r;?-r-dom Ww.~ - 1~ TIIESDAY, DECCEMBER 5, 1940 THE CANADIAN STATZSMAN. EOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO ODRONO , Scial and Personal ~Mr. Cllff £ones vlsited here. Miss Mary Sisson ais M. Mrj, Rutherford visited her sus teiqu. I. Chapman. ,W . yntèh, Camp Borden, was homè.' Rev. S.,Llttlewood did flot gel back to Klx'by Sunday afternoor. Our soldiers tralned iBow. manville Monday evening. Mrs. P. Gordon,* has returned from the south. Mis. W. R. Dent visited in To- ronto. Gl4d to see Mr. G. S. McLaren out again after his lengthy iilnesst Scouýa met Thursday nlght with about )P present. Someé of our Masons attended a church parade on Sunday and a meeting i Oshawa Tuesday. Ne*Wovillc Union did flot ac- cept the invitation ta visit Ororw Union Monday evcning. O. P. S. got a hall-holiday Fr1- day afternoon because of the con- cert at nlght. Wthout changes are made the Christmas exeminations at O.C.S. start to-day (Thursday). Friends here werc interested t< sec a plicture of, E. A. Summers in the Canadien Countryman. The worst storm of the senior hit our village Tuesday and Wed- nesday. It's caslly seen that wln- ter has come. A, number of Newcastle Con. tinuetion School pupils attended the O.C.S. Lîterary meeting Tues- day evenlng. Dclivery of two writeups (O.C. S. and Wilson obitary) and sev- eral personala was delayed lasi weekç through snow but they ap. pear ithis issue. MisaMaec Glenney has resigned as "14ldll6" girl with the Tele- phone Co. and leaves this week for Toronto. Her place has been taken by Miss Gloria Richardson. Orono Red Cross held a de- lightful afternoon tes Thursday, in charge of Mis. J. J. Mellor. The clothes for the refugees and the scarves,. etc., for soldiers were on display, and two quilts were bcing quilted durlng the afternoon. The inspection conunittec of the Red Cross packed these gooda Thursday: 37 scarves, il sweaters, 10 he ets, 1 pair pyjamas, 3 pair mits» pair socka, 7 quilta and 8 1o Yblenkets. The whole quota askcd for' refugees is also ready. Mr. âdMis. James Moffatt, Mr. and Mis. Arthur Allen, Mr. and 1frs. rle Wilson, Mi. and M.hres Shlw, Mis. Hr M .e~~rs.ChrlsTaylor, al of Orno an . R. McGiII, P 0tpo~atne the funeral of Mr. ~alsWlon at Bow- manville. The attendance was somewhat *slim, but#the church and Sunday school services at Park St. Church on Sunday were much enjoyed. In the morning Rev. Littlewood told the children a story. At night * Mis. Littlewood favored with a solo. At Sunday School the firat singing of* Christmas carols wam enjoyed, as was Mrs. Drummond'sl talka. LIVIR NIRVES RUIN SLEIP Ouak op yuv li. Fel griot agW& À dé il,, l d Mryenmae, a"ku o&q huiq fswif,.,des r il a~IhFataIrs Canadaa FRU IT.AIVESsu» oi~ TAKE NO CHANCES WITHf BABYS COLD DON'T LET your baby's littUe cod deveio lota aOMebn wore. Let Mu. Gao. McBrIde. 01 etellzouxat t do."Mybaby Of d6 nantàc.g ant aodsoItried Babe,' Own Tabletsanmd h tbyew tbf, coid et luickr than ever beforn. 1 ertainiy amnfor Baby's Own Tabiets ran cou on.,, Baby' Own Tabiets are sae and sur ini ibeir ation. 'TbeY correçt the caus ai bab 1 a trouble. Effective 1 la.earing Up tethlq troubles, constipation, Imple fever,, diarihaca, uPset tomsac, coic ad aummner camplaint1 itabiltY 1a1mpia opand ther ci "baby's'l alimenta. ýttt me utterlyfire. ra.optatea orU~eyag~ An anayse', report la eù â tdy: Sickaeauaoftntrik te D0aat2*eoet&. Your masey bacla U you &rad Meihie for Savere s ri. in .e e ri NEsWS Midlatid Regiment Inspected At Orono lst Battallon, the Mldland Regi- fair grounds, whcre the battalion brother, Lieut.