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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1940, p. 6

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- r- THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, NOVEMER, 28. 194o Pri; H e 's Juet-- "tA rounod the, Corner!".. THE'CHRISIMAS FESTIVAL la Now in ull Swing at the ' WALKER STORE (SEE THE CIRCULAR WE SENT YOU!> . . . . -- -- -CANADA'S FINEST ..............STOCKING VALUEI J[T'S WALKER'S i .GIV ............ aT oo Th eeT ra - Pue10 0m O t e MAKE BABY HAPPY (A» WÀRM) WMTHA Sleeping Bag of Fluffy "'Elderdown" Flan- nel: The attached hood Ia Uined for added protection and' la hounniwith rlbboa of Rayon Satin, vFhich la aima uaed fer faclngs on tie bag. Vuil Length Zipper Front for convenience, . Colours Dîue or Pink '29 'A rare value at--à-- 1 IEDSPREADS 0#' TUMTE»CH3ENILLE Attrpetive duigna ln White or Coloura on a Firm' Whw e round, .a simaxio flxlO 199 GIFT HANKIES-A ClIOICE'SELECTION In White or Colours, Plain or Embroider-ed Prom 25C per box Single liankies from AOc* each izes for Apple Day & Cooking School AEYUTI'MI By Grenville Kliser An eminent French authori Be Gi'ven Away Friday, November 29th. pDaien v ousa ess uhing ds Afternoon Session 3 p.m. Evening Session slowly,, thoroughly, and co 8p.m. i the Town, Hall, Bowmadville. moving slowly for tbasc hurrie flurried niovements that was valuable nerve farce and serious delay a patient's recovery. 5 2 PRIZÉS VALUED AT $ 100.00 This slowing up process shau' be applicd alsa ta the mmnd, sin - ta think delibcratcly wiIl leadi talk and act delibcrately. [ses and Vralue Donors It will be beneficial for anyor ric Toastcr, value $2.65--------- A. E. McGregar 8& Ca. of nervous typle ta think aftcn( the meaning of such wordsi rated Fruit Cake, value $2.50 - The Carter Famly. caira, peace, p oise, self-cantri fing Table Lamp - ----------------------------------- A Dealer and ta endeavor ta maintain thee ric Curling Tangs - ---- ----- A Dealer conditions at aîl times. Laf Beef, 7 lbs., value $2.00 ----------- ------------------T. W. Cawker Stop incessant hurry. Leara KClub Kit, value 14.25----------------------------------P. R. Cowling relax, to be quiet, Ota conserv ler and Glove Set, value $3.50 --------- ------Sid. Chartran -tal takceito ey. f llst vaple Lcaf Lard, 20 lbs., value $2.00- ----Dudléy's Meat Shap Your bcart, if it is in health ;ane Gift Set, value $1.00-à----------- Alex McGregar, Drugs con~dition, sbould do its woî Ladies' Hase (3 pair), value $2.40 --------Thc Arcade Store. autoniatically. This applies toa's Table, value $250----------------------- F. F. Morris Ca. thc argans of the body. But frE -----------. J Be-y quently newspaper items beade value $1.50 ------------------- ------------ .J er "Died of heart discase"l, suggc: Bread Tickets, value $1.60 --------------------------Poalc's Ba kery the advisability of observing somr ýady Flashlight, value $1.25 Chala Motor Sales cardinal rules for pratccting tbi Lamp, value '$2.95 -------------------------- Nortbcutt & Smt vital argan. re Tickets, value -$3.00 - ---~-- Royal Theatre There arc seven rules prescril ssar Gament vaue $.50---- Th Evln Sop cd by hcart spccialists: sardGaimen, vlue$3.5 Th Evyn hop 1. Aiways cat in moderation. .ure Gift Set, value $5.00 Alex McGregar, Drugs 2. Avaid aver-exertion. vich Toaster, value $3.00--------------- Mason & Dale 3. Rcst aftcr eacb meal. 'elvet Scarf, value $2.00 - --------- The Marjorie Kay Shoppe- 4. Do't worry, hurry, or in Comb MirorSet vale $. Mrr' Jewlry& Gft hop dulge in emotianal excitefneat. ,ConbMirarSet vlue$5 - Mrr' Jweiy &Git Sop 5. Keep the body cîcaro rawels, value $1.50 --- Coucb, Jobaston & Cryderman poisons. ht Toaster, value $3.50 - ------ ------ Mason & Dale 6. Avoid excessive use of star 1Chacolates, value $1.00 ------ ----W. J. Bagadil, Radios ches and sugars. 