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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jan 1941, p. 7

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~HURSDAY, JMgUARY 2, 1941 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO J PAGE SEVEN Phone 40r1g Ms. Crane vislted in Toronto. J. Hamm ettended Petembomo eket. - 4herc was no Scout. meeting week. Ail roads lead ta Ern. H-anim's. See article regarding his "freek." Mr. J. J. Gilfillan celebrated hid 70tli birthday lest week. We hear Bill McKenzle lias joined the renks of the benedicts. Mm. and Mrs. R. C. Rosborougli and baby viâited in Petemboro. Mm. end Mrs. L. Harris are home.. Mr. and Mrs. -H. Beiley visited in Toronto. Mrs. N. Smith and Mec spent Christmas with A. McDonald. Mre. J. R. Cooper was in To- ronto. Mes. Fred Cowen visited her deugliter, Mrs. Creese, in Toronto. Bill Cooper hes been ill in Pet- erbomo Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. E. Evans enter- tained et'a dinner perty. Rev. and Mes. S. Littlewood and Manley spent Christmas in Toronto. Me. N. F. Porter's father lias been brougit liere from Peter- bora. Mes. J. J. Mellor is teking the young women's clesa at Park St. Sundey Sdbool. Me. R. Sherwin's cless present- cd hum with a' lovely Christmas gift. Nominations for Coi.mcil were held Mondey et 1 p.m. S.T., and for police trustees et 7.30 p.m. S.T. Mes. W. K. Sloane and son, of Peterboro, brouglit Me. O. W. Scott home. Miss Foster is riow out of the hospitel. It is not expected thet she will be teaching again for two weeks. .Mes. J. R. Cooper and Miss K. McKay received word Thursday that their nephew had died in Toronto. Owing ta early gaing, to press lest week sevemal reports , nd numemous pesonals- were lcld over for this week. . î- 1 Dr. Floyd Cuttdll motored, ta Ôrono and taok lis, fether and Miss Alima Cuttdl l home with lim for a visit. ,People apparently are satisfied with the work of thc school trus- tees. On!>' 16 retepayems attend- ed the meeting Thurada>' evening. Had a -chat, . Witll ,Xess. Allen and Carmni[ew', Northern On-ý teria, who were visiting Mes. F. Peate. It is 8 years since Carman was home. Me. and Mrs. Kenneth Gamsby entcrtained Me.edMrs. J. Turn- 4 bull M. ndrMs.GeorgeFig fnd Me. and Ms Miller, Osh- \Wwe, ta a dinn raty on Dec. !'2nd. VISITORS Dr. Milne at home. Cecil Bruton at home. Stan BrtUton et home. Charles Wlker on leave. Miss B. Hamm at home. Gardon Leaman at home. MissBetty Rowc at home. Mr. W. C. Lynch at home. Roy Colville with fricnds. Jack Stobart home on leave. George Relph tome on leeve. Mr. anl Mrs. Chas. Brown anc George vith friends. Mrs. Reipli Thompson and fem- Ily with relatives. Mr; and Mrs. Harvey Winter with Mrs. I. Wintcr. Mr. and Mrs. Syd Hughson and Glen et C. J. Hughson's. Mr. and Mrs. George Butters ai Mr. Donald Robb's. Mr. and Mrs. John Millspn, Welland, wlth relatives. Miss Viola Gilfillan wlth her parents. Mr. .and Mrs. G. Suggitt and Nancy at Mr. W. Seymoum's. Miss L. Manning in town Sat- urday. Miss Jo Armstrong and Mme. Gmady et Mrs. C. Armstrong's. Misses Ruth and Doris Lowden et Mr. Chas. Lowden's. Miss Louise Cowan with Mr. George Cowan. Miss M. E. Rowe, Oshawa, at H. R. Rowc's. Miss Edlth Dent wlth hem fa.. ther. Mr. and Mmi. Turley at Mms, J. Dickson's. Mr. and Mne. F, Ardron ançI VELCME. ~~'sImf rwn t.If ,I F o f J. J. Glifillan According to the news columns of the Orono News, "1J.J." cele- brated his 7Oth birthday last week. It's hard ta realize that this young fellow has rdached the biblical span of life and- stili. re- tains such a youthful spirit and continues ta spread sunshine with his genial smile which has always made him popular with young and aid. Madison, Toronto, at Mr. M. Hall's. Mr. and Mrs. D. Found and Bill and Mr. and Mrs. E. Porter at W. E. Davey's. