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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jan 1941, p. 2

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* -, .7 7m At --. P>AGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMA>T, BOWMANVIILLE, ONTARIO THURtsDAY, JANUARY 9, 1941 'f THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1941 Hepburn Raises Smokescreen Monday 's "Hepburn Headlines" featured front page in Thec Globe and Mail, sereams the third straight cry that presages an ap- peal ta the electorate. "Farniers may have ta organize a F'arm- -er's Union ta overcgme hostility at Ottawa." I"Farmcrs are liquidating livestock; sac- jrificing registered milk cows." - "Farmers face labor shortage and ad- vaucung costs." "Pe.deral government contractons and rilitary centres are draining farm help." ",Production is being cuntailed in On- tario." "«Mr. Gardiner 18 not sympathetie toward fAndmerao and on gaes these belated moans and groans that are supported by a column-length editarial. Why the blurbs and blasts at this late dte?1 For the past 5 months and more The Statesman has been calling attention ta al theee things. Now we find the city press, consciously or uneonscionsly, painting a backdrop for a, political demagogue, who ailegedly may eail upon District Representatives (civil servants) ta aid in propaganda designed not only ta confuse but ta split and stail exist- ing farmer organisations. The colunins of The Stattsman have car- ried some pointcd reminders for Mr. King and more pointed remarks concerning Mr. Gardiner. I Now, in behaîf of farmers in this district, w ho urge us ta do so, we take up anc item only àt the moment, ta pierce the smoke- sereen raised by Mr. Hepburn * Why are farmers liquidating registered dlairy cowst One af the main reasons lies on t.he doarstep of Mr. Hepburn himself. Local milk shipped for city consumption yields the producer fair too law a returu for farmers longer ta maintain expensive herds. Grous returus mun around 3 1-2e ta 4c per quart, which retails at 10e ta 12o. This ia strictiy a matter for Mr. Hepburn whose "controled" Milk Control Board dodges and shifts and passes the buck when pressed by producer 's representatives for a better break. This is the anc great big question through- out this district and the question that Mn. Hepburn artfully dodges whfle lie pumps lead at the Federal governmcnt. Cure this situation, Mr. Hepburn, and * then farmers hereabouts may be inclined ta ]istien ta you with anie respect. Lct's have common sense-not humbug. 1 Beli.eve In Team Work Among the many Christmas cards receiv- -ad by the editor there is one we wish ta zeproduce in thia columu sa that aur readers may benefit from the thouglits expressed. Itwas sent by Harold E. Stephenson, Ad- vertising Manager of Canada Starch Ca. Ltd., -whosc father the late J. W. Stephenson, was a native of. Ontario Countýy, and for gy years -was, associated with the A. Mc- j note a tahdtth ad Aogm talk o Ta ok'Ifl twswrh taJ k follows: As a boy, it was my good fortune aver a -period of years ta witness the performance ,<day in and day out of a eam of hanses that 'L hrec times each day snapped a two and a ~a1ton load frani a standing start up two Qtsteep hill, with a fifty yard le-vel obetween the top of ane and the 'bot- *fthe next anc. The mating of this par- temwas not a, resuit of selection- a high-spirited, lean, saddlc-harse other was considerably heavien, temperament with the bad habits hdisposition of a "biter". Yet, the absolute ca-relation of effort ,oMpiete unity of their combined wingness, "they handled the Sway that many a time made ino l admiration. Prom a seat ~ wlhohandled this team, I 4urins of the meaning of tj.mui work fliaf obli*enates ~s 5 ticsake of "liand- 40, & r teain work spirit àé *igi tfeam mate Ooý ît of response the colar at '4tigand ~ ~ vMous of at. MO"MMUfWO-by ac- tever flue weiglut of each in the collar, every 'lasi ounce of effort is thrown lut o the pull and succesa 15 equaily shared. I believe i team work. The New Council Ld lit 1 m Eatabllshed 1854 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER WIit whlch are Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent, and Thse Orono News. 85 years' continuons service f0 the Towo of Bowmanvileand Durham