1Set, value $1.00 ------------------------------Hooper's Ladies' Wear 7. Sleep mucb. f Pictuzres, value $2.50 ----- J. W. Jewcll It, is iaadvisablc ta read booke ht Toastcr, value $3.50 - I----- Mason & Dale about the heai-t and description Chest of Stationcry, value $l.5--0---- -Johnston's Book Store of disease of variaus kiads. Thi *th Ai-dca Treasurette, value $4.50 ------------- - Jury & Lovelilclss you thînk about yaur bear et of Pillow Cases, value $2.00------Walkcr Stores Ltd. the"bettcr it will do its work. f bury Ladies' Set, value $1.00 ------ Sclrite Stores resents bcing watched. verage Sets, value $2.00 eacb h -- - Mason & Dale If your hcart la out of orderi ;kets Apples - Daaatcd by Chas. M. Carruthers, R. R. Stevens, is oftcn beneficial ta observe fc J. Forbes Hèyland, Russell Osborne, Wilfred D. Carruthers, a fcw days a fast fi-rn ail salic and lloward Gibson. food and ta take anly fruit juici ,s Red Wing Apple Juice - Donated by Red Wing Orchards, and pure water. Wh* * * i Whtby. Metaphysical healers dlaim tha The apples on display in the Town Hall are frorn the orchard heart troubles can be corrccted b, rin Coiwill, Newcastle, and bave been purchased and will be mental and spiritual means. Thi e only at the stores 0f F. S. Caulter, Harry'Allin, G. A. Ed- heart, thcy say, becornes stanm ;tne, E. Luan, A. & P. Store, Dominion Store, Jas. Infantine, and wholc when you make posi rC. Caveriy. tive affirmations like these: "Goc 2m5 I TEERE 18 A TIIRULL IN RECEJING- AND»]IN GIVING-A' KENWOOD BLANKET Thia la a poipular AI-Wool Blanket, bouud at each end, witb 3 inch pure satin nib-j bon. Coloura, Blue, Rose,j Cedar, Green, Wine, Peach. Sise 6OX80 Bac . U~ MEN'S NECKWEAR BOXED 5Oç E -ACHK Seldoff do we have such wqnderfu TMes and such an assortment of rich satin stripes, new fancy checks, and amali figures, ton. Gardon quality. If You *hop early, you wlll appreclate thie asaortment and can cLbopme a numnber of these Splendid Tie gifta, each ane individually boxcd, and the price is go attractive. BowunanvIUb Phone 451 STOR,£JMITED - faund the little unplcasant duties discussed at some length and this of life prove, ta be easy and really semni-official advice was given: "If one not 50 bad after ail when tbcy arc yQu can provide satisfactory ac- tow performed pramptly and in the commodatian there wil probably wi]l right spirit. be no difficulty. General palicy bai Wilfrcd Carruthers spoke for bas not yct beca worked out, but the thc club thankiag the speaker for tg achieve your aims, ane of the stro bis splendid address. pï-lme rcquisitcs is that the com- wor Sometbing uausually fine in, nianding officer of the battalion men musical eatertainment wam* heard state bis consent or desire ta bave w whcn James Mar i ntroduccd bis bis unit quartercd in your tawn. Ica: friehd, Jack Brady of Toronto, Our decision whll, ta a very large the i i. Pri Elect Deco] Drcss Electi Roast Cutex Muffl Pail Ih Petalt Box I Card Tray, Book Evere Table Theat A Gos Manici Sandv Cut VM Brush, Bath"1 Uprigt. Boxed Towel Pair oJ Uprigt Cedar Elizabi Gift S( Woodt Six Be 12 Bas 3 Case of I-w for sali mondai and W !2 ti ,ej iei ISI LSI ul ric t )n 0 a rc es ti h: Sl al re ýe( es nq [b. .n. 1 ci tr. ke nec hE tri fi oi id CE al by hE M is the light and strength of my tenor soioist, who, accompanied life." "My heart is filled with by Gea. Davidge, made the walis love." "Perfect love casteth out resound to the strains of six or fear." more rousing miiitary sangs. In ty Right thoughts have a healing, costume for most of his numbers, he quickening effect upon the body Mr. Brady gave a fine interpreta- ery and by using constructive tion of several army sangs of the )n- thoughts every day, we are told, day and had the audience ail join of you can gradually estabiish right in the chorus of the favorite ed, conditions in your life.