-Col. J. C. Gamey, ment, C.A.S.F., under the com- marched paat the reviewing stand M.M., officer commanding the mand of Lieut.-Col. J. C. Gamey, i three different formations. Pic- battalion; Regimental Sergeant- M.C., paraded et Orono recently turcs show: top, Hcadquarters Major W. J. Woodside, M.M., who for generai inspection by Briga- Company passes the reviewing served as a lieutenant i the lst dier 'Logic Arnmstrong, officer stand i colunin of route.; bottom, Bn. The Rifle -brigade, Imperial conimarng Miltary District No. ieft to right, Major R. S. Gamey, ATmy, wherc he won the M.M., 3.- Oronp's entire population as- of Toronto, commanding head- and was aiso mentioned again in sembled l the grandotand li the. quartefs cozhpany, tlks - to. -his Idespptches,_ L I N IT N H. Walsh, Mis. M. H. Staples and Mis. Littiewood. HAPPENINGS Following thc W.M.S. meeting members Uicth W.C.T.U. met and took up a collection towards the Prom The Orono News of W.C.T.U. Rcd Cross donation from Deceniber 6, 1917 * ail branches. L.Orono L. O. L. No. 409 rcceivcd O.C.S. LITERAIRY MEETING an officiel visit from the W. Dist.____ Master, Bro. W. H. Darllngton, Quite a number attended the who installed these officers: W. first open meeting of Uic, O.C.S. Master-T. Smith; D.W.M.--W.. J. Literary Society on Tuesday even- Stutt; Chap.-Fred Brimacambe; -ing. The progrnm was prcpaned Rec. Sec.-Ernest Patton; Fin. Sec. by Jean Forsterlut she had Uic ý-S. Cuttell; Treas.-Neil Célville;, mumnps sa Uic president, Dick 'Lectures-Gea. Morton, R a 1 p h Morton, prcsidcd. Editor Donald Stutt; D. of C.-Snm Allen; Corn- Steples made bis debut in Uic mnitteemen-Gea. Cawan, B.A., Al- rcading of the sehool paper "The bert Morton, Robt. Morgan, James OnCIS," which proved to be an italker, James Brown. excellent edition with sage eoi'h- 1Pte. Fred Pearson, son of Mi. ment mingled with wit. and Mrs. Frank Peàrson, wes glv- Mit.IR. C. Rosborougb showed en an enthuslastie welcomne by a slidcs, sent by the government, large number of> citizens as be showing how a f ew shrubs, vines stcpped from the west-bound and trees improve Uic looks of C.N.R. train. Pte. Pearson lcft public libraries, community halls, Oioiio on Jan. 1, 1915, and went churchés, schools, etc., the pic- aversees with théè 39th Battallon. turcs- dealing more particularly He scrvcd 19 months in Uic tren- Wh thte schools and chunches. ches and took part in the bettie Of Among the pictures shawn was Ypres, Somme, Messimes and one of Newcastle Cammunity Vimy Ridge. In the latter engage- Hall. ment he wes gasscd and was seven "Thcre'll always be an O.C.S," months in Engllah bhospitals. was sung by the graup, followed Reeve A. A. Powers and Deputy by "There'll always be an Eng- Reeve Frank Allen are ettcndig land," the congregation jaining in county council et Cobourg. the latter. Anna Steples favored with a piano solo, Jameq Lowery with a flute solo, Beicilice Col- ville with n rcading, and Lenore PARK ST. W.M.S. Wocid with n vocal solo. "Quis" ELECTS OFFICIERS was conducted by Dick Morton, The lest item on thse progrem Park §t. W.M.S. met Tucsday. was the play "David Copperfield afterno* and elccted these off s- Jr. Runs Awey," a drematizetion of the story.' Berenice Colville pers; Preident -Mis. S. Little- portreyed the role of Anne Trot- wood; lst Vice-Mis. M. H. Ste- wood, Uic excitable aunt of David* pics; 2nd Vice-Mis. C. S. Mc- who hclps him, when he runs to Laren; 3rd Vice-Miss M. Davy; ber for protection. James Lowery Co.pleyed the part of Mi. Diek who ece. Sec-Mis. C. Wood; Cr.aîways agieed wlth ber. Carman Sec.