County. MEMBER Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and Clam A Weeklles of Canada. SUBSCRIPTON RATES $Z.00 a 'Year, strlctly ln advance. $2.50 a Tear in the Unlted States. GEO. W. JAMES, Editor. Prophet Roebuck The Big City Presa aon January 4fh car- ried as fuli-dressa feature, A. W. Roebucks' attack upon the Rowel-Sirois recomnienda- fions. Re spoke before flue Ward. Five Lib- enal Association in Toronto. Mn. Roebuck, a former Atfonney-General of Ontario, from which position lue was relegated fa flue sidelines, now is a Liberal M.P. at Otawa- at least lue was elected as a Liberal. But there is nothiug Liberal about lis necent oufbursf. EHis attack is narraw pro- vincialism and sectioniism-the antithesis of Liberal iiews. He gloomed about an enlarging Federal debt " staiiing aur armies lu the field"; thaf certain "Intenests" ivere backing flue Re- port for, pivate gain; flue nescue of bond- holdens of Quebec 's gain at Ont aria 's cx- pense, and so forth. His Jeremiad has not infiuenced non panicked whaf Andy Clarke calis "that im- portant part of Ontario fluaf lies autside flue cities." We agnee thaf certain "Interests" are backing flue Report-notably flue farm- ing inf eresf s-flue back-bone of Canada. Farmens arc as anxious fa pay off their just debts as city "Inferesfs" are fa get flueir moncy. F'armers, fao, lucre in Ontario, wiil stand with farmers lu Qucbec and flue West, witlu farmers everywluerc, in baeking flue Report; in defending, and prescrving National Unify now and forever. For thaf 's just wliat if means-alI propluefs of gloon ta flue eau- frary. There is anc greaf thing ta avoid and fliat is "stalling agriculture" and wc arc close ta if iglif uow. In fluis Report we sec a way oufta obtter fimes; fa aftcr-war times when city gloomsfers wiil again be waiiing "back fa flic land." Interument camps today liold quite a few wlio would approve and appiaud fluis "disunify speech. Members of Parliament Silent A receut presssaurnmary calis attention fa flic apparent fact that members of Par- liament, gcnerally flirouglut Canada are saying liffle and doiug less ta meet witli and inform their constituents on momen- tous issues of the day.- The writer of flue article points fa a few exception-s, natably ig-thfle Maritimes. Ho goca on ta ncmlud readers fluat wc are at war and fliaf information and leadership seem wc'efully lacking. The fact is fliat, fliaf great and important element of flic nation known as Rural Can- ada, ta an emr increasing extent, lacks bath time and means ta keep weil informed. Thousands canuot afford daily papers non radia. Tliey simply caunof spare flic money. Hence, concernmng questions sucli as flue Rowell-Sinois recommendations and flic couference af Ottawa on flic l4tlu mat., littie if anything is known aiang what Mn. Hep- burn calîs "flue back concessions." And lucre, if la claimed, lies a dufy of members of Panliament. We have had no ex-' pressions, iocally, fron, ithler aur. aur mcm- bers on sucli vital cunnent issues. To ait back and say nothing, simpiy in- vites flue intrusion of polifica now or later rcgarding a matter frani which polit ics should be completely divorced. A viow widciy hlei ltflat part of ses- sional indemnities should be earmarked for flic purpose af spreading facts and frutli among fliase who put up thie moncy. In facf, suclu incame can be conidered lu flic nature of "trust funda "-lue resi- duo, aven necessary expenses and time ta be devotcd fa infonming flue electorate. There ouglit nover in wartime, among elccted representatives, no matter wliat flue party, exisf flue feeling of being pegged fa a 'back bencli, hesitant fa express indcpend- eut opinion. Taxpayers flirougliaut flua district would bc giad to hear something of on from flicir members upon questions f lat have repeat- edly been naiscd lu these columna of late in regard fa fanmer 's welfare and whiclu have aroused comment widciy aniong diverse elements. Our columne are open fan intelligent, un- biaaed expressions. at al finies.t, WORK a 0. May we be permitted ta greet the uew Council, and ta offen a few suggestions bas- ed upon pensonal expenience. NTew men, inexperieuced lu municipal af- fairs, are about ta sit witlu those wluo have had considenable expenience. Thene rnust be thenefone, a spirit of tolerance and under- standing ou the part of ail. Without that spirit