- "Carry On!" ste After ail the teaching #bout Pursuing the type of humor for ly fresh air, plain diet, exercise, which he is so well known, Lion cieanliness, rest, relaxation, and Geo. Davidge rose to perform thet ,d sleep, one would think that most most, important duty of the even- ice people would know how ta main- ing, that of proposing a toast ta tain good health. But the general the ladies. A strain of Seriouns public is slow ta learn the lessons must have been detected in hist ne0f experience. ath evs remnarks for after that toast hadl Many persons rgtnevs been drunk' Mrs. C. A. Bartlett as around from day ta day irritable rose with a charminig respanse. f ai and only .half alive, because thi ytersrrudd n t -0e systems are clagged, poisoned on the program. It a enigmat- seand over-stixnuiated. What they icaliy recorded as 'Special Event.'1 most need is not drugs but an in- Drawing the veil of secrecy from ta trahuscenn.his activitiesas guests aiadenter-t re A man thinks an angry thought ed the hall Lion A. M. Thompsond n and instantly the biood rushes ta beld aloft a box ini which was thea his face. .nte n name of êfvery lady peesent. The iy Fear assails aohradhis names were ta be drawn and thet k whole body trembles. prizes prepared through th6 cour- l u1 A message announicing the sud- tesy of Alex McGregor allotted. ,e- den deatb of a friend causes theRv.M.myhde thna s d recipient ta turn paie. RandMraxmcethat ethe nfirstiv et In like manner pleasant, cheer- xr. pca it eewnb ~e uihamonau thughs aveanMrs. Geo. Davidge, Mrs. James iis uplifting effect on the body. Marr, Miss Nellie Parkcr, Mrs. Myean thoughts dry the blood Wm. Bagneil and Mrs. Maurice band skin. Note the miser. Breslin. The delight of ail the Kindly tboughts liberate th'e ladies with their gifts of toiletriesi best forces in the body. Note theibdt ehadt eapeitd philanthrapist. hdt ehadt eapeitd Wc -are told how mcrely chang- Capt. and Mrs. W. P. Banister, d ri ing from wrong thoughts to right Jringston, Mrs. J. Brady and Mrs. - thoughts wili cure worry, iflncss W. J. Johnston wcre also guestsn >f depression, resentmcnt, and simil: of the Lions. .- r lar undesirable conditions. Rather blushingly and withm Ar- rni * * * characterîstîc modcsty Lion Wil- Acrn invalid and all-around bur Dudley- presenitcd beautiful - grouch tells how he used *liis bouquets ta the wife of them cs method in completely changing speaker of the cvcning and LionsP is his conditions from. invalidism president. t ie and despair ta anc of radiant 0 ft I give it to you ta use as you REFORESTATION deem' best. He repeated these 0 it words: "I am whole, perfect, <Contlnued fromn page 1) Dr strong, powerful, ioving, harmon-wodtdmnsrins itth id ious andhap.,woltdmntain t he0 eAs he rcpeated these words junior farmers acting as hosts. i several times a day he did so with 9. Arrange for a trip ta a Pro- great carncstness and expectation vincial Forestry Station. , j aof îsuccess., eiosyii o A interesting contest was held y , Ifob aesect thlly u ay t see just how much the junior ey arje weîîat you cannot say you farmers knew about different ie re elIwhen you are ik or woods. Pieces of bark, twigs and g- that you are happy when you are trees were on display. Judging ýdmiserable. Your point is well from the results of this cantcst the taken, but I share the view of the young farmers are a]ready quite C te phYsician who says he- docsn't f amiliar with different kinds of P' care by wbat means his patient is wood. -P cured as long -as he -is cured. . 1 If this simple method would Late in the afternoon the gath- is Testre yur halt, orgiveyouering, under the guidance of G. M. bappincss ud. prtortyisn't itLinton, made an inspection tour th 1wot* hapiesan.ex perit , nt tof the Forcstry at Orono getting re Woosh th aebe ~rdb a gencral view of the work in re this mental method of "ehé g î g, esthr.or slmply h4d faith in its. efficiepdy Next inipprtant item was the a, and on thie, hasis declaredthe'dd;;Ievenmng banquet at .which Dr. J. ti eisecnt onsta be already, B. 'Reynolds,, Port fHope, gave a p esent o talk .on The Farmeèr.'