-Mns. L. Frallck; Ties.- Crihpac i oe0 i Mrs. R..E. Logan; Christian Stcw- fiightened and *lovablc David andship-Mrs. W. Cob b 1 e di c k; Copperfield, the dead image of hla Cornmunlty Pnhndshp-Mrs. R. dad. Enld Bowcn maded a demure Smth and. Mis. J. J. Mellor; Sup- maid. Carol Dent and . Manley ply Sec.-Mis. H. Rowe; Mission- Lttlewood expellently portrnycd sry MonUly-Mrs. N. F. Porter; the roles of Mir. Murdatone and Temperance -Mis. H. W al1sh; Jane Mundatone, from whom De- Press Sec'y.-Mlss F. Cobbledick; vid was runnig awey. The play Baby Bifnd -Miss M. Tamblyn was well actcd and grcatly en- and Miss M. Smli; Pienist- joycd. Mns. R. Smith, Mis. R. Brown; Assoclate Helpers -Miss Dav ; P R T NO Mission Band-Miss M. McDowe __PRK __._NIO Mis. W. Armstrong. * Union Monda y vening was i These officens wlll be lnstalled chreo 0isaa cneos the ut uesay n Jnuay.> Misses Myrtle Smith and Mar- Thre meeting opened wlth piay- geret Million, the latter pnesidlng. er by Mrs. I..Raiey. Mis. R. Durlng Uic worshlp perhod, con- Logan gave the trcasurer's report. d=td by candle lght, readinga Mis. J. J. Mellor gave the nomin- wregîven by Miss Milison, Scrip- atlng report, tcrmn of office to be turc was rend by Miss Smith, and two years. Miss Stella Best led i prayer. The Christmas service foilowed, The whltes were ahead in the con- the theme belng the worshlp of test tbat evenlng. Rev. S. Little- Christ. Seripture passages were wood took Uic toplc dealing wlth rend by Mrs. L. Fralick telllng cf Africa, an iteresting fact beig the brth cf Christ and whlch that be bas a sister living there. werc lnterspersed wlth a, carol, He told of Uic hardihips the mis- "Silent Night." Ms.. IL E. Laogan sionarles have ta put up wlthand read two scrpture passages, fol- Uic woîk cf learnhng two langu- lowed by p ayer. by Miss M. eges - Portuguese and native - Davy. Mis. C. Wood gave a rend- as the mission la hi Angola. He lng, followed b another carol also mentloned Rev. and Mis. "Once li royal David's cLty." Mourll Ferguson, well known Readings wore also given by mas. bore. Roglonal Training la Contlnu.d (Contin ued from lait wcek) On Tuesday Uic sehool con- tinued under Uic leadership of Misa Olive Reasor, with much Uic same progiemi beig followed. The worsbip peiod wes pic- sentcd by members of Uic Shiloh Union and recreetion was con- ducted by Miss VeIna Hanrs of Oshawa. On Wednesday Tyrone took the worship service and the necreation was conductcd« by Stanley Gomme of Oshawa. On Thursday evening Newtonville Union wcre ta teke the worsbip period, but failed to put i an ep- pearence. - Under Uic cicumn- stances Uic warship period was conducted by Miss Jean Battle, Oshawa, who conducted an unique service by candlelight, which was very impresaî;ve. Re- creation was led by Murray Kirby, Oshawa. mhis. tunned out ta be thc lait meeting, as the one on Fridey, which was to have been Uic con- clusion of the course, wlth Uic presentation of certificetes, and et whicb Uic Orono Union was ta take Uic Worship period was cancelled due ta snow-cboked ronds. There is the anme diffenence between Uic tongues of some, as betwcen the bour and the minute band; anc goes ten times as fast, and Uic other signifies ten times ns much.