there la a danger of disunity, of quib- bling over smal natters when the whole thougut, durin'g wartime, sab»uld be th'e welfare and bettenment of the community. No attempt will be made here ta suggest policy-save the policy of rigid ecananiy, with al duc regard for necessary services. It is quite probable that, lafer ion, as the tone and niettle of the new council reveals itself, a review of some of the events wil be cannied in these columns, as a guide-post, for the present. Auy suggestions wluiclu may reasonably be adv'anced, will be based upon ommisisons nather than commissions of the 1940 coun- cil. Ail wiil agree that there is rooni for very serions thought and causidered action ln the deliberations of the, present council, because we can well do with a greafer modicum of pnospenity. And without incneased prosperity fuis town cannot carry its full load in the nation 's wan effort. We must keep our cyca steadfastiy upon just that. The Statesman will continue, as lu the past, faithfully to record proceedixigsli council for the bene- fit of citizeus, and at the moment, wishes enelu and every niember, successful and harmoniaus sessions for 19.41. I1 Pegged Butter The luullabaloo about flic pegged pnice for butter la .widespread and vanicd. The War- time Pnices and Trade Board, suddenly and arbitrarily peggtd butter at flue pnice quaf- cd as of December l2th. .Middlemen, (buffer brokers) who seldom sec a cow, were cauglut "holding flic bag" I Thaf is, tluey had bouglut lu advance at a pnice above flic pegged level and flueir "ispeculafion" leaves tluem with a dead loss, unlesflue 'Board later relents and offera part compensation. Farmers who werc beeinning fa hope that the risc in price miglut ulfimately bring theni better returus, by flue sanie token, lad their luopes dashcd. Consumers were, as usual, and riglifly, protecfed açainst an up- surge lunflue cost of living. .t- The wluole f hing reveals tic ineptitude of gai-ernmeufs. Taday wc observe Minisfers of Agriculture pointiug fingers af ecd oflien, giving press interviews fluaf consider, polifical angles rat honflian producers' lu- teresfs. About a year ago, first grade cneamery solids liavcred ýaround 27-28. Tien a drap caiýe ta 21-22. Finally flue upswiug carried toward flic 40 mark. How many farmens know wliaf flis was ail about?7 One fhing sure flue fanmera do know fliat flua higlu pnice for butter lias not carnied flue pnice of ordinary milk upward anc cent. There la no neason under the sun for fluese sont of conditions fa exiaf. Coiumers cen- tainiy must be pnotecfcd and f armera must gef an ad'vance in pnice. One is expected this monthl. Conditions and necdasity compel immediate study of fthe *wlolc question. Makeshiff expedieufa in no way sobre flue problm. War Savings Certificates This issue carnies flue names of local cam- mittees set up for flic purpose of invifing aud attracfing funds by way of War Sav- ings Cerfificafes which arc fa pravide a portion of flue means neceasany ta carry fan- wand Canada 's war commitments, aur means ta victory. There la uofhing atflue moment, more important flian this plan for raiaing moncy. And there is nothing simpier. It is an appeal for smaîl sums froni cveryone lu amounts fluat ordinarily we spent upon amail pîca- -sures. Forego a bag of peanuts, a stick of gum, one coat less of lipstick for a few days and there you have it-a littlc invested in War Savings Oertificates. These are within flic range of everyaue, from school boys and girls ta grawnups. It is simple investment in those pnicelesat- tributes-patriatism and deniacracy. They are your shield against enalavement. They give you-YOU-a part in tlue bat- tie against the Hun.. Let us view the matter as a National duty. Every cent you contribute in these smal sums lessens the burden of fthc goverment which muet increasingiy cali for internai loans and devise new forma of taxation ta meet war 's needs. One is voluntary, the other-compulsion. It is for you ta choose. There is another thauglut, fao. In buying :ertificates yon spike the cnemy and you keep the Oertificates. They are yours-a uust cgg that has-helped the cause. If you do nat buy, then you invite inereas-, cd taxation. .And when you do that, the ,overnment takes the money and you have no pensonal nest egg at ail. The point is that you must choose-and clubose