. lie strcssed of .In this cannection the patièýt. that the farmers should band taý- St seeking hcalth and general well- gether,. foirnfia political policy for Tl being is supposed to give due et- their muttùal benefit aind adhere t] teation ta diet,« exercise, rest and strîctly ta that policy. Hé said gi relaxation, that he bas w4tched the rise and pl Vital ta succcss in the mental fail of many farmers' organiza- method of healing is hope, coupled tions but that if farmers would pr with faith, good cheer,' patience, .orggnize along the same lies as n sincerityý and: perseverance. »min idustry they would be able ta i _______________ send a delegation ta the gavera- pc ment and. secure an attentive th bcaring and reap results. LIONS CLUB ý The matters dcalt with at Wed- je nesday's meeting in Orono should cO (Contlnued from Page 1) be of vital interest ta urban dwel- th lers as well. Allied subjects witb Ot way lived up ta the splendid in- which the junior farmers busy hz traduction given kim. Mi-. John- tbemselves, i.e. home beautifica- r. stoi's remarks were interspcrsed tion, wild life conservation, City- t]E with a spontaneous burnor which, country relations and organizcd ti wbile impossible ta reproduce, war activity, affect ail classes of lighted up his remarks and helped the population alike. t f ix them firmly i the minds of "AhmPitattee s~ the audience. " hm itss, de i t "I accept every appo .rtunity t t dw warithout reesdi spcak that cames my way, because A cheerless, ree i I truly, believe that a persan A par itou tee ,c should use and exercise his Capa- A Prpioseless, is cc cities," he began. «"It isthe busiest A cury itout ees s ti persan wbo aftcn secms ta have A boutreless." eesis ti the most tîme ta spare, wha is ___________s.______ mast readily avaîlable for ser- vice. Wben I began church worý in Montreal I began ta choose OTTAWA TRIP select groups for membersbip. (Otîudrm ae1 Then I got into social graups, ser- oniudfmpae1 vice clubs, and learned things. busy executive, heard Mayor 0DI I saw that each man used bis work Jones present the case of the Hi througb which ta express bis per- empty buildings.' Tim Gartan RO sonality. Service club w or k placed plans*and pbotograpbs on a broadened my horizons." Mr. Howe's desk. The case was ME The philosophy of using every cîearîy presented and just as opportunity ta advantage bas clearly grasped by the minister. " neyer left him, Mr. Johnston said. o Rcferring ta bis caming ta Canada Then came tbe iWeneral pro- t tbe speaker said he was influenc- nounicement wbicb appears at the tar cd in the same manner here. He bead of this article. Argument Iread in an Irish paper that candi- foliowed. Mr. Hawe cxplaincd a dates for the ministry were sareîy the difficulty: "lWe find it impos- W inecded in Canada. Immediatcly sible ta get men with knowlcdge kel he answered'tbe Cali. and.experience; that ia the diffi- e "Service clubs serve a aecd nat culty. If yau have anyone in mmnd 1 supplicd by churches," g14r. John- wbo can, handle the Job of pro- the stan stated. "In my awn home duction an.d wbo can finance con- Ab tawn a service club bas rte_ tracts whîch we may negotiate, te- lay meeting reports ta the clubz 're 'girls arc workers and there i no doubt of the sincerity of thet flesire ta belp do their bit for thi war. The club wii wclcome a members aay girls or young mat rons wbo wish ta join and worl with them. A raom for meetings and wark [ng is needed and a committei was appointed ta look into th possibilities. It is believed tha the public will be aaxious ta co operate- with this yaung war ser vice graup, and perhaps someoni wbo bas a roam for rent, or knowi of such wouid get in toucb witi Nfrs. Rayai Quinn. The aext meeting wili bcbelce on Manday eveaing, December 2 at 8 o'clock at the Bounsai home on King Street. If you wish tc aoin, came and bring a friend, anÉ your kaittiag. Goodyear Union (Contlnued tram page 1) clearer viewA of the situation, s precis of the 5-page agreerneni presentcd by the Union ta tht Company may appear in a 'future issue of The Statcsman. Ia its appeal ta the governtnent, the Union sets forth, mainly, this representation:' "«The Company representatives refuse ta discuss or negatiate with the Union an agr-ement covering: (1) Recogni- ion of -the Union; (2) Grievance procedure; (3) Wagcs; (4) Hours Df wark; (5) Overtime work; (6) Seniority and generai miles." 