-Sydney Smiàtb. s s Liv. and L.arn Club The Live and Learn Club met et the home of Mis. Tamblyn an Saturday. The rail caîl was the name of a person who had con- tributted to health. Girls' Club of Newtonville is invited ta the ncxt meeting on Friday. Dr. McKen- zic will be guest speaker. The club is going ta assist et the pan- cake booth at the Red Cross. bazaar. Miss Millson gave another talk on "Invisible Enemies," after which Mrs. Tamblyn gave a de- monstration an how ta bake good tea biscuits. Notes were taken on burns. after which Mrs. Tamblyn served a delightful lunch which included the fresh tea biscuits. EGG MARKETINGS Nearly eight million dozeri of Canadian eggs were exported dur- ing the firat nine months of 1940, principally to the United King- dom. In the corresponding nine months af 1939, the number of eggs exported was 703,000 dozen. HEAD COLO Misory Fast! If you are suffering with dlscornforts of a head cold, ea>' the gran lioeft tat cornes when you use ICka Va-tro-nol. 3-purpose Va-tro-nol la so effective be- caiuItdos thice Important thingas- (l) shnxks swoflen membranes-(2) soothes Irritaton-(3) helpa flushs out thei nasal passages, clearing clogging mucus. No wonder Va-tro-nol la Amer- lca's moat wldely used nasal medicinol ... And remember, If uaed ln time, Va-tro-nol hela Cfl to prevent mn codedoolptg.Và%*Tm@N@L Newtonville Snow! Snowl end'more snow. Ronds blocked cverywhere. Snow up ta the hanses' backs in many places. Boys training et Peterbaro werc home Saturday and Sunday. Mi. Blake Fealas is visitîng in Toronto and Hamilton. Bert Stapleton bas ecccptcd a position o! truck-driver et Camp Borden. Miss Jennie Symons, wbo was steying et Mn. Wm. Milligan's, died in Port Hope Hospital Mon- day. Mi. J. T. Pearce, Fenclon Falls, was home. Pot Luck Supper et Newton- ville Pncsbyterian Church Satur- day evening was e declded suc- cess. Prnctically ail o! -Uic bome- made cookig and gif ta wcre sold. There was no League lest week, neithen did our League visit Orono on Monday on account of blocked ronds.' Bad colda arc prevalent. On' account of Uic cold weather service was held ln thUi basemnent of the United Cburch Sunday evenlng. Mr. Neil Stewart kidly PATRIOTIC OPERA BY ORONO PUPILS WELL RECEl VED Urnder Uic able supervision ol Mis.. Dnald, Robb, who copileé thé peetta, aaisted by c twc teaclkers ises .Fotrand M McDodilOrono Public Schoo] pupils prcsented n patriotie aper. etta "John Bull's Chlldren," l i Uic town hal Friday night, the piocecds going ta tic Red-Cross. Words cannot describe the evenit. One hed ta be present te realize what it wes like. Follaw- ing Uitrce brasa quartette selc. tions by Carlos Temblyn. Glen Tamnblyn, Dick Mortan and Hor- ace Best, the curtains apencd, revealing Justice (Betty Linton) with her scales, sented on the throne, with Liberty (Greta Mer- cer) and her tarch and Pence (Dawn Moffatt) with her olive brench an cither side of her. These thice were ail in white with sul- ver as were also Uic girls who occupied the two corners . f the stage end.sang the charuses. Johnny Farrester, i green, ush- cred in Uic characters represent.. ing -the variaus countries. Johni Bull was ably represented by Al- bert Mitchell, and with prîde he had thecocuntries of his Empire ushered in: Canada, Murray Pat- tenopn; Australie, Tommy- Hobbs; NcW Zcaland, Karl Flintoff; India, Rosé Carleton; South Africa, Ar, chic MLaen; Islands of the Sea, Mont Richardson. These six young staiarts sang a selection. Sangs were .sung ihonar of Uic soldiers, saýlors and air force memabera, by aill Tien came Uic part which was Uic ,most touching of ail. There cntcied to Uic tune of Consola- thoni, playcd by Uice ccampanist for Uic evening, Mrs. Robb, ail Uic smell cauntries invalved i the struggle of Uic present war. Sadly they bowed before John Bull and knelt before Justice Uien taok their places on Uic stage. These countries wcre: Eth- iopie, Junior