NOW. Just fhink alluis over very carefully. Compulsion is an irksome circumetance. N _________________________________________________________________ N MEET THE CHANT Therc's a gentleman i your town And Uicrc's one in my town too, Wluo kuows jusf wluat Great Bni- tain And her Allies ought ta do. ý 1 In the Diii and Distant. Pasi Frem Tne statesmal FiResI I arn the foundation of ail praspenity. I am tfle fouxit frdrn which ail biessixigs flow. Evcrything that is af value in this wanld springs fram me. I amn fle sait that gives 111e its *sivor. I arn Uic sole suppgt of the paon, and Uic niclu who thinu fhey can do w.tthout me live futile lives and fil premature graves. I have made Canada. I have bult lier matchless industries, laid lier incomparable railroads, created luer cities, and reared her skyscrapers. I arn Uic frieud of every warthy youth. If lue makes my acquaintance *O'un lue is young and keeps me by luis aide thnoughout luis 111e, I can do mare for hlm than Uic richest parent. I keep bodies lean and fit, mindsalaent, and wluen I ar neglectcd, both bodies and minds grow fat sud sluggish. I amn even fthe parent of genlus itselt. I arn represented in every paper that flics from thc press, iu every blaI ofbread that aprings from flue aven, in every train that crosses Uic continent, and in cvery slip that steams the occan. Fools hate me, wise men love me. The man who keeps luis hand in mine tlurougluaut luis 111e ne-ver dies - because that whidh lue has crcated wiUi ny help lives an aftcr lue i gond. The maxiwluo shirs me and scana rny aid neyer lives - neyer REALLY lives - even though.luernay continue ta brcath. "Who amn I? Wluat amn 1? I AM WORKV" D RY C L EAN IN G THAT SATISFIES Coats 75Ç Each *Suits -'Dresses m m 2 for $100 JOshawa Laundry & Dry Cieaning i Company, Llmlted Phone 419 We Cal! Fer sud Delivet IDurham Boys HoId Proud -Record Durhami. Gouuty Boys have and arc con- fiuuing fa, bring luonor ta tluemsclves and their native county lunflue various profes- sions and business splueres. Thuis weck wc are proud ta record in our uews colmua and at flue same finie congratulate flue promotion of two native sons of Durhuam. M. F. Christie, Winnipeg, borninluBawmanviile, haîs been elected Preaideut of flue Great- West Life Assurance Company, and Newton J. Landen, Toronto, native of Darlingfon Township, was neceutiy appointed Manag- ing Dinector of the Continental Life Insur- ance Company, and also President of flue Canadian Life Insurance Officers Associa- tion. Strange luow Durhuam Caunty Boys have cluosen'Life Insurance as their vocation lu life. For we find two other prominent "boys" from Durhiam Counfy af flue liad of autstanding insurazice campanies. Thcy are A. N. Mitchell, native of Enniskillen, President of flue Canada Life Assurance Company, and Victor Smith, native of Part Hope, Gencral Manager of flue Canfedera- tion Life Assurance Company,. The Fourth Need of Man "Patriotic sangs arc a meana of expres- sing layalfy fa flue King and flag, and seventy percent of flue public schoois in On- fanao have music on flue course of atudies," E. Roy Fonwick, .supervisor of music linflue Departmcnt of Education, stated during an address fa a Toronto service club necentiy. He stressed flue importance of music, par- ticulariy in war fime, and expnessed flue opinion fliat evenyane was more or iess musical but that certain conditions wcrc necesaary ta bring flic quality ouf. " Music, " Mn. Fenwick Opointed ouf, " is flic founflu need of mcxi. There is food, clothing, shelfer-and music." Pafniotie eud wan sangs have rapldly been gaining in popularify durnxg recent mou'tls and flue national favorite, since the iutensified bombing by Nazi planes of the Britishu capital, has been "Till flic Liglufs of Landau Shine Agamn.", The flirce branches of flic active service forces are singing suclu sangs as "Lords of flic Air, " " Sans of flue Air Force, " " Winga O-ver flue Navy," "Shouf, I Ami A Cana- dian" and "«Baol On, Rail On." Another patniotie sang we prediet wili meet witlu popular fa-van is "Fortress af flue Free." The composer of thissang is Robent Raynes Bonis of St. Margaret 'a Rectory, West Hill, Ontario, who la a ncphew of Miss Raynes of Bowmaxivillc. Observations and Opinions A despatelu from Devonshire, Engiand, states since October an onder lias been lu force