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Awde and famiiy, Tarontoý, at Mr. C. F. Awde's. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Graham, To- ronto, Mr. *and, Mrs. D. Lander, Oshawa, at Mr. K. Gamsby's. Fred Sisson, Oshawa, and Miss Mary 'Sisson, Whitby, with Mrs. Sisson. lca Mr. and Mrs. H. G. MKyand Annabelle, Caiborne, at Mrs. J. R. Cooper's.' Mr. and Mrs. W. Irwin, Mimnico, Mr. and Mrs. C. Winter 'and fam- iiy, Toronto, at MIrs. I. Winter's. Mr. Orme Gamsby at J. J. Gil- fillan's. Orme says he neyer was used better at Christmas than this year. He is spending New Year's at Lamne W. Truil's, Taronta. Mr. and'Mrs. George Armour, Nellie aùd Bertha, Hampton, Mrs. Herb. Rundlp, John, Aima and Florence, Bowmanville, Mrs. Del- bert Flintoff, Mr. Cliff Johins, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. W. N. goskln, Burketorn, at R. H. Wood's. HYDRO MEETING (Held aven from lest wcck) The Hydro Electmic Commission met Mande>' evening, with all members. present. G. E. Chase made his monthly report and evemything was found ta be quite' setisfactamy. These bis weme ordered paid:1 H-. E. P. C. - ----- -- --$360.00 N. F. Porter, ent 6.00 -T. J. Mellor, selery 15.00 B. P.U. .-- .....--- -288.54 Total $669.54 Police Truste.. Mffl <Held over fram lest week) Police Trustees met Monda>', Dec. 23rd, and ordered these bis paid: Gea. Butters, sandimg side- walks----- - $ 8.80 Orono Garage, supplies foýr fire engine - --.----------- 4.85 O. W. Roipli, batteries for fire engine - - -2.35 J. J. Mellor --------- ~ 10.00 Municipal World, fois- 2.55 Total $ 28.55 ~NEWS Lively Discussion Re Appointment Sec.-Treas. Outside School Doard Although only attended by 16 Park Street Church ratepayers and a press represen -____ tative, one of the liveliest school meetings fom some yeers was held <Held over fram last week) ir% O.C.S. Thursday evening. R. R.. The Christmas story was given Waddenl called the meeting ta or- mn sang and story Sundey at bath der, after which C. F. Awde was the church services and Sundey appointed cheirman and Chas. school at Park St. Churcli. Miller secretary. In the morning the choir rend- Mr. Waddenl gave the trustees' ered two anthems "IChristians reprt giin fatsregàrding the Awake"' and "The Shepherd's reer, gvig acs gg rve e Vision" with. Mrs. A. A. Druiri- taea hes varosandprovee nts mond and Mrs. Rowland Smith cial condition. tkn h ooprs The auditors' report, signed by The pastor told the children the N. F. Porter and Mrs.-J. R. Coop- story of "The Black Madonna", er, was read by Mr. Waddenl and and breached an excellent sermon showed the books in Ai shape. on the topic "No Room in the 'Inn."1 Foilowing. this Mrs. J. R. Cooper At the evening service the choir was e-elccted section auditar for rendered the anthem "Tidings of 1941. Great Joy," with R. E. Logen and Chas. Miller presented the idea Mrs. S. Littlewaod taking solo of having an outsider for Sec'y.- parts. The pastor in lieu of ser- Treasurer, i.e. anc outside the mon told the stary "The Lave school board. During the lEWgthy Gif t."1 and lively discussion pro ana con, In the afternoan Sunday School Mr. Miller pointed out that the convened, end found the roam's hydro and police found this plan decorations of last week enhanced O.K.; and that it was worth $150 by the addition of a manger and tod do the work. A. J. Temblyn a huge, silver star above it. 138 was definitely opposed, ta it, and were present. The open session Mr. Waddenl was non-committal, took the form of a program, each aithougli he pointed out there wes class contributing ta it. difficulty enough in getting three Pmogram included thrce carols; together, let alone four. The other acou Ae naMne"b trustee lied not arrived at +1.hat-1- time. Hamry