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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1940, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THURSDAY-, DEMBER 514 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILE, ONTAR.IO IThe Newcastle PlioneCia Pte. Jos. Hackin, Mldland Regi-q ment, was home from Lindsay. 1 Mrs. R. W. Qibson has been in Toronto undergoing treatment for her eyes. Alden Pollard and Al. Adair, taking military training at Peter- boro, were home. Mrs. Topilt is having a new furnace put ini her apartment west of the community hall. Cutters and sleighs were out on Sunday, taking the place. of cars for transportation services. Mrs. R. T. Rutherford continues quite rnl and will be confined to her bed for probably 3 months. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Treleaven, Toronto, spent the weekend at their Newcastle home "Trelwood." Mrs. Stuart Davey and son Douglas, Sudbury, who visited her sisters, Mrs. E. W. Fisher and Mrs. Gordon Garrod, returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walton made a trip ta Toronto Saturday, taking Major H. W. Dudley to visit his brother, Mr. Levi Dudley, at Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bail and family have corne south for the wmnter, having rented Mr. Fred ]Bunley's house, formerly the Hunter home. Tuesday evening, Nov. 26th, M~isa Helen M. Smith, B.A., took a group of the middle school stu- dents to Orono to see Orono Con- tinuation School students play a dramatized «David Copperfield." Many from here attended the Apple Show and Cooking School i Bowmanville on Frîday. Farn- comb Le Gresley was in charge of the Le Gresley exhibit of Apple Juice, recently put on the market. Mrs. P. O'Neil has returned, from Napanee and resurned her residence in her house. Dr. and ,»Mrs. R. O. Dickson and daughter, *who have been occupying it, have taken rooms at Elmhurst for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Duck and daughters, Vivian and Joan, have mnoved frorn the farm whîch they sold last spring ta Irvin Alirg and are now occupymng one of Geo. Jamieson's houses, vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gogarty. Art Toms, John Rickard and Stan Graham each brought home a deer from Haliburton. Art says that it wasn't necessary though ta go so f an fram home; that there were deer on the run and at loose between here and Bowmanville during the open season. Mr. A. O. Parker and Mrs. W. J. Hockin and Ronald attended the funeral of Mrs. Bonneil in Oshawa on Nov. 3th. She lived for some years in Newcastle where'her late husband was a niarket gardener, using the land r4ow owned by Mrs. Hockin. Mn. A. E. Mellow's older bro- ther, Frank Mellow, died in Nap- anée last Wednesday following a long and painful illness from can- cer. Mr. Mellow attended the f un- wATERMAL4N Pen and Pencil Sets «Skywrltcr" Set in Leather Case $225 Sec thse Military Set wth Special Case, OnuY Men's Toilet Sets Colgate'i - Woodbury's- Yard.Iey's Jasmine - WIlhims> - Rahelor sud Gardonia. 25c - $7.0 'ClamMfed Aàd Ratesl Indep ndeutOne cent a word cash, oasis depe deI insertion (minimum charge Sko 111 25e). Charge of 25e extra la I made wisen advertisemeut ls not paid same week as iser- eral on Friday. Deceased was also tion. Extra charge of 10e whon a brother of Rev. H. A. Meliow, replies arc direeted to a B.A., United Church minister. S t at esm au box number. R. B. LeGresley, Bob Dent, Al- Blnths, deatis ansd marrlages bert P'earce, Lewis Clark and Bill 50e each. In Memoriams, 50o Rowland wcnt out ta Mrs. Eric for notice plus 10e per hune for Pearee's farmn sale. M. LeGresley verse. Classified sdvertlse- 1 bought a Guernsey cow. Howard ments accpted up until 6 Pearce and Garnet and Brenton p.m. Wednesday. Riekard also attended the sale. Howard Pearce baught the tractor BOARD 0F EDUCATION cultivator. Stanley Brown, Lake Shore, Accepta Offer of Two New Prizes with team and cutter, and Albert for Publie Sehool Pupîls 1 Pearce, with anc horse and an- other cutter, assisted Mail Carrier NwatcBado dcto Chris Law on R. R. 