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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jan 1941, p. 6

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---r THE. CANADIAJN STAI'ESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1941 lndjTher'strMal Harry E. Cherry, 418 Shannon St., Schenectady, N. Y.: Please find money or-der and klndly en- ter aur,subscription to The States- man for one year. Mrs. Mary E. Plnch, 77 - 1th St., New Toronto: Arn a littie late with my subscrxptian for 1941. Last week's Statesman was es- peciafly interesting ta me. Mrs. David Grigg, 204 Fulton Ave., Toronto: I enjay getting my paper from Bowmanville every week. I wish yau every success and the best af wishes for the New Year. Mrs. Bruce Whitney, R. R. 3, Newcastle: We wouldn't know hall the local news were it flot for the weekly visit of The States- mani. J. A. McFeeters renews his sub- scription with these limes: How warming is the happy glow1 That friendly words and smiles« bestow! And friends like you are gaad ta know. Col. Edwy White, 1143 Ave. Venetia, Coral Gables, Fia.: Hereg la prepsyment of 52 Happy Hours1 ti 1941 for my awn Statesman1 and one for aur mutual friend inî San Diego, Calif. A Merry Christ-i ,.ias and a prosperous New Yeari idhere's praying for the oblter- ation, annihilation and damnation of Hitler in 1941! Amen! Sa be it. Mms. A. H. Fisher, 272 William St.. Belleville: It takes vianning and budgcting these days ta make the dollars go round but I would hate ta be without niy 'home" paper. I read it from caver ta caver and Iind it most interesting and instructive. I also enjay Andy Clamke's braadcast on Sunday mornings at ten o'clock. W. J. Mil îs, St. Marys: Dear George - In face af existing world conditions the traditional Seasan- al Greetings do mot seem ta have a place, but the House of Milîs do wish ta convcy ta Uic James fani- ily and Statesman staff aur sin- cerest best wishes fom a Christ- nastide serene and a New Year bringing yau health and such hap- piness as nay. At this end we are ail very fit physicaily sud trust that you are likewise. Sixty- five years ago anc af my deadiy rivais for class suprcniacy in the aid Enniskillen school was Bea- trice Swain (Mrs. Henders). Had a letter from hem to-day froni Qu'Appelle wherc she is visiting hem daughter, and did I enjoy it! We join in kindcst regards and -as ever I arn very sincrly thine. E. Y. (Ted) Joncs, 1415 Murray Ave., Fart William: Dear George, I always enjoy reading the papem, cspecially the "Dii and Distant Past" recalls aid times; aiso like the council meetings. I stili know a fcw people in the aid tawn. I neyer forget thc aid ichool days inciuding good aid Master Mc- Tavish. Sanie of the aid boys WAR SAVINCS BOWM ANVILLE' ATTACKED By Dlank Cartridges and Boinbs hI Sam Bttis Recently LONDON AND THE MIDLANDS ATTACKED Day and Nlght by Devastating Bombs * Thev Can Take Mt! Can We Cive Et?! BUY WAR STAMPS AND CERTIFICATES NOWI Week alter week, montjr aiter month, so that every man, woman aud ehild in Bowmanville ean help win this war and smash Hitler foroyer! 'STAMPS MAY BE PROCURED AT HAW4KS, POST OFFICE AND MANY LOCAL STORES. INSULATE YOUR HOME! THE MODERN WAY WITH 9t* AIRSEAL The New Fibre-Rock WooI The fuel it saves pays thie cest of applying it, Airseal cen ho quickly and eesily applicd by amy intelligent warknian. It is aveilable in thmec- fora: In bulk for use on flat ceilinfis or packing inta aodd ieaks. In bats for between raters or sloping ceilings. In gramulatcd wool for pouring lu inaccessible walls. *lAirsal mey be instalcd withaut fus. or bother ln.,your present home or in e home under con- etruition. Sa easy is Aical ta handie you cen do te job yoursclf if yau so desire. U#»,ue that your home is isulated with & ~~»çc woal fibre. Ask for an estimate on ~Qit'~~~~mdquantity rcquired right aw4y. jrp**qet Proot Vermin Proof ~and Easily Applied Lumber Co. Ltd. L BOWmanvtfl ifriends are gone but some of' w