Mercer, H. A. Clarke, P. M. Lunn and others spoke in fevor of it, aithougli Me.Clarke pointed out that even if it did womk on the Hydro and Police it miglit nat work on the School Board, and he did not epprove of forcing the board ta take action on this. C. S. McLaecn elso did not think the board, should be fomced ta appoint an outsider. Me. Lunm moved, and Chas. Miller seconded, that they be esked ta comply, and H. A. Clarke moved and R. H. Brown seconded thet they be asked ta consider and re- part back next year. The emend- ment cerried. $100 wes gmanted ta thc secre- tery-treasure r of the schoal board for 1941, when appointcd. Insur- ance wes left for thc trustees ta deal with. Me. Weddell was rc- elected trustee for 1941. A note of humor wes intmoduc- cd when Chas. Awde and Harry Mercer suggested e vote -of cen- sure be pesscd on Bill Armstrong. who forgot the meeting and lad ta be phoned for.' Following is thc financial stete- ment for 194 0 for the school sec- tion, whidli was pmesented: Cash Bleeipis On hend i Bank of Commerce fmom 1939 $ 8,508.18 Dcpt. of Famestry, Tex Grant -- ------ --- 150.00 Dept. of Education: Public School Grant - 509.96 Contin'tn Sch'l Grant Agicultural Grant __ 45.78 IHousehold Sci. Grant 141.76 Music Grant ta Public Sdhool ----«----_- - 42.23 Music Grant ta Con- tinuation School. 47.60 Counties Equipment Grant, Public School- 93.54 Township Treasurer, Twp. Salamy Grant ---2,400.00 Township Tmeas'em, Sec- tion Levy $2853.60 lesa debentures $1561.22 _ 1,292.38 Intcrest on bamk deposit ta Nov. 3Oth------------- 72.10 Intercat coupons on Prof. Squair bond--------- 4.50 'Counties Treas. - Main- tenance, Grant County Pupilh ---~--- --- .. 3,839.31 $17,145.34 Cash Payments Teechers' Salaries_.-- -$5,790.44 MmIr. D. M: Robb, teadli- ing music ------------- --- 226.00 Cametaker's selary ---- 600.00 Coal end wood ------------ 669.17 Hydra, Com., lights, etc. 162.55 Senltary and cleaning eppliences & matemials 125.08 Public School instmuc- LRO.L. PROGRAM tionel equlpmént 271.05 AND DANCE Continuation School in- _______structional equipment 336.19 r Orona L.O.L., Na. 409, heid ts School Plant Mainten'ce 393.33 eleventh annuel party Fridey Auxiliary Agencies --- 32.44 igît i Orono tawn hall and t Eqluipmcint for school praved ta be a most cmi oyable plant..._------------------- 49.27 and largel>' attended event. Ai- Mes. J. R. Cooper and bent Morton welcomed thc gather- Dr. Colville, auditors ing and then tui'ned over the chair for 1939 .._-------- ------- 5.00 -ta Duncan Coan, wîo wiî lis Secretary's revenue and troupe pravided an hour and a postage stamps---.------- 6.75 -half of prograrn which wes great- Administration expenses 19.10 Me. Cowan sang Scotch, Irish, Trees. salary for 1940 100.00 patriotie and Engill sangs -2 Cash in Bank - -8,358.97 tdressed in apprapriate costumes - lntersperge wlth patter and $17,145.34 Jokes. Salaries payable to thc teechens Miss Ethel Evans played Scotch, on engagements Sept. lst, 1940, ta Irih, aid time songi, and gypsy Aug. 3lst, 1941: sangs an thc violin, and also with R. Ç. Rosborough, B.S.A. $1,950.00 the planist and Me. Cowan toàk Miss F. M. L. Gray', B.A.- 1,050.00 part la instrumental trios. One of Miss Alice Besnctt, B.A.. 1,050.00 hem most attractive numbers was Miss Kate Foster------ 1,000.00 the imitation of the bagpipes Miss M. E. McDowell-..._775.00 which wu 50 well rcmdcred and Number of icholars enrolled - sounded da naturel that all thc Continuation School 53, Public Scotch lad ta be lield down ta Schoai 79. keep them from dalng a reel. SIc Thc assesscd value. of S. S. No. elso wore apprapriate costumes. 