3, Newcastle, oNeMonatlevenng ofedcid Sorte Boas teneandheeLakd communication îrom Miss Hattie SheyRol a betwen hee andMason, Sup. of Music, advising Wesleyville astTm sdyil.eythe Board that twa new prizes toak wa dys' ail.had been added ta the list for Uic A lot of people were writing in Public Sehool this year. One is the city papers ast week and for the best collection o! water rnaking a big hullabaloo about the colaur illustrations o! sangs and snow stormn and the condition o! operas learned during Uie year the city streets. They will have a and the work of a boy lu Grade lot more ta write about aller Sat- VI, VII or VIII, and danatcd by urday night's storrn; but it takes Mr. J. Anderson Smith. The other tax money ta clear country roads is for a similar collection, and Uic and eity streets o! snow. The comn- work of a girl in Grade VI, VII or plainers often seem ta forget this., VIII, and donated by Dý. J. A. His place of business having Butler. been burned down last winter, E. Toronto General Trusts Camp. W. Fisher, Tax Collector, used a pointed out that the Thos. Monta- part of W. H. Anderson's store for gue $5000 trust fund for seholar- a tax receiving office. The public ships could not possibly continue geatiy appreciated this conven- ta yield the high 'revenue o! Uic icuce as it saved many fromn a past, producing $250 a year. langer trip south ta Mr. Fisher's Penny. Bank showed that 65% residence, "Sunnyside," whene he o! Newcastle Public Sehool pupils conducted business fromn Tuesday are making regular deposits. This on. is a highem percentage than any Attendanice at Newcastle chur- ather sehools between Toronto ches on Sunday was away below and Kingston. normal on account o! Uic snow- Chairman H. J. Toms presided filled ods; but Irvin Allin's sans and other members present were had their team and bobsleighs out Irwin Colwill, Ross Dickinson, bringing members of the family Rev. D. R. Dcwdney, C. S. Hor- and the neighbars ta church and rocks, E. W. Fisher and H. S. Sunday school. They are kecping Britton. up their weeknîght activities and Principals Hugh M. McColl and obligations in the saine uncon- Thos. A. Rodger presented their quemable way. a reports. The irregular attendance Newcastle lire truck went about o! some pupils and finally their as short a distance ta a lire Sun- dropping out altagether frequent- day morning as it will ever be ly gives ise ta serious discussion called to go . It was a chimprey as was the case at this meeting. fire, just about chureh time, in the A $3 100.00 insurance, paliey was Allin Apartments, the building renewed for another three years being next neighbor on the south and il was noted that the premium to Uic lire hall itsell. Occupants ate had been redueed framn 90c af this part of the building are Mr. per hundred dollars ta 80e. and Mrs. Sharp and Mr. and Mrs. These bills were ordered .paid: J. Ireland wha have roamers and J. W. Bradley, lire insun- boanders. Constable John Garmod ance prmnum- --$ 24.80 was on hand when the chiminey W. H. Anderson, supplies.. 58.50 caught lire and he went ta the Letter Supply Co., stencils 2.75 fire hall and tricd ta ring Uic bell. J. Manr, Jewelem, engravi'g 2.25 But the great amount o! snaw sa Jack Watson Ca., hockey muffled it that there was no ap- gloves ------ ------ 2.65 preciable sound. He then sounded Students Ca-operative, the siren. Lots o! people heard O.A.C., books------12.22 this. Driver Harold Couch and Ont. S.T. and R.A., books.. 5.12 members o! Uic lire brigade soon Hugh M. MeCoil, sundry responded. The truck was brought articles -- ------------ -- -- - -10.67 out and a stream o! water from Moyer School Supplies,. Uic truck's "Booster" tankplayed equîpment--------------_ 4.40 around the roof and chimney and Gea. M. Hendry Ca.,. everything was soan all right equipment « -------------- 9.17 again. The small crowd that had H. R. Pearce, 9 manths' gathered melted graduaily away. expenses---------------- - - 6.60 FOR ALL THE FAMILY SMILES 'n CHUCKLES Specially Wrapped 50e lb. - - G E N U I N E C . I . L . Brush, Comb and Mirror Sets $4.9S - $5.95 - $7.98 - $ 10.50 Cameras Eastman Kodaks stiU and movie cameras. Make 'this a photographie Christifla Tolletries Harrit ubbard Aycr, Elizabeth Arden, Helens RubolteiS, Adrienne. or Forget-Me-Not 75e - $500 O)R A BEAUTIFUL COMPACT soc - $5.00 PERSONAL GREETINO CARDS> JOUL oWfl neath.e . p¶lC. t.trO ou met CgrsCigarettes - Tobaccos chi-Itmas Gard, agendars and Folders that fno onPees- Llghters .0.. cati obtaln.Pie Cards (blacJk and white) doz..Sc in Chintma Gift WraPPlngu Lards (colored) .... doz. $1-98 USRnN TALMGZIE Calendars . . 