'here arc other farmal items in the document but the above were iven, out as covcring main'cam- plaints. The Company officials were irovided with a copy of this for- mial request for the Conciliation Board, and. the Company bas pointed out that another clause in thc document is*as follows: "That the dispute bas been sub- ject of negotiatians between the committee af the cmpioyees and th cemplayer; that ail efforts to Dbtain a satisfactary settlement have failed, and that there is no resanable hope of securing à set- lement by further effort or nega- tatian." In view of the above offer of the Company made Saturday this paragraph appears samewhat con- tadictary as the Union vote Sun- lay shows tbey are not ýviiling ta Arait. The final fact is that there is a !nflit. of opinion, divergence in tatements and a present setup bat is assumiag ominous propar- ains. NOMINATIONS (Centfnued from.page 1) ýn and will continue ta d o so."1 las accaunt of the wark of the toads and Streets Committce was Sfull, fair and impartial state- cnt of gaad work donc. Councillor J. H. Aberaethy said: b ave servcd 3 years and it is omc satisfaction in being asked Drua again." HIis account of the re Dept. Committce deaît ex- austively witb the success met ith, after many difficuities, in bhabilitating equipmènt an d ýeeping witbin the estimates dur- ig the past two ycars. Ia spite of is drill duties as a member of 'e Veteran's Guard, Councillor Dernetby had been able ta at- nd ta bis council duties. Coundillor W. J. Challs as us- al, made a farceful and fightiag ceech which ably defeaded the ositian he bas caasistently taken sa cauncil member. Mi-. Chahls :plained the position taken in Dgarçi ta rentaI of the Town Hall )r Ufnion meetings and rcfcrred )matters under coasideration th the G. T. & R. - Mr. Challis as cxpcricnced cansiderable ill- *altb but is still in fighting tim render excellent service ta the )wn. Councillors C. D. Searle, E. C. 'ans and Sîd Little wcre called abut no. respoase was forth- )ming. Hl. L. Goddard briefly announc- I"I baven't anythîng ta say I i very sar-y ta say."1 W. C. Kilpatrick was cqually :n-1commital. len Martyn felt-that employees tuld be represcntcd an the >uncil. Owen Nichalas and W. R. Har- son spoke as prospective candi- des for labor representation on ýCouacil and pramised ta carry it their mandate, if elected, -fair- for the welfare of all, lacludlng ewarking man. WV. J. Martyn, whasc family is Le of the largest taxpayers in va, intirnatcd he was again lliag ta serve an the council ird as be had the interests of tanratf.bea.rt . ..4,1d1h. was EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE SERVICES AS USUAL Sunday 7.30 p-.m. SPECIL ~SUBJECT "lu The Cross" You'll enijoy. these gospel meetings. Rev. C. W. Lynn. GROQERRIGSET KING STREET" m~- -.-~'- - - -i PAGE SIX extent, hiage upan bis rccom- meadatian."1 Mlfltary Affaira That was a fair and cacourag- ing rcply. It is understood that prospective quarters had been in- spectcd by the Midland officers -since the delegation returned home and that they favar the idea t the moment. It remains now rmally ta approacb the Mid- land's afficers and it is expected that this will shartly bc donc. Other militar matters werc cnquircd inta by anc or twa of the delegatian priar ta lcaving for home. . The trip ta Ottawa bas so de- fincd the matters cnquircd into, that civic bodies naw knaw what cati bè donc and how ta procecd. Ottawa was found ta bc literaI- ly bumming with activity, yet aIl officiaIs approacbed wcre cx- trely caurteous. Thanks are due ta W. F. Rickard, M.P., for arra4ging and expcditing the bus- iness in band and for the