12 is $237,800.00, as compared Miss Inonore Cuilen, the littie with $241,750.00 in 1939. lady who gat the big hamd, de- Thc Caunties' School Rate is llghted the audience wlth lier 12.1 milis; Township School Rate ncnderlng of tep, sklpplng nope, le 4 mills; and thc Trustee Levy mlitary and acrobatie clances f or is 12 milii. whlcl she wore attraçtlve cos- tumes. KIRBY S. St MEETING Louise M. Wfestllck, planist and accompanist, gave a pilana sala as (Held aven fmom lest weck) weil, whlch was muai enjayed. Sunday Schooi of Kirby United Dancing ta thc music provlded Churcl met et- Mes. F. Tnull'î on b>' thc tînce musiciens and a lave- Dec. 2Smd. Satisfactary reports ly lunch senved b y thec cmniittee were given by Treas. John Lcw- brought the evening ta a close. * cm> and Supt. Fred Truli wlo also Lucky draws were hld unden spake. These officens wceeclect- direction of Albert Morton. Jun- cd: Supt.-Samn Berry; Ass't.- lon Wegt drew the finît ticket Gcmald Shakieton; Treas.-John whlch belonged ta Os Cawan, and Lowery; Sec'y. - Mildred Allen. Wllda Hooey - te second whiq2h Teachers were appointed and a belonged ta QGiert Dent. The discussion leld regarding litera-i third was drawn b y littie Monu turc for the comtng y car. Mui. TezInalit eue, won b>' Chas. Brown. -Tmufl sevd a lovel>' lunch. the pruimary class; patoiume y girls of Miss Cooper's class, reed- ing being donc by Mes. Wm. Arm- strong, and sangs for it givcn by the senior class and the girlsj theniscîves; chorus by the Junior boys and Intermediete boys; chorus by Mr. Shèrwin's class; anj exercise by thc Intermediate boys and Intermediate girls entitled "God Sa Loved th9 World'"; and as a representetive% of the Bible class Miss M. Davy told a story of the yaung shepherd boy wha watdhcd the sheep whilc the other shepherds went ta Bethlehem but wha leter saw the Christ child. The exercise was' unique and beautiful. Eadh pupil carricd e letter and gave a scripture text sterting with it, ail finishing in lime with -the words of "God s0 lovcd thc world." A sceen wes then drewn aside and revealed Camai Staples as Mary leaning over the manger. Two camais wcre thcn lung, one by Mr. Sherwin's cass and anc by the Intermediates. Park Stret Union (Intcndcd for lest week) Union met Monday evening with Maria Hencock in charge. Samn Keane red the scripture and Hezel Winter a poem. Gien Tam- blyn favorcd with a piano solo and Stella Best e vocal solo. The topic was ably given by Me. Ro- bert Shcmwin wha spoke on "Em- manuel - God with us" and cm- phasizcd the prescncc of God et ail times. Duing business pcriod a bll for church dccoretion Sun- day wes ordemed paid, and it wes aiso revealcd thc Blues were ahead in the conteat for the cven- ing. Aniang visitors wcre Marion Cooper, Olive and LeRay Brown and Mes. Senderson, and thc members were ehào pleesed ta sec Elvin Blewett out egein efter his illness. DIM AND DISTANT HAPPENINGS Prom The Orono News ef January 3. 1918 Oddfellows held an At Home or social timc when Bro. Ptc. Calvin Myles was presented with e beau- tiful Oddfellow ring. The breth- ren ail feit proud of their rcturn- cd brother as he stood before them with mcdals from thc Bri- tish and Frenchi gavcmnmcnts for his gallantmy in thc field of ac- tion. Clarke Township elections have these names on the bellot: Reeve -Fred W. Bowen, J. A. Staîker; Deputy Rceve-Fmenklin Allin, G. A. Langstaff; Councillos-J. R. Bayd, M. J. Holman, Howeil Row- land, A. J. Steples. Darlington Council ceected: Recve-G. A. Stephens; Deputy Rccve-Thos. Baker; Councillors -A. H. Brent, W. R. Courtice, C. W. Souch. Cowanville (Intemded for lest week) Cowenville School and Sunday Scîcol lcld their annuel Christ- mas concert on Thumîda>' evening. A great deal of credit is due those wla inîtructed the chldren, in their singing, and ta the children themselves. The concert was high- 1>' entcrtainimg and was brought ta a fltting'climex with the