prohibiting flue making of Devonshire cneam as flic milk is needed fanrflic thaus- ands of chidren evacuated ta flue southwest of England. Which ail goes ta show wc lu Canada have nat yef begun fa make any sucli sacrifices fa win flic war. Wecaxgratulate Lindsay businessmen on luaving flue courage .and good common sense ta forn a local Credif Buneaji. This moire- ment is dcsigned toaeacommadate fliose with regular paying habits as weii as curfail th~e extension of credif where risks prove un- warranted. Bowmanville mendiants should follow a aimilan plan as flucy are lasing thousanda of dollars eveny year by giving credit ta liabitual dead-beats wlio system- atically fleee anc mendiant and fluen ma-vo on ta flic nexf until a bill is piled up and credif is dut off. A liffle friendly coapenafian in flue way of a Ca'edit Bureau wauld save fis leak in the mendiant 's cash regis-fer. INSURANCIE AGENTS Phone 681 Bownianvie, He luas a fnicnd who has a friend lI certain higher stations Undoubtedly he has the lop On ail the warring nations. He's vcrscd in wartime strategy And tactics military, is theonies he'l expound 'at lengtlu lI manner sure, yef airy. He nants about Uic Infanfry, The Air Farce and Uic Navy, He knows about Uic Govcnnment And folks who get the gravy. Wluen Uie war at last is aven And Uic victar h declarcd, I'm wanng you, my cauntrymen, You will find if you're pncpared That Uic Air Fonce didn't wln it Iîon the arm.ies on Uic Rhine, 'Tas that genteman from. youn tow- Or perhapa flue anc fram mine! -Helen -Hawthorne, in Maclean's Magazine. Goodyear Continue« To Show Profit Sales Up Over Last Ycar - Earn- luga Caver Dlvldend Require- ments With letter ta sharcholders eni- clasing quartenly dividcnd checques President A. G. Part;iidge stated: "I am pleased ta advlsc that thc thirticth ycar of youn Company has cantmnued on a profitable basis, with aur sales showing a vcry satisfactory increase aven Uic previaus year and aur net earnings covernug all dividend ne- quirements, althougli -- as I cx- plained in my letter ta Uic share- holdens under date af October lst - aur increased business will flot show Uic usual penceutage af pro- fit for the year." g 4; TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From The Canadian Statesman, January 13, 1916 The publication every January of the list of persans buried in Bowmanville Cemetery neyer fals 'te strengthen our conviction that the tenure of 11f c is increasing. People hereabout live ta good oic ages. Wedding: Dustan - Smith - In Orono, Miss Neva Smith, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Smith, and Wm. Mather Dustan, son ai Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dustan, Bow- manville. They wiil live in San Francisco, Calif. 'Two columns of the front page arc taken up with a New Year statement of.- tawn aff airs by Mayor J. B. Mitchell. Another column is given over ta an inter- esting letter from Mrs. Donald MacDonald (nec Allie Haggith) in British Columbia in which she writes of her trip ta the West). Friends of Thos. Creeper, form- er merchant at Hampton and Ty- rane, will regret ta hear he is neot in goad health. Dr. Marshall J. A. James writ- ing from Cleveland, Ohio, says that Dan Douglas' letters are the best rccruiting talks he has heard. From Dan Douglas in France: "Charie Romans has a beautiful- lY pathetic sang he sings some- times. It's easy ta catch the tune tae. Go ta the nearcst pump that nceds aillng then sing the words. These are the soldiers' ten com- Mandmcnts: (1) When on guard thou shalt challenge all parties approaching thee. (2) Thou shalt flot send any cngraving or any likeness of any airship in the heavens. (3) Thou shalt not use any profane language unlcss un- der extraardinary circumstances such as sccing Your comrades shot or gctting petrol in your 'tea. (4) Sixidays shalt thou labor and do ail thy work and an the sevcnth do ail the odd jobs. (5) Honor thy king and country; shoot straight that thy days may be long upan thc land which the encmy giveth thec. (6) Thou shalt neot steal thy comrade's kit. (7) Thou shait nat kili, time. (8) Thou shait nat adulterate thy mess tin by using it as a shaving mug. (9) Thou shalt not bear false witriess againSt thy comradc but preserve liscreet silence as ta his iflcom- ings and outgoirigs. (10) Thou shalt flot covet