enter- tainment he pravidcd in the vcry* limited time at the disposai of the delegation. GaIRLS' CLUB gratulated Chairman Fred Cry- derman in the leadership 'shown 9in bringing the two boards ta- 1gether. He also cnjoyed workixig with other members of the board. M. J. Elliott stated the Public 3Utilities Commission was flot a closcd corporation, that ratepay- ers were privilcged ta attend. The commidssion bandies the twa >revenue produciag civic depart- ments and both are in excellent condition as wc will soon own the >bydro plant autright. ý Fbhefallawing namines were absent and consequentiy wcre not heard frani at the meeting: T. H. Knight, Alex McGrcgo , M. Bres- lia, W. D. Carruthers, A. Hait, W. Flaherty, F. Cryderman. W. R. Strike, Chairman of Upil- hies Commission, statcd the cîti- zens shauld kaow what is gaing on in this important department. In 1930 the town purchased the bydra plant and floated $71,000 20-ycar bonds at 43/%. In 1939 the rcmaining bonds wèe refin- anccd at 3 % saviag fi-rn $800 ta $1000. Tbcy have been paying the bonds off at rate of $5000 a year, sa tbat by 1942 ail bonds should be paid for. The pcak load the last year was 2840 H.P. an increase of 125 H.P. over year previaus. This was anc of the largest increases of any town aur s55e and was due ta the extra power uscd by the Good- year plant. Refering ta the Waterworlcs Dept. Mi-. Strilce intimated the in- ci-case in use of water was collas- sal as 55,000 gais. increase per day was recordcd over last year. Ca- paoity at springs la 259,000 gais. dailY with consumption of .264,000 gais., the extra supply caming fromn the weils sunk at Bethesda. He explaincd' certain difficulties bcing expericnced in.kceping up the water supply and large wells would be needed in the nat dia- tant future. HIe closcd bis infor- mative address wîth this warning "Wc've got ta dig more wells or- the citizens have got to quit tak-' ing 50 many baths."1 Sbipments of store cattle in Canada, tatalling 134,000 head for the first 43 wceks of 1940' wcrc sbarply above those for the simi- lar period of 1939. ia-the case of - PHONE 596 CHRISTMAS GIETS 0f fHIgh Qiuallty at Lowest Prices SELECT. YOUR GIFTS NOW! GIVE HlM A FOR THE LADY Military Set Brush, Comb, and, Mirror 4-3 or 1Peces ln Metal or P7r&Un $18t. $6.50 $1.98 tu $15.50 WOODBURY BOQUL'1 BITS GIft sets For Men Priced Women YARDLEY SETS 25c For Men and soc 1.00'. 7M5 8c MURIE L ASTOIS $2.00 For Ladt«s 1.00 4ifOq Shavlng Pipes Shavlug Fla9hllhts 25IS ac Brushes 69e 25c5.0 49ec- 1.00 50Oc- 1.25 2c-5011.00-2.25 GIFT STATIONERY IN CEDAR CHESTS $1.00 i. $1.50 - $2«. 1 Correspondence Carda 25c - 50c - 15e - $1 CERTUFIE ANTIFREEZE Cameras 1.49 gai. Foldlng and Box ALCOHOL ANTIREEZE 1.23 gai. 1.25 -10.50 We Test Eyes and Fit Trusses 69' P. R. COWLING, Phm. B..Prmt D~livery Seven Items To SimpIify1 WEEK-END SHOPPING Habitant Pea and Vegetiable Soupa ...... Oc0 Faney Valencia Raisins, with seed ..2 Lbs. 25c Valencia Seedless Raisins ....... Lb. 18C Maraschinij Cherries ...............Lb.* 39c Pineapple Rings .......... 2 Lbs. >'o Duthes Mincemeat.......... .. 2 Lbs. 25C R NDTRIP RAIL BARGAINS . Dec. 6-7-8 Bow manvýille to TORONTO ---$10 19AMMLTON $*3.05 CHATHAMW - $50 GODEICH - $4.35 OWEN SOUND -$4.10 SCRREIBER $ 17.95 SUDBURY --$76 And Many Intermediate Points Golng - Afternoon anid evenint trains Dec. 0--ail trains I»ee 17 mornlng trains Dec. B. For imits, train service, etc. Consult Atents-Procure Dodger Canadian Canadian Pacifie National qsý , . calves; te movemenit of. 22,000 head Cas more than double the, first 43 weekcà of 10~9. Shi D'mentsa of westerncattîe ta casterii feed lots *otallig 45,000'lAad and ship- ments ta castcrn stock yards totalling 43,000 bead are almost. double the nuinbers for, the cor- responding periad of 1939, 'Thése figures, says the Curnrcnt,,ReIe%î indicate that marketings of 1 !shed cattie througb the i ne and spring of 1940-41 will be subT

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