arrivai of Sente Claus. A fire of unkmown onigin cam- pletel>' destmoyed anc of the chiurch sheds cari>' Saturda>' mamning. B>' theturne the rneigh- bars arrivcd thc shed was a buma- ing mass of flames. Owing ta the direction of the wind and the damp wcather, thec durcI me- meined unsçathed. Some of the winter's woad suppi>', an argen, and sevemal tables were burned. Thc lois is part>' covered by i- surence. *This le thc second fire la thc commninty wlthin a short time. Our local boys are home fnomn Peterboroug4 training camp,. Word lai been recelved by the Hendersan fenil>' tînt Bey les arrived safel>' la Englend. Recent Visitons: Me. and Mis. A. T. Perrin et W. A. Reid's .... Miss Velna Cowan eit home .... Mr. and ?&s. Roy Smith et Mr. ChenUie Ccwen's. . . Me. Norman West, Toronto, et Me.,.A.Per- rin.s... Mm. and Mrs. Cherlie Bcd- win at Mr. Eerl Gilbank's, Kirby. . . essrs. Fred and Mac Foster, Misses Evelyn Grin, Geaîdmne Masters, Ruth Wright, and Jack Woods, Peterborough, with the Stringer famnily. Newtonville (Too late for last week) Thursday evening the United Church Sunday School room was well filled for the Christmnas con- cert put on by the public school pupils and the Sundey school. Rev. J. McLachian wes chairman and Miss Margaret Denauit, plan- Ist. The progremi included; Reci- tations, Dorothy Stapleton; chorus "Deck the Halls"; dialogue by the Young People's S. S. Cless, Mrs. MeLachien, teacher; piano solo, Fee Jones; recitation, Donna Stark; chorus "Awey in a Man- ger", Mrs. Jones' Primary S. S. clas; piano solo, Edna Deneuit; vocal duet, Gloria and Billy Lene, "Santa Claus is coming ta Town"; recitation, Shirley Payne; dia- logue "The Census Taker"; piano so>lo, Jim Savery; Merry Christ- mas, an exercise by 14 chiidren; chorus "Santa Claus" by Junior .school children; piano solo, Patri- cia. Ware; Chairmen's Address by Mr. McLachlan who compliment- ed aur teacher, Mr. Savery, upon the splendid pragremn prepared in addition toalal his other duties, and thanked ail those who assist- ed in eny wey; dialogue, "The. Doctor's Office"; recîtetion, Edne Denault; chorus "The1 Minstrel Boy"; piano solo, Elgin Severy; recitetion, Mildred Hoskin; piano solo, Bud Jones; chorus "There'Il Always Be An Englend"; dialogue "Uncle Hirem's Cold"; piano duet, Elgin and Jim Savery. Sente Claus then arrived and distribut- ed the many presents. Visitors: Miss Betty Stapleton with Mrs. Foster, Toronto... Mrs. Newt. Stephens with friends at Roseneeth. . . . Miss June Ware, Toronto, at home. .. Miss Isabel Bruce, Newcastle, at home.... Mrs. Haskin wîth Mrs. Ivison Taxnbyn, Oshawa.. . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stapletan and babe and Mr. Everett Stapleton, Orono, at Mr. Wm. Stapleton's. . . . Miss Mede Hallowell at Mr. Max Stepleton's. ..Mr. Wilfred McKay's at Mr. Arthur McKay's, Starkville. Boys arrived home from Peter- bora Training Camp Saturday heving completed their month's training. Hugh Stapleton is iii at home with brônchitis contracted while in Peterboro. *Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burlcy (nec Annie Ander- son) upon the birth of a baby boy in Port Hope Hospital. Bath are doing well. Clinton Farrow, Craokcd Creek, has purchesed the Lumb house. Mrs. A. Reichrath lias gone ta Toronto for the winter whcrc Mr. *Richrath has secured work. Officers of W. A. of the United J Westward the Trend of Winter Travel I R EPORTS fram passenger agents of the Canadien National Rail- ways Indicate that the trend of travel this winter 'will be westward. Many-hundreds of reuidents of East- cmn and Central Canada wha annu- elly head sauth when the cald weather sets ln, will have to seek a winter resart et home because of the restrictions on travel Io the United States necessltated by war conditions, and the bundreds of en- quirles reported b>' the ralway's agents indicate that the "Continen- tel Llmited" will carry many ta the Pacific siope 0f British Columbia Churdli werc re-elccted: Pres.