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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1940, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THURSDAY, DE<~EMBER 5,1940 died on Sunday. Funeral is being Tyrone Tyrone United Church wifl hold its Thank-Offering Service on Sunday, December 8, at 10.30 a.m. Special music by Tyrone choir. Speaker, Rev. A. F. Gardner. ShLjirley Shirley Women's Institute met at the home of MIrs. Russel Spinksi who invited the branch ta hold a night meeting and progressive euchre party at her home i aid of Cartwright Red Cross. The men of the community were nvted and lunch was served. Mrs. F. Gibson is giving her home for a similar party ini December. Salem Sunday service was withdrawn owmng ta road and weather con- ditions. Young People's Union met Nov. 27th and opened with prayer by the president. Miss M. Colacutt had charge of the following pro- gram: Bible references by the leader; topic discussion, Mis. E. Doidge; readings, Mrs. R. Winters and Mi. L. Squair; violin selec- tion, Mr. W. Taylor. Miss Colla- cutt conducted a song contest at the close. Enniskillen Santa Claus will be very good- natured if he gets to us back here this Christmas if the snow con- tinues to fail and if Jack Frost is still in the maod for his heavy nipping. Congratulations to ?&. and Mis. Stanley Turner, (nee Winnie Oke), who have a fine baby dau- ghter. There was rio Young People's meeting last week as the mem-i ANN PAGE OLD l0ASmONED COOKIES 2 Ib&. 25c«, CHOICE PEACHES YUKO0 CLUB GINGER ALE .NTI BATr»EC bers, as many as could, attended the Leadership Training School i Orana. 1 Congratulations ta Master Elgin iHeard, son af Mr. and Mis. Mai- wood Heard, on the gift ai a baby sister. Mis. Wesley Oke visited her daughter, *Mis. Stanley Turner, Oshawa. You can't tell us aur Red Cross lady workers haven't spuxlk. There were a goodly number out in spite of the severe col#i weather1 on Tuesday. Probab]W the men who have s, luIl ln thèfr work and have nothing ta do but talk ta their neighbors might learn how' Lta knit socks and help the ladies out. Thère were very few visitors in aur cammunity over the weekend owing ta filled roads. Mission Band plan ta hold the last meeting ai the year at the close of Sunday School on Dec. 8. Will member;s please bring birth- day box money and mite boxes or send them in by Dec. lOth. November thank-oifering meet- ing of the W.M.S. was held in the basement of the church Nov. l9th, a gaadly number being in attend- ance. The meeting was presided over by graup leader Mis. Russell Ormiston. After the devational and business part ai meetinig, Miss Hilliard, a returned missionay from India, gave a very teterest- ing talk on the conditions of the people in that country and her work amang them. She also brought with her some articles, snaps and dresses which she ex- plaincd ta the ladies, dressing one ai aur ladies in ane of the dresses which was very pretty. After a vote ai thanks ta Miss Hilliard, a vocal duet was sung by Mis. H. Lackcy and Mis. E. C. Ashton, ac- companied on thse piano by Mrs. H. Annis. 'A generaus thank-of- iering was received. Don't think it's cheaper ta use frayed electric cards than ta, buy new anes. Blackstock W. A. met at Mis. Bruce's with 14 present. President Mis. Mer- vyn Grahamn was in the chair. Rcv. Stinsan toak charge ai the devotional periad. Rail cail was answered by "Peace." Mis. Mc- Kee, Mis. H. VanCamp and Mis. Sadler will pack ansd ship a bale ta Mathesan, Ont. Fruit and flow- er cammittee rcpried thanks re- celved from C h8s Venning in Pembrake hospital, and from Mi.