West; Czeehoslav- akia, Peter Chmarn; Poland, Dean West; Finland, Bobby Wannan; Denniark, Bill Maffett; Narway, Jackie Mercer; Holland, George Shaw; Belgium, Bob Caecy; France, Edgar Middleton; Greece, Henry Leaman. John Bull and his Empire, and also Justice, promniscd ta belp these cauntries and to fight unti] right wes victoriaus. To show that the people werc willing and able to help John Bull showcd with pide his Rcd Cross nurses, nine little girls in costumes and his Boy Scouts, six little boys in Scout uniform, cach group singmng a sang before tek- mng their places. Then cntercd Uic spiits of those who died, represented by Joani Haines. as angel, during whicl, aIl lighs were out but a spot llght. In thia part Mis. Robb re- cited with feeling Uic best known of petriotie poctry, "In Flanders' Fields" by MeCrae. "O God, our help i ages past'l and three ici- tations by Justice, Liberty and Pence followed. Then came Uie gloriaus chorus "Red, White and Blue," sung by ail an Uic stage, and the National Antliem. Eech country had its talc ta tell, and eppropniete songs were sung betwecn Uic speeches. Even the countries such as Poland, Greece, Hoiland and Belgium, although they snid no word, spoke more cloquently Uian' passibly tbcy could have wlth words whcn Uiey came on with bowcd head and piteous plcadig gestures. The operetta was wdll worUi braving blockcd ronds ta sec. Mention should be made of the effective background - n pure white on which blue and rcd strips of crepe paper wcrc fast- ened and i front staod Uic flags of the free. Maple Grove 1.0.06F. MEMBERS substtuted at thepiano i ab- HOLD BANQUET There was a miscedlaneous shower in the Hall Wedncsday November 27th was a red letter evenlng for Mi. and Mis. John day i the hiatory of the I.O.O.F. Mitchell (nec Jean Marvi>. of thia district, it being thse ocea- Newtonvillc Sentiels met at sion of their banquet and a pie- the home of Wyhna Farrow on sentation to the Grand Master ofNo.2s Rlca w nwed Ontario, Bro. C. Iredele. Some 50 bNov l.Ryoricailas d o ansae f members met around the banquet byev eernea doddta eitt 1table in thc Orono town hal and nw agihr member wsDrtyNsbit D ejoyd asplndi reastseredpamphlets and other instructions :by the Women's Institute. about the work by the president. ,l W. J. Riddell, Grand Conductor, Mary Deneult and Merian Bruce -Orono, presided. After the toast gv h oi n"riiilRs ita the King lhe extcnded a weî gpiaet opi ond "rtifielRes-n corne ta all and introduced those - piratiand Rughveaery sad iat the hcad table who were: C. tGwe n Gler gav be demnstbro- cG. Morris, D.W., Bowmanville; tkons oneesa Noteeding en ro )Dr. G. C. R. Hall, P.G.M., Little ken b s. Noetes on CuaFr-n .Britain; Bro. Tait, N.G. of Mill- Eve n wetaenby WylA pFatr .brook; S. J. Rowe, D.D.G.M. o w oan Hele ouh.As poster Peterboro district 44; Rcv. Sisco deonstret mtmgwa pMare of Millbrook; and Bro. C. Iredale, arond. Nex meA eting at Maryh Grand Master of Ontaria. Inquir Hendcrson'. A doeicitas lunch les rcveeled that 1 Grand- Master, was ered. A vote ofndtheksmoa i D.D.G.M., 5 P.D.D.G.M.'s, 9 vet- eted aWlaan e.o cran members and 23 lodgc offi-thr cers wcre present, and that six lodges werc represented, viz: Bow- manville, Orodio, Peterboro, Mill- Pofliypooi. brook, Little Britein, and Oshawa. ____ The toast ta Grand Lodge vras on account of the heavy snow proposcd by Dr. Hall, who paid and bad roads, a number of peo- tribute ta' the work of Bro. Ire-pemsda lni ndvr dal who ugedhe I.to... embersndpatriotic concert in the Orange who rge theI.OO.F.memersHall Fridlay evening i aid of