- Mes. Cccii Burley; Vice Pres.- Mes. J. T. Pearce; Se'y.-Mers. J. McLachlan; Treas.-Mrs. S. Bur- ley; Parsoaege Com.-Mrs. Sev- ery and Mes. Lane; Floral Com.- Mrs. F. Smith and Mrs. Thamp- son; Vlsiting Com.-Mes. C. Bur- ley and Mes. W. Joncs. Rev. J. McLachlan, who canducted the via the Jasper National Park route. This regian bas been nightfuily named the "jEvergreen Playgraund" and visitars ta Vancouver and Vic- taria soan learn of the mellawing Influence of warm acean currents which serve ta maintain pleasant temperatures thraughaut thc winter months. Foliage remains green- hued, rases and other blooms reall>' may be picked et Christmas and New Year and at the festive season native hall>' offers its brilliant ber- ries like a toucli trama tale b>' Dickens. For thc energetic, golf ie available an links playable the year round. white for anclers, steelhead electian, thanked thc ladies for their ca-apematian and dhailenged them ta greater efforts and better resuits in the coaing yeam. Congratulations ta Miss Mer- janie McKenzie, (daugliter of thc late Dr. Me>enzie) who was mer- ried in Toronto Saturda>'. Mr. and Mes. George McCul- laugli and Mr. Brock Pethick et- tended the fumeral of Miss Luea tract and tyeè salmon abound la thc inland and coastai waters of British Columbia., In the above platanes are geen Yictonia's beautiful Inuer harbor, with Parliameat Buildings ln thc background; a bridle- path and golf course ln Canada's "Evergreen Playgraund" and succesafal tye salmon fishermen as well as oee of the skiing slopes ln Jasper National Park, li the huart of the Canadien Rocklcs, where those Who travel by the "Continental Limitcd" will dis- cover new wintem beauties ln th", the continent', largest and most scenlc national park. Pethick, Millbmook, on Thursday. Miss Pethîck was the deugîter of the lete Me. Martin Pethick, bro- ther of Me. Brock Pethick. Additional Orono News On Page 4 Careful management kept hospitalizetion conts down among the lowest for children'a hospitals ia the whole of North 4Lmenlca. la spite cf thie, tIe colt of caring for 9,000 little bed patients and cf mupplying tIc medical attention required by 79,410 children'a visite ta aur heavil>' burdened Out-Patient Departmcnt, was much mate tIen the revenue received from ail sources. A slmilar deficit accurs every year because the Public Ward rates are lemstIen the barc colt cf hospital service. In nmre cases the parents psy, and ia otheru their municipalities shoulder the burden. In itîcr event, aur revenue in et the came flxed rate-about $1.00 pet patient day lemstIa our cocs. This Hospital does NOT share ia the funda collected by the Federation for Cammunit>' Service because patients are admltted from al aven Ontario. Only the gafts of genenous cinons make It passible for as to continue carrylng an wlthaut stint aur work cf mercy among Ontauio ehildren. I Eveny donation ie Important. Please give as mucclas your circumîtances warrant. ThiI.ia a worthy charity whlch deserves youn special considenation. We emplo>' no canvasees, so plue Appeal Secretan>'. mail youn glifte tb.te ORONO I Patients treated in the "la- Patient" Departisent during the Hospital's last fiscal year totalled 90,030 Total patient days 135#009 Total nuznber of attendances at "Ont- Patient" Departisent 79,.10 Total Operating Expensea $541463 Total income frois ail sources $45 5,105 Deficit which MVUST be met by Donations $86', 258 LFOR NTO L STRF-ET'TOR 1 1 IEURSDAY, JAXUARY 2,1941 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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