15e each, 2 for 25C SBCITOST L AAIE Rtazos Foi men lROLLB RAZORIE - OHIOK ELEOTEXO GILLETTE, with 10 blades WILINSON RAZOR AUTOSTROP RÂZOR - 59e- $5.00 $ 3.00 - 980 - $5,00 BÉ .LI-In BoiRTIvüIS Hspital, on Thursdiwy, December 5, 1940, ta. Mr. and mr.,Arthur Bell, (nee Aima Bell, .tormerly of Kendal), a daughter, Dawn Marie. CALE-In Bowmanville *Hospital, on Saturday, November 30, 1940, to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. H. Cale <nee Juein Martin), the glit of a daughter (Carol Ann). MARTIN-In Bowmanville Hospi- tai, on November 22, 1940, to Mr. and Mrs. Len. Martin (nee Irene Oke), the gift of a daugh- ter, Manlene Lilly. DEATHS, BURGESS - In Bowmanville, on Friday, November 29th, 1940, Charles Burgess, age 68 years. Interment Bowmanville Cerne- tery. COX - In Bowmanville, Decem- ber 4th, 1940, David Cox, age 80 years. Funeral from the resi- dence of his siten, Mrs. George Richards, Bradshaw St., on Sat- urday, Dec. 7th, at 2.30 p.m., D.S.T. Interment; Bowmanville Cemetery. DAVIS - Suddenly, on November 3Oth, 1940, at Toronto, James W. Davis, formerly of Eowman- ville, only and dearly beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. EMer Davis of Kingston. IN MEMORIAM aur dear graudmather, Hannah Elizabeth Clarke, who passed away December 3rd, 1938. And while she lies in peaceful sleep Hem memory we shail always keep. -Ever remembered by Muriel and Mervin. CLARKE - In loving memory o! my dean mother, Hannah Eliza- beth Clarkce, wha died two yeans ago on December 3rd, 1938. Laving and kind inuaIl hem ways, Upright and just ta thé end o! hem days, Sincere and truc in hem heart and mind, Beatitiful memories she leli be- hmnd. --Sadly missed by daughter Ililda and !amily a! Rochester, NY. PINGLE - In loving memory o! a dear wif e and mother, Frances A. Pingle, who papsed away December 3rd, 1932. Yau aIt limes said I'd miss you; Those words have praved *taa truc. I hast my best, my' dearest friend Dean mother, when I hast you. -Sadly missed by husband and family. Card of Thanks The sisters and brother wish to thank neighbouns and friends, Dr. Slemon and Nurses' Taylril, nd Buttery, and ail who were sa kind in their recent bereavement in thc passing -of, our dear brother, Charles Burgess. CAR» 0F THANKS To the citizens who elected me and assisted me in other ways, my sincere appreciatian. I assure you I wiil endeavour ta prove worthy of your trust in electmng me ta the council for the ensuing ycar. Yours truly, Glen L. Martyn. CARD OF THANKS Ladies and Gentlemen* I wish to thank most smncerely all who contributed in any way ta my successful re-election ta council. I will do ahl in my -power ta prove worthy of the trust ne- 'pased in me. Yours sincerely, Arthur Halt. CAR» 0F THANIKS I appreciate very much the vote accorded me at the polis on Mon- day and thank ahl who supported me. I realize I arn a comparative- ly new man ta many citizens, but I assure you I will do everything, in my power ta prornote the beat interests of Uic town in general. Yours respectfully, W. R. Harrison. CAR» 0F THANKS I wish ta thank the 118 electors who voted for me, and aiso con- gratulate aIl citizens who showed enough interest in civic govern- ment ta get out and vote. I wish every member of the town council success during the coming year and will gladly give them xny continued co-operatian for effi- cient government. Maurice Breslin. SYou Can't Fooli 1 .11 SANTA CLAUS He knows he eau gct hu-¶ drcds of things at Berry". te fil his stock- Iugs. e ' Santals broad- -. casting as about our Xmas carda, Wrappings Decorationi. They are &il modern a nd artistie. Also a good varleti' of lateat f iction. Our leuding lbrary stilI gocu strong. Berry's Bookstore phone 801 Bowmanvillc COMING EVENTS Public School Concert will be held in the Elgh School Auditor-i ium on Monday. and Tuesday, Dec,. 