- Normian Mountjoy. Electian af officers was flot campleted due ta smail attendance. Vote ai thanks was extended ta Mrs. Bruce for hospitality. L.O.L. No. 133 new afficers are: I. P. M.-Hl. Swain; W.M.- S. VanCamp; D. M.-C. Wright; Chap.-Rev. E. P. Wood; R. 5.-E. Larnier; FS.-R. Whitfield; Treas. -E. Daridil; lst Lect.-C. HI111; Dcp. Lect.-Ira Argue; Mashal- L. Devitt; Com.-W. Hooey, F. Hyland, R. Hamilton, S. Jeffery, Jas. Byers; Sick Com-Rev. Wood and Earl Dorreil. Sergt. M. Fallis, Newmarkct, and Keith Fallis, R.C.A.F., St. Thomas, visited with Mis. M. Fallis. Mi&. and Mis. Hernian Hoacy have moved ta thc village ta live with Mi. and Mis. Geo. Haoey. Special services at the United Churcli last Sunday wcre called off due ta snow storm. Miss Mabel VanCamp, Toronto, visited i. and Mis. Wm. Van- Camp. Mi. Rager Dorreli is working te Toronto. Mi. Orval Stison, Peterboro Training Camp, was home. Miss Susie VanCamp, Bowman- ville, visited at Mir. and Mis. A. Bailey's. Sympathy is cxtended ta Mirs. Wm. Stecle in Uic death ai her brother at Cookstown. Mis. Steele attended tbe funeral. Mi. Geo. McLaughlin, Cobourg, a former resident ai Cartwright, THE CANADIAN STATESMANf, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO held here. Hampton Visitors: Miss Constance Para- comb, Toronto, with her parents. ..Misses Nora and Vera Kersiake were home from Toronto. . . . Mr. and Mis. Bill Robinson, Oshawà, with Mi. and Mis. Milton Robin- son . .. Miss Alta Brown i To- ronto . .. Mis. S. Kersey and daia- ghters Grace and Jean, I Osh- awa... Miss Lulu Reynolds, wlth frlends at ..ncu. . . D.and Mis. W. R. Horn at W. W. Horn's. Sympathy is extended ta Mis. E. Anthistle ithe suddenpa- ing of her father, Mr. W. J. S&nCt of Beainsville. Mi. and Mis. An- thistle attended the funeral on Satuiday, interment; bemng at Or- angeville. Congratulations ta Mi. and Mis. Bruce Yeo (nee Ruth Colwill) who were quietly mairied at, the paisanage an Thuisday afternoon. On Tuesday evening, Nov. 26th, they were given a graniteware shower by the young ladies' and young men's Sunday School class- es, when an enjoyable evening was spent i the basement of the chuich, with refreshnients served. Miss Eileen Stainton, Bowman- ville, also entertained a number of friends' at a chicken di;mer at the Balmoral Hotel, Bowmanville,- in her honor. They will reside i Bowmanville. We welcome ta the village Mr. and Mrs. John MiUs *and -familgr who have taken up residence i part af Mi. F. G. Kerslake's house. Mission Band met ýNov. 25th. Minutes were read by Billy Wid- dicomb. The business was con- ducted by Mis. Warren. Cail ta worship by Mrs. Warren, response by the Band. Prayer by Shirley Pingle. Rail was cafled by Billy Widdicomb. 'Olfering was receiv- ed by Jack Smith and dedicated by Carol Craig. Mis. Warren told an interesting story. Prayer by Marion Kersey. Eyesight Education EÈficiency Br C.H.Tuck Optometrist Disney Bldg. (opp. P. 0.) Oshawa Number 154, *I wis reading an article recent- ly entitled "Can Eyes Cause In- sanlty," and some quotations from this article are warthy af com~- ment perhaps au a fuither proof of statements I have made before and many of these extracts are worthy ai comment and worthy of thouglit. "The more recent ex- periences with ocular causes af èpilcpsy and bcyond a doubt a oreat production of Idiopathis cases af epilepsy have for their cause ocular conditions." I have covcred in many of my previous articles the symptoms I àm going ta mentiaa s50 it wiil not be necessary ta explamn them *gain i an extended manner, In- somnia , convulsive movements of Chorea, Headaches, Neuralgia, Asthenopia, Neureathania Mi- graine, Dyspepsia, Montai Dis- turbances and forma af, nervous actions. 