the ta enter wholeheartedly into Red Red Cross. The concert wes ar- *Cross, war work and local work. ranged by Hugh Martidele, a re- C. G. Mgorris i a few well chosen turned soldier of the lest war, but words stressed "service" and also uneble ta enlist i the present spoke of the work of the Grand war. The programme was staged Master, ta whom he presented a principally by the girls and boys toilet set on behelf of the district. from the achool, assisted by Mrs. "He's a jolly good fellow" and J. Richardson, pianist, who are ta' three cheers and a tiger followed be congratulated on their splen- bis remarks, after which the sur- did performance. Much credit ha iprised recipient thnnked all for also due Mi. Martindale for his etheir gift ingenuity in puttmng this over, es- In his talk the Grand Master peciaîîy the very appropriate play rspoke of the work eccomplished, entitled "«Over the Hill," which paying tribute ta the work of the was ably peiformed. Special men- officers. War work, including tion sisouîd be made of aur genial blood donations, and the work îittîc actrcss, Misa Jean Monk, among the refugees were denît who gavc a splendid showing of with in his chnllcnging addrcss. ber capabilities. Proceeda $10. LHe intimated that only by serving Pontypool territory was made a -could we survive, and urged on rnhoteBtay'dCos the lodgc an analysis of the com- abranchote BtaRd Cross kr munity and a tharough look into n yre ago.ted os o rk chera thc finances. heethave Uicwforlowing cive- R. H. Brown, a charter member mnentto showtcfor8thpir oactiiis of Orqno -lodge praposed the toast 9in knittingsete8 rs ofgos, ta the visitors, which was re-seevels sweaters, 12 long seve *spanded ta by representetives of sean's sweat 0 e, 12 pair a Wme Carslde aBomnnville wristlcts, 8 plain and 1 acaman's proposed a tottathe rnoscarves, 3 pair mitta, 25 quilts, cammitec andtoa the ladesof and a large box for the refugees. the Women'sannstitutelandethis The heavy fnll of snaw has thwa roeplicd tis. J C. am- hisurely disrupted motor traffici blynte pedentby. J .Ti-this neighbarhood over the week- *ln the tanhaldock boomcd end, a cansidereble number being LThe hu tof h a'clock aste a snowbaund and unable ta leave ) h orof1 'l* as rndiprdnlfenth a- exccpt by trai. i t haindeed, be e igdtatbe Roy Porter and f amily have it hd idee bee god t bemoved ta Bowmanville. present. Happy ta meet, sorry ta Claude Brinklow and femily part, happy ta meet agein. have moved to Oshawa. 1 Several of aur Pontypool boys 1 have secured positions in Oshawa *Plans To Boost and Bowmanvillc. Thos. Coulter la on Uic slck list. War Savrnngs inl Stan. Fisher has enlisted at -Clark. Township Lindsy. dcik wrin x Clarke Township War Savigs Port Hope, was home for thc Comtuittee met et -«O&ono School week-end »and intends moving to' L on Tucsday night and appointed Port Hope. thee oficrs Prsidnt J. J. Percy Tamblyn, Bert FinneY, Mdlleo icers:PresiWdSe Cbbe-Cliff Richardson, Wllfred Rich- dick; Sey.-Neil Porter; Chair- ardson, Roy Porter, Jimu Trick, man of Publicity-Lawrence Sav- Stan. Fisher, Clarence McCul- ery. n meting hcl and Mis. Krupinsky were Ata eein hldFriday even- i on ing, W. R. Strike, Bowmanvillc, had cxplained fully thc subi cet of War Savings Stamps, and Mi. ]Burketon Mellor again outlined Uic work. A____ discussion took place on how to uhapeitini etne boost the sales of stampa and two tMuh .A.pecatnd . l cxtnd suggestions werc Penny Bank NtauconW.oA.an a Aldrcd an system in schools and Christmas in.theunfrclynganwlo gifts. Mr A.Withe s church.ine As a means of adveitising