memain. I notice a letter from G Hollande and George Pringle whc went ta sehool with us. Our heac 1of the Lakes have been very bus3 with the paper mills, aerapianf factory emplayimg 2400, mnostl3 yaung people, and the shipyardî in Port Arthur -building ships foi Britain. Wishing you a Happ3 New Year. Rev. W. C. Frank, White Rock B.C., writes: Just flnished munici. pal election campaign. Yau wil notice by enclosed dlipping thal the people were still backing thf idea that I have suother <third) terni. (Editar's Note: Wili agair headed the poIls). I like $he work, There is lots af grief; but what û 111e withaut sanie difficulties. Ai for criticism, that is anc af thE things we fight for in a democra- tic systeni - i.e. thex.ight ta criti- cize, and appeal ta the people for their decision as ta the wholc natter. You seen ta be having an aid tume Camadian wimter. We af course take ours with showers; although we just had a bit ol fmost, su' d fog accordingly in Van- couver and New Westminster. Strange thing is that this area sel- dom has fog, and more sunshinc here than anywhere on this west- ern coast af B.C. Hope you have a nice Christmas and the best new year ever - and why nat - thec best is aiways yet ta came in spite of the aid sayimg that it the 'worst' we should expect. H. G. (Brick) Trewin, 910 Manning Ave., Toronto, a former B.H.S. student, in sending Christ- nias greetings ta Uic editor en- closed this poem. which hie comn- posed: My Mimmor and Me I have a faithful mirrar and in it I cari sec, That when I snule a pleassut snule my nirror smiles at me. Lord, hclp ne walk fron day ta day, so that ny hIfe nay be A light ta light the darkemed way, a nirror Lord, of thee. When trouble may surround us and other folks are blue May I refiect Thy goodness Lord, in kindly Uiings I do, And when the days is dark out- side, sud when the ciouds are low, Then help m\e show Uic brighter side, keep smiling as I go. Since Thou dost clesuse sud keep me, since Thou dost make me whole, May I reflect Thy likeness Lord, in the nirror aI miy soul, Just as my faithful mirror reflccts the image af my face, O, help me Lord, that I mcflect Thy mercy, love,, sud gmace. Willianisburg, Virginia, December 21, 1940 Deer George: As Christmas dmaws near, thc thaughts af aid friends and the surroumdings aI our youth, agaîn reminds us that wc are still per- mittcd to live and enjoy hile, in a freedom unknown in the several cauntries aI Europenow living under the heel af Uic dictators. While Canada, is ais. f igiting alongside the mather coumtry, for the rîght ta live a normal 111e, we in the United States arc consciaus thet your fight la alsa ours. As time goes on, you will find the United States more sud mare, extcnding that aid, ta save Uic Democmacy af a froc people froni siavemy at thc hands af a comman eemny. Our President is fully de- termined& that if Anierica can help it, England shal mot laul. lIn Virginia, Uic mast loyal aI ail states ta Uic- 'cause of Great Britain sud friendship for Canada, we Iind su averwhcIming desire ta aid Engisud ta Uic fullest ex- tent. I fully believe that 95 per cent af aur people arc for sending ail the hclp possible ta Engisud - NOW. A Norfolk newspaper made a street canvass af citizens in al waiks aI 111e a few days ago,,ta ascertain the feeling afI-the -people on aid ta Britain, sud Uic report turmcd ini ta Uic editor was that nat a single anc was apposed - on Uic contrery Uic interviews showed that they, one and ail, urged that everything be donce t once ta send necessary war muni- tions. The opinion was that the un- .ised kuns now stored away shauld be put in use at once, sud sent over ta the nation fighting' the dclense af America. As an illustration showing the rnavement in Virginia ta help Bri- tain, the merchants of Richniond hiave stamted an advertisimg cam- paign ta impress upon ail the peo- ple Uic meccssity, af buying Bri- tish goods. One af the largest departinemt stores, cach day