0 Many of the above have their orign in certain classes of defecto whch c eady cavered before, may agate be given consideration. When we suspect or find ta be existing a musculai defect which we know in other cases was con- nected ta the symnptoms similar ta those above mentloned would you gonsider it wisc ta wait until fuither sufferlng led ta a more dofinite conclusion. (to be ýcontteued) FRIKENDS SURPRISE MR. & MRS. FOLEY The home af Mr. and Mis. E. W. Faley was the scene ai a happy gathering on Friday, Nov. 29th when over 40 relatives gathere ta celebrate wlth them their 35th wedding anniversary. Miss Ida M. Wilkins and Mi. Ernest W. Foley were united i marriage by Bey. Butler at the home af the bride's parents, ?&. and. Mis. Edward- Wilkins of Dar- lington, on Nov. 29th, 1905. The bride was attended by her sister, Ethel Wilkins (Mis. R. L. Wor- den) as bridesmaid, and her niece Laila Wilkins (Mis. Len. Rich- ards) as flower girl, with Mi. Howard Foley assisting the groom. Mr. and Mis. Faley were com- pletely surprised on Friday night, but weie aby asslsted in receiv- ing their guests by Mr. and Mis. Edwsrd Foley. However, their minds were soon eased when Rey. W. C. Smith, their pastor, called the company ta order and ex- plained the invasion cf their home. A short program followed when Mi. Wilbui Blackburn en- teitained with a vocal solo, and Mis. E. Twist and'Miss Louise Foley with a vocal duet . Many speeches wer-e made conveyingi congratulatians and best wishes ta the bride and groom, but the main item. on the prograrn was an ad- 'dress by Howard Foley in which he voiced the congrtuleations of those present as wefl as aur ap- preciation af their lives which arc being sa well spent in service ta the community, their i amily and their. friends. At the conclusion Mr. Bert Wilkins presented themn with a silver tray on which was1 a bag of money as a taken af goodwiil and esteem. Master '17eddy Colwell, only grandchild ai the bride and groom, then camne forward with a basket of 'mumns for his grandmna, thse basket being thc anc used by the flower girl at the wedding 35 years ago. The company sang "For they are jolly gaod fellows," after which the groom veiry ably respopded, thanking ail for their1 good wishes and gifts. Mrs. Faleyý also expressed lier appreciatian for their congratulations as wel as the lovely gift ai flowers from Teddy. A& bountilul lunch was served by. thc young ladies when 'the bride's table looked lovely with its lighted coral candies and a threc-storey wedding cake with coral trirnmings which was made and decorated by their daughter, Mrs. Bert ColweUl. Much regret was expressed that owing ta bad weather conditions many were unable ta be present, but ail were pleased that Mis. Walter Foley, thc groam's mother, was weil and able ta enjoy the activities ai the eventeg. NEWCASTLE RED CROSS SOCIETY Newcastle Red Cross met Nov. ~8th, with President Mis. J. A. delr in thc chair and a jpecial- Mlarge attendance. Miss Ballagh cla the opening prayers. Treasurer Mis. Herb. Tomns re- ported donation ai $10.00 framn Durham Ladge, A. F. & A. M., and $35.00 from J. Anderson Smith Ca. representing valuntary giv- ings by thse employces in the faima ai deductians from their