it was Mo is..Wlolasilcnhd decided ta send out personal let- tq hiareexbcd.ngth ari ters. wstogtW r xcinhgtecri I wsogt advisablc ta sub_ est and heaviest snowfall in years. civide the tawnship in school sec: Mail carriers have a difficult time tions but titis was lcft ta the pub- dclivering the mail. We arc for- licity committee. me gi tunate in baving the trai stop Officers arc to me gi this here whcn tTue ronds are filled, in. wcek. -Visitors: Mi. and Mis,_S._ Mof- Free Parking AM CONDiTONE» Continuons Show Daily Prom 1 P.m. t. 1=39 pi. Friday and Saturday DEOENBE 6 - 7 LUCIL-LE HALL RICHARD CARLSON "lToo Many Girls"f Wlth Ana Miler - Franeis Langford Eddie flracken REVIVAL Friday Nite at 11I p.rn. "Stanley and Livingstoneil Spencer Tracy Sir Cedrie Hardwlcke Monday, & Tuesday DEQEMBER 9 - 10 "«Knut,.RQckne" FIAT O'BRIEN Gale Page - Ronald Reagan Donald Criai, AND ON SAlIE PROGRAN ",Youth Must Be Sorvsd" Jane Wlthers - Robert Conway Jane Darwell j Wed. and Thurs. IDECEPMER 11-12 ONLY Pultzer Prime Piar "Abe Lincoln in Illinois" wlth Raymond Masser Gene Lockart - Ruth Gordon ALSO "«Tho Saint Takes Over", George "S'aintp» Sanders Wendy Barrie Give Theatre Tickets for Chiristms.1 I GARTON'S GARAGEI PRAOTICAL GIPTO Usefai gifta are tu vogue for Christmnas 1940. Something practicai for the car will be appreciated ail tlrough the year. GIVE HUBBY ONE 0F THESE F00 LIGET BATTERY ANTIF EE OIL (inaea) DAR HîiïîTE DEJPOOTER Wlnter la bard on cars.Gt yours put ln good order now! PAGE ELEVEN TownshipCouncil CLAIRKE COUNCIL Clarke Township Cauncil met Tuesdny. After considerable dis- cussion on n lettenrcgarding the Leskard rond, the Clerk was in- structed ta write Mi. Coryclstet- ing cauncil's decision. The Reeve pnesented the metter of seeuring gravel from Ruddcll's property narth of Leskard and pnagness was rcpanted as fan as weether permitted. Final Cauncil meeting will be .held Decemben l6th. Grant of $10.00 wus given Dur- ham Plaughman's Association. Treasurer was instructed ta scnd $1.00 ta Wellington Farrow for use of sprng on lot 18, con. 3, during 19340. Use of Council Chember was erented free o! change for Uic Fowl Market. Sundry bills were passcd in- cluding rond voucher $1781.36. fatt, Oshawa, with Mrs. T. Breck. Miss Ruby Bailcy, Bleckstock, i. Orland Bnilcy, Oshawa, et. home . .. Roy Carter, Toronto, et home . .. Miss Myrtle Irwin, Black- stock, with Miss Ethel Carter. ... Mi. and Mns. G. Wilson and baby, Oshawa, with Mis. Pearl Glenny. ..Mi. E. Wilson, Oshawa, with Mi. A. Wilson's. .. Mn. A. Aldred and Ross with friends li Oshawa. W. A. are planning a bazear and pancake supper.. Bey. H. H. Lackey was unable ta get back ta preech on Sunday due ta bnd ronds. Mi. M. Thamp- son took the ministen's place in' Sunday Schoal. Don't ever believe a gun isn't laaded. Sunday school and church ser- vice were cailed off Sunday ow- ing to road condition. Sympathy la extcnded to rela- tives of Miss Janie Beckel, a for- mer resident here, also to the re- latives of Mr. Charlie Burgess. Both passed away last week in Bowmanvile and were buried in Bowmanville Cemetery on Satur- day. Mr. and Mis. Ross Stevena, Misses Betty and Muriel and Mas- ter Bobby Stevens visited Dr. and Mis. Wes. Langmaid, Oshawa. Mr. Fred Miller, Queen's, Kinig- stan, visited at Mis. L. C. Snow- de*n's. Congratulations to Kay Lycett who played in Oshawa at the mu- sic recital and received a prize for having taken the highest marks in Toronto Conservatory of Music exam. in Grade I Piano. Look for Maple Grave Christ- mas tree and concert advt. OSHAWA Phone 1011 d il