Uic past weeie, there is anyone here, but feels it n his heamt that England wil finally be the victor. I know that the people aI 5imerica wili flot lau yau Il it comes ta a final show down. With greetings ta alln y old fricmds and wishing anc and all a happier New Year. Youms truiy, J. A. Osiome. APPLE AND SALMON SALAD 2 tart ap pies, diced cup grated raw carrot 2 cups fiaked salmon Salad dressing (about Y2 cup) 1 cup diced ceiery Mix the ingredients lightiy. File in nese of crisp lettuce. Serves 6. Note: Lobster, tuna fish, or cold haro, veàl or chieken, niay be used ini place of salinon. SOLDIERSLETTERS Pte. Frank Trenouth, Sanie- where in England, sends a Christ- mas card and these greetings: Wishimg Mr. James and his staff ail the best for the New Year. L. Cpi. Russell S. H. Candler, I Caniadian Recce. Sqi., C.A.S.F., bEngland, sends us a Christmas card and adds: A million thanks for sending me, The Statesman, Mr. James. They -sure are wel- came. Capt. Tom Breck, Royal Cana- dian Arniy Pay Corps, C.A.S.F. (Overseas>, Somewhere in Emg- land, sends the editor an officiai corps Christmas card with these comments: Dear George - I feel like a heel for flot having written you ta thank you fbr being s0 kind as ta send me regularly The Statesman. I lick up ail the news as I amn stifl intensely interested in the actIvities in ypur district. I have prarnised myself many times ta write you a gopd, lonig letter sud WMl do so yet -ý soon. Please remember me ta my many friends who were sa icind ta me when I was at Burketon. England, Dec. 3, 1940 Dear Mr. James: L I wsut you ta know about the Business Directory Legal ML G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Bank of Commerce B1dg. Bowmnanville W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Maney ta Loan -' Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario L. C. MASON, B.A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail its branches Office imniediately east af Royal Theatre Phones: Office 688; Home 553 Dental Dit. J. C. DEV1T Assistant: Dr. B. W. Slssoi Graduate af Royal Dental Col- lege, Toranta. Office: Jury Jubîlee Bldg., Bowmanviile. Office hours 9 arn. ta 6 p.mn. daily, except Sunday Phone 790 - Hause phone 883 X-Ray Equipment in Office DR. R. 0. DICKSON (Toronto) and Newcastle, Ont. Over Langmsu's Store, Newcastle. Office hours: SiLturday oniy, 9 a.m. ta 9 p.m. Funeral Directors FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day *F. F. Morris Co. Mnodern Motor Equlpment, Am- bulance and Invalid Car. Tele- phone 480 or 734, Assistant 573. Auctioneer ELMER WILDUR Liexwed Auetloneer Hampton - Ontarie Speclizlng in Farm, Llvestack, Implements and Furniture Saieb TERMS MODERATE Phone for Ternis and Date ta: Bowmanvllle 2428 ENTERTAI NER Seur. RALPR GORDON, the wonderfuily verstile en t er- "ojur, for 700ur n.xt entertain- ment fllustrat.4 ofreoular free. . Addreu - U8b Crawford Street, Toronto 1iovely response 1 had fron my former letter, when I asked for more mail. I even had letters from as fer away as the United States. The "Jermies" arc Iiying aver- head right now sa I couid mot pick a better tume ta write a letter. EWe have been having e fcw bombs drop close ta aur camp. None af them have doncea great deal af damiage. I was in London nat so long aga. I had nat been there for twa weeks. In that twa weeks they sure made an awful mess aI a vemy wonderfui city. Blocks and blocks af that grand city have been blown up and bumned down. I rade for 14 miles on the under- ground railway. The underground in London was once anc aI the greatcst tmavel systemis in Uic womld. Now hamdly e station has mat been bombed. The wanderfui courage and spirit af these Eng- lish people could not be beet enywhere in the worid. Who would not corne here and fight for such ý wondcrîui coun- try and such glomiaus peaples! We nicet lots of different people fram al aver. They do mat tell hard luck talcs, even when they have been bonribèd out af