pay cheques. She reported a balance on hand before bills wcîe pald ai $455.71. No part of this carne from the recent Bcd Cross Drive which brought in over $900.00. That was all sent ta headquarters in Taronto. Newcastle Branch is preparteg Chsristmas boxes for ail the boys of Newcastle and vicinity wha havée nlisted for active service. .The Branch has been making a large quantity ai clothing for evacuee childien Mi England and thc public is invited ta attend a display ai the finishcd gaiments in thc kitchen ai the communlty hall Dec. 13th, in the aiternoon. Miss B. Mclntosh, canvener ai thc packing cansnittee, reparted having sent ta headquartcrs rune laige cartons ai goads. Pdrs.. J. Scott Howard reparted an the APPLE JUICE 47 oz. tin 18 C Ob20 oz tn17c PEIona, 4 Sieve 20 oz. tin 9 c PAylrnr,_Sliced or Halves __ 2 15 oz. tins2-3 c TOMATO SOUP 2j~1 Campbell's --- 10 1-2ozül7 TOMATO JUIVE3 A. & P. 3- 25 oz. tin 25 TOMATOESq -A. & P. Fancy o 8 z. tins DOMEST]IC OR EASIFIRST2 Shortening 2 lbs. CORN FLAKES2 Quaker 2 PEACHES Iana ~ 18 az. tins CORN 26a.tn Del Maiz, Cream Style- - 26o.tn BEETS Smarts, Choice Whole ------ -tin TOMATOES3 Aylmer, 2's Squat . 25c 2Éc 15C 12c 21c loc 25c PEAS gg Aylmer, 4 Sieve. 2's ~tin 1. OC TOMATO JUICE2 15 Campbell's 2-----...-.--.. 20 oz. tins1S LARD, Sunny fed .2 lbo..17e CHEESE Seedlesa Old lb. 23e ]RAISINS, 3 Crown lb. 1e M id b. 9c CURRIANTS, Recleaned lb. lie _____________SUGAR, Ilng bs 5 CORN LÏAKES 12. Sugar Crisp ------.---- pkgs. 13e. WAX BRANS 32 -2.i25c' Iana Cut -30o.tn GREEN BRANS 3- Iana Cut-- . 3-----25co tn ~. SPAGHETTI 'l1 c Cateili---------------- ------- 24 oz. tin ..C PRANUT BUTTER 24zirl Ann Page----------------- -2 z a 2 CAKE FLOUR 'q23 PRUNES b 52 23 70-80's -. s. 1 c 4o-50's-----2 lb. 3 PEACH JAM Q Colaur Pectin 32 oz. jar 2i"c PORKI & BEANS ., Aylner -------- 2oztin 8c KIPPR SACK2 ~lc MACARONI OR SPAGHEI 2 îs9 c KETCHUP Heinz- .214 oz. battles 35c PEEL, Cut Mixed - 2 1-2 lb. pkg. 27e MiINCEMEAT, Devon ---- 2-1b. Uin 23o BEETS, fancy rose bud, 2 16 oz. tins 27e Aylmer PEAS & CARROTS --- 2 16 oz. tins 22e SPINACH, Aylmer ----2 16 oz. tins 19e TOMATO SOUP, Llbby's -------- tin 7c PEARS, lana Keiffer 18 oz. Uin 9à I[VORY SOAF ------- -- 3 Ige. bars 25o SOAP, Lux Tollet 3 cakes 16e CATSUP, Aylmer 12 oz. bottie 12e RIE RAISPMES ----------pkg. 12. SARDINES, Prideao Fundy -- tis lic CLEANSER, Chale tin 5o LOMBARD PLUMS, --S 15 e.tins 25e JELLY POWDERS, O.K. -. 3 pkgs. 13a Doesless ICKE"N, Doavor .rand .-' 8 3 MINUTE OATS..--- large »kg. 24o A&P F000 STORE Owned and Operated by the Great Atlantic and Paclflc Tea Co. Mt. M*nloeu * WAT TO Gcm wmnïsSelect Your Christmas Glfts f Now! , i Shop Early and Avold Disappolntmefltl WE H1AVES A COMMLEE YEUS SToOK 07 Cigarettes Cigars Tobaccos Christmas Wrap d 50e - 60e - $ 1.00 - $1.20 - $1.35 - $1.50'. $2.50 Gifts for Ladies CASHERE BOUfUET. SETS 25o - 50o - 7§c - $1.00 - $2.00 MURIEL ASTOR SETS. $1.00 -$2q» WOODBURY JSBTS, 25o - 49o - 98o - $1.49 rAEDLEY SERTS $1,00 - $1.75 - $2.50 - $3.25 BATH BALTo In Cube or Bottle 35 - $1.10 Flashlights Regular and FPocusing 2, 3 or 5 colla 69o - 89c - $1.25 - $2.50 Razors for Men ROLLS ---- $6-95 GILLETTER 59e - m8e - $1.50 AUTOSTROP - - - 790 WILKINSON - - $3.00 Gifts for Men 49o - 98ô - $1.40 PALMOLIVE SETS 49o - 98o WOODBUEY SETS 25 - 49o -98o YARDLEY SETS' $1.001- $2.00 - *8.05, SHAVING BEughE b0e te $5,00 SHAVING'BOWLS 250 to $1.00 Ladies Brush, Comb and Military Brushes and' aMirror Sets Fitted Cases 3, 4, 5 and 6 pleces 2, 3, 4 and 11 