16th and 17th.. 47-tf Shlem Sehool will hold its an- nual Christrnas Concert in the church on Thursday, Dec. 19th, 1940. Admission 20e and 10c. 49-1 Don't forget the sale of work ana alternoon tea in the Salvation Arrny Hall this week,.Friday, Dec. 6th. Special opeming program at 3 p.rn. 49-1 Friday, Dec. 6th, at 9 p.m., a dance will be held in aid of thc Red Cross at the Bowmanville High Sehool Auditorium. Invita- tions are available at The States- man office, Uic;.Seinite Store, or at the door. Subseription 75e per persan. Dress optianal. 47-3 The Soldiers' Recreation Roomn will be open to the public on Wed- nesdlay afternoon and evening, December llth, when tea will be served by the Girls' Service Club. Admission 15c. Ail proceeds to provîde comforts for «'D" Camp- any. Everybody weleome. 49-1 Be Patriotic! and sec the Pat- riotie Operetta, main Meature of the Third Royal Winter Fair, Maple Grave, ta be held in Uic Sunday Sehool basemept Thurs- day, Dec. l9th, 7.30 p.m. standard time. Demonstratiant Entertain-1 ment! Christmas Tree! and Santa Claus! One-hal of net proqeeda' ta go ta Red Cross and War Vic- tims Fund. Admission 15e .and 25c. 1 49- Articles Por Sale. APPLES FOR, SALE -7 APPLY O. P.- Hertzberg, Bowmanviile R. R. 4. Phone 2200. 49-1 CANARIES FOR SALE - HIGH qua'lity songsters. Dr. E. W. Sis- son, Bowmanviile. Phone: HQuse1 604, office 790. 414 WEEKLY SPECIAL - THREE Grain Scratch (wheat, cracked corn and buckwheat) at $1.55 per cwt. Off.er good until Dec. 121h. F. C. Vanstane, phone 777. 49-1 FOR SALE MODEL T FORD Coach, good tires, would make. trailer, engine in good condi- tion. Cheap for cash. Also Que- bec heater, new condition. Ap- ply John Milis, Hampton, phone 2541. 49-1 Livestock For Sale FOR SALE - 30 YOUNG PIGS, 8 weeks old. Phone 2435, Dr. R. E. MeMullen, Hamptn. 4- FOR SALE-CALF, ONE WEEK old. James Brown, Base Line. 49-1 FOR SALE-L--15 YOUNG YORK- shire pigs, 18 Rock puilets, Ap- nil hatched, 1 used pump jack, ail priced reasonable. -Apply Colville Evans, 1 mile east of Orono. 49-1 Fer Sale FOR SALE - A FRAYE HOUSE, thirteen roorns, in Newcastle, acre and three-quarters land, stream flowing through. Apply Miss E. E. Beman, Newcastle, phone Clarke 1212. 492* Radio Repaire RADIO REPAIRS-ALL MAKES. Ail types of tubes tested free. R. Quinn, Phone 575, King St. '49-.j* For Rent FOR RENT - FIVE ROOMED apartmelit upstairs, 3 piece bath. Phone 461 or 585. 49-2* TO LET - 3 BRIGHT UNFUR- nished rooms upstairs, with other conveniences downstairs. Use af ganden if desired. Apply Box 91, Statesman Office, Bow- manville. 49-1 FOR RENT - 3 ROOI HEAT- ed apartment, all modern con- veniences. Apply Mrs. Bettles, in Cowan Block, or phone 870. 49-tf Shooting Match SHOOTING MATCH FOR GEESE -Saturday, December 7th,' at 1 p.rn. S.T., rifles and shotguns, on the farrn af Fred Griffin, Burketon, Lot 25, Concession 9. 49-1 Wanted LINERS FOR SILVER CHESTS MLALE OR FEMALE Must be thoroughly experienced and capable af taking full charge of department in Western Ontario factory. State in application de- tails of experlence and wages cx- pected. Apply Box 205, Hayhurst Advertising Agency, 38 King St. West, Toronto. 49-1 WANTED - *IGHEST PRICES paid for scrap batteries. When your battery f ails, bring it in ta be X-rayed'by aur newly *u stalled "lWiiland Trouble Fid- cm Machine." G. F. Jamieson, Tire & Battery Shop, King and Silver Sts. 46-tf Notice WE BUY, ARRANGE, AND COL- lect mortgages and agreements of sale. North Shore Realty Ca. Ltd. Phone 80 Oshawa. 39-tf M iscellaneous MATTRESSES & COMFORTERS -Mattresses rebuilt, absolutelY new. Feather beds made inta s an it a ry folding mnattresses. Feathers washed, otriPPed and made into down comforters. Eiderdowns recovened., Reasan- able prices. Hep. here now. Phone 362. 