __ that brouglit out ahi th( R ev. Garneir delivcrcd an in- Visitons: Mn. and Mns. Charles ai the human heant. bc- tcrcsting sermon Suxiday on1 "The White and family, Mn. and Mns. ai CSofa War."ir Campbell, Mns. W. L. Law, Osh- th Y. P. U. met November 6th for awa, Mn. Ivan Law, Whitby, Mn. 91? their opcning meeting. President and Mns. Clifiord, Winnipeg, Mn. bta ia- Mn. W. Taylor occuplcd Uic chair and Mns. Wil White, Donald and la» anid canducted opening exencises Douglas, Onono, at Mn. George Kl with prayer by Rev. Gardner. Whitces. . . Mn. and Mns. Isaac Mns. Robent .J. Ham be Mns. L. Welsh hadl charge ai this Hardy, Stanley and Donothy, at One ai Cartwnight's nr nk pragrani: Bible reicrences, Mn. F. Mn. Chas. Hawsam's, Part Penny. ly ncspccted pioncera 's Blackburn; prayer and ncading . . Mns. L. C. Snawdcn and Bob, be rest an Ail SaintsI ed b Ui leder a phe4idtajk b Mn Lloyd Flintoif, Maple Grave, lst, in lher 72nd ycar. Bey. Gardner on physical, moral at Mr. Thas. Bakcns... Mn. Chas. boni in the County ai and mental discipline; mouth- Hawsam and Mary, Part Penny, Incland,-Apnil 9th, 1869, organ selections, Mn. B. Darcb; at Mn. Thas. Baker's, Mn. Isaac ai Uic late Mn. and M~ readixigs, Mrs. L. Squair and Mrs. Hardy's and Mn. W. Pannindcn's. McBricn, and came ta C H. Barrie; piano solo, Miss M. . . Mr. Walter Blackburn, Janet- yeans aga. On Dec. 22, Coilacutt. ville, with Mns. R. J. McKessock. was mannicd ta RobertJ ý hMany frienda will be sarry ta . . Mn. and Mns. R. McCarl, Whit- tan. yhear ai Uic painful accident sus- by, at Mn. Bryce Bnown's... Miss The funenal rites wcni tained by Mrs. F. L. Squair on May Meniam with relatives ini St. Jobn's Anglican Ch SSunday wben she icil down stairs Toronto. .. Mns. Sarah Miller and Nov. 3nd, with Rcv. E. k, neceiving injuries that necessitat- Miss Mary Miller, Newbungh, at oiicatn.He avrt il cdUcdctor's cane. Mn. W. L. Miller's. .. Mn. and Mns. wcne sung. Rev. Wood: I. Mns. F. Cator la home iram Livingstan Miller and Clifiord Mrs. Hanilton's devotiai S. Toronto. vith fricnds at Janetville. .. Mr. churcb, ber gcncrasity ai id Franicis Thompsan, Tyrone, at Mn. fulncss, and ber keeni Ir. Ernest Hackaday's... Mn. George humour under aIl circuri a-keo Werry, University aiToonoat h was a ieogm b do Visitons: Mi.adMs lrneMllson and Donalda Robertson, will kccnly affect thatc Mr. anRamClrec Western Hospital, Toronto, at Mn. tian. She opcned ber bon Ramand Betty, Taronto, at Mn. E. O. Miflson's. .. Mn. and Mrs. times ion any churcli wo H. Rahmis. . . Mn. Roy Carter, J. W. Yellowlces, Mn. and Mrs. She leaves bier laving1 SToronto, at home. .. Mn. W. Sling- Wcs. Yellowlees in Toronto. anc daugliter Annie (M ýk ierlaxid, Peterbono camp, at home. Mns. Arthur Nesbitt, Mns. L. Cub- Taylor), and four somà ..Mn. BillBneck, Toronta, at bage, Joyce and Jacqueline, Miss Fred and Cccil, Blacksti S, home. .. Mn. an~d Mrs. R. Wilson, Barbara Nesbitt, Brookin, Ms. Percy ai Millbrook. One5 y Mn. and Mns. E. Wilson, Oshawa, lapeecsdbr Sat MnI. A. Wilson's. . . Mn. and imprdcaele.A Mns.H. arro an Cal, Obaw, * viving are a brother,i Mns. D. atcheani Cal, Oshawa, n y sg t .IP2inOsawa andthrce siste: at Mn. S. Mofiatt's. . . Mn. and or e ig tE ucaio Burns airy o Toron J. Gtchll'. .. M. Ola Bal- ndl Grey (Annie), Manitoba,i J. Gtchll'... n. rlad Bal- ..!.A. MacDonald, Sask. ey, Oshawa, at home. .. Miss Betty ICSDC Interment toak place Moffat atMissFanne Stehen-EffifenC Jobn's Cemetcny. The lr -son's. Brooklin. . . Mrs. T. Brcck BY and Uic many beautiful and Ewant ln Toront. .. Mn. and Mns. . LI qnd Mrs. J. GilU at C.H.Tuck testified ta the lave and k, bayen-".stoetla in wbich she was hehd. Mns. Evans passed ta a weil- c arxied rest, leaving ber compan- Fion ta jaurncy Uic rest ai Uic way 3ahane axid yct not ahane for b. cantinucd ta receive Uic iovixig cane and attention ai bis cbildrn who fithiully mnil-tn-da.bi eveny necd and desire. lI March 1938 lie went with bis daughter Mabel and ianiily ta live on Uic iarm Uiey purcbased nean Enni- killen, wherc h. lived until lie was called home ta bis reward on October 3rd, 1940. His was an energctic and active lite. Always enjaylag excellentt beaIth, stalwart and uprigltitnl bath mind and body, lie loved bonesty and sincerity. Kind and generous as weil as industriaus, b. bas Icit an enviable record bth in lngth ai yars as wdll as t li service. Hla latereut la Uic churcli was maniest wbcn b. gave libcrally ai bis time and s moncy la Uic crection and main-n tainlag oaitUichcurcb building at e Yclycrton wherc on Uic 3rd ai October, 1937, the cangregatian cclebratcd Uic 75th annivcrsary n ai Uic building aof.the cbunch. Not t] oly did Uiechcurcb benefit by bi interest, but lic toak a keen b which .u-_______the_________ waisrnounplad vc hueh a nd weas gathpeased wnicn aof ew yers aga nU cammlty ai Y vlertnnadaudtifynghselve b cleaing pardceaftltyiang oibi s nestg place is50 mry tather maxes.it laf ber.theatnd' motaI nems ai lii, foUie-nd' mogther rest. and bisbeloved, daiinte Adaurdbisfbcthed weie laic orse aid Uic y'c9ns awcrcid t et, ahimrd bancseaie a nc Ua iougb imresie srce canductrd bslais esenceob Rhev HslLeackeofathe a Uie Enniakllen hargeai ht u United CfhiUat laildUto wst mhrtala Mmbas laid tans andeagratanuen o ai frecd s and bcquaitancda atheeda Ueii boen aothc emt incstied c aquEvanUc s w eem Here wbcichard vami washed Haen. laUi very amiat c ic scene aib s ary ativitoubis ed forth. No man la so tail that lie necd nevcn stretcb and non. 50 saoll that lie need neyer stoap.-Dardehl On. cannat always b. a bano, but anecan always b. a man,- rFo-kY0<4 arin Sa<e, 74 PiCo BAÀ&C If you're loolcing for the. greatest possible satis. !action at the lawest possible cost (and who issst?), tieu buy Picobac - andi imoke it. That's sound advice because lt's a siple fact that Canaclians buy marc Picobac thon any other br,«wxI They kuy it moat becaus. they 1k. it bestSa thi. chances are that you, too, will i fnd it juit what yau'ne Iookiug for - a mild, cool, sweet smoke thât exactly suits bath your taste and your pockuet It DOES teste, good in à pipe1" oigaiîza. ,UawARnm n AS ATFEELING THAT'roNLY Kenwiood CIVES Just cm Kenwood blankets are f amatis fo camfarting waxmnth, so is Kenwoad overcoatlng outstanding as a pro- tecton againat ahilling winds. For the lame unique cellular con. utructiom, scientifia blending af fine u.l.cted wools, and nef inemexits cf cratumnshp are emplayed. The vey "eel" cf Kenwoad avercoat- Ing in convinclng Proof of qualty-its uoft, luxurlous nap in go obviausly Wear. resisting, coy and ware. Rind Kenwood overcoats aze styled and Constructed by Warren X. Cook craf > mon-a guarantee cf., eticulous care ta every detail affectlng style, wear and comf art Came in and try om a 'Kewoad." Ifs a reali nveubtimit for your ocm. coat dollar. M. BRESLIN- ARCADE STORE Exclusive Afflt Ken- w--ôod 0 V E R C 0 A T THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ,PA(,-V. VTVV-