pieces 1.98 - 2.39 - 5.98 - 9.00 - 15.95 69c - 1.00 - 2.50 - 5.25 - 6.95 Cutex Manicure Sets in Bakelite and Leather Cases 3e-69e - 1.25 - 2.29 - 3.00 - 4.00 Pattérson Freshpack Christmnas Stationery Chocolates Oedar Ohests and Correspqndence Carda Christmas Boxes .50e up to 2.50 25e up to 2.00 ÀNew Pair of Glasses Would Malce an Ideal Gift We Can Fit Your Eyes Correctly PhoneoPompt P..R. COWLINO PhmB work ai thse knitting cammnittec, and Mis., Herb Toms on thc sew- teg comnsittce. The C.G.I.T. groups danated a qufit and Uic girls are now using their spare time ta make khaki handkerchiefs for Uic saldiers. The HIig h Schoal has organized ta do Red Cross work under direc- tion ai Miss Helen M. Smith, B.A., in canjunction with, Newcastle Branch. CORRECTION In a recent issue reparting a meeting ai the Durham Milk Pro- ducers we evidcntly misquoted Dr. J. B. Reynolds when wc cre- dited him with saying that "there was little ta be expectcd under the present Provincial Minister ai Agriculture." Dr. Reynolds writcs us as fol- laws: "PMease remember that at that pcriod ai my address, which was entirely impromptu, I *,ýas trying ta stress that the farmers, as any ather dlass, should rcly not on outside help but on self-help. A reference ta outside help, if there was any such atthus stage would, ta ft Uic theme, be same- thing like this: "Unless we learn ta rely an ourselves, little was to be expected, even from thse Min- ister ai Agriculture." We arc happy always ta correct any ai aur inadvertencies. THE. CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL Continues at <WALKER STORES, fJMITBD' Wlth Many Outstandlng Values - These Are OnIy a Fewý SEE OUR SPECIA.L $1.00 GIFT SECTION cosYt BED JACKETS Made oi soit lustrons Brushed Rayon hu dainty sisados of bine or.rose or gleansing wilte., A eharming gitý. Speclally prleed at $1.00 s-pwNÀf MEN'S FANCY SOCKS ai pnre Dotany woal, nore- cd ai bcd and tac ion extra wear. la faney stripes or gay cecek pattens. Al aises and colons. 2 Pair for $1.00 MEN'S SCARVIS Choies of Wool Plaida or Spun Rayon la spot, sprIg, dico or "Paise"' patterns. Warm and saab lookhsg aiid sure ta ho apprceiated. $1.00 each .MEN'S BRACE AND Tl£ SETS is Shades and Pattorns "HE" wfll ho ulad ta wear. $1.00 Set LADIES' SCARVÉS We bave a wids selecîlon ta suit everyono - Aseota, or Long Scarves, ln sheor chif- ion, iancy erepe and moire fabrie.. Solf white, blaek and white, or gorgeons col- ors, at $1.00 .ach ALSO FROM 49c to $1.98 GIFT .PILLOW SETS *Conslstlng oi 1 pair ai snowy white cottan Cases of splendid wearlnt and wasIsýng qnailty. Full slzed. Neatly hemmed. Git Wrapped..* $1.0. 4 *; WARM FLANNELETTE provide real eamiort'for cold wlnter nigista OrdIaary or out- sizes. Tise qnality Io saab and wlll surprise yonu t tisls 10w price. White or colora. $1.00 TO THE »4DERN MasS.- "aY It WitIh salIn What la more dean ta tis e iq- laine heurt than <alnty lin-' gerie? Our soletlan of Slips, Veste and Pantiez, tailored or lace trimmsd, lnisWlte or Tes ]Rose, must be seen ta o efnly appreiated. A nie selection awaits yon at $1,.00 Per Sarment e-,- A&P COITEII Preshly Ground VIGOROUS & WINEY Bokar 1-lb. 39c MILD & MELLOW 8 O'clock 'Ba 35c =CH & FMLL RODIE» Red Circle 1lgag 31c r DRAD Sliced or Un.lcd Ann Pau. Whte Whol. Wheat Craoked Whoat Wrapped M A. & P. XMAS FRUIT CAKE 3-1b. 95 Cake 95 Fresh Fruits & Vegetables of Every Vaiiety, lest Quality and Lowost Pxceu. - p !C THURSDAY- DEdEMER 5, lÙ40 PAGÉ SUt

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