46-4 Don't forget that most bathtub accidents can be avolded by using a rubber mat ta stand on. L ue11 CAMEO BROOCRW $2.50 up as above SAJL1rý> & PEPPER > .SETS $il1e6,Plat Santa Claus WiII Be In Town Saturday flecemberi 4th SERVICE FOR 8 Roger's Stalulesa Blades or Kulvei ,$8..95 34 plece sot MILITARY DRUSH SET, 2 Drushes, Comb and Nali File $1.75 SETS 9Pleces At $3.50 - 1 Leatiser Case Wtht zipper MEN'S WRIST WATCflES $5.95 up LADIES' WRIST WATrcues $.0up as above 15 Jewel Westfield at JEWELLERYq Agents Wanted OPPORTUNITY FOIR WOMAN OR MAN to make a good in- carne part or full time selling made-to-measure suits, dresses, sweaters, underwear. A coin- plete line of Britishi Knitted- wear ta clothe the entire farnily. British Knitwear Ltd., Simcae, Ont. 46-4 DEALERS WANTED - DISTRI- bute 200 Famnilex necessities from door ta dor. There la aL big demnand fon toilet articles, medicines, alimentany praduets, cleaners, etc. Scîl for guaran- ,teed satisfaction or money ne- funded. Reap, profits with yaur firat sales. Increase your list of customers every day. Try this independent business wlthaut risk . For details, communicate, with G. St. George, 570 St. Cle- ment Street, Montreal. 49-11 Wilson's Furntùre Co. Studio Couches 50 beautiful studio couches to choose from. Very attractive cov- erings. $18.95 up. Yau can save 40%. Mattresses New spring filled mattresses, genuine damnask ticking, ahl sizes, extra spécial, $9.95. Also Icît mat- tresses, rolled edges, well f illed. Wonderful value, ail sizes, $4.49. New Chesterfield Suites Luxurious suites in -the latest styles and most attractive caver- ings, fuily guaranteed construc- tion. Sale price'$49 up. LiberaIl allowance on trade-ins. * Bedrooni Suites Thrillingly new, smart watcr- f ail design, iovely selectian. Sale price $39 up. Save 40%. Breakfast Suites Choose from ý4 grand selectian, ail styles and colora. Sale $18.95 up. . . Cedar Chesta No matter haw much or hiow little you cane ta end, we have just what you want, at YOtMI pr'ce! Ad each ovely CHEST, regandless of price, has full Ten- nessee red dedar linlSale price $12.95 UP. Floor Coverini SPecials Inlalds, congoletimi, fle 1 t o 1Is, heavy linoleumnsin ail widiths. Visit aur very large floar caver- ings, rugs and carpet dept. Save 40%. Christmas 01f t Suggestions Cedar chests, mattresses, lampa, cushions, smokers, wainut tables, hassocks, sewing cabinets, ruggi, comforters, bedapreads, occasional chairs, mirrars, studio couch, chesterfleld suite, bedroom suite, dinette suite,ý 1001 lasting gifta ta select frnm aur two large stores. A smail deposit wlU « hold* yoUr article until Christmas. Asic about aur easy Christmas budget plan.- Our lower prices posltlvely save you money. Wilsons Furiîture Co. 40 KING W. - 20 CHURCH ST. OSHAWA 45-tf m à à 0 30 POOLES BAKERY NewsN for Customers who Demand Quality XimaaCakes lb. 35o W W W W W Plum Puddings, lb. 25o Prepared Almond Puste - - - lb. 25o 70K TEE KIDDIES> BTOOKIG8 AU kInd ofOCadi«s, Oreams, Mixtures, Bard Caadies-.verythin'to gladden -theeyTiu h.art Christmias morn- Ing. FOR THEEUAT Inoomparable Oream Oream Puffi dos. 40e 19.41'edot Oream RoUz «doz. 35e f,, e Butterflys. dos. 300 IfArE L W Cream Donuts dos. 25o GANONG'S FAMOUS CIIOCOLATES Have been sold lu our store for generations. No gift çould be more acoeptable than. an attraotivêly paoca.ged box of the'esweets. For Service Phone 654 word MIr SANTA %Vecba t d raaiédw Dowmswilod wlrd frtis at Jot oidyseulWla sason lu msuy jears. Sô lend su car, lads sud lams. e.. on your toos te make a bit at tiu brilliant affaira. Getý your Party dreis or u*tuxe' In shlp-shape now, lu readinssa. FYou Just ca't bolleve iosoie Pclaths, au bo rcvitaiisod- by aurI new cleanlng procosa unîcas you baesecu ItL Agonolbs at NEWCASTLE sud ORONO BOWMANVILI4E CLEANERS'and DYERS FPhone 520 Opposite Glon Ra. Daliýr For Mother, Oaughter Sistor or Sweethoart There's uothlng she'il like better than a Mieure Set by Rlevion, LaCross or Cutex 20 *$4@00 Plitet0d PiPeS JURY BLOVEL L ulnt- btt« <lieu 1 1 w 1 - 1 - MA-RR'S 1

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