their homes sud have hast evemythimg. People with that spirit cannot and will neyer be beaten. I was meading ln youm States- man the letter af a lady froni Guldford, who owns the chickcn ferm. Well, anc of these daysI will call an her as we are ceniped- near there. Alter anl this is only a small world. My brother Harold had- e card ta-day fran a very kind lady in Grand Coulce, Sask., esking if he would like The Statesman sent along ta us. If that lady secs this letter, well wc sure would like the peper. Hem manie was kirxd aI biottcd out, but she is an aunt af Stan. sud Gamnet Rickamd. I also wish ta, thank the people af Bownianville, the Council, and the Canadien Legion, thmough the medium aI The Statesman, for the loveiy bihlaifod.and the lovcly Christmas box from the Legian. I still went anyone ta write who has a fcw minutes ta spare. Ail their letters will be wclcomed by me. I will sec that they are ail answered. I rmnain, Corporel W. J. R. McKnight, C6078, lst Cdn. Camps Stmegglcrs Post Unit No. 1 Cdn. Inf. Hold. Unit Base P. O., Canada. Haydon Mms. Henry Ashton cmtcrtaincd Uic Rainbow Girls' Class for tee an Thursday. A social evening was cnjoyed alter -which these officers wcre ciectcd: President- Misg Eileen Cawlimg; Vice Presi- dent-Miss Winnie Tmewin; Sec- retary-Miss Meta Degeer; Treas- urer-Miss Bessie Blaek b u rn; Teachcr-Mrs. Henry A s h tao n; Asst. Tcachem--Miss Elcen'Cowl- - ing. It was decidcd ta contribute towards Uic Sick Children's Hos- pital. Adult Bible Class met at Mm. E. Br#dley's Saturday evening. The meeting apened with pmayer by Mm. Milton Slernon. These oflicers werc clected: Prcsidet-Mrs. Cc- cii Sieman; Secretary-Mrs. Chas. Gamard; Treasurer-Mms. E. Brad- ley; Teacher-Mm. Eari Stephen- son. Contributions werc given for the M. & M. Fund and the Sick Children's Hospital. A social cv-; cning was then enjoyed and a dainty lunch served. Helping Handi class met at Mr. Lloyd Slcman's on Fmiday. Bible reeding was rcad by Alfred Gar- mmrd; piano solo by Gardon Sie- mon; rcading by Roy Graham; and e contest was conducted by Gardon Sienion. Donations were movcd fom Sick Children's H-ospi- tai and Rcd Crois. A social even- lng was spent and lunch served. Symnpathy ls extendcd ta Mr. and Mms. Theron Mountjoy in the berevernent af hem sister, Mmi. Giffler, Pickering. Christmias Visitoms: Mr. Mlton Siemon, Messrs. Lloyd and Gar- don, et Mrs. J. E. Eliiott's, Ced- mus. . . Mm. and Mms. Farewell Blackburn and Grace, Salem, Mm. Walter Blackburn, Janetvllle, et Mm. M. Blackburn's. . . Mr. asud Mme. Frank Osmond, Messrs Lloyd and Donald Thompson, Bowman- ville, Miss Lama Thoiipsam, Miss Beverly Sinclair, Toronto, at Mr. W. Thompson's. . .' Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, Toronto, at Mr. T. Cowling's. .. Mr. and Mrs. C. Av- ery at Mr. John Avery's, Enfield. ..Mr. A. Beech at Mr. Aylmer Beech's, Enniskillen. . . Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ashton sud Mary Lau, Toronto, at Mr. A. Read's. . . Mr. sud Mrs. Bert Ashton, Toronto, et Mr. H. Ashton's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and faniily, Miss Viola Bradley, Toronto, Mr. JJ.m Bradley, Enniskillen, at Mr. E. Bradley's. .. Miss Grace Trew<n, Toronto, Mr. Arthur Trewmn, Miss Verna Trewin, Oshawai at Mr. Y. Trewin's. . . Mr.' John Gllbanks at Mr. Elgin Taylor's, Sauina. ... Misses Ursul sud Ruth McNeil, Toronto, at Mr. A. McNeil's... Mr. Gea. Riggs, Mrs. E. R. Ormis- ton, at Miss E. Souch's, Enniskil- len... Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brook- ing, Wesleyville, at Mr. C. Sie- mon's. . . Mrs. Jýck Potts, Coliing- wood, at Mr. Wmn. Martin's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Crossman and Jean at Mr. Frank Thompson's, .Taun- ton, and Mr. Frank Crossman's, Oshawa. . . Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Stecie and Margaret, Nestleton, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sanderson and (auy r.D. Higgins, Miss Laua Pilip, ornta, Mr. Dick Morton,Mr Wilbr Marks, at Mr. R. Sandersan's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Russell Qrmiston, Enniskiilen, at Mr. L. Ashton's. . . Miss Marie Ashton at Mr. W. Browniee's, Leaside. . .. Mr. and Mrs. John Grahami, Mrs. Hall, Cllnton sud - eryl, Oshawa, at Mrs. D. Gra- harn's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cowl- ing sud Mr. Fred, Blackstock, et Mr. R. McNei's... Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Grahami and famnily, at Mr. C. Ashton's, Burketon. .. Pte. sud Mrs. Don Carneron, Camp Borden, at Mr. T. Mountjay's. . . Mr. Bill Page, Miss Eileen Bradley, Ennis- killen, at Mr. C. Crossman's. Mrs. John Sanderson bas re- turned home alter visiting lier daughter, Mrs. D. Higglns, Ta- onto. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Mark Blackburn on celebmatlng their 30th wedding anniversary. A surprise celebration was held Satumday evening at Mr. Howard Foley's, Maple Grave, when they were presented with a chest of siivemware. Enfield (Intended for lait week) Enfield Schoal concert held an Dec. l9th was enjayed by niany people. Mrs. C. Parsons, music teacher, conducted the children in several Christmas sangs. She then had ta hurmy ta Baker's school ta assigt there. Many folk dances and ecitations were wcll eceiv- cd. A play "The Coming of Anme" was given by the children. Spe- cial ment-ion should be given ta Margaret Smith wha filied in sev- erai parts for pupils 'Who could not get ta the- concert. Santa Claus was cspecially enjoyed by the children. Many af the aider peopie were wishimg they were yaung again ta get a kiss froni Santa. Maybe it Isn't tao late yet? The schoal was decorated by the children. Manuai Training, Art and Social Studies work by thic pupiis were on dispiay. A speciai treat for everyone was honienade candy, donated by the parents and put in candy boxes made by the childrem. A vote af appreciatian was given by Harold Ormiston and H. Smith ta the teacher. The roads have been passable again which many farmers wel- comed. They are still nat goad enaugh for lnexperienced drivers in snaw hawever, which was showm on Saturday when a local creamery truck spoiied what lit- tie road we had. Mr. Cmldlamd's sale was weli at- tendcd. He intenda nioving ta Oshawa. Rcv. H. Lackey spoke on a Christmas theme, telimg how we can bring gifts like the three shepherds did. Christianity has pevailed through Uic crueirest af yearî. He also candemned sports on Sunday, such as skiing. How- éver aur, littie communlty has anly ane enthusiast. Mamy chickens have been sold this weelc and- goad prices wcre reported. Schoolisla losed till Jan. eth. Vlsltors:,Mr. anld Mmi. Wllfrod, Eowmsn at Mmi, Bownian's bro'q ther in Orono... Mr. F. MeMul- len wlihhi. brother in Toronto... Mm.,Nanman Stinson wlth friends in Pontypool . . . Mr. taverne StInson, Hamilton, wth lus mo- ther. Salem (Intended for lat week) Miss Nina Darch, Caurtice, visited at home lest wcek and attended the school concert. Mr. Ronald Hall, O.A.C., Guelph is at home for Uic Christmias hall- days. Mr. and ?&s. Kyle Squair visit- cd at Uic Squair home on Sunday. Bey. Gardner gave a fine Christ- mas message on SundaSr. The choir rendered spécial Christmas muasic sud a fine solo was given by Mm. G. Burrus. Y. P. U. meeting Dec>. l7th was apencd y President W.Taylor. Program was in charge af Mr. B. Darch: Topic wes taken by Rev. Gardner who conducted a quiz; eedings by Mrs. L. Squalr, Mr. F. Blackburn sud Mrs. E. Doidge; piano duet, Mrs. and Miss Burrus. These ollicers wcre ciccted: Pre- sident-Mr. G. Barrie; Vice Presi- dent-Mm. B. Darch; ist Vice-:- Mrs. L. Weish; 2nd Vice-Mms. L. Squair; 3rd Vice-Mm. F. Black- burn; 4th Vice-Miss M. Callacatt; Sec.-Miss T. Werry; Treas.