thy superiar's post but do thy duty and by dint of perseverance risc ta the position of Field Marshall. At the first meeting of the town council: By-laws, wcre passcd ta ,orrow $30,000 ta meet current expenses. Dr. G. C. BonnYcastie wvas appointcd H. S. Trustee. Mr. ashd Mrs. A. J. Haney and M'iss Mildred Hohey, Sedgewick, Alta., are visiting Spencer Wood. Mr. Hancy has disposcd of his newspaper and intends ta try farmîflg. The topic of the Methodist Ep- worth League missionary program1 The Kingdoms in the Pacific"y vas prescnted ini a splendid paper >y Miss Lila Cale. Miss Carnie1 Painton read the lesson, and other 'cadings werc givcn bys Miss Es- ther Stevens and Weslcy Lanig-1 naid. Wedding: Williams - Law - On Jan. 4th, Gertrude Mac, eldest aughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Law, Toronto, was united in mar- riage ta, Bcrtram J. Williams, orily sn of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Williams. Ennisklllen: Samuel J. Hoskin, former resident of Bowmanville, Passed away an Saturday eveniflg. Pallbearers wcrc mnembers of the Florence Nightingale Lodge 1.0. DF., Bowmanvillc.- m 0 . 1 - "«NO INSURANCE" are Bad wards affer any fire-but ordly the owner of ruin.d property cau krIDw the tragedy of not hav4n bought ado. quate tire insUrance ta realiy proteot everytlnng. Inaure today lu a wel-knon dependabje stock lire Inmurance coa"ny. J. Je MASON & SON FIUTY IEARS AGO From The Canadlan Statesman, january 14, 1891* rThe l7th Annual Poultry Ex- Mhibition was a splendid succcss. 2It was formally opened by W. T. 1Lockhart, Newcastle. The Miis- ter of Agriculture, Hon. Jîohn iDryden, honaned it with lus pres- ence. These officers wene elect- cd: John Sutton, President, Bow- manville; Allan Bogue, London; W. Barber, Toronto; John M. fHemn, Secrctary, Bowmanville; Treasurer, John J. Mason, Bow- manville. Last meeting of 1890 Couil was held Monday night when $100 rwas votcd ta Reeve W. P. Prower rfor his extra services as chéirman rof the Roads and Streets commit- tee. Bowmanville finished Up fthe *year with a surplus of $1062.97. *Orona: The funeral of Ralph Stutt took place Monday. He came ta, Canada from Ireland and settled in Clarke clearing his own land. Rev. R. A. Rooney antd Rev. tG. Edwards conductcd thc ser- vice. . .. Samuel Henry has pur- chased the farma latcly owned by the late John Toms, east of New- castle.. .. J. G. Honey and family have movcd into Uic residence oc- cupied by T. A. Brown. Enniskillen: Wmn. Tordiff Jr. purchased from Nathan Bycrs a valuable drauglit filly paying a- handsome suma for the mare, showing that well bred animais will still command a good price. ..Jas. Staintan Was unanimaus- ly elected school trustee. ... Mn. and Mrs. N. Bycrs attendcd Uic mariage of a ncphcw i Brock. Enficld: A seriaus misluap be- fdil Alex Ross. His hanse became unmanageable and his cutter overturned and lue was draggcd along five or six barbs of Uic fence. He neccivcd a friglufful gash on Uic head. . .. At the pro- hibition meeting hcld li Uic church Messrs. McCullough and Sanderson made addrcsses after which petîtions ta the Dominion government and Senate praying for an act of Panliament prohibit- ing the sale of liquor, was largely signcd. Tyrone: Wallace Stapl'es' team ran away in tawn, thc driver be- ing unable to control them. .. Mn. and Mrs. Richard Davcy gave an entertaifiment and oystcr supper ta the young people Friday even- ing. Shaw's: We congratulate Mas- ter Rickard and Miss Bertha Os- borne on their success at the Christmas examinations. . .. Our new teacher, Miss Wilgar, corn- menced duties Jan. 5th. . . . Win. Knight was clected trustee in place of Neil Osborne, retiring. Long Sault: On New *Year's Eve about 100 relatives assernbled at the residence of Mn. and Mrs. W. H-ooey ta, witness the manrage 0 f their daughter Susie ta Mn. Wm. Farrell. Rev. A. McLaren, Enniskillen, performed Uic cene- mony. Miss M. Farel, sister of the groom, and W. Hoacy Jr., bro- ther o fthe bride, pcrformed the duties of bnidcsmaid and best ma. -..- R. H. Hooey has taken himself a wif e. Congratulations Harry. ENTERTAINER Secure RALPH GORDON, thse wonderfullY versatile e n t e r- tabser, for your next entertate- ment. flIustrated efreularfre. - Address - 1628h Crawford Street, Torouto 1

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