-Miss Thompion; Social Conmittce - Mr. and, Mms. G. Burrus, Mr. W! Taylor sud Mr. E. Doidgc. Thursday evcning the- schooi concert 'and Christmas trec took place when Uic chiidrem put on a splendid pragram. - Jovial aid Santa Claus erivcd in tume ta dis- tibutc the presents ta aid and Young. Much crédit is due their teacher Mm. Blackburn, Mms. Robb sud Mms. Burrus for their splendid tmaining. Mr. A. Thoipsan niade a splendid chairman. Starkville (Intendefi for lust week) Mm. Gea. Smith has had a new fumnace instalied in his home. Mrs. Jacob Halaoweil is under the doctar's came. A number fram here. attended thc Poultry Market in Oraiio. Mrs. Silver sud Mms. Bert Ti wcmc in Oshawa recentiy. rptarkville Schooi Christmas Trcc sud concert Dcc. 2th was largely ettcndcd. It was a god concert and great praise is duc Miss Wray. Severel froni Peter- bora, alsa some af the Nommai teachers, attcnded. Mr. J. J. -Mei- lor, Orono,.was chairmn. Mr. and Mms. A. Dabsan and daughter and Mr. Victor Farrow werc in Part Hope. Mr. S. G. Hallowdil-had a masty feul and is confined ta his. bcd. The McKay Iamiiy heid Christ- nias dinner et Arthur McKay's on Sunday. Mms. A. Dobsan, Mms. S. G. Hal- iowell, Mms. H. L. Trini and Mrs. Thos. Falls hcld Christmas dinner parties at their respective homes: This year aI 1940 will soan bc gone, taking with - t its niany cames and amiieties. Let us hope that the New Year will bc bright- DID YOU TAKE A LAXATIVE TODAY? Do you refl kow why consti- Yo110u iprobably know that conati. thnt tisse poisons ssep togh the wafl of the colon and infect the bloodstream? They smet up toie accumulations in kidusys sud live;z#-,% sud are contributinp caesofv rheuniatic pains, sclatica and back. ache. Most laxativýes only a.. colon. Kruacheh dosa morb. It is laxative witadauble action. Betoide ridding the colonof stagna* mate, ruscen'smi have adiuretic action. Thy flush thi kiuy, îhelp to certhe bodtreaZaof snpoisonous mattek, sud so protect Yfourwhole sarstem fror tatform ofinfctin. Yiou carn get Kruscheli from anl drug stores. f'rlces 75e sud 25c. er and better. Mr. Ross Hallowell matored to Peterboro an Saturday. Mr. Delbert Haliowell Miss Bertha Hallowell sud iÎfrs. H. Herrington and son Paul, Toronto, were home owlng ta the seriaus iliness af their mother, Mrs. Jacob Hallowell. Howard Farrow has been under the doctor's care. Rev. J. McLachlan gave an in- teresting Christmas sermon at Shiloh an Sunday. Visitors: Laverne Farrow, Pet- erboro, was home. . . . Mrs. M. Shutira and Sophia spent Christ- mas in Oshawa. . . Mrs. George Plumb and son Charles, Toronto, were at ArtMefKay's on Sunday. ..Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stark and daughter, Newtanville, at Mrs. I. Stark's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Victor Farrow had-ail their fam- lly home for Christmas. . . Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Savery and sons, Newtonviile, at Mrs. Wm. Savery's. -.. . Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Martin, Brighton, at Mr. Art Mc- Kay's. .. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobson and daughter at Mr. Ed. Ruth-. ven's at Zion. ROUND 'TRIP BARGAIN FAR ESêJ- From BO0 WM ÀAN V CL L E JIan. 10- 1'l and A.M. Trains only JIan. 12 To TORONTO, Hainiton, Brantford, London, Windsor, Sarnia,. St. Catharines, Niagara Falls, Ont., and ail intermediate points beyond Hmnilton. January 10 -12 To Brampton, Guelph, Goderleh, Owen »Sound, Southampton, and ail intermediate points beyoud Brampton. To Meaford, Midland, Penetang, North iansd aIl intermediate points beond Barrie, Parry Sound,. Burwash, Sudbury, Longlae, Geraldton, JIellcoe, Beardmomo. Tickets aiso sold to Local Stations botween Belleville-Whltby Inclusive. Agents. ,i tatcu, Parus, ransit Limits ana Informafion fraratenu,. CANADIAN As»kfor CANADIAN NATIONAL HsudbullPACUFIC For The Coming Year Our Wish for You is HEALTH and HAPPINESS lJU1IYCLOVELIL -,7 M~& 9';'r>m{'5'7-7777777 PAGE SIX On QuemnmdTu .4 légal Investment for Trust Funds UneeruditIonaIIy Gu.ranç..d STERLINC TRUSTS SiERUNe TOWM TOSNTO -r' 1 - 1 - 1 - 7,31 , -rý, ý., ý ".7, -.1,

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